Pavich Kedors открытие памятника павичу летом

“Persona” of № 3 (57) 2006
In 2002 appeared communications about the Nobel nomination of the legendary author of philosophical-poetic best-seller “[Khazarskiy] dictionary” of Serbian writer [Milorada] [Pavicha]. But into 2003 and 2005 yr. world media outlets guessed about the chances to the Nobel Prize of the Moscow poet Constantine [Kedrov], who received for philosophical -[metametaforicheskuyu] the poem “the computer of love”. On January 23 in the dear restaurant of artistic Bohemia of Belgrade took place the encounter of two [nominantov]. Conversation was extended within midnight. And it was warmed by [rakiey] -
by hot Serbian vodka, which it skillfully alternated, ordered and dosed very owner of the encounter Of [milorad] Of [pavich].


Constantine [Kedrov]
For me the encounter with [Miloradom] [Pavichem] the same fairy tale as, let us say, conversation with Vladimir [Nabokov] or dialogue with the Pope. Well, with The [nabokovym] to be seen it was not necessary, but with Pope Hans- Pavel [Voytyloy] met suddenly directly in the altar of cathedral [Sv].[Petra] in Rome to Easter. There were other miracles in my life. Therefore the trip to Belgrade to the encounter with the legendary author “[Khazarskogo] dictionary” I simply perceived, as miracle [Bozhie] and in this case still he thought: “Even if encounter does not take place, I nevertheless with it will meet. Indeed what is Serbia and Belgrade for the writer? Serbia - country Of [pavicha]. Belgrade - city, where lives [Milorad] Of [pavich]. It slightly irritated me, that simultaneously from the window of bus the guide to me Tito's residence. For me Tito, Franco, Stalin - historical characters of childhood, somewhere next to [Barmaleem] and by the ram Of [yagoy].
And nevertheless the first meeting [Pavichem] took place at the end 80th, when aperture is the journal “foreign literature” the attracting title - “[Khazarskiy] dictionary”. Reading novel shook me. I entire life deciphered in the soul and in the literature the celestial sphere and was named this starry cryptography devised me in a word “[metakod]”. For this “[metakod]” of what only with me not they performed in the Soviet time. And they removed from the teaching in [Litinstitute], and they removed from the television screen, and into the black publishing list they introduced by my starry by characters. But [Pavich]? To it from Tito's dictatorship also it was reached. It indeed is older me by 13 years. Although the writer has what age? If to you 76 as To [pavichu], then in front loom Goethe and Leo Tolstoy (for eighty) or Bernard Shaw (for ninety). But [Milorad] in its novels lives not in the time, but in the eternity. “Eternity is not parallel to time. They frequently intersect”, they discuss one of its heroes in the Russian snows.
I also feel itself by the hero of the fantastic, mystical, [metakodovoy] prose Of [pavicha]. And my trip to Belgrade, and our encounter I consider as head from his novel. Or as note to its texts.
According to the laws of fairy tale it had to arise the obstacle. And it arose. When we stood in the orthodox chapel in baron Wrangel's grave, the unpleasant news was alien - [Pavich] today leaves to Slovenia. But then in monument to Nikolai OF THE II and to the victims of the First World War is alien the pleasant news - [Pavich] puts aside its trip for our encounter.
- A where we are encountered?
- There is this restaurant of artists and writers. This next to the house, where [Pavich] lives. In it there as if soya is residence. Sometimes so they speak - the restaurant Of [pavicha]. Although it in it simply guests assumes or sits with the friends.
[Pavich] is infinitely fallen in love with Russia, it is more accurate, into the Russian literature, and it is still more precise, into the poem of Gogol “dead showers”. It they call Slav [Borkhesom], and this is also correct. For those, who are familiar with the [bogomilskimi] sacral texts, the prose Of [pavicha] - natural continuation of the certain secret, known in the equal measure and to ancient-Egyptian priests, and to orthodox [isikhastam]- taciturn people on [Afaya] mountain. The discussion deals with the life of eternal inside the life temporary, with the project of a certain secret temple, in outlines of which is encoded the secret of eternal life. Bogomils loved to compose the verbal parable- keys, which do not have solution, above which it is possible to reflect eternally. [Pavich] created one additional [bogomilskuyu] parable - “the view, drawn by tea”. There it is discussed the family pair of the artists, who at the moment of amorous ecstasy loved to sketch on snow. Husband passionately compressed in the hands the phallus of its husband and the hot jet “of tea” was printed out on the snowdrift by figure. Among the blacks, the green, the red and the dark-blue they are tip there is Russian white tea, which traced clouds. White tea nothing else but Russian vodka. I recalled about this, conversing [Pavichem], when it entertained me by hot Serbian [rakiey]. Our conversation lasted several hours, and writer on the turn proposed cream, peach, apple, apricot to me. And all hot. Most surprising, that no consequences next day. Yes even intoxication is pleasant, lung. I recalled that in one novel Of [pavicha] the orthodox monk pronounces, as inopportunely, that everything, it is said, they know - we we see the stars, which in reality long ago [pogasli] before the sky, but no one knows that water, by which we quench thirst, in reality long ago it is already drunk. Can be long ago already drunk entire hot of [rakiya], which we are pili with this Serbian magician in the writer restaurant of Belgrade.
Cedars. I do know that you did abolish all encounters in order to clear for us space… or time?
[Pavich]. There is no time. There is eternity. It comes together with the inspiration. But when it is not written, then begins time. And it is always pulled to infinity.
