Gammas of the bodies of hamlet



Gammas of the bodies of Hamlet,


New Hamlet

Part 1

Shakespeare is render harmlessed in a radius of the foil

inserted at random through the curtain of the sense

Sense begins from the scoundrel

scoundrel is lined to three segments

repeating the trajectory of two foils

Foil of Hamlet - foil Of [laerta]

Hamlet: Protect!

It forms in air of [makhaon]

[Laert]: Protect, prince!

The letter of the tires is formed in air

or three segments,

[predoshchushchaya] battle for the crown

or Shakespeare's name

in the writing by the cyrillic alphabet

Three blades into tele- Klavdiy -

[Laerta] -

Polonium -


[Laert] it dies killing

Hamlet it kills dying

to the Further-w-w-w-w-w- neck

the [Tish]-w-w-w-w-w- tire

Sh-w-w-w-w- Shakespeare

Sh I N the crown

astral is thawed of Hamlet

Isn't that true, by sounding it is similar to the cloud

by tracing to the camel

where two humps

one - to be, but another - not to be

Still there is a body in the form of Hamlet

beheaded in England

Still are a body of Hamlet in the form the Ophelias

There is another body of Ophelias in the form Hamlet

There are still several dual bodies

connected by the inserted sword

There is even fan-shaped


body - book

where only word - word - word -

And finally there is the most dear body

consisting of the silence

The gammas of the bodies of Hamlet - this is the silence of the keys

Music of the silence of the keys:

Tires Of [shta] of the tires

[Shta] of the tires Of [shta]

Keyboard of the flute:







Flute played the role of Hamlet

and it died in the finale on the upper of [fa]

Ophelia - this is the flute:








Being decomposed

it sang the songs

about the robin

about the bride deceived by the fiance

about the rue

about the mint

about the wild honey

flute swimming away on the water

flute sinking in the stream

flute buried by Hamlet and [Laertom]

- Whom you do bury?

- Flute!

Henbane - Shakespeare's poison poured into the ear

and ear - echo - oh - e - oh - [ua]

poison flows from the ear into the ear

ah - in and the ear

Hamlet and Ophelia search for each other

as words in the crosswords

That whether Hamlet plays by the flute

roofings flute plays by Hamlet

F leu - that of Hamlet

Hamlet is the leu of [fley]-






to be




But here Ophelia will swim after the lily

Ophelia lily l or - I

Trajectory of the sword of Hamlet

on the way to the womb of polonium

Nesterov's corkscrew anticipates

or the drawing of the railroad

Moscow - Petersburg

Together with Hamlet they form E (there is)

Polonium itself by its obscure

by outlines behind the screen -

balloon “Hindenburg” at the moment of explosion - about (it)

Itself Hamlet

with the spread wide hands

is similar to the airplane “Maxim Gor'kiy”

at the moment of drop X ([Kher])

Korolev Gertrude as the Eiffel Tower

entire in lace L (people)

Hamlet with the sword in polonium

(not in Poland, but in the stomach) through the curtain Zh (stomach)

Together they - E ABOUT X L Zh

It is [Kher] people the life

this is scene 1.

Scene 2.


Ophelia entered by letter A

Villages by letter [v]

Hamlet lay near its feet letter B

It came out by A in B

Or the basics conduct the beeches

I know the wisdom

Scene 3.


Hamlet took the skull Of [yorika] by letter [u]

Poor [Yorik]

- In in

In [u]


Scene 4.


Ophelia was stretched to the inclined willow by letter [s] (word)

It fell into the stream by letter T (solidly)

It became to sink letter [u] ([Uk])

It came out WITH T [u]

Scene 5.


