Cedars Constantine. Poetic space. page 1 of 41

“starry alphabet”
Velimir Khlebnikov it agrees with the space band of alphabet in “the keys
Sea-scapes " S. Esenin, here - outputs into the poetic universe Of [a]. [Blok] and Andrey
White. Even mysterious cosmology “of the black holes” found its reflection in
to literature.
In the book is presented the theory of [metakoda] and it is described about the appearance of [metametafory]
in the contemporary poetry.



If we glance the night celestial sphere by view, we will prove to be in the familiar to us [s]
childhood the peace of magic fairy tale. Skips on the Pegasus - [Sivke]- cloak Ivan- tsarevich -
month, braids constellation the hair of Veronica [Dev] - Barbara -[krasa] long
scythe, it [Loreleya] in Germans and golden-haired [Altynchech] in Turkish peoples;
revolves around the Pole star - Yagi, Ursa Minor - cottage on the hen
legs, shines the crystal casket of the constellation of Cepheus - [Koshcheya]. But next the constellation
Of Cassiopeia, it is more similar to the inverted letter and to Latin W (double -[ve]).
By the way, Mir in Russian and WELT in German they begin from this sign W.
Cassiopeia - symbol of motherhood, from its breast elapses starry [mleko],
feeding the universe. Specifically, is so depicted it on the picture “the creation
The Milky Way ".
Cassiopeia is distinctly visible before the sky in the means of the Mother of God Of [oranty] and [Paraskevy]
Fridays. It is similar to the human figure, which stretched out hands in
blessings, which distinctly was preserved in the iconography. Furthermore, it
[Rozhanitsa], which gives birth to stars, sky and entire universe, and the mother of peace in
the ancient Indian pantheon of gods. [N]. [Rerikh] depicted it in the traditional pose
[blagoslovleniya] - hands, stretched out to the right and to the left, __
Certainly, to dream is possible as much as desired. But it is in reality actually
whether the names of fairytale heroes do correspond to the customary names of constellations?
But before answering this question, let us be transferred into the beginning of century…
There is a ancient legend, that from the depth
1 [E]. Levitan and [N]. [Mamun] in the article “constellations, which are not” (“science and life”,
1985, ¹ 12) cite the curious data about the Christian starry symbolism. In
by it constellation it is it is designated by name “apostle Peter”, they are substituted and
other names: the constellation of fishes to apostle [Matfeya], constellation of Andromeda - on
Coffin Of [gospoden], [sovezdie] of Cassiopeia - on Maria Magdalena.

dark well it is possible to in the daytime see the celestial sphere. Many attempted into our
time to verify, is reliable this. Alas, no one saw star with the light
And nevertheless I believe that the ancient rumor does not lie. It can be, besides the well
is necessary one additional important condition - skill to look and to see.
The camera of the Schlisselberg fortress, where prisoner sat for life
astronomer - Narodovolets [N]. [A]. Morozov, it was similar to the rock well. After
by the lattice of the small prison window of sky it is not evident. Then before the mental
by the look of prisoner all constellations were passed within their period as ordered sequence. They died
from scurvy many neighbors on the cameras, foot of Morozov [raspukhli], steel as buckets,
but the miracle occurred: in spite of scurvy and tuberculosis, it survived. After leaving the prison
and having again fallen into it for the collection of the verses “starry songs”, scientist nevertheless found
finally freedom. It lived until the [devyanostoletnego] age.
However, what did occur then in the Schlisselberg fortress? They did not give to prisoners
no books, except bible. Reading texts familiar from the childhood, [N]. [A]. Morozov
clearly he saw, as in the canvas of customary subjects the outline of the starry appears
sky. It became sudden clearly: all basic biblical means symbolically
real astronomical events imprinted.
Men of phenomenal visual memory, by the aggravated and developed years
long imprisonment, it saw with own eyes those starry displacements, which
they were reflected in the biblical texts. The books “Christ”, “prophets”, “revelation in
to thunderstorm and to borax " imprinted its astronomical enlightenment. Here they were connected
together astronomy, linguistics, history of literature, history. But it was said
the humanitarian nonprofessionalism of important scientist. Correctly distinguishing in
many biblical subjects “encoded” figure of the celestial sphere, n. a.
Morozov absolutized his discovery so, that actually entire
the artistic, historical, philosophical and religious sense of texts brought together [k]
astronomy. Absorbed by search, it did not distinguish the semantic lamination
artistic text and it was in this respect similar to Schliemann, whom, not
being archaeologist, it broke through to three, pitilessly destroying the layers of other cultures
and civilizations.
It repeated another error of Schliemann. It is known that the original discoverer counted
[Troey] other, later bedding above the ancient city; so n. a.
Morozov moved entire dating of ancient texts by whole half of the millenium
it is nearer to our time. To be strengthened in its error to scientist was
it is not difficult. The figure of the celestial sphere little changed within 1.5-2 millenia.
Counting can be begun from any epoch. Old testament and Evangelical events it
it considered as the fabrication of the astrologers of later times.
Unfortunately, precisely, this error in many respects discredited its transactions.
They were devoted to the undeserved oblivion; but, as this now and then is in the history
science, discovery it was repeated anew half a century later.
Paradox consists in the fact that the confirmation of scientific value of the new method
N.A. Morozov it is alien from archaeology - exactly of that region, which most
it was fully by it ignored. Astronomer declared those existing or, it is more accurate,
never existed of the civilization of ancient Egypt, ancient israelites and
Babylon and even antiquity, conducting counting from the epoch of revival as the beginnings
Meanwhile precisely archaelogical excavations in the biblical countries, where, on
to the assertion Of [n]. [A]. Morozov, it was not and it could not be high culture and
civilizations, confirmed the correctness of its astronomical reading.
According to gospel, the Christ was they [raspyat] on Friday in April thirty three years
never. In the gospel it is discussed the eclipse, which was achieved during the day of crucifix and
death. Morozov does not doubt the astronomical accuracy of the text: the eclipse
must be precisely at this time. Indeed it counted the Evangelical events in all
only by the encoded code of real astronomical events.
However, astronomical data contradicted this conclusion. During the named day
there was no solar eclipse. This circumstance to this day is given as
the deep argument against the historicity of Evangelical texts. And it is complete
in vain: eclipse was, but not solar, but lunar.
“It began, writes German archaeologist [E]. [Tseren], 15 hours 44 minutes, A
it ended 18 hours 37 minutes ". Specifically, in the manner that this it is discussed in
Gospel: from the third hour of crucifix to the sixth hour - Christ's death.
To eclipses on the eve of great Saturday was given not only religious, but also
political sense " 1.
“Only by the agreement of the day of death Of [iisusa] with the eclipse of moon in “the day
preparations " can be explained,
1[Tseren] [E]. [Lunnyy] is god. M, 1976, s. 98.

why fanatic of the enemy Of [iisusa] (such, as apostle Pavel) of his steel
as supporters, they recognized in it the Messiah and the son of God " 1. further [Tseren] gives very
the deep interpretation of story about the resurrection of Christ, executed
by evangelists on the basis of lunar symbolism, the unique astronomical
the code, deciphered By [n]. [A]. Morozov.
Why resurrection precisely on the third day? Christ as others
“rising again” gods, in the consciousness of believers it identified with the moon. [Auna]
“it dies” and it anew " revives” in the form early month precisely in three days
after “death”. The young, “rising again” lunar sickle can be again visible
only in the evening hours in the west side of sky, in the morning it is possible to see only
pale old moon - before its “death”. Therefore lunar deities, into everything
the more made human form those figuring in the ancient cults, always arise
only in the evening, and in the morning [nikogda]2. This is why students first do not learn
[voskresshego], that appeared day, and only in the evening “[voskresshiy]” could enter in
the circle of its students and to show its sickle or bow… According to the gospel from
Hans: “After saying this, it showed them arms and feet and edge its”.
“By the word “of edge” it is possible to imply “bow”. Fingers and hand - as “edge”
or “bow” they serve as the personification of the new, “rising again” moon, which is shown in
the type of edge, bow, sickle, bent finger. And Jesus Christ shows to his
to students hand (instead of the finger) and side instead of the edge and the sickle " 3.
We can add that in the Russian folklore etymology the month is called
“Adam's edge”, and Christ [voskresshiy] is named “new Adam”. By the way, from
edge - new moon - it is easy to create moon - Eva. In this interpretation
Adam - sun, and Eva - moon.
The creation of Evas looks like swelling month and his transformation into the round


1[Tseren] [E]. [Lunnyy] is god, 105.
2 there, s. 110.
but to 3[Tam], s. 111.

But here is the same astronomical phenomenon, coded in the fairy tale
“Took old woman wing (month into the new moon), on the duct she scraped, on [suseku]
swept and scraped together flour two handfuls ". The Milky Way was called even and meal
by way. The moon, is baked from the flour of the Milky Way. Further the moon -[kolobok]
it rolls along the circle of zodiac, gradually diminishing. They attempt to eat it and
they bite off in parts. Hare (aquarius) bites off first quarter, the wolf
(Sagittarius) third quarter, bear (capricorn) half, fox (fishes)
swallows [kolobok] entire wholly.
In the fairy tale “wolf and the goat” the Sagittarius- wolf at the end of December swallows seven
kids (seven parts of one, last phase of the moon), but in three days it begins
the turn of the constellation of capricorn, and Capricorn- goat frees its kids: in
the course of seven days comes into being new month.
It is appropriate to recall that in the apocalypse Christ - [semirogiy] lamb, month in

phase (dying) and month into the new moon (rising again).
This returns us to the lunar code Of [n]. [A]. Morozov and Eric [Tseren]. In our
folklore “[yagnenochek] curly, month, is grazed in the blue grass” ([S]. Esenin).
Furthermore, month even and [kozlenochek] with the gold horns and silver
by [kopyttsami]. It calls [sestritsu]- star To [alenushku] to swim out to [berezhok]. Month and
star (Venus and Sirius) it is distinctly visible before the winter sky. Their match-making and
celestial separation they are sung in many ritual songs:


It resembled, resembled month after the water,
It called, it called Zarya after itself…

Zarya was called star Venus. Its complete name Zarya -[Zaryanitsa] red girl.
Specifically, so they call the bride of [Ivanushka]- month in [N]. Ershov's fairy tale
“Konek-Gorbunok”. The transformation of Ivan- fool into the Ivan- tsarevich looks like
the disappearance of old month and the appearance of young.
Boiler with the boiling milk - these are night sky and the Milky Way. [Ivanushka]- fool -
month on the damage


. It
it must disappear, jump into the depth of night sky in order to then appear in
new moon by the new moon


. At the same time tsar ( sun ) is deprived of possibility, after jumping into the boiler of the night
sky, to remain living. Lacteal boiler for it loss.
Confirmation of this can be found in the tracks of the concrete material culture
the peoples of ancient Siberia. Are there extremely extended stone
the image of Siberian type boilers, and also same these boilers, which were preserved to
our days. It is not difficult to ascertain that they symbolized the sky: and in
the preserved boilers, and in the figures on them to the right and it is to the left represented
the ascending and setting sun.
In favor this hypothesis testifies the fact that “Konek-Gorbunok” is written
By Ershov on the motives of the Siberian fairy tales, where exactly is extended “boiler
culture ".
Correlation of the means of sea horse with the lunar symbolism of early and waning
month it is confirmed by the celestial match-making Of [ivanushki] and in the final analysis
by marriage with Zarya -[Zaryanitsey] - star by Venus. Zarya -[Zaryanitsa] will prove to be it
by wife, that found its fiance. If we accept this reading, then the jumps
[Ivanushki] on the Horse- sea horse will look like the procession of month on the night
to sky.
Plato recalls in “the feast” ancient legend about the fact that man and the woman
in the antiquity they once composed the united perfect spherical body, but Zeus
cut it to two parts, and since then two halves unsuccessfully search for the friend
friend, attempting to be connected.
It is not difficult to learn here two halves of moon, as if split in half. Hence
ancient subject about the enamored ones, which can be connected only temporarily, and then
death separates them: Tristan and Isolde, Romeo and Juliette, [Leyli] and [Medzhnun].
“Arise at the window, eclipse moon by proximity”, he is turned by Romeos to Juliet.
“Romeos, I so you love, that it is ready to tear into thousands of stars”, he says
Juliette. For today's reader this altogether only of the metaphors, exacted
compliments; however, for the person, dedicated to the secrets of the lunar code, after this
deeper is hidden, I would say, the cosmogonical sense of love.
Mysterious double-edged sword between Isolde and Tristan, that disconnects them
on the bed, this distant recollection about [librise] - the double-sided axe of Zeus,
by which it cut united body. Before the winter sky this appears as follows:


Month - Tristan, Sirius - Isolde, the double-sided axe of Zeus (or
double-edged sword) - the constellation of Orion.
By the way, by this, heaven knows from where undertaken, enormous axe Chinese
space person To [pangu] cut from within the egg- universe, and they were formed
sky and the earth.
Thus, after being absorbed in by the binary, or binary, lunar code Of [n]. [A]. Morozov and E.
[Tserena], I deciphered the astronomical symbolism of many literary subjects.
However, soon it was necessary to recall that besides moon, planets and stars there is still
The same subjects can be transferred by four codes:

solar- lunar



lunar (moon and month)



lunar- starry (month and star)



starry (by motion of constellations)



After combining all four codes, I arrived at the conclusion about existence of a certain united
the code in the ancient folklore- mythological and religious symbolism. This
unity I designated by the term of meta [kod]1.
This definition was at first given: [metakod] - this is the kept balance system
astronomical symbolism, general for the different areas of cultures. At the end the book
the reader will be convinced, to what extent this concept subsequently will be enlarged.
All archaic layers of culture are literally pierced by [metakodom]. In this sense
the folklore, which existed to the written language, nevertheless had its “written language”.
This “fiery are characters” night sky.
1 for the first time I proposed this term in 1982 in article “starry book”,
published into ¹ of 9 journals “new peace”, although principle itself was used by me
it is still earlier - in 1980, in article “starry garden”, published in the periodical
“Theater” (1980, ¹ 11).

In the hall of the Old-Russian painting Of [tretyakovskoy] gallery it is possible to see with own eyes,
as this book appears. The expanded roll of sky is depicted on the icon.


On it moon, star, the sun. This is that book, which it had to eat
Hans, the author of apocalypse so that the celestial knowledge would become his inside.
To today's reader it is not very understandable, as it is possible to eat the book; but if
to recall that it was written on the calf skin, we will understand that the metaphor
Apocalypse it has a basis completely real.
It is there indicated that in the last times the sky will be rolled up as roll, and
will disappear star, the moon and the sun. But after [poltysyacheletiya] the same means
it will arise in the Koran, pierced by reminiscences from the bible. Mohammed with anger
he speaks about the devoid imaginations people, which, after seeing the sky, which was rolled up in
roll, they will say: “This the only of cloud”.
IN the X century the poet by bottoms in the poem “treasure-house of secrets” will describe about the starry
the origin of Arab alphabet. It was counted according to Moslem tradition,
that in the sky fiery letters traced the name of Allah.

“Drying oils”, it was only on the first traced tablet,
Villages in doors, its five letters under lock and key they held.

Gave it to eyelet “ha” to [upravlene] by lot large,
They became “drying oil” - “distance” necklace and belt “mime”.

And from “the mime” and “[dalya]” it found above the peace supremacy,
Authorities kingly circle and the straight feature of perfection.

Shaded by arch from these blue tiles,
Fragrant it was the orange of [edemskikh] gardens…

In the ear of peace it hang its “mime” the [zlatoe] ring,
And is obedient to Mohammed peace dual ring.

It is clear from this text that the month was in the Arab alphabet letter “mime”. Judging
on entire, all other five letters there is fit symbolic image of the different
the states of moon.
Since the Arab tradition rests on the biblical, immediately arose the thought
to compare all stages of phases of the moon with the ancient alphabets.
Each phase of the moon on seven days, in the month four weeks: only twenty
The Old-Russian alphabet, created by Cyril and [Mefodiem], departs by roots to the same
to sources.
I decided to compare present Russian alphabet with the phases of the moon, and this is what
it came out:
New moon:


The agreements are striking: “[O]” it is actually similar to the full round moon, A
“[S]” it coincides in the tracing
1 letters “"”, “'”, “y”, “y”, “e” are removed as specific, not basic. On
the walls of Sofia's cathedral in Kiev is traced alphabet of twenty seven letters
Russian and Greek alphabet. In [V]. [V]. [Tsybulskiy]'s book “lunisolar
the calendar of the countries of East Asia " (M., 1987) are given twenty eight hieroglyphs,
depicting the position of moon in the course of the lunar month in the constellations. If,
after using the table of twenty eight constellations of Chinese zodiac,
to compare it with the alphabet on the walls of Sofia's cathedral, we will obtain, for example,
the following values: And corpuscles, B the head of Orion, C - Orion, G Gemini,
D cancer… But last letter in this alphabet [o] (omega) - Aries.

with the moon on the damage. This gives some grounds for the assumption that
to each letter of ancient alphabets corresponded the specific outlines of moon in
the course of the month: twenty eight letters even twenty eight days.
Besides the lunar code there is the still duplicating its code starry. It is completely probably,
that to twelve zodiacal signs must correspond twelve initial
Initial letter of the Ancient Greek alphabet


alpha on a whole series of observations is similar to the charged ox


, i.e., to the constellation of corpuscle. In that case last letter SHCH, the omega
it must be the closing zodiacal sign -. On the outline Aries
it is actually similar to the letter omega.
Thus, alpha and omega, which sees before the sky the author of apocalypse, this
the located by a number constellations of corpuscle it is. Moreover in the consciousness of the early
the Christians of corpuscles it was the symbol of the Old Testament, and Aries personified by itself the new
Precept - Christ. They signified by themselves seemingly vicious circle of times.
“I is alpha and omega”, tells god the author of apocalypse, i.e., beginning and
end, the first and the last of the letter of alphabet. Action of the apocalypse
it [razvorachivetsya] before the sky. For Hans and for his biblical
predecessor - prophet of Danil, sky exactly is the expanded roll,
where fiery with the characters of constellations is written entire history of universe.
Was preserved ancient legend about the wise man- bibliophile To [akibe]. When the Roman soldiers
they burnt it on the bonfire, after covering into the roll, teacher it turned to the students [s]
by the question: “That you see?” “Roll burns, and letters fly away at the sky”,
students answered.
Men - this is the convoluted roll of sky. Letters, which shine overhead,
constellation- characters.
Our domestic legends about the celestial “pigeon book”, where entire is written
the truth of peace and all fates of people, goes back to the same ancient tradition.
Were presented the hypotheses that name itself “pigeon book” is connected [s]
by the ancient-biblical name of the convoluted roll - torus. Root “torus”
it is semantically connected with the name of pigeon “tumbler-pigeon” and with the designation of non -
“turmaline” color. In that case name “pigeon book” is the tracing paper
from the word “the torus”, and torus designates the same - celestial book.
We will not guess, this etymology is accurate. It is important that ancient cultures,
those being distant behind each other to the millenia, store memory about the starry book.
[Dnevneevreyskiy] month of the supremacy of the corpuscle Of [iyar] (April - May) by its
by designation agrees with the Slav steep bank - [Yarilo] (god of fertility). [Yar]1
The stage Of [vsevolod] is mentioned in “the word about the regiment of Igor”. Steep bank of fucoids - tsarist title -
the symbol of participation to the celestial might of terrestrial lord. the Stage- bull
it is connected with the cult Of [yarily]. Slavs distinguished corpuscles together with the pleiads. This
constellation was called [Volosozhary]. About it Afanasy Nikitin recalls in India,
when he indicates that “[Volosyny]” (sons of hair) in India raise otherwise. Ancient
Greeks saw in the constellation of the corpuscle of powerful [Kronosa], Slavs - [Velesa] ([Veles] -
this also of corpuscles). In the ancient Greeks Of [kronos] ([Khronos]) - the symbol of authority and time. [S]
it began the counting of year, it is a beginning of celestial fiery alphabet -
Ancient Egypt, [Finikiya], Crete they will read a little the constellation of corpuscle in the means of the solar
and golden bull. It - authority, force, the beginning of times, might,
fertility. In Crete this monster is Minotaur - [polubyk]-[poluchelovek]. To find
it in the celestial labyrinth and precipitate beyond the horizon one must starry
to hero.
In this constellation of four thousand years ago during the day of the vernal equinox
the sun entered. Gold - symbol of the sun. Therefore they worshipped to gold corpuscle.
Egyptians called its [Apis], and ancient Jews, slave [Moiseem] on that incandesced
to desert, at the difficult moment recalled [Apisa] and, in spite of the prohibitions Of [moiseya], from
they poured off the statue of gold corpuscle the remained gold adornments.
Here about which can tell altogether only one, the first letter of starry alphabet…
1 buoy, steep bank of fucoids resemble Scandinavian “[byartur]” - bright. Buoy of the fucoids Of [vsevolod]
“it [posvechivaet]” by helmet as [shlemobleshchushchiy] Hector.


Still one must trace all transformations of the constellations of fiery alphabet
to researchers.
Let us pause for the moment at alpha and omega - on the first and last letters.
Omega (SHCH) - last letter in the Ancient Greek alphabet as in the Russian Ya.
Somewhat unexpectedly told in 1918 on the space value of these signs
Sergey Esenin in article “keys of Maria”. Here are the symbols of the unity of man and
space, reflected in the alphabet: [izhitsa], [fita], [yaz]. Their writing:




there is nothing else but person, who steps on the firmament. It
it goes
towards going from the figure of letter I (law of motion - circle).
Undulating line in the letter


the place, where both must be encountered, indicates. Person, who goes on the celestial
to arch, it falls by head into the head to person, who goes along the earth ".
“This is a sign of the fact that the inversion of the earth will merge… with the inversion
sky. Space will be conquered… and humanity will agree with [s]
the earth not only with the close to it in the planets satellites, but with the entire world in it
immensity " 1.
So that this would occur, is necessary some change in entire nature
present person, spiritually riveted to the earth.
In the alphabet as the person, who overcame in himself the terrestrial is programmed,
“To us appears the face of man, completed from both ends by feet, he writes with s.
Esenin. To it already there is no space, and is two skies (sky terrestrial and the sky
celestial. - K. k.). Head it has no longer upper point, but the point of center,
from where feet go as certain emission ".
Since Esenin's article is laconic, the readers simply did not see, they did not understand, [o]
how speaks poet. I will not cut, that also me were required several years, in order to
to recreate graphically the means, given above:
1[Esenin] [S]. [Sobr]. works in 6- TI tt., Vol. 5. of M., 1979, s. 182.


It is interesting to compare this image with the starry anagram of Esenin, where
“person, who goes on the firmament, falls by head into the head to man,
going along the earth ". They in many respects coincide:


This is how proudly marches letter I: “This letter sketches person, who lowered the hands
to the navel (sign of self-knowledge), that step along the earth… “
“Through this wisely carried step, step, which finishes the finding of the signs
our certificate, we see that man still finally did not find himself. He
it wisely blessed itself, with the household goods of those opened to him essences, to the eternal road,
which indicates motion, motion and only forward movement ".
Two figurines with one head show conditionally the sphere of rotation in weightlessness.
Solar circle in the center and lunar circle on the edges show as Esenin
was understood the ancient separation of man into the solar and lunar sphere. “The body
man in vain it is not divided into two light circles, where the upper part of
navel it is subject to solar influence, and lower - lunar. Here into the wise unit
the answer to the value of the gravity of man to the space is tied, here they are hidden
the signs of our message, after reading certificate of which, we will guess, that in us
moon thus far moves the wheel of our brain, that we think in its space and that
in the space of the sun we begin only to be pushed through ".
“The space of moon” - this region is terrestrial, bottom, gravity, indeed [Auna] revolves
around the Earth.
“The space of the sun” - these are weightlessness, space above the earth's orbits.
“Lunar wheel” of our- brain, i.e., thinking by terrestrial categories, is must
to be changed into “solar” oecumenical flight of thought.
We believe that the ploughman will open now window not only by an eye to the god, but by the whole
enormous as the sphere of terrestrial, by eye. Starry book for the creative records
it is now opened again. The key, dropped by old man in the sea… they will splash out gold
by waves… “
Someone with self confidence can think that the dream of Sergey has already been carried out
Esenin: indeed people now for a long time are in weightlessness, where there is no top and
bottom and man quietly steps on the celestial sky. However, this only the first
step. However, poet speaks about the ability of man to agree with in entire essence
to all by immense universe directly from the earth.
Here we, are faster, at the beginning the alphabets, in the letters of A, B, C and are still very distant from
final Ya.
Letter is the basics - this of person, who feels by hands the earth


“Letter B represents feeling by this person of air… Sign
seats on the elbows indicates the fact that between the earth and the sky it felt the peace
space. The raised hands sketch seemingly firmament, and the bent elbows,
on which it squatted, the earth "


C - this of person, directed toward itself


“After reading the essence of the earth and after feeling above it that covered by the dark-blue arch
space, man it lengthened hands to its essence. Navel is the unit
the human being… of men somehow involuntarily lowered its hands to this
ovary, and came out letter [v] ".
Thus, A, B, C - this is only feeling by man of its terrestrial
And bottom, the earth, corpuscles.
B air, volume.
C - aspiration into itself, internal space.
However, in the future victorious procession “I” in the circle of terrestrial sky and
the beyond the clouds procession of [izhitsy] (


) on the sky of celestial is formed the sphere of [fity] (


), by the way, very

resembling Ancient Chinese symbol [In]- Ian,


indicating eternal unity and penetration into each other of the earth and sky.


- person, who marches by feet on the sky, and I - the very same, that goes along the earth. Men,
that occurring by feet along the earth, falls by head into the head to its space
to double, who marches on the sky. Together they form “the cup of the space
[obosoblennostey] ".


Four great cups, which symbolize the unity here immediately are recalled,
man and god, man and space: the Chinese goblet Of [gun], the Persian cup
[Dzhemshid], the cup of Buddha and the cup Of [graalya].
The device of the cup Of [dzhemshid] is well known. Its upper part symbolizes
the universe, lower - man. It corresponds to each part of the celestial sphere
the part of its lower sphere - human body. Aries - head, corpuscles - neck,
Gemini - hand, the sun - heart, mercury - the brain, the Moon - lungs.
The text “pigeon book” attests to the fact that they were the same
cosmogonical ideas in the Russian folklore.
The device of the cup of Buddha is described By [n]. [Rerikh]. This is many-colored vessel of four
the cups, entering each other.
Four cups, which compose one, completely can symbolize four phases
moon, and furthermore, this can be the compressed projection of four oppositions:
the earth - sky, the West - the east, North-South, right - leftist - in a word, certain
the four-place code, to it we still will return.
Otherwise appears the legendary cup Of [graalya]. It shines and shines from the blood
Christ, which gathered into it Joseph [Arimafeyskiy].
The dazzling radiance of the cup Of [graalya] by something is similar to the light, which emanates from the mirror
[Iskandera] in Navoi's poem “[Farkhad] and widths”.
In the treasure-house of its father Of [farkhad] finds crystal casket.

As this miracle created the earth!
There was marvellous casket entire of the cut glass,

Is incomprehensible it, [neobyden] was,
Inside some means was visible,

It is not clear, vague, as if it is distant -
By incomprehensible charm it drew.

In the casket magic mirror with the inscription proved to be:

“Here is mirror, which reflects the peace:
It zenith will show nadir ".

Magic mirror! - It,
By [stoletyami] in the cut glass it is concluded…

No! As if the sun in the trunk of skies,
This mirror of miracles was stored…

In order to see anything into this mirror, To [farkhadu] it was necessary to make
journey into Armenia, to another end of the light, where the second part was stored
the shining cup. After killing dragon and lord the dark [Akhrimana] (in the Russian fairy tale
dragon - dragon, and [Akhriman], the lord of the dark, [Koshchey]), [proniknuv] into the middle
lock, [Farkhad] finds the second-half of the magic mirror Of [iskandera]:

It was in the middle of the lock of small,
From other the self-contained rest.

It [vkrug] itself [siyane] emitted,
By mysteriousness soul it flattered.

[Farkhad] entered. By presentiment [vlekom],
He saw the sun under the ceiling,

No, this radiant was
Luminous [piala]!

Not [piala], but the mirror of miracles,
The all-seeing eye, the gift of skies!

The entire world in variety its,
All secrets of secrets were mapped into it;

Events, the matter and people - everything
And that which was, and which will be, everything.

The navel of terrestrial was visible from the surface,
Spheres to one inside revolved.

[Metakod] - this is this magic mirror Of [iskandera], the cup Of [dzhemshid],
the crystal casket Of [koshcheya], magic crystal and magic mirror.
Two separate hemispheres of the mirror Of [iskandera] as a whole, in addition comprise
Here I must say about one surprising agreement (if this
is actual only agreement). In the theory of relativity of Einstein there is
the famous light cone of the world events.


It strikingly resembles the outlines of the cup of light and four cups
Buddha, as if decomposed in the circle.
In the upper part of the cone is located “the past”, in the lower - “future”. Neck
cup - zero times. Peace so appears, if we rush ourselves with the speed of light.
By something this resembles the crystal mountain of light from the fairy tale “crystal mountain”.
The crystal casket Of [farkhada], taken away in [Akhrimana], is similar to the casket Of [koshcheya], A
death Of [koshcheya], which is concealed as the certain genetic code in the needle, nevertheless gives the rights
to the fantastic hypotheses against some to the real secret, coded in
the archaic layers of the culture of different peoples.
To take at least mysterious descent in the caves or in the well, which precedes
to the elevation of hero in many myths and legends from biblical Joseph to
Russian [Ivanushki].
This is how this occurs in by bottoms in the poem “treasure-house of secrets”:

In the cave the haze surrounded me,
But love as the hand took me.
In the door I struck in the dark of deaf,
And they asked: “Who enters here into the hour of such?”
Love tore away curtain from me,
And solid cover fell from the soul!
Before me hall. Not hall, about no!
Before me the radiance of all planets…
The firmament before this reign it is small,
I looked. The dust shone before me.
Seven caliphs with me in [zdane] one…

This of seven planets and simultaneously heart, the liver, lungs, gall bladder,
stomach, bowels, kidney.

The first - this of noon, motion tsar.
Countries of [dykhanya], living [stremlenya] tsar. (Heart)

Red rider - champion the civil second. (Lungs)
The third is hidden under the ruby [kaboy]. (Liver)

Is further - bitter youth- pathfinder. (Bile)
The fifth - black, that by caustic sediment it is satisfied. (Stomach)

As if fatty huntsman, the caliph of the sixth,
Villages into the ambush throws the lasso of beaten. (Bowels)

But by the seventh - with the body bronze soldier,
Entire in the armor from the silver rings. (Kidneys).

But all riders occur by gnats around the spark plug - heart.

All were gnats. To be by spark plug only to heart given.
All were scattered, but it was assembled.

This heart- sun occurs as if point of contact of inside and sky.
Here, rising upwards, you will prove to be below, descending, you will prove to be on
to apex; being immersed in the dark, you will leave to the light; penetrating the narrow space,
you will enter into infinity.
Is such, in particular, the space “godly comedy” of Dante.
All uncommon properties of this peace are distinctly visible in the Russian fairy tale.
The narrow space of hollow or well on its location corresponds
to the neck of crystal cup.
In the same “treasure-house of secrets” by bottoms there is a head “about the ascension of prophet”, where
ascension at the sky is compared with the descent into the well of biblical Joseph.
This descent- ascending is very significant, since the possibility gives
to trace the starry way of hero, is in detail to present entire celestial
At first the discussion deals with the jumper left below. This is the constellation of Pegasus -
Russian [Sivka]- cloak.

Skakun with his stall high below it left,
On the horse-cloth it here granted concern to those remaining.

Then begins the description of the zodiac, in which is absent only one
constellation - Aries. Why? Only because Aries is itself Mohammed, so
as in the apocalypse this constellation - Christ himself. To it is diverted the so high
role for the fact that in it the spring equinox point is found.
As we already know, next to - by alpha - it is located corpuscles - omega. Specifically,
is such the order of the ascending of prophet in the poem by bottoms.

By at night dark as amber, the pearl of the sky of the night
Bull stole celestial, after withdrawing from the nostril in terrestrial.

And when began to journey long end,
Gemini to it gave their belt and cancer their corona.
(Cancer and the constellation of crown)

Sky ear bloomed with one [poyavlene] of prophet,
It rejected this ear, which bloomed from Leo, far.

hands it was depicted virgo cluster)

In order to measure, how that a night price is great,
On the weights its weight checked Venus the hand…

And thus far was carried prophet between the shining stars,
The cup of [protivoyadya] it poured to scorpion to the tail.
(It is mentioned the constellation of cup near the scorpion)

It far threw the arrow, where road, passed it,
(Constellation of Sagittarius)

It destroyed the disastrous harm of capricorn.

He became Joseph in the well, to the sun it is similar, prophet,
Became [Ionoyu] of fishes, since well from them not far.

Finale is especially important, he directly indicates the place of well - constellation of aquarius.
Probably, very form of aquarius resembles construction of the type of well crane,
descending it is downward, to the water constellations of whale and descending it is downward Why
specifically, here do occur these events?
Upon transfer of the sun from the fishes to [Ovnu] the day begins to arrive and becomes
it is longer than the night. But in this case into the victim is brought lamb - Aries: it disappears from
the field of sight in order to return at the sky in forty days. Here hereabout
is located the constellation of the whale, [zaglotivshego] biblical to ion on forty days.
Means, biblical Joseph and prophet of ion, [zaglochennyy] by whale, there is not that different,
as constellation it is. Mohammed's ascension occurs in the same spring time
to sky and burial of Christ.
Aries - Russian charge, which dives on the bottom of ocean, and [Sindbad]- navigator,
[proglochennyy] by large fish, and late baron [Myungkhauzen] in the womb entire the same
In [N]. Ershov's fairy tale Aries - Ivan, only is met with the whale in its
wanderings on the sky, but this already the tracks of the literary working of subject.
Thus, before the sky in the constellation of aquarius are located the neck of cup, descent into the celestial
the well, which leads upwards. This is crack in the crystal mountain of skies, where it is possible
to penetrate, after decreasing to the size of ant. Sometimes “narrow space” -
these are path in the forest, labyrinth, the passage between the cliffs, or passage on the [khlipkomu]
to bridge, or even cow's ear. For the Odyssy this is the passage between the cliffs. For
Dante in “godly comedy” - the forest: “Terrestrial life after passing to half, I
it appeared in the gloomy forest… “
Through the narrow neck one must pass for future happy bride -
to stepdaughter, to orphan. It they most frequently get down into the well, but with it usually
occurs the same as occurred with biblical Joseph [Prekrasn]. Been cast to
well in the rags, it in the final analysis occurs at the apex of glory and
riches. Legend about Joseph interestingly even and fact that in it remains
the original starry symbolism, forgotten and lost in many later
subjects. Joseph dreams about how “the sun, moon even eleven stars
they worship to it ". Close ones instantly interpret this sleep according to the rules
the starry code: “I scolded his its father, and he said to it: that this for the sleep,
which you did see? Really I and your mother and your brothers will bow to you to
the earth? “Bible bases in no way this interpretation of the sleep of Joseph, but we
we remember that the code basis is united in the folklore systems of different peoples, and
they themselves could interpret this sleep. Indeed and in the Russian folklore the sun -
mother, month - father, star - children.
The starry basis of subject about the descent into the well in the Kirghiz is even more distinctly visible
to fairy tale “son is slave and the bird Of [zymyryk]”. Here to the journey of hero after its celestial
by bride precedes the creation of the universe from the man.
“To me it dreamed, as if the sun left the head of my, of the feet swam out silver
moon. My breast then was opened and from there fell diamond stars ".
In the fairy tale “prophetic sleep” to eldest son it dreamed: “As if brother Ivan highly flew
on the skies on twelve eagles; on top of that as if disappeared… the dear sheep ".
As we see, and entire celestial symbolism here remains: twelve eagles -
twelve zodiacal signs and the sheep (constellation it is), that symbolizes the young
the son, who must disappear according to the laws of [metakoda].
This gives the possibility to decipher starry nature of the junior brother. Aries -
Ivan, the junior son. Later, as we now know, it became the symbol of the Easter
spring victim - lamb, Christ. Ancient Assyrians saw in it that dying and
rising again [Tammuza], Egyptians connected it with the bird to Ben, that burns themselves
in the fire of times in the millenium and being revived again. Greeks called its bird
Phoenix. It is hence clear that the firebird of Russian folklore and mishap of the young
the son of Ivan, connected with it, are by no means by chance. [Ivanushka] must fall in
jail or into the well as its prototype - junior son Joseph in the biblical
In descent into the well, above which shines the constellation of Orion, we see Joseph in
the novel of Thomas Mann “Joseph and his brothers”. To its mishaps in the well
complains ancient Indian of trit (literally “third”), let us note that Ivan not
only the junior, but also third son.
Hint to starry nature of hero is preserved in the fairy tale “Ivan- ladle”. Constellation
It is actually similarly to the ladle.
Descent into the well, in the cave - this is the entrance into the luxurious starry palace,
strewn by precious stones. So ancient presented “underground sky” after
by the horizon. Sometimes in the cave three reigns are located: copper, silver,
gold; it is possible to take away them with itself, after rolling up into the egg (sun) or after covering in
shawl (pleiads), as this makes Ivan- ladle. Not is less interesting descent in
the well of starry bride. Stepdaughter gets down there after the lost gold
[veretentsem] - by month. After falling by there [zamarashkoy], it returns “entire in
gold ". This Venus morning, which disappears in the east in gold of rise. Otherwise
appears withdrawal under the earth of oldest daughter - Venus western. It returns
from the well “entire in the tar”, since it appears by evening, in the night sky.
In the peoples of oceania of the line of business of lazy person it belongs, on the contrary, to morning star on
the name Of [mandi], which was “very beautiful girl, but it in no way wanted
to work ". Evening star [Okhom] was “most diligent of the women”.
Men stole [Mandi] beautiful in order to sacrifice on the cult
holiday, but it succeeded in running:
“Early in the morning it rose at the sky and became beautiful star; and now
each morning it is possible to there see.
But diligent By [okhom] also became star. True, in the mornings it does not have the free
time as in the lazy person Of [mandi]: By [okhom] entire day works. But as soon as
it will grow dark, it appears at the sky. The first star - this and there is By [okhom] " 1.
One and the same hint to the special space mission is audible in many fairy tales
man. Distant way through the cave and the dark to the starry is in prospect for it
to space light, to the peak of the crystal mountain, where cup is concealed.
In this context the fairy tales, where the starry names of the heroes, are especially interesting
they are designated directly as, for example, in the fairy tale about tsarevna [Zvezde] and her sister to the Moon.
In tsar and tsarina the children were born: sister star the Moon brother. Soon star and
The Moon it steals vortex, the very same snakes. Brother leaves for the searches and after many
adventures he returns by conqueror. It destroyed villain and returned
the stolen sisters star and the Moon.
In the Ancient Greek mythology this role of Ivan- tsarevich is carried out By [persey], saving
Let us compare way after persowing and way of Ivan- tsarevich.
[Persey] it meets on its way of sorceresses, they return three gifts to it: the horn
[Oberona], helmet- the invisible and sandal with the wings. Ivan- tsarevich strives for
[leshimi], and they return to it tablecloth -[samobranku], boot- runners and
cap- the invisible. It is necessary whether to speak about the functional identity of cap and helmet,
boot and sandal, the horn of abundance and tablecloth -[samobranki].
Is bases to assume that the starry appearance of Ivan- tsarevich in the data
the case is the same as starry appearance after persowing. Constellation after persowing on the form
it resembles letter “L”, turned to the other side,


- this is hero with the omitted club. [Persey] it saves Andromeda, not separated from
the constellation of Pegasus. Going beyond the horizon, Pegasus carries along after itself and Andromeda. In
to this fairy tale Pegasus - this is great vortex. Horse- vortex is known in many
legends. In the daytime it so bel that it is invisible, and at night its outline
they come out clearly. Legend about the white horse, the winged horse pierces entire
world folklore. This is [Sivka]- cloak, prophesying [kaurka].
This is how the theft of the sister of the Moon appears. It disappears from the field of sight as
late month, after passing everything
1[Skazki] and the myths of the peoples of oceania. M., 1970, s. 54.

four phases in order in three days to appear before the sky, “after being wrapped up” by the early
by month.
Further the way of tsarevich goes into the mansions of the sister of the Moon, which it [storozhit]
bear- werewolf. Here name itself indicates the Ursa Major. After being struck [o]
the earth, werewolf becomes [molodtsem]. Is possible, this position of the large
She-bear, that was struck against the earth, as if come into contact with the horizon.
Following encounter of Ivan- tsarevich already with the vortex in the mansions of the stolen sister
Stars. Here occurs the famous battle of hero with the monster “on By [kalinovom]
to bridge ". If one assumes that “[Kalinov] bridge” - these are the Milky Way, and vortex [o]
twelve heads - this of twelve stars of the constellation of Pegasus, then they will remain
not deciphered three moments: that for “the chamber white-stone” expect Ivan on
to the other side of bridge, what “seven virgins” take it for the hands and they conduct [k]
to bride- tsarina who this Tsarina- bride?
Celestial chart prompts that “the chambers white-stone can indicate
summer-autumn triangle at other end of the Milky Way (“[Kalinova] of bridge”).
Seven virgin- bathers - this is very the extended designation of pleiads, or
[Stozhar]. But here is tsarevna- bride - is virgo cluster, since, also, in the Greek
of mythology it most frequently bride, about which its name, testifies.
It is not difficult to surmise that in all fairy tales, where they are implied
character- constellations, female roles will be distributed between virgin, Andromeda
and by Cassiopeia. However, as far as main man roles are concerned, they are returned more frequently
only of five to constellations - [Perseyu], to Orion, to Hercules, To [voznichiy], to Sagittarius.
Orion rules in the winter sky. Almost all with the ease find three stars,
named the belt of Orion. Orion frequently comes out in the world epos in the role of the lame
giant, in the same cases, when constellation is not received by pillar,
its belt of three stars plays large role. This there can be three brothers, three
magic of gift, three magi, three choppers. In the fairy tale about the Tsarevna- star these magi
they are mentioned: turns himself the tsar [Akhridey] with the request to report to them, where he took away
The vortex of its daughters, are mentioned three magic objects.
If this interpretation is accurate, then we can open starry incognito almost
all characters of this fairy tale:

Ivan- tsarevich - [Persey]
sister star - Sirius
Vortex - Pegasus
sister the Moon - the Moon
two [leshikh] - Gemini
three magi - belt Of [oriona]1
Cottage - Ursa Minor, that revolves on the hen legs around the axis of the polar
the star
Ram Of [yaga] - Cassiopeia
bear- werewolf - the Ursa Major
[Kalinov] bridge - Milky Way
chambers are white-stone - autumn-winter triangle
virgin- bather - pleiads
Tsarevna- bride - the virgin

After identifying with the high portion of the confidence of Ivan- tsarevich [Perseem], the bathers
with the pleiads, two [leshikh] with Gemini (here on our side antique
mythology, the agreement of the functions of heroes and their straight designation in astronomy),
I cannot with the same confidence assert as the remaining characters
they are deciphered accurately.
Thus, we see that into some fairy tales Ivan - Aries, and in others Of [persey]. One
line of business is returned to different constellations. But there is already Ivan - month. Ivan - sun.
IN the 19th Century in the works of the philologists of mythological school it was widely investigated
the dominant role of the sun in the mythology and the folklore. Late the role of the sun it became
to play literary hero himself, but his solar lighting up role remained
by the main thing. Thus, in the bylinas of Kiev cycle prince Vladimir is named Vladimir -
Red sun. the Hero- sun lights up peace by its light. Solar heroes in
to world literature they light up peace by their internal sincere light. In the epos
solar hero is cloud into the shining armors as “[shlemobleshchushchiy] Hector” in
“To [iliade]”. In the literature solar armors grow dim, and here already we see Don
Quixote with the copper shaving basin instead of the helmet. However, solar lighting up
nature of means from this does not grow dim, but it becomes still brighter. Don Quixote
lights up peace by the thirst of validity, Faust - by wisdom, Zosim in “the brothers
[Karamazovykh] " - by heart depth. All these are solar, solar heroes.
In lunar heroes nature is different. In the folklore and the myth they die, and then
rise again, as [Oziris] or [Ivanushka]. Their life of divider to two phases - this
dying and rising again
[a]. Daudet's 1[U] in the story “of the star” daN the French version of the belt of Orion -
designation “three [svyatitelya]”.


month. They perish as month in last quarter, and then living and
they return with unharmed to the life as early month. This [neunitozhimost]
is characteristic in the literature Of [shveyku] [Gasheka]. To it is previously predetermined to leave
living of all alterations, although it they continually put into prison and even
they sentence to the shooting.
[Shveyk] - this is almost folklore character. In the literature loss and the revival
lunar hero more frequently bears not external, but deep psychological nature.
But for always this hero one must die (by soul) in order to revive. Thus
Rodion [Raskolnikov] morally perishes, accomplishing murder, and Sonia solidly
it believes that for it one must rise again as to Lazarus, repent and revive
for the new life.
Is still thinner the psychological moral loss Of [nekhlyudova] in the novel
“Resurrection”. Here there are no external manifestations of death, therefore the resurrection
it is accomplished as unnoticeably, it is invisible.
Lunar heroes always preserve in the soul dream about the certain entirety, perfection.
Their [raskolotost] to two phases - death and resurrections is lit up by recollection [o]
certain lunar entirety, perfection. And actually, both phases of that dying
and the rising again month in the moon they are connected.
Solar hero travels, bears light to people; lunar heroes perish,
they are plunged into the jail, revive again. But there are still and the outwardly fixed
the heroes, around whom everything revolves. In the fairy tale this is tsarevna in the house or in
to tower. Brave knights battle for it, they skip into the [tridevyatoe] reign,
accomplish exploits, kill snake or dragon. Star- tsarevna herself - certain
the fixed center of the peace, around which occur the events. Before the sky such
role is diverted to the Pole star. This is the fixed point of the celestial sphere, all around
by which revolve all the remaining stars. By this sharpened in the tower tsarevna
feels himself Tatiana [Larina]. It sees in Onegin knight- redeemer,
which it will save. But Onegin no longer knight, not Ivan- tsarevich. In “[Iliade]” this
Helen. Around it and for it goes on Trojan war. Itself it in no way not
it participates in these stormy events.
Thinner frequent this fixed center is man character. That is more interesting
in this hypostasis Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, who is in the immobility on the sofa on
the elongation of almost entire narration. By its at times somewhere they convey or
it is necessary to somewhere move, but


