K. Kedrov, to the flood of noy Eva Angel To ie, Ru

[K].[Kedrov], to the flood of noy Eva [Angel] To [ie], Russian - Hebrew
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Verse: Israel
          Your estimation:  the masterpiece it is noticeable very well it is good it is normal It did not read it is tolerant it is mediocre it is bad it is very bad not to read   
in this poem you will see the uncommonly wide and deep simultaneously scope of legendary historically - mythological events. reading this poem, I again felt itself participating to the history of the fight of man in the course of time. and still one theme - all, what preserved collective human memory - as if it is located in one place - in the brain of one person… are as if into the brain shaken the files of Alexandrine library… his name - the author… by the way, if already I transfer to Hebrew, then it must say to you that the word is the author - [ivritskoe], it [perevolitsya] - father tori.

  Constantine [Kedrov]
  Antediluvian gospel
  Do not enter into my house
  it enter into my house
  and you will enter here
  there will be the misfortune
  will misfortunes be
  walls are the moans to swim
  the son will leave flesh
  this will defame the [syy]
  the son of height entire
  it will begin to shine the day
  Give god spirit the day
  give god spirit to eat
  food exists
  food eats
  Slave -[rybynya], where you will swim?
  Who in the West knife did the one who stick?
  Where you do shave?
  Who THAT?
  Leal beat linen yarn
  [lyubanka] spoke
  throw- throw
  On [Robushka]
  in the ears of [shubursha] the Schur- auger
  On [Rubinya], where you do hurry?
  I hurry [shursha] to the east
  it [zhurchit] in the ears
  Shah - [khash]
  the porridge
  to [sham]-[sham]
  is heart-rending [ISHTAR]
  it yells in the ear
  the ears -[ishu]
  to [au]
  in-in-in- in
  Star of Astarte
  grated the bosom
  it whether became
  the paleness -zero
  Well I am banal [shto]?!
  Go heifer ox-eyed
  cow is carpet
  thief is insidious
  [bismella] the plaice
  [Kibella] of [kabbala]
  Who knife into the wife did stick?
  and you lick the blood from the blade
  sour-cold- it is sweet
  from-that- that it
  It [zyrit] [zenki] Of [oziris]
  without [Ozirisa] - [sira]
  orphan I
  cheese human ate
  that is why and the bel
  Ah you is my female camel
  from the front and from behind
  two moons hid
  [u], the snout
  the lira
  the harp
  to [agu]-[agu]…
  But I everything danced it danced
  save [Ospodi] of [posobi]
  - Udder is the fusel oil of the bough
  In the name of father and Hama
  in the name of father and [Sima]
  the son of the father
  the father of the son
  Sym [pobedishi]
  Cad [pobedishi]
  Sym seed sowed
  [se] shines this
  the dark blue of [oratay]
  it ploughed the skies by sound
  word sowed
  the oats germinated
  hay eats horse
  it [rzhet] to the skies
  giving birth to erysipelases from the rye
  Sym- Hamas
  swing the moss
  moss the hill
  the plowshare of the fur
  moloch [mleko]
  cad- cad
  the swing- moss
  the moss- fur
  swing the moss of [makhaon]
  on Hamas
  In the name Hama and [Sima]
  In the name of father and son
  Month threw far away plow
  For the blue
  where to [nest]
  there are no snares - there are no shadows
  Who you [esi]?
  That to [tvam] ASI
  the network
  Who you is set?
  I [sudiya] celestial
  the measure of the corpses
  the weights of sowing entire
  the celestial height
  hail and [vesi]
  that you [esi]
  One hundred years to that
  and to whom one hundred years?
  Who that the coma of one hundred years?
