Julia Shein My Magician, -Where is your Broom?

Julia Shein My Magician,
________________- Where is your Broom?*/

1. You know, -
__________ I’m your – only-Pupil, -

2. I can not talk
____________  with such a People, -

3. I lose my Words
_________________as well as Thoughts, -
 _________ I can’t decide, when I’m right,
____________________and when I’m not, -
_________ to have forgot
____________________all, that I ever knew,
________________________ my God, -

4. Now, - Say me, - what   
______________________I should have got, -

5. to be in Might
_______________for PIR*/ - not Fight,
_____________- my MIR’s for only you, -
________________________________my Knight!

  */ In my Cycle   My Genre – Design-21*/
______МИР - MIR – Music of Insights & Revelations
_________________Музыка Озарений и Откровений
           ПИР - PIR -  Poetry of Illuminations & Revelations
________________Поэзия Озарений и Откровений