Refer in the duel - foils were scraped


[Laert] carried above Hamlet the fatal blade


Hamlet knocks out foil from the hands Of [laerta]


It came out

X Y [U]

Now entire scene in the motion



X Y [U]


Y X [U]

Scene 1 E ABOUT X L Zh

Scene it is 2nd A in B

Scene 3rd Zh E

Scene 4 WITH T [u]

Scene is 5th IKS - Y - the iotas

New Hamlet



There is it cherub people the life

I indeed god already word am solid


Word cross indicated IKS it learned I


it is formed by the crossing of two foils

or by multiplication by each other

to be or not to be = X

to be [/] [perecherkivaet] not to be [/] = X

IKS Of [yorika] and IKS-Y- iotas of Hamlet

Conversation of the skull Of [yorika] with the skull of Hamlet

Skull Of [yorika]:

Poor Hamlet

I held you on the hands

you played with me and laughed

but where these lips will disappear

after the duel

still recently whispered

to be or not to be

Skull of Hamlet:

Poor [Yorik]…

that bi about the notes of [tubi]

[ib] of [ut] tone against [ib] of [ut]

Astral body of Hamlet -

this is the Sevres porcelain

or X -

two lattice-type foils

Astral body Polonium- Klavdiy

it is similar to the Scottish bagpipe

with two furs

or to the letter the omega

Elsinor - note of SI

entire tragedy of the dark-blue color

To-about- about -[alneyshee] - the silence

Scene 6


(it could or still)

Grave-digger digging grave by letter M

dust ejects outside by letter G


According to the evidence criticism To [rou]

living in the times Shakespeare

the spectre of Hamlet- father -

the best role of Shakespeare himself

means - Shakespeare - the father of Hamlet

or the shadow of the father

Astral body of Shakespeare - king

“in the armors, with the beard as silvery sable,

with pale face”

Prayer of Hamlet -

Ophelia - nymph - the flute

“Are blessed those, in whom the blood and the judgment

it is so connected, that they are not the flute

in the hands of the fortune, which takes that note,

which it will want”.

In the gamma the salt is not sufficient note

it in the tears of Ophelias.

Song of Ophelias:

“Haigh are noy of Haigh's [nonni]

Down - e - Down

e - Down - e”

Wreaths of Ophelias:

daisy, nettle,

the flowers in the form of long purple it is finger

daisy, nettle, daisy, the nettle

the flowers in the form of long purple it is finger

together with the willow it will swim on the water

branches dropping

it sinks in purple

it sinks in the white

Viennese will swim

repeating the monogram of Ophelias

About [o]

Ophelia - nymph - the flute of fortune - [fa]

Hamlet after death

After death Hamlet entered into Ophelia

as respiration it enters into the flute

as the note of SI becomes note [fa]

SI - ink raincoat of Hamlet

[Fa] - whiteness of Ophelias

Violet raincoat on the white fop -

this Hamlet in to the coffin of Ophelias

Raincoat and fop - these are SI and [fa]


Cup of Hamlet - goblet with the poison

“Yes passes me cup this”

foils/\ there were scraped

forming the name of Christ - X

or cup with the wine and the poison \/

Ink raincoat of Hamlet

the lunar shadow of Christ

In cup- Hamlet Christ's blood

with the dissolved poison

“Accept, you [yadite]”

and into the cup- poison

Chronicle item of death:

Hamlet- elder is killed by Klavdiy

Klavdiy is killed by Hamlet

Korolev Gertrude is killed by the poison of Klavdiy

Hamlet is killed by the foil Of [laerta] and by the poison of Klavdiy

Polonium is killed by Hamlet

Rosenkrantz and [Gildenstern] are beheaded on the order of Klavdiy and Hamlet

Ophelia is killed by stream and willow

Hamlet killed:

Rosenkrantz and [Gildensterna]

Polonium, Klavdiy and [Laerta]

Klavdiy killed:

Gertrude, Hamlet- father, the Hamlet- son

[Laert] killed:

Hamlet and [Laerta]

Brother killed the brother

its wife

the wife of the brother

Nephew killed the uncle

Uncle killed the nephew

Three secrets

Secret of Hamlet- father and Shakespeare

They would eat Hamlet it learned,

in it the hair-do, as needles in porcupine, would rear up.