the main function of Ilya Ilyich - immobility. By these it is interesting.
Solar, lunar and polar-starry heroes no longer remember about their celestial
origin, the folklore- mythological past. Yes even the authors, as a rule,
no longer they remember about the starry relationship of their literary characters. But
artistic intuition, certain subconsious memory bank, store the legends
ancient, and it can be, and it recreates them anew at the level of prototype- archetype.
Literary heroes ( constellations ) frequently undergo change, up to
its polar opposition.
Cassiopeia ( ram Of [yaga] ) was once completely positive means as
ancestor, mother of mankind, who lives in the sanctuary among the forest. To this
circumstance correctly indicates [V]. [Ya]. [Propp] in the book “the historical roots
magic fairy tale ". With the time of [praroditelnitsa] it found the features of the frightening
[khtonicheskogo] essence, which is concealed in the forest. She knows the forbidden secret of the happiness
and, as Pushkin's Queen of Spades - countess, he [storozhit] approaches to the fairytale,
to mysterious Tsar- girl.
However, the positive means of the mother of mankind of peace also was preserved. Especially in
iconographic tradition. The outlines of Cassiopeia are distinctly visible in the image
Mother of God of cover, who stretches the hands above the entire terrestrial and celestial world.
Dual function of Orion is the same. It and fierce hunter with the bludgeon, the very same and
the blinded exile, who wanders in the darkness, until sun rays return to it
To some starry heroes it transported more. [Persey] - always hero- rescuer.
It saves Andromeda, riveted to the cliff. Then Andromeda plays the starry
role in three persons. It seems that three stars in this constellation still even three sisters,
which, as Andromeda, must be saved from the imprisonment. In the literature speech,
certainly, goes only about the vague echoes of starry folklore memory, and everything
“sky in the diamonds” sometimes will flare up by its, invisible by day, by faces in
to Chekhov's play or on the picture Of [vasnetsova] “three reigns”.
Starry connection of literary heroes with their folklore- mythological
by prototypes it is extraordinarily thin, almost invisible. Here intuition, presentiment,
artistic enlightenment and millennial memory.
Orion in the Ancient Greek mythology - hunter, blinded by tsar, doomed
to the wanderings, banished from the palace. Naturally to assume that blinded
itself tsar [Edip], who left palace and the Shakespearean king of lira - becoming blind
tsar- exile, they bear on itself the reflection of this constellation.
In the literature starry memory frequently loses, but remains basic
the feature of starry hero. As biblical Joseph, it leaves house, penetrates
many tests in order to return in the means of poor or tsar in the rags in
native house. This and prodigal son, and Aleksy [Bozhiy] is man, and father Sergius in Leo
Frequently it passes only from the one-piece starry portrait to the literary hero
one fragmentary feature of mythological character. King of lira, who banished
its daughter from the house, the drunkard of jelly-candies, that sent daughter to the panel, they are connected
only by the distant topical relationship, and nevertheless this connection is distinctly perceived.
It is more right to say, it is perceived the indestructibility of original [prasyuzheta],
the recoded into the structure celestial sphere even in the earliest times. In that
time very structure of constellations arose with the active creative participation
man. Roles of constellations and planets in the fairy tale different, but “actors themselves”
they are immortal. One constellation in different peoples plays different roles, but in it
must be as in living actor, a comparatively steady line of business. In all
the cases Andromeda " steals itself” by Pegasus, since Pegasus it departs beyond the horizon, as
carrying along it after itself. But the stolen bride can be and Ludmila Pushkin, and
By Helen [Prekrasnoy] on the gray wolf, and by the sinking [sestritsey] [Alenushkoy] with the stone on
to neck. To rescue sister or bride will go [Persey], Ruslan, Ivan- tsarevich, brother
[Ivanushka] - in a word, the constellation Of [persiya], which was fixed after Andromeda.
As in the usual terrestrial theater, the role they can be distributed very arbitrarily.
But nevertheless director is forced to consider other one or line of business or another of actor, him
given and by possibilities. Thus, in the celestial theater it is observed with everything
variety stability, it is possible even to say - the conservatism of roles. Let us say,
the constellation of Gemini can be [Remom] and [Romulom], or By [kastorom] and by pollux,
or by two brothers, by two [leshimi], it is simple by twins. It is natural that,
after meeting in the fairy tale of similar characters near the Moon and the star, we right
to assume that this is a constellation of Gemini. Scene of the pursuit of Ivan
(month) after two brothers (“Konek-Gorbunok”) or the encounter of the Ivan- tsarevich
(After persowing) with two [leshimi] (Tsarevna- star) it astronomically appears equally:
the zodiac constellation of Gemini approaches By [perseyu]. This scene
it is repeated in the northern hemisphere yearly for the course of the entire history
humanity. It is not necessary to be surprised at the stability of this folklore
subject in many peoples, which live in the northern hemisphere. Three brothers, where two
they are conquered young, there is in Scythians, Chinese, a Bashkir, Hindus, Iranians,
Russians. Possibly, the secret of the so-called vagrant here is opened slightly
subjects. Generality and stability of folklore situations is caused partly
by generality and by the stability of the mobile figure of the celestial sphere, where each year
the same events are lost before the eyes of different peoples.
The aesthetics of starry theater is majestic and many-valued. In the daytime before the sky only
two heroes - sun and cloud. Their fairytale role in the Russian folklore it is in detail
it is examined [Afanasevym] even in the 19th Century, but comes night, on the celestial scene
appear other actors - star, planets, constellations. On them for some reason
folkloristics kept silent, although the fairy tales were overfilled by stars.
Starry folklore [deystvo] lasts entire year. Picture thoroughly changes
two times: spring-summer sky and autumn-winter. There are the heroes, whom on the scene
always. These are large and Ursa Minor, the Pole star. Rest come and
they depart. Conditional center of scene - the fixed point of sky - the Pole star,
the star of the Coles. All stars and all constellations revolve around it. This is round-dance,
[korogod], stake - dance in the circle.
The ladle of Ursa Minor is abutted “by knob” against the Pole star, revolves all around
it as horse on the leash. Seven stars of the ladle of Ursa Minor it is completely possible
to identify with seven Agafons, who went from the native village to look
peace. They in the evening unharnessed horse, and cart was placed by shafts in that side,
where to go. But some joker turned shafts conversely. The Agafons in the morning will go
and they are surprised: strange side exactly as native. Their cart as the ladle
She-bears, in the literal sense returns “to the circles its”.
Ursa Minor can be also “the miracle -[melenkoy]”, that grinds starry grain.
It always revolves around the axis of the Pole star.
It is possible that two favorite fairytale heroes wolf and fox - this large
and Ursa Minor. The tail of wolf, lowered into the ice hole, is similar to the knob of the ladle
Ursa Major, inclined to the horizon.
In other subjects this starry pair can store recollection about its
“bear” origin. For example, bear and goat. Bear - large
She-bear, goat - small. Goat also walks, attached to the peg, in the circle, A
the bear chases it. Ursa Major never will overtake small. In
the benefit of this assumption speaks the custom of the carrying of star on six in
people [deystvakh] about the goat and the bear. Usually this star is called [Vifleemskoy],
although action itself goes back to the times pre-Christian. In many folklore
games this star is established on the six in the center actions as polar.
The similarity of the form of large and Ursa Minor could give birth to subject about two
inseparable friends (Thomas larger yes Thomas [menshoy]), where one weak (small
She-bear), and another strong (Ursa Major): wolf and fox, fox and
bear, fox and hare.
In the life of farmer and hunter the celestial sphere played huge role. This and
orientator in the space, and calendar (from the hours to the days), this and
majestic spectacle. Populating sky by the heroes of fairy tales, the folklore author
it had to consider these or other astronomical realias. Sky influenced
for the fairytale imagination by entire its starry structure. This scene in
to known measure dictated scenario itself. It is possible to order actor to move in
one or other direction or another, but the constellations of this you will not order, in them your
“astronomical director”. Fairytale sky is very similar to the display, where
it is possible to write down any information. The display of skies has its “program”,
which seemingly trained [skazochnika] for the rules of astronomy. All constellations of steel
by heroes, but, of course, not all heroes could become constellations. In the fairytale
pattern the set of degrees of freedom, it, of course, can exceed the limits
starry canvas, but within certain limits. Departing to the [tridevyatoe] reign,
it is difficult to pass sky.
Let us attempt to reveal the starry code in the pure form, regardless of the fact or other
the subject of fairy tale.
It is possible to previously predict that in it as many letters and hieroglyphs, as
constellations it is distinguished by the naked eye.
Characters depart “for the wings” of the horizon or simply they disappear from the field
sight in the rays of the ascending sun. Through entire scene passes mobile, as
the rotatable, luminous boundary of the Milky Way. It is possible that it divides
peace to two reigns - “this” and “that” light. In any case, in the people
etymology the Milky Way - this and milk river with the dark drench shores,
and crystal bridge of one reign into another, and straw road, and [Batyev]
circuit, and the bird road of corpses.
If we examine sky vertically, then the Milky Way - this is the iron post
crystal mountain [s]
By the Pole star at the apex. The sky can be during the vertical construction
also by the dark reign Of [koshcheya], which exits by the upwards whimsical lock, which
it collapses in the sun rays. [Koshchey], [steregushchiy] polar star- tsarevna,
apparently, Cepheus. In the same cases, when the discussion deals with the snake with twelve
heads, to the role snake can pretend Ursa Major. In that case
it should be considered not as ladle, but as the bent body of snake. Heads -
the basic stars of constellation. But if the discussion deals with the hero of enormous increase,
being battled with the kite, then winter Orion can pretend to this role,
filling with itself almost half of the visible sky. Sword -[kladenets] of Orion from
three stars entire winter it blazes before the sky.
The functional role of constellations in different peoples of one frequently remains
hemisphere. If the ancient Greeks constellation has himself corpuscles, it is very small
the probability that in the Russian folklore the corpuscle does not have the same or analogous
role. Pegasus can become [Sivkoy]- cloak or even wolf, but its main role
the rapidly skipping beast, that takes away on itself the red girl (Andromeda) as
rule, it is constant.
Semantics of constellations in the fairy tales is many-valued. Pleiads - this even and being bathed
seven girls, and hen bast basket, and bonfire, and the burning bush ([kupina]), and
[Stozhary] (burning stack), and [Volosyny] (it is possible, the sons Of [velesa] - etymology
Afanasy Nikitin). True, with all differences [oshutimo] the certain unity:
stack, bush, bonfire - something burning among the celestial field.
Writers frequently " recall” the folklore astronomical code. Alphonse Daudet in
the story “of star” by the mouths of herdsman it narrates about the starry fairy scenes. Large
She-bear - is vehicle, pleiads - nest of [nasedki], the belt of Orion is named three
[svyatitelya], and Milky Way is named the road of holy [Iakova]. All these
the designations of stars exist in the Russian folklore.
Thus, we can name several sources of the interpretation of the starry subjects
the fairy tales: folklore astronomy (by the way, little studied), opened
the designations of stars and constellations, which were preserved in the fairy tales (Tsarevna- star,
sister the Moon), analogous starry subjects in other peoples and finally itself
the astronomical picture of sky, which structurally coincides with the fact or something different
“starry” subject.
Should be indicated one additional method during the interpretation of the starry code, it is possible to name
it conditionally “the method of prompt”. The very frequently luminous, shining objects it is possible
to see before the sky. For example, the feather of firebird, stolen by Ivan, completely can
to prove to be the constellation of pleiads. Crystal casket is very similar to that not setting
constellation Cepheus - [Koshchey], and in [Koshcheya] is a crystal casket. But if
to recall that the casket is located on the apex of tree, and by tree most frequently
they name the Milky Way, the assumption finds significant ponderability. In
this case the wreck of the reign Of [koshcheya] - revolution of the Milky Way, a drop in the tree,
its passage to the horizontal position and finally a drop in the casket of Cepheus -
lasts sufficiently significant time interval, namely one month. For this
time from the casket they depart: hare, duck and egg (three phases of the moon) and the latter
phase - needle. Their appearance of one of another: from the casket - hare, from the hare -
duck, from the duck - egg, from the egg - needle - greatly resembles increase and
the decrease of moon before the sky. Especially as moon - hare, moon - weft, moon - egg -
designation widespread.
The broken magic mirror also resembles moon, “broken” to the phases.
Certainly, it is not possible to allow oneself complete will, [obyavlyaya] these assumptions
proven, but if in the folklores of other peoples or in another fairy tale
confirmation will be encountered, there are all foundations for counting this interpretation
true. Here is a significant example. I assumed that [Kolobok] exists not that
another as the diminishing moon. However, in the extended version, most
known, hare, wolf and bear only are encountered [kolobkom], without biting off
it. Then subject with the swallowing was located in [Afanaseva]. There beasts bite off
from [kolobka] on the piece, converting into the diminishing month, thus far it completely not
it will disappear.
Two crystal shoes of Cinderellas are very similar to that diminishing and arriving
the sickle of the Moon. Therefore remains only one shoe, indeed both can be connected
only in
to full moon. It is remarkable, that in the dramatization of fairy tale the sorceress adjures
mice to reach for Cinderella “on the moon from [sunduchka] two crystal shoes”.
Writers, and artists, frequently possess intuitive folklore memory.
Many starry prompts can be seen in the [palekhskoy] painting, where everything
fairytale events occur against the black varnish background of night sky. They are important not
as much concrete interpretations, as very presence of the starry code in
to fairy tale. This considerably enlarges the prospect for fairytale space.
The realistic authenticity of fairy tale finds space wings. Not
deleting and without minimizing the later realistic aesthetics of fairy tale,
the starry code appears through the late stratifications, separating the prospect
peasant court to the oecumenical limits.
Fortunately, here before us there is no heavy selection of the restorers, whom
they are forced, baring the ancient gold background of icon, to destroy the darker
late stratifications. In the folklore word all layers are connected, and the restoration
ancient sense it does not destroy later stratifications, not less
Here there is no sad dilemma of the mythological school: it is not necessary to select between
by myth and by reality, since that, etc possesses the sufficient
by artistic authenticity. Ardent poetic imagination of the folklore
sky brings down the authors to the earth, and it raises the earth to the sky. It is absurd in this case
to consider that the starry background of fairy tale contradicts ritual- ritual or
to the historical- reliable sense of the narration: the structure of the celestial sphere
it is distinctly perceived both in the poetics of ritual and in quite historical reality.
Sky - this is space, seen with eye, received by reason and heart
artist, and space - also very significant reality.
Unfortunately, the mythological school, absorbed solar, i.e., solar,
by cult, entire variety of starry subjects it reduced to the change of the seasons, [k]
to approach and to sunrise. This is explained by many reasons. In the first place
the scantiness of [kulturologicheskikh] knowledge in philology of the 19th Century. Simply it was not
known, ancient peace is to what extent rich in astronomical symbolism. Transactions
[kulturologov] of the 20th century they opened [kosmogonichnost] of any ancient mythology.
It turned out that celestial symbolism pierces the entire terrestrial world of the ancient
man. The Milky Way - this and tree, and river, and post from the earth to the sky. Moon
it is designated by the most different symbols: frog, hare, egg, mirror, panel.
Month: fish, foal, lamb (lamb), kid, weft, the boat, gold (or
crystal) [tufelka]. What already to speak about constellations themselves, which cause by its
by uncommon configuration the avalanche of fantastic means, but with everything
variety clearly appears the united starry frame of celestial fairy scene.
It proved to be surprisingly it was steady in the literature. Starry crystalline
lattice, or, it is more right to say, matrix, it is printed in the depth of the earliest
The same subjects are repeated yearly on the celestial screen. Naturally
to assume that on the earth the same subjects were developed in the magic
rituals, they imprinted in the myth and the fairy tale.
It cannot be forgotten about the psychological, internal sky. Stars are printed out in
consciousness and in the sphere, which it is nowadays accepted to name “unconscious” (this
term replaced less precise - “subconsciousness”). Role of subconsciousness in the creation
it is sufficiently great. Mutually-recognition occurs. Sky floats from the depths
unconscious in the process creation.
This is how this occurs in reality. All remember subject Pushkin's “[Ariona]”.
Storm heated canoe, all swimmers perished, and only singer [Arion] rescued, he swam out
to the coast it continues to sing previous songs about its comrades. Ancient Greeks
they saw this subject before the sky. There is a constellation of ship “slang”, on which they swam
argonauts. But in the sky of the northern hemisphere only the sunken stern more frequently is visible.
Then Orion stretches on entire sky, in the hands its three-starry lira (belt
Orion). It sings about its “those been killed” - of the sunk beyond the horizon starry
Did remember Pushkin the starry basis of subject? It is sooner anything is not. He simply knew
myth about Orion. But it is objective and myth about Orion, and Pushkin's poem is stored
in itself the figure of the celestial sphere. And if sky suddenly disappeared, were forgotten myths,
that on the poem it would be possible to conditionally recreate its starry structure.
1 is intended the subconsious chain of analogies. [Arion] and Orion are connected
by the similarity of names. Singer [Arion] is mythological related to singer Orpheus. It appears
the intuitive number: Orion - [Arion] - Orpheus.

Celestial matrix is very steady, then its semantics in the culture is variable,
as the outlines of clouds. However, are not too rare the cases, when artist remembers
and at the conscious level about the starry relationship of its heroes. Thus, the miniums
reproduced the figure of the stars of Ursa Major in the picture “the morning of the [streletskoy]
execution ". This constellation form spark plugs in the hands of archers.
Could not remain evidence [Surikova] about the fact that spark plug in the hands of the archers
they reproduce the figure of Ursa Major, and then it would be difficult to prove,
that thus randomly precisely such located the fiery uvulas of spark plugs. In
proof it would be necessary to recall that, on the legends of Siberians, large
She-bear - is the chariot of corpses, which takes away at the sky of the soul of dead persons. On
to picture - execution, and the cart, which drives to the executioner s block, seemingly it becomes celestial
by vehicle - Ursa Major. Of course these proofs would be
indirect, but, fortunately in this case evidence of the artist
it was preserved.
But Shishkin here did remember about the stars, when in the popular picture “the morning in
pine forest " it arranged the bears in the form of the same constellation, this is unknown.
Most likely, that outline is prompted by intuition. Then the truly fairytale
the popularity of picture is, possibly, in many respects explained by its starry subject.
It is learned both on the conscious and at the intuitive level. Outlines of the large
She-bears are known to all.
Indeed in Shishkin's picture revived the very extended canonical subject.
Tree even two animals along the sides - these are the Pole star even is two she-bears. It is earlier
they were two [olenikhami] (let us recall horned mother -[olenikhu] in H. [Aytmatova]),
then they became bears, and then by two horses.
Mythological school considered that two horses - these are the sun is ascending and the sun
enveloping. There are no foundations for denying this symbolism. The whole point is that
basic night starry symbols easily are recoded to the day -
solar. So [Stozhary] at night can be the feather of firebird, and in the daytime
Firebird - sun. Is noticed that there is by Zarya and the sun, which ascends and
enveloping, and Venus - morning and evening. At night the sun “is replaced”
By Venus. Therefore the ascending sun - Zarya, and Venus - Zarya -[zaryanitsa],
red girl. Indeed in the fairy tales heroes get down into the underground reign, they enter
in the dark forest or they penetrate the crystal mountain. There they assume another,
starry appearance.
To ignore the starry symbolism of customary subjects today narrower is unthinkable. This
would impoverish the spiritual aesthetical peace of folklore and ancient literature. Now
appeared new science - astronomical archaeology. From the depths of the earth
they dig sky. Rock calendars and celestial chart in the territory
Siberia existed already 30 000 years ago. Symbolism of basic planets, stars and
constellations it stretches into the depths of millenia. Is born astronomical
folkloristics, is established the beginning of astronomical history of literature.
Astronomers frequently say that constellations in reality there does not exist. They -
the result of the optical projection to the earth of far distant behind each other stars.
But also itself such projection is unreal without the organizing role
human eye, the brain and heart. We see sky by the look of Hamlet: the prince
it asks court, to what it is similar the cloud, and that obediently repeats, that
cloud is similar both to the camel and to the elephant.
And nevertheless, returning to the completely concrete - to the outlines of the mobile
the celestial sphere in the literature, it is justifiable to present the question: and there would be the literature
another, if others was sky? This version is partly “twisted” the very
by nature. The sky of the southern hemisphere according to the figure of stars differs from north,
there are the motives in the literature, connected only with the southern constellations, but basic
starry subjects still are the same. The whole point is that sky cannot in principle
to be other. Moon, the sun, month, the change of day and night and seasons, rise and
the approach of stars, their motion around the conditional “united center” - the Pole star
or southern cross - they are programmed by nature itself and reflect the most important
the fundamental laws of universe, seen with human eye. Sky
it proved to be seemingly fiery display, which trains man in immortality.
The configuration of constellations is conditional. This is the work of human imagination, since
stars can be connected with each other by sufficiently arbitrary means. However, in
any arbitrariness there is a clear regularity. Stars much, but man isolated
these or other constellations, being subordinated to two regularities: psychological,
subjective, and astronomical, objective. Thus, the celestial sphere -
this is the visible creative compromise between two realities: subjective,
human, and objective, space. Such subjective-objective
twinkling is very characteristic for entire artistic creation, where very
ardent fantasy serves objective reality of the artistic content, A
reality itself wakes up artistic fantasy. The celestial sphere is aesthetical
by its nature. It is necessary to be by artist in order him to see.
It is amazing that in the history of literature are used up the entire poods of paper about
the personification of nature and so it is negligibly little known about the personification
the practically infinite variety of the celestial sphere.
We, themselves of that without suspecting, see sky by the eyes of our ancestors, poetic
regulated starry chaos, that gave names not only to trees, birds, beasts
and to grasses, but also to stars.
No one will dare to assert today that nature did not influence the author
fairy tale, that its law of alterations of day and night and seasons, the natures
beasts, birds, fishes, the special features of plants in no way acted on the poetics
fairy tale. Why where the more fundamental order of visible space to
these times it is mentioned in passing? Composition of the celestial sphere, it
time-spatial system, the alternation of planets, stars and constellations,
certainly, they had the very perceptible effect on entire artistic system
ancient folklore, and through the folklore on entire world literature.

If in the natural personifications of men according to the law of the psychological
parallelism it became similar to nature, then in the personification of the celestial sphere it
it became similar to limitless space. Nature is nearer to the man in the space,
it the temporarily younger very note 5[ar]1[epz]. Cosmos is further, but it is limitless and
in the space, and in the time. Not it whether in the folklore is named “[tridevyatym]
by reign ", “by the [tridesyatym] state”? Not it whether it is necessary to reach in
iron shoes, until they are carried?
Here is extremely interesting the moment of passing the terrestrial, horizontal way in
space, vertical. To hero it is necessary to pass field, forest, to cross
across the river and to somehow unnoticeably prove to be before the sky by the collocutor of moon, stars and
the sun.
Visible space prints out its fiery signs in the consciousness of man [s]
the moment, when it begins to see. The aesthetics of the celestial sphere is so immense,
that Kant likens the celestial sphere to overhead moral “tablets”
the human heart:
“Two things fill soul always new and by ever stronger surprise and
by awe, than it is more frequent and more prolonged we reflect about them, this starry
sky is must by me and moral law in me " 1.
1[Kant] [I]. [Soch] in 6- TI tt., 4, h. 1. of M, 1965, s. 499.


If, getting down into the depth of well, it is possible to from there in the daytime see the celestial sphere,
that - penetrating the depths of [blokovskoy] symbolism, we will see the earliest starry
the book of humanity.
, where the restorer of icon, washing off the late layers of paints, will see board, on
by which only figure of wood fibers, we through the earliest layer
poetic symbolism let us see sky and starry symbols, which were printed in the soul
poet. , where board will be opened on the icon, in the poetry of block it will bare
the earliest layer of world culture - will be opened starry the characters of the bottomless
the night sky, where by the fiery letters of stars long before the beginning of the written language
the earliest legends and the subjects of entire world culture were imprinted. This
the book always stood before the eyes of block. Now some of these symbols
the secret starry language of magi and magicians they yielded to interpretation.
The question can arise: is urgent today for us this symbolism in
conversation about the block?
It is urgent, first of all, because Alexander much reflected above it
Block in the operating cycle on its principal bundles. It is those more
it is urgent, that these reflections did not remain on that side of the artistic
creation. They were personified in the deepest means of block, but, unfortunately, not
they were properly understood by contemporaries.
To a certain extent to this, it is however paradoxical, stirred symbolism. The fact is,
that the block frequently was turned to the starry symbols at the tragicomic level. It
it clearly ridicules banalities, overall places, so extended in
the theosophic- mystical circles of Petersburg. For us, today's readers, these
banalities bear sometimes somewhat different semantic nuance, because we
we do not now and then know this symbolism.
Symbolism was not only literary- philosophical flow. Inside it
there was a serious philological school, which opens the ancient layers
world culture. Block, as Andrey [Belyy] [Bryusov], was most active
by a participant in this philological revolution. Its article “poetry of plots and
incantations " it became its kind the full-scale study program
folklore symbolism. But any folklore symbolism in its time was
[misterialnoy]. Actually symbolists reconstructed in their searching
the earliest sound-effects man- babylonian and Slav heathen mysteries. “[Balaganchik]”
and “stranger” became parody to the abortive attempts to revive these mysteries in
the present at the level of way of life. But in order to understand, in what the parody consists,
it is necessary to know original.
Within the limits of this head it is possible to only briefly present the basic subject
[misterialnogo] [deystva].
In it two characters: star - bride, fornicatress, death and month -
celestial fiance. Star bears the set of names, it is known to us most frequently
by the name Venus. This name it bore in the times of the last pre-Christian
mysteries, under this name it entered into the European literature.
Moving low above the line of horizon, Venus is connected with all
by planets and by the sun, which in the language of starry magicians indicated astral marriage.
For this Venus obtained in the east the honorable and doubtful title of the starry
“fornicatress” - the goddess of love. Month is not connected with the planets, it is chaste,
its encounter with Venus on the morning horizon is possible at its moment
“dying” (i.e., in the phase last quarter) - let us recall the familiar subject
“Venus adonis”.
Thus, the morning appearance of Venus on the horizon was the moment of death
month on the firmament. The evening rise of Venus in the West was, on the contrary, connected
with the new moon, i.e., by the appearance (resurrection) of a month. Between the fornicatress
By Venus and by its chaste fiance lay the Milky Way - river of corpses; them
death separated.
These cross ratios are audible in the proto-biblical epos of sound-effects men, Hittites,
Babylonians, and in the New-Testament texts there are echoes of this subject.
Even in [shumerskikh] herdsmen existed legends about the marriage of the morning star Of [inanny] and
the herdsman- month Of [dumuzi]. Month- herdsman exists also in the Russian epos: “Paul not
it is measured, sheep are not considered, herdsman horned ". Herdsman - pastor - the rescuer
later, in the pre-Christian epoch, in the east it became [Tammuza],
the dying and rising again god. Was preserved the weeping Of [dumuzi], which they [volokut] on
execution in order to hang up on the hook instead of [Inanny], until goddess is implore
the gods have rescuing. This meant that in the starry language when it raises
[Inanna] - [Ishtar] - Venus, goes month, and when raises month, it goes
[Inanna] - [Ishtar] - Venus.
This mystery was developed in the courts of ancient temples. They, of course, existed
in the ancient herdsman [Galilee]. Secret echoes of the relations of star and month
they are heard in the subjects about Christ and Magdalena, but, of course, on other, high
spiritual level.
Fixed interest of symbolists in the ancient-Egyptian texts, in the antique
mythology, to the open at the beginning of century sound-effects man- babylonian texts (the first
transfer left in the German language in 1900), the searches for the general roots of the world
cultures in the Slav mythology were extremely close to the block: “Many our
the plots not of national origin… Their general native land - Babylon and
Assyria ". Tendency to resurrect mystery, to contradict against its spiritual
to Pobedonostsev's conventionalism it was at first consonant to the searching of poet. However
“Stranger”, “[Balaganchik]”, “nightingale garden” it creates, already sufficiently
after being disappointed in the book searches for truth. It seemingly contradicts
grounded [beskrylosti] and to barren spiritism the mystery of skill.
After returning mystery into the theater, block, it is however strange, it was nearer to its that protoplasticized
to theatrical nature, than the most reverential mysticisms, which erect on
the fragments of the rotted through values empty pasteboard theosophic temples.
This understood well [Meyerkhold], which inhaled folklore [smekhovuyu] element in
[blokovskiy] “[Balaganchik]”. Setting greatly was not pleased in
traditional- mystical symbolist circles it was with the enthusiasm encountered
By block. However, after understanding that the block laughs above the book lifeless
by mysticism, many did not understand tragicomic nature of this laughter. Indeed
beside the fact that it ridiculed, was even that must traverse
the testing by the laughter
- the eternal drama of love, death and resurrection, that became the subject of two plays of block.
… The celestial sphere, which was being seemed such distant to the inhabitant of Petersburg, tightened
by fog, by carbon [smogom], by factory smoke, and in it - mysterious star,
the eternal misty stranger of block. “Breathing by perfumes and by fogs”, bearing after itself
“the train, bespattered by stars”, appears it first in the starry whirlpool, then
in the snowy mask, then in twilight in [traktirnoy] counter.
Poet in “the stranger” among coarse noise [napryazhenno] scrutinizes into the persons
visitors, searching for among them “it” - only. And among this fire of looks,
it appears suddenly among the vortex of looks, seemingly it blooms under the blue snow,
one person: the excellent face of stranger under the dark veil. Looking intently at the cameo,
Poet regains vision the familiar appearance Of [astarty] - star- fornicatress.
The tailed whether this is comet of Halley?
Its blue starry cover- train stole precipitated Carthago barbarian, and
[floberovskaya] [Salambo] will bath with his price of its virginity. Starry
cover and starry train of the stranger of block hide entire the same appearance of the eternal
femininity. With it are connected dark [misterialnye] cults.
But now, with the very beginning of action, poet fixedly scrutinizes in it
face. It waits its [niskhozhdeniya] to the earth. This [niskhozhdeniya] through those determined
the astro-logical cycles of times waited in the ancient east magi, magicians,
The poet knows in block that sooner or later as in the ancient mysteries, blue
star must go down downward. “Eternal return. Again it [obemlet] the sphere
terrestrial. And again we are subject to its fascination. Here she turns her
the flourishing baton… “
“Flourishing baton” - this is the tail of Halley's comet. It cut the sky of Petersburg
in the times of the work on the play.
“Slowly, slowly begin to turn the walls of summer squash. Ceiling is inclined,
its one end is stretched upward infinitely… Everything is twirled it seems
it will overturn now… One minute it seems that everything stands upward by feet…
Walls make room. The finally inclined ceiling opens sky -
is winter dark-blueer, cold ".
Here we see [misterialnoe] “reversing already familiar on the folklore”. Essence
it always consisted in the fact that contained the narrow, limited space

suddenly entire universe. So limitlessly are separated the walls of room during
satanic ball in [M]. Bulgakov's novel “master Margaret”.
In the apocalypse the author swallows in the convoluted form the starry book and suddenly
it occurs inside another peace: “I saw the new earth and new sky”.
The new sky, which entered inside the summer squash, [obemlet] city, river, bridge and
Astrologer, who stands on the bridge, who searches for in the sky star. To it is given to see
dazzling [niskhozhdenie] of this star to the earth:

New star raises.
It is all more dazzling.
Amaurosis is motionless,
And in it star is reflected.
Ah! it falls, star flies…
Fly here! here! here!

As in the ancient mysteries, star gets down from the skies, obeying to the incantation
Poet: “Dark-blue snow. It turns. Softly it falls. Dark-blue eyes. Thick veil.
It slowly passes. Sky was opened. Appear! Appear! “
The firmament descends to the earth in the appearance of blue. Against the background its raincoat “it shines
ray, as if it leaned to the sword ", this Orion. Poet, whom “too for long in
sky looked: that is why - blue eyes and raincoat ", it meets blue star,
which many centuries twinkled on its raincoat. Their two starry appearances are similar,
their dialogue is misty, but it is intelligible both:


Flowed [stoletya], as sleeps.
I for long waited you on the earth.


Flowed [stoletya], as moments,
I by star in the spaces flowed.

However, further course of events must exceed the limits of the civil
conversation. Starry stranger gets down to the earth precisely in the human
appearance. Let us recall again that in the babylonian epos about [Gilgameshe] starry
fornicatress [Shamkhat] (apparently, preserved in the fairy tales by the name Of the [shamakhanskoy]
tsarina) it must tempt and thus convert into the man of the wild herdsman
To [enkidu]. Seven days it will recline with it on the earth, in order to on the seventh day,
after losing beast force, [Enkidu] he became man.
There are many millenia after, after meeting on the earth of civilized poet,
Stranger- star does not know, about which news the speech:


[Paduchaya] virgin- star
It wants terrestrial speeches.


About the secrets I only know words,
Are only solemn speeches my.

Stranger attempts to wake terrestrial feelings in the poet, indeed she went down on
the earth not in order to fall on sky.


You do see my ordered camp? :.

In its voice terrestrial passion is spilled.

You do want me to embrace? :.
You can touch mouths…
You do know passion? :.
You do know wine?

So babylonian fornicatress [Shamkhat] converted [Enkidu] into the man, after giving to it
to try bread and wine. But poet whispers other words: “Starry beverage -
is sweeter fault ".
Here there and it appears in the subject of the ancient mystery of completely living and completely
“animal” Mr. All questions of stranger it answers very
it is positive.


You do want to love me?


[O], yes! And very not away.

Here Christian motives appear at the most ironic moment in the mystery.
“As name is your?” - asks Mr., and stranger answers:

Give to recall.
In the sky, among the stars,
Did not bear name I…
But here, on turn blue to the earth,
Me pleases name “Maria”…
“Maria” - call me.

In the horror the astrologer: “No more than excellent star! Dark-blue abyss is empty! :. fall
Maria - star… “
Who this fallen star Maria? The fact is that, after passing through the set
the transformations of names, starry fornicatress in the [rannekhristianskoy] poetics found the name
“Maria”, after preserving its dual essence: the chaste virgin of Maria and fornicatress
Maria Magdalenas. This transformation very significantly and requires the small
historical retreat.
Very name of morning star in sound-effects men - “bright bosom” - is sufficient
it is eloquent. The earliest cults of fertility were connected with it. With the temple
[Astarty] dwelled the sacred fornicatresses, which, imitating to starry sovereign,
it had to conduct the appropriate way of life. Profession of fornicatress in the ancient
eastern cults it was legalized and it was considered as the even honorable. Moreover,
once a year even in ancient Rome the [pochtenneyshie] matrons had to introduce its
mite into the incomes of temple, after earning by its its body. True, [Ovidiya], which lives in the I
century, this custom already shocks, and it devotes whole poem to its exposure.
That was honorable in the ancient eastern states, became shameful in
the times of Caesar and Christ. This is why Maria from [Magdaly] they want to beat with stones,
indeed in the israelite fight with the astral cult was so prolonged,
how and useless.
On the special, temple professionalism of Maria Magdalenas speaks the fact that by it
there was known the content of ancient mystery and its rites. In the [shumerskom] epos
“The star of solar rise” it descends into the underground reign, where its husband died
sister - sovereign “of the countries without the recovery”, in order to “funeral grasses to it
to [voskurit], funeral beer to it to [vozlit] ". This is why, after pouring out to Christ
fragrant peace from the [alavastrovogo] vessel and after wiping its feet by its hair,
Maria according to Christ itself, it prepared it to the burial, i.e., by the fact
very to the future resurrection. The name of this sacred fornicatress took to itself
“virgin- star” - the stranger of block.
The theme of fornicatress appears even in the epigraph to the drama “stranger”, in the lines from
[f]. [M]. Dostoyevsky's novel “idiot”. Prince [Myshkin], according to Dostoyevsky's concept,
Christ and rescuer of the 19th Century, scrutinizes into the person Of [nastasi] Of [filippovny]: “I
your eyes it accurately somewhere saw… yes this be it cannot! This is I so… I
here never and it was. It can be, in the sleep… “
“Holy fornicatress” Of [nastasya] Of [filippovna] and “Christ” - [Myshkin] learned each other
through the smoke-colored curtain of two millenia, as poet learned stranger.
It is unclear, as on the second plan, appears also the theme “sacred dance”
the fornicatress: descending into the reign of corpses, star must remove seven clothing - seven
the signs of terrestrial passion, terrestrial authority. In “the stranger” this is the theme of the dancer
[Serpantini]. Guests in the salon with disturbance speak about the ballerina, “in that covered in
one rag ": “To dance without the suit - this… this I do not know that!”
In the drawing room, where the poet reads verses about the eternal femininity (“I from the icon in
tender chasubles sluggishly descended it… “), stranger appears, interrupting
reading “celestial verse”, after leading into the confusion of guests and masters as Maria
Magdalena brought into the confusion of apostles.
In the [shumerskom] epos, which is at present considered the ultimate source of this
subject, the goddess Of [inanna] gets down from the sky into hell, where she is hung up to the hook. It
husband, herdsman [Dumuzi] (month), sit in glory at this time on the throne, playing on
[svireli]. In order to leave hell, [Inanna] returns to the demons of its beloved -
herdsman [Dumuzi]. Star raises - and demons [volokut] month into the dark
cave. So [blokovskaya] stranger returns to the sky from the Petersburg
“hell”, leaving below its poet: “On its face - languor, in the eyes -
void and gloom ".
“After the window burns bright star”. Poet remains on the earth in the solitude.
Tailed comet, star- fornicatress disappeared.
About “[Balaganchike]” of block it is necessary to speak after “stranger”, because in
“To stranger” more expanded, more [kanonichno] luminesces the subject of the ancient
astral mystery. Star- fornicatress descends to the earth to her fiance, but as
the connection of Venus with the month is impossible before the sky, so the marriage is impossible on the earth
two loving. Venus, as we already spoke, is connected before the sky with all
by planets, and only secret, “night” fiance - month - remains inaccessible.
This is that fiance, who “approaches in midnight”, which accompany starry
“[mironositsy]” to the place of the disappearance before the new moon.
In “[Balaganchike]” the star- bride appears with the scythe at the arm “against the background
the occupied dawn ", moreover “the blade of scythe silvers as the overturned month,
dying in the morning ". You remember: “Month under the scythe [blestit], and in the forehead the star
it burns ".)
The lunar fiance of Piero speaks about his celestial origin: “I will put on rouge face
my, lunar, pale… “above its friend- star shines its celestial appearance:
“A above - above the friend of pasteboard - highly greened star”.
Venus - columbine - bride - death. The songs [o] frequently rehearse on the weddings
bride- death. For this very reason there is a ancient magic rite
changing of clothes on the weddings: women into the man, and men in the woman's clothing. By such
by means they attempted to deceive “bride- death”. It is alien with the scythe after
by fiance- month, and it became woman- moon. On the weddings in different peoples under
by different names figures “pale Piero” - the dying month in the high
sharp cap. They beat it, they attempt to drown in the river of the Milky Way, they throw out
in mud, but it always revives and laughs above its persecutors, after outwitting
death. In Russia this it was Punchinello.
The moment of the resurrection “new” month on the weddings bears playful nature.
They mourn imaginary corpse, and it jumps up and rushes into the dance.
In “[Balaganchike]” of block this folklore mystery, this celestial wedding are deprived
full-blooded heathen beginning. Now this became myth. In vain the author
it attempts to direct action along the living, vital river bed. In vain it shouts:
“I recognize no legends, any myths and other banalities!” Pale
mysticisms castrated life. In bride- death they see only death with the scythe.
Piero sees only his beloved with the downy maidenly scythe after the arms.
In the mystery participates the double of the dying month: month rising again -
Harlequin. In the mystical masquerade now and then it cannot be distinguished, where Piero, where him
rival is the harlequin: all clowns. Clown falls from the impact by wooden sword, elapsing
cranberry of [sokom]1. Death and bride - one person under the different masks. Harlequin
jumps into the window, but the distance, “that seen in the window, it proves to be that drawn on
to paper ".
Death is impossible, but is impossible resurrection; is impossible love, but also
there is no death. When masks are torn away, the void occurs under them.
And nevertheless the moment of the resurrection of death in “[Balaganchike]”
1 here the echoes of those not touched upon by Christianity of the folklore resurrections
month. The beaten up Christ and the beaten up clown, of course, are not identical as
it is nonidentical [evkharistiya] (transformation of the blood into the wine) with the farcical
by the transformation of the blood into the cranberry juice.

it is truly surprising. Block seemingly reverses inside out
subject is folklore -[misterialnyy]. Here the fiance of Piero raises
star-bride- death. In contrast to [Dumuzi], [Ozirisa], Christ [blokovskiy] Piero
it cannot either die, or rise again, it even cannot bring itself in
victim. Sad Piero is converted into the usual carnival clown,
escaping by cranberry juice, and after the instant it runs away. Is the same imaginary
death of a harlequin. Usually at the moment of imaginary death [misterialnoe] space,
that becoming narrow in the hour of loss, is enlarged (as, for example, in “deaths of Ivan
Ilyich ", about which conversation subsequently). Here window is torn up. Distance
it occurs decoration.
As is fitting in the ancient mystery, the moment of death of month is the time
the resurrection of morning star. In block “the against the background occupied dawn it stands, only
vibrated by [dorassvetnym] wind, death, in the long white shrouds with the lusterless
by feminine face and by scythe on the arm. Blade silvers as overturned
the month, which dies in the morning ".
This blade is “overturned” harlequin, who became himself dying Piero.
On the earth “Piero slowly goes through entire scene, stretching hands to death”. And
here occur resurrection, transformation of death into the bride the columbine: “On the measure
the approximations of its feature begin to revive. Bloom began to play on the dullness of cheeks.
Silver scythe is lost in the spreading morning fog. Against the background dawn, in the niche
windows, stands with the quiet smile on calm face beautiful girl - columbine ".
The triumphant author attempts to connect enamored ones, but at the moment of their rapprochement
hands everything collapses, disappear decorations, the author runs away, there remains only
stretched out pale Piero. As Orpheus, who lost that again found
Euridice, it plays on [dudochke] song “about its pale face, about the heavy life
and about the bride to its columbine ".
The sense of [blokovskoy] [misterialnoy] tragicomedy was actual call to everything
to traditional mysticism. The connection of enamored ones is impossible before the sky in
the astral marriage of Venus and month, it is impossible in the incorporeal mysteries, where under
by all masks void, but “terrestrial” aspirations of the banal author to connect
fallen in love, in spite of all obstacles, also proved to be barren. Yes…
Mysticisms want immortality - and are disgraced by death.
Piero does not fear death, he is ready to accept death as bride - and is disgraced her
by resurrection.
Starry celestial garden - earliest symbol of the paradise, where there is no time in the bliss and
of happiness was Adam with his beloved. Starry garden, eden, became
by nightingale garden in the poetry of block. The garden, where overhang the flowers “excess roses”, where
“monotonous” sing streams, of course, it differs from severe biblical paradise,
where are prohibitions obstacles.
[Blokovskiy] nightingale garden more greatly is similar to the eastern Moslem paradise, where
everything is permitted. The antipode of the Tower of Babel, it, is similar to the suspended gardens
[Semiramidy], it is located on the starry height, where steep climbs conduct, from where
steep descents. This is that [vertograd], where it will no longer be the prohibitions, where it rules
not stern- paternal, but feminine- maternal, tender. “Be glad, [Vertograd]
not fading, such words was glorified in the acathistus Mother of God, be glad,
stairs from the earth to the sky ".
Another way leads to the nightingale garden of block: long meditations, doubts,
sincere fight. Unapproachable doors - only visibility of the obstacle:

Pravda heart my spoke,
And fence was not terrible.
I did not knock - itself opened
Unapproachable doors it.

It, mysterious is beloved, Moslem houri, not Petersburg
fornicatress, not ascetic nun, whose vague appearance guessed in the snowy
to the mask of Petersburg, in the fumes in [traktirnoy] counter, in the restaurant blue pool:
“Breathing by perfumes and by fogs, it sits down itself at the window…” Who this is - star or
woman? “I rang, falling, wrist louder than in my poor dream”.
Ringing wrists of the dancing dancer - [Irodia]-[dy], [Semiramidy], Salome, A
it can be, the bright starry goddess Of [ishtar], [Inanny]? There, in the [shumerskom] epos,
[Inanna] undresses in hell, removes frontal tape - “the charm of brow”, azure
necklace, gold wrists, grid - “to me, man, to me” - from the breast,
bandage “[odeyane] of sovereigns” - from the thighs; not clothing, but the signs of authority above the man
by peace.
In the [blokovskom] to paradise only the collapsible wrists, there is no misty cover, no
snowy mask, there are no “dark veil” and inclined ostrich feathers. Here everything
Smelling sweet, as there are no [mironositsa], it in the fragrant garden, and between them
But here involuntarily is recalled other means from the ancient mysteries, which reached
us in two versions: Apuleius gospel.
In “by gold donkey” sensual matron, who assumes donkey, sprinkles by its pink
by lobes, it paves by fragrancies. Voluptuous youth, converted in
donkey n amorous bed. Godly [Izida], the goddess of femininity and fertility,
it took pity above it and returned to youth human appearance. Neo-Platonist,
thinned of mysticisms Apuleius converted into the novel the subject of the mystery, where animal,
“asinine” nature of man changes into the spiritual according to by action by the eternal
In the gospel the Christ enters into Jerusalem on the donkey. This donkey - symbol
changed sensual nature of man.
In the poem of block “nightingale garden” the donkey remains below, the foot of starry garden.
Donkey - eternal toiler to the earth, to it there is no entrance into the unapproachable paradisiacal
abode. Person, who left his terrestrial nature of eternal toiler, [vosparil]
upwards, above its poor dream found the most paradisiacal bliss, which
it was lost first by people immediately after [vkusheniya] of forbidden fruit from the tree
For the disturbance of prohibition Adam was doomed to the labor in the perspiration of face on the earth, which
it [proizrastit] to it “thorns” “thistles”. The Earth - stony, laminar - remained
below, the curse of eternal labor in the perspiration of face showed! taken. Adam returned in
its eden, after leaving below in the means of donkey its sinful terrestrial shell and
the curse of toiler.
The subject “nightingale garden” polar- is opposite to the biblical subject of the expulsion
from the paradise. Seemingly cover circle, man returns to the paradisiacal garden, and no one
it prevents his stay there… No one. But below, on the earth, on the shore
everyday sea, is heard the cry of terrestrial creature, and occurs sequential
the transformation: donkey now the embodiment of rough physical force, and the symbol
tamed by man nature. As the part of its soul, it [vopiet] to the apexes
the starry nightingale garden:

I window threw open blue,
And it behaved in a queer way, as if it arose
After the distant [rychanem] of the surf
Calling sorrowful cry.

The cry of donkey was extended and long,
It penetrated my soul as moan,
And I very quietly drew curtains,
In order to prolong the charmed sleep.

No, this only behaved in a queer way. Indeed here “do not reach the lives of [proklyatya]”. This
there was cry from the depth of the very human nature, very sincerely. Access in
paradise was free, but in order to leave paradise, it was necessary to overcome thorns.

And, getting down on the stones of fence,
I destroyed colors oblivion.
Their shafts, accurately hand from the garden,
They were seized the dress my.

Man itself banishes himself from the paradise. After the thorny fence of sufferings and grief
man hears noise of everyday sea, roar of the surf, cry of element. Mysticisms
was called Christ “new Adam”. New Adam [Bloka] returns to the peace, in order to
to save it as Christ, but there, in this peace, man itself finds his
the rescuing:

But from the path, trampled by me,
, where cabin was before,
Worker with the pick began to get down,
Driving on strange donkey.

What does mean - “strange donkey”? Stranger it for the worker or for the hero? To answer on
this question it is impossible. But in the poetic context the word “of stranger” sounds
tragically. After returning from the paradise, man became stranger for the earth as in to paradise it
it was alien to paradise.
And nevertheless it settled and worker they get down from the path, “trampled by me”.
The siliceous way, which is seen to man in the nightingale garden, although
it was converted for the journey, but this is still the same ancient way of humanity, and on
to this way goes the donkey, tired from the burden.
The time of action “nightingale garden” - the unknown number “is unknown which
day ". It seems that only one night is past, but already there is no cabin on the shore, and
scrap rusted and was tightened by wet sand. It means, on the terrestrial measurements past
there is much time. As in the bible as in the folklore legends, here the time
action - eternity.
But even in the eternity there is its motion of subject. Banished from the paradise person
now it returned to the peace voluntarily. He itself selected its terrestrial way, path,
trampled by previous, “decrepit Adam”. Its mysterious eternal loved
it remained in the serene to the paradise of the nightingale garden, wrapped the misty haze
The roar of sea element ( voice of chaos ) is dug in into the peace of poet. Poet, he wrote
Block, the son of harmony, but harmony is born from space chaos. In order to
to hear harmony, it is necessary to convert chaos into space, but it is necessary for this
to open the rumor of element.
“Stranger” and “nightingale garden” - the peace of terrestrial and celestial. But under these two
by peaces there is the third, ground floor of gallery (den) - folklore theater, in
to wooden box of which were developed the subjects of ancient mysteries. There
action occurred immediately both before the sky and on the earth, and in hell. Christ afterward
resurrection it gets down into hell in order to free dead persons, to remove fetters, to forgive
all sins, “to tear oaths”…
[Blokovskiy] hell - chaos of blizzard, chaos of snowy snowstorm, chaos of the element, which was raged
and indomitable. Here, in the ground floor there is no gallery, in “the basement”, already
the regulated subjects as in “the stranger” and “[Balaganchike]”. Here it flows
the present blood, but not cranberry juice. Ancient mystery appears in its
the protoplastic, spontaneous cruelty.
Already in Dostoyevsky's novel “idiot” traditional subject “Christ and fornicatress”
it was inverted inside out. In Christ's gospel buries the fornicatress Maria
Magdalena, in Dostoyevsky Christ - [Myshkin] - next to the slaughtered [Nastasey]
[Filippovnoy] it plays into the fool with “the robber” [Rogozhinym]. Is such “[peta]”
Dostoyevsky. It is nearer, it will no matter how seem by strange, to the ancient biblical
to the subjects, where” fornicatress “is hung up to the hook.
In the stranger x-rays the face Of [nastasi] Of [filippovny], but there it - celestial
loved, devoted by [poruganyu] on the earth. In the poem “twelve” for
the fornicatress Of [katki] there is no “sky”, as it does not exist for [Nastasi] Of [filippovny]. [Katka]
it is killed by crazy shot, it is killed almost randomly, spontaneously, but face of this
element - Christ's face in the white halo of icy snowstorm, snowy roses. It is earlier of
snowy mask, from the blizzard appeared face of stranger, now - face 300.
Those reproached of block in the banality “white halos” did not understand the means: indeed the rose
snowstorms are twisted from the blizzards and the whirlpools.
Rosa nightingale garden they became the freezing vortices of Russia. From the snowstorm
escape the shreds of posters, the scraps of phrases and folk songs, bullets squeal, they are heard
hoarse cries. the fornicatress Of [katka] little is similar to Magdalena, By [nastasyu]
To [filippovnu], to the excellent stranger. By force of spontaneous revelry it where
it is nearer to the ancient goddesses of the fertilities, which returned with the identical passion
to gods and to herdsmen, to heroes and to simple soldiers.
Poet actually fell in love with element, it became it dearer than the sweet nightingale
paradise and the paper decorations of Petersburg “[balaganchika]”. Now ancient
the mystery of Christ and fornicatress, star and month is dissolved in block in the element
snowy snowstorm. According to the law mystery someone must die for the resurrection. In
Christ also fly bullets, but it is already unharmed: it cannot be died and risen again
twice. [Katka] is not similar to the woman from “nightingale garden”, although [S]. Esenin
it felt the connection between these means, and woman, who personifies Russia,
it will be named “Anna Onegin”.
Snow and snowstorm - here from where arose living, personified [Katka], not “pasteboard
bride ", who fell from the cabby sleighs. Above the columbine, which fell into the snow,
weeping and laughing, a harlequin and Piero dance. But Petrukh, that killed [Katku], not long
it is sad:

It head [vskidavaet],
It again cheered up…

[Ekh], [ekh]!
To amuse not sin!

Above the body of the killed fornicatress was inclined [vyuzhnyy] Christ, as above the empty coffin
[voskresshego] Christ once was inclined Maria Magdalena. After leaving from the empty
coffin, it met man in the white, after accepting it for the gardener, but this it was
Christ, who suffered in The [gefsimanskom] garden and [voskresshiy] in the garden of Joseph
[Arimafeyskogo]. Woman from the nightingale garden will perish in the icy snowstorm of the snowy
vortex garden, in the snow-storm from the roses, which crowned by bloody icy thorns the brow
[blokovskogo] Christ.
For the ancient peoples the sky was the starry book, where they were the fiery letters
the subjects of entire world history are imprinted. This book it read and in its own way
deciphered still the author of the apocalypse, when sky before his eyes
it was rolled up, “as roll”. This book after seven fiery presses was read
by sound-effects men, by Egyptians, by Greeks and by Persian magicians. Dimly they shone it
the page above Petersburg of the beginning of the 20th century, but during the clear frost days Alexander
Block, after being detached away from the ancient manuscripts, saw in the poetic enlightenment
all the same fiery are characters, the same mysterious as the cuneiform of the ancient
sound-effects men and the starry signs of the Scythians:

When you is driven in and oppressed
By people, by the concern of [il] by melancholy;
When under the sepulchral board
Everything, which you captivated, will sleep…
Then - stop for a moment
To listen to silence night:
You will understand by rumor life other,
Which in the daytime you did not understand;
You will in a new way glance by the view
Distance of snowy streets, the smoke of bonfire,
Night, which quietly waits the morning
Above the white [zapushennym] garden,
And sky - book between the books…

Each epoch and each poet read the pages of this starry book in their own way.
In a new way read it Alexander [Blok].