  That - this of death the god
  the [toten]- totem
  the meta atom
  it sang notes in the tone
  there are no notes
  there are no snares
  there are no shadows
  Sinks [Ekhnaton]
  in the summer of the shadow- snares
  THAT became THIS
  death is dead
  atom dumbness
  [Stiks]9 calmed down
  monastery is quiet
  slope is the cattle
  Melancholy the ions
  in the womb [chervlenom]
  the tick
  Chinese - worm [verchenyy]
  in the womb the monastery
  worm time -
  the womb
  the hall
  the bitterness
  the speech
  Rivers to the whale of the ion
  during it
  Chinese [Stiks]
  the Chinese verse
  Measure of Moore - sea
  Measure of sea - Moore
  Yelling eagle - the halo
  [Piyte] this there is the blood my
  in the throat this is the blood
  in blood this is [gorl]
  in the fodder kneading it eats mountains -
  [ostroverkhiy] of Egypt god -
  sheep throats the knife
  cry Mecca
  the chaff of the bread
  abyss the cinder
  but comet [tokmo] [okoem]
  I eat the eye of the ox
  the lava of tin
  the catching of verb the goal
  but the lair
  it is silent
  wives goal bosom
  lair is the oval
  The Volga absorbed zero appearance
  Moisture - bosom
  and bosom - Volga
  Horn of the mountains
  [Or] of the Ra
  peace the early hour
  Peroun -[runopreemnik]
  pearl the light-charge
  Ra - reason the call
  the cart
  four wheels
  the solar chorus of the wheels
  Four suns ascended
  squeaking by rims upwards
  they crawled without hurrying into the skies
  [pozvanivaya] by the knitting needles of the persons
  In the chariot it went [Iliya]
  wheels blinked by the eyes
  by the pupils of the axis of [slezmya]
  night tar - eyes
  Four suns ascended
  squeaking by rims upwards
  crawled [nespesha]
  in the skies
  [pozvanivaya] by the knitting needles of the persons
  Went to the fair Of [vanka] the toady
  it showed for three kopecks
  It went [Iliya]
  disappear my cart
  all four wheels
  Daedalus made it sobbed
  Icarus hiccuped varnish it lapped the cal.
  Went [Enokh]
  [Iliya] it was raised after it
  cart bearing
  on the solar track
  the wheels squeak
  moon and the sun
  the clank
  the cluster
  the crunch
  the crack
  the tree of the life
  the bucket of the wash
  the Rhesus- macaco
  the Rh factor
  the blood of Christ's and human
  Sons die in the fathers
  “Mountains; we have in the hearts”
  Conversely time flows
  even number and the odd number
  odd number and the even number
  [Ozirisa] the illumination
  about the son of father the brutality
  about the son of father [oskoplenie]
  about the son of father the blinding
  about the son of the father
  the father of the son
  on the canopy the wasp
  on the canopy of the blue
  Cross as the cross
  Crunch as the crunch
  [Khronos] of son eats
  and son is empty.
  1 Astarte - goddess of love in ancient Babylon.
  2 sym [pobedishi] - the inscription on the cross in the sky, which saw holy Constantine before the battle.
  3 [Oratay] - ploughman (it is Old-Russian.).
  4 Sym- Hamas - sym, Hamas, It [iafet] - the sons of noy, only person, who rescued herself from the deluge.
  5 To [nest] - no (it is old slavic.).
  6 first to [tvam] ASI - that you is ([sanskr].).
  7 set - ancient-Egyptian god of chaos.
  8 [Vesi] - village (it is old slavic.).
  9 that you [esi] - i.e., you (it is old slavic.).
  10 [Toten]- totem - word formation from “totem” - prohibition and “that” - the god of death.
  11 [Stiks] - river of corpses in the antique mythology
  12 ions - biblical prophet, who conducted three days in the womb of whale.
  13 [Piyte], this are the blood my - Christ's words, inverted to the apostles during by the secret of [vecheri]. Christ indicated
  to the cup with the wine. Priest in the altar pronounces this phrase
  14 mountains - god of sky in ancient Egypt.
  15 Mecca - sacred place in Moslems.
  16 Valhalla - hell, the netherworld (it is ancient-German.).
  17 Ra - god of the sun in ancient Egypt.
  18 [Amirani]-[Ariman] - [Amirani] - ancient-Georgian Prometheus; [Ariman] - [zoroastriyskiy] god of the dark.
  19 [v] to chariot it went [Iliya] - the biblical prophet Of [iliya] was raised at the sky in the fiery chariot.
  20 Daedalus - father of Icarus; it made wings from wax in order to fly away into the sky, but wings melted, Icarus broke ([antich]. mythology)
  21 [Enokh] - biblical patriarch, undertaken by living the sky. According to the communication Of [agady], from the sky went down the star, on which flew away [Enokh].
  22 “mountains; we have in the hearts” - an exclamation of priest in the orthodox liturgy. “Mountains; ” indicates the elevated mood: “You will shudder - and
  23 [Oziris] - god of light and life in ancient Egypt, that rises again in the wheaten ear.
  23 [Chichen]-[Itsa] - god of light in ancient Incas, that rises again in the grain of lentil.
