
We took cocaine and take the pill
But now don’t want to pay the bill
And every minute in our life
Do not regret a single line
It’s all upon our best-made plans
But now it’s honest, it’s regrets
It’s all about our hope
To go upstairs or not to go
And now our best-made plans are dead
We’re nothing, We’re just stay in bed
And all our pills are thrown away
But we’re not happy, we’re not gay
Together we could cope with it
But now it’s just whole world of shit
And we’re dead, not yet alive
Without pills we can’t get high
But all cocaine we’re thrown away
Is waiting for us the next day
And we cannot live without it
We try to hide, but we’re seeken
But all the pills we took today
They made us crazy the next day
We took cocaine we took the pill
But we don’t want to pay the bill
And all our hopes deserve to die
And all the world will say: “Goodbye”

(Китай, Сиань, 28.12.2009)
