Information and description of one of the species!
The first kinds wake up long before the break of day and prepare to go hunting. Female species prepare a little bit more, than male species. Then, sometimes with their eyes still closed, they leave their houses and united into groups of packs which are called streams or groups, to go hunting! And just pay attention these species go for hunting in all weathers and it doesn’t matter it’s a king’s weather outside or fine weather for the young ducks, and it’s raining cats and dogs! Do you wanna know why it is so? Just because they should lay in for a difficult periods of life which is called exams! During this periods of time, which is happen twice a year, a student common isn’t kick and alive, but on the contrary feel like death and goes all to pieces. Moreover as the dates of these periods are coming nearer his health goes from bad to worth! During this time a student common became very nervous or looks like if his days are numbered!
After these miserable periods for the student common they begin feeling quite oneself. But even the luckiest one, who were able to cheat death (which is called “fail on the exams”) looks like a bag of bones, with their eyes hardly kept open! They need some time for rehabilitation, so they make a little break and don’t go for a place of hunting for about two weeks, and take the best medicine sleep! Sleeping brings a student common back to life and it begins hunting again!
АНГЛИЙСКИЕ ИДИОМЫ, ИСПОЛЬЗУЕМЫЕ В ЭТОЙ МИНИАТЮРЕ (привожу для более удобного прочтения)
The break of day - Рассвет
In all weathers - В любую погоду
King's weather - Отличная погода
Fine weather for the young ducks - Дождливая погода
It is raining cats and dogs - Идет проливной дождь
Kick and alive - Быть живым и здоровым
Feel like death - Чувствовать себя отвратительно
To go all to pieces - Расшататься (о нервах), разваливаться на куски (о человеке)
Go from bad to worth - Становиться хуже и хуже
One's days are numbered - Чьи-либо дни сочтены
To feel quite oneself - поправляться
To cheat death - Обмануть смерть; чудом избежать смерти
Bag of bones - Мешок костей, очень худой человек
Take a medicine - Принимать лекарство
Bring somebody back to life - Возвращать к жизни
Свидетельство о публикации №109121000803
It's really true, but in my case examinations are time for a short relax after the long hunting;))
Земфира Зиннурова 28.02.2010 00:56 Заявить о нарушении
Садиг Бадалов 09.03.2010 00:57 Заявить о нарушении