  25 [Khronos] the god of time, who devours his sons ([antich]. Mythology).
  I further propose to you to read, as my transfer of this poem in the transcription sounds with the cyrillic alphabet
  I think as follows:
  those of you, who knows how to read Hebrew, will see text with written [tanakhicheskim] type,
  and by rest it will, possibly, interestingly read as this great poem of [poetsya] in the transfer into Hebrew.
  they read many and indicate that poetry remains in these transfers, and even it is enriched in the originals of Hebrew - since it is connected not separated with the thematics of the regeneration of Judaism into Christianity.
  to [dalshe] text transliterated:
  Gospel of [milifnEy] of [amabUl] of [agAdol]:
  al of [tikanEs] of le [beytI]
  [ota] of [takhnIs] of [elAv]
  by them [tikanEs] of le to [beyti]
  [iyE] of [raAv]
  by them [tikanEs] of le Kahn
  oh [ve]-[avOy]
  [ve]-[avoy] of [iyE] of [leyOt]
  [ytsrakhU] of [kirOt]
  [kirot] of [yodOt] of [liskhOt]
  [yaazOv] of [guf] Ben
  [ze] of [yerakhEl] the ale of [zot]
  [binkhA], [gOva] of [kulA],
  [ytEn] of [ilA]
  [alevAy] of [ve] of [rukhO]
  le [kadOsh] of [berukhO]
  [itEn] by [yom]
  [iten] of [mazOn]
  [dagAt] [kinEret]
  [leAn] atm(tech) of [sokhA]?
  mi to [ze], to [she] of [ishkhIl] of [sakIn]
  [begAv]. [maarAv]?
  [leAn] atm(tech) [sorEdet]?
  le IS THAT
  mi to [ze] IS THAT?
  to [uuu] - [zot]
  [shafAkh] of [lavAn] PAN
  [leeEn]… Of [aaaan]!
  to [aAvti], to [amArti],
  [zrok]… of [zrok]
  [ooo], [moshE]
  [gavIsh] of [meshushE]
  [be] of [oznAy] atm(abs.) of [shush]-[mush]
  the ruby of [shelI], [leAn]?
  [shush]-[mush] of [mizrAkha]
  [nAkhal] of [be] Of [ozen]
  Shah - [khash]
  [daysA] of [shelI]
  ouch - VA
  to [sham] - on
  [parUa]: [ISHTAR]
  la [Ozen], [lamrOt]:
  [tishmA], [tishmeU]
  [Ozen] - [uuuuuuuu]
  [uu]- A
  [aa]- in
  to [uuuuuuu]
  [zkenA] of Astarte
  [nartIk] of [nishkhAk]
  [merkhAk] of [seyvA]
  le [seyvA] of [merkhAk]
  [leAn] of [elEkhni]?
  [leazazEl] - [azAl]
  [zonA], [zanzOnet]
  [ziknA] Bath flood
  [kiblA] of [kabalA]
  mi of [takA] of [sakIn] of [be] of [ishA]?
  [lakEk] of [damA] mi [lAav]
  fogs - wombs, the penalties of [taAm] and it [mAvet]
  [Ine], [Ine]
  [ine] of [ze] of the mines
  [pAkhad] of [eynEy] of [osIris]
  le le [osiris] - [sirA]
  to [akhAlti] [gvinAt] of [nashIm]
  [lakhEn] of [levanAni]
  [kalatI] - [gmalatI]
  du of [givnatIt]
  mi of [kadIma] in mi of [akhOra]
  [shtey] of [levanOt] of [istIra]
  [ooo], [partsUf]
  [tsav] [tsaf] - [pitsUts]
  [be] [kinEret]
  [tEred], [mEred]
  to [uuuuuuuuuu]
  [rakAdtini], [rakAdtini]
  [rakhEm], [kadOsh] of [berukhO]
  - [shkhar] of [shikOr] of [rekhemEkh]
  [be] [shem] of Abba [ve] cad
  [be] [shem] of Abba [ve] of sym
  Ben [shel] of Abba
  Abba [shel] Ben
  sym [nitsEakh]
  cad [nitsEakh]
  sym [zerA] of [zEra]
  [shAkhar] of [alYa]
  [khOresh] of [kakhOl]
  [kharAsh] of [shamAym] of [be] if
  [milA] of [zerA] -
  [shibOlet] [altA]
  SUS of [okhEl] of the porridges
  [tsaalA] [leshamAim]
  [yaldA] [shibOlet] [partsufIm]
  cad - sym
  the khamsin
  [sAkhav] - [dAkhaf]
  [Giv]- atm(tech) and [sAkhav]
  [khorEsh] of [parvA]
  [khalAv] and of [khalavIn]
  cad - cad
  the khamsin
  [prag] - [sAkhav]
  [sAkhav] - [prag]
  [sAkhav] - [khamAt]
  [nod], [nof]
  [nifnUf] and of [parpAr]
  [be] [shem] cad of [ve] of sym
  [be] [shem] of [eloIm]
  [khOresh] of [ishlIkh] [yarEakh]
  le [akharEy] and [tkhElet]
  to [sham] of [eyn]
  [tselalIm] - [tselilIm]
  mi atm(abs.)?
