It s not too bad to be alone

Рецензия на "Alone vs everybody" (Михаил Куренный)

It's not too bad to be alone:
You're you, you're free, you're on your own.
There's no one whom you should obey,
No need to ask, no need to pray.

You do not have to compromise,
To flatter them or tell them lies,
To do the things your soul denies,
To deal with those who you despise.

So let me give you some advice:
Your loneliness is like a prize,
God knows that this gift is your size!
So put it to good use! Be wise!

It's a curse to be alone and even you know why
The worst thing is, you think, that you don't lie
But when the hope is gone and world is crushing
You need to have a friend to help you rise from ashes

Олег Артынов   08.12.2011 12:23     Заявить о нарушении
I've been in such a situation,
And even more than once.
Betrayed, I felt exasperation
And learned (I'm not a dunce!)

That when the whole world's against you
And all your hopes are gone
There's no one who will ever help you -
Today or later on.

I tried to help when they had trouble.
But when I asked for help
They disappeared like soap bubbles
And left me with my hell...

Леди Маргарита   09.12.2011 23:40   Заявить о нарушении
The same shit happened to me either
No explenation no excuse
I weatnessed their weakness every weekend
Trust in your self if friends show you no use

Олег Артынов   11.12.2011 16:13   Заявить о нарушении
That's what I've always tried to do:
When friends don't help, there's only you!
And stronger you become alone,'s good when you're on your own!

Леди Маргарита   11.12.2011 20:01   Заявить о нарушении
You can be alone for a day or a week
Your lonelyness make yourself feel like a freak
All you have to do is keep searching for those
Who'll care about you, when you feel like a ghost

Олег Артынов   12.12.2011 03:20   Заявить о нарушении
This search for those who won't betray
Can last for years, not just days.
And I believe you won't deny -
It's sometimes just a waste of time.

When it's your destiny, you'll find
A friend who's caring and kind,
But what if not? You seek and seek...
And then you're really like a freak.

To be alone is not that bad.
From the experience that I've had
I'll tell you this: you won't go mad
If you're too busy to feel sad.

When you have things that you should do
You don't have time to feel you're doomed.

Леди Маргарита   13.12.2011 23:49   Заявить о нарушении
Минус одиночества в том, что через время начинаешь получать от этого наслаждение, и просто не пускаешь никого в свою жизнь.©

Олег Артынов   16.12.2011 05:08   Заявить о нарушении
Не могу не согласиться, но всё-таки я думаю, что если кому-то на самом деле надо войти в чью-то жизнь, он(а) войдёт.

Леди Маргарита   17.12.2011 21:36   Заявить о нарушении
чуть не забыл, у меня же есть стих на подобную тему

Олег Артынов   21.12.2011 18:48   Заявить о нарушении