Secret of Hamlet:

Silence, which passes into the silence

Secret of Ophelias:

Down - e - Down

e - Down - e

Castling of Hamlet- father with Klavdiy:

Klavdiy becomes king instead of the king

and by husband instead of the husband

Castling of Hamlet with Rosenkrantz and [Gildensternom]:

after debarkation on the English shore

both are beheaded instead of Hamlet

Castling of Hamlet with the queen:

instead of Hamlet cup with the poison

queen Gertrude drinks

Castling of Hamlet with Ophelia:

instead of Hamlet,

swimming away to the loss into England,

Ophelia swims away and sinks

Castling of Hamlet with [Fortinbrasom]:

instead of Hamlet by the king of Denmark

becomes [Fortinbras]

Shakespeare's castling with the spectre

Castling of the author with the actor -

Shakespeare with the spectre

Horse walks by letter G

forming the name of Hamlet

The pattern of chess motions forms the labyrinth of Elsinor


Elsinor it is built thus

that entering - you leave

and leaving - you enter

Lock leaves to the sea thus

that the sea is always in the lock

the only method of motion in Elsinor -

this to stand motionlessly

After rushing after the spectre,

Hamlet could sink or fall down from the steep slope

Guard in Elsinor he does not know output and does not see the entrance

Ship moors directly to the grave of Ophelias

cemetery- pier is located inside the lock

It seems all that they once will sail

in reality ship never left the lock

When they indicate that [Fortinbras] arrived from Norway,

and Hamlet swam away into England,

this does not mean that they left the limits of lock.

One part of Elsinor - England

another - Norway

the fourth - Poland


It is unknown, in which place ends the scene and where it begins

Actors had long ago been mixed with the spectators

and no one knows, where they play, where they kill

Thus far Hamlet plays Hamlet, and Shakespeare Shakespeare

it is possible that Hamlet in England is beheaded

and the actor played the return to Denmark

But perhaps actor depicted the departure of Hamlet

and real Hamlet did not leave

Hamlet- father played rather well his shadow

and Hamlet- prince - trick [Goratsio]

of the played Hamlet on the scene student theater


- Read monologue, please you because I you him it read.

The theater of Hamlet so had long ago been settled in Elsinor

that all actors have long ago become the princes

and many princes, as Hamlet, became actors.

- Where polonium?

- At supper. But it, where does not eat, but where they eat it.

This is key to the play

- Where Hamlet?

- On the scene. But not on that scene, where it plays, but where they play it.


No one knows, is there Elsinor

or this is the complex system of the mirrors

Especially as on the spot, where allegedly stood lock,

there is nothing, besides the stone, placed very recently

The same system of mirrors, that created the spectre of father,

it created entire Elsinor

This stage method is known to all:

spectre in armor passed through to the guard

and no one not the reserve

Hamlet rushed following the spectre

- Is more careful, prince, you will not fall down in the sea!

It was possible to step to the mirage of wall or tower and to fall through into the abyss

Was such death of Ophelias?

Stringing Viennese to the branch of willow, inclined above the stream

it stepped to the branch

but branch broke off

In reality branch was not broken -

this was the mirage of the willow

Ophelia fell into the stream, after stepping to the mirage of the branch of the willow

However, most likely there was no stream

and there was the mirror effect

About this read in the text:

The willow obliquely grows above the stream,

which reflects its leaves

in the specular flow

Ophelia sang, until her clothing was heavy from the water

and it did not drag unhappy from the melody of the song

to the shadow of death

It is clearly said:

From the melody to the shadow

and [netki] and dol. I eat that

Songs canopy is the shadow

Fight in the grave

In the grave of Ophelias there was the fight Of [laerta] with Hamlet

Hamlet accepted grave after the marriage bed

[vzrevnoval] Of [laerta] to Ophelia

it shouted, which loves it 40 000 times more

than brother [Laert], namely

“as 40 000 brothers”

If Hamlet loved Ophelia

as 40 brothers

or as 4 brothers

perhaps this it is small?

No, it loved it

as 40 000 brothers.