Ancient Egypt during each year recreated before the sky the body Of [ozirisa]. It
they dismembered to 14 parts, and here the Moon -[Izida] from the month per month assembles together
the body of its husband. [Oziris] perished in November, when the sun was located in the constellation
Scorpion. Late set ( god of gloom ) cut his body on the part. [Izida]
is gathered [Ozirisa] of twelve constellations of zodiac, moon and sun.
Head was first found. It proved to be in the mountain anebis - this is the constellation
Sagittarius. In Egyptians anebis - god of the reign of corpses with the head of wolf or dog;
in the Russian fairy tale this Ivan- tsarevich on the gray wolf.
On the second day they found eye [Udzhat]. It guarded the sovereign of the east bird to Ben.
The eyes Of [ozirisa] - this sun, and bird - Venus evening, in the Russian fairy tale -
Sunset glow. Further find jaws, neck, heart, bowels, lungs, edges,
fingers. Hand guarded lion - constellation of Leo, and phallus - ram, constellation it was.
In a word, entire zodiac, assembled together, composes the body Of [ozirisa].
resurrect [Ozirisa] is difficult, indeed zodiac entire wholly cannot be visible on
sky simultaneously. To therefore, recreate entire circle, entire body is possible only in
the mental space-time only year. Here is it, the distant portent
the open in the 20th century fourth time-spatial coordinate
Minkowski - Poincare - Einstein.
In China oecumenical person To [pangu] grows to the oecumenical sizes from
Liliputian to the giant. And it consists of entire zodiac. However, Chinese
calendar strongly differs from European. To each circle of zodiac - to year -
the mysterious animal here corresponds: hare, tomcat, sheep, bull… These
names bring us closer to the Russian fairy tale, where as in the Chinese legends,
special role is removed to fox.
Here familiar to us from the childhood the fairy tale, which indicates the offensive of spring - spring
equinox. Fox ( sun ) is located in the constellation of wolf - Sagittarius. Wolf
it will go on to cart (in the circle of zodiac). Fox (sun), appearing in the constellation
Capricorn, it requests to take it in the sleighs, but wolf rejects: sleighs will not maintain
two. Fox requests to place one paw, then another (day it arrives), then
entire sits down itself - sleighs are pulled down, spring during the day of the spring comes
But here is the offensive of summer.
Peasant ploughs on the oxen (constellation of corpuscle). Wolf wants oxen to eat. Peasant [s]
it kills wolf by the aid of fox (sun). Fox requires into the reward of hens, but the peasant
it slips in the bag of dogs. Dogs (Gemini) tear off to fox tail - after 21
June day begins to diminish.
The so-called “fairy tales about animals” were simultaneously their kind
by calendars.
Very idea of horoscope to eat nothing else but the recreation of the united starry body
oecumenical person in the space-time. Here the immense breakthrough
human thought from the seen with the universe to the universe mental, from the starry [k]
Each fairy tale and each myth about the dying and reviving god exists simultaneously
the school of the space immortality of man. It goes from one constellation to the next
[Gerakl], accomplishing twelve exploits, until it dresses into the starry skin
the constellation of Leo, burning in the sun. Horoscope with this reading becomes
“by the stairs Of [iakova]” - from the earth to the sky. Each constellation - month. In each
month moon dies and rises again from the new moon to the plenilune. It means, in each
month it is necessary to complete the exploit of death and resurrection, to revive to the life
through any obstacles.
During the year it is necessary to pass the same way from death to the life. From the dying -
decrease - sun in summer in the constellation of Gemini before its complete “depreciation” in
the constellation of Sagittarius - Ivan- tsarevich on top of wolf.
Death of month in the last phase betokens its resurrection in three days in
the new moon, and the shortest day in December, in the constellation of Sagittarius, betokens
the revival of the sun: “The sun to the summer, winter to the frost”. After being released into the pursuit of
by two brothers (constellation of Gemini), Ivan- tsarevich will overtake them in June, during the day
summer solstice - longest day in the year, i.e., it will return to itself entire
the completeness of the sunshine.
In Chinese the exploit of death and revival is extended also on
twelve-year old cycle under twelve zodiacal signs. In this case each sign
it has five versions: 12x5=60 of years, the symbolic period of the entire human
In the Russian folklore is especially designated the age of the exploit, when hero must
to enter the duel with death: 30 years even 3 years. Age of Christ, Ilya
[Muromtsa], and, alas, Ilya Ilyich Oblomov, so not risen from the sofa for
the exploit of its life.
Proto-biblical sound-effects man- babylonian epos about [Gil]-[gameshe] - “against entire seen” -
also it is divided into twelve heads - twelve exploits, which it accomplishes
hero under each of twelve constellations. Two adopted brothers here act -
[Gilgamesh] and To [enkidu]. Their way completes on June 21 in the constellation of Gemini.
[Gilgamesh] - the sun, To [enkidu] - moon. Before us swim the familiar to us on
to fairy tales subjects. Here wild hunter - month To [enkidu] - is trained love [u]
fornicatress [Shamkhat] (Venus evening). Through seven amorous nights (the first phase
The Moon) [Enkidu] it becomes new moon and it leaves to the people. Here is [Gilgamesh] and
To [enkidu] they stepped together to the ecliptic of zodiac - they conquered monster To [khumbabu]
(constellation of corpuscle). Morning Venus -[Ishtar] wants to become the wife Of [gilgamesha], but
it rejects the match-making of the morning star: the sun raises and the rays of Venus
they grow dim. One must For [gilgameshu] bury its friend. [Enkidu]- moon dies
each month. Desiring to revive friend, the [Gilgamesh]- sun leaves for the way on
the main exploit of immortality.
For it is in prospect descent into the well (netherworld), and wanderings in the desert, and
encounter with babylonian noy - [tnapishtimom], that told [Gilgameshu] about the loss
the entire world in the waters of flood and about the ruby-colored flower of the immortality: “This flower - as
blackthorn on the bottom of sea, shafts it as roses, your hand I will prick ". As charge, the hero
it gets down on the bottom of ocean, but not from the ship, but through the well. However, to bring
flower into the home town For [gilgameshu] it did not succeed. It rose from the cold reservoir
snake carried off flower forever.
Let us recall that in the fairy tale “[Alenkiy] flower” merchant, who left himself for the wandering
after the flower, it proved to be luckier and it brought it from overseas together with the possible
by the continuation of sound-effects man- babylonian epos in the familiar to us to fairy tale.
On the tree of life with the fruits of immortality it is spoken in the bible. Adam and Eva did not have time
to taste these fruits: tempted, in addition by kite, they were banished from the paradise. A
already familiar to us the adopted brothers Of [gilgamesh] and [Enkidu] will become the sons of Adam.
Gemini or adopted brothers gather abundant starry harvest in the mythologies of the different
peoples. In ancient Babylon this already familiar to us [Gilgamesh] and To [enkidu], in
Egypt mountains and set, in the Greeks Of [dioskury], and in the biblical legends Cain and Abel.
Two sons of the ancestors of humanity of Adam and Eva brought the victim to god
[vsesozhzheniya]. The smoke from the bonfire of Abels rises upwards: it was welcome to god.
Bonfire Cain spread on the earth by smoke, it was objectionable. the Envy- jealousy
it settled in the shower in Cain. It killed brother and hid his body.
- Cain, where the brother of your Abel? - asks creator.
- Perhaps I am watchman to brother to my? - answers Cain.
“[Kainova] press” killer is forever set by god on Cain's brow.
Two were born in the later times after flood in the forefather of Isaac
son- twin [Isav] and [Iakov]. By right of primogeniture [Isav] it had to accept
the authority of patriarch, since the first appeared to the light. But it sold [Iakovu] its
primogeniture for the lentil soup. From [Iakova] send twelve elbows -
twelve zodiacal signs. [Iakov] it saw the stairs, on which from the sky and at the sky
souls raised. At night in Abraham [Iakov]'s stone it fought with the god in the angelic
appearance remained chromium to one foot (hero, lame to one foot,
the constellation of Orion).
To the generation of twins in the antiquity they related with the special attention. In their fate
they saw the highest sign and special outline for mankind. And
not without reason: in the constellation of Gemini - point of summer equinox, the longest
day in the year.
In ancient Egypt each pharaoh had the symbolic twin- brother: ancestral
the placenta, sealed up into the amphora and concealed. It was considered that the dead person
pseudo-Gemini can remove misfortunes from the living “brother”.
According to the mythological laws one twin is prepared for the life, another for
victim. Between them seemingly inversely proportional dependence. They
antipodes as Cain and Abel. In them life and death, good and evil, wealth and
poverty, truth and falsehood.
The Egyptian civilization of pyramids appears under the astral sign of Gemini,
blooming in the epoch of gold corpuscle, being changed by the epoch of outcome from Egypt and
the base of judaic reign under the sign it is.
The mystery of twins in the new precise version entered into The [elevsinskie] sacraments
Ancient Greece. Instead of “the placenta of pharaoh” appeared the idea about death
my previous solid “I” for the revival of new spiritual appearance.
That devoted they " buried” - they left on the night “in the coffin”, in the darkness, and then
it left to the light as if renovated.
In the Christian times to this corresponds the idea about “decrepit Adam”,
through which it is necessary to step over in order to find in itself “new Adam” - Christ
and life eternal. Decrepit Adam contains the mortal sin, Cain's which forced
to kill Abel. New Adam is redeemed in death by Christ's blood.
The theme of [dvoynichestva] plays enormous role in the creation of German romantics,
especially in Hoffman, and then in the Russian literature in Dostoyevsky, late [u]
Very constellation of Gemini shines invariably as in the first millenium before
our era, when for the first time legends about them were flown around into the biblical word, A
bible itself, as we already know, includes the encoded motion of constellations,
seemingly convoluted roll of sky.

It says ancient legend: “Is four books - nature, bible, human
heart and the celestial sphere. All four books speak about one, it is must only skillfully
to read ".
Here four “of the key of Maria”, which helped me to decipher [metakod], about them
Esenin in his space article wrote. Poet knows that “our ancestors
the secret of universe strongly disturbed. They tried almost all doors,
those leading to it, and left to us many keys of the master keys, which we with great care
we store in the museum of our verbal memory ". The reproach of poet [k] is valid
to the literary critics: “Our researchers did not glance in the heart of our people
creation. They did not understand the singing old man ".
However, we will listen to this canto:

“As to me, to old man,
old not to cry.
As to me, old, not to sob:
I lost the book gold
in the dark to boron,
I dropped key…
in blue sea "…
“You do not cry, old man, do not sigh,
the book new I will weave by stars,
gold key by wave to [vplesnu] ".

In this book moon - hare, star - hare tracks; the sun - wheel, corpuscles,
hare, squirrel; rainbow - bow, gates, [vereya], arc; month - lamb, herdsman,
[Sivka]- cloak. These means- likenings poet calls “vignette”. “The means
vignette - there is just as metaphor, the likening of one object
to other ".
“Red angle, for example, in the cottage is likening to dawn, ceiling - celestial
to arch, and girder - to Milky Way ". Person himself is the same vignette
the means
Let us glance the peace of the space metaphors of Esenin by general view.
Sky - [neobemlemyy] starry sphere on the arms of poet, horse, which carries upwards
the charged earth, diamond door, cow, the cow, that gives birth to gold heifer -
the sun, bell with the language of month, bucket of azure, spilled to the earth, starry
the coat of grandfather, who sits on the mound of earth in the cap of month, starry fields and to [pazhiti],
germinating by the ears of stars, the sea, which conceals starry catch, the expanded book
with the starry by characters and finally [vlasozvezdnaya]
the head of poet himself.
The Milky Way - road into the sky, the celestial cedar, starry arc in the harness
celestial horse, the starry umbilical cord, bonding agent is sky and the earth.
Stars - ears of bread, the ears of words, distant and close ancestors - ships,
taking away into the celestial height.
The Earth - cart in the shafts of celestial horse, gold kalatch, the calf, originated
by sky.
Sky and the earth - cup of two hemispheres, reflected the friend
in the friend.
And finally man - “the cup of celestial is isolated -[nostey]”, entire sky, stars,
the earth, the Milky Way, entire universe.
Here grow the folklore tree of the Milky Way, the celestial cedar:

The celestial cedar makes noise
Through the fog and the ditch,
And to the valley of the misfortunes
The lumps of words fall,

They sing about the days
Other earth and waters,
Where on the tight sides
Their lunar mouth bit.

Here, under the celestial [Mavriyskim] oak, sits the grandfather of poet in the starry sheath and in
the cap- month:

And that cat cap,
That it bore on the holiday,
It looks, as month, it is chilly
To the snow of native graves.

Cosmos requires new rhythms, it dictates daring, giddy metaphor.
Here the ladle of Ursa Major draws will by sleep. Here sky issues itself by the bucket
of azure, and the emerged soul fertilizes the chernozem “of the celestial of [pazhitey]”.
At this time in its poetry rises again the ancient means of space person from
“Pigeon book”. It fills the universe with its body, its skin - sky, it
sight - the sun, its respiration - the wind:

To Egypt to [raskoryachu] of foot,
I will flatten from you the horseshoes of flour…
In both poles [snezhnorogie]
I will stick by tongs of the hands

I will press the equator by elbow
And, under the storms also of vortex weeping,
In half our earth- mother
I will break, as [zlatoy] kalatch.

And into failure, shaded by abyss,
So that the entire world would hear that crack,
I head my [vlasozvezdnuyu]
I will push through, as solar luster.

This means resembles the ancient-Egyptian image of sky in the form
human figure, by the arc of that stretching out above the earth, and other
the medieval engraving, where the wanderer, who reached the end of the light, breaks through
by head sky, looking: what there, beyond the horizon?
For Esenin bread of terrestrial and celestial - one corner crust. Harvest is verbal, and the harvest
space, and harvest is terrestrial - united labor. Its flight to the sky not from the earth, A
together with the entire earth. Its earth - sky, sky - the earth.

There, after the lacteal hills,
Among the celestial poplars,
It overturned above us
[Srebrostruynyy] aquarius.

It by she-bear from the azure -
As of the barrel by scoop.
In the sky the jumped up storm
Villages to month by the top.

In the vortex the assembly of dead persons dreams,
By milk the smoking garden,
I see, grandfather pulls my by the fishing basket
Sun from noon to the sunset.

Entire family hierarchy of folklore is imprinted in the starry symbols. Month -
father, owner; the sun - mother, hostess; stars - children small, are small [detushki] -
Pleiads. Live they in by [zlatoverkhom], the lattice, starry house, [ogorozhennom]
by silver paling with the silver gates, on each [tyninke] on [zhemchuzhinke].
It is not difficult to examine in the outlines of this house and in the appearance of its inhabitants -
month, the sun and stars - ordered picture of the celestial sphere.

Month is light -
That is owner in to house,
Is red [solnyshko] -
That is hostess,
The asterisks are frequent -
Are small [detochki].

The marriage of parents - this is the union of the moon and sun. The match-making of young - this is the prelude
the marriage between the month and the star. Fiance- month bears name Ivan, in this case in
some cases remains in his second name hint to the forms of moon, month
(Ivan - roll peas). Moon as the being grown pea - extended
means. Bride- Venus preserves its starry name (Zarya -[Zaryanitsa], [Dennitsa]).
The Pole star Venus - this of spinner, [vyshivalshchitsy]. They weave or they embroider
the cover of the firmament. In ritual wedding [pesnopeniyakh] this motive
it sounds sufficiently distinctly. Bride sits on the tree, which symbolizes the lacteal
Way, either in the high tower or in the celestial tent. To woo to it is possible,
either after felling tree or after jumping to its height. Since Venus it is free
it is moved on the western or eastern slope, appropriately to assume that
the stolen or yet not proposed bride identified with “that riveted”
By the Pole star. Its stay in the high tower, at the fixed point
the firmament, while fiance- month [edinoborstvuet] with the kite
(constellation of dragon), subject sufficiently extended in the [lubochnoy] and the icon
painting (“the miracle of Georgiy against the [zemee]”). The constellation of dragon girds the polar
star in the circle.
In the bride- star of three abodes: in the east (morning star), on
the West (evening star) and at the fixed point of sky (the Pole star). Three
appearance brides in the Russian fairy tale are revealed sufficiently distinctly: ugly
(snake, frog), excellent (Helen [Prekrasnaya]), that sleeps (latent tsarevna) -
Venus is evening, Venus the morning and Pole star. There is the still fourth
sister - Sirius, the brightest star in the sky.
In ritual wedding [pesnopeniyakh] the bride is situated on the tree of the Milky Way,
on the birch. That these are simple birch, but celestial tree, it is clear from the song
the context:

To [korene] is Damascus steel in this birch,
The crust is plate with goldd in this birch,
The twigs are silver in this birch,
On these twigs leaves are damask…

Roots - reign underground, iron; stem - reign terrestrial, silver;
crown - reign celestial, gold. It is here not-without-interest to correlate three
reign with three appearances of star- bride, and also with the motive about three sisters.
Venus western, since it is distinctly visible with evening, sovereign of the iron
underground reign (mistress of copper mountain). Venus eastern is visible with the morning, it
the sovereign of the reign of silver, day. And finally the Pole star -
the night sovereign of gold starry celestial reign (night tsarina, the tsarina
night, [shamakhanskaya] tsarina).
Most frequently three means are poured together and they only change their appearance in all three
reigns (Frog-Princess, Tsarevna- swan). Intermediate, third state
between two transformations looks like [neprobudnyy] sleep or sudden
disappearance from the field of sight. This is tsarevna in the reign Of [koshcheya], when it is burnt it
frog skin; dead tsarevna in the crystal to coffin on seven posts -
The Pole star, girded by the constellation of dragon.
All stars - weaver or spinner. This is the weaving of special property.
Here is subject about three star- weavers in the buryat fairy tale. [Bashaalay] “assembled
the bones of its brother, it covered into the blanket, assumed on the bed, changed clothes in
its clothing, took bow with the arrows and it left to three celestial
to contemplators, who revive corpses… “.
It means, they even and [voskresitelnitsy]. As here to not recall about three
wives -[mironositsakh], who arrived at [voskresshego] Christ's coffin. It is interesting that everything
three sisters are named “white [lebedushkami]”. In order to resurrect fiance, they
swan garments throw down, being converted into three girls. “Elder of them
is capable of joining the bones (skeleton), average - of increasing to the skeleton meat and
to fill body by the blood, the third - to revive dead persons ".
Elder - this Venus western, average - the Pole star, young - morning
Venus. And in the Kirghiz fairy tale Of [cholpon] - morning star - by its
by touch it revives hero. “The skeleton of oecumenical person” in the data
reading there is an outline of the celestial sphere. It " weaves”, recreates polar,
night, star. Venus evening fills skeleton by the blood of sunset, and morning
Venus by the touch of solar ray will revive body. These three female means
is performed the role of three sisters -[voskresitelnits], also, into “The [odissee]”. [Navsikaya],
chaste morning Venus, is identical to the junior sister. [Tsirtseya], night tsarina,
evil witch, corresponds to the means of average sister - the star of polar.
Accordingly the role of the third sister is diverted To [penelope] - weaver, separated
with the month - the Odyssy. Match-making with the aid of the luminiferous arrow, released from
bow- month, to us is already familiarly at least on the match-making of Ivan- tsarevich in the fairy tale
“Frog-Princess”. This is how this subject in the Abkhazian epos appears.
Herdsman [Nardzhkhou] saw on other bank Of [ariaya] river future bride [Sataney]
To [guashu]. Since they never astronomically converge, the marriage between them
it is possible only through the water obstacle. Paul - sky, bow - month, herdsman -
Orion. [Sataney] Of [guasha]- already familiar to us on wedding [pesnopeniyam] the bride
Zarya, spinner. Moreover
1 name of river gives possibility to assume that herdsman - this Orion. It
herdsman functions are known, known and herdsman baton - three stars.

its distaff was equal in the value to oak with [pryaslom] with value cliff - lacteal
Way. Herdsman To [nardzhkhou] was enticed sparkling, similar to the sun, by beauty and,
without having known how to swim across the raged river, it sent its man beginning to it. In
to the fairy tale of Pushkin prince [Gvidon] also at first aims from the bow into his future
bride tsarevna.
It is completely probable that the stretched bow of new moon is aimed at west
the side of the horizon, where must be Venus western; however, afterward
the three-day post, which the Tsarevna- swan prescribes to month -[Gvidonu],
lunar phase changes, bow bends to the opposite side, and the arrow
it is obtained to Venus eastern, morning. Venus- swan in the West,
Venus- tsarevna in the east. In the buryat fairy tales bride as
Tsarevna- swan, preserves the tracks of the space origin: “… from the right
cheek… proceeds the sunshine, and from the left cheek lunar radiance ". Right
the side, eastern, stores the reflection of solar rise, and leftist, western,
it is inverted to the moon, to the night.
In the Russian wedding song the match-making begins to “polar” bride,
being hidden in the tent, either in the house or in the crown of birch. It, naturally,
it is occupied with its eternal weaving or embroidering of celestial starry cover.

Yes first time it embroidered light month with the moons,
Yes is light month with the moons, with the frequent with the stars;
Yes the second time it embroidered redly the sun with the hazes…
Awl- embroidered by pure silver,
It stitched lines by red gold.

It is not-without-interest to compare this motive with the weaving Of [penelopy]. Cover, which
it weaves, simultaneously and funeral (for the father) and wedding, since [s]
by the end of work must take place wedding. It weaves itself in the daytime, and at night secretly
it dissolves from all of its [Penelopa]. Cover can be the celestial sphere,
which is dissolved in the morning, and again it is recreated toward the evening.
Three stars, which weave by their rays day and night sky, and sometimes also entire
the earth, with the seas, by rivers and by scaffolding, the means of surprising beauty. This metaphor
it possesses the casting a spell visual persuasiveness. Rays - needle, rays -
gold and silver threads, the bright, thin air fabric of skies…
Probably, hence goes at first glance strange for the unenlightened
the name of embroidered for the church cup coating - “air”. Embroidering
air - means, which exits by roots to the antiquity.
In Pushkin in “the fairy tale about tsar Saltan” all three bride- stars at the moment
match-makings are located by a number; however, only the uncommon bride of tsar [Gvidon], [u]
by which “the month under the scythe [blestit], and in the forehead star burns”, reminds us [o]
the initial starry value of subject. In this there is nothing surprising,
indeed Pushkin's fairy tale - this is already literary working. However, it is worthwhile to turn [k]
to the ultimate source, and astronomical semantics will explain.
In the fairy tale “sun, month and the crows Of [voronovich]” the old man issues marry his
daughters. Daughters leave to the porch, and in their the same hour they steal the celestial
fiances - sun, month and the crows Of [voronovich]. It is natural that three girls also
they conduct their conversation “on the porch”. However, their starry craft is not forgotten.
Elder sister promises: “If b me was married Ivan- tsarevich, I b to it [napryala]
the jacket thin, smooth, what in entire light they will not spin ".
Average sister promises “to weave” caftan from silver, from gold - “it would shine
it as firebird ".
Future bride promises to bear to Ivan- tsarevich “sons, that not clear Sokolov:
in the forehead the sun, on the back of the head month, along the sides of star ".
Further in the junior sister three times are born starry children, in them “in the forehead the sun,
on the back of the head the month, along the sides of star frequent ", and three times them substitute the elders
sister. They throw tsarevna in the barrel in the sea. Barrel it throws out by wave to the coast, and
there happy tsarina finds all three starry sons. “Suddenly entire room
it was illuminated - entered three brothers with the sun, with the month, with the stars; mudflow for the table,
they tried flat cakes and learned the native mother milk ". Flat cakes, baked on
maternal milk, star, and milk itself - Milky Way. As I already
it recalled at first, it issues itself from the breast of the constellation of Cassiopeia. Three brothers -
three stars of the belt of Orion.
But are important here not so much symbolism itself, as emergent on its basis
the means of the man- universe. It contains the sun, stars and month, i.e., all
Both in the fairy tale and in the ritual starry children are obliged by their origin to the terrestrial
to parents. Stars must become people in order to continue oecumenical it born.

Who this you [iznaseyal], fine person?
However, [Iznaseyal] you yes is light month.
But still who you [vosporodil], fine person?
[Vosporodila] you yes bright dawn.
But still who you [vospelenoval], fine person?
[Vospelenovali] yes are frequent the asterisk.

These questions and answers yet not very solution of secret. Story about the space
the origin of fine person - only first part of the riddle. However, solution consists in
that the stars, month and sun were personified into the terrestrial parents:

- Already you foolish to [khrestyane] unreasonable,
Orthodox friends, brother- comrades,
But even as [iznaseet] light month?
But on top of that as [vosporodit] bright dawn?
But even as [vospelenovayut] frequent the asterisks?
[Iznaseyal] me sir- father…
But [sporodila] me is native mummy,
[Vospelenovali] me nurse -[nyanyushki].

This finale is very important. Answers exclude the possibility of another space
generation, besides the human: But “even as [iznaseet] light month? Even as
[vosporodit] bright dawn? “
Understandably now, why in the folklore starry means are present as on
the second plan or, it is more right to say, inside the way of life.
The fates of space are decided on the earth.
It is worthwhile to, however, shut eyes to the [nenavyazchivyy] space undercurrent of folklore,
and entire deep sense will disappear. Cosmos is dissolved in the man not so,
in order to disappear completely. Continually x-rays “on the forehead the sun, on the back of the head
month, along the sides of star ".
contemporary reader “month under the slanting” and “star in the forehead”, not more than
intricate adornment, but for the creators of fairy tale this constant reminding [o]
the high space value of human existence, about its important mission in
The starry house, where the people - star, is not desirable to leave, but star - people. But
it is worthwhile to look at the night sky - and it becomes obvious that we always live
in this fairy tale…
Fairy tale - the most mysterious region of literature. Not on what flying carpet
not to keep up with human fantasy. After the dashing raids of the different
philosophical schools today we again in the broken trough. Secret of the starry
the code not of [razgadana].
The 19th Century presented to us [A]. [N]. [Afanasev]'s book “about the poetic views of the Slavs
to nature ". IN the 20th century the most significant transactions in this region - “gold
the branch Of [frezera]. “The morphology Of [v]. [Ya]. [Propp]'s fairy tale” and his less known book
“Historical roots of magic fairy tale " 1.
The present acknowledgement Of [proppa] bears purely ceremonial academic nature. It
school, until now, is located in the rear official folkloristics, and if
we [polistaem] present textbooks on the folklore for VUZ (Institute of Higher Education), then we will not find there and
the distant track of its books.
In the textbooks it is indicated that the fairy tale “helped”, “it reflected”, “it ridiculed”.
Sometimes, referring to M. of Gor'kiy, with the sigh recognize that something still and
“it foresaw” (flying carpet). In the fairy tale the dream of simple people [o] is reflected
excellent life. Despondently they classify other textbooks: fairy tale about animals,
satiric, everyday, magic. After this entire wisdom of fairy tale to read
it does not want.
Fairy tale you read and re-read after the book Of [proppa], and the main thing - you clearly perceive
the action of its magic. It casts a spell consciousness in the childhood, and in the adult
age fairy tale returns to us in the new vestments of science fiction.
Reading the book Of [proppa], you clearly see that the fairytale subjects revived today in the genre
fantasy. But let us return to the sources.
[V]. [Ya]. [Propp]'s book “historical roots of magic fairy tale” left in 1946,
when folkloristics and abroad survived the certain bicentennial
the period of self-confidence. From the middle of the 18th Century to the middle BY THE XX scientist
it seemed that key- solution to all secrets of fairy tale is certain universal and
myth. Some proposed to search for everywhere united solar (solar) myth and successfully
solar tracks found and in by gold egg pullet- they were speckled, and in the reign of the tsar
Saltan. Others reduced everything to the agrarian rites of fertility, and it was here
rich gain in the fairy tale, where the bones germinate by apple tree with the gold apples.
The historical school Of [a]. [N]. [Veselovskiy] [zavorozhenno] followed the generality
“vagrant subjects”: in Greeks the Odyssy, in Arabs - [Sindbad]- navigator, -
seafarer [Sadko]. [V]. [Ya]. [Propp] was convinced that the roots of fairy tale must be searched for in
the rite of initiation (dedication).
In the dense forest after the paling with the human skulls it was concealed
the cottage- tomb of corpses. Dead persons, on the ancient popular beliefs, became
by animals or by birds; therefore cottage on the hen legs. Ram -[yaga] -
[v]. [Ya]. [Istoricheskie]'s 1[Propp] the roots of magic fairy tale. L., 1986.

the means of dead ancestors. It looks from the reign of corpses by empty eye sockets, but
it cannot see living. Therefore the spirit of living is so important. “By the Russian spirit
it smells " - it means, arrived living person. In order living to enter into the reign
corpses, it should eat up their foods. First feed - then ask, here
the usual turning Of [ivanushki] to [Yage], and it obediently carries out request.
Reign of corpses - “that light” - in all peoples among the forest. Forest, filled
by beasts, this seemingly wrong side of the peace of living. Werewolves, trees, beasts,
birds, objects are encountered on the way of hero, they conduct him to the purpose or, on the contrary,
they [otmanivayut], they accompany it into the [tridevyatoe] reign and help it to run out
from there (Ivan- tsarevich and gray wolf). This entire fairytale decoration completely
it coincides with the ancient forest rite of burial. Cottages on the hen legs, on
high posts and to this day there are in the deaf taiga places. Now in them
no longer the bone of ancestors, but their symbolic substitutions - skull of the [totemnogo]
animal, most frequently bear.
Youth, who passed the rite of dedication, had to spend difficult night
among the forest tomb in Yagi's reign. There it ate sacrificial food, A
the main thing - entire night did not clamp eyes, since that fallen asleep he would be considered as if dead person,
unfit for the testing. Further followed the most difficult - initiation itself. That,
which in the fairy tale looks like battle with the kite, in the rite of initiation it was accompanied
by the heaviest painful shocks: cuts, knocking out of front teeth, slaughter,
[poluudushenie], the testing by fire (burns) and by water (drowning). All this must
future soldier was pass, in order to obtain right to the marriage.
[V].[YA]. Of [propp] draws huge factual material for the confirmation
thought. Actually, in all peoples at the primitive stage such dedications
they existed and still they exist.
Battle with the kite in the more ancient versions concluded with the ingestion of hero.
Motive about a stay in the womb of animal, snake, fish and the satisfactory return
it is from there widely known: Ion in the womb of whale, wolf even seven kids… Late
instead of the womb of beast the hero falls into the cave, into the jail, into the well and
it is satisfactorily selected from there, after overcoming the intrigues of enemy. To be [proglochennym]
it indicated to find the magic force of enemy.
Let us recall that the ingestion by monster by leviathan indicated death. Output from
to graze monster - resurrection.
On the icons “descent into hell” the Christ frees from the open mouth of hell of all
the thus far dead persons: Adam and Eva, biblical prophets and patriarchs.
After battle with the kite that devoted was considered [zaglochennym], dead person, who left in
[Koshcheevo] reign. Its return from the mouth of monster, from the labyrinth of Minotaur,
from [Koshcheeva] of reign it indicated the victory above death. Hero returned, “to [smertiyu]
death after trampling ".
Ruslan, animated by living water, the Odyssy, which left the cave Of [polifema], and him
the junior fellow boy-with- finger, stepdaughter, who rose himself from the well, soldier,
satisfactorily left the hollow, and hundreds of others fairytale and mythological
heroes they confirm the rightness Of [proppa].
After cottage on the hen legs and battle with the kite the hero remained in the forest
reign, in “large house” of soldiers among the forest. Subject about the tsarevna and seven
the heroes, in the opinion Of [proppa], it goes back to the secret settlements, where the access
to women it was closed, but this prohibition bore purely ritual nature. On
the matter itself in the heroes was “dedicated” brides and wives. They as
heroes, had to pass through the rite of imaginary death in order to find
access to the magic secrets of initiation (hence subject about the dead tsarevna). Houses
soldiers, who passed the rite of initiation, there is and today in some communities [u]
African peoples.
Going along [A]. [N]. [Veselovskiy]'s feet, [Propp] widely uses the comparative
by the method, comparing the subjects of Russian fairy tale with the ancient-Egyptian “papyrus
corpses ", with the rites of dedication in ancient Egypt and frequently find
confirmation of its guesses. Especially rich food for of this type
comparisons gives subject about the snake and the snake -[borchestve]. Fight with the kite exists in
mythological arches in all peoples. In Egyptians this [Apop], in the bible -
snake- tempter, in China - winged of snakes dragon, in the bylinas - snakes vortex.
But who such same of snakes? Or at least as he did appear? On the basis of the fairy tale
it is possible to name only one property: in snake there are many heads - from three to
twelve. “All other features are mentioned only sometimes”, notes [Propp]. In
the [afanasevskom] collector only one time is mentioned, that in snake there are the fiery
wings. And this all? It is however strange, yes. Both bylinas and fairy tales for some reason keep silent [o]
the extrinsic ethos snake. It is interesting that also biblical of snakes, which tempted Adam and
Eva to [vkushenie] of forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge a good and a evil, it does not have
Fairytale of snakes vomits fire, it steals children, brides. He is the lord
underground, water, and sometimes also celestial reign. Crystal lock is the snake
it is located on the mountain peak. Sometimes snake they call vortex or [Koshchey] immortal.
Its death is hidden in the crystal casket at the apex of tree. As it would like
all this to guess and to understand, but thus far secret remains unsolved.
We even less know about “[tridevyatom] reign”. It first underground, then before the sky,
that at the peak of glass mountain. Here the white-stone chambers, crystal
palaces, gold and silver gardens. Sometimes entire three reigns are opened
before the look: copper, silver and gold. [Propp] notes the undoubted connection
with the celestial sphere and the sun, but it abstains from further conclusions.
Why? Here the usual comparison of fairy tale with the rite and the ritual already nothing
it does not give. The natural question arises: if fairy tale is explained by ritual, then
how is explained ritual itself? In 1946 researcher was forced to give
the stereotype answer in the spirit of the age, referring to the mysterious social
condition. And it nevertheless remains obscure, from what social conditions it follows,
what the mountain must be precisely crystal, and snakes fiery?
Today, after 40 years, we know much more about the ancient cultures, about
the astronomical knowledge of our ancestors. Many features of the [tridevyatogo] reign
there is nothing else but ancient cosmology. It proved to be by no means similar
primitive, as we thought earlier. In the ancient was the ideas about the gigantic
space [rasstoyanikh], which should have been overcome in order to prove to be in
the [tridevyatom] reign, there is the well-defined description of uncommon, as they said
today, the relativistic speeds, necessary for overcoming such
distances. We recognize finally opened and honestly that much remains
obscure. It is not possible absolutely everything to carry due to the unbridled imagination of ancient.
Assume that the boot- runners, cap- the invisible and flying carpet are invented, but then
why the same fantasy of ancient Greeks? In after persowing sandal with the wings,
the magic horn Of [oberona], helmet- the invisible. Ancient China, ancient India, ancient
Egypt, ancient Greece and Russian fairy tale in the final analysis give one and the same
subject, very clearly outlined in the book [Proppa].
The discussion deals about the fact that the space and the time of our peace as is invisible
they intersect by space and time of the peace of space, “[tridevyatogo]
reign ". In order to penetrate in this peace, it is necessary into the instant of eye with the enormous
by speeds to cover great distances. For this to man are necessary magic
the objects: boot- runners, cap- the invisible, flying carpet. Penetration in
space peace it is connected with the heavy tests: passage through “fire, water and
copper pipes ". Dark space of well, cave, hollow or even womb
snake suddenly is separated, and man occurs in other peace. Boundary
transition state is equivalent to death: hero dies in order again to be born.
In this case entire its body seemingly is recreated anew. [Propp] gives the detailed
the description of this rite in many chapters. Entire inside of dead person moves and
it is substituted by other. In the split breast they put “magic crystal”,
substitute eyes, ears, cut language or put instead of it snake sting.
Let us recall Pushkin's “prophet”:

And it to me breast cut by the sword
And heart timid took out,
And [ugl], which blazes by fire,
In the breast [otverstuyu] [vodvinul].
And it to the mouths by my of [prinik]
And my culpable language pulled out,
Both garrulous and sly,
And the sting of [mudryya] of the snake
In the mouths still my
It put by the hand of bloody.

It is premature any conclusions, but it is clear that both in the fairy tale and in the myth,
and in the literature we deal concerning the certain code of entire world literature. Auto
existence of this [metakoda] by itself is mysterious and is mysterious. It
a study promises numerous discoveries.
Fairy tale, as the crystal casket Of [koshcheya], conceals much not expected and
not known.
After fifteen years of the teaching of folklore in the literary institute I
it came to the solid conclusion: fairy tale - this is message from the high civilizations,
the hidden language of the universe. Message goes to us and until now from [tridevyatogo]
the reign of light. It flows from the apexes “light cone of the world events”,
named in the fairy tale crystal mountain.
This mountain is overturned by apex into the man and is reflected in his soul, as if in
mountain lake. “[Gorniy]” the sense of fairy tale in the center, where the crystal reflection
it refracts by two convergent apexes.


(Mysteries of revival)

Idea about the unknown country, into which conducts long, distant and difficult
way, the most characteristic motive of subject about the other world wanderings.

… To the way BO to the ides long…
And into the country stranger,
however, the ides not [vem], that [sryashchet] [mya]…

Death- withdrawal - very extended means in the literature. In the world
Dostoyevsky “special position occupy death- withdrawals… For death of the consciousness
(organic death, then] is death of body, Dostoyevsky it does not interest)
man answers itself… Deaths as the organic process, which is accomplished [s]
by man without the participation his critical consciousness, Dostoyevsky does not know.
Death is withdrawal. Man departs itself. Only such death- withdrawal can become
by the object (fact) of essential artistic vision… “. 1
Of course the withdrawal of Ilya [Muromts], father of Sergius and Leo Tolstoy himself - phenomenon
it is far from identical. And the nevertheless poetic, starry height of such
act it is completely proportional to the scales of the celestial sphere, where by the fairytale analog
the very subject it can prove to be “disappearance” of the huge constellation of Orion and
its “return” in the zenith of glory.
The withdrawal of hero from the settled space into the [tridevyatoe] reign is lost
yearly on [mnogu] of times in many funeral and [pominalnykh] rituals, it
yearly it was repeated before the sky, when one or other made human constellation or another
it disappeared from the field of sight in order to then return “in the glory”; it was personified
it is verbal in the subject of fairy tale. And one remained in all three embodiment of subject
and the same idea: man departed from the peace of temporary in order to remain in the eternity.
1[Bakhtin] Of [m]. [Estetik] of verbal creation. M., 1979, s. 326.

The concreteness and tangibility is very essential for the folklore perception.
There there is no removed, invisible space and time. All “faces” of the man
and universes can be seen in the starry shining vestments. Peace, which we
we today call invisible, it was distinguished in the night sky. But time came,
when they began slowly to forget about the sky.
The fact that we today call myth, was once supply with sounied by thunder and grow brown,
“it is staged” by stars in the fiery performance. Now “spectators” left
starry theater, they forgot about the decorations, and memory stores only the verbal means
[bylogo]. Verbal sky proved to be not less bright than starry. Here its
“the constellation” of the ancient means: singers from Orion to the charges, Tsar- girl from
Cassiopeia to Vasilisa [Prekrasnoy]. Many subjects even one universal for
stars. All stars “die” with the light of day, but toward the evening they prove to be “living”.
Many stars and entire constellations fall, “they depart” beyond the horizon, in order to
to return in the previous shining luster through some period.
On the earth the analogy of this “withdrawal” - death and the return life - was the change
the seasons with the offensive of spring and “burial” in the earth of grain. As month,
disappearing in the last phase, grows again into the plenilune, so the grain, which fell in
the earth in spring, it will rise again in summer. Stars die, they bury in the sky in the morning and
“they rise again”. And finally the main thing: man as stars and grain, being
it is buried in the earth, it will revive, it will rise again, it will return to the life.
Is such “starry” body of subject about death and resurrection.
The tracks of this united [deystva] are clearly revealed. Even in the very rite of burial.
Body “gives self up to the earth”. Body parts are strictly oriented in the cardinal points,
it means, death was thought as withdrawal to the West either to the north or in the northwest
together with the solar heat, while the return of dead person - this is the rise
the sun, the arrival of spring heat.
Thus, death for the primitive thinker and the poet is the withdrawal, after which
return follows. However, man in other appearance, in another will return
“to mask” - in the fiery solar clothing. It means, in the mystery of death and reanimation
there are three crucial points: mask, the removal of mask and recognition. Sun - mask
face, face - mask of the sun; life - the mask of death, death - the mask of life.
Completely [eetestvenno], that in the fiery clothing the corpse could robe, also, into the very
the moment of burial during the combustion on the bonfire. It returns to the earth in
fiery vestments each time, when kindle [pominalnye] bonfires. People
they learn in the tongues of flame of face of ancestors. [Pominalnye] spark plugs, fires, released on
to river, bonfires - all these are fiery masks of ancestors. They are kindled, as a rule,
in the days solstice and [ravnodenstviya]1.
But to the fiery mask of the [voskresshego] ancestor (by the way, word itself “resurrection”,
is apparently, connected with the word “[kresalo]”) precedes the terrible moment of the putting on
mortal mask. This either skull or the beast mask of the [totemnogo]
monster- ancestor. In carnival [deystvakh] in Russia this is pumpkin with those cut
by openings for the eyes, the nose and the mouth, inside which burns the spark plug. This fiery
skull in the night dark is the first part of [deystva] about death and revival -
“mask”. Then comes the culmination moment of carnival - “removal of mask” and
“recognition”. Pumpkin- skulls are dropped. The dark was changed into light, death - by life.
The mask of [totemnogo] monster- ancestor at the moment of its removal is always accompanied
by the sudden illumination of the reign of the dark. Let us recall the moment of resurrection in the fairy tales
“Frog-Princess” and “[Alenkiy] flower”. Everywhere before the hero the problem
recognition. To learn in the frog tsarevna, in the terrible monster - good fine person,
to fall in love with it precisely in this terrible, “[lichinnom]” appearance. When the tsarevich
it burns [lyagushinuyu] skin, it simultaneously loses tsarevna. Junior daughter of the merchant
from “[Alenkogo] flower” it must fall in love with precisely monster, without suspecting of it
good fine person. Moment of removing the mask - destruction and the illumination Of [koshcheeva]
reign. The mourning of the killed monster is the first part, which precedes
to resurrection. Mask is dropped not only most killed, but also entire world all around.
Instantaneous light transformation of the world is accompanied by the destruction of the basements
[Koshcheeva] of lock, by output from the cave of prisoners and dead persons. The dark becomes
by light, ugly excellent, death by life.
1 “especially vividly express the designation of bonfires as the means of sending in
the space peace of the [obozhestvlennykh] ancestors… - the leap through the bonfire… Since
[kupalskie] ritual bonfires are the central action of the [kupalskoy]
ritualisms, it can be assumed that preferred value had
sending into the space peace ". - In the book: [Veletskaya] [N]. [Yazycheskaya] is the symbolism
Slav archaic rituals. M., 1978, s. 86-98.

Folklore [deystvo] about death and resurrection - this is the first word, pronounced
by man in the universe. This [prasyuzhet], in it the genetic code of the entire world
culture. Who did prompt to its person? “Genetic code itself” - nature itself.
With which did arrive the man into the universe? What experience of entire living was realized by him and
it is imprinted in [misterialnom] [deystve]? This that which is given to entire living in
to nature: conception, generation, life, death. Here the model of all initial
the processes, which create man. Parallelism between the biological models
human existence and by initial working process has long ago been noticed, and
there is no necessity to prove it. It suffices to conduct only a number of the well-known
the analogies: the obtaining of fire by friction as the imitation of fertilization, hunting as
the [predsvadebnoe] pursuit (let us recall “match-making by arrows” into
“To Frog-Princess”) finally the later processes of the agriculture: [vspakhivanie]
the earth as the disturbance of virginity, sowing grain as conception, “generation”
the first sheaf. For each of these examples it is possible to give the gigantic
a quantity of materials of both the verbal- folklore and the magic- ritual
nature, but for this there is no need, since for analogy these in the sufficient measure
they are known.
Problem in other. There is no complete correlation of the separate elements
[misterialnogo] [deystva] with the generating model - the life of person himself. Between
thereby it is worthwhile to reject the elements of random, geographical or
ethnographical nature, and in all mysteries we will feel the ordered
the unity of human life. Three stages of [deystva] - “mask”, “the removal of mask”,
“recognition” - it is strictly correlated with the conception of man, his generation and
by death. this 11[ri] it is not difficult to note that stage imitation in the ritual
all three moments it requires one organization of stage space.
Internal must become external, larger space must be accomodated in
smaller, the dark must prove to be light, and light by the dark, the top - by bottom, and bottom -
by the top. Before us entire the same cup of light. With the entire apparent abstractness
of this model it is real and it is completely explainable as the result of the aesthetical
imitation by man of its generation. This is easy to understand more based on example
the late folklore analogies, which connect together wedding and death.
Earth- mother takes into herself corpse in order to give birth to [eg]° by the sun, by moon and
by stars. The sky, which into entire more than the earth, proves to be that generated by it,
as baby, originated from the maternal womb, in the course of time it becomes more
its given birth to [obitalishcha].
Thus, in all [misterialnykh] subjects there is united that organizing
the action, which imitates the generation: this is ancestral reversing inside out. External
peace all around, entire universe seemingly [vovnutryaetsya] by man. This idea can
to seem by paradoxical for the contemporary person, but the primitive artist
was much more connected with its generating umbilical cord, than contemporary
thinker. Its means are biologically concrete and it is, of course, more physiological,
than our.
Let us say, in [Tyutcheva] the dual reversing of man into the universe and of the universe in
man already entirely not [biologichno]. This purely spiritual, psychological
the model:

Hour of the melancholy of inexpressible! :.
Everything in me and I in everything! :.
Dusk is quiet, dusk sleepy,
Leus into the depth of my soul,
Quiet, languid, fragrant,
Everything flood [utishi].
Feelings - by haze of [samozabvenya]
Overfill through the edge! :.
Give to taste [unichtozhenya],
[Dremlyushchim] mix with the peace!

If we recall “about ancient chaos about that borne”, then it will seem that many things,
become in the later times the become numb ritual or [astrologicheskoy]
by scholasticism, they were once concrete to the tangibility. From those preserving to
our days of designations let us give well-known “solar interlacement”. Entire
celestial chart was read both in the pattern of human skin and in the entire it
anatomy. Hence - the ritual correlation of each medicinal plant
with the celestial bodies and a strict astronomical regulation in the time
the ingestion of medicines.
Guess-work on [vnutrennostyam] of animals was based on the same regularities,
that also guess-work on the stars: star - internal sky of entire living. Not
is excluded analogy in [ravnozvuchii] “of the sky” and “of sky” as two models
internal and external space. Then it becomes clear, why the author
Apocalypse it had to eat the celestial book with the fiery characters, in order to
to see “new sky and new earth”. “The eating of sky” - is extreme
the extended rite, which forms part of the [misterialnykh] actions, connected
[pominoveniem] of deceased. In the area of Russian culture this is “starry bread” -
cake and “starry porridge” - [kutya].
“Position about the connection of Easter with the lunar calendar and the heathen roots,
ascending to the ancient-eastern civilizations, to the cults of that dying and
the rising again deity, it is well known… Transformation of the ritual of the sending
messengers into [obozhestvlennyy] space, into its symbolic forms it played here
its role… Thus, cakes are one of the forms of the sign replacement of the living
people by symbols. Is exponential… their form, which combines in itself the symbolism
space pillar and the sign of man… On the Easter eggs… age-qualification
the signs of man are combined with the ritual decoration, by space
by directivity and by the symbolism of eternal revival ", writes [N]. [Veletskaya].
The finding of internal sky in a sufficient measure is physiological, although not
it is connected with the deep shakings, which accompany usually this rite.
Reversing - this is death- generation. In order turn inside out- to be born,
should be passed all stages “ancestral flour”. First part of such of that imitating
[deystva] - wandering in narrow dark space. In the fairy tales this hollow,
well; in the myths - dark labyrinth, forbidden path through the dangerous
space, way between The [stsilloy] and The [kharibdoy], the bridge across the fiery river

death, the path above the precipice; in the magic rituals - passage through “the ear”
(to enter into one ear and to leave into another by another person), the running
patient through the inverted skin or the horse yoke. I more than once recalled
many folklore subjects, connected with this ritual. They everything themselves
they go back to [praobryadu] of burial. That buried below, in the earth, will prove to be on
skies. The prisoner in the narrow space will find entire universe. Indeed precisely
is such the finale “of the tests” of fairytale hero. These are prenatal flour, through
which must be passed to youth at the moment of its second generation in the rite
In the rites of initiation the passage through “the fire, the water and the copper pipes” was accompanied
by unhealthy tests, by burns, by cuts and by pricks, by the danger of suffocation and
drowning, burial alive in the earth, hungry death. All this brightest
it is expressed by means in fairy tales and myths of all peoples.
Is much less comprehended the end point of testing - second generation into space.
Here fairy tales are sufficiently eloquent; but the protoplastic ritual already so
it is forgotten, that the culmination frequently is moved to the periphery of narration. That,
which was the main thing in [misterialnom] [deystve], it became secondary in the fairy tale.
Therefore those texts, where the fairy tale yet not, present special value for us
it was detached away from the magic. Chinese it will erupt from the womb of that not injured damaged to ion, and
Chinese let out from the inside the [zaglochennye] ships in “the Horse- sea horse”. Children leave
unharmed from the womb of cannibal, seven kids (seven days of one phase of month)
they leave the ripped belly of wolf; stepdaughter, lowered into the well, occurs
before the sky, where it shakes the feather-bed of snow-storm, why on the earth goes snow; Odyssy
it satisfactorily leaves the cave of cyclop, after tying itself to the belly of the ram
(undoubtedly, recollection about the ritual reversing of skin).
In all these subjects main role plays very process of testing, [vvergnutost]
hero into his absorbed womb of the earth, water, animal or cannibal or
imprisonment into the barrel and the satisfactory output from it.
Among these subjects the fairy tale, where in the center auto, rarely is encountered
reversing - complete renovation of its nature, output outside from
ugly shell. Is such the fairy tale “Frog-Princess”. Let us recall that motley
animals in the ancient mythologies symbolize the celestial sphere. Frogs and snake,
as those dwelling below, had two appearances. One - lower, underground,
repelling; another - excellent. Devil, who tempts Eva in the means snake,
also frequently it was depicted as excellent youth. In ancient Egypt the frog was
“by the symbol of abundant harvest, renovation of life and even revival " 1.
Tsarevich, who was being married the underground sovereign, to frog, in the final analysis
it occurs in the underground [Koshcheevom] reign. To drop [lyagushinuyu] shell -
it means to find excellent starry appearance, to turn inside out underground [Koshcheevo]
reign to the light. [Lyagushinaya] shell, ugly appearance is a mask, the wrong side
The enchanted brides frequently descend to their fiances directly from the sky: the she-bear
(“Do not fear me good fine person… I not fierce she-bear, but red girl,
the enchanted princess ") or snake. In the fairy tale “Tsarevna- snake” the cossack sees
1[Kaperavichyus] Of [m]. [Khristianskie] the demons of the Nile. - “Science and religion”, 1981, ¹ 1

on the burning stack red girl, stretches by it spear, and it, after being wrapped up
by snake, it winds around its neck.
The same dual appearance in bride [Gvidona]. After dropping swan shell, it
he becomes the starry tsarevna: “Month under the scythe [blestit], and in the forehead the star
it burns ". True, here there is no contrast of masks as in “the Frog-Princess”. Cygnus
is excellent, as tsarevna, who left its shell.
As we see, reversing in the pure form with the dropping of the skin in the fairy tale is more frequent
it is diverted to female means. In this there is nothing surprising: indeed kinds - lot
woman. Man is born - it penetrates the dangerous and severe tests.
Woman gives birth to the new universe.
Man reversing - this is leap into the celestial, either the sea or the underground
womb, seemingly reverse generation, and output from the space womb in
the renovated means.
After connecting together the subjects of many fairy tales, it is possible to recreate everything
[misterialno]- folklore action as a whole.
Everything unites [misterialnyy] marriage, searches of celestial fiance and bride.
At first fiance and bride appear in their terrible, “[nevyvernutom]” appearance,
the mortal means: frog, snake, monster, fool in the ulcers and the rags. [Ugadav]
in this appearance of his elected official or elect, the hero must prepare [k]
to heavy tests, seemingly to pass ancestral flour, to be ready to death in
narrow, dark space, underground or underwater, in a word, to descend as
Orpheus, into the reign of corpses after its beloved or to leave into the country without
recovery to the terrible monster.
At the moment of the accomplishment of selection occur the miracle of the second generation, the reversing
through death and finding of the new excellent appearance of fiance and bride. There
and is accomplished true marriage - resurrection.
Tradition connects burial and resurrection with “celestial marriage”, the hour of this
marriage it is timed to midnight. It is born twice on the folklore canons of men.
Initiation ( testing ) must precede marriage, as this is observed in
to any fairy tale. Initiation indicated the finding of the universal cosmic body
ancestors inside itself. “this its hidden, sacral sense. After traversing
the tests, which imitate kinds and even death, a participant In [deystva] seemingly rose again
and it was born anew already of their own free will, no longer as the slaves of nature, but as it
participant. It escaped from the general chain of generation, since it survived with the life and
its death, and its reverse generation- resurrection. In the night conversation the Christ
it tells Nicodemius, that man must be born twice: one time from
flesh, another - from the spirit. Generation from the flesh conducts to death, generation from
spirit - to the eternal life.
One should more fixedly scrutinize in the revolution, which occurred in the spiritual
the peace of man at the moment of folklore initiation. Indeed in this [deystve] of men, in
difference from all other essences, which populate the earth, it survived its imaginary
death even with the life, it psychologically stepped over through the biological boundaries
its life. After stepping over through its lifeless body (subject sufficiently
that extended in the most varied areas of culture), it left behind
itself its everything living, since now future biological death psychologically
it was thought as experienced.
Thus, the framework of life were separated to infinity.
Man learned in the limited time interval to perceive himself with the essence
eternal and infinite. The three-dimensional revolution not is less immense:
imitating its new generation as reversing, man psychologically
contained into itself its entire surrounding space and at the same time extended
is my internal “I” on entire universe. Aesthetically primitive essence
it stepped over beyond the biological boundaries of its form - this made it
by man.
Thus far we dealt concerning the beast and animal masks of death, where the tracks
reversings frequently bear severe [khtonicheskiy] nature. Continuously and next to
beast must be stripped skin or skin, into which gets dressed the hero (champion
in the tiger skin, [Gerakl] in the skin of lion). Woman frequently puts on the snake skin
or it must strip the skin of motley cow (“crumb -[Khovroshechka]”).
The agricultural means of reversing is considerably more humane. This is the grain- mask
ear, and ear - mask of grain. Grain, after dying in the earth, “after being turned inside out
inside out ", finds its plural starry body in the ear, in the ear, in
cluster ([Oziris], [Dionis], John barley grain, Kostroma, [Chichenitsa] - lentil,
god is millet in China). Anthropomorphous means of the grain, which dies and which rises again,
it is widely known there, since exists practically in all peoples, which know
agriculture. Its difference from the previous, hunting models interests us
resurrection. Grain, if “it does not die, then one will remain; and if it dies, then
it will bring much fruit ". These words of Evangelical text, undertaken by Dostoyevsky
by epigraph to the novel “brothers [Karamazovy]” and become the epitaph above its grave,
open the most essential in the [misterialnom] “changing of clothes” of grain I ear.
That dying, “inverted inside out”, torn to pieces god- grain finds in its
resurrection space starry body.
Is torn to pieces [Oziris], it is torn to pieces Kostroma, they will gather it into the united sheaf on the holiday
the first harvest, they will decorate with tapes, will carry out to the area, will thrash, will bake
bread, they will eat, after being introduced to the united cosmic body of the ancestor, in whom everything
they are united. Body of ancestor - entire space, the sun - his eye, wind - his respiration,
its plant means - gold ear of the Milky Way, the starry celestial
the bread, baked and eaten on the earth. Understandably so extended in
the area of Christian culture idea about the meeting of believers as about the united
space tele-, is understandable the identification of this body with the bread and the wine -
by grape and bread grain. In it were connected together the mysteries Of [dionisa]
(god of grapes) and [Ozirisa] (god of wheat). Both underwent
to breaking up -[rasterzaniyu], both were collected into the united body and rose again in spring.
Imaginary death Of [dionisa] and [Ozirisa] was mourned and survived as present to
the moment of resurrection. Resurrection occurred in midnight, in this case mourning,
the funeral garments, which corresponded to the shell of grain at the moment of the sowing
(burial), were dropped and were put on the bright clothing of ear. Auto
changing of clothes with reversing of inside out old clothing was the important part
the mystery, which gives the sensation of complete familiarizing with the resurrection of grain,
dropping the husk of previous clothing. In the most archaic folklore cults
changing of clothes was reduced to reversing of the inside out one and the same clothing
(sheepskin coat is mechanical ohm outside - beast appearance, sheepskin coat mechanical ohm inward - anthropomorphous
human [oblichie]).
After bringing together all magic reversing- kinds, we see the complex
the cosmogonical model of death- generation (resurrection), which comprised
the core of action in all agrarian, hunting and family- ancestral
Let us try to now create the model of this [deystva] as a whole. Characters with
of entire their stage plurality they are reduced to three characters. This is - it
(fiance, husband), it (bride, wife) and someone, that symbolizes entire born each
hero has three masks: animal, plant and fiery - space. That,
which must be completed on the scene (wedding- burial or burial- wedding),
it will crown by death- kinds, i.e., by imaginary death and resurrection of hero in
new appearance. Death- generation for the fiance indicates the womb descent of hero in
the reign of corpses, withdrawal to the maternal womb and the new generation - return
through all dangers in the new appearance. For the bride this, first of all, the straight line
the imitation of kinds - reversing inside out its skin, the change of the ugly
appearance to the excellent: old woman becomes young, dead tsarevna it revives,
after leaving the celestial shell - “crystal coffin”. Contrasting replacement of masks in
the end of the mystery: animal - man, grain- ear, man - space (fire,
water, the earth, tree, sky, cloud, mountain). Masks and recognitions seemingly displace
each other. Sometimes to the foreground comes out “mask” - the adventure of hero in
beast appearance (brother Of [ivanushka] in the form of [kozlenochka]), is sometimes more important the process
the removal of mask, extended in the time (Frog-Princess, It [finist] - clear falcon),
sometimes the main thing is/are recognition (finale “the Odyssys” - the gradual recognition
[Penelopoy] its husband in the means of poor wanderer; “[Sivka]- cloak”, where
tsarevna must learn her [suzhenogo] in the means Ivan- fool: “[Platishko] on
it thin, entire in the soot, hair by [dybom] ").
In the final analysis entire contrasting replacement of masks is reduced to the united
to the contrast: corpse - living, united - is much, is ugly -
excellent, weak - strong, small - great. This unique
[misterialnaya] dialectics was sensually touched it rested on the internal
the laws of nature, the dialectics of generation and death. Small fruit in the womb on the earth
he became hero, the grain, which dies in the earth, revived by the powerful
by ear.
Stage space of mystery - this of men and space. In this case in
the final sum as a result of reversing-death- kinds space was placed in
man. Greater space was placed into smaller. Such “is reverse
matryoshka ", where greater is accomodated in smaller.
In order to understand this, it is appropriate to recall words from the gnostic “gospel from
Thomas ", found in 1948. in Egypt, in the settlement Of [nag] Of [khamadi]: “When you
you make two one, and when you you will make the inside as external and
the outer as inside and upper side as lower side, and when
you will make a man and woman one, when you make an eye instead of the eye and
hand instead of the hand and foot instead of the foot, means instead of the means, then you will enter
in [tsarstvie] ".
To a certain extent the first centuries of Christianity were the sum of the development of the ancient
mysteries. In this text already with unusual to living myth [sukhovatostyu]
actually are transferred all basic moments, connected with the reversing.
It precedes reversing here, as is assumed on the scenario, the connection
two into one, i.e., the [misterialnyy] marriage of fiance and bride, after this
follow [misterialnye] kinds - reversing. Moreover very clearly it is fixed:
“the inside” must become as “external”, while “external” as
The process of reversing is thought as kinds, as conception, as death, moreover everything
three masks of reversing seemingly penetrated each other. Kinds were death, A
death occurred generation, conception identified with the burial of grain in
the earth, which, in addition crowned by kinds - resurrection. “Reversing”
it was the central magic rite, bonding agent together all plans
folklore [deystva]. Imitating natural natural processes,
reversing at the same time gave completely new experiences to man,
connected with other fundamentally sensation universes.
Contemporary person is necessary a certain effort, in order to well-known
philosophical truth - “person is the universe” - again to survive at the level
tangible [deystva]. Being reversed inside out, hero seemingly covers by himself
entire space. Simple change in the pointers in the designation of the direction
“internal” and “external” it meant that the sky becomes the inside of man. In
the same time inside was received now as sky. Man perceived his body
as the lower part of the space cup, where the center - umbilical cord - the connecting point
between it and space. (Neck in the constellation of aquarius before the sky.) At the moment
reversing sky- space it was moved downward, and man became sky as
at the moment of the inversion of hourglasses. Sky as human body - so
the extended means in the ancient civilizations, that there is no need
to speak about this is in detail. Let us pause only at the ancient-Egyptian image,
where reversing is given as the marriage of the earth and sky. The goddess of sky They [nut] by in the form female
figure it is bend out by bridge face down above the god Of [gebaya] earth with the snake head
and in the snake scale. It is not difficult to predict that must occur afterward
the reversing: [Nut]- sky will move it will downward and become inside, and hebes, after dropping
snake shell, it will become the fiery flying celestial kite in the human
[oblike]1. In snake will appear the wings, and it will fly very for long, also, in the mythology
China, and in the Old-Russian bylina. Goddess They [nut], on the contrary, after moving inward
the earth, it will dress into the snake skin, it will become snake, lizard, frog, in order to in
the moment of new reversing to drop the skin and to become from the underground tsarina
by the tsarina of celestial.
Marriage completes by kinds, also, in other ancient-Egyptian image. Goddess They [nut]
“daily gives birth to the solar disk, which emerges from its bosom, and daily
absorbs by its mouth " 2. sun - god of mountains, it is discussed in the ancient-Egyptian
“To the book of corpses”: “I - your mother [Nut]. I stretched above you under this my
by name “sky”, and so enter you to me into mouth, and so you leave from my
bosom… “3
Goddess of sky with the sun in the womb - means, extended in the stone
primitive painting. Night - these are ingestion inside the universe, the stay
in the womb. Day - reverse reversing, kinds. It becomes now understandably,
why lunar and solar calendars in many ancient cultures are correlated
as two mutually-absorbed concentric circles or two eights. Solar
cycle - part of the lunar, lunar cycle - part of the solar.
It becomes clear also, why Egyptian pyramid contains in its
proportions and the relationship of human body, and the relationship of planets before the sky, and
the number, which symbolizes spherical surface. Pyramid is the sky- body
goddesses [Nut], inverted inside out. She, according to the principle of contrast, must be in
difference from the celestial sphere of angular. Angle as the antipode of sphere. At the same time
its point as the umbilical cord, which connects with the sky as
1 [v] the folklore of oceania also is [polukhtonicheskiy] character on the name of hebes. It
it feeds only by the fish, which it catches in the sea, and entire it became overgrown by acorn barnacles,
they cannot be so that brushed off. Hebes, escaping from the persecutors, it climbs on
palm, the rough stem of palm cleans the skin hebe, so he achieves him
reversing and “marriage” with the moon, where the hebes and now “with times it is well visible”. -
In the book: Fairy tales and the myths of oceania. M., 1970.
2 [Toporov]s V. [N]. several parallels to one ancient-Egyptian mythologema. - In
book: Ancient east. Coll. 2. of M., 1980, s. 75.
but to 3[Tam], s. 83.

