Face with the face not enemies

Constantine [Kedrov]
“Face with the face not enemies…”
From the book of fates. Constantine [Kedrov] was born in 1942 in Rybinsk city. Poet, philosopher, the candidate of philological sciences, the doctor of philosophical sciences, the member of the union of the writers of Moscow, the member of Russian Foam- club. At the beginning of the 80th it created the school of [metametafory]. Poetry is cedar it was not published until 1989. It worked in the department of the Russian literature of literary institute. In 1986 they removed it on the requirement the KGB from the teaching. In the eightieth years of cedars - author and leading television curricula, essay on the different themes. In 1989 it published the monograph “poetic space” with the account of the theory of [metakoda] and [metametafory].

In 1996 cedars it protected doctoral dissertation. Participant in the festivals of international poetic advance guard in Finland and in France.

From 1991 through 1997 - Constantine [Kedrov] worked as the literary reviewer of the newspaper “Izvestiya”. Since 1997 on 2003- y - literary reviewer “new Izvestia”. Since 1995 - the editor in chief of the publication “periodical of poets”, since 2001 - the dean of the academy of poets and philosophers of the university Natalia Nesterova. According to the recommendation Heinrich [Sapgira] Constantine [Kedrov] it is selected by the President of the association of the poets of Russia, UNESCO ([FIPA]).

… Constantine [Kedrov] affirmed his sovereignty, when our people [vitii] still and did not think. The period of stagnation fully authoritative was held on the Kremlin old men, and poet already managed to open internal freedom, and it proved to be in no way not less the entire surrounding world. It opened for itself the secret of internal and external, word and event, which is transient and eternal - it opened the formula of their flickering unity… It took and jumped out from the three-dimensional space together with the fourth coordinate, named time, it learned be moved to freely through all systems of universe along the axis intra-from without. It preferred that extended to the locked peace of individual poetry: not the glove of poetry on the hand of poet, but inverted - to measure space.

I do not undertake to conduct the boundary (boundary- that cedars it does not give) between its takeoffs, soothsayings and self-delusion, offscale reading, catching of verbal [kayfa]. Main thing in it - infectious will, the cancellation of supports; he in the oceanic thickness of culture feels as fish in the water, moreover, by flying fish it easily intersects interface.

Constantine [Kedrov] is more than himself. In the verses whether, the articles or the lectures he, first of all, gives the generous scatterings of freedom, surprising mutuallys-reflection, becoming in something similar to Velimir Khlebnikov, who obtained gold-bearing ore for the future jewelers. There are creative personalities of phenomenal property. It seems me, [K].[Kedrov] much more strongly it acts on the young generation of poets, than to the readers. However, criticisms it is simple in the dropping - in their arsenal there is no necessary criterion: here something immeasurable and excessive. Its not without reason bright causing book “poetic space” (1989) is encountered by the friendly silence of both the leftists and the right. As if Don Quixote passed between two quarrelling camps, he passed, without looking along the sides, after fixing the charmed look to the stars, to one to it seen in broad daylight.

Constantine [Kedrov] at the end the seventieth years was in the literature one of the agents of spiritual emancipation, was, by the way, it was used and as springboard - from it “were repelled” [Parshchikov], Yeremenko comrades, they took off to the pages of press of earlier than their inciter. Therefore, to my happiness, in connection with the output “of the computer of love” - the collector of the selected poems and poems of Constantine [Kedrov] (M., artistic. lit., 1990) is mixed the aftertaste of the bitterness: this “train” arrived with the delay, public on the platform had time to satiate by the surprising encounters, and in addition its attention is removed by anxiety, cries of those holding meetings, that require the resignation of government. In the society took place the breakthrough to political freedom of speech, but in this case - alas! - it proved to be unprepared to the artistic pluralism: not surprising that for the change to verses for Stalin arrived the verses against, but as you will order to understand: “space - this is the expanded horse, cat - these are the tomcats of space”, while “person - this is the wrong side of sky, sky - these are the wrong side of man” and the like? What this? Idle amusements or “verbal adventures” according to the expression Of [nabokova]? Recovery to “the slap to public taste”?

How much not was “overlaps in Constantine Cedar (but it now and then and purposely it [epatiruet]), and amber on the shore - here it! Said “never I will approach you nearer than flower it approaches the sun” - this poet, since only poet can open means and destroy the astronomical distance between the flower and the sun. I am convinced that only the poet can write: “state border lies inside… between the right thigh and the left lung”, “is alien cheek separately from the kiss, arrived kiss separately from the lips”, “hawk acts as mold curve - it cuts out all sky, I cut out always…”
Execution and treasury these are is two immense reigns

these are the special property of time is named name “irreversibility”…

If executions will not be

there is discipline

since execution is impossible without discipline

although discipline is execution.

Let the poet increase the production of melancholy

commandment they began - to fasten discipline of the execution

The world execution so grows

disciplined measured off

painted as coffin into [marengo]

and mowing to the side…

So [Polezhaev] and Taras Shevchenko

two comrades two soldiers

they served time service

and they slipped away into the eternity.

Eternity this

the undisciplined time
                (“Execution”, 1983)
On the eyes of our collapsed the monstrous rationalism, that, about which it was written in the day of Mayakovskiy's burials: “Deceased was the singer of revolutionary RATIONALITY. Let us bury it as materialist, as dialectics, as marxist… [Razolem] its memory as cast iron, on the cups of proletarian hearts and crania”.

But what is to be done with the dragon-fly? Constantine [Kedrov] felt Mayakovskiy OTHERWISE, saw poet, ready to sew to himself yellow [koftu] of three arshins of sunset.

The receipt, which I obtained,

It blazes by sunset,

he writes cedars in the poem “OF [DOOS]”, it is, where said that “the unchecked blood conversely does not start”. But what is [DOOS]? If you please, you will memorize: The volunteer association of the protection of dragon-flies.

I do not want cast iron on the cups of hearts. I from it infinitely got tired. Let chirr the dragon-flies with the eyes of [inoplanetyan].
Cyril [Kovaldzhi]

(Fragment of article in the periodical [Yunost], 1990)


