
Who can explain emergence of obsession,

Its background is a mystery, I bet,

My sins kept silence, I forgot the passion,

But time-temptation has just spun a net.

And suddenly the longitude of Mondays

Has turned into the tempest of a ring,

The storm of love can overcome the Andes,

So I must let this nonsense has its swing.

Ungovernable hearts will soon calm down

And working days take their place as ever

I am again quiet, decent, prudent, clever

While kneading carefully life's unruly dough.

Sure, You have to let the nonsense of life and love make its way. Go along with those two substances hand in hand.

Good journey to you.

Sagittarius   16.11.2009 12:52     Заявить о нарушении
Хотелось бы, чтобы Вы сравнили русский вариант с английским. Который Вам больше по душе?

Валерия Суворова   16.11.2009 15:35   Заявить о нарушении
Пожалуй - оба. Писать на другом языке всегда сложно. Я полагаю. что в данном случае даже не выдержанность техники важно, но дух.

Sagittarius   16.11.2009 16:01   Заявить о нарушении