the lower part of the hourglasses, in which upper part - sky itself. We are later
let us see, what cosmogonical revolution will occur at the apex of pyramid [s]
by poet Andrey [Bely]. Since sky - top and light, the interior
pyramid - bottom and the dark. Is intelligible symbol snake with the wings, so
extended in the hieroglyphs. Flying snake - dual symbol: this and
slipping down downward, the swallowed sun, and the being been born from the inside sun,
ascending, raised. The same symbol with the reverse value relates [k]
to the moon, swallowed by day and given birth to
at night.
If we recall that the hero of myth, fairy tale, [deystva] is always identical to his
to celestial double - sun, to month, to star, then becomes clear, that after
magic mirror was sky. Looking in it, hero learned his celestial,
starry, fiery, solar face.
It is possible to understand other: how the starry, celestial [dvuedinoe]
cosmic body was the body of each individual human. Hero felt
itself by the son of sky; therefore any journey in the space broadwise - way in
sea, into the sky, to the horizon - it was withdrawal to the maternal womb. This was
equivalent to ingestion (let us recall that in the fairy tales the [proglochennyy] hero will be
they [izvergnut] from the womb to [krashe] of previous). The return to its edge will be similar
to the new generation of the sun: “The sun shines in [Putivle], Igor- prince in the Russian
to the earth ".
For the contemporary person [naturalistichnost] of ingestion and kinds in the ancient
subjects it can seem by that shocking. The desire to find is completely natural although
some visual symbol of reversing, which would give the wider
the sensation of folklore cosmogony, based on the mutually-replaceability of inside and
sky. One of such symbols exists in the ancient-Iranian of [chekanke]1. In the center of the dish
by star-shaped funnel is represented the sun, inside the sun - star, inside
star - month (all symbols of sky), this is the center of dish - sky. However, on the edges
it is represented six hearts - the symbol of inside, surrounding celestial symbols. Sky
inside, sky outside.
In the Indo-European version the chain of such reversings of man into space is given in
ancient Indian myth “the vision Of [markandei]”.
Wise man [Markandeya] into the reward for the piety wished
1[Lukonin] Of [v]. [G]. [Iskusstvo] of ancient Iran. M., 1977.

to learn the secret of the creation of the universe. But hardly it thought about this, as it appeared
beyond the limits of peace. There he saw infinite waters and [vozlezhashchego] on them god
To [vishnu]. God swallowed wise man, and that again appeared in the visible peace with the mountains,
by rivers and by settlements. Thousands years wandered wise man along the universe and it did not find
by it end.
But once in the sleep he again saw aqueous desert and again met the god
To [vishnu], now already in the means of the boy, who told it: “I -
[Vishnu]- Narayan, to whom belongs entire universe, created by me and
concluded in me… the sun, moon, star, the earth and sea, cardinal point and
years - here is my manifestation, in them I create, I guard and destroy itself ".
God again swallowed [Markandeyu], and, after appearing in the familiar peace, wise man,
that gotten to know the secret of the creation of the universe, no longer knew that it was dream, A
that by reality.
In this peace of men it is in the center of the universe, inside it, at the same time
it contains into itself entire universe, and it is located as inside it.
It seems, everything is here entangled, and in reality this enchanted circle exists
the brightest model of fairytale outer space. To understand this [misterialnoe]
space us will help subsequently contemporary physics and cosmology.
Become more they are intelligible the astro-logical diagrams, based no longer on
mythological, and on the literal likening of sky to person, human
to body. From this point of view the generation of each person was as
by reversing united celestial body into the isolated point on the earth. Such
projections there can be set. Humanity here looks like ear - sum
celestial lentil, celestial grains. Death of man was thought as reverse
reversing into the sky. United grain became celestial ear, i.e.,
by many.
Which in the literature further fate of [deystva] about the reversing? On the very
different levels we see striking the indestructibility of the architectonics
The reconstruction of united folklore [deystva] bears somewhat conditional
nature. Are here brought together seemingly odd parts of this subject,
playing important role in the folklore and mythologies of different peoples. In the concrete
manifestations this [deystvo] always appears differently and different features come out
to the foreground.
One ought not to consider that the secret already of [razgadana]. Indeed the aesthetical value
[deystva] - in the familiarizing with the secret of life and death, but not in its interpretation. Secret
it increases in proportion to solution as in any artistic knowledge. Among
ancient [deystv] there was such, when entering in the sanctuary it was permitted to open
the cover, under which occurred the void. After tearing away [lyagushinuyu] mask [s]
tsarevna, we will not guess the secret of Frog-Princesses. After raising mask, we will see
under it other, about which spoke well the block: “A under the mask it was starry”.
Looking intently at the starry face of the mythological universe, we guess in it
human face.


Thought about the space immortality of man never left skill. Day
desired, day from the century [chaemyy]… The sun will become furious by rays, the earth will return its
corpses, and they will fill the empty peaces. Thus saw resurrection in the future
philosopher [N]. Fedorov at the beginning of our century.
“Resurrection and ascension (to transfer the countless generations of our fathers on
countless, alien now still to us peaces in order to make their its) there is for
present time that form, which must replace the [dantovskuyu] in the form of hell,
purgatory, paradise " 1.
For this Fedorov called to the erection of the world temple of the universal
It is here appropriate to recall the clumsy aphorism of [turgenevskogo] [Bazarova]: “Nature
not temple, but workshop… “I here in underground [khramine] we see this nature [s]
capital letter. [Khramina] not temple, but also not workshop. Among the underground
[khraminy] the majestic figure of woman. “Who you?” - asks entering. “I
nature ", answers it metallic voice. “About which your thoughts?” -
it asks men in nature. “I think…”
But let us interrupt this dialogue, without anticipating answer. Rock sculpture, which speaks
by metallic voice, about which its [nezdeshnie] of thought? “I think about how
to improve the leg of flea ".
1 Fedorov N. [F]. compositions. M., 1982, s. 645.

Leaves, nevertheless workshop, design bureau for the production is more accurate
fleas, even not flea, but “the leg of flea”. Love, it is kind, validity? “This
human words ", answers nature its questioning person. It these
words he does not know. Thus they understood into those times of Darwin, theory of evolution and
natural selection.
But [Khronos], which devours its children, right, are not so terrible as this
“indifferent nature”.

And let at the sepulchral entrance
[Mladaya] will life play
And indifferent nature
By [krasoyu] eternal to shine.

Turgenev, of course, remembered these lines. Dialogue “at the sepulchral entrance” incandesced.

Flowers on the grave Of [bazarova] - about which do speak they? Perhaps about the calmness
“indifferent nature”? After quoting the words of Pushkin, Turgenev concludes
the novel “fathers and children” by decisive disagreement. Not about one calmness they speak
they, but about the reconciliation of man with nature, about the mysterious connection of entire living
and inanimate and perhaps about the immortality.
For the criticism this finale became complete unexpected contingency. Writer they accused of
inconsistency and to mysticism. Today the finale “of fathers and children” is read
in a new way. “Another” implies secret.
The man has his destination in the world. Its fate differs from the fate
nature and space. But it can to carry out completeness of its future of men
only together with the universe.
Dreamer the German of lemmas from “nobiliary nest” writes starry music.
[Lavretskomu] it suddenly behaved in a queer way, “that in air above its head they spilled
some marvellous, solemn sounds; it stopped: sounds began to thunder still
it is more splendid; by melodious strong flow they flowed, and in them, it seemed,
she spoke and sang entire its happiness… Sweet, passionate melody from the first
sound covered heart; it entire shone, entire was wearied by inspiration, happiness,
by beauty, it is tall and melted; it concerned in all, that there is on the earth of expensive,
secret, saint; it breathed by immortal melancholy and departed to die in
skies ".
This was that music, whose sense old composer not long before this
it attempted to explain To the [lavretskomu]: “You, star, clean stars… you look
are equal on the right and on the guilties… but some innocent by heart… you
they understand, i.e., no, you they love ".
[Lavretskiy] and Lisa - here are two starry notes, which sound in the universe. Them
the love, which flared up under “jingling sound” of last chord “decrepit
the [zapadayushchey] key ", it this is what wires for sound the universe. Starry music
it will overfill their hearts immediately. Which can answer Lisa [Lavretskomu] and which can
to say [Lavretskiy] to Lisa, when it in the monastic garment passes by it on
choir? That which will sing on the choir Lisa, it will be the echo of the same
Everyday circumstances, which interfere with their terrestrial wedding, only pretext. It
it is possible to carry out for the brackets of narration. [Lavretskiy] does not require explanations, Lisa
even it does not attempt to explain. Its monasticism - something is larger than failure of
terrestrial marriage, and [Lavretskiy] understood, it could not but understand. Otherwise it would not be
by the starry fiance of Lisa.
The question, from which departed none of the Russian writers, remained without
answer. Is how the place of man in space, in the universe? Indifferent or
interested nature us does surround? There is in man its destination in
space or space by itself, but men by itself is better not to look in
this abyss? “Nature is not temple, but workshop”, says [turgenevskiy] of markets.
For Turgenev nevertheless temple. And for us also.
In “Senilea” there is this sleep: in the room sit the people, as they usually conduct conversation.
Suddenly all rush to the window - you look, look! However, and that they see: the peace
it ended, after the window is opened some break and greater than there is nothing. This in all
only sleep, calms Turgenev. But something does not come damping afterward
this sleep. Yes even was not tightened it to the entire century? True, not for all.
In the story “living power” the paralyzed woman sees another, actually
prophetic sleep. If we select between two sleeps of Turgenev, I select this.
“See I, as if I cost in the field, and around rye… as gold! :. I as if in
hands in me sickle… very as is a month, here when it to the sickle is similar
it occurs. And I must press completely this rye itself by this month itself. Only
very me from the heat [rastomilo], and month me will blind… and by the circle of [vasilki]…
I begin to vomit [vasilki], and they in me [promezh] are finger they [tayut]… And I do not can
to itself wreaths stria. But already meanwhile I hear - someone already goes to me, it is close
such and it calls… Of [ai], I think, misfortune - did not have time!
I will nevertheless put on to itself to the head this month [zamesto] it is bright blue. I put on
month, it is exact as kokoshnik, and so itself now entire began to shine, entire field around
it illuminated. [Glyad] - along the very tops of ears rolls to me [skorekhonko] -
only not VA, but Christ himself! And why I learned, that this is Christ, to say
I do not can, similar they do not write, and only it! Beardless, high, young,
entire in the white, only belt of gold, and knob to me stretches. “Do not fear,
speaks, bride my [razubrannaya], step after me: you in my reign
celestial round-dances to conduct you will and song play paradisiacal "… It is in front…
Wings in it on entire sky were developed, long as in seagull, and I after
by them! “
Here, it occurs, as it is easy to fly over through the abyss, if the great power
In the people consciousness there was a solid persuasion, formulated in
many works and writings, that there is death before death of physical and
before the resurrection of body there is the resurrection of soul.
Old Faith legend about the righteous ferryman is known. Once into the stormy
night, in the foul weather, into its house knocked himself wanderer with the request to transport on
the other side. After overpowering fear, boatman left for the dangerous floating.
When boat satisfactorily moored to another shore, wanderer wanted
to [otblagodarit] by worthy pay. “No, said ferryman, I transfer
I free of charge and hope that for this the god will send to me the easy death ". “Be examined”,
wanderer said. Boatman was examined and saw his on other shore
lifeless body.
To step over through death, to leave on “other shore” the body “decrepit Adam”
it was in prospect for Andrey Bolkonskiy in the novel “war and peace”.
“It entered, and it is death. And prince Andrey died. But into the same instant,
as it died, it, after making above itself an effort, awoke.
“Yes, this was death. I died - I awoke. Yes, death - awakening!”
Ivan Ilyich so survived his death: “- It is ended! - said someone above it.
It heard these words and repeated them in its soul. “Is ended death, he said
to itself. - It does not exist more ".
Bifurcation at the moment of death to the eternal and temporary observer striking
by means it is similar to the model of the imaginary approach to the region of the black hole. If
to look outside, then this approach will last eternally; however, from within the black
hole the same process appears otherwise. Traveller quietly intersects
the invisible feature of mountains! the umbrella of events it flies into “the hole” approximately after half-hour.
Half-hour and eternity they are equal to each other.
Contemporary physics and cosmology they know and not thus! miracles.
To fly to the black hole, eternally flying into it for the limited space
time, possible having only become similar to light beam, if we rush ourselves with the light
by speed. F.N Dostoyevsky, who survived sentence to the capital punishment
“[rasstrelyaniem]”, it perceived likening to light, and the relativity of time,
when minutes contain eternity. This experience is transmitted in all details
in prince [Myshkin]'s story in the novel “idiot”.
“It remembered increasingly with the unusual clarity… Then, when it said good-bye [s]
by comrades, came those two minutes! which it counted off in order to think about
itself… to it entire [khot]! moose to present to itself as soon as possible even brighter that here
as this so: it now there is even it lives, and in three minutes it will be already something,
someone or something, so who? where he thought into two minutes to solve all this!
There was not far off church, and the apex of cathedral with the gold-plated roof sparkled on
the bright sun. It remembered that terribly persistently it looked at this roof and at the rays,
from not sparkled; it could not be detached from the rays: to it seemed that its these rays
new nature, that it in three minutes will merge with them… “That, if not
to die! That, if we b turn life, what infinity! “1
Time before the execution was extended to it [beskonechnost] something similar it perceived before
by death the hero l. of the X. [Borkhesa] at the moment of shooting. This is writer on the name Of [khladik]
It has one dream: before the shooting to finish dramas but tail piece not
it was obtained. And here it stands in the brick wall under the muzzles of the rifles:
“To the temple to it fell the heavy drop of rain and [medlen]! it crawled on the cheek. Sergeant
screamed out the word of commands!
And the here surrounding peace stood still. Rifles were directed toward [Khladika], but people,
which had to kill it, they did not stir…
It finished its drama. Only one epithet was not sufficient. Found it. Drop
it was rolled on the cheek. [Khladik] briefly
1 Dostoyevsky F. [M]. poly. coll. works in 30- TI tt., Vol. 8. of 1973, s. 52. (Further
it is cited on this publication.)

it yelled, it pulled by head, four bullets overturned it to the earth ".
It would seem, the purely psychological experience of the extended instant was,
as it was explained today, by the reflection of the completely real special features
space-time, characteristic of our universe in the world light
speeds. Apparently, not by chance [F]. [M]. Dostoyevsky at the moment of the mortal
sentence together with the sensation of the infinitely lasting instant it felt
some intercommunication with the light, reflected from the cupolas.
One of the creators of the new scientific picture of peace in the 20th Century physicist Werner
Heisenberg very clearly interpreted the relativity of instantaneous and infinite
the time in the world of the light speeds: “From the Einstein theory we know that
the region of present is final, that it longer lasts, the further it is removed from
us the place of event " 1.
“Eternal instant” seemingly exceeds the limits of times, this such state
the peace, about which prince [Myshkin] speaks, recalling words from the apocalypse: “I
voice was, that time more it will not be ", which was understood usually as the finale
history, the end of the light. But there was another, more a fundamental understanding of the end
the times: time disappears because “for the god one day as thousands years and
thousands years as one
day ".
To rise again - means to leave for the circle of times, to step over the boundary, beyond which
“time more it will not be”.
Human spiritual peace, of course, reflects the life of entire nature. Today this
it is widely acknowledged, literary critics have long ago accepted for the armament the term
“psychological parallelism”. It remained to extend this complex concept
to space and entire universe. Besides the life of nature there is another life of the universe, it
the writers especially thinly perceive
and poets.
A question about the relation of man and space earlier was considered as the purely religious
by problem, but indeed are important not words, but essence of problem.
Much wrote about this barely studied sphere of life, Leo thought and spoke
Tolstoy. Some of its statements today sound in a new way.
“- Religion is an attitude of man toward the rest
1 cited in the book: Frankfurt [U]. [I]. [Spetsialnaya] and general theory of relativity.
M., 1968, s. 47.

to peace. This relation cannot be to the peace sensual, which in
space and time, and that, etc are infinite. There cannot be the relations
one to a number of infinite numbers- it would be necessary to integrate them for this.
Consequently, relation is possible to whole out of the time and the space " 1.
“He spoke about the life out of the time, about the fact that only here on the earth there is the past
and future, but there no, and therefore there there is the possibility to know future " 2.
Specifically, Leo Tolstoy thus understood resurrection.
“That does mean “future life”? It is possible to believe in the life, but for the life of eternal our
concept “future” is completely not applied” 3.
Once [L]. Tolstoy formulated this thought still more clear: “, first of all, about
state after death it cannot be said that it will be. Immortality will not be and
it was not, it there is " 4.
It can be, because of this clear and clean sensation heroes Tolstoy always
they satisfactorily pass the barrier of the darkness, leaving to the dazzling light at the end
Another fate of the [myatushchikhsya] sinners Of [f]. [M]. Dostoyevsky. Here is night confession of two
strayed shower - [Svidrigaylova] and [Raskolnikova].
“Ghosts - this, so to speak, scraps and the fragments of other peaces, they began.
To healthy person unnecessarily to, it goes without saying, see them, because healthy
man is the most terrestrial person, and therefore, it must live by one
by local life, for the completeness and for the order. Well, and only it fell ill, only
normal terrestrial order in the organism was destroyed, immediately it begins to be shown
the possibility of another peace… “
“I do not believe in the future life”.
“To us here all is presented eternity as the idea, which cannot be understood, something
enormous, enormous! But yes why without fail enormous? And suddenly instead of in all
this, visualize, there will be so one room, it is such like the rural
1 me of [nshikov] M.O. from the notebooks. - “Prometheus”, ¹ 12, 1980, s. 253.
but to 2[Tam], s. 251.
3[Goldenveyzer] a. b. near Tolstoy. M., 1959, s. 117.
4 there, s. 229.

bath, smoky, and on all angles spiders, and here and entire eternity… “
As is similar this to the tapered space of the black hole for “the external”
the observer, who eternally flies into the tapered dark and never it will reach
Otherwise sees eternal instant “internal” observer prince [Myshkin],
honored the light:
“Suddenly, among melancholy, sincere gloom, pressure, by instants as
its brain was set on fire… The sensation of life, self-consciousness almost increased tenfold in
these instants, which were being continued as lightning… But indeed this the very occurred, indeed
it itself managed to say to itself in that second itself, that this second, on
to infinite [schastiyu], by them completely percept, perhaps, and it could cost
entire life ". “At this moment, as he told once… - at this moment me
somehow becomes understandably extraordinary word about that which time is more not
it will be. Probably, it added, smiling, this the same second, in which
the overturned jug with the water of the epileptic of Mohammed did not have time to be spilled,
had time in that second itself to, however, survey all dwellings Of [allakhovy] ".
We recognize that the universe exists eternally; and simultaneously by some
incomprehensibly we reject to man the right to perceive this eternal life in
to itself. If life - highest form of existence of material, and man - corona
this life, then as it is possible to doubt its participation to world existence?
Experience of oecumenical life, very idea of space immortality to a considerable extent
it is vulgarized any kind by the concrete ideas, which liken the life
space of the life of terrestrial. The curtain above the secret is elevated by Albert Einstein,
but precisely to it more than to whom that not was characteristic the feeling
“The most excellent and deepest experience, which falls out as the man's responsibility, this
the sensation of mysteriousness. It is the basis of religion and all deepest
the tendencies in the skill and the science. The one who it did not test this sensation, it seems
to me if not by corpse, then in any case blind " 1.
Einstein perceived in the space life certain most great secret and spoke about
the special space feeling, characteristic of the man: “I will name this step
1 Einstein [A]. coll. scientific tr. in 4th tt., Vol. 4. of M., 1967, s. 176.

by a religious feeling. To Tom, who is alien to this feeling, it is very difficult to explain,
of what it consists… Individual perceives the insignificance of human desires and
purposes, from one side, and elevation and the wonderful order, which is manifested in
to nature and in the world ideas, with other… It begins to examine its
existence as its kind the imprisonment and only entire universe in
whole receive as something united and comprehended " 1.
This statement of Einstein is in many respects consonant to reflections f. M.
Dostoyevsky about life, death and special role of man among the universe. In
the notebooks of writer there is the fragment, which it would be desirable to give here
as possible grow stout.
Died of tuberculosis the wife of Fedor Mikhaylovich M.D. [Dostoevskaya], and through
day after her death in the notebook of writer appeared this record:
“Masha lies on the table. I will be seen with Masha? To [vozlyubit] neighbor person as
itself, on the commandment of Christ's it is impossible. Law of personality on the earth
it connects… But if this purpose is final of humanity… - that,
it is investigation, men, reaching, finishes its terrestrial existence. Thus,
man exists on the earth essence being only developed, therefore, not
finished, and transitional.
But to reach such great objective, on my reasoning, is complete
it is thoughtless, if with the achievement of the objective everything fades and disappears, i.e., if
there will not be lives in the man and on the achievement of the objective. It is investigation, there is future,
paradisiacal life.
What it, where it, on what planet, in what center, in the final whether
center, i.e., in the bosom of universal synthesis, i.e., god? - we do not know. We
we know only one feature of future nature of future essence, which hardly and
it will be called by man… This feature is forecast and [predugadana] by Christ,
by the great and final ideal of the development of entire humanity… “2
“Persons - this is the evolution, which discerns itself”, said the English biologist
Julian Huxley. Personally it is missing to me in this thought of something the, possibly, very
man. Indeed from the onset of reason evolution in many respects
1[Eyn] matte [A]. [Sobr]. scientific tr. in 4th tt., Vol. 4. of M., 1967, s. 127.
2[Dostoevskiy] [F]. [M]. [Poli]. coll. works in 30- TI tt., Vol. 20. L., 1980, with 172-173.

it depends on Homo Of sapiens. It is subordinated so, that now and then, as it shows
history, can be converted into the regress.
Dostoyevsky one of the first foresaw this danger. Life and death even
it considers one person the most great events of oecumenical scale. From
the earth to the sky are pulled the invisible threads, which at the moment of death not only not
they are interrupted, but they become considerably strengthen how they were with the life.
Third November this truth was opened to the hero of fantastic story “the sleep
ridiculous person ". By dark night it looked at the sky.
“Sky was terribly dark, but clearly it was possible to distinguish ragged clouds and
between them bottomless spots. Suddenly I noted in one of these spots the asterisk
and it began fixedly to look at it. This because the asterisk gave the thought to me:
I proposed on this night to kill itself ".
Concept was carried out, and here is a suicide in the grave, but it hears everything and
he feels. However, according to the laws of the mysteries of resurrection, already known to the reader on
to the first head, grave opens wide and that revived flies “in the terrible darkness”,
carried by certain unknown essence. The light at the end of tunnel soon appeared. “I
it saw in the darkness one asterisk " - this was that star itself, which sent
to the earth thought about the suicide.
“We rushed in the dark and unknown spaces. I has long since ceased to see
familiar to the eye of constellation. I knew that there are such stars in the celestial
the spaces, from which the rays reach to the earth only into thousand and million
years. It can be, we already flew these spaces ".
And here with the hero occurred something completely unexpected for physics and
cosmology of the 19th Century, when Dostoyevsky created:
“I suddenly some familiar and to the highest degree calling a feeling [sotryaslo] me:
I saw suddenly our sun! :. I are really possible such repetitions in
by the universe, is really such natural law? “He saw emerald asterisk -
this was the precise copy of our earth.
In the notes it is said, that Dostoyevsky gave the special prophetic to this sleep
value, and simply speaking, it believed in its reality.
Here, of course, there is nothing special, little whether who in that believes, but you will astonish
together with me: are at present in the universe opened stars, as
mimicking each other.
“Astronomers were astonished, after revealing in the constellation of Ursa Major…
the objects, in which there were simultaneously practically identical spectra…
However, a similar phenomenon was soon discovered “elsewhere sky " 1.
The effect of gravitational lens forecast by Einstein in 1936 allowed
to photograph galaxies, which are been located from each other at a distance in
billions light years and in this case exactly repeating each other. Besides
that, in the scientific press appeared communications about possible existence
the double of our sun - the star, invisible by eye; and finally about the planetary
to system, similar to our, which is been located somewhere near.
I do not intend to investigate in the component. Not so it is important, will prove to be these communications
by reality or they will render their service to science as the working hypotheses.
It is important that [F]. [M]. Dostoyevsky saw in his fantastic sleep that the fact that
it is today not fantasy, but by scientific hypothesis. It is must after this,
to possess the excess stock of indestructible skepticism in order not to suspect in
of the space fantasy of writer reflection is some, until which is vague
received by us reality.
And again I am convinced of the fact that there is a certain parallelism between the structure
peace and by the internal peace of man. Today it is not possible to solve terrestrial problems, not
raising eye to the celestial sphere, without reflecting about infinity of universe.
The experience of Russian classical literature speaks about the impossibility of this approach.
Cosmos became immense metaphor, literary reality, symbol
beauty and the might of human spirit.
Desiring to minimize man, [Svidrigaylov] in the conversation with [Raskolnikovym] he speaks [o]
eternity and infinity of universe as about [banke], where the spiders on the angles
they weave cobweb. However, there is in Dostoyevsky other means - abyss in
“the quadrillion of years”.
“There was… on the earth one such thinker and philosopher, everything rejected, laws,
conscience, faith, and the main thing - future life. It died, he thought, directly into the gloom and
death, AN before it - future life. It amazed and was disturbed: “This,
he speaks, contradicts my persuasions ". Here it for this
1 Vladimirov Yu. [S]. space, time, gravity. M., 1984, s. 76.

and sentenced… so that it would pass it in the gloom the quadrillion of kilometers… and when
this quadrillion will end, then to it will be opened paradisiacal doors and everyone
they will forgive… Well, so here this condemned to the quadrillion it stand, it looked and
it lay across the road: “I do not want to go, from the principle I will not go!” … It lay almost
thousands years, and then it arose and went.
- Here settle- that! - exclaimed Ivan… Not all whether is equal, to lie eternally or to go
the quadrillion of versts? Indeed this is the billion of years to motion?
- Even it is much more… Yes indeed it has long since reached, and there and it begins
- As it reached! But yes where it the billion of years did take?
- Yes indeed you think all about our present earth! Yes indeed present
the earth, can, itself- that the billion of times it was repeated: well, it became obsolete, it froze,
it was cracked, was scattered, was decomposed into the composite beginnings… indeed this
development, can, already infinitely once is repeated and all in one and the same form,
to the line ".
Oh already this abyss icy, [vsezamerzayushchaya], as it frightened beginning with XVIII
century, how much in it horror, but indeed it does not exist in reality. It proved to be bluff and
the theory of the heat death of peace by analogy with the cooling samovar, and
infinite absolute spaces with the infinite absolute time
they proved to be spectres, phantoms. Conquered was abyss in 1910 with the output
in the light of the special theory of relativity.
Even somehow pitifully to part from the exquisite means of death, which
it was opened to humanity in the categories of Newtonian physics.
There were first enthusiasm, rapture:

Was opened the abyss of stars it was complete,
To stars there is no number, to the abyss of the bottom.

Then in the same verse of Lomonosov audibly confusion. Is how the place of man in
infinity of universe?

Grain of sand as in the sea waves,
As spark in eternal ice is small,
As in the strong vortex of thin dust,
In the fierce as feather, fire,
So I in this abyss am deepened
I am lost, by [myslmi] it is tired!

Certainly, poet cannot be subdued with the fact that man it became grain of sand in
universe, and, continuing the reflections of Lomonosov, Gabriel [Romanovich] [Derzhavin]
so he will speak at the beginning of the 19th Century about the place of man in infinite [prosstranstve]

Particle of whole I by the universe,
It is set, it seems to me, in that respected
To middle of nature I by that,
Where ended the creatures you solid,
Where you began the perfumes of the celestial
And the chain of essences it connected all with me.

I am the connection of the peaces, everywhere real,
I am extreme the degree of substance;
I am the focus of those living,
Feature is initial deity;
I by body in the dust to [istlevayu],
By mind to thunders to [povelevayu],
I am tsar - I slaves - I worm - I god!

But the same poet will write other verses:

River of times in its [stremleni]
It takes away all affairs of the people
And it heats in the precipice of [zabvenya]
Peoples, reign and tsars,
But if that also remains
Through the sounds of lira and pipe,
That eternity with muzzle will be devoured
And general will not leave fates.

These lines Of [derzhavin] it traced twice: by goose feather on the paper and by chalk on
to board. This board was preserved, even chalk did not crumble in two centuries, but no
poet himself, and the rightness of verse thus is as if confirmed.
It is later about this infinite abyss, about “the muzzle of the eternity”, which devours man,
will say [F]. [Tyutchev]:

Nature to know does not know about by [bylom],
Our spectral years are alien to it,
And we vaguely realize before it
Itself only by the dream of nature.
Alternately all its children,
Achieving its exploit useless,
It equally to greets by its
absorbing and conciliatory abyss.


There is a legend, that the god riveted to the cliff of Prometheus not for the usual fire,
given to man, and for the secret knowledge. Prometheus opened to people of the secret
mysteries, but mysteries learned man not to fear death.
The internal fire of immortality, [vozzhennyy] in the man, never faded in
poetry of the 19th Century. “[Ugl], which blazes by fire” lit up [karamazovskuyu] abyss,
driving away the dark. By the way, the surname Of [karamazov] contains Turkish root “penalty” -
black, dark.
It was required, time is certain, in order to “[ugl]” in the breast of the Pushkin's prophet
it burnt so, that it became “stronger and it is brighter than the entire universe”:

Fact, the Lord, is powerful, incomprehensible
You before my [myatushchimsya] [soznanem],
That during the starry day your bright Serafim
Huge sphere lit up above [mirozdanem],
And to corpse with blazing face
You commanded to observe your laws,
Everything to wake up by invigorating ray,
Storing its flame of centuries million.
No, you is powerful and it is incomprehensible to me
Fact that I myself, powerless and instantaneous,
Burden in the breast as that Serafim,
Fire is stronger and brighter than the entire universe.
([A]. [Fet])

But To [fetu] belongs another poem, which led into the confusion of Leo

It awoke i. yes, the roof of coffin. - The hands
With the effort I stretch and to the call
To the aid. Yes, I remember these flour
Dying. - Yes, this in reality! -
And effortlessly, as if cobweb.
Decayed it moved apart [domovinu]…
Neither winter birds nor gnats on snow.
I understood everything: the earth has long ago cooled
And it died out. To whom to the coast
In the breast to [dykhane]? For whom the grave
Me it did return? And my [soznane]
With which it is connected? And in what to its [prizvane]?
Where to go, where nobody to embrace,
, where in the space was mislaid time?
But return, death, hurry to accept
Last life fateful burden.
But you, the thickening corpse of the earth, fly,
Bearing my corpse along the eternal way!

Answering [Fetu], Leo Tolstoy wrote: “A question spiritual is set wonderfully. And I
you answer it differently from. I did not want back into the grave. For me and
with the destruction of any life, except me, it is not still ended… For me
relations to the god, to that force, which produced, remain me, me it pulled [k]
to itself and me it will destroy or will modify ".
In the 60's of the 20th century the dispute about the immortality of man suddenly flared up on
the pages of newspapers. Conversation began poet Ilya [Selvinskiy]. In recent years
to life it wrote the cycle of the verses, where it asserted that from the point of view of the probability
the same combination of the elementary completely can be repeated in the universe
particles, and it means, each of us can appear in the universe again.

But I am poet. I believe in [bessmerte],
It not in the monuments, not in the articles,
That to me to them, when the heart is not beaten
And phosphorus does catch fire in the bones? :.
We with you - [ochertanya] of electrons,
Which take off each moment,
But new, all strings our after touching,
They recreate instantly us themselves…
So, which means, I, and you, and all others -
Only electronic principle, expensive,
It will be decomposed in us - and we will die,
It somewhere sometimes will join,
And “I” again will begin to breathe, he [zasmeetsya]
In the forgetful consciousness my.

[Selvinskogo] they began to reproach in the mysticism, in the concessions to idealism. Answering its
to criticisms, poet gave such arguments in defense of his means of immortality.
Vera in the traceless disappearance of man in the universe it arose comparatively
recently under the effect of the Newtonian picture of peace. Time showed that we live
not in the universe of Newton, but in Einstein's universe. Meanwhile all our
ideas about the relation of the man and universe were formed into the school
years precisely according to the Newtonian standards. It is not time whether to reexamine them, also, on the spiritual
In my opinion it is time!
In the Russian literature of men - essence space, inseparably poured
to all by universe.

As peace it changes! And as I myself change!
Only by name one I am only called…
Thought was there is no time simple flower,
Poem marched by slow bull;
But that which was me, then, perhaps,
Again it grows and the peace of plants multiplies.

This author Nikolai [Zabolotskiy] conducted correspondence with [K]. [E]. Tsiolkovskiy,
attentively it followed the development of scientific thought and came to the same conclusion that
and poet Ilya [Selvinskiy]: man is immortal, since it is not separated from that created
by its universe.
There is one additional form of immortality, about which they did not know earlier, the indestructibility
hereditary information about the man - genetic immortality.

My ancestor is cave!
You - I,
I am the fact of your existence.
We bear the signs of similarity
In the hieroglyphs of chromosomes,
Where it programmed
Countless grandsons of feature…
And let, when to nurses they entrust
My [pra]-[pra]-[pra]-[pravnuchat],
I will be as salt, it is dissolved
In those running
from the different sides
In boys and girls of all
And it is sprinkled into their games and laughter…
And the days of your life
not to consider, until humanity exists!
([S]. [Kirsanov])

The genetic code is actually united in entire living: in birds, in animals, [u]
man. It is deciphered recently, in the 60's of our century, and here
the poem Of [n]. [Zabolotskiy] “metamorphoses” is written long before his discovery:
“I that which was me, then, perhaps, now grows and the peace of plants multiplies”.
Now these are not only poetic metaphor, but also scientific axiom.
Let us recall now the lines Of [tyutcheva]:

Not that you imagine, nature:
Not mold, not heartless face -
In it there is a soul, in it there is freedom,
In it there is love, in it there is language…

But the poetic thought of feta about the starry fire in the man, who “is stronger and brighter
by the entire universe "? It is today also not only metaphor. Red blood, which flows
in our veins, it is obliged by its color to iron, and entire iron, which there is on
to the earth, according to the communications of astronomers, it arose in the starry substance, we and now
we can see the light of those died-out stars, which " created” iron for, before the sky
our blood. Stars exploded and [pogasli], and light from them will fly still
millions years.
The science of the twentieth century confirms the rightness of the most daring metaphors about the unity
man and by the universe. And it is this is what amazing: it occurs, being moved away from
folklore times on the time, we still and approach them. Our ancestors
they believed that people - star; then science opened to man of eye,
of the difference between it and universe, but the same science in the 20th century reminds the man
on its similarity to entire universe.
Academician A [L]. [Chizhevskiy] even at the beginning of our century [napryazhenno] followed
by the rhythms of the sun. Today we know: the sun pulsates, in it its rhythms,
lifts, the decreases. The years of the active sun as the quickened pulse, promise nothing
good. [Chizhevskiy] even in the childhood felt on itself the rhythms of active and
the quiet sun: the pulse of the sun and the pulse of man are connected with starry thread.

By father among its planets
And the earth following especially -
Propagated the sun light (but it was felt, that it [poezhivalos] from
a chill)…
And I could not neither lie nor sit down (according to the statistical data, this occurred
by all)
It shivered. Thirty six and seven.
What to make? - everything in one system!
([S]. [Kirsanov])

We repeat how incantation, that the universe is infinite, forgetting in this case,
that the man is also infinite. Two infinity stand each other. Men
space has already long ago dwelled on the earth. These are we with you.
It can be, is not so irreproachable syllogism from the secondary school textbook of logic, [s]
by which in the dying melancholy fights Ivan Ilyich in [L]. Tolstoy's narrative:
“[Kay] - man, people are mortal, therefore [Kay] is mortal”.
Cold logic, always whether it is the right before the heat of life?
“That there was [Kay] - man, generally man, and this was completely correctly; but
it was not [Kay] and not generally men, while it was always entirely, entirely special
from all others essence… Perhaps [Kay] kissed so the hand of mother and perhaps for
[Kaya] thus did rustle the silk of the folds of the dress of mother? :. perhaps [Kay] so was fallen in love?
Perhaps [Kay] thus could conduct session? “
Certainly, it is easy to reproach Ivan Ilyich in the unreasonableness, in the subjectivity, in
cowardice, finally. But we will use the same logical method from
the secondary school textbook: Ivan Ilyich - man; man cannot be reconciled
with the thought about the traceless disappearance in the universe; consequently, the man
it is immortal. There is no, idealism whatever behind this it does not lie, and there is no here faith in
the other world peace. Man is immortal. This, if you want, axiom for I any
important writer.
This is how tells Leo Tolstoy about the faith of the peasant Of [nabatova], which
" inherited from the ancestors “the solid”, calm persuasion, general by all
to farmers, which as in the world animals and plants nothing ends, A
constantly is altered of one form into another - I manure into the grain, the grain in
hen… so man is not destroyed, but only he changes… “.
An even ancient-babylonian hero [Gilgamesh] did not want to believe in death of his
friend To [enkidu], until decay convinces it in reality death. Here at that time and
left [Gilgamesh] after the ruby-colored flower of immortality, in order to resurrect friend.
It did succeed this [Gilgameshu] - it is unknown, since in those reached us
the fragments of printing blocks it steals snakes. To merchant from the fairy tale “[Alenkiy] flower” it transported
it is more: it carried flower to the house. It was possible to resurrect its friend of Lazaruses
For Christ, it was possible “to revive” Zosim Ales [Karamazova], it will " raise” its teacher
Achilles [Desnitsyn] Of [leskova] after three-day vigil in coffin.
From [Akhilly] proceeds the seething of life and eternal uneasiness. In it one “thousand
lives it burns ", so that with the surprise [vosklitsaet] quiet Zacharias: “I do not know,
how to him to die? “
“- I and itself do not know, joked proto-priest, it is negation itself to death”.
It by quite its presence of [zhiznetvoren]. It at times seems that Achilles can
to resurrect corpse. Itself of Achilles the infinity of its force does not doubt
and even for itself, at least, it resurrected corpse to tube it was pink.
This scene truly of [potryasayushcha]:
“- [Batochka]! - appealed to [polegonku] deacon, interrupting reading gospel and approaching
in the night silence to the deceased lying before it. - Arise! A? :. with me one
arise! You not can, you lie [yako] grass ".
It is not such Achilles in order to be subdued to death. As it is assumed on its ardent
to faith, on third night it must rise again [Tuberozov]. They here begin purely
the magic Herculean approaches, when three times undertakes hero the matter and only on
for the third time will conquer.
Achilles begins its decisive assault per hour to midnight:
“- Listen to, [batochka] my, this I to you into the latter will read, with this the deacon
began gospel from Hans. It read four heads and, after reading to the fifth, it became
on one verse and, after sighing, repeated the twice great promise: “[Yako] approaches
hour and now exists, when [mertvii] will hear the voice of the son of God and, after hearing, they will revive ".
And here the desired miracle was achieved at the dawn:
“To it was heard, seemingly something knocked above it, and it behaved in a queer way, that
as if Saveli sits with closed with [parchoyu] face and with the gospel, which they placed
in its dead hands.
Achilles it did not become frightened, but it confused and, quietly moving aside from the coffin, it was raised on
elbows. However, and that? as [povergnutyy] of Achilles rose, corpse on
to the same measure in his eyes slowly it lay down into the coffin, without supporting itself
by the hands, occupied with cross and gospel.
Achilles it jumped and, [makhaya] by hands, it whispered:
- Mir TI! peace! I you disturb ".
But here began the moment of the single combat Of [akhilly] with its own death. This
death in [Leskova] - authentic Herculean duel.
Before death of Achilles it became gentle. Indomitable fury and physical force as
they would fly away from the powerful body, while the force of the spirit Of [akhilly] Of [desnitsyna]
it grew to the very moment of death. Herculean [ukhane] Of [akhilly] before
it shook gentle Zacharias by decease. Now Achilles it fought with “the [ognelitsym]”,
barred to it way to the eternity. It fought and conquered as [Iakov], entire night
conducted in the fight with the invisible to it by angel.
“Achilles it was in the agony and in the agony not so much terrible as damaging: it
several seconds lay quietly and, after collecting into itself to air, suddenly was let out it,
in a drawling manner emitting sound “in-in-in- X! ”, every time waving hands and
it raised itself, as if it was freed from something, as if something threw down.
Zacharias looked at this, growing torpid, and the fragile boards of bed entire [tyazhche] they bent and
they cracked under the dying [Akhilloy], and terrifically shook the wall, through which it is accurate
for long compressed spontaneous force vomited to the space.
- Already does not end it? - missed Zacharias… but in this very time of Achilles
it yelled through the compressed teeth:
- Who you, [ognelitsyy]? Give way to me!
Zacharias timidly was examined and was astonished, [ognelitsego] he none saw, but to it
it seemed fear that Achilles, after departing itself of itself, here somewhere [s]
by someone it fought and overcame… “
If we glance by starry look the folklore- mythologists -[cheskie] of the battle of heroes
by death, then without fail view will be fixed to the prospect for the night sky, where this
battle is " lost” nightly, to [ezheutrenne] and to [ezhevecherne]. Here it arises because of
the horizon the devastated previously hero Orion with the fiery three-starry sword, and
Hercules, greets by his its club. It is apparently, earlier, in
Babylon, Hercules they called [Gilgamesh], and Orion - To [enkidu]. Orion -
[Svyatogor]- hero, and Hercules - Ilya [Muromets]. In the literature not numbered
the abyss of subjects. After continuing starry dotted line from Orion and Hercules to THE XIX
centuries, let us see, that by Orion - singer, by teacher, keeper they will be Zosim
and [Tuberozov], and the junior heroes of spirit, mentally revived its teachers, this
Ales [Karamazov] and Achilles [Desnitsyn].
The 20th century in the final analysis returned at the new level to the old thought: the obviousness
of death it is inevident.

There is no death greater.
There is no death greater.
Greater no.
Greater no.
No. No.
There is no death greater.
There is dawn air,
Narrow dawn.
There is dew on the roses,
Streams of the amber
On the crust of pine.
Stone on the sand.
There is a beginning of the new
Cells in the lobe,
There is no death greater…
There is no death greater!
The grasshopper was born
Five minutes ago -
Strange little fellow,
It is green and big-nosed:
In it as buzzer,
Song its
Because I
Five minutes as it died.
There is no death greater!
There is no death greater!
Greater no! No!
(“[S]. [Kirsanov])

There is some secret in the very stability of subject about the conflict of man
by death. It will be incorrect, if, after reaching our century, we will not return
again to the sources of the means of resurrection.
There are entire areas of the culture, where “resurrection” does not play the so significant
the role: Ancient India, China, Africa, America to Columbus. And here it is manifested
a characteristic difference in the Christian civilization from these cultures.
Idea “of resurrection”, which took possession of hearts and minds of people in the I century of our era,
contains certain secret, the revelation, which impelled to the rush in
future. “Abyss [zaklyuchivyy] [yako] is dead it [zritsya]”, it rehearsed in the funeral
[pesnopeniyakh]. If we translate this to the modern language, although it is clumsy,
literally, it will come out: that including infinity looks like corpse.
Very means of the [vochelovechennoy] universe and even is more than by the universe, very
the creator of peace, buried, similar to man, and [voskresshego], it was for
man perhaps by the most accurate starting point for realizing its
true space value.
Human reason opened starry abyss. But as “to conclude” it? By what
by steps to measure? The place of man in the infinite universe is how and it is how
the ratio of final human life to infinity of universe?
Paradox consisted in the fact that the answer was daN already to many of these questions
in the I century. “Reign [bozhie] inside us exists”. Reign [bozhie], i.e., the universe
and even it is more than the universe, everything without the remainder is concluded in the soul of man.
[Gottorpskiy] globe - planetarium, brought by Peter the I into Russia, opened
to look the universe, but it is far from entire. Russian literature for elongation of three
centuries searches for some other means of the peace, where the man and the universe are located
in somewhat different, warmer relations, where at the levels of the macro- and of the microcosm
between space and man there is a thin indestructible connection.
The duel with death, begun in the I century, until that it is far from finished.

from the morning
After moving apart cupola at the work,
[Ateistichna] is wise,
As the morning cathedral of Peter,
It shone by fresh gilding…
As God eye,
the telescope
It swam into the clouds
towards the intense heat,
Following from the grasses and the lobes
After the [vifleemskoyu] star.
Here it was not sufficient
and magi,
And cathedral choral,
apostolic heads,
Blind men, Christ,
and the solid words:
“Take your bed!” -
here it was not sufficient.
([S]. [Kirsanov])


[Gottorpskiy] globe, brought by Peter the I into Russia, that became the prototype
present planetariums, reminds me the womb of the whale, that swallowed together with
[Ionoy] all of mankind.
We speak: this is how is arranged the universe - you, people, the most negligible specks in
infinite universe. But this is lie, although unpremeditated.
[Gottorpskiy] cupola cannot show as entire person at the level of those same
the microparticles, about which wrote Ilya [Selvinskiy], it was connected, coordinated with the entire
by infinity. Is called this coordination [antropnym] principle. It
it is opened and formulated recently in cosmology, but for the literature this truth
it was axiom.
Never Dostoyevsky and Leo Tolstoy assumed [gottorpskiy], mechanical
the means of peace. They always perceived the finest dialectical connection between the final
by human life and by infinite existence of space. Internal peace of man -
its soul. The external world - entire universe. Is such that opposing dark
to [gottorpskomu] globe the shining globe of Pierre.
Pierre Bezukhov sees in the sleep the crystal globe: “Globus this was living,
the being varied sphere, which does not have sizes. Entire surface of sphere consisted of
the drops, tightly compressed between themselves. And these drops everyone moved, were moved and
first they merged from several into one, then of one they were divided into many. Each
drop attempted to spill, to take the greatest space, but others,
striving they moreover compressed it, sometimes they destroyed, sometimes merged with it…
In the middle the god, and each drop attempts to be enlarged, in order to in the greatest
sizes to reflect it. Both it grows and it is compressed, and it is destroyed on the surface,
it departs to the depth and again it floats ".