Cedars. Judging by everything, now in you exactly are eternity.
[Pavich]. Yes. I again write novel. Ten years it kept silent, and now I write. It is more accurate, this only is spoken “I write”. I my novels know by heart and I build at night in the head. But if I write, then always with the closed eyes, it is best anything in the darkness. I know how to fill sheet in the darkness, into the blind.
Cedars. God is my, as to me this is understandable. I build also all texts by heart. And I frequently write blindly in the darkness. But these are verses. Everything is considerably more complex with the prose!
[Pavich]. The memory began sometimes to bring after 70 years. I am not confident, that I in the morning accurately reproduce on the paper that the fact that it composed at night.
I daily hear you
the words somehow strangely sound
I shut the eyes
and everywhere before me
these cries originated by the silence
these paints originated by the darkness
here I sit left by all
in the depth of concepts and words
the visible peace disappears
but I can speak
and peace is born again
[Pavich]. I very well understand you. All my novels arose from the darkness as light. I took with itself several books in the Russian - you can select for yourselves any.
Cedars. You are better.
[Pavich]. Then read still.
Sky - this is the height of the view
View - this is the depth of the sky
Men - this is the wrong side of the sky
Sky - this is the wrong side of the man
[Pavich]. It pleases me. I will sign “reverse side of wind”.
Cedars. But I to you - “[Angelicheskuyu] poetics”.
[Pavich] (it reads). To [angelicheskomu] prosaist. Thanks. But you know, this into the point. My dear philosophers - [kappadokiytsy]. Vasiliy [Velikiy], Grigoriy [Bogoslov], By [khrizost] (Hans Zlatoust).
Cedars. Vasiliy [Velikiy] had on me an enormous effect in the youth. He wrote that the paradise can be seen, after raising eyes to the celestial sphere, and the sun - this the visible face of Christ, which always before us. In me this is said as follows: “Christ - this sun of Buddha, Buddha - this is Christ's moon”. But from the poets who you pleases?
[Pavich]. Do not be surprised - this Paise [Velichkovskiy] and other poets of the 18th Century.
Cedars. Grigoriy [Skovorod]?
[Pavich]. It.
“Soul my is willow,
and you [esi] by it water.
Feed to exchange in this water,
comfort to exchange in this misfortune”.
[Pavich]. Orthodox civilization is inexhaustible. I this always understood. I only one time was in Moscow, there this is especially perceptible. You do know, whose prose in Russia me does most of all please? [Bakunina].
Cedars (pause). ? :.
[Pavich] (it laughs). B. [Akunina]. Its book about the cemeteries. When I arrived to Moscow, we were encountered.
Cedars. Well also that not on the cemetery. When you arrive to Moscow following time, we will find for you place [poveselee].
[Pavich]. I everywhere itself feel as houses. Even in America.
Cedars. In Russia and in Serbia so they scold America, that involuntarily appears in it the increased interest. I, in any case, became accustomed even in the Soviet time: if they scold someone of the writers, it is must it compulsory to read. They scolded Pasternak, most confronting. But here simply you are not. As it was not.
[Pavich]. Is here interesting, now like everything published, and in me nevertheless sensation, that most important still is in prospect to write.
Cedars. But now small is “official part”. Natalia Nesterov it directed us to entrust to you this diploma.
[Pavich]. Read, if you please, which is here written.
Cedars. “The Moscow academy of Natalia Nesterova sentences [Miloradu] To [pavichu] the title of honorable professor for the salient contribution to development of world civilization and culture”.
[Pavich]. This is this surprise! This diploma will be next to my [Sorbonskim]. Believe, your is especially expensive to me. I so love Moscow and Russia and am happy, that in me now appeared there the new friends poets.
Cedars. I greatly love your novel “the view, drawn by tea”. I printed to it review in the newspaper “new Proceedings”. And you do know, as it is called? “Roman, written by vodka”. Only now I understood that this such. Our encounter is drawn to hot [rakiey].
[Pavich]. To you was pleased our of cancer of doctor (hot vodka)?
Cedars. Not the word. First I thought that the discussion deals with hot cancer, and everything waited, when they bring them. In me to you one additional commission - from our poetic society [DOOS]. If you do not object, we will send to you the diploma of honorable [DOOSa].
[Pavich]. But as is deciphered this abbreviation?
Cedars. The volunteer association of the protection of dragon-flies. Our poet Krylov transferred the fable Of [lafontena] about the cicada and [muravikhe]. It is called “dragon-fly and ant”.
[Pavich]. I know, I know.
Cedars. There ant tells the dragon-fly, that arrived at it for help by the cold winter: “You everything did sing? This is the matter. So go dance”. But this became the motto: “You everything did sing? This is - the matter!”
[Pavich]. Only this and the matter.
Cedars. In 2002 we appeared in [Sorbonne], and there read report our great philologist Sergey [Averintsev] about the dragon-fly of Krylov and the cicada Of [lafontena]. He noted that the cicada actually sings in contrast to the dragon-fly. But furthermore, in [Lafontena] not ant, but [muravikha]. Two large differences, as they speak in Odessa. But that is obtained, emphasized [Averintsev] that ant it is simple cad: lady requests it about the aid, and he chases her to the frost.
[Pavich] (it laughs). Then I also [DOOS] and dragon-flies.
Cedars. It is possible to think about the title. Andrey Voznesensky of [strekozavr], I - [stikhozavr]…
[Pavich]. But I?
Cedars. But you will be [serbozavrom].
[Pavich]. Give let us photograph together. I want so that this encounter would be memorized forever. We will compulsorily continue our contact in the Internet.
Cedars. And in the noosphere.
[Pavich]. In the noosphere we earlier associated.