  mi atm(abs.) of [bikhlAl]? atm(abs.)
  sieves, [kEshet], set, [KEos].
  mi atm(abs.), [KEos]?
  [ani] of [shofEt] mi of [shamAym]
  [midAt] of [metIm]
  [moznAim] of [zEra]
  [gOva] of [shamAym]
  [urIm] in [tumIm]
  [arIm] in [kfarIm]
  the basics of [ze] atm(abs.)…
  [she] mi of [lifnEy] of [mEa] of [shanA]
  le mi of [mEa] of [shanA]?
  mi atm(abs.), Ben [mea] of [shana]?
  that - [shalIt] of [shel] the spendthrift
  the totem
  the meta atom
  [atOn], [ekhnatOn]
  [tavEy] if the tone
  [eyn] of [tavIm]
  [eyn] of [tselilIm]
  [eyn] of [tselalIm]
  By [tov]- them
  [ekhn] of [atOn] [tav]- A
  [atOn] [tav]- A
  [eyn] of [tselalIm] of [be] of the summer
  [eyn] of [reshatOt] of [be] of the summer
  [eyn] of [keshatOt] of [be] of the summer
  that [niyA] of [atOt]
  [mAvet] metal
  the atom of [it]-[alEm]
  [nirdAm] of [meshurEr]
  [eyn] I will give
  [minzAr] of [nirdAm]
  the charge
  I will give
  to [sham]
  slope metal
  [tugAt] of [yonA]
  [betOkh] of [kEres] of [tolaIm]
  to [sham]
  [lavyatan] - [tolaAt] of [svuvA]
  [minzar] of [be] of [tokhA]
  [zman] and of [tolaAt] -
  [tslav] [kEres]
  turned sour [marA]
  the fogs of [neUm]
  [naAm] of [yonA] of le [levyatAn]:
  [be] of [zmanO] of [levyatAn] - [stiks]
  [levyatAn] there
  [midAt] of [raAm] - the pits
  [midat] of pits - [raAv]
  [nEsher] - [u] [kEshet] and [ilA]
  [orIm] - [zot] of [atkhalA]
  to [shtu] of [et] of [damI]
  [mitokh] and of [gronI]
  [gra] of Ali
  [be] of [gra] of Ali I will give
  [be] of [damI] - [gra] al
  [garOn] al
  Mazina the mountains of [be] of [mazOn]
  [elIl] of [mAtsri] of [kodkodOn]
  [sakIn] al of [gronOt] of [kvasIm]
  [tsaakA] of le [mekkA]
  [lekhemA] of [aniYa]
  [sarUf] of [khalYal]
  mA and, comet - [Ofek]
  [okhElni] Of [ayn] of the pairs
  lava - [bdil],
  [bdil] - [leavA]
  ouch - VA
  [tsAid] of [akharEy] [shem] of [pOal] of [erOm]
  the bankers' guarantee of [zeevA] of [shel] of rum
  [adAyn] [shotEket]
  [erOm] of the scythes of [shtiYa]
  [erOm] KUS of [ishA]
  [ovAlit] the ii
  [ovalAt] the river of [ratUv]
  [naAr] the Volga is the sword hilt of [kalAt]
  the feces
  the Volga - KUS
  the Volga - [ratUv]
  [kEren] of the mountains
  [or] of the Ra
  [amirAn] and of [gruzIni]-
  [arumAn] - [khOshekh] of [zoAri]
  [zOar] and of [ulYam]
  Peroun - [yorEsh] of [marIm]
  [pninAt] and of [shAkhar]
  to [eliYau] of [nisgAv]
  [arbA] al and [gav]
  b of [shvil] and of [shEmesh]
  [shavE] of le [mIshmish]
  [galgAl] and of [mIshmish]
  [shavE] of le [shEmesh]
  [tsaakAt] [yarEakh]
  [tsrakhAt] of [shEmesh]
  To [eshu]
  [ets] of [khaIm]
  le la [makhzikIm]
  [maym] in [shamAim]
  [adAyn] of [adukIm]
  [urIm] in [tumIm]
  I will give [Eshu] of [ve] I will give [enOsh]
  metal Ben - Abba [enOkh]
  [tsar] of [tokh] to [libEynu]
  [zman] of [nizrAm] of [khazarA]
  [zugI] of le [zugI]
  [osIris] la of [gil]
  [tsaIr] of [chichEn] - [itsA]
  Ben - [itkhayUt] of Abba
  Ben - [sirusO]
  Ben - [itavrutO]
  Ben [shel] of Abba
  Abba [shel] Ben
  the purpose of [tslaOt]
  is entire [tsraOt]
  [kkhol] of [shel] [tkhElet]
  [ve] to [eshu] of [shEled]
  [zman] - [khrOnos]
  Abel Ben
  Ben [reyk]