In order to see this universe, it is necessary to reach the altitude, to cast a look through
infinity. The roundness of the earth is visible from space. Now we entire universe
we see as the certain shining sphere, which is dispersed from the center.
Celestial prospects pierce entire space of the novel “war and peace”.
Infinite prospects, views and panoramas of battles are given from the flight altitude,
as if writer repeatedly flew around our planet aboard the spacecraft.
And is nevertheless most valuable for Leo Tolstoy view not from the height, but into the height
flight. There, in the infinitely blue sky, [taet] Andrey Bolkonskiy's look under
[Austerlitsem], and late the view of Levin among the Russians pour on. There, in
infinity, everything is quiet, good, [uporyadochenno], entirely not since here,
on the earth.
All this was repeatedly noticed and even it is transmitted by the inspired look
projectionists, who removed from the helicopter and Austerlitz, and the mental flight of Natashas
Growth, and already what more simply to direct movie camera upwards, following the look
Bolkonskiy or [levina]. But where it is more difficult to projectionist and director to show
universe from the side - by view of Pierre Bezukhov, who sees through [dremu]
the globe, which consists of many drops (souls), each of which strives [k]
to center, and everything in this case united. Universe is so arranged, Pierre hears the voice
teacher- Frenchman.
But and nevertheless as it is arranged?
On the screen through the fog are visible some drop structures, which are flowed together in
sphere, that shed radiance, and nothing other. This is too poor for the crystal
the globe, which solved in the consciousness of Pierre the riddle of universe. It is not felt
to blame operator. That saw Pierre, it is possible to see only with mental
by look - this is indescribable in the three-dimensional peace, but completely geometrically
it is represented.
Pierre saw, it is more accurate to say, “regained vision” that appearance of universe, which was
[zapreten] for humanity from the times of great inquisition to… is difficult to say,
until what precisely time.
“The universe is the sphere, where the center everywhere, and a radius is infinite”, thus he said
Nikolai [Kuzanskiy] about this model of peace. About it described [Borkhes] in the laconic
the essay “sphere of Pascal”:
“Nature - is the infinite sphere, whose center everywhere, and circle nowhere”
Who attentively followed the cosmological models of ancient in those preceding
heads (cup Of [dzhemshid], the casket Of [koshcheya]), it will immediately note that Pascal's sphere, or
the globe of Pierre, is one additional artistic embodiment all of the same thought.
Drops, which are approached confluence with the center, and the center, directed toward everything, this
is very similar to the monads of Leibnitz, the centers of Nikolai [Kuzanskiy] or “the point aleph”
[Borkhesa]. This is similar to Giordano's peaces Bruno, for which it was burnt, it is similar
to transformed [eydosy] of Plato or [pifagoriyskie] [prastruktury],
brilliantly imprinted in the philosophy of neo-Platonists and [Parmenida].
But in this Tolstoy not of point, not monad, not [eydosy], but people, it is more accurate than their soul.
This is why laughs Pierre above the soldier, who guards him with the rifle at the door
the shed: “He wants to lock me, my infinite soul…” This is what it followed
after the vision of crystal globe.
Tendency of drops toward the world confluence, their readiness to contain the entire world -
these are love, compassion to each other. Love as the complete understanding in all
living it passed from Plato [Karataeva] to Pierre, and it must from Pierre
to be extended to all people. It became one of the countless centers of peace,
i.e., it became peace.
Is not entirely the epigraph of novel about the need for the unity of all good so commonplace
people. Word “to mate "", heard by Pierre in the second “prophetic” sleep, not
randomly it is combined with the word “to harness”. To harness it is necessary - to mate necessary.
Everything, which mates, is a peace; centers - drops, which are not approached joining,
this is the state of war, hostility. Hostility and alienation among the people. It is sufficient
to recall, with what sarcasm it looked at the stars Of [pechorin] in order to understand that
is the feeling, opposite “to joining”.
Probably, not without the influence of Tolstoy's cosmology built late Vladimir
Solovyev its metaphysics, where the Newtonian attracting force obtained
designation “love”, and repulsive force began to be named “hostility”.
War and peace, joining and disintegration, attraction and repulsion - here are is two forces,
are more accurate, two states of one space force, which periodically whip
the showers of heroes Tolstoy. From the state of universal love (love in
1[Borkhes] of the X. [L]. [Proz] different years. M., 1984, s. 202.

Natasha and into entire universe, all-forgiving and entire containing space love in
the hour of Bolkonskiy's death) to the same universal hostility and alienation (him
break with [Natashey], hatred and the call to shoot prisoners before the Borodino
by battle). Such passages are not characteristic of Pierre, it as Natasha, by nature
[vsemiren]. Fury against [Anatolya] or Ellen, the imaginary murder of Napoleon
they bear surface nature, without affecting the depth of spirit. Kindness of Pierre -
the natural state of its soul.
Andrey Bolkonskiy's love - this is some last sincere splash, this on
the face of life and death: and the soul flew away together with the love. Andrey is
it is faster in Pascal's sphere, where many sincere centers - altogether only of point. In
it lives severe geo-meter - parent: “Deign to see, soul my, this
triangles are similar ". It in this sphere to death itself, until it is turned inside out
it did not overturn into its soul by the entire world, and contained the room of all, whom
prince Andrey knew and saw.
Pierre " saw” crystal globe from the side, i.e., he exceeded the limits
visible, visible space even with the life. With it occurred Copernicus'
revolution. To Copernicus the people were in the center of peace, and here the universe
it was turned inside out inside out, center became the periphery - many peaces all around
“the center of the sun”. Specifically, about this Copernicus' revolution speaks Tolstoy in
the finale of the novel:
“Is since found and proven Copernicus's law, one acknowledgement of the fact that
moves not the sun, but the earth, it destroyed entire cosmography of ancient…
As for astronomy the difficulty of the acknowledgement of the motions of the earth consisted of that, in order to
to forego a direct feeling of the immobility of the earth and the same
feeling of the immobility of planets, so for the history the difficulty of the acknowledgement
the subordination of personality to the laws of space, time and reasons it consists of that,
in order to forego a direct feeling of the independence of its personality ".
It is customary to assume that [L]. Tolstoy skeptically related to the science. However, on the very
the matter this skepticism was extended only to the science of its time - THE XIX and

beginning of the 20th century. This science was occupied, in the opinion [L]. Tolstoy,
“secondary” problems. The chief problem - about the sense of the human life
on the earth and about the place of man in the universe, it is more accurate - the attitude of man and
Here Tolstoy, if it is must, came running to the integral and the differential
to calculation.
The ratio of one to infinity - this is the attitude of Bolkonskiy toward peace in
the moment of death. It saw all and could not love one. Relation of one [k]
united - this something other. This Pierre Bezukhov. The peace was decomposed for Bolkonskiy
to the infinite set of people, each of which was in the final analysis
To Andrey it is uninteresting. Pierre in Natasha, in Andrey, in Plato [Karataeve] and even in
to the dog, shot down by soldier, saw the entire world. Entire proceeding with the peace
it occurred with it. Andrey sees countless many soldiers - “meat for
guns ". It is full of sympathy, compassion to them, but this not it. Pierre sees
one Plato, but in it the entire world, and this him.
“Copernicus' revolution” occurred with Pierre perhaps at the moment itself
generation. Andrey is originated in space of Ptolemy. He itself - center, peace - only
the periphery. This does not completely mean that Andrey [plokh], but Pierre is good. It is simple one
man - “war” (not in the everyday or the historical, but in the spiritual sense),
another - man - “peace”.
Between Pierre and Andrey the dialogue about the structure of peace appears at some moment.
Pierre attempts to explain his sensation of the unity of entire real, living to Andrey and
corpse, the certain stairs of ascendings from the mineral to the angel. Andrey it is delicate
it interrupts: I know, this is Herder's philosophy. This is only philosophy for it:
Leibnitz's monad, Pascal's sphere; this is sincere experience for Pierre.
And nevertheless two divergent arms of angle have a point of the convergence: death and
love. In the love for Natasha and in death to Andrey is opened “joining” of peace.
Here at point “aleph” Pierre, Andrey, Natasha, [Karata] Plato, Kutuzov - everything
they feel unity. Something it is larger than the sum of wills, this - “on the earth peace and in
[chelovetsekh] goodwill ". Something akin to a feeling of Natashas at the moment of reading
manifesto into the church and the prayings “by peace”.
Sensation of the convergence of two sides of the divergent angle at united point very
it is well transmitted in Tolstoy's “confession”, where it very accurately transfers
the discomfort of weightlessness in its sleepy flight, feeling itself somehow very
it is inconvenient in the infinite space of universe, suspended to some
leading strings, until a feeling of center appears, from where these leading strings proceed. This
Pierre in the crystal globe saw the center, which penetrates everything, in order to,
after coming to from the sleep, to perceive it in the depth of its soul, as if having returned from
beyond the clouds height.
So Tolstoy explained in “the confession” her sleep also indeed after awakening and
having also moved this center from the interstellar sow into the depths of heart. Center
universe it is reflected in each crystal drop, in each soul. This
crystal reflection is love.
If this was Tolstoy's philosophy, we would reproach him in the absence
the dialectics “of the attraction and of repulsion”, “hostility and love”. But none
the philosophy of Tolstoy, no Tolstoyism for the writer himself not
there existed. He simply spoke about its sensation of life, about the state of soul,
which was considered correct. It did not deny “hostility and repulsion” as Pierre and
Kutuzov they did not deny the obviousness of war and even as far as possible and the possibilities
they participated in it, but they did not want to accept this state as their. War -
this stranger, peace - this its. It precedes the crystal globe of Pierre in the novel
Tolstoy Globus-[myachik], by whom on the portrait plays the heir of Napoleon. Peace
war with thousands of chances, actually resembling game in bilboquet.
Globus - ball and globe - crystal sphere - two means of peace. Means of blind man and
sighted, the gutta-percha dark and crystal light. Peace, obedient of the capricious
to will of one, and the peace of the [nesliyannykh], but common will.
the Rein- leading strings, on which Tolstoy in the sleep perceived a feeling of durable unity in
“Confessions”, in the novel “war and peace” even in the hands “capricious child” -
Napoleon. What does govern peace? This question, repeated repeatedly, in
the end of the novel in itself finds answer. The entire world governs peace. But when
peace is united, govern love and peace, that oppose to the state of hostility and war.
Artistic persuasiveness and entirety of such a space does not require
proofs. Crystal globe lives, it acts, there exists as certain
living crystal, the hologram, which absorbed into itself the structure of novel and space of Leo
And nevertheless the relation between the earth and space, between the certain “center” and
by the separate drops of globe it is incomprehensible to the author of the novel “war and peace”. Glancing
by view from the height “the displacement of peoples from the West to the east” and “reverse
wave " from the east to the West, Tolstoy it is confident in one: same this displacement -
war - she was not planned by people and it cannot be their human will. People
they want peace, and on the earth war.
Sorting out as in the pack of playing cards, all possible reasons: the world will, world
reason, economic laws, the will of one genius, Tolstoy refutes
alternately everything. Only certain likening to bee beehive and to the anthill, where
no one governs, but order united, it seems the author plausible. Each
bee individually does not know about the united bee world order of beehive, that not
less it serves.
Man, in contrast to the bee, “is dedicated” into the common plan of his space
beehive. This is “joining” of entire reasonable, human, as Pierre understood
Bezukhov. Late the plan “of joining” will be enlarged in Tolstoy's shower to the world
love for all people, for entire living.
“Bright [pautinki] - the rein of Mother of God”, by which are connected people in the prophetic sleep
[Nikolenki], the son of Andrey Bolkonskiy, in the course of time will be connected up the united
“the center” of crystal globe, somewhere there, in space. They will become the durable support
for Tolstoy in his space hovering above the abyss (sleep from “the confession”).
The tension “space reins” - a feeling of love - is this and direction of motion,
and motion itself. Tolstoy loved such simple comparisons as experienced rider,
the amateur of riding and as peasant, who follows plow.
All you wrote correctly, will say he [Repinu] about its picture “Tolstoy on
to plowed land ", only here reins to give forgot.
Simple almost “peasant” cosmogony of Tolstoy in the depth of its was not
is simple, as any popular wisdom, checked by millenia. Celestial
“the rein of Mother of God” it perceived as the certain internal law of bee cluster,
forming the honeycombs of world life.
To die necessary, as die trees, without the moans and the weeping (“three deaths”). But also
of life it is possible and it is necessary to learn in the age-long trees (Andrey Bolkonskiy's oak)
But where in that case space, which is raised above all, even above nature?
Its cold respiration penetrates in to the shower of Levin and Bolkonskiy with the celestial
height. There too everything quietly is balanced, and there writer strives
by soul.
From there, from that height, narration frequently is conducted. That law court is not similar to the law court
terrestrial. “To me to [otmshchene], and the basics I will render” - epigraph [k] “Anna [Kareninoy]”. This not
the general pardon, and something greater. Here understanding the space prospect for the terrestrial
events. It is not possible to measure the affair of people by terrestrial measures - here only
morals in the limits “of the wars and of peace”. For the acts of people of the scale of Levin and Andrey
Bolkonskiy is necessary infinite celestial prospect; therefore in the finale “the wars
and peace " the avoiding himself cosmological ideas writer recalls [o]
Copernicus and Ptolemy. But Tolstoy very uniquely interprets Copernicus.
Copernicus produced revolution before the sky, “having moved not one star” or
planet. It simply changed the view of people on their position in the universe.
People thought that the earth in the center of peace, and it is somewhere far to edge. So in
moral peace. Man must yield. “[Ptolemeevskiy]” egocentrism
it must be changed into “Copernicus'” [altruizmom].
It would seem, Copernicus conquered, but if we consider ourselves the cosmological sense
Tolstoy metaphor, the everything vice versa.
Tolstoy brings down Copernicus and Ptolemy to the earth, and cosmology he converts in
ethics. And these are not simply artistic method, but the basic principle
Tolstoy. For it as for the first Christians, there is no cosmology whatever outside
ethics. Is such indeed and the aesthetics of the very new testament. In its transfer
Tolstoy's [chetveroevangeliya] completely is removed everything which falls outside the faces
Its book “reign [bozhie] inside us” is more sequential in the enthusiasm
the bringing down of skies to the earth, than even gospel itself. To Tolstoy it is complete
is incomprehensible “cosmological” nature of rite and ritual. It does not hear and not
it sees, stops up ears and are shut eyes not only in the temple, but even on
to the Wagner opera, where the music breathes by metaphysical depth.
Well, then Tolstoy in the ripe years and in the old age especially lost the aesthetical
scent? No, the aesthetics of space was deeply perceived by Tolstoy. By what huge
by sense it condescended, went down to the soldiers, who sit in bonfire, the sky, strewn
by stars. The celestial sphere before the battle reminded man about that height and [o]
that sublimity, which it is worthy, with which it is commensurate.
In the final analysis Tolstoy so did not yield to Copernicus the earth as one of
the most important centers of the universe. Famous entry in the diary about the fact that the earth
“not the vale of grief”, but one of the most excellent peaces, where it occurs something
extremely important for entire universe, transfers in the compressed form everything
the uniqueness of its ethical cosmology.
Today, when we know about [neobitaemosti] of the huge number of peaces in our
to galaxy and about the uniqueness not only of human, but even organic
life in the solar system, Tolstoy's rightness becomes complete
not questioned. Its call to the inviolability of entire living in a new way sounds,
the principle, developed late by Albert Schweitzer in the ethics “awe before
by life ".
In contrast to its brightest opponent of Fedorov Tolstoy and death not
it considered as the absolute evil, since the dying - the same law “of eternal life”
like generation. It, removed from the gospel resurrection Christ as something
the alien to the laws of terrestrial life, wrote the novel “resurrection”, where the celestial miracle
must become miracle moral - moral revival or
the return of man to the life of world, i.e., universal, that for
Tolstoy one and the same.
On the controversy of Tolstoy with Fedorov they wrote many, and it would be to this
to a question not to return, if not one strangeness. All recording about this
dialogue they for some reason go around by side cosmological nature of dispute. For
Fedorov space - field of action of person, who populates in the future the distant
the peaces of in groups “resurrected” fathers. They frequently bring Tolstoy's report in
the psychological society, where Tolstoy explained to scientific [muzham] this idea
[Fedorova]. Usually conversation is interrupted by the banal laughter of Moscow professorate.
But not argument for Tolstoy the uterine laughter of the priests of the science, whose falsity
it was obvious for it.
Tolstoy did not laugh above Fedorov, but he frightened purely terrestrial cosmology,
where the sky in the future wholly returned into the authority to people, while
the management of people on the earth, the barbarous destruction of nature were so
they are obvious. Those very masses of the peoples, which Fedorov daring derived [s]
the earth into space, were moved in the finale of the novel “war and peace”, it is thoughtless
[noshchno] they diurnally and killed each other. Thus far only on the earth.
It would seem, Tolstoy, by entire soul opened to swarming beginning, must it was
to greet “the common cause” of world resurrection, but writer completely not
was considered the revival of fathers purpose. In the desire itself to rise again it saw
selfish [izvrashchennost]. Author “three deaths” and “deaths of Ivan Ilyich”, in
future is so majestic a departed from the life, of course, could not be subdued [s]
by some humiliating industrial revival, achieved by the wholes
by armies, mobilized for the so “not God” matter.
Earlier than many of Tolstoy it felt the earth as united planet. In “to war and
peace " it, naturally, could not accept the [messianskuyu] concept of Fedorov, where
resurrection was converted into the purely Russian idea, generously conferred to peoples.
Here in what sense in the ethics Tolstoy remained Ptolemy. In the center
universe - humanity. Entire cosmology is placed in the ethics. Relation
man to the man - this is an attitude of man toward god. Perhaps, Tolstoy
even too absolutized this thought. Certain value was considered the god of Tolstoy,
not contained by human heart and (that it distinguishes from Dostoyevsky)
measured and known by reason.
The space importance of proceeding on the earth was for Tolstoy too
it is essential in order to transfer the scene of action of human epic (tragedy
Tolstoy denied) into space.
Of course views and estimations of writer, changed during the long, it is spiritual
the overfilled life. If to the author “Anna [Kareninoy]” very important it seemed
proceeding between two loving people, then, for the creator “of resurrection”
this became in the final analysis so unessentially as for Caterina oil and
[Nekhlyudova] in the finale of novel. “Copernicus' revolution” was completed in Tolstoy
by the complete negation to personal, “selfish” love. In the novel “war and peace”
Tolstoy succeeded in reaching not the banal “golden mean”, but great “gold
[socheniya] ", i.e., correct relationship in that great fraction, proposed
by them by itself, where in the numerator of one - the entire world, all people, and in the denominator -
personality. This ratio of one to the united includes personal love, and all
In the crystal globe of Pierre the drops and center are correlated thus such,
on -[tyutchevski]: “Everything in me, and I in everything”.
In the late period personality- one was sacrificed “united” peace.
It is possible and must doubt the rightness of this [oproshcheniya] of peace. Globus Pierre as
it would turn turbid, it ceased to shine. Why are necessary drops, if entire matter in the center?
And where to be reflected to center, if there are no those crystal drops?
Cosmos of the novel “war and peace” - the same unique and majestic structure,
as space “godly comedy” of Dante and “Faust” of Goethe. Without cosmology
crystal globe there is no novel. This a kind of the crystal casket, in
which is hidden death Of [koshcheya]. Here everything in everything - the great principle
the synergetic dual spiral, which is dispersed from the center and simultaneously
being converged to it.
Tolstoy rejected late Fedorov cosmology of the reconstruction of peace and space,
since, as Pierre, he considered that peace considerably [sovershennee] its
creation - man. In the oecumenical school it was faster student, “by boy,
gathering the stones on the shore of ocean ", than by teacher.
Tolstoy denied the industrial resurrection of Fedorov still and because in
of death itself it saw the wise law of the continuation of the life of oecumenical,
[obshchekosmicheskoy]. After realizing and after surviving “[arzamasskiy] horror” of death, Tolstoy arrived
to the conclusion that death - this is evil for the temporary, personal life. For the life
oecumenical, eternal, world it is undoubted good. It was grateful
To [shopengaueru] for the fact that forced to think “about the sense of death”. This not
it means that Tolstoy " loved death” in the usual everyday sense of this word.
Entry in the diary about “only sin” - the desire of death - completely not
it means that Tolstoy actually wanted to die. Diary of his personal doctor
[Makovitskogo] he speaks about the normal, completely natural tendency of Tolstoy [k]
life. But besides the life of personal, individual there was another life
“[bozheski]- world”, [tyutchevskaya]. To it Tolstoy was participating by no means on
moment, and for life. In Tolstoy's dispute with Fedorov denied the resurrection, then in
dispute [Fetom] it protected the idea of eternal space life.
After glancing by general look Tolstoy's space in “war and peace”, we see the universe [s]
by the certain invisible center, which in the equal measure and in the sky, and in the soul of each
man. The Earth - this is one of the most important corners of the universe, where they occur
the most important space events. Personal, fleeting existence of man with the entire
its significance - only reflection of the eternal, world life, where the past,
future and present exist always. “It is difficult to present eternity…
Why? - answers Natasha. - Yesterday it was, today there is, it will tomorrow be… “in
the moment of death the soul of man will be overfilled by the light of this world life,
contains into itself the entire visible world and loses interest in the individual, “the personal”
love. Then world love, life and death for others lights up the man
with oecumenical sense, opens to it here, on the earth, the most important law - secret
entire visible and invisible, visible and invisible universe. Of course this
only the overall outlines of Tolstoy's peace, where the life of each person is interlaced
by transparent arachnoid threads with all people, and through them with the entire
by the universe.


Andrey [Belyy] - one of the first prosaists of the 20th century, which records after the output of the theory
relativity. Its poetics is unthinkable without new cosmology. Theosophic
Rudolf [Shtayner]'s cosmology was built even in the Newtonian peace; therefore it
it was decisively banished from “Moscow” and “Petersburg”. Cosmos of these novels
it is founded on on the stable foundation of the four-dimensional continuum of Einstein and
In contrast to Newton's space, where all material realias, in principle, it is possible
to see with eye, at the worst through the telescope or the microscope, in the world
Einstein everything, that we see, “is incorrect”. Human eye “does not see”
[chetyrekhmeriya]. We do not distinguish by look and, in principle, we cannot see, by what
specifically, means bent our three-dimensional space. Already Ivan [Karamazov] and
The Cyrils in “[Besakh]” they were agitated by the limitedness of human sight,
seeing only three measurements.
For Andrey [Bely] this circumstance of special importance. Its artistic
sight vomits to another reality. This is why it comes running to very
to the extended metaphor of the bent space - to the shining sphere.
In the painting of the beginning of century “sphericity”, the curvature of the terrestrial image
it became the conventional conditionality, which brings our sight closer to invisible.
To this method, consciously it proclaiming, it came running, in particular,
Petrov -[Vodkin].
Andrey [Belyy] in the book “craftsmanship of Gogol” asserted that the author “Nevskiy
avenue " saw peace by spherically bent. That is led in the proof
place from “Nevsky Prospekt”, where it will rear bridge and houses overturn on
Rights or not rights white, allotting Gogol by this sight, but entire space
“Moscow” and “Petersburg” it is built spherically. Any plane, any volume
they revive in the eyes of the professor of mathematics - the main hero “of Moscow”.
The Petersburg peace of the senator is, on the contrary, emphasized flat or cubic.
Head about Petersburg in the novel so is named: “Squares, parallelepipeds,
cubes ". The moment of the battle of cubes with the sphere comes. To the senator it was wanted to return
to peace the [byluyu] definition:
“Looking dreamily into that [beskraynost] of fogs, state person from
the black cube of coach was suddenly enlarged in different directions and above it [vosparil]; and
to it was wanted so that the coach forward would fly, so that the avenues would fly
towards - after the avenue avenue, in order to entire spherical surface
planet it proved to be envelopped as by the snake rings, blackish- gray
by house cubes; in order to entire, by avenues the squeezed earth, in the linear
space run would cross immensity of rectilinear law; in order to the network
parallel avenues, crossed by the network of avenues, into the world
it was widened abyss by the planes of squares and cubes; on the square to the average man,
in order to… in order to…
After the line of all symmetry calmed its figure - square ".
Its unreality, unnaturalness precisely in this slavish [prikovannosti] [k]
to the limited sight. Only at the moment of the explosion, when everything flies away,
it is bent, it runs away, this peace acquires true reality.
In [A]. Einstein's cosmology the different models of our universe are given. One of them -
It is necessary whether to speak, to what extent it corresponds to entire composition in
to the visual prospect “of Moscow”:
“- [Assimptota] - feature…
It poked with the end of the umbrella.
… being approached a hyperbola…
It divorced hands:
… and not coinciding… Between by both face: the face of the peaces: the peace of our and… and…
it searched for expressions - hyperbolic… “
This sphere always saw by mental look professor and, it is however strange,
intuitively regained vision daughter [Mandro] of Liza -[sha]. There suddenly it was reversed
[komnatushka], and everything was pierced and filled by its light.
However, “that to make: “from there” vein.
She was here dragged by mermaid by patient. It became numb now and then; and it was developed, which goes
by corridor, in the dark; increasingly faster, it is faster, it is faster - it hurried, it flew; and
she felt - corridor is enlarged in it, after proving to be the thrown open body,
it is more accurate by opening continuous of the sensations of solid, as if lagging behind the thought as
the wall of its closing rooms; and survived by [mandrovskoy] apartment body.
Hence in the thoughts - it ran, it ran, it ran, it ran.
1 in the final analysis Einstein dwelled on this model of that expanding
by the universe, proposed by Russian cosmologist by Friedman.

And she knew: it sits; nevertheless it ran: in [prozarivanie] from which they beat rays; accurately
the sun mounted; it hurried to the rise: to understand, to supplement; as if “I” was torn up,
after becoming the drafts of [mandrovskoy] apartment; “from there” it shone the sun,
composed of the substance “I”, that find [osmysly] in “we”, that comprise
solar sphere.
She called this solar sphere its native land
- [Lizasha], you here? - it left from the door of Madame into [levu]. And the enormous sphere
it was compressed to the point… (italics is my. - K. k.).
So [soznanem] you to return from the [mandrovskoy] apartment is skillful… but it was worthwhile
to make - sphere was compressed to the point: to new [vypryga] ".
The sphere, seen in the dreams [Lizashi], exactly it was real noy the picture of peace, into that
time as ordinary, everyday sight gave the chaotic peace of roofs, fences, walls
the small houses of those being appeared here seemingly last instance of existence.
Blinding professor acquires the same symbolic sense as the explosion
bomb in “Petersburg”. Professors want to deprive of oecumenical vision. Even
the spherical form of eye becomes the symbol of the aspiration of sight 5 limits,
but destruction of this living sphere does not give result. By mental look
blinded [Korobkin] sees into the same spherical four-dimensional peace.
In the novels Of [a]. [Bely] and in Petrov -[Vodkin] painting spherical
the curvature of usual space became the symbol of those of still not known
the possibilities of person, who is reversed, who bursts open to invisible earlier
reality of universe.
Now about the time. It also “another”: explosions, pushes, the rhythmical stoppages
continuous vocal flow it is created the certain flickering continuity. Here no
of narrative extent, everything suddenly appears, suddenly it disappears.
This is the time of the pulsatory points on the surface of the expanding sphere.
Zero times, zero spaces - reality move noy, previously unknown,
the expanding and compressive time - all this earlier was in the skill. One
the moment of the entry of the point of spear into the wound is described in Homer by smooth narration on
[polstranitsy], or the instant, which contains eternity, about which it is so inspired
speaks [Myshkin]. But Andrey [Belogo] this no longer symbol, not conditional method and itself
the structure of narration. Entire vision of the author is such Andrey [Belyy] it gives to us
the new, thinner vision of space and time, maximally approximated
to Einstein's universe.
If we reduce to the denominator that it searched for and found white in this sphere, then
will be undoubted the victory of artist, who opened the set of degrees thus far
the unknown freedom of soaring in new space.
In the expanding sphere the concepts of the top and bottom are conditional, and [M]. [Bakhtin] it is sufficient
it fully told to us, how widely skill used and uses the method
weightlessness, where the top and bottom relative phenomena. Simply speaking - there are not,
you go on the sky.
Much thinner frequent skill touched the firm concepts “of internal” and
“external”, although even in the ancient-Egyptian “emerald tablet” of Hermes
[Trismegista] was said: that below - above. Even relativity of the top and
bottom she was nevertheless received by us faster as the fairy tale, when Tsiolkovskiy
he told about weightlessness in “the dreams about the earth and the sky”. Let us note - in the dreams.
Even scientist himself believes in this reality with difficulty, however, concerning
the relativity of internal and external, then on them Tsiolkovskiy even not
it was swung back.
But while there is in the universe of the region of weightlessness, where there is no top and bottom,
regions of the black holes, mental approach to which is modelled in
to the famous sphere of Schwarzschild. So here, flying mentally to the black holes, whose
existence is also predicted by the theory of relativity, we will prove to be in
to the point, where “the vectors” of internal and external will become the same relative,
as the top and bottom in weightlessness. Sky - interior, and interior - sky.
Andrey [Belyy] modelled this reversing twice in “the notes
dreamers ", released by publishing house “It [alkonost]” in 1919.
“If we suddenly knew how to be turned inside out inside out, saw b we instead of the peace
its own nature: to [vseaziyu] or fantasy, and instead of the organs (liver,
the spleens also of kidneys) felt Venus, Jupiter: planets - are organs ".
“I was above itself, under itself; at the point of previous “I” - was formed hole”.
“Was formed in me as… the spiral: my thoughts; … throw far away in this moment your
head I, not the nuance of azure I would see in the sky, but terrible and black breach…
breach sucked me (I it died in the daily tortures); was it opening in
the truth of things… it became I turn blue by sphere… it pulled me - through me; from
itself of [izletal] I by boiling life; and it was done by sphere; multi-eyeTO looking
in the center, finding in it the shaking skin my; accurately the bone of the juicy peach
there was to me body my: I - without the skin, spilled in everything, zodiac ".
This is already more detailed description from “the recollections about the block”, published into 1922
to year.
About that which occurred at the apex of pyramid, Andrey [Belyy] described also in
its “recollections” (1910-1912 yr.), published in the volume 27-28- m
“Literary inheritance” (M., 1937).
In several steps from the apex at the lifting moment Andrey [Belyy] saw and
felt that which was in prospect to perceive for any person according to the concept
the creators of the pyramid:
“In this place the terrible illusion of the sight: above the head you see not more
three-four steps; downward - the same; steps are bent; pyramid is seen
by the hung in air planet, which does not have contact with the earth; you - [vot]-[vot]-[vot]
you will be thrown down through head you of the holding people, by head downward, upward by heels; we
they suddenly perceived wild horror from [nebyvalosti] of their position; this strange
the physiological sensation, which passes into a moral feeling of [vyvernutosti] you
inside out, local Arabs call pyramidal disease… For me this
[vyvernutost] inside out was connected with the turning point of entire life;
the consequence of pyramidal disease - change in the organs of perception; the life
it was painted with new key; as if it mounted speckled steps one,
however, it descended by others ".
Here humanity was for the first time adjoined in the literature unknown earlier
by cosmological reality - relativity of internal and external.
To say “internal there is external” or to create the mathematical model
the inverted small space so that it would contain the entire world, of course,
the great achievement of reason, but to survive this reversing, to give its that perceived,
sensory image it succeeded for the first time Andrey [Bely].
I see in this breakthrough only first push, only portent of the new
skill, which still so was not mastered in the new universe of Einstein,
it did not settle in it.
That which occurred with Andrey [Bely] at the apex of the pyramid of Cheops, I named
by space reversing or by space [antropnoy] inversion.


“Artistic creation reveals to us space, passing through the consciousness
the living being " - this thought Of [v]. [Vernadskiy] is very deep and properly
it is not yet opened. We became accustomed to focus attention only to the subjective side
creation, but the role of the living on top of that thinking material is very important in the universe.
Discovery in cosmology of [antropnogo] principle testifies about extremely
to the thin fine adjustment of the most important physical constants to the thinker and
to the receiving object.
Artist can see the secrets of space, inaccessible to impassive instruments.
The border zone between the man least of all yields to scientific methods and
by space, where the removed mathematical formulas, outwardly absolutely distant
from the personal experience of man, they can become sensual reality
artistic peace.
For mathematics it does not comprise the labor to turn inside out inside out the sphere of the universe to
certain “point of singularity” (infinite curvature), after which to physics
it can't be helped. By this today's cosmology, which investigates is occupied,
the mysterious regions of the black holes. In Andrey [Bely] the reversing is accomplished
here, on the earth. Does have this any relation to the new cosmological
to models? Yes, would answer mathematician Pavel [Florenskiy]. His book “imaginary natures in
of geometry " it left at the beginning of the 20's. In it [Florenskiy] places the mental
the experiment, based on the laws of the theory of relativity. Which there will be [s]
by the body, which is rushed in the universe at a velocity, close to the light? Physically it
it will become light, geometrically it seemingly will be turned inside out through itself in
the universe. The author concludes the book by the question: it is compulsory whether to rush with similar
by giddy (and practically unattainable) speed or the reversing
possibly under the usual physical conditions, in to our customary eye three-dimensional
Andrey [Bely]'s experience attests to the fact that this reversing is possible,
at least, at the creative and psychological level. But that such
creation? Indeed, on [Vernadskogo] thought, this is that revealed “space,
passing through the consciousness of the living being ".
The book “imaginary natures in the geometry” [P]. [Florenskiy] wrote, analyzing the non-Euclidean
Lobachevsky's geometry, and [Vernadskiy] repeatedly voiced the thought:
the space of living substance can prove to be non-Euclidean. However, creation and
psychology - lot of the highest form of living substance. In a word, there is everything
the foundation for relate to the metaphor about the reversing with entire seriousness.
Reflections Of [vernadskogo] about the propagation of the sphere of reason in the universe, [o]
scientific thought as about “planetary phenomenon”, about the special space role
artistic thinking today find completely concrete outlines. Not
is cost we on the threshold of that revolution, when our ideas about the place
man in the universe they will require new “Copernicus'” reform? At this time
will be required failure of the absolutization of such concepts, as “it is internal” and
“external”. The theory of relativity showed illusoriness “absolute
of time " and “absolute space” - simply there are not; but at the level
ordinary experience or, simply speaking, purely in a human manner we do not consider
the relativity of space and time, as we do not consider the sphericity
The Earth, when we walk on it. At the purely human ground level as before
flat, and the sun as before revolves around us, as this was to
Copernicus and even to Ptolemy.
Why thus? Ordinary, external terrestrial experience gives similar to man precisely
reality. However, the sphere of human reason is extended into space, and
one striking regularity completely unexpectedly is revealed. Than
it is further into space, those nearer to the man, to his soul. “Absolute space”
and “absolute time” is this the gift of the removed science. On the emotional,
the artistic and psychological levels of men were always counted these
reality relative.
With such realities of men it does not encounter in the usual life, since
the relativity of time and space is perceived only with the relativistic
speeds; however, our internal sincere experience [priemlet] space, opened
By einstein as something close one and native.
It would be possible to expand the circle of such examples, even without that it is already clear that
the sincere and intellectual experience of man is appeared as indirect
by information source about realities of universe, inaccessible external
to the ordinary experience of man. Here, speaking in the language Of [vernadskogo], “the scientific thought
as planetary phenomenon " it is clamped with this planetary phenomenon as
skill and the internal peace of man.
Naturally, arises the question: and is there not no certain united code of living and
inorganic material, that lies at the basis of this unity by scientific and
artistic thought? Artistic and psychological time- space
(chronotop) structurally it coincides in the spirit with newest cosmology - this is what
it is interesting.
From the other side, in this there is nothing surprising. Functional asymmetry
right and leftist of the hemispheres of the brain it is known. As a whole this picture arose:
right - emotion, leftist - logic. Although in the life everything is interlaced, it is clear that
scientific knowledge more greatly connected with the dominant of left hemisphere, A
artistic gravitates towards to the right. We seemingly possess two equal
by models, and it is not surprising that on some turn of the knowledge
both codes merge into one m e t and [k] about d. here in the equal measure it participates and
scientific, and artistic vision.
Let us return now to the intuitive enlightenment of Andrey [Bely] about the reversing in
space. There is whether here something absolutely new even in comparison with the known
by artistic models? There is undoubtedly.
In fact, in the prose of white men for the first time it was adjoined [s]
by the relativity of internal and external, that even in the fairy tales to reveal
it is sufficiently difficult. [Vernadskiy], that paid huge attention to the special significance
of the asymmetry of right and leftist in the real peace, it actually paved the ways [k]
to the more fixed study also of other characteristics of space (top- bottom,
right- leftist, internal- external).
Actually with the relativity of top and bottom of men it was adjoined only in
weightlessness. Although. it is accurate in Zh, and later and in Tsiolkovskiy weightlessness was
it is in detail described, nevertheless for each, who did not visit space, this
space so remains in a human manner not mastered. No under the feet
the earth, there is no gravity. At present man follows in space the path
the imitation of customary terrestrial conditions, but this is possible only to some
limit… Meanwhile spiritual, artistic, psychological introduction in
space does not have limits. And here our thought thus far, speaking in the words
Pushkin, “it is lazy and incurious”.
The program Of [vernadskogo] provides for the continuous growth of the role of living and
the thinking substance in space. Usually we visualize the purely technical
the way of this expansion. Meanwhile technical expansion has its limits.
Although the might of technology will be grow always, it nevertheless never not
it will exceed the limits, outlined by the possibilities of technology itself. Increase in the spiritual
and the intellectual might of man, in contrast to the technical,
it is actually infinite. They usually receive the study about the noosphere as
the program of our technical penetration into space. In reality the noosphere
it can be enlarged infinitely in the range one cranium.
In the noosphere Of [vernadskogo] to artistic knowledge is diverted very important role.
We, speaking about the noosphere, always heel to the side of left hemisphere, then
there is to the science. The study of laws governing [metakoda] would can thoroughly
to straighten this line.
In the purely conditional plan there are all foundations for speaking about the appearance
“[antropnoy] physics” and “[antropnoy] cosmology”. It is possible that by portent here
there were the cosmological means of Andrey [Bely] and Khlebnikov. It is at first glance
it can seem that there is no objective connection whatever between the categories of physics
or cosmology and by the usual unscientific reflection of the same realities in
daily life; but this only with the shallow approach.
The concept about the gravity is differently reflected in the law of universal gravitation and in
to the complaint of man, which “on the soul is heavy”; however, between these extremes there is
a certain dependence and thin interrelation. Without the psychological sensation
it is not possible to understand the law of universal gravitation gravity. Our habit
to divide knowledge into the objective and the subjective for some reason does not consider third,
the intermediate, subjective-objective region of the peace, where “it is internal” and
“external” they are replaced by each other so successfully as “the top” and “bottom” in
A feeling of gravity and ease does not need special commentaries. Much
more complexly to determine, what feeling of internal is and external. These
directions in the space are badly studied. Once [Vernadskiy] continued
study of Pasteur in the region of such mysterious and, it would seem, subjective
concepts as “leftist” and “right”. His conclusions about the undoubted objective
the significances of these directions are today brilliantly confirmed in the quantum
to physics, both in chemistry and in biology.
One ought not to extend these studies for the sphere of concepts “internal”
and “external”?
Returning to the metaphorical impressions of Andrey [Bely], let us think, that
it occurred with the writer, who created the means of living and thinking fleetingly
the essence, for which no internal and external. This essence is infinite
extended into space and seemingly it [obemlet] itself by universe. Of course
there are mathematical models of this space in the contemporary
topologies, are the physical equivalents of this structure - this
the universe- microparticle, which received immediately three designations: [plankion],
maximon, [fridmon].
Hero Andrey [Bely] felt himself by this particle- universe. He inside
and it is outside, in the limited and infinite volume of universe simultaneously.
Let us recall again the description of Pascal's sphere, given By [borkhesom].
“Giordano to Bruno stated that the peace is an infinite consequence of the infinite
reason and that deity is located closely, “since it inside us even in larger
of degree, than we themselves inside us ". It searched for words in order to depict to the people
Space is Copernican, and it printed on one famous page: “We
we can with the confidence assert that the universe - entire is center or that the center
By the universe is located everywhere, and circle nowhere ".
… The idea of absolute space, which for Bruno was release,
it became for Pascal labyrinth and abyss. This frightened the universe and wanted
to worship to god, but god for it was less real than frightening
the universe. It lamented, that the firmament it cannot speak, compared our life
with the life of those suffered shipwreck on the desert island. He felt
the unceasing oppression of physical peace, felt vertigo, fear,
solitude expressed they in other words: “Nature - is infinite sphere,
center of which everywhere, and circle nowhere ". … I of the fluctuation of the manuscript
they show that Pascal began to write: “The frightening sphere, whose center
everywhere, and circle nowhere " 1.
Entirely otherwise appears this sphere in [L]. Tolstoy, since it is filled by man,
by its spiritual infinite space.
In Andrey [Bely] this spiritual space merged with the solid- the physical.
In his time [K]. [E]. Tsiolkovskiy in article “animal of space” created the means
man- sphere as the ideal inhabitant of the outer space, about which
it is in more detail in front. The luminous sphere, fed by light, this is actual
optimal solution for the life in Newton's universe; but in the universe
Einstein is, perhaps, more appropriate Andrey [Bely]'s model. Here the sphere
Tsiolkovskiy as it is inverted
1 [Borkhes] of the X. [L]. [Proz] different years. M., 1984, s. 202.

through itself inward and outside, it gave the coordinates of other measurements. Such
geometric conversions are possible in the non-Euclidean geometry, that again
it returns us to the non-Euclidean geometry of living substance.
But that if intuition prompted fantastic, but completely real to white
the prototype of man of space? Essence, allotted by the internal- external
by the perception of space, never it could the boundaries of its
the body: indeed any landmark would indicate that the boundary between the man here lies
and by space. There is no such face for the hero Andrey [Bely]. It [obemlet] space
from within and outside, as bone it is embraced with the pulp of peach. In the metaphor
White “pulp” - this is entire zodiac, but which interfere withs including here entire
“external” space?
The study Of [vernadskogo] about the noosphere does not define concretely, by what ways it is enlarged
the region of reason in the universe. Probably, not last place occupies in this
process psychological and artistic becoming accustomed to some realities
universe. Many of them are directly connected with the cosmological reversing,
experienced by writer.
There are two realities of the universe, where is possible the [antropnaya] inversion
(reversing), about which tells Andrey [Belyy]. These are the black holes and
the bodies, which are rushed at velocity, close to the light. If purely conditionally
to place there observer- man, he would see that picture, which
was opened [Lizashe] in the novel "Moskva". Now let us continue thought experiment and
literally step by step let us trace, which would be opened to our observer.
Since the models of approach to the black hole several, we will use
by the generalized picture, given by astronomer [I]. [A]. [Klimishin] in the book
“Relativistic astronomy”.
First before the space traveller, who flies with the relativistic
by speed, appears the so-called “horizon of world events”, which it
successfully it will cross for the limited interval of time, for example after half-hour, if
the black hole with value our sun. However, for the observer, whom
side it follows the traveller, his approach to the black hole will last
it is eternally…
Here immediately two uncommon phenomena. First, in order to see,
are necessary two - “traveller” and “observer”. In the second place, one and the same
phenomenon for one is eternally, it is temporary for another. If we recode these
phenomenon to the familiar to us the language of sincere experiences, well reflected in
to literature, then let us encounter with two completely familiar to the literary critic
by realities: [dvoynichestvo] of hero and the relativity of artistic time.
“Observer” and “traveller” - this is one and the same “double”. In the familiar
already the description of Andrey [Bely] hero itself rises above himself and he [obemlet] himself
by itself - by zodiac.
The relativity of time is already familiar to us for the sensation of prince [Myshkin]. “For the god
one day as thousands years and thousands years as one day ". Now man completely
it matured for this understanding of time.
Further: the moment of the intersection “of the horizon of world events” (Schwarzschild's sphere), [k]
to regret, forever it will separate doubles - observer and traveller.
How much not sent signals from the black hole traveller, their observer
he will not see. However, they must know, otherwise about existence of each other
the counting of flight is impossible. Figuratively speaking, traveller for the observer -
the certain shady double, whom it does not see, the imaginary value, the V -1. It is appropriate
to again recall [P]. [Florenskiy]'s book “imaginary natures in the geometry”, where it advanced
hypothesis about physical reality of imaginary values; and although in the model of approach [k]
to the black hole observer is present as conditionality, it is justifiable to express
the assumption that here lies not only physical, but also some
reality, connected with our sincere peace. In favor this he speaks
the formed now [antropnyy] principle. It testifies about the finest
the connection between the living substance and the physical constants of the universe, and the principle
Heisenberg's uncertainty it tells about the impossibility of the reflection of any
physical reality on the microlevel without the correction for minimum distortions,
[vnosimye] “by observer”. He is such observer at the level of microcosm
the physical instrument, in addition created by man.
Thus, “traveller” satisfactorily crossed the horizon of world events, and
here went separation with his double - observer, who remained himself in our
peace. One additional miracle, named by the physicists will occur with it,
“[oprostranstvlivanie] of time”.
That such, will ask you, and I with the pleasure note that no analogies in
artistic peace I do not find, and, that means the discussion deals with by certain yet not
mastered by writers and artists of reality.
Finally time begins to be crushed, becomes discrete. Again unknown
phenomenon. However, here analogies are possible. At the critical moments of life,
in the face of the fatal danger before the man frequently is carried entire him
the life, which was accomodated as into one instant; and entire life in the form of the set
instants, and they all at one point of the survived moment - completely familiar
sensation. In the literature this even became die - recollection of entire life in
united moment.
However, the most interesting begins after the intersection of the horizon of events,
when traveller, after being detached away from the observer, passing MiG-[vechnost],
the [oprostranstvlennoe] and discrete time, will be fixed to center the black hole, [k]
to the famous point of singularity. Here it in the literal sense will be turned inside out
inside out and it will depart into another [vselen]', moreover reversing - change
internal to the external - will overturn the respectively three-dimensional time:
“Observer in the short time (on his hours) will see, being located inside the sphere
Schwarzschild, entire future of the universe! What will be then? At the moment of the stoppage
inside the [shvartsshildovoy] sphere the observer will cease to see that universe (in it
distant future), from which it “jumped out”. After this,… the observer
it will begin to move outside, also, after a certain time (along its hours) again
it will cross Schwartzchild sphere. And then he will see completely different
the universe " 1.
I note that it does not slip off from the attention of astrophysics, which would occur [s]
by man in this space, if it actually proved to be inside
the black hole it was turned inside out into another universe. “Observer will begin to observe
the universe all by the growing violet displacement. Calculations show that with
this a quantity of incident… radiant energy will be certain. This it indicates,
that no catastrophe either with the observer or with his spacecraft not
it will occur ". It is a different matter with the approach itself to the black hole. Here
traveller will be “they will extend”, “it is torn”, “flattened” - all this thus. But
we will not forget, that once the same terms adapted with respect to
to hypothetical cosmonaut, who wished to leave for the barrier of gravity [s]
by cosmic velocity. However, cosmonauts are living, they fly, so that let us profit -
let us see.
Astrophysicist [N]. [S]. [Kardashov] counts such journeys in the future completely
accessible. “Journey into the charged black hole is equivalent to the machine
time, which
1[Shklovskiy] [I]. [Vselennaya], life, reason. M., 1976, s. 311.


the possibility to cover the infinitely large time intervals for the small gives
proper times " 1.
Let us leave the unsteady region of hypotheses and let us pause at the undoubted. Contemporary
physics and cosmology have available such models of realities of the universe, where
the change of internal and external physically is accomplished: expanding
the universe, the black holes, the flights of substance with the relativistic speeds near
light barrier.
With the change of the directions of internal to the external occurs the very characteristic
the effect: smaller space and shorter time contain into itself larger or even
infinitely larger space-time. At first glance it can seem,
that there are no analogies to this phenomenon in our nonrelativistic usual peace and all
this is only the field of [negumanitarnykh] sciences. However, after using the method
[Vernadskogo], which considered far from complete the physical picture of peace, if in
we did not take into account the role of man, let us look to these phenomena precisely with this,
simply speaking, the humanitarian, human point of view. That
the analogous models of time exist in psychology and in the creation, I already showed [s]
by a sufficient obviousness, now let us examine, are possible the same miracles [s]
by space not at the level of artistic invention, but in the daily
Let us focus attention on the fact that reversing (change of internal to the external)
it literally pierces living material. First of all this is connected with the process
generation. Baby, who is inside the maternal womb, does not suspect [o]
the limitless space of the external world. In two months before the generation it
eyes are opened and it looks into the dark, without suspecting about the light. Its output in
external, infinitely wide peace is connected with the passage through the internal
narrow space. It will no matter how seem by strange, but here much in common [s]
by the graphs of the departure of traveller from the black hole: the contraction of space, the dark,
the transient into the light, and, it goes without saying, change of internal to the external. Afterward
generation the baby occurs in the world, who thus far was for it external.
By the way, similar sensations it survives Ivan Ilyich [L]. Tolstoy at the moment of its
death: “Suddenly some force pushed it into the breast, to the side, still stronger

regions of the black holes, mental approach to which is modelled in
to the famous sphere of Schwarzschild. So here, flying mentally to the black holes, whose
existence is also predicted by the theory of relativity, we will prove to be in
to the point, where “the vectors” of internal and external will become the same relative,
as the top and bottom in weightlessness. Sky - interior, and interior - sky.
Andrey [Belyy] modelled this reversing twice in “the notes
dreamers ", released by publishing house “It [alkonost]” in 1919.
“If we suddenly knew how to be turned inside out inside out, saw b we instead of the peace
its own nature: to [vseaziyu] or fantasy, and instead of the organs (liver,
the spleens also of kidneys) felt Venus, Jupiter: planets - are organs ".
“I was above itself, under itself; at the point of previous “I” - was formed hole”.
“Was formed in me as… the spiral: my thoughts; … throw far away in this moment your
head I, not the nuance of azure I would see in the sky, but terrible and black breach…
breach sucked me (I it died in the daily tortures); was it opening in
the truth of things… it became I turn blue by sphere… it pulled me - through me; from
itself of [izletal] I by boiling life; and it was done by sphere; multi-eyeTO looking
in the center, finding in it the shaking skin my; accurately the bone of the juicy peach
there was to me body my: I - without the skin, spilled in everything, zodiac ".
This is already more detailed description from “the recollections about the block”, published into 1922
to year.
About that which occurred at the apex of pyramid, Andrey [Belyy] described also in
its “recollections” (1910-1912 yr.), published in the volume 27-28- m
“Literary inheritance” (M., 1937).
In several steps from the apex at the lifting moment Andrey [Belyy] saw and
felt that which was in prospect to perceive for any person according to the concept
the creators of the pyramid:
“In this place the terrible illusion of the sight: above the head you see not more
three-four steps; downward - the same; steps are bent; pyramid is seen
by the hung in air planet, which does not have contact with the earth; you - [vot]-[vot]-[vot]
you will be thrown down through head you of the holding people, by head downward, upward by heels; we
they suddenly perceived wild horror from [nebyvalosti] of their position; this strange
the physiological sensation, which passes into a moral feeling of [vyvernutosti] you
inside out, local Arabs call pyramidal disease… For me this
[vyvernutost] inside out was connected with the turning point of entire life;
the consequence of pyramidal disease - change in the organs of perception; the life
it was painted with new key; as if it mounted speckled steps one,
however, it descended by others ".
Here humanity was for the first time adjoined in the literature unknown earlier
by cosmological reality - relativity of internal and external.
To say “internal there is external” or to create the mathematical model
the inverted small space so that it would contain the entire world, of course,
the great achievement of reason, but to survive this reversing, to give its that perceived,
sensory image it succeeded for the first time Andrey [Bely].
I see in this breakthrough only first push, only portent of the new
skill, which still so was not mastered in the new universe of Einstein,
it did not settle in it.
That which occurred with Andrey [Bely] at the apex of the pyramid of Cheops, I named
by space reversing or by space [antropnoy] inversion.


