Russian winter

It was a usual winter morning.
January, I suppose.
I had exams and I was worrying
Will I pass or will I loose.

I needed books to study more-
So I decided to go out.
And when I did I only saw
The dream, that made me really blind.

How could I read, how could I learn,
When fairy tale was near me?
Thank you, God, I had a turn
To have a chance to make a see.

I sware that you lost everything
If you had never seen this view
Even in a movie scene
While watching boring interview.

There's nothing usual you would see
Only special and surprising.
Nowhere else will winter be
Like here in Moscow, like sunrising.

Glow and shimmer, pearly light,
Sweetest taste for eyes and smell
That is made for one delight
In which you could only fell.

Imagine that when you're sad,
Imagine when you have no mood.
A part of you will be so glad
To be the happiest in the world.