  here ends poem it is cedar, and I further give a little the theme of parallel sense, so sounds transfer with the perception his with those reading on Hebrew - the beginning of poem, part from the middle and finale… I will not say loudly - parallel poetry, poetry is unambiguously cedar, but I show to you that in my work with the transfer, as far as possible and understanding, I search for means, worthy of this poetry and those reflecting my desire to transfer it is cedar - I make this for you, more precise, for those of you, who finds in the poetry through. .[etiku],
  that makes us more ethical and east. .[etichnee].[shutka], of course, but those, who will want to read transfer from the transfer, they can see not naked text, but as was cooked picturesqueness with the transfer into another language and back to our…. in a word, this my experiment - transfer from the transfer, recurrent transfer in the Russian, can, this for the not first time in the poetry is done, but by for the first time one and the same [vlyublennym] into the text naive disinterested translator.
  al of [tikanEs] of le [beytI] ----------Do not enter into house my
  [ota] of [takhnIs] of [elAv] ---------------introduce it there
  by them [tikanes] of le to [beyti] -----------if you [voydesh]
  [iyE] of [raAv] ----------------------hunger do not bring
  by them [tikanes] of le Kahn --------------you [voydesh] here
  oh [ve]-[avOy] ---------------------oh to you
  [ve]-[avoy] of [iyE] of [leyOt]---------------and howl will be
  [ytsrakhU] of [kirOt] -------------------walls will howl
  [kirot] of [yodOt] of [liskhOt] -------------the flood of the wall of [sneset]
  [neenakhOt] -----------------------[vzdokhnet]
  [yaazOv] of [guf] Ben ------------------the son will leave body
  [ze] of [yerakhEl] the ale of [zot] ------------this gossip about that of [spletet]
  [binkhA], [gOva] of [kulA], --------------your son, entire his height
  [yten] of [ilA] -----------------------by God halo the overlap
  [alevAy] of [ve] of [rukhO] -----------------here its spirit
  le [kadOsh] of [berukhO] ----------------yes to the holy spirit
  [itEn] by [yom] -----------------------the day will give
  [iten] the din of [mazOn] -----------------it will give to the ear
  [dagAt] [kinEret] ------------------the small fish of lake [kineret]
  [leAn] atm(tech) of [sokhA]? ------------------where you [plyvesh]?
  mi to [ze], to [she] of [ikhshIl] of [sakIn] ---------who that the knife poked
  [begAv]. [maarAv]? -----------------in the back. the West?
  [leAn] atm(tech) [sorEdet]? ---------------where so kneading you [zhivesh]?
  le IS THAT -------------------------to [TOTU]
  mi to [ze] IS THAT? ---------------------who this THAT?
  to [uuu] - [zot] -----------------------it - THAT
  [shafAkh] of [lavAn] PAN ----------------it splashed linen yarn PAN
  [leeEn]!. [Aaaan]! -----------------flax! :. [an]!
  to [aAvti], to [amArti], ------------------he spoke, it loved,
  [lEnki]-[Anki] ---------------------[lenki] - [anki]
  [zrok]… of [zrok] --------------------throw with ..... throw
  [ooo], [moshE] -----------------------[ooo], to [moshe]
  [gavIsh] of [meshushE] -------------------six crystal faces
  [be] of [oznAy] atm(abs.) of [shush]-[mush] -----------in my ears you [shush] - [mush]
  the ruby of [shelI], [leAn]? ---------------ruby is my, where?