“Artistic creation reveals to us space, passing through the consciousness
the living being " - this thought Of [v]. [Vernadskiy] is very deep and properly
it is not yet opened. We became accustomed to focus attention only to the subjective side
creation, but the role of the living on top of that thinking material is very important in the universe.
Discovery in cosmology of [antropnogo] principle testifies about extremely
to the thin fine adjustment of the most important physical constants to the thinker and
to the receiving object.
Artist can see the secrets of space, inaccessible to impassive instruments.
The border zone between the man least of all yields to scientific methods and
by space, where the removed mathematical formulas, outwardly absolutely distant
from the personal experience of man, they can become sensual reality
artistic peace.
For mathematics it does not comprise the labor to turn inside out inside out the sphere of the universe to
certain “point of singularity” (infinite curvature), after which to physics
it can't be helped. By this today's cosmology, which investigates is occupied,
the mysterious regions of the black holes. In Andrey [Bely] the reversing is accomplished
here, on the earth. Does have this any relation to the new cosmological
to models? Yes, would answer mathematician Pavel [Florenskiy]. His book “imaginary natures in
of geometry " it left at the beginning of the 20's. In it [Florenskiy] places the mental
the experiment, based on the laws of the theory of relativity. Which there will be [s]
by the body, which is rushed in the universe at a velocity, close to the light? Physically it
it will become light, geometrically it seemingly will be turned inside out through itself in
the universe. The author concludes the book by the question: it is compulsory whether to rush with similar
by giddy (and practically unattainable) speed or the reversing
possibly under the usual physical conditions, in to our customary eye three-dimensional
Andrey [Bely]'s experience attests to the fact that this reversing is possible,
at least, at the creative and psychological level. But that such
creation? Indeed, on [Vernadskogo] thought, this is that revealed “space,
passing through the consciousness of the living being ".
The book “imaginary natures in the geometry” [P]. [Florenskiy] wrote, analyzing the non-Euclidean
Lobachevsky's geometry, and [Vernadskiy] repeatedly voiced the thought:
the space of living substance can prove to be non-Euclidean. However, creation and
psychology - lot of the highest form of living substance. In a word, there is everything
the foundation for relate to the metaphor about the reversing with entire seriousness.
Reflections Of [vernadskogo] about the propagation of the sphere of reason in the universe, [o]
scientific thought as about “planetary phenomenon”, about the special space role
artistic thinking today find completely concrete outlines. Not
is cost we on the threshold of that revolution, when our ideas about the place
man in the universe they will require new “Copernicus'” reform? At this time
will be required failure of the absolutization of such concepts, as “it is internal” and
“external”. The theory of relativity showed illusoriness “absolute
of time " and “absolute space” - simply there are not; but at the level
ordinary experience or, simply speaking, purely in a human manner we do not consider
the relativity of space and time, as we do not consider the sphericity
The Earth, when we walk on it. At the purely human ground level as before
flat, and the sun as before revolves around us, as this was to
Copernicus and even to Ptolemy.
Why thus? Ordinary, external terrestrial experience gives similar to man precisely
reality. However, the sphere of human reason is extended into space, and
one striking regularity completely unexpectedly is revealed. Than
it is further into space, those nearer to the man, to his soul. “Absolute space”
and “absolute time” is this the gift of the removed science. On the emotional,
the artistic and psychological levels of men were always counted these
reality relative.
With such realities of men it does not encounter in the usual life, since
the relativity of time and space is perceived only with the relativistic
speeds; however, our internal sincere experience [priemlet] space, opened
By einstein as something close one and native.
It would be possible to expand the circle of such examples, even without that it is already clear that
the sincere and intellectual experience of man is appeared as indirect
by information source about realities of universe, inaccessible external
to the ordinary experience of man. Here, speaking in the language Of [vernadskogo], “the scientific thought
as planetary phenomenon " it is clamped with this planetary phenomenon as
skill and the internal peace of man.
Naturally, arises the question: and is there not no certain united code of living and
inorganic material, that lies at the basis of this unity by scientific and
artistic thought? Artistic and psychological time- space
(chronotop) structurally it coincides in the spirit with newest cosmology - this is what
it is interesting.
From the other side, in this there is nothing surprising. Functional asymmetry
right and leftist of the hemispheres of the brain it is known. As a whole this picture arose:
right - emotion, leftist - logic. Although in the life everything is interlaced, it is clear that
scientific knowledge more greatly connected with the dominant of left hemisphere, A
artistic gravitates towards to the right. We seemingly possess two equal
by models, and it is not surprising that on some turn of the knowledge
both codes merge into one m e t and [k] about d. here in the equal measure it participates and
scientific, and artistic vision.
Let us return now to the intuitive enlightenment of Andrey [Bely] about the reversing in
space. There is whether here something absolutely new even in comparison with the known
by artistic models? There is undoubtedly.
In fact, in the prose of white men for the first time it was adjoined [s]
by the relativity of internal and external, that even in the fairy tales to reveal
it is sufficiently difficult. [Vernadskiy], that paid huge attention to the special significance
of the asymmetry of right and leftist in the real peace, it actually paved the ways [k]
to the more fixed study also of other characteristics of space (top- bottom,
right- leftist, internal- external).
Actually with the relativity of top and bottom of men it was adjoined only in
weightlessness. Although. it is accurate in Zh, and later and in Tsiolkovskiy weightlessness was
it is in detail described, nevertheless for each, who did not visit space, this
space so remains in a human manner not mastered. No under the feet
the earth, there is no gravity. At present man follows in space the path
the imitation of customary terrestrial conditions, but this is possible only to some
limit… Meanwhile spiritual, artistic, psychological introduction in
space does not have limits. And here our thought thus far, speaking in the words
Pushkin, “it is lazy and incurious”.
The program Of [vernadskogo] provides for the continuous growth of the role of living and
the thinking substance in space. Usually we visualize the purely technical
the way of this expansion. Meanwhile technical expansion has its limits.
Although the might of technology will be grow always, it nevertheless never not
it will exceed the limits, outlined by the possibilities of technology itself. Increase in the spiritual
and the intellectual might of man, in contrast to the technical,
it is actually infinite. They usually receive the study about the noosphere as
the program of our technical penetration into space. In reality the noosphere
it can be enlarged infinitely in the range one cranium.
In the noosphere Of [vernadskogo] to artistic knowledge is diverted very important role.
We, speaking about the noosphere, always heel to the side of left hemisphere, then
there is to the science. The study of laws governing [metakoda] would can thoroughly
to straighten this line.
In the purely conditional plan there are all foundations for speaking about the appearance
“[antropnoy] physics” and “[antropnoy] cosmology”. It is possible that by portent here
there were the cosmological means of Andrey [Bely] and Khlebnikov. It is at first glance
it can seem that there is no objective connection whatever between the categories of physics
or cosmology and by the usual unscientific reflection of the same realities in
daily life; but this only with the shallow approach.
The concept about the gravity is differently reflected in the law of universal gravitation and in
to the complaint of man, which “on the soul is heavy”; however, between these extremes there is
a certain dependence and thin interrelation. Without the psychological sensation
it is not possible to understand the law of universal gravitation gravity. Our habit
to divide knowledge into the objective and the subjective for some reason does not consider third,
the intermediate, subjective-objective region of the peace, where “it is internal” and
“external” they are replaced by each other so successfully as “the top” and “bottom” in
A feeling of gravity and ease does not need special commentaries. Much
more complexly to determine, what feeling of internal is and external. These
directions in the space are badly studied. Once [Vernadskiy] continued
study of Pasteur in the region of such mysterious and, it would seem, subjective
concepts as “leftist” and “right”. His conclusions about the undoubted objective
the significances of these directions are today brilliantly confirmed in the quantum
to physics, both in chemistry and in biology.
One ought not to extend these studies for the sphere of concepts “internal”
and “external”?
Returning to the metaphorical impressions of Andrey [Bely], let us think, that
it occurred with the writer, who created the means of living and thinking fleetingly
the essence, for which no internal and external. This essence is infinite
extended into space and seemingly it [obemlet] itself by universe. Of course
there are mathematical models of this space in the contemporary
topologies, are the physical equivalents of this structure - this
the universe- microparticle, which received immediately three designations: [plankion],
maximon, [fridmon].
Hero Andrey [Bely] felt himself by this particle- universe. He inside
and it is outside, in the limited and infinite volume of universe simultaneously.
Let us recall again the description of Pascal's sphere, given By [borkhesom].
“Giordano to Bruno stated that the peace is an infinite consequence of the infinite
reason and that deity is located closely, “since it inside us even in larger
of degree, than we themselves inside us ". It searched for words in order to depict to the people
Space is Copernican, and it printed on one famous page: “We
we can with the confidence assert that the universe - entire is center or that the center
By the universe is located everywhere, and circle nowhere ".
… The idea of absolute space, which for Bruno was release,
it became for Pascal labyrinth and abyss. This frightened the universe and wanted
to worship to god, but god for it was less real than frightening
the universe. It lamented, that the firmament it cannot speak, compared our life
with the life of those suffered shipwreck on the desert island. He felt
the unceasing oppression of physical peace, felt vertigo, fear,
solitude expressed they in other words: “Nature - is infinite sphere,
center of which everywhere, and circle nowhere ". … I of the fluctuation of the manuscript
they show that Pascal began to write: “The frightening sphere, whose center
everywhere, and circle nowhere " 1.
Entirely otherwise appears this sphere in [L]. Tolstoy, since it is filled by man,
by its spiritual infinite space.
In Andrey [Bely] this spiritual space merged with the solid- the physical.
In his time [K]. [E]. Tsiolkovskiy in article “animal of space” created the means
man- sphere as the ideal inhabitant of the outer space, about which
it is in more detail in front. The luminous sphere, fed by light, this is actual
optimal solution for the life in Newton's universe; but in the universe
Einstein is, perhaps, more appropriate Andrey [Bely]'s model. Here the sphere
Tsiolkovskiy as it is inverted
1 [Borkhes] of the X. [L]. [Proz] different years. M., 1984, s. 202.

through itself inward and outside, it gave the coordinates of other measurements. Such
geometric conversions are possible in the non-Euclidean geometry, that again
it returns us to the non-Euclidean geometry of living substance.
But that if intuition prompted fantastic, but completely real to white
the prototype of man of space? Essence, allotted by the internal- external
by the perception of space, never it could the boundaries of its
the body: indeed any landmark would indicate that the boundary between the man here lies
and by space. There is no such face for the hero Andrey [Bely]. It [obemlet] space
from within and outside, as bone it is embraced with the pulp of peach. In the metaphor
White “pulp” - this is entire zodiac, but which interfere withs including here entire
“external” space?
The study Of [vernadskogo] about the noosphere does not define concretely, by what ways it is enlarged
the region of reason in the universe. Probably, not last place occupies in this
process psychological and artistic becoming accustomed to some realities
universe. Many of them are directly connected with the cosmological reversing,
experienced by writer.
There are two realities of the universe, where is possible the [antropnaya] inversion
(reversing), about which tells Andrey [Belyy]. These are the black holes and
the bodies, which are rushed at velocity, close to the light. If purely conditionally
to place there observer- man, he would see that picture, which
was opened [Lizashe] in the novel "Moskva". Now let us continue thought experiment and
literally step by step let us trace, which would be opened to our observer.
Since the models of approach to the black hole several, we will use
by the generalized picture, given by astronomer [I]. [A]. [Klimishin] in the book
“Relativistic astronomy”.
First before the space traveller, who flies with the relativistic
by speed, appears the so-called “horizon of world events”, which it
successfully it will cross for the limited interval of time, for example after half-hour, if
the black hole with value our sun. However, for the observer, whom
side it follows the traveller, his approach to the black hole will last
it is eternally…
Here immediately two uncommon phenomena. First, in order to see,
are necessary two - “traveller” and “observer”. In the second place, one and the same
phenomenon for one is eternally, it is temporary for another. If we recode these
phenomenon to the familiar to us the language of sincere experiences, well reflected in
to literature, then let us encounter with two completely familiar to the literary critic
by realities: [dvoynichestvo] of hero and the relativity of artistic time.
“Observer” and “traveller” - this is one and the same “double”. In the familiar
already the description of Andrey [Bely] hero itself rises above himself and he [obemlet] himself
by itself - by zodiac.
The relativity of time is already familiar to us for the sensation of prince [Myshkin]. “For the god
one day as thousands years and thousands years as one day ". Now man completely
it matured for this understanding of time.
Further: the moment of the intersection “of the horizon of world events” (Schwarzschild's sphere), [k]
to regret, forever it will separate doubles - observer and traveller.
How much not sent signals from the black hole traveller, their observer
he will not see. However, they must know, otherwise about existence of each other
the counting of flight is impossible. Figuratively speaking, traveller for the observer -
the certain shady double, whom it does not see, the imaginary value, the V -1. It is appropriate
to again recall [P]. [Florenskiy]'s book “imaginary natures in the geometry”, where it advanced
hypothesis about physical reality of imaginary values; and although in the model of approach [k]
to the black hole observer is present as conditionality, it is justifiable to express
the assumption that here lies not only physical, but also some
reality, connected with our sincere peace. In favor this he speaks
the formed now [antropnyy] principle. It testifies about the finest
the connection between the living substance and the physical constants of the universe, and the principle
Heisenberg's uncertainty it tells about the impossibility of the reflection of any
physical reality on the microlevel without the correction for minimum distortions,
[vnosimye] “by observer”. He is such observer at the level of microcosm
the physical instrument, in addition created by man.
Thus, “traveller” satisfactorily crossed the horizon of world events, and
here went separation with his double - observer, who remained himself in our
peace. One additional miracle, named by the physicists will occur with it,
“[oprostranstvlivanie] of time”.
That such, will ask you, and I with the pleasure note that no analogies in
artistic peace I do not find, and, that means the discussion deals with by certain yet not
mastered by writers and artists of reality.
Finally time begins to be crushed, becomes discrete. Again unknown
phenomenon. However, here analogies are possible. At the critical moments of life,
in the face of the fatal danger before the man frequently is carried entire him
the life, which was accomodated as into one instant; and entire life in the form of the set
instants, and they all at one point of the survived moment - completely familiar
sensation. In the literature this even became die - recollection of entire life in
united moment.
However, the most interesting begins after the intersection of the horizon of events,
when traveller, after being detached away from the observer, passing MiG-[vechnost],
the [oprostranstvlennoe] and discrete time, will be fixed to center the black hole, [k]
to the famous point of singularity. Here it in the literal sense will be turned inside out
inside out and it will depart into another [vselen]', moreover reversing - change
internal to the external - will overturn the respectively three-dimensional time:
“Observer in the short time (on his hours) will see, being located inside the sphere
Schwarzschild, entire future of the universe! What will be then? At the moment of the stoppage
inside the [shvartsshildovoy] sphere the observer will cease to see that universe (in it
distant future), from which it “jumped out”. After this,… the observer
it will begin to move outside, also, after a certain time (along its hours) again
it will cross Schwartzchild sphere. And then he will see completely different
the universe " 1.
I note that it does not slip off from the attention of astrophysics, which would occur [s]
by man in this space, if it actually proved to be inside
the black hole it was turned inside out into another universe. “Observer will begin to observe
the universe all by the growing violet displacement. Calculations show that with
this a quantity of incident… radiant energy will be certain. This it indicates,
that no catastrophe either with the observer or with his spacecraft not
it will occur ". It is a different matter with the approach itself to the black hole. Here
traveller will be “they will extend”, “it is torn”, “flattened” - all this thus. But
we will not forget, that once the same terms adapted with respect to
to hypothetical cosmonaut, who wished to leave for the barrier of gravity [s]
by cosmic velocity. However, cosmonauts are living, they fly, so that let us profit -
let us see.
Astrophysicist [N]. [S]. [Kardashov] counts such journeys in the future completely
accessible. “Journey into the charged black hole is equivalent to the machine
time, which
1[Shklovskiy] [I]. [Vselennaya], life, reason. M., 1976, s. 311.


the possibility to cover the infinitely large time intervals for the small gives
proper times " 1.
Let us leave the unsteady region of hypotheses and let us pause at the undoubted. Contemporary
physics and cosmology have available such models of realities of the universe, where
the change of internal and external physically is accomplished: expanding
the universe, the black holes, the flights of substance with the relativistic speeds near
light barrier.
With the change of the directions of internal to the external occurs the very characteristic
the effect: smaller space and shorter time contain into itself larger or even
infinitely larger space-time. At first glance it can seem,
that there are no analogies to this phenomenon in our nonrelativistic usual peace and all
this is only the field of [negumanitarnykh] sciences. However, after using the method
[Vernadskogo], which considered far from complete the physical picture of peace, if in
we did not take into account the role of man, let us look to these phenomena precisely with this,
simply speaking, the humanitarian, human point of view. That
the analogous models of time exist in psychology and in the creation, I already showed [s]
by a sufficient obviousness, now let us examine, are possible the same miracles [s]
by space not at the level of artistic invention, but in the daily
Let us focus attention on the fact that reversing (change of internal to the external)
it literally pierces living material. First of all this is connected with the process
generation. Baby, who is inside the maternal womb, does not suspect [o]
the limitless space of the external world. In two months before the generation it
eyes are opened and it looks into the dark, without suspecting about the light. Its output in
external, infinitely wide peace is connected with the passage through the internal
narrow space. It will no matter how seem by strange, but here much in common [s]
by the graphs of the departure of traveller from the black hole: the contraction of space, the dark,
the transient into the light, and, it goes without saying, change of internal to the external. Afterward
generation the baby occurs in the world, who thus far was for it external.
By the way, similar sensations it survives Ivan Ilyich [L]. Tolstoy at the moment of its
death: “Suddenly some force pushed it into the breast, to the side, still stronger

regions of the black holes, mental approach to which is modelled in
to the famous sphere of Schwarzschild. So here, flying mentally to the black holes, whose
existence is also predicted by the theory of relativity, we will prove to be in
to the point, where “the vectors” of internal and external will become the same relative,
as the top and bottom in weightlessness. Sky - interior, and interior - sky.
Andrey [Belyy] modelled this reversing twice in “the notes
dreamers ", released by publishing house “It [alkonost]” in 1919.
“If we suddenly knew how to be turned inside out inside out, saw b we instead of the peace
its own nature: to [vseaziyu] or fantasy, and instead of the organs (liver,
the spleens also of kidneys) felt Venus, Jupiter: planets - are organs ".
“I was above itself, under itself; at the point of previous “I” - was formed hole”.
“Was formed in me as… the spiral: my thoughts; … throw far away in this moment your
head I, not the nuance of azure I would see in the sky, but terrible and black breach…
breach sucked me (I it died in the daily tortures); was it opening in
the truth of things… it became I turn blue by sphere… it pulled me - through me; from
itself of [izletal] I by boiling life; and it was done by sphere; multi-eyeTO looking
in the center, finding in it the shaking skin my; accurately the bone of the juicy peach
there was to me body my: I - without the skin, spilled in everything, zodiac ".
This is already more detailed description from “the recollections about the block”, published into 1922
to year.
About that which occurred at the apex of pyramid, Andrey [Belyy] described also in
its “recollections” (1910-1912 yr.), published in the volume 27-28- m
“Literary inheritance” (M., 1937).
In several steps from the apex at the lifting moment Andrey [Belyy] saw and
felt that which was in prospect to perceive for any person according to the concept
the creators of the pyramid:
“In this place the terrible illusion of the sight: above the head you see not more
three-four steps; downward - the same; steps are bent; pyramid is seen
by the hung in air planet, which does not have contact with the earth; you - [vot]-[vot]-[vot]
you will be thrown down through head you of the holding people, by head downward, upward by heels; we
they suddenly perceived wild horror from [nebyvalosti] of their position; this strange
the physiological sensation, which passes into a moral feeling of [vyvernutosti] you
inside out, local Arabs call pyramidal disease… For me this
[vyvernutost] inside out was connected with the turning point of entire life;
the consequence of pyramidal disease - change in the organs of perception; the life
it was painted with new key; as if it mounted speckled steps one,
however, it descended by others ".
Here humanity was for the first time adjoined in the literature unknown earlier
by cosmological reality - relativity of internal and external.
To say “internal there is external” or to create the mathematical model
the inverted small space so that it would contain the entire world, of course,
the great achievement of reason, but to survive this reversing, to give its that perceived,
sensory image it succeeded for the first time Andrey [Bely].
I see in this breakthrough only first push, only portent of the new
skill, which still so was not mastered in the new universe of Einstein,
it did not settle in it.
That which occurred with Andrey [Bely] at the apex of the pyramid of Cheops, I named
by space reversing or by space [antropnoy] inversion.


“Artistic creation reveals to us space, passing through the consciousness
the living being " - this thought Of [v]. [Vernadskiy] is very deep and properly
it is not yet opened. We became accustomed to focus attention only to the subjective side
creation, but the role of the living on top of that thinking material is very important in the universe.
Discovery in cosmology of [antropnogo] principle testifies about extremely
to the thin fine adjustment of the most important physical constants to the thinker and
to the receiving object.
Artist can see the secrets of space, inaccessible to impassive instruments.
The border zone between the man least of all yields to scientific methods and
by space, where the removed mathematical formulas, outwardly absolutely distant
from the personal experience of man, they can become sensual reality
artistic peace.
For mathematics it does not comprise the labor to turn inside out inside out the sphere of the universe to
certain “point of singularity” (infinite curvature), after which to physics
it can't be helped. By this today's cosmology, which investigates is occupied,
the mysterious regions of the black holes. In Andrey [Bely] the reversing is accomplished
here, on the earth. Does have this any relation to the new cosmological
to models? Yes, would answer mathematician Pavel [Florenskiy]. His book “imaginary natures in
of geometry " it left at the beginning of the 20's. In it [Florenskiy] places the mental
the experiment, based on the laws of the theory of relativity. Which there will be [s]
by the body, which is rushed in the universe at a velocity, close to the light? Physically it
it will become light, geometrically it seemingly will be turned inside out through itself in
the universe. The author concludes the book by the question: it is compulsory whether to rush with similar
by giddy (and practically unattainable) speed or the reversing
possibly under the usual physical conditions, in to our customary eye three-dimensional
Andrey [Bely]'s experience attests to the fact that this reversing is possible,
at least, at the creative and psychological level. But that such
creation? Indeed, on [Vernadskogo] thought, this is that revealed “space,
passing through the consciousness of the living being ".
The book “imaginary natures in the geometry” [P]. [Florenskiy] wrote, analyzing the non-Euclidean
Lobachevsky's geometry, and [Vernadskiy] repeatedly voiced the thought:
the space of living substance can prove to be non-Euclidean. However, creation and
psychology - lot of the highest form of living substance. In a word, there is everything
the foundation for relate to the metaphor about the reversing with entire seriousness.
Reflections Of [vernadskogo] about the propagation of the sphere of reason in the universe, [o]
scientific thought as about “planetary phenomenon”, about the special space role
artistic thinking today find completely concrete outlines. Not
is cost we on the threshold of that revolution, when our ideas about the place
man in the universe they will require new “Copernicus'” reform? At this time
will be required failure of the absolutization of such concepts, as “it is internal” and
“external”. The theory of relativity showed illusoriness “absolute
of time " and “absolute space” - simply there are not; but at the level
ordinary experience or, simply speaking, purely in a human manner we do not consider
the relativity of space and time, as we do not consider the sphericity
The Earth, when we walk on it. At the purely human ground level as before
flat, and the sun as before revolves around us, as this was to
Copernicus and even to Ptolemy.
Why thus? Ordinary, external terrestrial experience gives similar to man precisely
reality. However, the sphere of human reason is extended into space, and
one striking regularity completely unexpectedly is revealed. Than
it is further into space, those nearer to the man, to his soul. “Absolute space”
and “absolute time” is this the gift of the removed science. On the emotional,
the artistic and psychological levels of men were always counted these
reality relative.
With such realities of men it does not encounter in the usual life, since
the relativity of time and space is perceived only with the relativistic
speeds; however, our internal sincere experience [priemlet] space, opened
By einstein as something close one and native.
It would be possible to expand the circle of such examples, even without that it is already clear that
the sincere and intellectual experience of man is appeared as indirect
by information source about realities of universe, inaccessible external
to the ordinary experience of man. Here, speaking in the language Of [vernadskogo], “the scientific thought
as planetary phenomenon " it is clamped with this planetary phenomenon as
skill and the internal peace of man.
Naturally, arises the question: and is there not no certain united code of living and
inorganic material, that lies at the basis of this unity by scientific and
artistic thought? Artistic and psychological time- space
(chronotop) structurally it coincides in the spirit with newest cosmology - this is what
it is interesting.
From the other side, in this there is nothing surprising. Functional asymmetry
right and leftist of the hemispheres of the brain it is known. As a whole this picture arose:
right - emotion, leftist - logic. Although in the life everything is interlaced, it is clear that
scientific knowledge more greatly connected with the dominant of left hemisphere, A
artistic gravitates towards to the right. We seemingly possess two equal
by models, and it is not surprising that on some turn of the knowledge
both codes merge into one m e t and [k] about d. here in the equal measure it participates and
scientific, and artistic vision.
Let us return now to the intuitive enlightenment of Andrey [Bely] about the reversing in
space. There is whether here something absolutely new even in comparison with the known
by artistic models? There is undoubtedly.
In fact, in the prose of white men for the first time it was adjoined [s]
by the relativity of internal and external, that even in the fairy tales to reveal
it is sufficiently difficult. [Vernadskiy], that paid huge attention to the special significance
of the asymmetry of right and leftist in the real peace, it actually paved the ways [k]
to the more fixed study also of other characteristics of space (top- bottom,
right- leftist, internal- external).
Actually with the relativity of top and bottom of men it was adjoined only in
weightlessness. Although. it is accurate in Zh, and later and in Tsiolkovskiy weightlessness was
it is in detail described, nevertheless for each, who did not visit space, this
space so remains in a human manner not mastered. No under the feet
the earth, there is no gravity. At present man follows in space the path
the imitation of customary terrestrial conditions, but this is possible only to some
limit… Meanwhile spiritual, artistic, psychological introduction in
space does not have limits. And here our thought thus far, speaking in the words
Pushkin, “it is lazy and incurious”.
The program Of [vernadskogo] provides for the continuous growth of the role of living and
the thinking substance in space. Usually we visualize the purely technical
the way of this expansion. Meanwhile technical expansion has its limits.
Although the might of technology will be grow always, it nevertheless never not
it will exceed the limits, outlined by the possibilities of technology itself. Increase in the spiritual
and the intellectual might of man, in contrast to the technical,
it is actually infinite. They usually receive the study about the noosphere as
the program of our technical penetration into space. In reality the noosphere
it can be enlarged infinitely in the range one cranium.
In the noosphere Of [vernadskogo] to artistic knowledge is diverted very important role.
We, speaking about the noosphere, always heel to the side of left hemisphere, then
there is to the science. The study of laws governing [metakoda] would can thoroughly
to straighten this line.
In the purely conditional plan there are all foundations for speaking about the appearance
“[antropnoy] physics” and “[antropnoy] cosmology”. It is possible that by portent here
there were the cosmological means of Andrey [Bely] and Khlebnikov. It is at first glance
it can seem that there is no objective connection whatever between the categories of physics
or cosmology and by the usual unscientific reflection of the same realities in
daily life; but this only with the shallow approach.
The concept about the gravity is differently reflected in the law of universal gravitation and in
to the complaint of man, which “on the soul is heavy”; however, between these extremes there is
a certain dependence and thin interrelation. Without the psychological sensation
it is not possible to understand the law of universal gravitation gravity. Our habit
to divide knowledge into the objective and the subjective for some reason does not consider third,
the intermediate, subjective-objective region of the peace, where “it is internal” and
“external” they are replaced by each other so successfully as “the top” and “bottom” in
A feeling of gravity and ease does not need special commentaries. Much
more complexly to determine, what feeling of internal is and external. These
directions in the space are badly studied. Once [Vernadskiy] continued
study of Pasteur in the region of such mysterious and, it would seem, subjective
concepts as “leftist” and “right”. His conclusions about the undoubted objective
the significances of these directions are today brilliantly confirmed in the quantum
to physics, both in chemistry and in biology.
One ought not to extend these studies for the sphere of concepts “internal”
and “external”?
Returning to the metaphorical impressions of Andrey [Bely], let us think, that
it occurred with the writer, who created the means of living and thinking fleetingly
the essence, for which no internal and external. This essence is infinite
extended into space and seemingly it [obemlet] itself by universe. Of course
there are mathematical models of this space in the contemporary
topologies, are the physical equivalents of this structure - this
the universe- microparticle, which received immediately three designations: [plankion],
maximon, [fridmon].
Hero Andrey [Bely] felt himself by this particle- universe. He inside
and it is outside, in the limited and infinite volume of universe simultaneously.
Let us recall again the description of Pascal's sphere, given By [borkhesom].
“Giordano to Bruno stated that the peace is an infinite consequence of the infinite
reason and that deity is located closely, “since it inside us even in larger
of degree, than we themselves inside us ". It searched for words in order to depict to the people
Space is Copernican, and it printed on one famous page: “We
we can with the confidence assert that the universe - entire is center or that the center
By the universe is located everywhere, and circle nowhere ".
… The idea of absolute space, which for Bruno was release,
it became for Pascal labyrinth and abyss. This frightened the universe and wanted
to worship to god, but god for it was less real than frightening
the universe. It lamented, that the firmament it cannot speak, compared our life
with the life of those suffered shipwreck on the desert island. He felt
the unceasing oppression of physical peace, felt vertigo, fear,
solitude expressed they in other words: “Nature - is infinite sphere,
center of which everywhere, and circle nowhere ". … I of the fluctuation of the manuscript
they show that Pascal began to write: “The frightening sphere, whose center
everywhere, and circle nowhere " 1.
Entirely otherwise appears this sphere in [L]. Tolstoy, since it is filled by man,
by its spiritual infinite space.
In Andrey [Bely] this spiritual space merged with the solid- the physical.
In his time [K]. [E]. Tsiolkovskiy in article “animal of space” created the means
man- sphere as the ideal inhabitant of the outer space, about which
it is in more detail in front. The luminous sphere, fed by light, this is actual
optimal solution for the life in Newton's universe; but in the universe
Einstein is, perhaps, more appropriate Andrey [Bely]'s model. Here the sphere
Tsiolkovskiy as it is inverted
1 [Borkhes] of the X. [L]. [Proz] different years. M., 1984, s. 202.

through itself inward and outside, it gave the coordinates of other measurements. Such
geometric conversions are possible in the non-Euclidean geometry, that again
it returns us to the non-Euclidean geometry of living substance.
But that if intuition prompted fantastic, but completely real to white
the prototype of man of space? Essence, allotted by the internal- external
by the perception of space, never it could the boundaries of its
the body: indeed any landmark would indicate that the boundary between the man here lies
and by space. There is no such face for the hero Andrey [Bely]. It [obemlet] space
from within and outside, as bone it is embraced with the pulp of peach. In the metaphor
White “pulp” - this is entire zodiac, but which interfere withs including here entire
“external” space?
The study Of [vernadskogo] about the noosphere does not define concretely, by what ways it is enlarged
the region of reason in the universe. Probably, not last place occupies in this
process psychological and artistic becoming accustomed to some realities
universe. Many of them are directly connected with the cosmological reversing,
experienced by writer.
There are two realities of the universe, where is possible the [antropnaya] inversion
(reversing), about which tells Andrey [Belyy]. These are the black holes and
the bodies, which are rushed at velocity, close to the light. If purely conditionally
to place there observer- man, he would see that picture, which
was opened [Lizashe] in the novel "Moskva". Now let us continue thought experiment and
literally step by step let us trace, which would be opened to our observer.
Since the models of approach to the black hole several, we will use
by the generalized picture, given by astronomer [I]. [A]. [Klimishin] in the book
“Relativistic astronomy”.
First before the space traveller, who flies with the relativistic
by speed, appears the so-called “horizon of world events”, which it
successfully it will cross for the limited interval of time, for example after half-hour, if
the black hole with value our sun. However, for the observer, whom
side it follows the traveller, his approach to the black hole will last
it is eternally…
Here immediately two uncommon phenomena. First, in order to see,
are necessary two - “traveller” and “observer”. In the second place, one and the same
phenomenon for one is eternally, it is temporary for another. If we recode these
phenomenon to the familiar to us the language of sincere experiences, well reflected in
to literature, then let us encounter with two completely familiar to the literary critic
by realities: [dvoynichestvo] of hero and the relativity of artistic time.
“Observer” and “traveller” - this is one and the same “double”. In the familiar
already the description of Andrey [Bely] hero itself rises above himself and he [obemlet] himself
by itself - by zodiac.
The relativity of time is already familiar to us for the sensation of prince [Myshkin]. “For the god
one day as thousands years and thousands years as one day ". Now man completely
it matured for this understanding of time.
Further: the moment of the intersection “of the horizon of world events” (Schwarzschild's sphere), [k]
to regret, forever it will separate doubles - observer and traveller.
How much not sent signals from the black hole traveller, their observer
he will not see. However, they must know, otherwise about existence of each other
the counting of flight is impossible. Figuratively speaking, traveller for the observer -
the certain shady double, whom it does not see, the imaginary value, the V -1. It is appropriate
to again recall [P]. [Florenskiy]'s book “imaginary natures in the geometry”, where it advanced
hypothesis about physical reality of imaginary values; and although in the model of approach [k]
to the black hole observer is present as conditionality, it is justifiable to express
the assumption that here lies not only physical, but also some
reality, connected with our sincere peace. In favor this he speaks
the formed now [antropnyy] principle. It testifies about the finest
the connection between the living substance and the physical constants of the universe, and the principle
Heisenberg's uncertainty it tells about the impossibility of the reflection of any
physical reality on the microlevel without the correction for minimum distortions,
[vnosimye] “by observer”. He is such observer at the level of microcosm
the physical instrument, in addition created by man.
Thus, “traveller” satisfactorily crossed the horizon of world events, and
here went separation with his double - observer, who remained himself in our
peace. One additional miracle, named by the physicists will occur with it,
“[oprostranstvlivanie] of time”.
That such, will ask you, and I with the pleasure note that no analogies in
artistic peace I do not find, and, that means the discussion deals with by certain yet not
mastered by writers and artists of reality.
Finally time begins to be crushed, becomes discrete. Again unknown
phenomenon. However, here analogies are possible. At the critical moments of life,
in the face of the fatal danger before the man frequently is carried entire him
the life, which was accomodated as into one instant; and entire life in the form of the set
instants, and they all at one point of the survived moment - completely familiar
sensation. In the literature this even became die - recollection of entire life in
united moment.
However, the most interesting begins after the intersection of the horizon of events,
when traveller, after being detached away from the observer, passing MiG-[vechnost],
the [oprostranstvlennoe] and discrete time, will be fixed to center the black hole, [k]
to the famous point of singularity. Here it in the literal sense will be turned inside out
inside out and it will depart into another [vselen]', moreover reversing - change
internal to the external - will overturn the respectively three-dimensional time:
“Observer in the short time (on his hours) will see, being located inside the sphere
Schwarzschild, entire future of the universe! What will be then? At the moment of the stoppage
inside the [shvartsshildovoy] sphere the observer will cease to see that universe (in it
distant future), from which it “jumped out”. After this,… the observer
it will begin to move outside, also, after a certain time (along its hours) again
it will cross Schwartzchild sphere. And then he will see completely different
the universe " 1.
I note that it does not slip off from the attention of astrophysics, which would occur [s]
by man in this space, if it actually proved to be inside
the black hole it was turned inside out into another universe. “Observer will begin to observe
the universe all by the growing violet displacement. Calculations show that with
this a quantity of incident… radiant energy will be certain. This it indicates,
that no catastrophe either with the observer or with his spacecraft not
it will occur ". It is a different matter with the approach itself to the black hole. Here
traveller will be “they will extend”, “it is torn”, “flattened” - all this thus. But
we will not forget, that once the same terms adapted with respect to
to hypothetical cosmonaut, who wished to leave for the barrier of gravity [s]
by cosmic velocity. However, cosmonauts are living, they fly, so that let us profit -
let us see.
Astrophysicist [N]. [S]. [Kardashov] counts such journeys in the future completely
accessible. “Journey into the charged black hole is equivalent to the machine
time, which
1[Shklovskiy] [I]. [Vselennaya], life, reason. M., 1976, s. 311.


the possibility to cover the infinitely large time intervals for the small gives
proper times " 1.
Let us leave the unsteady region of hypotheses and let us pause at the undoubted. Contemporary
physics and cosmology have available such models of realities of the universe, where
the change of internal and external physically is accomplished: expanding
the universe, the black holes, the flights of substance with the relativistic speeds near
light barrier.
With the change of the directions of internal to the external occurs the very characteristic
the effect: smaller space and shorter time contain into itself larger or even
infinitely larger space-time. At first glance it can seem,
that there are no analogies to this phenomenon in our nonrelativistic usual peace and all
this is only the field of [negumanitarnykh] sciences. However, after using the method
[Vernadskogo], which considered far from complete the physical picture of peace, if in
we did not take into account the role of man, let us look to these phenomena precisely with this,
simply speaking, the humanitarian, human point of view. That
the analogous models of time exist in psychology and in the creation, I already showed [s]
by a sufficient obviousness, now let us examine, are possible the same miracles [s]
by space not at the level of artistic invention, but in the daily
Let us focus attention on the fact that reversing (change of internal to the external)
it literally pierces living material. First of all this is connected with the process
generation. Baby, who is inside the maternal womb, does not suspect [o]
the limitless space of the external world. In two months before the generation it
eyes are opened and it looks into the dark, without suspecting about the light. Its output in
external, infinitely wide peace is connected with the passage through the internal
narrow space. It will no matter how seem by strange, but here much in common [s]
by the graphs of the departure of traveller from the black hole: the contraction of space, the dark,
the transient into the light, and, it goes without saying, change of internal to the external. Afterward
generation the baby occurs in the world, who thus far was for it external.
By the way, similar sensations it survives Ivan Ilyich [L]. Tolstoy at the moment of its
death: “Suddenly some force pushed it into the breast, to the side, still stronger

squeezed to it respiration, it fell through into the hole, and there, at the end hole, it was lit
something. With it made that was with it in the railroad car of the railroad, when
you think that
1[Klimishin] [I]. [A]. [Relyativistskaya] is astronomy. M., 1983, s. 121.

you will go forward, while you will go back, that to its [muchene] and in the fact that it is put in
this black hole, and it is still more in the fact that it cannot climb through into it ".
“The black hole” of Ivan Ilyich not only on the name is similar to the space
by the objects of this type. Sensations of man at the moment of generation and death,
the specific character of the perception of space and time, it is however strange, actually
they coincide with the fact that he would feel it saw men, passing through the blacks
hole or flying with the relativistic speeds.
By the way, placing the mental observer in the region of the black holes and light
speeds, physics and cosmologists frequently forget, that without the observer generally
the processes, which they describe, are impossible. I imply by the observer
here not man, but that reflection minimum, without which it is generally impossible
interactions at the level of microcosm and already that are more at light level
speeds. This circumstance is fixed by contemporary cosmology in thus
the called strong [antropnom] principle, which with entire difference in the interpretations
as a whole required and regular existence of that discerning is implied and
the observing object at all stages of existence of our peace.
And here here the role of living is especially great. “The study of the physical chemistry properties
the field of life it gives in this respect the most precise and deepest indications,
what gives thus far no another physical phenomenon of cosmos " 1. “by the field
of life " [V]. [I]. [Vernadskiy] calls “the spaces, occupied with the body of organism”.
Scientist indicates the special, straight-away oecumenical role of living substance in
the conditions of the earth: “Living substance, me seems, there is only perhaps
the thus far terrestrial phenomenon, in which vividly is manifested the space-time " 2. must
whether to explain, that in the living on top of that and thinking essence the space-time
it is manifested by the universe with the special force. This is why it is so important at first glance
the purely subjective models of man and the universes, reflected in the artistic
Skill and psychology generally proved to be more sensitive to the directions
space and time, than a strict science of three previous centuries. V.
[I]. [Vernadskiy] correctly criticized [doeynshteynovskuyu] physics and cosmology
1 [Vernadskiy] V. [I]. the problems of biogeochemistry. M., 1980, s. 269.
2 there, s. 163.

for the underestimation of the role of living and in particular for the incomprehension of the objective
the significance of such realities as right and leftist. In the article “about [pravizne] and
to leftism " it especially separates [K]. [F]. [Gauss] thought, that “the [pravizna]- leftism exists
the geometric property of space ", but completely not simple result is pure
subjective vision. Going along the feet Of [vernadskogo], we come to the conclusion that
the same underestimation of the objective significance “of internal- external” impedes
today forward motion of thought.
However, there is a large difference between “the right and the leftist” and “the internal and the external”.
If now before our eyes right and leftist would be changed by places, this not
would lead to the fundamental to shaking (I I do not take here the level
molecular, cellular and atomic; there this change would lead to the complete
to the catastrophe of our peace). At the usual level the peace would remain the same, by as it
it was.
A mental change in the internal to the external would be immense revolution.
Let us visualize that the sun, star and sky we receive, as it is earlier
they received their inside - lungs, heart. We would in turn see body,
as we now see sky.
However [golovokruzhitelen] this experiment, but I propose to the reader
to continue him.
Thus, anything changing physically, we change only the directions of internal and
external. Collapse immediately many [ochevidnostey]. It is obvious that we now
inside space, that space is more than our body and so on. However, it is mental
after replacing the directions of internal to the external we is immediately destructive these firm
basis. First, we seemingly will embrace from within entire space from all sides and
let us prove to be “from within- above the universe”, and, in the second place, during this inversion the body
it will prove to be infinitely large and will embrace by itself entire infinity of that surrounding
its previously space. Cosmos will prove to be [obyatym] by us from within and outside
Having been moreover, convinced of the relativity of internal- external peace, like
cosmonauts, who were convinced of the relativity of the top and bottom in weightlessness, we
let us prove to be as in the [dvuedinom] space man- space or Kosmos-[chelovek].
Here no purely subjective or purely objective, entire reality
it is pierced by certain subjective-objective twinkling.
But that if this vision of peace is more correctly? On the earth, under the conditions
gravities, rule the laws, which force us to divide peace into the top- bottom,
right- leftist, internal- external. Do not possess we this possibility, life in
the conditions of the earth it would be impossible. However, we will not forget, that much
more even immeasurably more huge regions of universe exist outside
terrestrial conditions. Is worth only being raised above the earth - and already weightlessness, no
top- bottom; it is worthwhile to approach the light speed - and no
internal- external. Moreover, even under the terrestrial conditions it is internal and
external they frequently change by the places: generation, the germination of grain from within,
fertilization and division of cell, splitting atom - is here far from complete
the enumeration of such processes. It is possible that also death is special
by the variety of this space [antropnoy] inversion.
In a word, the relativity of internal- external is not yet mastered by man.
Accurate for the earth is erroneous for space, and man essence space. When
Copernicus mentally turned inside out the inside out [ptolemeevskuyu] universe, he transferred the Earth
from the center of sphere to the periphery, and the sun moved from the circle into the center, it
it remained with this on the same to Earth, also, in the same universe.
If we continue this process and let us mentally turn inside out inside out our
our own space, we, in addition will remain on the same to Earth, also, in the same
by the universe, simply the picture of universe will become another and, I in this am solid
it is confident, more objective.
Terrestrial conditions prompted plane earth, sun around the earth, man to us
inside the universe. The Earth became round, the sun occupied the place fitting to it. A
if we see what more cosmically with the reorientation of internal and external,
it is more correctly? Internal- external man- space, which embraces from within- above
universe, [vovnutriv]-[shiy] its and extended itself as sky, this is means,
deserving the closest attention, even if behind this it did not lie
any new cosmological, physical and biological realities.
[V]. [I]. [Vernadskiy] correctly noted that even formation of the rain puddle
it cannot be explained without the participation in this process of space. Forming of our
ideas about the place of man in space in essence it passed under
by the action of terrestrial conditions. But if puddle is connected with space, then the brain and
human organism, consisting of the water to 90%, react still thinner on
reality of the micro- and of macrocosm.
Physics they are convinced that 10, and can, and p of measurements a space do not have
straight relation to our three-dimensional peace, and the relativity of time and
space it is perceived only in the reign of light speeds. In reality micro-
and macrocosm they interlace into the single junction in “the space of living substance”. Hence
it follows that for understanding of its space role to man it is very important
to extend its psychological and spiritual space within the limits,
opened by the theory of relativity and by quantum physics.
If this occurs, we unavoidably will be moved from Newton's universe into the peace
contemporary cosmology as once from the flat earth to the round, from space
Ptolemy in Copernicus's [mirozdane]. To me they can object, what migration is
already it occurred in the first of third of our century. This will be correctly only partly.
The situation, which was established today, greatly resembles Copernicus's times. Scientifically
the system of Polish astronomer was undertaken the armament, but in the daily
use and as the ideologically accurate was considered [ptolemeevskaya] system. Only
the prohibition to it was seventy years after the publication of Copernicus's study
it is taken, and Ptolemy finally went away into the history of science, after yielding the place
the present.
Parallels Ptolemy - Newton, Copernicus - Einstein bear the here purely conditional
nature, and nevertheless, without diminishing Newton's sublimity, one should recognize that it
idea about the absolute space and independent from the space
the [ravnotekushchem] time they are today anachronism. But meanwhile still
they rule in the minds of people at the level of daily activity.
This is why, until now we are still inclined to absolutize the terrestrial for ourselves
condition, intuitively extending them to entire space. This impoverishes the spiritual
the peace of contemporary person, shields from it essential realities
by the universe, which are for some reason still considered the property of office science.
[V]. [I]. [Vernadskiy] advanced working hypothesis about the fact that “entire living substance
for its body has the state of space, which is approached one of
Riemann geometry " 1.
This very important assumption wonderfully is explained, why artistic and
psychological space and time of man is much nearer to today's
cosmology, than to Newton. Here answer to a question, why in us it is coded
1[Vernadskiy] [V]. [I]. [Problemy] biogeochemistry, s. 154.

information about the universe, very distant from the purely terrestrial conditions.
I will explain here, that is Riemann the sphere it is three-dimensional it possesses the positive
by curvature. Here is its conditional image


Lobachevsky's geometry is built for the bent space [s]
by negative curvature (hypersphere)


In the figures one conditionality, common for the popular literature is allowed:
are depicted the two-dimensional surfaces of sphere and the hyperspheres, bent in
three-dimensional space, “since it is not possible to clearly visualize
the hyperbolic bent three-dimensional peace " 1.
Physically, according to last models, our universe in by something is similar on
the three-dimensional sphere of Riemann. However, it is worthwhile to place our sight inside this
sphere, and we will see the negative curvature of Lobachevsky's hypersphere.
In order to prove to be inside, necessary to turn inside out inside out sphere. Geometrically this
it is impossible; however, at the level of microcosm there are so that called
the instanton states, when particle of one topology can through the vacuum
to be turned inside out into the particle of another topology. So sphere can become
[gipersferu]2. This is very similar to the [antropnuyu] inversion during the reversing.
Now let us be transferred from space into our customary space and will examine
the geometry of human body in its relation to the usual three-dimensional sphere
from within. Such
1 Vladimirov Yu. [S]. and other space, time, gravity M., 1984, s. 23.
2 future science. M., 1986.

by sphere is seen to us visible space - sky overhead. If we look on
man from the side, then the curvature of the locked outline of its body will be
positive with respect to the surrounding space. But if it is mental
to look from within, the same curvature will be negative. Before the generation
baby is inside the womb in the world with the negative curvature. Afterward
generation, “after being turned inside out” outside, it sees the same surface now already [s]
by the curvature of positive. What geometry is accurate? Apparently, combining
is internal external. But this geometry today yet there does not exist. It still
it is not created.
Now let us extend our special case to the oecumenical scales. Let us represent
to itself four-dimensional oecumenical sphere and our stay on its three-dimensional
surface - “plane”. Envelop it with ourselves we as cannot, but
it is worthwhile be turned inside out to mentally inside out, and here already we as the integral part
spheres proved to be inside it - before us four-dimensional hypersphere, at this time
with the negative curvature. After combining these two views, we will see ourselves and
the universe from within and having outside, mentally connected together two models of the universe.
Justifiably to assume that it will learn in specific development stage of men
to see from the side four-dimensional Riemann geometry of the universe, and in order to
to make this, it is necessary seemingly to remove, to be turned inside out at least into the space
hypersphere and to combine two views - from within and outside - into the new geometry.
A question about which the real geometry of the universe, it is possible thus far to carry out after
brackets, and here is the possibility to enlarge the prospect for sight to the limits
internal- external sight hardly one should miss.
If even our peace was arranged according to Aristotle and Ptolemy or according to Newton, then
and then new sight would give more accurate picture about the place of man in
Now we see peace only from within. It is necessary to learn to see him
“from within-with- side”.
This situation is very similar to the fact that occurs in the remarkable book Of [ebbota]
“[Flatlandiya] " 1. inhabitants of the flat peace Of [flatlandii] live on the plane, not
suspecting about existence of our three-dimensional peace.
Any figure - circle, square, triangle - are seen by it as the section of larger
or smaller length, indeed they cannot rise above the plane, after glancing
by view the figure
1[Ebbot] [E]. [Flatlandiya]. M., 1976.

as a whole. For the essences of this peace is only two directions - south and the north,
they do not suspect about existence of height. When the square, which visited our
volumetric peace, it explains to them, that there is a three-dimensional peace, they require,
so that it would indicate to them, where stretches this mysterious “height”;
it is natural that on the plane one cannot of this make a square.
Then herald from the three-dimensional peace with the ease proves his to square
volumetric origin. Indeed it can touch any plane figure
“from within”. Before it plane as the sheet of paper, it clearly sees “internal”
the space of all triangles, polygons, circles and squares.
To therefore, become similar to three-dimensional, volumetric figure to flat essence is possible.
It is necessary “to be turned inside out inside out” and to see itself from within- outside. From the combination
these two prospects must appear promising three-dimensional sight.
The universe, in which we live, they pierce 10, and there can be, p of measurements on
the level of microcosm.
Assertion of physicists and cosmologists about the impossibility to see the curvature of our
three-dimensional peace it is very questionable. This is tribute to the one-sided
to [negumanitarnomu] approach to the scientific truth. But is an approach humanitarian.
Internal- external prospect - one of such ways. [Antropnaya] space
inversion (reversing) can prove to be the shortest path to the universe OF THE XXI
the century, where the man and universe - one whole.
During the inversion right and leftist must change by places. So it is easy to change
flat gloves, right to the leftist, after raising them above the plane. This is impossible
to make with the usual three-dimensional glove. Indeed we do not have
by the space of four measurements in order to move them analogously with the gloves
flat. However, there is another, simpler way. Turn inside out the gloves
inside out, and miracle was achieved: right became leftist. It is not
reversing by the universal region of passing any measurements of space in
any other measurements?
To turn inside out inside out living body would be [negumannym], but let us visualize that
glove not only is animated, but also possesses reason, then by it is sufficient
it would be mentally change the directions: it is internal to the external and the external on
internal. Now let us visualize that the glove, besides reason, possesses
by the highly developed emotional sphere it can feel the mental
reversing so, as if it is realized in reality. Peace of such
“glove” it will move apart limitlessly. Its sensation of time and space
they will prove to be considerably more complex and it is thinner than before the reversing.
In article “about [pravizne] and leftism” [V]. [I]. [Vernadskiy] writes that in the uniform
Euclidean space “there cannot be the distinctiveness of [pravizny] and leftism” 1.
However, in our peace “all proteins of animals and plants “are natural” - leftists " 2.
Pasteur considered that “this phenomenon is connected with the properties of the space
spaces and " 3.
“… The instruction of Pasteur cannot be rejected without the attention, he writes
[Vernadskiy]. - The fact is that in the space spaces we observe
[praviznu]- leftism… This is the manifestation of the helicity of celestial fogginess,
unavoidably right-left material motions… “4
However, where they are twisted, to the right or left side? To answer this question
thus far complicatedly, since right or leftists of galaxy they can be only in the projection on
the bent plane of the type of the imaginary plane of the firmament; however, in
we do not have available reality this plane. The motion of the thought of scientist is such.
However, in the history of human culture we have available another, it is more
by the perfect right-left internal- external spiral. Is such, in particular, the pattern
the famous [Bakhchisarayskogo] fountain, which symbolizes eternity.