And it lies behind this

one additional secret.

I suspect, that the grave of Ophelias was specular

But this means that along the sides were reflected 4 Hamlet even 4 [Laerta]

[Otrazhene] passing in [otrazhene]

it gives 40 000 reflections

or 40 000 [reinkarnatsiy]

the composing fan astral bodies

10 to degree of 40- the maximum radius of the peace

ten to the degree - 40 - a minimum radius of the microcosm

A radius of the electron is accepted as one

40 000 brothers - radius of the united astral body of the prince

where as one is accepted one to take [Laert].

Fight in the grave - unit of the Trojan battle

But Trojan battle grows to the skies


“Now you pile up dust on the living and the corpses,

thus far this valley will not become higher than [Peliona] mountain

and [podnebesnee] of the head of Olympus”.

Is such an astral radius of the bodies Of [laerta]

It higher than [Peliona] and is somewhat higher than Olympus

But Hamlet recalls, that besides Olympus and [Peliona].

there is the higher mountain Of [ossa]

on which nest the gods.


“I of times you argue about mountains,

let millions of acres of the earth fill up us,

thus far our sepulchral hill will not singe its head

on the ardent sphere of skies,

and thus far in comparison with it [Ossa] will not seem by welding dribble”.

Valley overgrows into the mountain,

grave grows to the ardent sphere of skies.

Ardent sphere is located, where the sun.

The sun - flame, in which are cleaned the souls.

the Hamlet- father:

“I - the spirit of your father, doomed to the specific period to wander at night,

and during the day forced to be fasted in the flame,

all infamous crimes will not be thus far burnt and purified,

perfected by me in the terrestrial life”.

Astral body of Hamlet higher than [Ossy], that reaches the sun,

and the astral body Of [laerta] is higher than Olympus, that reaches only the skies,

they battle in the grave of Ophelias.

40 000 Hamlet were engaged in [Laerta] throat

40 000 [Laertov] were engaged in Hamlet

40 000 blades and the foils Of [laerta]

40 000 blades and the foils of Hamlet

they were scraped by light beams

In the hour of duel the grave of Ophelias became the sky

where Ophelia - the moist star- moon

it is wrapped by the shining shroud from the foils and the blades.

Three mountains, where the antique gods live:

Hamlet - [Ossa]

Ophelia - Olympus

[Laert] - [Pelion]

they were accomodated in one grave

where on the bottom itself it [ugnezdilas] dividing into three

hinting at three mountains.

But even in the space, by the indistinguishable eye

the duel of Hector with [Akhillesom]

it passes into the duel of Hamlet and [Laerta]

This can be seen in the specular panel Of [akhillesa]

where the sun walks in the circle, the moon will sail

and ocean roars beyond the limits Of [troi]

where two mirror reflection are encountered:

Dividing into three Elsinor

Ophelia and Helen

But at night in the same circle

the spectre of the Hamlet- father ferments

in the armors from [Akhillesa]

Achilles runs after Hector, sun and moon around [Troi]

and lunar tortoise in front crawls.

Never Achilles will overtake the tortoise

this battle never will end

Tortoise - moon, the specular panel

which in front of itself bears Achilles.

Hamlet celebrates the holiday of the bodies

Long ago already there is no his body

Laughs the skull Of [yorika]

above the skull of Hamlet

But Hamlet became the flute

he plays himself

blowing out

no longer existing lips

the inaudible melody

the invisible body

Melody of the flute of Hamlet,

or New Of hamlet


[to] E ABOUT X L Zh

[Re] A in B

[mi] WITH T [u]

[[fa]] Y X [u]


[salt] Zh L X rel.un.

[[lya]] B in A

[SI] IN T [s]

[to] X Y [u]


[to] ABOUT L E X Zh


[[lya]] [S] in T

[salt] IN Y X


[[fa]] X E L Zh [o]

[mi] A in B

[Re] T [u] [s]

[to] Y in X

Two versions rehearse:

first each column from to [fa],

then all columns in a row.



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