  [shush]-[mush] of [mizrAkha] ----------------[shush]- of [mush], to the east
  [nAkhal] of [be] Of [ozen] -----------------stream to the ear
  Shah - [khash] ----------------------the Shah -[khash]
  [daysA] of [shelI] ---------------------pap is my
  ouch - VA -------------------------ouch VA - (ode Arab)
  to [sham] - on -----------------------there - here
  [parUa]: [ISHTAR] ------------------to the sky: [ISHTAR]
  la [Ozen], [lamrOt]: ---------------in the ear, vice versa
  [ASHTAROT] ------------------------[ASHTAROT]
  [shmA], [shma] ------------------------you [uslysh], you [uslysh]
  [Ozen] - [uuuuuuu]------------------ear [uuuuuuu]
  [YESHU] ---------------------------[IISUS]
  [uu]- A ---------------------------[uu]- A
  [aa]- in ---------------------------[aa]- [u]
  (but here still one example to parallelism, poetry is cedar it dictates transcription not only into another language, but also to my - I am obligated to return the echo of transfer…
  I do not simplify cedar in other language,
  on the contrary, I try to raise that reading on other language to the level it is cedar, genetically thinking by [kosmoreligioznymi] concepts. it is obtained as it is obtained, I simply try.)
  [shAkhar] of [alYa] ----------------------dawn ascended
  [khOresh] of [kakhOl] -------------------the plow of the blue
  [kharAsh] of [shamAym] of [be] if -----------ploughed sky into the voice
  [milA] of [zarA] - --------------------word sowed
  [shibOlet] [altA] ------------------oats rose
  SUS of [okhEl] of the porridges ------------------horse ate the straw
  [tsaalA] [leshamAim] -----------------to the sky of [rzhal]
  [yaldA] [shibOlet] [partsufIm] ---------oats of erysipelas bore
  cad - sym ----------------------cad- sym
  the khamsin -------------------------khamsin (heat -[arb].)
  [sAkhav] [dAkhaf] --------------------the moss of [pobuzhden]
  [Giv]- atm(tech) and [sAkhav] -----------------the hill of the moss
  [khorEsh] of [parvA] --------------------the fur ploughs
  [khalAv] and of [khalavIn] ----------------milk of the soft roes
  cad - cad ----------------------cad- cad
  the khamsin -------------------------the khamsin
  [prag] - [sAkhav] -------------------poppy - moss
  [sakhav] - [prag] -------------------the moss- poppy
  [sakhav] - [khamAt] ------------------the moss- wineskin
  [nod], [nof] ----------------------the fur of water, cast a look
  [nifnUf] and of [parpAr] ----------------the stroke of the butterfly
  [peAr] ---------------------------the bull
  cad ----------------------------cad
  [be] [shem] cad of [ve] of sym --------------by the name of cad and [sima]
  [be] [shem] of [eloIm] -------------------in the god the name
  [khOresh] of [ishlIkh] [yarEakh] --------------month threw far away plow
  le [akharEy] and [tkhElet] -------------higher than blue
  to [sham] of [eyn] ------------------------there no
  [tselalIm] - [tselilIm] --------------shadows - sounds
  mi atm(abs.)? ------------------------who you?
  mi atm(abs.) of [bikhlAl]? atm(abs.)… of --------who you such? you…
  sieves, [kEshet], set, [kEos]. ------network, arch, set, chaos.
  mi atm(abs.), [keos]? -----------------who you, chaos?
  [ani] of [shofEt] mi of [shamAym] ------------I am the judge of the skies
  [midAt] of [metIm] --------------------the measure of the corpses
  [moznAim] of [zEra] -------------------the weights of the seed
  [gOva] of [shamAym] --------------------skies the height
  [urIm] in [tumIm] -------------------there is no [obzhalovanya]
  [arIm] in [kfarIm] ------------------city and [vesi]
  the basics of [ze] atm(abs.)… -------------------so this is you…
  [she] mi of [lifnEy] of [mEa] of [shanA] ----------who one hundred years ago
  le mi of [mEa] of [shanA]? ---------------to whom one hundred years?
  mi atm(abs.), Ben [mea] of [shana]? ----------who you, centenary?