Is known another right-left spiral, very extended in the ancient


Is very interesting internal- external spiral pattern on the known icon “[o]
at you it is glad ".
1 [Vernadskiy] V. [I]., s. 170.
2 there, s. 171.
3 there, s. 177.
4 there, s. 163.


In the center - image of Mother of God with the baby in the womb. Baby from within
embrace “seven circles of sky”, so that called of polygons -[dorlu], in this case initial
circles inside the womb, rest, being enlarged, cover the body of the Mother of God
The verbal expression of this means gave name to icon “about you it is glad”.

Any creature is glad on you,
angelic cathedral and human born.
[Lozhesna] BO your throne create
and womb your is more extensive than the skies of [sodeya].

In the transfer into the Russian language this can sound approximately thus:

We gratified entire living:
the assembly of angels - before the sky, people here.
From [chresl] of your arose the sky blue,
and womb made more extensive than skies.

Old-Russian artist knew how to depict indescribable, after enlarging on the spiral
internal space.
Dual right-left internal- external spiral appears in the famous
autochthonic waves with the oscillating reactions Of [belousova]. This phenomenon is studied
the new science about the [samozarozhdayushchikhsya] systems - synergetics.
The winding structure of many regions of the human body little is studied:
the iris, the pinna, the autochthonic waves of the heart contractions; however, there is
and some shifts in this region. The projection of the internal organs of the body is noticed
to the iris of eye and the pinna. There is a map of the projection of the development of all parts
body to the sphere of the brain. It was explained that the human body in by something is similar on
the hologram: its many parts contain the projection of entire body as a whole.
Intuitive hypothesis about the same holographic connection of body [s] appears
by its surrounding space. Body to the imaginary sphere is not projected
surrounding us space, as internal organs they are projected to the iris
But if we consider that 90% of information about the peace go through the sight, to recall that
in the ancient times the celestial sphere much more frequent was before the eyes of fisherman,
trapper and ploughman, appears the natural tendency to trace as
acted sky on man.
By the eye of men it touches the peaces of at a distance billion light years.
In this case through the iris of eye starry light exerts some influence and
to entire body as a whole, since to the iris planned entire body. I no longer
I speak about the invisible and not received by man X-radiation, [o]
the neutrino flows, which penetrate peace into the instant of eye, and about many others
realities of space, which daily fill our terrestrial life.
Until now the science in essence studied the action of space on the man. Between
that man also acts on the universe, moreover it is not completely compulsory in
global scales.
No one studies, as eyes it acts on the light of star or the sun.
It was considered that so minimum an influence is not necessary to consider. Discovery
By Heisenberg the uncertainty principle at the level of the quantized interactions
it makes it necessary to approach this problem in a new way.
How much not was minimum interaction, it is nevertheless completely sufficient,
so that the photon would appear itself either as particle or as wave. It is thoughtless
to ask how is in reality photon. Reality of wave or particle
it appears only with interaction with the view or even, it is more right to say,
because of this interaction. It means, view acts on the light of the very
the distant and closest stars on the microlevel, this action very
it is substantial.
Earlier it was considered that this concerns only the regions of microcosm, but [antropnyy]
principle showed the direct connection of the micro- and of macrolevel in the human perception.
All most important physical constants of the universe are such, that auto them
existence in a finest manner depends on perception and even it would be
it is impossible without the required appearance in the specific stage
the receiving object, i.e., man. It turns out that man -
cosmological reality of the universe, without which the universe is simple not
it arose in that form, in which it exists now.
“Anthropological principle in the general formulation asserts that fact itself
existence of observer, the fact of his natural origin, superimposes
strong limitations to device and evolution of the universe " 1.
It turns out that micro- and macrolevels seemingly are specially readjusted for
that so that there would be the person, who receives this strange phenomenon.
To explain this situation, without falling into the mysticism, is possible, having only realized
the objective significance of our perception of space and time.
The model of the internal- external space of the universe seemingly connects up our
the consciousness of the micro- and of macro-device into the more universal picture of peace.
Riemann geometry, which examines the models of peace with the positive curvature, and
geometry of Lobachevsky, the same reflecting reality with the curvature
negative, naturally they are combined in the space internal- external. On
of analogy with our three-dimensional peace this there will be globe outside (sphere) and the very same
from within (hypersphere). In this case we obtain two models of the peace: opened and
Contemporary cosmology has available two such models. If they would want
to connect sphere and hypersphere into the united pattern, to combine the space
are internal external, then dual spiral would prove to be the best model.
It is hardly necessary to explain, how such a models are characteristic for the structure
human body.
Getting to know itself, exceeding the limits of the ordinary or this by nature sight, we
they must more daringly use such prospects for the more precise coordination
its place in the universe. Us there must not confuse, that this is possible to make
it is only mental. Indeed is only mentally we fix our position not on
flat, and on the round earth; a stay in Copernicus's system, in addition
it is achieved mentally; but in this case thought brings us closer to reality,
inaccessible to usual perception.
The roundness of the Earth became for humanity geographical truth afterward
the journey Of [magellana] around the light.
They believed Copernicus prior to the flight into spaces, where it is possible now
with its own eyes to see, as the Earth it revolves around the sun.
the Internal- external space of space thus far is far from the man in
the regions of the black holes and relativistic
1[Eyshteynovskiy] collector. 1982-83. M., 1986, s. 320.

speeds, and nevertheless in our daily life this must be present as
constant reminding to man about his space role.
“[Tysyachelikiy], [tysyacheglazyy] [Purusha]”, which contains into itself sky, star and entire
the universe; Andrey [Belyy], who embraces itself by zodiac as the pulp of the peach
it [obemlet] bone; Velimir Khlebnikov - “to [tat] celestial rights for the man”,
the scaling Ursa Major from the soles boot; Sergey Esenin, who called
man “by the cup of the space of [obosoblennostey]”, where “person, who marches on
to the earth, it falls by head into the head to its double, who marches on the sky ";
Afanasy [Fet], who carries in his breast “fire it is stronger and it is brighter than the entire universe”;
[Tyutchev], which learns in the starry abyss “its [naslede] ancestral”, that exclaimed in
the moment of the complete internal- external penetration: “Everything in me, and I in everything”,
it is here far from complete enumeration - “parade” of the person- planets, which saw the man
by fully authoritative inhabitant and entire [vmestitelem] macro- and [mikrokosmosa].
relation to such artistic enlightenment must change. Here
fantasy conducts us to reality.
Old truth about the fact that man is particle of space, now needs
revision. There is a mechanical part of the whole, let us say, machine part or
the scrap of photograph, and is the part, which specularly contains entire whole, for example,
the splinter of hologram.
“Let us imagine to itself that they ideally evened some section of the earth in England and
cartographer traced on the outline map of England. His creation is complete - no similar
component on the English earth, even smallest, which is not reflected in the map,
everything is here repeated. In this case a similar map must include
the map of map, and so to infinity " 1.
If we tear photograph, all scraps will be only the fragments of image.
If we break holographic portrait, in each splinter everything will remain
image, only somewhat grown dim.
Man are precisely this holographic part of space. Although in that grown dim
form, but universe is reflected in us everything wholly. Cosmological
reversing restores image brightness. Us there must not confuse,
that the eye does not see man and space over the long term for internal- external. Eyes not
sees much other, for example,
1 [Borkhes] of the X. [L]. [Proz] different years, s. 213.

space-time and the curvature of the universe. Einstein even compared man [s]
by the chinch, which creeps on the sphere and those not suspecting about the sphericity of its peace:
“Visualize the completely flattened chinch, which lives on the surface
sphere. This chinch can be allotted by analytical mind, it can study physics
and even to write the books. Its peace will be two-dimensional. It is mental or mathematically it
even it will be able to understand what the third measurement is, but to visualize this
measurement clearly it will not be able. Man is situated accurately in the same
position as this unhappy chinch, with the only difference that the man
it is three-dimensional. Mathematically man can imagine to himself the fourth measurement,
but its person does not can to occur. The fourth measurement exists for it
only mathematically. Its reason cannot understand [chetyrekhmeriya] " 1.
I will allow itself to argue with this assertion of distinguished scientist. Man are everything
it is capable “to see [chetyrekhmerie]”, but creative effort is necessary for this.
Moreover, man can perceive all p of measurements.
There is the general property of sight and perception: upon transfer from one measurement [k]
to any to other is accomplished reversing.
Thus, to one-dimensional point for the perception of plane it is necessary to be turned inside out inside out
in different directions.


Thus the imagined flat two-dimensional essence would can
to perceive volume, after being turned inside out through itself outside.


1[Eynshteyn] [A]. [Sobr]. scientific tr. in 4th tt., Vol. 4. of M., 1967, s. 244.

We already visually do not can to turn inside out outside three-dimensional volume - we do not see, where
to reverse, where it, the fourth measurement.


Here here us would help the retrospection of reversing. At the moment
reversing both point and plane cover not only volume, but also everything
the external spaces of any measurements. Thus, during the reversing in
external space object covers all measurements of space-time,
from 10 to p.
Let us recall that contemporary cosmology knows this model of the particle- universe,
inverted it is outside and inward. It bears the name: [plankion], [maksimoy], [fridmon].
Over the external long term this by firstate - particle, inverted into the external
the space, this is our expanding universe from the moment of explosion 19
billions years ago and until this time.
Over the internal long term this is our universe, compressed to the particle, from which
it arose.
So our universe can over the internal long term be elementary
the particle of another universe, and the elementary particles of our universe can be
by the external projections of other peaces.
Something similar saw by his poetic sight Velimir Khlebnikov:
“Accustomed on the earth to everywhere search for sky, I and in the sigh noted the sun, month and
the earth. In it small inhalations as the earth turned by the circle of large " 1.
It turns out that we can envelop everything with internal- external reversing
peaces immediately. True, here lies one “if”: if cosmological
reversing is possible for the man at the physical level. This “if” is connected
with many physical conditions:
1[Sobranie] of the works of Velimir Khlebnikov. L., 1930, Vol. 4.

“The concrete analysis, which demonstrated safety of such journeys ([k]
to the black hole), carried out [N]. [S]. [Kardashev] (USSR). A question is the main thing, not
will tear tidal forces spacecraft in the process of its passage through
Schwarzschild's sphere. Theory gives the possibility to find the minimum mass of the black
hole, “to jump” into which is completely safe” 1.
“Journey into the charged black hole, writes [N]. [S]. [Kardashev], is equivalent
to the machine of time, which gives the possibility to cover the infinitely large
distance for the final time intervals for short proper times " 2.
Specifically, this “reversing”, connected with the flight, close to the speed of light, I
I will name reversing by external, or [antropnym] [metasingulirovaniem], this
space reversing and [antropnaya] inversion with the approach to the black hole.
Well, but is it possible to be turned inside out inward, so to speak, without descending from the armchair, to the side
microcosm? Probability of positive answer to this question sharply
it grows.
An increase in the noosphere, the growth of its role in the universe respectively increases and
potential, and the role of human reason in understanding of oecumenical life. Hence
the objective and subjective propagation of its role to all known levels
realities of space, i.e., to the levels of the microcosm, where the space can
to have 10, 100 and even p of measurements.
[V]. [I]. [Vernadskiy] did not refine, what role in the noosphere plays a feeling, but from him
basic condition it is clear that it is by no means secondary, in the course of time
man literally will learn to feel both 100 and p of measurements as; now he
three feel. [A]. Einstein occupies here a clearly skeptical position - it
it considers that man cannot understand the god, for whom thousands years and thousand
measurements they appear as one.
Very theory of relativity several contributed so that we conduct now
completely concrete conversation about the understanding by man of peace of four and thousands
measurements. [Antropnyy] principle opens the thus far even more obscure correspondence between
by the cosmological constants of microcosm and by the maximum values
the macrocosmos. Today there is no connecting substance whatever between
by them,
1 [Klim] and tires [I]. [A]. [Relyativistskaya] is astronomy, s. 121.
2 there.

besides man. “To the agreement of the large numbers it was proposed to regard on
the equation, which determines certain moment of time in the cosmological school,
the boundary “of the epoch of man " 1.
The center of the noosphere Of [vernadskogo] can prove to be not only in the beyond the clouds height,
to that carried out into the infinite they gave space, and here, on the earth, in the man,
moved apart its rumor and sight to the most distant boundaries of universe.
A question about is how the device of the universe, in the final analysis it relates [k]
to the sphere of experience. However, our human perception of space-time not
it can be the mechanical consequence of one or other reality or another of peace.
We, people, right to select and to create the new frame of references, unlike to that,
which was formed in the experience of the past. Our mental journeys on
to the exotic outskirts “of the black holes” and sinkings into the tunnels of microcosm are necessary
here in order to convince the inhabitant of the earth that the means
of space-time, that was formed today, by no means appears
by absolutely reliable. Nature dictated its conditions to man, when
rumor and sight were formed our. We see peace in front; but it is possible to represent
to itself and the more advanced sight. It is possible to visualize the sight of the ideal
the eye, which does not depend on purely terrestrial conditions. These are, for example, is six eyes,
located on the sphere. They look [vverkh]-[vniz]-[vpravo]-[vlevo]-[vpered]-[nazad] and
inward. It is not possible even to mentally draw the peace, reflected in similar
sight, although precisely this prospect would possess maximum completeness. Or
one eye, located on “the bend” of Moebius's tape in such a way that it
it simultaneously looks upward-downward- inside -outside-forward-back, more accurate on
to the boundary between all characteristics of space. As Andrey [Belyy] on
to the apex of pyramid. Or mental inhabitant inside the crystal globe of Pierre.
[K]. [E]. Tsiolkovskiy in article “animal of space” outlined to us the transparent
sphere, but he did not refine, where in sphere is located sight, as it must see
We will not guess, as subsequently evolution will enter with the man. It is sooner
in all it will remain such, as there is, and rumor and sight will be enlarged after
the calculation of the simulating systems, which we now created and we create.
The basic special feature of the space is even now clear
1[Eynshteynovskiy] collector, M., 1986, s. 320.

the sight, not connected with the absolutization of terrestrial conditions, this is relativity and
[sovmeshchennost] of all directions of the space: top- bottom, right- leftist,
in front of- behind and finally most difficultly surmountable is difficult
the represented internal- external.
Our perception of time is also not the only possible. Today here
rules prevailing in our consciousness the three-composite time:
past-future- present. Once blissful Augustin gave similar
characteristic for these categories: “More right it would be, perhaps, to speak
thus: there are three times - present passed, present present and
the present future… Present passed - this is memory; present
present - this is direct contemplation; the present future - this
expectation ".
We will not agree with Augustin that the time exists “only in our soul”,
but philosopher saw the psychological combination of time with our feeling accurately.
Let us note that contemporary physics experiences great difficulties! in the attempts
to find the objective sense of concepts “early- it is later”, as we were convinced earlier,
there is purely a theoretical possibility of the back stroke of time in the region!
the black holes. However, in the usual terrestrial perception is completely possible mental
the experiment, which expands the horizons of our perception.
The absolutization of senses of time must undergo revision. If in
space are possible the real regions, where internal- external of the concept
they are relative, then in the time they can prove to be the same relative
“direction” past-future- present. It is possible to simulate uncommon for
our rumor of combination “past- future”, either “future- is more present” or
“the present- past”, to say nothing of the possibility of their combination into one whole.
In the living substance the time is reflected more brightly than in the inert material. This is why
our purely subjective perceptions of space-time are very important.
Concludes the gigantic perhaps [millionoletnyaya] epoch, when the means
spaces and time formed in the living substance nature. Now the man
itself begins to simulate the means of the space-time, opened not only,
to natural, but also space realities of universe.
This process began not only in physics, but also in the poetry of the 20th century, and before
in all in [V]. Khlebnikov's creation.


Even in the 19th Century the dispute arose: in what universe we do live? We do see by our
by eyes peace real or eyes deceive and peace is by no means obvious. The first
Lobachevsky threw stone into the crystal clear means. Him “imagined
geometry " caused anger and disturbance of scientific peace. Lobachevsky they ridiculed, about
discovery they forgot. When the son Of [n]. [G]. Chernishevsky interested himself in the geometry
Lobachevsky, Nikolai [Gavrilovich] from the reference sent the letter, where in every way possible
it dissuaded it from the absurd undertaking. Even Chernishevsky counted the geometry
Lobachevsky reckless.
Riot against the non-Euclidean geometry is audible in the ardent monologue of Ivan
[Karamazova], under which and today could many sign:
“But here, however, that it is necessary to note: if god exists and if he is actual
it created the earth, then, as to us it is completely known, it created it according to the Euclidean
of geometry, and mind is human with the concept only about three measurements of space.
Meanwhile were located and are located even now geos-meter and the philosophers, whom
doubt that, [chtob]s entire universe or, it is still more extensive, entire existence was
it is created only on the Euclidean geometry, they dare even to dream, that two
the parallel lines, which, according to Euclid, on no account cannot join on
to the earth you perhaps and refer somewhere at infinity. I, dear fellow,
it solved so that even if this I cannot understand, then where to me about the god
to understand. I [smirenno] confess, that i do not have any abilities to solve
such questions, in me the mind is Euclidean, is terrestrial, and therefore where to us to decide [o]
that not from the peace this… Even parallel lines will join and I this
I will see itself; I will see, that refer, and nevertheless not tonic ".
[V]. Khlebnikov's position completely different, anti-penaltyAzov. Following
By Dostoyevsky it fixedly scrutinized into that removed, and it can be, and
the very close point of the universe, where parallel lines, figuratively speaking,
“they intersect at infinity”.
After the discoveries of Minkowski and Einstein “imaginary geometry” it proved to be
by physical and space reality. The looks of many were fixed to it
writers and the poets of the 20th century.
“I - Razin with Lobachevsky's banner”, wrote about himself Velimir Khlebnikov. If
to today glance by look numerous articles about it, we will not find in them
the solution of these words. The basic ideas of Khlebnikov so remained buried.
In 1916 in his appeal “pipe of Martians” poet wrote:
“Which is more: “with” or “from”? Acquirers by herds were always stolen after
by inventors…
By monuments and by laudatory articles you try to bless happiness of that perfected
theft… Lobachevsky was sent away by you in parochial teachers…
Here are your exploits! It is possible to use up the thick books by them! :.
This is why inventors in the complete consciousness of its special nature, others
peoples and special embassy they are separated from the acquirers into the independent variable
state time… “1
The turning to Lobachevsky was incomprehensible for the contemporaries. Poet can be
by the singer of uprisings and revolutions, but with what the here imaginary geometry?
Each year leave articles about Khlebnikov, but his non-Euclidean sight
as before it does not interest researchers. It is time to fill gap.
[V]. Khlebnikov heard by nineteenth-year student at the Kazan' university
the course of Lobachevsky's geometry, and already then he traced his “will”:
“Let on the sepulchral plate they will read: … it connected time with the space, it
it created the geometry of the numbers ". Do not be frightened, the readers: “the number” of Khlebnikov this
in no way that dull [tsifir], by which they treated in the school. In poet they sing,
as birds, and they talk by human voices. They have their taste, color
and smell, but time and space are not similar to the certain faceless mass - they
they merge in the man. Khlebnikov was confident, that human feelings not
they are limited
1 meeting of the works of Velimir Khlebnikov into 5 tt. L., 1929-1931. (Further
all quotations on this publication.)

by five known (touch, sight, taste, rumor, sense of smell), and they stretch in
“It was, writes poet, so child that it assumed that it stands after five
six, and after six seven. It dared even to think that generally, where
we have one and one more, there have three, and five, and seven, and
infinity… “
But this, in addition another infinity. In Khlebnikov it entire is filled with our
by feelings. Only is opened this to man only in the culmination,
dying moment.
“It can be, in the dying moment, when everything hurries, all in the panicky
fear it escapes itself by flight… it can be, in this dying moment in the head
everyone with the terrible rapidity occurs this filling of breaks and ditches,
the disturbance of forms and established boundaries ".
“Breaks” and “ditches” do not make possible for us under the normal conditions to see entire infinite
the [enmernoe] space-time of the universe.
“Did illuminate although once the mind of mortal this variety, after sparkling as the lightning
it connects two pneumatic clouds, after connecting two rows of experiences in that inflamed
the consciousness of sick brain? “
“Two numbers of experiences” - this of a feeling of space (sight) and time (rumor).
Revolution in the science must crown by psychological revolution in the very
man. Instead of those separated of space and time he will see the united
space-time. This will lead to the connection of five feelings of the man: “Five
faces, their five, but are small. Why not: one, but is great… “
For the change by that separated in the space and time five to feelings must arrive
the united time-spatial vision of peace. Poet compares those separated
feeling with the disorderly points in the space. The confluence of these points will be
by the perception of entire [enmernogo] space as a whole, without its splitting on
auditory and visual means.
“The pattern of the points, when you fill the becoming white spaces, when you populate,
the empty vacant lands? :.
The great, extensive, continuously changing variety of peace is not placed
in the separate nooses of five feelings…
As triangle, circle, octagon are the part of the united plane, so also
our auditory, visual, gustatory, olfactory sensations are part,
the random slips of the tongue of the great, extensive variety ".
And “there are the independent variables, with change in which the sensation of different numbers -
for example: auditory and visual or olfactory - pass one into another.
Thus, there are the values, with change in which the dark-blue color of [vasilka] (I take the clean
sensation), continuously changing, penetrating the unknown to us, to people, the region
break, it will become into [kukovanie] of cuckoo or the weeping of child, will become them " 1.
Khlebnikov predicts, that “united”, extensive variety
space-time, now received by man separately, early or
it will be late received as a whole. This will lead to the confluence of five feelings, [k]
to the new vision of the peace, for which must today work the poetry.
This faith was its firm for elongation entire life. In one of the latter
prosaic fragments not long before death poet wrote:
“I write with the drying branch of the willow, on which the clusters of silver down sat
by the downy sunbeam reflections, which left to look to the spring, after surrounding its black dry
rod from all sides.
Past article was written with the severe needle of forest porcupine, already lost…
In this time the river of events was carried…
But the largest heavenly body before the sky of events, which ascended in this time, this “the faith
the 4th measurements "…

3.IV.1922 ".

“Vera the 4th measurements” - this is the theory of relativity of Einstein, in which as
the guess of poet about existence of united space-time would be confirmed.
His youthful “will” Khlebnikov wrote in the presentiment of great discovery,
which after five years was formulated on the basis of the theory of relativity
Albert Einstein by mathematician Germanom by Minkowski in 1908:
“The views on the space and the period, which I want to present before you,
they were developed on basis of experimental physics, and in this their force. They
they are radical. From now on space by itself and time by itself they turned
in the simple shadows, and only some unity of their both will preserve the independent variable
reality ".
1[Neizdannyy] Khlebnikov. L., 1940, s. 318-319.

These words clearly agree with “the will” of young student, yet not
known in the literary circles. Khlebnikov heard the course of the geometry
Lobachevsky and, reflecting about it, was placed before itself the task of connecting
space in the course of time.
Einstein and Minkowski arrived at the conclusion about existence of the fourth
time-spatial coordinate, on the basis indirectly of the same
Lobachevsky's ideas.
However, Khlebnikov went by other ways, and its understanding of space and time
it was and remains up to now completely phenomenal.
The fragment “of will” gives clearly to feel, as they refracted in the consciousness
the poet of idea Lobachevsky. In contrast to Minkowski and Einstein it considered that
space and time are connected up man. Here, in the sphere of living thinker
essence, is formed that unit, where parallel lines intersect. Here
is prepared gigantic jump not only through the abysses of the space
space, but also through the abysses of time. Humanity must “germinate” from
the sphere of the space of three measurements into the space-time as the foliage
it germinates from the kidney, “warring for the volume, by branch the night of punctures”.
It is as has been mentioned above, in the works of academician [V]. [I]. [Vernadskiy] expressed
the similar thought: the most important scientist considers that precisely the space of the living
substance it possesses non-Euclidean geometric properties.
Once Lomonosov saw in the vowels the means of space. Thus, sound “A”
indicated direction upwards:

Was opened [bezdnA] of the stars of [polnA];
There are no [zvezdAm] of the number, to the abyss of [dnA].

Khlebnikov after two hundred years continued Lomonosov thoughts about the three-dimensional
to nature of sound, after extending it not only to the open, but also to the consonants
sounds. Arose “starry alphabet”, about which speech subsequently.
In one of its records it is indicated that if Pushkin's language can be likened
1 Euclids's “[dolomeriyu]”, one ought not in the modern language to search for “[dolomerie]”
Lobachevsky. The interpretation of this thought is simple and highly poetical. Euclidean
geometry is based on the usual experience of humanity.
1 “[Dolomerie]” - Slav tracing paper from the word the geometry: geo- [dolo], i.e.,

“[Dolomerie]” of Lobachevsky of another kind, it is based on [neobydennom]. For
that in order to present it, it is necessary to be detached away from the daily activity and
obviousness. The unexpected detachment of Khlebnikov from the customary values of sound is such.
Dispatch all searches in the region of extended poetic semantics of sound in one
the direction: to give to the sound extensive in the time the maximum
three-dimensional descriptiveness. Sound in Khlebnikov - this and
the three-dimensional- visible model of universe, and light flash, and colored.
If we read the sonic verses of Khlebnikov, using this by poet key to them
to understanding, then each sound acquires shining color [bezdonnost], before
by eyes appear the majestic three-dimensional structures, which are changed,
converted into each other, creating from itself visible outlines of the inevident
For Khlebnikov the visible peace of space was the thickening music of time. It
it felt itself by some especially thin device, which converts into the sound
the outline of space and at the same time converting invisible sounds in
three-dimensional means.
It really [oprost] [ranstlival] time and it gave to space the fluidity

Let the prophetic sounds scatter the haze of times
World language. It is accurate light. Listen to
Songs “starry language”.

Thus, here is the visible sounding “starry alphabet”.
World [enmernoe] space-time, as iceberg, is raised only by three
by the measurements of space above the ocean of invisible. But the time, when, will come
the barrier between the rumor and the sight, between the three-dimensional and the temporary will collapse
feelings, and entire ocean will prove to be in the man. In this moment the blue of [vasilka]
it will merge with [kukovaniem] of cuckoo, but in the man will be not five, but one, new
the feeling, which corresponds to all countless measurements of space, then
“the pattern of points” (feelings) will fill “empty spaces”, also, in each sound
man will see and will hear the unique model of the entire universe.
Sound “[s]” will be the point, from which proceeds the radiance. Sound “z” will appear
as the ray, which met with on the way obstacle and refracted: this is “[zigzitsa]” -
lightning, this mirror, these are pupil, this sight - entire reflected and refracted
in some to medium. Sound “p” will be the dispersion volume - powder, it swelled, pairs; it
it will “steam” in the space as parachute.
These acoustic waves, flowing and being poured into each other, will make that seen that
the picture of universe, which was opened before the unclouded children's look
person, who for the first time gave to peace sonorous names. Then man was empty as
sound “ch” as skull, as cup. In the dark blackness of this sound already it is born
light “[s]”, already ray refracts into the sight as sound “z”.
Split on the earth's surface and flattened to it by gravity force,
four-footed straightened and it became “[pryamostoyashchee] two-legged” - “it was named through
people ", since “l” - the force, reduced by the area of application, because of the run

weight on the surface. Thus, conquering weight, man created sound “l” - the model
the victory above the weight.
Now sounds in the language look like “erased five-kopeck coins”, their initial
the time-spatial value, intuitively perceived in the childhood
by humanity, it is forgotten. The poets must resemble on it. But ancient words as
ancient coins, store at the beginning of word sound key to their understanding.
Thus, at the beginning of word “time” stands sound “in”, that indicates the motion of mass all around
center. The same sign designated “weight” - something riveted to its orbit,
but being attempted to scatter and to fly away. As a result is obtained “rotation”.
Weight, time, rotation - here is the model of the attempt to be pulled out beyond the limits of gravity. In
result is obtained the motion of planets in the circle, along the orbit around the center
In contrast to this to the tendency to be pulled out beyond the limits of gravity there is
the centripetal force of the universe, expressed in the structure of sound “b”. This
the heavy burden of weight. The greater gravitational force, the more slowly flows time (this
Khlebnikov's assumption was confirmed in the general theory of relativity,
which Khlebnikov correctly named - “the faith of the 4th measurements”).
Thus, we will see at the moment of merging the feelings, that the time and space not exists
something separated. Invisible will become visible, and silent space will become
heard. Then stones address, [zazhurchat] as the river of time, them

the [Vremyshi]- reeds
In the lakes of Breguet,
Where the stones by time,
Where the time [kamenem].

Is three-dimensional touched sound in “the word against the ale”:

When vessels the wide weight
It was spilled on the breast,
We spoke: you see, the strap
On the neck of barge hauler…
When in winter snow they stored
Steps are night of trapper,
We spoke - this of ski…
It is lonely, it the upstart of beasts,
Its ridge stands as poplar,
But it does not lie by the ridge of beasts,
[Pryamostoyachee] two-legged
You was named through the people.
Where fingers were spilled by the puddle,
We spoke - that palm…
Ale - way of point from the height,
Stopped of the wide
By plane…
If with the width of area is stopped point -
this is ale.
Impetus, reduced
With the area of application, this is ale.
Power instrument is such,
Hidden for the ale.

“Formula- means” - another determination you will not devise for the last lines
this verse. Can formula be poetry? Certainly, only poet can
to see in this formula “of vessels the heavy weight”, spilled on the breast, strap on the neck
barge hauler; ski, seemingly actually spilled weight human bodies on
the surface of snowdrift; and human palm; and the passage of beast to the human
to the vertical walking, which actually became the first victory of the man above
by gravity forces, by the victory, which is compared only with the output of man in
space in the 20th century. Perhaps, even larger. Indeed it was not for this of some
technical adaptations.
Next to “starry language” and “in a word against the ale” it costs in Khlebnikov's poetry
much is more known, but, perhaps, much less understood direct
by the reader the poem “Of [bobeobi]”:

Paley's [Bobeobi] lip,
By Paley's [Veeomi] looks,
Paley's [Pieeo] eyebrow,
[Lieeey] rehearsed appearance,
[Gzi]-[gzi]-[gzeo] rehearsed chain.
So on the linen of some correspondences
Out of the elongation vein face.

In contrast to “starry alphabet” and from “the words against the ale” this poem
it is built not simply on the three-dimensional structure of sound, but also on those
the associative sensations, which completely regularly can arise [u]
the majority of those reading. Pronouncing the word “of [bobeobi]”, men three times make
motion by the lips, which resemble kiss and babble of baby. It is completely naturally,
which tells about this word: “Paley are lip”. The word “of [lieeey]” auto gives birth to
association with the word “lily-white”, “[gzi]-[gzi]-[gzeo]” - the elegant ringing of the jewelry
Painting - skill of space. Sound is received by rumor as music and
it is considered skill temporary. Poet accomplishes here his old task:
“to connect space and time”, by sounds to write portrait. This is why two
last lines - key to entire poem as a whole: “So on the linen
some correspondences out of the elongation vein face ".
“Elongation” - the most important property of space itself. Extended, perceived,
seen… Khlebnikov creates the portrait of that not extended, invisible, invisible.
The portrait “Of [bobeobi]”, woven from the children's babble and the onomatopoeias, is created
the invisible acoustic field, which recreates female means.
This portrait “rehearsed”: appearance rehearsed, by Paley lip, rehearsed chain. Poetic
word always existed on the division between music and painting. In
the poem “Of [bobeobi]” the finesse of this face already at the level of microcosm. It is difficult
to visualize the larger rapprochement between the music and the painting, between the time
and by space.
To connect space and time meant also to attain from the sound of color and
light descriptiveness. It searched for those invisible regions of passing the sound in
color, “where the blue of [vasilka] will merge with [kukovaniem] of cuckoo”.
For [Skryabina], for the Roman -[Korsakova], for Arthur [Rembo] each sound was also
it is connected with the specific color. Possessed this color rumor Velimir
Khlebnikov. It considered that sound “m” - dark blue, “z” - gold, “in” -


[Veo]-[veya] - verdure of the tree
[Nizheoty] - dark stem,
Moms -[eami] - this is sky,
To [puch] and [chapi] - black rook…
[Leli]- Lille - snow of bird-cherries,
Shielding rifle…
[Miveaa] - skies.

Reaction of those surrounding for these words in the drama “Of [zangezi]” completely of [opredelenna]:

It will be! It will be! It is sufficient!
By salt cucumber in [Zangezi]! :.

But we will listen to the words of poet. There is no doubt that the sonic associations
Khlebnikov, connected with painting of sound, are so subjective as associations,
let us say, [Rembo], but there is here and something objective.
In 1967 I compared the color associations of Khlebnikov with some data [o]
the [tsvetofoneticheskikh] associations of schoolboys, given in article g. n.
[Ivanovoy]-[Lukyanovoy] 1.
In Khlebnikov:
3- the reflection of ray from the mirror (gold);
the S- output of points from one point (light, radiance);
D daylight;
N is pink, tender- is red.
The majorities of schoolboys painted sound “[s]” into yellow colored in this Khlebnikov
sound - light of solar ray.
Sound “z” some painted into the green, others, as Khlebnikov, in the gold colored.
Many, as Khlebnikov, colored “m” dark-blue, although the large part
are considered as the “m” red.
These data by those are more valuable, that linguist- phonetics in no way it correlated its
study with Khlebnikov's poetry. Apparently, the [tsvetozvukovye] phonemes of Khlebnikov and
it “starry alphabet” they deeply depart by roots to the time-spatial
Confirmation Of [v]. Khlebnikov's rightness again alien somewhat unexpectedly for
me in 1981. The book of Kaliningrad linguist a. p. at this time left.
1 Ivanov- Lukyanovs G. [N]. about the perception of sounds. - In the book: Development of the phonetics
contemporary the Russian language. A., 1966.

“Sound and sense”. It there communicated that many poets, it is sometimes unconscious, they see
the color of sound. Sounds “and” and “I” transfer red color, and sound “[o]” - yellow and T.
After two years [A]. [P]. Zhuravlev moved into Moscow, and we together repeated
experience with painting of sound on the television in the transfer “Russian speech”.
Many-colored cards and letters of Russian alphabet lay before the schoolboys. On
eyes in spectators they had to select for each letter their colored.
Now no longer according to the books, but in reality I as leading telecasts was convinced
in Velimir Khlebnikov's rightness. Many schoolboys selected [khlebnikovskie] colors.
For them and for the poet, “m” it was dark-blue sound.
Certainly, here there are finesses. Even in the usual experience one and the same color
people see differently. For the color-blind people, for example, red and green
they are not distinguished, so to speak, to one person. There are people, which see the peace
black and white. What already to speak about the height of Khlebnikov's perception or [Rembo].
[Tsvetozvuk] of Velimir Khlebnikov - news from other, as spoke ancient,
“[gornego]” peace. [Gorniy] peace it is high as crystal celestial mountain, but in the soul
man this height exists. “To mountain we have in the hearts”, [vosklitsali] ancient poets.
This word began to disappear from our language. Only in [Tsvetaevoy] in “to the poem
mountain " -

You will shudder - and to mountain from the arms and soul - to mountain.
Give to me, about the mountain, to ripen, about my mountain…

The [tsvetozvukovaya] celestial mountain of Khlebnikov as is overturned into the man. It
it looks from its apex and sees: “It costs [Beshtu] as A also [u], traced by the needle
phonograph ". Any outlines of object sound with this view. But now
appeared the arrangements of the relief of Alpine mountains to the music - something
majestic, is more similar to Bach's seams, although the computer carried out this work.
I represent, as difficult it was to poet to live in the world shining words, in
the space of the reverberating clouds and mountains. To [beshtu] it screamed by the outline of its apexes,
simultaneously poet heard here the ancient Indian world sound “of [aum]”.
Khlebnikov asserted that in the sounding “to [au]” are contained 365 fluctuations
(it calculated on the phonograph), simultaneously 365 days in the year and 365 more
the varieties of basic muscles in man, and hence thought about the repetition
each world cycle of the events through every 365 + - 48 years. To this discovery
we still will return, and thus far let us listen to “starry alphabet”.
It is similar to the contemporary cosmological model of [metavselennoy]1, where the myths
they are interlaced, interpenetrated and it is at the same time invisible for each other.
Other universes can be dragged along in the dust in our feet, they can fly through
us, without leaving track.
I recall Velimir Khlebnikov's poem, where Sirius and Aldebaran
they [blestyat] in the dust under the nail.
This so is close to our perception [metavselennoy].
It leaves, that the poet intuitively saw [metavselennuyu], he lived in it already in the twentieth
the years of our century, although, of course, it is not necessary to identify its peace
by strictly scientific cosmogony. [Metavselennuyu] can be represented as tree
with many branches, which are not adjoined between themselves. Each branch -
the universe, either similar to our or different from it. Specifically, this model
proposed [I]. [S]. [Shklovskiy].
In the space drama “Of [zangezi]” Khlebnikov erects “the boot tree of the planes
the words ", which completely can be likened foliage on the tree [metavselennoy]. Them
the united means - rock among the mountains, connected by bridge “the random collapse
by the basic rock " mountains.
The bridge of random collapse - this is the symbol of poetic breakthrough to the united
[metavselennoy]. Rock itself, “similar to the iron needle, placed under
by magnifying glass ", simultaneously - on “withered next to the wall” - the symbol
by our universe, which is lonely raised among “basic” species of other peaces.
[Metavselennaya] is here similar even to the book with the rock pages: “At times
the rock sheets of the basic rock come out from under the roots. Roots are twisted by units,
, where were put out the angles of the rock books of the underground reader ".
the Plane- universes are returned to people, to birds, to the numbers, to gods, to poet, but the main thing
action is turned havoc on the eighth plane, where [Zangezi] it reports to the peace
its “starry alphabet”.
1[Termin] “[metavselennaya]” further is used not in the physical, in
[khlebnikovskom], [antropokosmicheskom] value.

It consists of the same sounds, by which [izyasnyayutsya] the gods, birds and people, but
the values of these sounds are entirely different. These are “speeches building from the chunks of space”.
Khlebnikov creates here his oecumenical meta-language. We will not mix up him in
the future with the meta-language of linguists, although Khlebnikov has this value.
“There is no word -, there is motion in the space and its part - points, areas…
Planes, straight areas, the impacts of points, the godly angle of incidence, the beam
rays away from the point and into it - here are the secret chunks of language. You [poskoblite] language, and you
you will see space and its skin ".
In each sound of our language model of one of the numerous universes is concealed.
It is easy to reproduce these models graphically. “[Ve] - rotation of one point near
another ".


This is the model of our galaxy, where all planets and stars revolve all around
center. Moon around the Earth, the Earth around the sun, the sun - around the axis
“Ale - stoppage of drop or generally motion by plane, by transverse falling
to point ".


This is the model “two-dimensional peace”, which is spread on the plane. Peace of the surfaces
populated by imaginary “[ploskatikami]” already Einstein in the book “evolution of physics”.
“[Ploskatiki]” do not see volume, for them the third measurement - the same
the mathematical fiction as for us the fourth. Caterpillar, that creeps on
to sheet not knowing about the tree, here is the best means of [ploskatika]. So we not
we see the tree [metavselennoy] and even we do not distinguish the fourth
the time-spatial coordinate of its universe.
“Eras - the point, which cuts is right through transverse area”.


This is the one-dimensional universe. Its “point” inhabitants do not suspect [o]
existence of line or plane. Their peace - continuous discrete peace of points.
Peace is quantum. They “skip” as photons, from anything in nothing.
“[Pe] - quick removal of one point away from another, and hence for many
points, totally disconnected set, an increase in the volume ".


This is the best means of our being scattered, expanding universe.
“[Em] - dispersion of volume to the infinitely small parts”. Means of that compressing
by the universe, let us say, in the regions of the black holes.
“S - the output of points from one fixed point, radiance”.


Best means of our universe at the first moment “of creation” - explosion.
“To encounter and hence the stoppage of many moving points in one fixed.
Hence end value [k]- rest, [zakovannost] ".


This, in addition in the region of the black holes and maximum gravitational packing
“Ha - the obstacle of the plane between one point and another, that moves to it”.


This can be the wall of packing in the region of approach to the black hole. Between
“by us” and “by them” is formed dense wall. [Uplotnyaetsya] entire universe, thus far not
will pass into the stage “ale” - spreading on the plane to infinity.
“Che - hollow volume, void” - this is our universe in the future at the stage
maximum expansion. Being located inside it, we will prove to be as in the hollow


“[Ze] - the reflection of ray from the mirror - the angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection”.


These are the visible means of our encounter with the antiworld, particle with the antiparticle.
Mirror reflection without the contact.
“[Ge] - motion of point the right angle to basic motion, away from it.
Hence height ".


These are antigravity, flight, weightlessness and singularity, i.e., the region
the [preodolennogo] gravity.
Khlebnikov's models are multilayer: this is simple sounds (language of birds), this the sound- signs
(language of gods), phones (language of people), sounds - the model of space, sounds -
the model of the space-time of our universe at the different stages
existence - that we recently examined, and finally by the seventh
level - “signs of the starry language” [metavselennoy]. They sound at this level
for us it is simple as “abstruse language”, since the universes [metavselennoy] on
the level of customary language they are not transmitted, since he speaks the poet: “We have three sieges:
the siege of time, word and set ".
The siege of time - these are the dissociation of the universes, in each its time and is its
the space, which does not coincide with our.
Siege of set - plurality of the universes in [metavselennoy] and fundamental
the impossibility of their reducing to one denominator.
The siege of word - this is clearly expressed in Goedel's theorem about the incompleteness, where it is proven,
that any language, any sign system is founded on on the contradictory
assertions, i.e., language in principle cannot be the complete description
In linguists appeared the term “meta-language”, i.e., language from another sign
system, which completes the incompleteness of other. Each language am incomplete, and into that
time it comes out as the absolute, as meta-language with respect to other.
So “starry alphabet” of Khlebnikov is opened at all levels. Language of the birds
it passes into the language of gods, the language of gods becomes the language of people, the language of the people
it is converted into the system of geometric symbols, into the cosmogonical models, A
cosmogonical models are opened into “abstruse language” indistinct for the man
the babble [metavselennoy]:

Gods are great of sound,
Plate disturbing the earth,
They gathered dust of humanity,
Dust of the kind of people…
We, wild sounds,
We, wild horses,
You will tame us:
We will carry you
In other peaces…

Khlebnikov opened slightly the secret of his meta-language in the notebooks. In this language
seven layers. This:
1) sound recording - bird language;
2) the language of gods;
3) starry language;
4) abstruse language - “plane of thought”;
5) the decomposition of words;
6) sound recording;
7) reckless language.
Their combinations in the different combinations give many sonic universes.
Since itself Khlebnikov explained that sound in his drama “Of [zangezi]” - this
the model of space, we can draw the outlines of each universe.
Bird language corresponds to the one-dimensional universe - motion of points on
Language of gods - the two-dimensional universe - the plane of different cultures.
Starry language - three-dimensional models of familiar to us the volumes, which move in
Abstruse language, or the plane of thought, this four-dimensional space, i.e.,
that it is not possible to envelop with ordinary sight.
The decomposition of word - this is the space of microcosm, which, in addition slips off from
usual vision.
Sound recording - language of the fourth, time-spatial coordinate, where
three-dimensional painting and form corresponds to sound- time.
And finally the so-called reckless language of other universes, which we in
principle we cannot occur, since already Francis Bacon he wrote that “the universe
it cannot be brought down to the level of human understanding… but one should enlarge and
to develop human understanding in order to perceive the means of the universe on its measure
discovery ".
After reading starry alphabet, it is easy to understand the sense of the name Of [zangezi]: “z” - light beam,
refracted and reflected in the inert obstacle “n”; after overcoming this obstacle,
the light of knowledge is fixed upwards as the elevated sound “g”, and, after refracting in
to celestial sphere, the ray of truth again returns to the earth with the lightning of sound “z” -
In the name Of [zangezi] - composition and the subject of entire work. The name Of [zangezi] is similar
to the twitter of birds - these are “first plane of sound” and the first action of drama. Each
action passes into the new plane, the new measurement. Everything together they
they compose action in the [enmernom] space-time.
The first plane - is simple tree and it is simple bird. They twitter in their language,
not requiring the transfer:
“Chiff-chaff, from apex itself they ate, inflating the silver neck: To drink [pet] of [tvichan]!
To drink [pet] of [tvichan]! To drink [pet] of [tvichan]! :.
Dubrovnik. [Ver]-[ver] to [viru] of [sek]-[sek]-[sek]! [Ver]-[ver]-[viru] flogged-flogged- flogged!
Jay. To [piu]! to [piu]! [pyak], [pyak], [pyak]! :. “
The son of ornithologist Velimir Khlebnikov in the youth itself studied the language of birds. These knowledge
they proved useful to poet. The sound recording of bird language has nothing in common [s]
by formalism. Khlebnikov never played by words and by sounds.
Second plane - “language of gods”. Gods speak in the language of space and time,
as the first people, which gave to them names. The value of sounds is still incomprehensible, but it
it intuitively corresponds to the appearance of gods. In this “planes of gods” it was created
the poem “Of [bobeobi]”.
Severe [Veles] [urchit] and it thunders by the dull [rychashchimi] sounds. God To [ulunkululu]
shakes air by the terrible sonic explosions:

[Rapr], [grapr], [apr]! [zhay]
[Kaf]! [Bzuy]! [Kaf]!
[Zhrab], Habas, [bokv] - Cook
[Rtupt]! [tupt]!

Certainly, and the language of birds, and the language of gods is read with the ironic smile, which
waits from the reader author himself, when he gives this remark:
“White Juno, dressed as the rod of green hop, with diligent file scrapes her
snowy arm, cleaning scale deposit " from whitestone.
But we will not forget, that the language of gods as the language of birds, is built on the deep
the knowledge of source material. Gods speak in those words and those accords,
roots of which are characteristic for the languages of their areas of culture.
The language of gods, being interwoven and merging with the language of birds, seemingly it multiplies two
the plane of sound - width and height. The three-dimensional volume so appears
space, in which appears the man - [Zangezi]. He listens attentively into the language
birds and into the language of gods, transfers the volume of these sounds into something different - the fourth
measurement, and to it is opened “starry language” of the universe. Intoxicated by its
by discovery, [Zangezi] joyfully bears news about it to people, to beasts and to the gods: “This
the starry songs, where the algebra of words is mixed with the arshins and the hours. The first
sketch ".
The reaction of those surrounding is commonplace. Some see in its alphabet “the claws of lion”, but not
they attempt to understand it, others simply call [Zangezi] madman. Then [Zangezi]
its starry language from the skies overturns to the earth, projecting the sky of sounds and
the sphere of sky to the sphere of the brain. Sounds to [opyanyayushche] the elevated “church bells of mind”:

You are the mind
the mind

Immediately the solution of each means is given after this: “[Praum] - foresight”,
“[Vyum] - flying hoop of stupidity, which does not know boundaries, obstacles, radiant,
the shining mind… “.
In “abstruse language” Khlebnikov simulates the state of the universe, where our
ideas about the space and the time in principle give failure. [I]. [S]. [Shklovskiy]
he wrote that here the language of today's science becomes numb. In fact, as
to model such concepts, which stand on the threshold of singularity as
null space, zero times? Our universe arose eighteen
billions years ago, and that thus far? It cannot be said “thus far”, indeed “to”
time is implied. Speaking In [i]. [Shklovskiy]'s words: “Which was, when nothing
it was not? “Here is absurd and nevertheless real posing of the question.
First three layers of our universe - language of birds, the language of gods and the language of people - to us
they are familiar. But about which does speak layer the fourth - language abstruse? This is another sphere of our
by the universe, but in that its region, where are clamped space and time in
the fourth time-spatial coordinate.
Fifth and sixth layers of the meta-language of Khlebnikov - the decomposition of word and sound recording - in
principle they are intelligible. Which last, seventh layer - language “reckless”? It in
to drama no and it cannot be, it is implied as the certain disconnectedness of all
the layers of language into the inexpressible, then the fact that themselves we name a region of break,
separating the universes from each other.
Unfortunately, we cannot fly over how Khlebnikov's birds, from one branch
by the universe to another. The irregular universes are, possibly, in principle noncontact.
Khlebnikov surmised also about this. In his notebooks there are these words:
“It is taciturn allowed, that space and time the analog quantities
([bezdyrno]), they do not have the structure of networks. I make the assumptions that they are the essences
discontinuous values… the measurement of one [mirka] by another value ".
Here to you and the problem not of intergalactic, but [mezhvselenskikh] contacts. As
to measure by the measure of our peace to the world of another value, mentally to jump over from
one cell into another?
Famous “shift”, widely propagandized by futurists as method, for
Khlebnikov it was the phenomenon much of more significant order. Theory “of shift”
it required actually the mixing of the alternate and [raznoprostran]-[stvennykh] plans
image. For Khlebnikov “shift” - this is jump of one universe in
other. The reader it is must
to shake on pits and bumps of time. Instead of the smooth alternation of epochs, proposed
by the textbook of history, Khlebnikov gives the living, intermittent pulse of time [s]
by drops, by stoppages, which grip spirit in the attentive reader.

Why to you foolish student?
Rather you learn to play on the harmonies
Wars without the wild screech of death -
We - [zvukolyudi]!
[Batyy] and pi! Violin in me on the arm!

Poet issued a call humanity “to break” into the universe:

Let us nail how soldier, our panels, let us open
Walls of the clever skull of the universe,
Let us break stormily how ants into the rotten stump,
With the song of death to the levers of the brain,
And its, godly doll, with the shining at night eyes,
Let us make it necessary to move the hands
And to raise eye.
Khlebnikov foresaw his tragic loss in this battle completely, but this not
sky could shake its determination to recapture.

And to the way between the stars of the frosty
I will treat not with the prayer,
I will treat corpse, terrible
With the blood-stained razor…

If “physical” contact with the separate branches [metavselennoy] is impossible, then
can we be adjoined at the level of thought with the inhabitants [inovselennoy]?
Khlebnikov answers this question positively. In the verses this encounter
it appears as follows:

Once and two, one, another,
That and that go by crowd,
Bending starry helmet,
Is any it comes here Ger.
Flown around into the star helmet,
It tired, shady,
Weightless, but living,
Was lowered to the island step.

Khlebnikov island in [metavselennoy] - this is the poetic breakthrough of the thought of the first
the decades of our century.
With the thought about the fundamental impossibility of physical contact with others
by the universes humanity to be subdued can, with more difficulty present the impossibility
contact at the level of language, at the level of thought, imagination, idea.
weight on the surface. Thus, conquering weight, man created sound “l” - the model
the victory above the weight.
Now sounds in the language look like “erased five-kopeck coins”, their initial
the time-spatial value, intuitively perceived in the childhood
by humanity, it is forgotten. The poets must resemble on it. But ancient words as
ancient coins, store at the beginning of word sound key to their understanding.
Thus, at the beginning of word “time” stands sound “in”, that indicates the motion of mass all around
center. The same sign designated “weight” - something riveted to its orbit,
but being attempted to scatter and to fly away. As a result is obtained “rotation”.
Weight, time, rotation - here is the model of the attempt to be pulled out beyond the limits of gravity. In
result is obtained the motion of planets in the circle, along the orbit around the center
In contrast to this to the tendency to be pulled out beyond the limits of gravity there is
the centripetal force of the universe, expressed in the structure of sound “b”. This
the heavy burden of weight. The greater gravitational force, the more slowly flows time (this
Khlebnikov's assumption was confirmed in the general theory of relativity,
which Khlebnikov correctly named - “the faith of the 4th measurements”).
Thus, we will see at the moment of merging the feelings, that the time and space not exists
something separated. Invisible will become visible, and silent space will become
heard. Then stones address, [zazhurchat] as the river of time, them

the [Vremyshi]- reeds
In the lakes of Breguet,
Where the stones by time,
Where the time [kamenem].

Is three-dimensional touched sound in “the word against the ale”:

When vessels the wide weight
It was spilled on the breast,
We spoke: you see, the strap
On the neck of barge hauler…
When in winter snow they stored
Steps are night of trapper,
We spoke - this of ski…
It is lonely, it the upstart of beasts,
Its ridge stands as poplar,
But it does not lie by the ridge of beasts,
[Pryamostoyachee] two-legged
You was named through the people.
Where fingers were spilled by the puddle,
We spoke - that palm…
Ale - way of point from the height,
Stopped of the wide
By plane…
If with the width of area is stopped point -
this is ale.
Impetus, reduced
With the area of application, this is ale.
Power instrument is such,
Hidden for the ale.

