Julia Shein This is my Altar!

Julia Shein This is my Altar!*/

1. For the sake of getting
____________________to know my Face, -
____I won’t look into the Mirror
________________of my Powder-Case, -
____________________ of my Loneliness, -
__________This is too little…

2. For the sake of getting
____________________to know my Face, -
____I won’t look into the Mirror
________________________of my Flat, -
____________________ my Lot without you, -
__________This is too close …

3. For the sake of getting
____________________to know my Face, -
____I won’t look into the Distorting Gallery’s Mirrors
____________________ of my Way  until you, -
__________These are too funny…

4. For the sake of getting
____________________to know my Face, -
____I won’t look into the Mirrors of the other Faces
_________________out of Places of my Way to you, -
__________These are too false…

5. For the sake of getting
____________________to know my Face, -
____I’ll look into your Eyes, my Love, -
_________________ to see Reflection of my Soul
 __________ in the Mirror-Macrocosm of your Soul, -
________only to fly up to reach
_________________________my God, -
_____________________________ This is my Altar!

*/ Out of my Cycle: “ My God,- It is my Love!”
