К Чаадаеву

The love, the hope, the humble glory
Not long we lounged in make-believe
The fun of youth already vanished
And dream creeped out like a thief.
But we still burn with desperation
Despite the iron fist of rule
And our souls will be full
With country's rightful indignation
In yearning and anticipation
Of blissful liberty to come
We wait like sweethearts to be one
With our only admiration.
My friend! It's time for us to start
While vigorous the freedom flames
To follow callings of the heart
To Motherland devote the days
Believe that it will rise again
Rejuvenating star of joy
And our efforts not in vain
We dedicate to our doy.

Not bad, not bad at all. Actually it is pretty good, especially the middle part, which is rather close to the original.

Беляева Дина   23.11.2009 08:14     Заявить о нарушении