Julia Shein By my Will, -by my Desire!

Julia Shein  “By my Will,-by my Desire!”*/

1. It’s  my main Point, -
____________________ my own Will, -
_____ my first Step out of the Abyss
__________of my Despair, - to my Belief:
____ to see the next Step, invisible till that…

2. It’s  the next Point, -
____________________  my Desire, -
__________________to do anything,
_______________what I would like to do…

3. It’s  the next -  fine Point, -
__________________ doing of anything
______________________in my own Way, -
__________________just a little bit "better",
______________________ than anybody else…

4. It’s  the next - innermost Point, -
____________ feeling  my Joy of Inspiration, -
__________________ the contagious  Joy
______________ of Multidimensional  World –
______________________ - Delight inside…

5. Otherwise, -
_________________ What’s My Own Way, -
__________   if only none the Strength of my Mind –
______________________ my Will
__________________to carry myself away –
_____ from the Nullity – Point of my God-Desertion, -
________ by my Aspiration
______________________to the Candle of my Belief,
______________  - to the Lighthouse of my Hope,
_______________________ - to the Torch of my Love, -
__________ -  Step-by-Step, -  “go on!” –
_______________________looking upward  to… my Star!

*/ Out of my Cycle: “My Genre-Design – 21”
