The prayer

Every morning, every day,
I always to the Allmighty say:
"Oh my Lord, U r the only one,
The Сreator and the Universe.
You sent to us your son, Jesus
The truth you put into his verse.
I love you, my Father, a lot,
But your love is more than mine.
For us you have a special plot.
And we have to follow this line."
What we want, we have to forget,
Only we shall do, what He wants.
So there is smth in that we met.
But we have to follow the positive thoughts.
There were the signs for us,
That we are soul mates,
The creator unites us,
So there will be more dates.
We will be saved in this world,
If we stay together till the end,
If we only come to the Lord,
And we ll be helped by the Land.