  that - [shalIt] of [shel] the spendthrift -----------that - I guide death
  the totem --------------------------the totem
  the meta atom ----------------------the meta atom
  [atOn], [ekhnatOn] -----------------[aton], [ekhnaton]
  [tavEy] if the tone -----------------notes the tone
  [eyn] of [tavIm] ----------------------there are no notes
  [eyn] of [tselilIm] --------------------there are no sounds
  [eyn] of [tselalIm] --------------------there are no shadows
  By [tov]- them -------------------------we sink
  [ekhn] of [atOn] [tav]- A -----------------[ekhnaton] sank
  [atOn] [tav]- A ---------------------[aton] sank
  [eyn] of [tselalIm] of [be] of the summer ------------there are no shadows in the summer
  [eyn] of [reshatOt] of [be] of the summer ------------there are no networks in the summer
  [eyn] of [keshatOt] of [be] of the summer ------------there are no arches in the summer
  that [niyA] of [atOt] ------------------that became [atot]
  [mAvet] metal ----------------------death it died
  the atom of [it]-[alEm] -------------------atom disappeared
  [nirdAm] of [meshurEr] -----------------[dremlet] the poet
  [eyn] I will give ------------------------there is no blood
  [minzAr] of [nirdAm] ------------------monastery in [dreme]
  the charge ----------------------------the stranger
  I will give ----------------------------the blood
  to [sham] ----------------------------there
  slope metal -----------------------slope died
  [tugAt] of [yonA] ---------------------ions grief
  [betOkh] of [kEres] of [tolaIm] -------------inside the womb the worms
  [lavyatAn] -----------------------Chinese
  there ----------------------------it ended
  to [sham] ----------------------------there
  [shaOn] ---------------------------the hours
  [lavyatAn] - [tolaAt] of [svuvA] --------the Chinese- worm of the beaten
  [minzAr] of [be] of [tokhA] -----------------the monastery of the interior
  [zman] and of [tolaAt] - ----------------worm time -
  [kEres] --------------------------the belly
  [tslav] [kEres] ---------------------the swastika
  [merirUt] ------------------------the bitterness
  turned sour [marA] -----------------------the bile
  the fogs of [neUm] -----------------------the speech is bitter
  [naAm] of [yonA] of le [levyatAn]: ---------the rivers of ion to the whale:
  [be] of [zmanO] of [levyatAn] - [stiks] ------during it Chinese -[stiks]
  [levyatAn] there -------------------it ended by the Chinese
  [midAt] of [raAm] - the pits ----------------sea - measure of the thunder
  [midat] of pits - [raAv] ----------------the measure of sea the hunger
  [nEsher] - [u] [kEshet] and [ilA] ----------the eagle- rainbow of the halo
  [orIm] - [zot] of [atkhalA] --------------light is this beginning
  to [shtu] of [et] of [damI] --------------------drink the blood my
  mi and of [gronI] ---------------------from the throat of my
  [gra] of Ali ------------------------[gra] of the Alni
  [be] of [gra] of Ali I will give -----------------in [gra] to [ale] the blood
  [be] of [damI] - [gra] al --------------in the blood in [mya]- of [gra] al
  Mazina the mountains of [bemazOn] --------------it feeds, it will feed the mountains
  [elIl] of [mAtsri] of [kodkodOn] -------Egypt [gorniy] the god
  [sakIn] al of [gronOt] of [kvasIm] ----knife in the [agniikh] throats
  [tsrakhA] of le [mekkA] -------------to Mecca the howl
  [lekhamA] of [aniYa] ----------------[khlebushek] of the poor
  [sarUf] of [khalYal] ---------------space of [ispepelen]
  mA of the ii, comet - [Ofek] -------comet- it is the horizon
  [okhElni] Of [ayn] of the pairs ------------I eat the eye of the bull
  lava - [bdil], --------------lava- tin
  [bdil] - [leavA] --------------tin tongue of flame
  ouch - VA --------------------about yes (Arabian.)