[Pavich] knows that the secret of our peace is not exhausted. Everything is all around the cipher and the code. From time to time something succeeds in reading, but only in order to be immersed into another secret “look! Distance night appears now, as past, accessible not nights, only to recollections. But corpses remember entire their life, they do not remember they only hour and cause of death…” In the short story “Shakespearean garden” the author writes that behind Shakespeare's house is found the garden from colors and plants, mentioned in his plays, and next is sold the Shakespearean honey, assembled by bees only from these plants. But if you go away from the house, you will see all around exactly the same gardens, although their plant and flowers no one specially selected. “Who whom gave birth to - the garden of Shakespeare or Shakespeare this garden?”. This is one of the most excellent short stories Of [pavicha]. After it on the mouths remains the taste of Shakespearean honey, nostril they smell the aroma of Shakespearean garden, and rumor is filled up with the rumble of the Shakespearean bees, that gather in the gardens of med. I I involuntarily pass here to the style of [Pavicha] itself. He writes not with words, but by bees, by birds and by colors. He writes about the sense of life, but not squandered life, but entire life as a whole, since to live entire life of the universe is impossible, but to survive it is possible. [Pavich] survives eternity. Only it is interesting, only with it life becomes intelligent and even more incomprehensible. Writer conducts us from infinity into infinity in order to suddenly interrupt the narration of somewhere in the center fragrant abyss. Belgrade yes even entire Serbia is simple the advance post of Christian civilization. On this earth was born once the theory of the old man Of [filofeya] “Moscow - III Rome”. Two Rome fell, and the third, Moscow, it costs, and to the fourth not to occur Serbian peasants pray: “Help, Lord, to me and to my elder Russian brother”. Well, I do not know, what we Rome. One is undoubted - [Pavich] the deep orthodox of mysticisms. Not clerical, not it [fundamentalist], namely mysticisms. Its reign not from the peace this. In that be transienting it searches for eternal. And its novels, pierced by mystical self irony, in the course of time will be received as the lives of century.
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Всегда любил прозу Павича.Даже ссылался на него:
В окошковом краю
с ужасом выслушал кукушку
сколько мне жить-поживать.
- Да брось ты! Сегодня каждому
сопляку уже 50 лет! – утешал меня
знаменитый интернет-романист
Милорад Павич.
- А вечность всегда не в конце,
а в начале, - поддакивал безымянный
философ будущего.
Я прополоскал горло страхом
и стал мерить плотью вечность,
узнавая правду по часам,
прирастая в глазах невидимого.
Теперь истина постоянно требовала
перемены мест для колодца божьей росы,
где родина с трудом удерживает
в грудной клетке погостов биение
молодых сердец. Падалица звезд
между не было и не стало
будоражит густопись перспектив,
запуская в кудри небес
жадные руки космонавтов,
расчесывая мудростью технологий
извилины ноосферы, дегустируя
пространство за пространством
мелкими глотками культуры.
Из норки Вселенной
выглядываем человечеством:
- Есть кто живой?!

Владимир Монахов   02.12.2009 06:48     Заявить о нарушении

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