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from the birthday of the Italian genius
Leonardo da Vinci
Self-portrait  For some reason the women of Leonardo mysterious smile on all pictures, figures and frescoes. Sometimes this [poluulybku] you can see, also, in men. Smiles Hans [Krestitel], indicating the cross - the symbol of future crucifix. Smiles madonna it is cast, being inclined above the curly [Bogomladentsem]. On the smile Of [dzhokondy] are written the volumes.

So smiles everyone, which knows dark secret. Leonardo da Vinci, apparently, actually knew much, concealed from us even today. He was the first person, who looked at himself and at us from within. It was possible to be frightened and to start back from this infernal interlacing of living hoses and bone levers - not in vain church forbade opening… Leonardo broke rule, secretly getting down by night into the basements, where for the pay it prepared the bodies of those executed. It at first it seemed that people - altogether only complex mechanisms. Indeed it itself was inventor. The drawings of helicopter, submarine, diving-dress and even bicycle were preserved together with the anatomical sketchings.
  The helicopters of Leonardo not lethal factor, submarines did not sail. But here man properly functioned, although its creator was always somewhere out of sight. And Leonardo began to search for creator in the man. When it found, arose fresco “secret [vecherya]”.

The figure Of [iisusa] in the center of meal balances peaces. This was, if you want, the second advent of rescuer. The first was achieved in the I century in the history. The second - in [KH]V century in the painting. Christ of Leonardo - completely learned, completely human and at the same time godly. Through Christ's face the eye of artist for the first time left into infinity. Window behind with the artless Florentine [peyzazhikom] derived humanity into the universe.

Leonardo literally became intoxicated from the infinite prospect, by them opened. He filled with its upwards mental helicopters, ornithopters and air flying spheres. He was fixed into the depth of sea in the mental diving-dress and on the mental submarine. Far flew countless projectiles from the machine guns and the catapults, by him invented.

Fortunately, all fatal inventions remained only in the projects. All these tanks, helicopters, submarines and machine guns were at that time only chimeras. Then main project was carried out. Project of man.

In Leonardo all everywhere departs far. Yes even feelings human do not have boundaries, smoothly passing into each other. Psychologists calculated the relationship of feelings on face Mohns Lisa. 83% of happiness, 9% of neglect, 2% of fear and 6% of alertness. It was possible to establish that face Of [dzhokondy] - this even and the self-portrait of artist himself, which reembodied itself into the female means. If this is so, that you will agree that it was happy person. So much happiness it is given not each.

The artists either did not see to Leonardo or they did not know how to depict infinity. With its arrival the peace became other. Changed man - he saw himself at infinity and infinity in himself.

El Salvador they gave it continued the discovery Leonardo. In it “by secret evening” through Christ swims the boat towards the apostles, and accomodation itself, yes even entire universe - as inside the rescuer. This is the bright commentary to the great fresco. The prospect, opened of Leonardo far, they gave it extended in different directions. And this is also da Vinci's project.

In researchers barely it remains doubts, that famous Turin(sk) shroud of christ - creation of great Florentine. The features of Leonardo in the face of rescuer are completely learned. If this is so, that before us the great confession of painter. It [soraspinaetsya] with Christ, it [sopogrebaetsya] and [sovoskresaet] with it. Similarly depicted himself Michelangelo on the fresco “terrible law court” in the figurine of person, who holds in the hands his stripped skin. But on the skin - face of artist himself. The roll-call of two giants of revival is here obvious. They entire life competed, they competed, they screamed.

As Picasso it depicted [Dzhokondu] with the bond of keys and even master keys. This is ironic hint to art critics, who search for some secret. In each creation of da Vinci of these secrets [nemereno]. It actually loved to code its observations and discoveries. Being left-hander, he wrote with specular handwriting from right to left. However, as artist it attempted not to encode, but to open to us its code.

Twenty years studied Russian artist Ivanov “secret [vecheryu]”, until miracle is achieved. The Christ of Leonardo descended from the great fresco and arrived into Russia. Ivanov's picture “the phenomenon of Christ people” - the direct continuation of [leonardovskogo] project. And Christ on it is clear from the [leonardovskoy] fresco. Means is found to all centuries. Is it turned out that infinite not only [Bogochelovek], but also person, who found to itself proportional prospect. Leonardo searched for and found himself only in infinity. Any other prospect for us is close after it.

Constantine THE CEDARS
SPARK (www.inauka.ru)


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