
I'm alone, and around nothing and no one
Only small window – few inches of Web
Earlier I aspired towards its diversity
There much interesting  was  to me
But now there as well coldly as and round
And there is not her there as and here
However if she would came today,
I would tell to her: "leave me alone"
I waited for her in the past,
But now I never expect for her return already
And my expectations remained there.
And even if I love her till now
All the same I will say: "leave me alone"
And it is painfully, but not for her but for me
Because she has forgotten me long ago
For her I’m a zero in the past - a grey shadow
And sometimes I seem that she just figment of my imagination
Though she was real, but she stays only dream
by reflection of a lost happiness
In the cold world which me has rejected
Where I'm just grain of sand in desert of chaos
I'll become by dust but nobody won't notice it
I alone and round me a dark vacuum
Gloom for desires and for hopes; the time to disappear
And if she comes today, all the same
This is night - Farewell!
