You, The-Holly-One-Above

You, The Mighty One above, The One who blows the winds from four directions, who raises the Sun and breathes  oceans!
You've created the Universe and all the living beings on Earth I walk upon.
You made me think, feel, suffer and enjoy. You made me see and delight all the Beauty and feel Bitterness of all the nasty things.
It is your craft that I am. Whatever you want me to engage I do, since that is your Sacred Will which I name my Destiny.

Thank you for every day of my life, Wakan Tanka, The Great Spirit!
Thank you for letting me live, The Mighty One!
Thank you, Conkashila...


You, The-Holly-One-Above! You, who dwells in blues of night!
Hear the voice of son beloved.And accept my anxious cry.
Now my voice is on the smoke curling up into the Sky.
Hear me, Father, as I talk! Lead my life or let me die.
Let me know your sacred will. Let me know the script of life.
Please enlight the thoughts of mine you, The-Holly-One-Above.

I have roamed about the land, swum across the roaring seas,
Have parleyed belligerents and engaged to settle peace,
Tried to seize the heat of rage, tried to stop the blood-shed deeds.
But I failed to save the braves those now sleeping underneath.
Smokes of Death took them away wrapped with bloodily spotted clothes.
There’s no glory of the day. They’re the shadows of the ghosts.

You, The-Holly-One-Above! You, who showers heavy  rains!
Switch the Grief to Smiles of Love and Enchantment of the days.
Fill the hearts with light of Will. Fill the souls with Wiseman call.
That's a simple man’s appeal and commitment  for the role.
Make me strong and make me brave so that I could move along
You, the Holly-One above, lead me through my days in Love.

На это произведение написано 5 рецензий, здесь отображается последняя, остальные - в полном списке.

В субботу 22 февраля состоится мероприятие загородного литературного клуба в Подмосковье в отеле «Малаховский дворец». Запланированы семинары известных поэтов, гала-ужин с концертной программой.  Подробнее →