  [tsAid] of [akharEy] [shem] of [pOal] of [erOm] ---hunting for the verb of the goal
  the bankers' guarantee of [zeevA] of [shel] of rum --------but Rome the she-wolf
  [adAyn] [shotEket] ----------------however, it keeps silent
  [amen] -------------------------amen
  [erOm] of the scythes of [shtiYa] ----------------goal is the container
  [erOm] KUS of [ishA] -----------------goal sheath [zhenino]
  [ovAlit] the ii --------------------it is oval
  [ovalAt] the river of [ratUv] ------------passage in the flood is moist
  [naAr] the Volga is the sword hilt of [kalAt] --------Volga accepted zero
  [kalA] -------------------------the bride
  the west ------------------------the vestal
  [VALGALA] ---------------------Valhalla
  the Volga - KUS ------------------the Volga is the sheath
  the Volga - [ratUv] ----------------the Volga is moist
  [kEren] of the mountains --------------------Mountain is the horn
  [or] of the Ra ------------------------the light of the Ra
  [amirAn] and of [gruzIni]- ------------the Georgian of [amiran] -
  [arumAn] - [khOshekh] of [zoAri] ---------the dark of [zoroastra] of [aruman]
  [zOar] and of [ulYam] ------------------peace to [siyane]
  Peroun - [yoresh] of [marIm] ----------Peroun is the heir of the fleece
  [pninAt] and of [shAkhar] ---------------dawn the pearl
   and still an example - finale of the poem:
  Daedalus [it]-[yapEakh] ------------Daedalus sobbed
  Icarus gasped [tsOa] of the penalties ----------Icarus [khladnyy] cal. ate
  [enokh] of [neenAkh] ----------------[enokh] sighed
  to [eliYau] of [nisgAv] of [akharAv]---------[iliya] of [voznesen] to [odesne]
  [arba] al and [gav] -------------[arba] on the spin
  [be] of [shvil] and you [shEmesh] ----------on [soln]… to the [echnomu] way
  [khirukEy] of [galgalIm]-----------the squeak of the wheels
  [shEmesh] of [ve] of [levanOt] -----------the sun and the moons
  [tsaakAt] [yarEakh] ---------------month the cry
  [tsrakhAt] of [shEmesh] ---------------the sun the howl
  [ooooooooooooy] --------------[ooooooooooooooy]
  [traaaakh] --------------------[traaaaakh]
  [melukhlAkh] -------------------mud
  [eshkOl] ---------------------the cluster
  [shkhol] ----------------------grief
  you [esh] ------------------------[ogn]
  [masmEr] ---------------------the nail
  [niftsOts] ---------------------the crack
  [kharikA] ---------------------the crunch
  [Etsem] -----------------------the bone
  To [eshu] --------------------------[Iisus]
  [tslav] -------------------------the cross
  [lavlAv] -----------------------the spleen
  bodice by them [khOmets] ----------------sponge with the vinegar
  le [sfatAim]. .[taIm] -------------into the lips they thrust. .[vkusno]
  [kekhulOt] ----------------------dark-blue
  [tevarEkhni] --------------------the autumn of [mya]
  [ets] of [khaIm] ----------------------the pole of roll the tori
  le la [makhzikIm] ---------------that, who holds it
  [maym] in [shamAim] ----------------water and the sky
  [adAyn] of [adukIm] -----------------it is still indivisible
  [briYa] -------------------------the creation
  [gurIla] -----------------------the gorilla
  [urIm] in [tumIm] -----------------sentence is final
  [ioshnIm] -----------------------we sleep
  [be] I will give [eshu] of [ve] I will give [enOsh] -------in the blood of Christ's and human
  [metIm] of [banIm] of [tokh] of [avOt] ---------sons die in the fathers
  [tsar] of [tokh] to [libEynu] --------------grief in the hearts
  [zman] of [nizrAm] of [khazarA] -----------backwards the time of [techet]
  [zugI] of le [zugI] -----------------odd number and the even number
  [osIris] la of [gil] ---------------[oziris] is not young
  [tsair] of [chichEn] - [itsa] -------------it is young - [chichen] - [itsa]
  Ben - [itkhayUt] of Abba ------------son - brutality of the father
  Ben - [sirusO] -----------------about son - father [oskoplenie]
  Ben - [itavrutO] ---------------about son - father the blinding
  Ben [shel] of Abba -----------------about the son of the father
  Abba [shel] Ben -----------------the father of the son
  the purpose of [tslaOt] -------------------the shadow of the edge
  is entire [tsraOt] -------------------the edge of the wasps
  [kkhol] of [shel] [tkhElet] ------------blue the dark blue
  [ve] to [eshu] of [shEled] -----------------[iisusa] the skeleton
  [zman] of [khrOnos] of [okhEl] ------------[khronos] time eats
  Abel Ben --------------------the mourning of the son
  [reyk] Ben ---------------------the son is empty
  [amen] -------------------------amen
  љ Copyright: Felix Greenberg, 2008 evidence about the publication Of љ1804083090
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