“Formula- means” - another determination you will not devise for the last lines
this verse. Can formula be poetry? Certainly, only poet can
to see in this formula “of vessels the heavy weight”, spilled on the breast, strap on the neck
barge hauler; ski, seemingly actually spilled weight human bodies on
the surface of snowdrift; and human palm; and the passage of beast to the human
to the vertical walking, which actually became the first victory of the man above
by gravity forces, by the victory, which is compared only with the output of man in
space in the 20th century. Perhaps, even larger. Indeed it was not for this of some
technical adaptations.
Next to “starry language” and “in a word against the ale” it costs in Khlebnikov's poetry
much is more known, but, perhaps, much less understood direct
by the reader the poem “Of [bobeobi]”:

Paley's [Bobeobi] lip,
By Paley's [Veeomi] looks,
Paley's [Pieeo] eyebrow,
[Lieeey] rehearsed appearance,
[Gzi]-[gzi]-[gzeo] rehearsed chain.
So on the linen of some correspondences
Out of the elongation vein face.

In contrast to “starry alphabet” and from “the words against the ale” this poem
it is built not simply on the three-dimensional structure of sound, but also on those
the associative sensations, which completely regularly can arise [u]
the majority of those reading. Pronouncing the word “of [bobeobi]”, men three times make
motion by the lips, which resemble kiss and babble of baby. It is completely naturally,
which tells about this word: “Paley are lip”. The word “of [lieeey]” auto gives birth to
association with the word “lily-white”, “[gzi]-[gzi]-[gzeo]” - the elegant ringing of the jewelry
Painting - skill of space. Sound is received by rumor as music and
it is considered skill temporary. Poet accomplishes here his old task:
“to connect space and time”, by sounds to write portrait. This is why two
last lines - key to entire poem as a whole: “So on the linen
some correspondences out of the elongation vein face ".
“Elongation” - the most important property of space itself. Extended, perceived,
seen… Khlebnikov creates the portrait of that not extended, invisible, invisible.
The portrait “Of [bobeobi]”, woven from the children's babble and the onomatopoeias, is created
the invisible acoustic field, which recreates female means.
This portrait “rehearsed”: appearance rehearsed, by Paley lip, rehearsed chain. Poetic
word always existed on the division between music and painting. In
the poem “Of [bobeobi]” the finesse of this face already at the level of microcosm. It is difficult
to visualize the larger rapprochement between the music and the painting, between the time
and by space.
To connect space and time meant also to attain from the sound of color and
light descriptiveness. It searched for those invisible regions of passing the sound in
color, “where the blue of [vasilka] will merge with [kukovaniem] of cuckoo”.
For [Skryabina], for the Roman -[Korsakova], for Arthur [Rembo] each sound was also
it is connected with the specific color. Possessed this color rumor Velimir
Khlebnikov. It considered that sound “m” - dark blue, “z” - gold, “in” -


[Veo]-[veya] - verdure of the tree
[Nizheoty] - dark stem,
Moms -[eami] - this is sky,
To [puch] and [chapi] - black rook…
[Leli]- Lille - snow of bird-cherries,
Shielding rifle…
[Miveaa] - skies.

Reaction of those surrounding for these words in the drama “Of [zangezi]” completely of [opredelenna]:

It will be! It will be! It is sufficient!
By salt cucumber in [Zangezi]! :.

But we will listen to the words of poet. There is no doubt that the sonic associations
Khlebnikov, connected with painting of sound, are so subjective as associations,
let us say, [Rembo], but there is here and something objective.
In 1967 I compared the color associations of Khlebnikov with some data [o]
the [tsvetofoneticheskikh] associations of schoolboys, given in article g. n.
[Ivanovoy]-[Lukyanovoy] 1.
In Khlebnikov:
3- the reflection of ray from the mirror (gold);
the S- output of points from one point (light, radiance);
D daylight;
N is pink, tender- is red.
The majorities of schoolboys painted sound “[s]” into yellow colored in this Khlebnikov
sound - light of solar ray.
Sound “z” some painted into the green, others, as Khlebnikov, in the gold colored.
Many, as Khlebnikov, colored “m” dark-blue, although the large part
are considered as the “m” red.
These data by those are more valuable, that linguist- phonetics in no way it correlated its
study with Khlebnikov's poetry. Apparently, the [tsvetozvukovye] phonemes of Khlebnikov and
it “starry alphabet” they deeply depart by roots to the time-spatial
Confirmation Of [v]. Khlebnikov's rightness again alien somewhat unexpectedly for
me in 1981. The book of Kaliningrad linguist a. p. at this time left.
1 Ivanov- Lukyanovs G. [N]. about the perception of sounds. - In the book: Development of the phonetics
contemporary the Russian language. A., 1966.

“Sound and sense”. It there communicated that many poets, it is sometimes unconscious, they see
the color of sound. Sounds “and” and “I” transfer red color, and sound “[o]” - yellow and T.
After two years [A]. [P]. Zhuravlev moved into Moscow, and we together repeated
experience with painting of sound on the television in the transfer “Russian speech”.
Many-colored cards and letters of Russian alphabet lay before the schoolboys. On
eyes in spectators they had to select for each letter their colored.
Now no longer according to the books, but in reality I as leading telecasts was convinced
in Velimir Khlebnikov's rightness. Many schoolboys selected [khlebnikovskie] colors.
For them and for the poet, “m” it was dark-blue sound.
Certainly, here there are finesses. Even in the usual experience one and the same color
people see differently. For the color-blind people, for example, red and green
they are not distinguished, so to speak, to one person. There are people, which see the peace
black and white. What already to speak about the height of Khlebnikov's perception or [Rembo].
[Tsvetozvuk] of Velimir Khlebnikov - news from other, as spoke ancient,
“[gornego]” peace. [Gorniy] peace it is high as crystal celestial mountain, but in the soul
man this height exists. “To mountain we have in the hearts”, [vosklitsali] ancient poets.
This word began to disappear from our language. Only in [Tsvetaevoy] in “to the poem
mountain " -

You will shudder - and to mountain from the arms and soul - to mountain.
Give to me, about the mountain, to ripen, about my mountain…

The [tsvetozvukovaya] celestial mountain of Khlebnikov as is overturned into the man. It
it looks from its apex and sees: “It costs [Beshtu] as A also [u], traced by the needle
phonograph ". Any outlines of object sound with this view. But now
appeared the arrangements of the relief of Alpine mountains to the music - something
majestic, is more similar to Bach's seams, although the computer carried out this work.
I represent, as difficult it was to poet to live in the world shining words, in
the space of the reverberating clouds and mountains. To [beshtu] it screamed by the outline of its apexes,
simultaneously poet heard here the ancient Indian world sound “of [aum]”.
Khlebnikov asserted that in the sounding “to [au]” are contained 365 fluctuations
(it calculated on the phonograph), simultaneously 365 days in the year and 365 more
the varieties of basic muscles in man, and hence thought about the repetition
each world cycle of the events through every 365 + - 48 years. To this discovery
we still will return, and thus far let us listen to “starry alphabet”.
It is similar to the contemporary cosmological model of [metavselennoy]1, where the myths
they are interlaced, interpenetrated and it is at the same time invisible for each other.
Other universes can be dragged along in the dust in our feet, they can fly through
us, without leaving track.
I recall Velimir Khlebnikov's poem, where Sirius and Aldebaran
they [blestyat] in the dust under the nail.
This so is close to our perception [metavselennoy].
It leaves, that the poet intuitively saw [metavselennuyu], he lived in it already in the twentieth
the years of our century, although, of course, it is not necessary to identify its peace
by strictly scientific cosmogony. [Metavselennuyu] can be represented as tree
with many branches, which are not adjoined between themselves. Each branch -
the universe, either similar to our or different from it. Specifically, this model
proposed [I]. [S]. [Shklovskiy].
In the space drama “Of [zangezi]” Khlebnikov erects “the boot tree of the planes
the words ", which completely can be likened foliage on the tree [metavselennoy]. Them
the united means - rock among the mountains, connected by bridge “the random collapse
by the basic rock " mountains.
The bridge of random collapse - this is the symbol of poetic breakthrough to the united
[metavselennoy]. Rock itself, “similar to the iron needle, placed under
by magnifying glass ", simultaneously - on “withered next to the wall” - the symbol
by our universe, which is lonely raised among “basic” species of other peaces.
[Metavselennaya] is here similar even to the book with the rock pages: “At times
the rock sheets of the basic rock come out from under the roots. Roots are twisted by units,
, where were put out the angles of the rock books of the underground reader ".
the Plane- universes are returned to people, to birds, to the numbers, to gods, to poet, but the main thing
action is turned havoc on the eighth plane, where [Zangezi] it reports to the peace
its “starry alphabet”.
1[Termin] “[metavselennaya]” further is used not in the physical, in
[khlebnikovskom], [antropokosmicheskom] value.

It consists of the same sounds, by which [izyasnyayutsya] the gods, birds and people, but
the values of these sounds are entirely different. These are “speeches building from the chunks of space”.
Khlebnikov creates here his oecumenical meta-language. We will not mix up him in
the future with the meta-language of linguists, although Khlebnikov has this value.
“There is no word -, there is motion in the space and its part - points, areas…
Planes, straight areas, the impacts of points, the godly angle of incidence, the beam
rays away from the point and into it - here are the secret chunks of language. You [poskoblite] language, and you
you will see space and its skin ".
In each sound of our language model of one of the numerous universes is concealed.
It is easy to reproduce these models graphically. “[Ve] - rotation of one point near
another ".


This is the model of our galaxy, where all planets and stars revolve all around
center. Moon around the Earth, the Earth around the sun, the sun - around the axis
“Ale - stoppage of drop or generally motion by plane, by transverse falling
to point ".


This is the model “two-dimensional peace”, which is spread on the plane. Peace of the surfaces
populated by imaginary “[ploskatikami]” already Einstein in the book “evolution of physics”.
“[Ploskatiki]” do not see volume, for them the third measurement - the same
the mathematical fiction as for us the fourth. Caterpillar, that creeps on
to sheet not knowing about the tree, here is the best means of [ploskatika]. So we not
we see the tree [metavselennoy] and even we do not distinguish the fourth
the time-spatial coordinate of its universe.
“Eras - the point, which cuts is right through transverse area”.


This is the one-dimensional universe. Its “point” inhabitants do not suspect [o]
existence of line or plane. Their peace - continuous discrete peace of points.
Peace is quantum. They “skip” as photons, from anything in nothing.
“[Pe] - quick removal of one point away from another, and hence for many
points, totally disconnected set, an increase in the volume ".


This is the best means of our being scattered, expanding universe.
“[Em] - dispersion of volume to the infinitely small parts”. Means of that compressing
by the universe, let us say, in the regions of the black holes.
“S - the output of points from one fixed point, radiance”.


Best means of our universe at the first moment “of creation” - explosion.
“To encounter and hence the stoppage of many moving points in one fixed.
Hence end value [k]- rest, [zakovannost] ".


This, in addition in the region of the black holes and maximum gravitational packing
“Ha - the obstacle of the plane between one point and another, that moves to it”.


This can be the wall of packing in the region of approach to the black hole. Between
“by us” and “by them” is formed dense wall. [Uplotnyaetsya] entire universe, thus far not
will pass into the stage “ale” - spreading on the plane to infinity.
“Che - hollow volume, void” - this is our universe in the future at the stage
maximum expansion. Being located inside it, we will prove to be as in the hollow


“[Ze] - the reflection of ray from the mirror - the angle of incidence is equal to angle of reflection”.


These are the visible means of our encounter with the antiworld, particle with the antiparticle.
Mirror reflection without the contact.
“[Ge] - motion of point the right angle to basic motion, away from it.
Hence height ".


These are antigravity, flight, weightlessness and singularity, i.e., the region
the [preodolennogo] gravity.
Khlebnikov's models are multilayer: this is simple sounds (language of birds), this the sound- signs
(language of gods), phones (language of people), sounds - the model of space, sounds -
the model of the space-time of our universe at the different stages
existence - that we recently examined, and finally by the seventh
level - “signs of the starry language” [metavselennoy]. They sound at this level
for us it is simple as “abstruse language”, since the universes [metavselennoy] on
the level of customary language they are not transmitted, since he speaks the poet: “We have three sieges:
the siege of time, word and set ".
The siege of time - these are the dissociation of the universes, in each its time and is its
the space, which does not coincide with our.
Siege of set - plurality of the universes in [metavselennoy] and fundamental
the impossibility of their reducing to one denominator.
The siege of word - this is clearly expressed in Goedel's theorem about the incompleteness, where it is proven,
that any language, any sign system is founded on on the contradictory
assertions, i.e., language in principle cannot be the complete description
In linguists appeared the term “meta-language”, i.e., language from another sign
system, which completes the incompleteness of other. Each language am incomplete, and into that
time it comes out as the absolute, as meta-language with respect to other.
So “starry alphabet” of Khlebnikov is opened at all levels. Language of the birds
it passes into the language of gods, the language of gods becomes the language of people, the language of the people
it is converted into the system of geometric symbols, into the cosmogonical models, A
cosmogonical models are opened into “abstruse language” indistinct for the man
the babble [metavselennoy]:

Gods are great of sound,
Plate disturbing the earth,
They gathered dust of humanity,
Dust of the kind of people…
We, wild sounds,
We, wild horses,
You will tame us:
We will carry you
In other peaces…

Khlebnikov opened slightly the secret of his meta-language in the notebooks. In this language
seven layers. This:
1) sound recording - bird language;
2) the language of gods;
3) starry language;
4) abstruse language - “plane of thought”;
5) the decomposition of words;
6) sound recording;
7) reckless language.
Their combinations in the different combinations give many sonic universes.
Since itself Khlebnikov explained that sound in his drama “Of [zangezi]” - this
the model of space, we can draw the outlines of each universe.
Bird language corresponds to the one-dimensional universe - motion of points on
Language of gods - the two-dimensional universe - the plane of different cultures.
Starry language - three-dimensional models of familiar to us the volumes, which move in
Abstruse language, or the plane of thought, this four-dimensional space, i.e.,
that it is not possible to envelop with ordinary sight.
The decomposition of word - this is the space of microcosm, which, in addition slips off from
usual vision.
Sound recording - language of the fourth, time-spatial coordinate, where
three-dimensional painting and form corresponds to sound- time.
And finally the so-called reckless language of other universes, which we in
principle we cannot occur, since already Francis Bacon he wrote that “the universe
it cannot be brought down to the level of human understanding… but one should enlarge and
to develop human understanding in order to perceive the means of the universe on its measure
discovery ".
After reading starry alphabet, it is easy to understand the sense of the name Of [zangezi]: “z” - light beam,
refracted and reflected in the inert obstacle “n”; after overcoming this obstacle,
the light of knowledge is fixed upwards as the elevated sound “g”, and, after refracting in
to celestial sphere, the ray of truth again returns to the earth with the lightning of sound “z” -
In the name Of [zangezi] - composition and the subject of entire work. The name Of [zangezi] is similar
to the twitter of birds - these are “first plane of sound” and the first action of drama. Each
action passes into the new plane, the new measurement. Everything together they
they compose action in the [enmernom] space-time.
The first plane - is simple tree and it is simple bird. They twitter in their language,
not requiring the transfer:
“Chiff-chaff, from apex itself they ate, inflating the silver neck: To drink [pet] of [tvichan]!
To drink [pet] of [tvichan]! To drink [pet] of [tvichan]! :.
Dubrovnik. [Ver]-[ver] to [viru] of [sek]-[sek]-[sek]! [Ver]-[ver]-[viru] flogged-flogged- flogged!
Jay. To [piu]! to [piu]! [pyak], [pyak], [pyak]! :. “
The son of ornithologist Velimir Khlebnikov in the youth itself studied the language of birds. These knowledge
they proved useful to poet. The sound recording of bird language has nothing in common [s]
by formalism. Khlebnikov never played by words and by sounds.
Second plane - “language of gods”. Gods speak in the language of space and time,
as the first people, which gave to them names. The value of sounds is still incomprehensible, but it
it intuitively corresponds to the appearance of gods. In this “planes of gods” it was created
the poem “Of [bobeobi]”.
Severe [Veles] [urchit] and it thunders by the dull [rychashchimi] sounds. God To [ulunkululu]
shakes air by the terrible sonic explosions:

[Rapr], [grapr], [apr]! [zhay]
[Kaf]! [Bzuy]! [Kaf]!
[Zhrab], Habas, [bokv] - Cook
[Rtupt]! [tupt]!

Certainly, and the language of birds, and the language of gods is read with the ironic smile, which
waits from the reader author himself, when he gives this remark:
“White Juno, dressed as the rod of green hop, with diligent file scrapes her
snowy arm, cleaning scale deposit " from whitestone.
But we will not forget, that the language of gods as the language of birds, is built on the deep
the knowledge of source material. Gods speak in those words and those accords,
roots of which are characteristic for the languages of their areas of culture.
The language of gods, being interwoven and merging with the language of birds, seemingly it multiplies two
the plane of sound - width and height. The three-dimensional volume so appears
space, in which appears the man - [Zangezi]. He listens attentively into the language
birds and into the language of gods, transfers the volume of these sounds into something different - the fourth
measurement, and to it is opened “starry language” of the universe. Intoxicated by its
by discovery, [Zangezi] joyfully bears news about it to people, to beasts and to the gods: “This
the starry songs, where the algebra of words is mixed with the arshins and the hours. The first
sketch ".
The reaction of those surrounding is commonplace. Some see in its alphabet “the claws of lion”, but not
they attempt to understand it, others simply call [Zangezi] madman. Then [Zangezi]
its starry language from the skies overturns to the earth, projecting the sky of sounds and
the sphere of sky to the sphere of the brain. Sounds to [opyanyayushche] the elevated “church bells of mind”:

You are the mind
the mind

Immediately the solution of each means is given after this: “[Praum] - foresight”,
“[Vyum] - flying hoop of stupidity, which does not know boundaries, obstacles, radiant,
the shining mind… “.
In “abstruse language” Khlebnikov simulates the state of the universe, where our
ideas about the space and the time in principle give failure. [I]. [S]. [Shklovskiy]
he wrote that here the language of today's science becomes numb. In fact, as
to model such concepts, which stand on the threshold of singularity as
null space, zero times? Our universe arose eighteen
billions years ago, and that thus far? It cannot be said “thus far”, indeed “to”
time is implied. Speaking In [i]. [Shklovskiy]'s words: “Which was, when nothing
it was not? “Here is absurd and nevertheless real posing of the question.
First three layers of our universe - language of birds, the language of gods and the language of people - to us
they are familiar. But about which does speak layer the fourth - language abstruse? This is another sphere of our
by the universe, but in that its region, where are clamped space and time in
the fourth time-spatial coordinate.
Fifth and sixth layers of the meta-language of Khlebnikov - the decomposition of word and sound recording - in
principle they are intelligible. Which last, seventh layer - language “reckless”? It in
to drama no and it cannot be, it is implied as the certain disconnectedness of all
the layers of language into the inexpressible, then the fact that themselves we name a region of break,
separating the universes from each other.
Unfortunately, we cannot fly over how Khlebnikov's birds, from one branch
by the universe to another. The irregular universes are, possibly, in principle noncontact.
Khlebnikov surmised also about this. In his notebooks there are these words:
“It is taciturn allowed, that space and time the analog quantities
([bezdyrno]), they do not have the structure of networks. I make the assumptions that they are the essences
discontinuous values… the measurement of one [mirka] by another value ".
Here to you and the problem not of intergalactic, but [mezhvselenskikh] contacts. As
to measure by the measure of our peace to the world of another value, mentally to jump over from
one cell into another?
Famous “shift”, widely propagandized by futurists as method, for
Khlebnikov it was the phenomenon much of more significant order. Theory “of shift”
it required actually the mixing of the alternate and [raznoprostran]-[stvennykh] plans
image. For Khlebnikov “shift” - this is jump of one universe in
other. The reader it is must
to shake on pits and bumps of time. Instead of the smooth alternation of epochs, proposed
by the textbook of history, Khlebnikov gives the living, intermittent pulse of time [s]
by drops, by stoppages, which grip spirit in the attentive reader.

Why to you foolish student?
Rather you learn to play on the harmonies
Wars without the wild screech of death -
We - [zvukolyudi]!
[Batyy] and pi! Violin in me on the arm!

Poet issued a call humanity “to break” into the universe:

Let us nail how soldier, our panels, let us open
Walls of the clever skull of the universe,
Let us break stormily how ants into the rotten stump,
With the song of death to the levers of the brain,
And its, godly doll, with the shining at night eyes,
Let us make it necessary to move the hands
And to raise eye.
Khlebnikov foresaw his tragic loss in this battle completely, but this not
sky could shake its determination to recapture.

And to the way between the stars of the frosty
I will treat not with the prayer,
I will treat corpse, terrible
With the blood-stained razor…

If “physical” contact with the separate branches [metavselennoy] is impossible, then
can we be adjoined at the level of thought with the inhabitants [inovselennoy]?
Khlebnikov answers this question positively. In the verses this encounter
it appears as follows:

Once and two, one, another,
That and that go by crowd,
Bending starry helmet,
Is any it comes here Ger.
Flown around into the star helmet,
It tired, shady,
Weightless, but living,
Was lowered to the island step.

Khlebnikov island in [metavselennoy] - this is the poetic breakthrough of the thought of the first
the decades of our century.
With the thought about the fundamental impossibility of physical contact with others
by the universes humanity to be subdued can, with more difficulty present the impossibility
contact at the level of language, at the level of thought, imagination, idea.
Khlebnikov nevertheless gives a certain hope to us. His starry alphabet is addressed
by entire [metavselennoy], to the entire world. True, we do not suspect about many it
space layers, as bird they do not suspect about the language of people, although in principle in
“the language of birds” and “the language of people” Khlebnikov has the same sounds.
Reflecting traditionally, we are nevertheless must to assume that if there is
[metavselennaya], which means, many universes present the certain material
unity, and if so, then must exist the certain united code of entire material -
[metakod]. Here the concept about it is enlarged in comparison with the first head. Already
the not simply astronomical code, but the more saturated concept, about which the speech
it is still in front. In that case, speaking in “different languages” and cosmologically not
general with each other, the universes in principle can recreate semantics
the distant peaces in the system of its languages, but Goedel's theorem about the incompleteness orders
to us to assume that and in this case will remain the universes, not envelopped
by the united code. True, here there is the certain comfort: indeed the language of poetry in
principle it is always extended, opened into other peaces and therefore in the everyday sense
[zaumen] or even “is reckless”, speaking in Khlebnikov's words. Let us have a talk [o]
[metavselennoy] of poet it is simple in the language of poetry.

And [Mirovichey] - spirit superstellar, [zazvezdil] and
By dark-blue bosom of sky; it is inhabited
Latter and lonely
[Mires] of another [izvedal] thirst…
The [mirennye] virgin soils it cut by plow starry,
It raked after the shaft of abyss the [mirovinnye] virgin soils…

“Starry alphabet” of the sounds of our language will be transmitted into the universe, it appears
united [metavselenskoe] state time. It will begin from the penetration in

You see the clever skull of the universe
And the dark scythes of the Milky Way,
By [batyevoy] road they call them sometimes.
To the lock of stars,
Let us nail, as soldiers, our panels…

So, as now we travel in the space, we will be be able to moved
in the time. Journey in the time will appear fixed in

You will fasten to by [sozvezdyu] sail,
So that it is stronger and more rebellious
The Earth rushed into the [nadmirnyy] tier,
But the bird of stars remained before…

“The bird of stars” - the outline of our galaxy before the sky. With the discovery of the theory
of relativity the poetic dream of Khlebnikov acquired the outlines
science fiction hypothesis. Time slows down in proportion to approximation [k]
the speed of light. Consequently, “photon rocket”, moving with similar
speed, it will be actually [obitalishchem] of people of immortal. Thought [o]
the transformation of the Earth into the moving spacecraft it was almost at the same time
it is expressed by Tsiolkovskiy. Khlebnikov spoke about the transformation into the spacecraft
entire galaxy.
“Starry alphabet” of Khlebnikov - space orientator for the floating on the ocean
poetry. About this best anything speaks poet himself:

Again, again
I for you
Grief to seaman, who took
Incorrect angle of its boat
On the stars:
It will break against the stones,
On the underwater sand-bars.
Grief and to you, that took
Incorrect angle of heart to me:
You will break against the stones…

Returning to the model of [metavselenskogo] tree, let us recall that roots and stem [u]
oecumenical mental tree they are united, and then the dissociation of the branch- universes
it will not seem by so absolute. In any case, Khlebnikov saw this tree and
left to us his means, where, as in the hologram, each part contains
information about whole.

Bough on the old tree is broken,
As Gogol, suddenly [sozhegshiy] the manuscript…
It seemed in search of Lobachevsky's space,
Here [Ermaki] conduct regiments green
To the achievement of Siberia of blue,
Warring for the volume, by branch the night of punctures…
You pull oxygen of nights by powerful seine,
In the cells of seine the dark blue of nights sparkles by fish,
Where the stars - legend about the blond cattle.

This tree - present poetic model [metavselennoy]. Here foliage,
bursting open into the sky, is repeated the way of soldiers [Ermaka] and simultaneously it draws
Lobachevsky's curves, leaving in the fourth measurement of space-time.
So we draw the tree [metavselennoy], although our today's ideas
on it in the course of time can seem not more reliable, than mythological
legend about the stars as about “blond cattle”. And nevertheless as it is pleasant
“to spread” by poetic thought on the [metavselenskomu] tree of Khlebnikov.
Here the most different, supposedly created by different poets, lines are added
in the united hologram of the universe. In this fairytale lock it is possible, after going down in
the cave of Egyptian tomb, to leave towards the future. It is possible in the aircraft
“noise of Sikorsky” to grasp the chirring of grasshopper and the trembling of transparent it is wing.
The verses of Khlebnikov and his poem are amazingly similar to the outlines “clever machines”,
the tints of liquid crystals; its means agree with by their unusualness [s]
by the mathematical laws, opened by the scientific thought of the 20th century. It with its own eyes saw
“glass honeycombs” of contemporary buildings, it saw that the fact that, possibly, still
one must complete for humanity, “after fastening to by [sozvezdyu] sail”.
The mathematical mind of poet with the ease connects incompatible with each other
the plans of space, in this case larger space frequently occurs
concluded in it is smaller:

During this day of blue bears,
Run on the quiet eyelashes…
On the silver spoon of the lengthened eyes
I see sea, also, on it stormy petrel…

Spoon, eyes, sea, eyelashes and bears are combined according to the principle of the reverse
the matryoshka: smaller matryoshka contains into itself large. Eyes and spoon contain in
themselves sea, bears pass on the eyelashes.
For us hypothesis about the human chronoswamp, let us name it so, there is, first of all,
the bright artistic myth of Khlebnikov. This myth was built on the newest scientific
ideas and at the same time from the earliest blocks of the entire mythology of the cultures
East and the West.
In its order the time-spatial peace of poet covers all layers
language, from the sound to the composition of work as a whole.
It is here appropriate to recall the explanation to new cosmology of peace, given by itself
By einstein: “The program of field theory possesses enormous advantage,
being consisted in the fact that the separate concept of space (isolated from
of space-time) it becomes superfluous. In this theory space - this
nothing else but [chetyrekhmernost] of field, but not something existing is auto on
to itself. Of this one of the achievements of general theory of relativity consists,
slipped off, as far as we know, from the attention of physicists " 1. (that
it slipped off from the physicists, “it did not slip off” from Khlebnikov still in 1904.)
Einstein considered that [chetyrekhmernost] of peace generally it is not possible to see with the human
by the look: “I look at the picture, but my imagination cannot recreate
the appearance of its creator. I look at the hours, but I cannot visualize as
their created hour master appears. Human reason is not capable
to receive four measurements " 2. he did not know that even to the appearance
Khlebnikov created his four-dimensional to the special theory of relativity
the poetics, completely subordinated to the task of opening four-dimensional sight:
“People! The brain of people hitherto skips on three feet (three axes of space). We
we stick, cultivating the brain of humanity, to this puppy the fourth paw -
time ".
On the four-dimensional peace. Einstein - Minkowski it is well said in the book
astronomer [F]. Siegel “inexhaustible infinity”:
“In 1909 German mathematician Herman Minkowski… proposed the original
the model of real peace. To its three usual measurements it added the fourth
measurement - time. In fact, any event occurs not only
somewhere (for this necessary to know three measurements, more precise, three coordinates), but
and sometimes. Therefore our time-spatial peace Minkowski
he proposed to represent by analogy with the railroad graph. Then to each
to object, including to man, in the four-dimensional peace of Minkowski it will be
to correspond certain curve, which he proposed to name world
by line.
Certainly, world line can be only when speech it goes [o]
to the mathematical point, which exists in the time. However, concerning extended
bodies, then their four-dimensional images in the world of Minkowski it is more often possible
to compare with the snakes or the worms. Thus, for instance, any person in the world
Minkowski it is immediately its entire life from the onset in the light
to death. The same as
1[Eynshteyn] [A]. [Sobr]. scientific tr. in 4th tt., Vol. 4. of M., 1967, s. 330.
but to 2[Tam], s. 244.

we see around ourselves, there is a section at the given instant of the strange
four-dimensional formations " 1.
True, Siegel in contrast to Einstein counts [chetyrekhmernost] only of the convenient
by the mathematical fiction. Khlebnikov as Einstein, [chetyrekhmernost]
of space-time it considered reality of the entire universe. Its poetry it is possible
to name aesthetical becoming accustomed to Einstein's universe.
The theory of relativity gives two cosmological models of the space-time
by our universe: the locked expanding (sphere) and open universe [s]
by negative curvature (hypersphere). Any event in this universe
it is depicted not as point, but by the world line, which passes along the entire surface
space-time. From a oecumenical point of view any point event in
our peace it is extended as fan, in the four-dimensional continuum. It is obtained,
that the fateful bullet of Dantes, which so with lightning speed flew in our three-dimensional
space, in the four-dimensional oecumenical space-time it continues
its way now it flew there still before Dantes it harvested to the cock. Although
concepts “to” and “are afterward” completely real in our space, they do not have
no sense in the oecumenical four-dimensional peace.
The line of world events is sooner or later must on the spherical surface of peace
to close as any bent line, and, that means to be repeated. This
it leads to a somewhat strange conclusion. Dantes's shot, which sounded in our
real space in 1837, in the four-dimensional continuum it must
periodically to be repeated each time, if the bent line locks
world events. In this case it cannot be said, which of the shots follows
to consider alliteration. In Einstein's universe the concepts “are earlier” and “later” they do not have
no real sense.
Khlebnikov looked at the period by this, space look. He considered that
“oecumenical” alliterations of one and the same event refer also to our
to three-dimensional space. In the oecumenical space-time “it is earlier” and
“later” there does not exist. There everything, what was - will be, and everything that there is - it was. A
what if we plan this oecumenical vision to our terrestrial peace?
Here we enter the region of the contemporary poetic
1[Zigel] [F]. [Yu]. [Neischerpaemaya] is infinity. M., 1984, s. 56-57.

[mirovideniya], which in 1984 I designated in a word meta -[metafora]1, and to
this it named more expanded: “the metaphor of the Space Age”, “the metaphor
Einstein's epoch ".
[Metametafora] - this all that, about which Khlebnikov he wrote already in the first prosaic
fragment on November 24, 1904. Sight and the rumor of poet - in [enmernom] space or
at least in the four-dimensional space-time.
At the sources of [metametafory] in the 19th Century - Kazan' geo-meter [N]. Lobachevsky, by the track
after it in 1904 there in Kazan future poet Velimir Khlebnikov, and then in
1908 German mathematician Herman Minkowski and a little late Albert
[N]. Lobachevsky's bust stands opposite the Kazan' university. On it Khlebnikov
he wrote:

I remember face severe and sullen
It is hidden into the collar.
That Lobachevsky - you
- Severe [Chislovodsk]!
During the days “long ago” and the oars
Villages in the first rows of the armchairs
Dumas by my,
Whose curtain is already raised…

We already raised “the curtain” of Khlebnikov's thought. Let us pass along this way further.
“Imaginary geometry” Of [n]. Lobachevsky found physical features in
“Special theory of relativity” Of [a]. Einstein (1910 g.). To see this
four-dimensional reality to naked human eye it is not given. On this
the student of Velimir correctly regretted already in the Seventies of our century
Khlebnikov the poet of the seeds Of [kirsanov]:

Perhaps optics is ocular
It was inaccurate and incorrect,
Foggily by [zrenyu] explaining
Our clear peace is four-dimensional?

Languor on the four-dimensional vision we hear in Fedor [Sologub]'s poem:

Fascinations of the times
Still we cannot cancel.
Our spirit in the jail is concluded,
And slowly we force is multiplicand.
1 “literary studies”, 1984, ¹ 1.

Long ago whether dark Kazan
It was the shelter of the inspirations
And Euclid's [kolebal] the face
Our Lobachevsky, bright genius!

Curtain is newly elevated
By aquiline intention of Einstein,
But the plate is still strong
Four-dimensional pond.

The times are not reversed
To still stagnating body,
And to us freedom is not given
Something different to approach them to limit.

Our dark eye is sadly blind,
And only plane to us is familiar.
Our peace is wide - only tomb
In the basement of creative house.

But we live by presentiment.
Do not lie impulses and [usilya].
Period will come, let us find
Carrying to the freedom of [krylya]1.

Reading these lines, is difficult not to note the scandalous nonconformity of form and
the content. It is discussed the geometry of Lobachevsky, about the theory of relativity, A
the form of verse - traditional “brick” number, all metaphors are [nazyvnye],
old-fashioned, although the first-class poet writes.
[V]. Khlebnikov completed breakthrough into the four-dimensional space-time. He is prophet and
the forerunner of [metametafory], who still and today seems our criticism certain
by the bulky monster, which creeps out to the light from the deep depths of the modernist
In reality [metametafora] is a creation of light even in the literal,
the physical sense of this word.
It was today explained that in [N]. Lobachevsky was the adherent - the professor
[Shveykart], which lived at that time in Kiev. It also created uncommon “astral
geometry ", where, attempting to trace the flight of the ray, which runs in the world
space, it came to similar conclusions.
Itself Lobachevsky attempted to prove the truth of his geometry by the way
astronomical measurements. Losing vision, it weak-sighted scrutinized in
telescope; but, certainly, for the space distances are necessary other instruments.
By the way, experience could disappoint great geo-meter. Now it is explained,
1[Sologub] [F]. [Stikhotvoreniya]. L., 1975, s. 468-469.

that the light beam actually is bent under the action of gravity, but it
curvature is positive, but is not negative, as they assumed. Peace most likely
not saddle, but the sphere, in which the ray goes around space-time.
In pursuit of this ray [A]. Einstein saw his special theory
relativity. Its formulas it saw with own eyes as certain light means. If
our eye could rush together with the ray with a velocity of 300 000 km/s, we
they would see the cup Of [graalya] - shining light cone of the world events. And here
Lobachevsky would be convinced of his space rightness, here everything is subordinated
its geometry: the light cone of the world events, saddle, cup, hypersphere.
Here, in the oecumenical [raskoldovannom] [Koshcheevom] reign of light, peace truly
In a oecumenical manner, gigantic [metametaforoy] steel is the laws of time, opened
By Khlebnikov. They are personified by poet both in the number and in the word. Mathematical
fairy scene “KA” moves us into the peace completely real, but not seen with the usual
by sight. We do not see also in principle we cannot see wave- particle, the main thing
reality of microcosm. Do not see we the bend of our space under
by the action of gravity, is invisible for humanity the fourth
time-spatial measure… Here situation is similar to that, which
it arose before the director of film “Man- the invisible”. I think, we not
randomly they were introduced to it after my lecture about Khlebnikov. Several times
we discussed on the telephone, how to show the invisible, indeed invisible is not evident. And
here director finds the solution: the invisible colors face, and invisible becomes
V. Khlebnikov has very similar method. It makes that perceived [metavselennuyu], clothing
it in the terrestrial clothing, giving to them mathematical ephemerality, as
Is such “KA” - scientifically- poetic fairy scene. Who will understand “KA”, he will find
[khlebnikovskoe] sight.
KA - certain double of man in [poveriyakh] of ancient Egyptians. Not soul (such
there was no concept in ancient Egypt), but certain completely solid, but invisible,
being in it and not dying after death.
Perhaps, this is most of all similar to the cluster of the elementary particles, from which
we all consist, although they are not seen with eye. KA - this is something like the electronic
the sculpture of body. KA is eternal. It “is arranged in the centuries as in the rocker”.
This solid incorporeity Khlebnikov transfers so that we literally we see
“Dim waves, gleaming by tops, x-rayed through it. Seagull,
flying from behind gray shadow, it was visible through its arms, but it lost in liveliness
painting and, after flying, it again returned to itself bright, black and white feather. It
cut bather in the green, [useyannom] by silver spots, bathing. It
it shuddered and again returned to itself previous outlines ".
Description KA involuntarily resembles completely material and at the same time
invisible to the peace of realia of contemporary physics. Electron - particle and simultaneously
wave, photon - everywhere and nowhere, here and not here. KA finds painting and
the outline of all objects it is similar to the highly penetrating invisible wave- particles
material. Eye receives the flow of photons as light, but it does not see photons. Everything
the wave- particles of microcosm are similar to [khlebnikovskogo] KA. It is elusive as
electron. “Three errors: 1) in the city 2) to street, 3) house. But where? - I not
I know ", answered KA: candor sounded in its voice ". This it resembles
the uncertainty principle of Heisenberg. (It is possible to determine, when it flew
particle through the instrument, then it will be the wave, spread on the space;
but if we attempt to learn, where it is precisely located by particle, it will prove to be
by point, but, alas, it is unknown where to that being being located.) It cannot be said “when”, if
it is known “where”. It cannot be learned “where”, if it is known “when”.
It is so elusive in the space-time KA.
“KA walks from the sleeps into the sleeps, intersects time and it reaches bronze (bronze
times)… Not so whether and consciousness does connect times together as armchairs and
the chairs of drawing room ".
We see KA that of youth in the pot with the eyes of byzantine god and face
Egyptian, then by sea pebbles, by the [zaglochennoy] white sturgeon. Journey in the time
for today's literature - matter commonplace. But not one visionary attained
this tangible simultaneous stay in the past, future and present and
still somewhere. Khlebnikov thus felt.
In other work the poet found mathematical means for KA, after designating him
by root from minus of one. Man consists of the fact that he there is, and even from
that not it, this as extruded by its body from its space
essence. Alternation in the world space-time of crests and decreases in the waves
there is moment of generation (root from one) and death (root from minus of one).
Travelling with KA in the time, poet sees pharaoh [Amenkhotep]'s death, when he
it dies with the simian cry: “[Manch]! [manch]!” - because with the same cry
dies once been by pharaoh the monkey, killed from the gun in the distant
Sufficiently complex construction. Here it is necessary to understand that the past, future,
present, separate for the man, are poured into something the united in the oecumenical
time. [Amenkhotep] exists and in the past, both in the future and in the present
However, that here future and that present? Even its biography Khlebnikov
it saw in three measurements of time.
To us it is known that Khlebnikov considered acquaintance [s] the main moment of his life
by Lobachevsky's geometry. Lobachevsky began his geometry from the refutation
Euclid's postulate about the parallel lines. To this postulate of Euclid was placed
for doubt poet- mathematician Omar [Khayyam]. The even trajectory of the line arose
the world events: Omar [Khayyam] - Lobachevsky - Khlebnikov. Khlebnikov thought in
this direction intuitively poetic, when he wrote: “… and Lobachevsky
curves will decorate cities ", or it drew the curved “rays of the events”, recovered
“by the lentil of lenses”. And nevertheless, except the purely poetic subjective rapprochements
with Einstein's cosmology, it has its clearly developed theory
Khlebnikov considered that in our peace the time-spatial measure
it " bends” the trajectory of the line of world events, and then that locked is formed
orbit. The Earth revolves around the sun, and its one revolution in the space is equal
to year. Everything is repeated in year: winter, spring, summer, autumn. But that if the cycle
one alliteration of events in the history is equal to 365 years similarly as one cycle
the seasons it is equal to 365 days? Khlebnikov builds the gamma of alliterations and it comes [k]
to the conclusion: to each event corresponds anti-event - cavity of world wave.
Poet compared history with the fluctuations of world sound in the record to the plate.
Crests and cavities of world waves must alternate. Wave troughs must
to be measured by negative curvature. Is introduced the number l. thus it arose for this
the means of the harp of times in “KA”:
“KA placed in air elephantine incisor, also, on the upper feature, accurately screws for
strings, it fastened the years: 411, 709, 1237, 1453, 1871; and below on the bottom slide
the year: 1491, 1193, 665, 449, 31… KA noted that each string consisted of
Six parts on 317 years of each, only 1902. In this case, while
upper pegs indicated the invasion of the east to the West, the screws of the lower ends
strings they meant motion from the West to the east. Vandals, Arabs, Tatars, Turks,
Germans were above; below Egyptians, [Gatchepsut], Greeks the Odyssys, Scythians, the Greeks
Pericles, Romans ".
In 1912 in article “teacher and student” [V]. Khlebnikov speaks on the basis of his
calculations about an inevitable drop in the empire in 1917. It is possible and this to count
chance, but nevertheless more right it will be to assume that some
poet nevertheless felt laws governing the pulsation of events in the time.
The theory of the predictions of Khlebnikov, of course, is very doubtful, and it is not necessary
large efforts in order to prove its insolvency as a whole, but fact itself
the rhythmical beatings of time-spatial pulse it is difficult to deny.
In Khlebnikov's theory, certainly, coefficient of chance is not sufficient, A
also possible accelerations and retardings of the rhythm of times under the action of many
factors, but, I repeat, is important principle itself. Hence a number of errors or inaccuracies
in other predictions; but in the main thing he is brilliant seer. For Khlebnikov
the past, future and present - this only of the points, arbitrarily takenn out of
the united line of world events. As in the room is length, width and height, so
and on the time there is united volume of past, future and present.
“Three numbers! I am accurate in the youth, I am accurate in the old age, I am accurate on the averages
years, together to [idemte] along the dusty road
105+104+115=742 of the year of 34 days ".
Thus, Khlebnikov considers that the world outline of each phenomenon outlines
by three parameters - past (105), future (104), present (115). As a whole
the outline of one event in our peace is approximately equal to 742 years.
It would be desirable to dwell in more detail on this moment. Let us agree conditionally that
the cycle of the space life of man of 742 years and 34 days. But the same is clear
it contradicts ordinary everyday experience. Contradicts, but indeed space
time does not coincide with our hours. On our hours there is the past, [budushcheee],
present, and indeed for the cosmological models of the theory of relativity as
has already been noted, “it is earlier” and “later” no. All phenomena are extended in
the meridians - line of the world events, where the past, future and present are united.
I surmise, from where this number: 365X2= 730 - is close to 742. For which
To Khlebnikov are necessary alliteration, multiplication by two, it is also easy to understand. To event
corresponds anti-event - that Khlebnikov called the opposite point
orbit; repeated revolution with the opposite sign is so that necessary. It is obtained,
that the orbit of events overwinds by the tape of Moebius and revolves as
by the eight:


It is not difficult to see, that volume scan of this graph gives the famous
the dual spiral, which very resembles entire the same crystal globe, the cup
[Dzhemshid], the casket Of [koshcheya] and the famous tangential- radial spiral of the evolution
man from one point of alpha to the next omega in the book of de Chardin's [Teyyara] “the phenomenon
man ".


The author of preface to the Russian publication of this book [B]. [A]. [Starostin] writes:
“Tangential energy - this “the energy, usually taken by science”, and it
it corresponds to motions in the limits of one turn “[vzdymayushcheysya] spiral” or
(if we take also the frequent in [Teyyara] means of the expanding sphere) to motions on
the surface of sphere. Radial energy leads to the passage to the new turns
spiral or to the expansion of sphere, to an increase in organization level. By radii
each element of this sphere… is connected with the center of all its and spheres, “with the sun
existence ", with the mystical point “of alpha”, which in a some manner there is and
located in the opposite direction, in the infinite removal from
the surface of sphere outside point “omega” 1.
1 [Starostin] B. [A]. from the phenomenon of man to the human essence. - In the book:
[Teyyar] de Chardin [P]. [Fenomen] man. M., 1987, with 28.

[B]. [A]. [Starostin] correctly notes further that this model completely
it coincides with the crystal globe of Pierre Bezukhov. I did not mention about this
at first, because the culmination moment of the convergence of all means
of tangential- radial spiral are everything in the same [khlebnikovskoy] universe.
[Teyyar] de Chardin after twenty years after Khlebnikov's death actually
its model is repeated.
Point “of alpha” in Khlebnikov - past, and “omega” - future. Dispersing on
to a radius from the center far, they converge on the tangent in the certain invisible center,
forming the continuous line of world events in Minkowski's universe -
Simply to the offensive little given attention to tangential- radial spiral,
being converged to center and simultaneously that being scattering from it.
Academician [B]. [A]. Rybakov indicates the striking universality and
the stability of this spiral ornament in the neolite, and then into more
late times.
This spiral let us find also in the mysterious images in the desert Of [naska] (Peru), and in
ancient observatory in fire-worshippers - druids, and in the labyrinths of the island
To [valaam]…
Let us recall whereas that the structure of folklore sky is such. Tangential output [k]
to center - the neck of cup, well in the constellation of aquarius, where departs Aries, and
its return along the radial line at the point of intersection of the celestial meridian
with the celestial equator, i.e., at the peak of mountain - Golgotha - in the center
the imaginary cross of skies.
The diagram of approach to the black hole is subordinated to the same composition, and it is even more
it is surprising whereas that is such the structure of psychological space-time in
the sensation of some people, which survived clinical death, about which repeatedly
it communicated in the press.
Finally, the structure of the molecules of DNA and RNA, that store the four-mAT information
the genetic code, entire the same dual spiral.
I already said in the first chapter that the structure of cup jam -[shid] coincides
geometrically with the light cone of world events in Minkowski's universe and
Now it remained to only ascertain that the wave of space-time in the model
Khlebnikov form entire the same cup of times, cup of light.
Mathematician Kurt Goedel, reflecting above the light cone of world events,
it came to the strange conclusion that, strictly speaking, here with those determined
conditions future can precede the past, and in one of the models of the general
the theory of relativity on the four-dimensional expanding sphere of Riemann the event
generally they are locked as the lines of the meridian on the globe, so that a question about that,
what point in the future, while what in the past, depends only on the visual angle.
Einstein was present on the report. Some indicate that the great physicist
it agreed with Goedel, others assert that it was disposed skeptically. In
any case, one of the last statements of Einstein in the personal letter not
doubts leave, that Goedel thoughts were close to it.
[Sozhaleya] about death of close its associate of Mark [Solovin], Einstein
it acknowledges that in general the present absence of friend does not seem it
absolute. Recalling youth, it asserts that all this be and now,
since the concepts “past”, “future” and “present” are conditional, illusory and
even they are senseless. They escape from the limitedness of our perception. “We,
physics, we know that this is purely subjective view on the man. In reality
the past, future and present - this is reality, which is united and exists
always ".
If to this thought of distinguished scientist someone listened! To it is simple not
attention are turned. So they did not note, they looked through in the past and they do not see
now Khlebnikov's universe, where the view on the space-time completely
it coincides with the given statement of Einstein.
Artistic space-time in the works of Khlebnikov - this be
the time- space of the light cone of the world events. Difference only in the fact that
here it is actually perceived, although not one mathematician would risk so to animate
the formula Of [e]=[ts]2.
The past, future and present easily shuffle, change by places in any
combination; turning on Moebius's tape, time can move into the reverse
side with respect to the observer. The very entertaining encounter occurs
with its reflection:
“I looked into the lake and saw high person with the dark beard, with the dark-blue
by eyes, in the white shirt and in the gray hat with the wide fields. “So here is who
[Chislobog], I lengthened [razocharovanno]: - I thought that anything another! “-
How do you do, old friend on the mirror, I said, stretching the wet
fingers. But shadow jerked back hand and said: “Not I am your reflection, but you my "".
I understood this and he was removed by rapid steps into the forest. The sea of spectres again surrounded
me. I by this did not confuse. I knew that - 1 are not at all not less material,
than 1; thus, where there is 1,2, 3, 4, there is -1, and -2, and -3, and -4, and the V -2, and
V [Z]. [Gde] is one person and another natural number of people, there, of course,
there is and the V person, and the V -2 people and the V -3 people, and Vn - people = of the V people. I,
now surrounded by spectres, there was 1 ==[U]- of man. It is time to learn the people
to extract second roots from itself and negative people ". Thus, here general
the model of Khlebnikov's space-time.
Before us the peace of several measurements: three measurements of space plus is three
the measurement of time (past, future, present), the seventh measurement - this
space-time. All time coordinates and space are relative.
Space can prove to be time, future - by past or presently, all
it depends, as in Einstein's universe, on the position of observer.
Poet gives the description of peace from the position of oecumenical observer according to the principle
complementarity. It itself looks at itself from the past, the future and present,
projecting itself into the universe with the opposite sign, and it sees the time of the human
life “backwards”. In the drama “Of [mirskontsa]” (peace from the end) the action begins [s]
burials. The old lady Of [olya] buries husband to field. Funeral procession will go home,
dead person arises from the coffin, he looks younger, and are here narrower than [Olya] fields two babies,
which they convey on the lane in children's [kolyasochkakh].
It is interesting to recall famous [khlebnikovskiy] [pereverten], where each line
it is read from left to right and from right to left equally. Even Mayakovskiy saw in
this only “[shtukarstvo]”. Meanwhile Khlebnikov gives key to this thing: “I in
clean unreason wrote “[Pereverten]” and having only survived on itself its lines:
“rank is invited… we throw backwards” (war), as they became late void, “fall A
habit is thin and spirit the crow of paws ", it understood them as the reflected beams of future,
been cast to subconsious “I” at the reasonable sky”. Time scurries about along the line
as shuttle from the past in the future and back, and remains the sensation of the complete
[poglotimosti] of time, [vbiraemosti] by line.
Khlebnikov's universe consists of many time-spatial cells,
i.e., its seven-dimensional space-time is discontinuous as at the level of micro-, so
and at the level of macrocosm. Maximum value of cell on the time - 742 years,
minimum is not indicated. Poet writes: “I adjure the artists of future to conduct
the precise diaries of its spirit, to look at itself as at the sky and to conduct the precise
the record of rise and approach of its spirit. In this region humanity has only
one diary of Maria [Bashkirtsevoy] - is more than nothing… Law of multiple proportions
in the time of the string of humanity we think for the wars, but it cannot be built for
the small stream of the time of separate life - are absent reference points, no
diaries ".
This will of Khlebnikov carried out biologist [Lyubishchev]. He entire life conducted the diary
its life on the hours and on the minutes. Unfortunately, thus far these records not
they are deciphered.
In search of the united time-spatial rhythm of our universe Khlebnikov
it approached the methods of synergetics - the science about the [samozarozhdayushchikhsya] systems. It
the tendency to correlate rhythms and cycles lives with the cosmological time are close [k]
to the ideas Of [vernadskogo] and [Chizhevskogo].
He understood, that the time of human life should be correlated with the time in all
universe, then our view on the place of man in the universe will be close [k]

If I turn humanity into the hours
And I will show, as pointer [stoletya] moves.
Really from our times of the strip
Will not depart war as unnecessary [izhitsa]…

What truly poetic faith in the reason of people!
Khlebnikov attempted, “joking”, to disabuse humanity. But to entice soldiers from
entrenchments by tempting mathematical tables it did not for some reason succeed.

And, opening clever [obyatya],
To exclaim: star- brothers! brothers - mountain! :.
People and star - [bratva]!

Error frequently follows hand to hand with the enlightenment. Khlebnikov clearly hurried
with the conclusions it remained the time in its tendency to construct the certain table
Mendeleyev for all events. Here, it is however strange, poet proved to be even
it is old-fashioned in its iron historical determinism. In its table of the time
quantum jumps, uncertainty principle, probability, clearly is not sufficient,
chance. It almost anticipated the theory of relativity, but clearly it did not manage after
by quantum mechanics. Let us note that in the same situation proved to be itself Einstein,
so not accepted Heisenberg and Nils Bohr, when it wrote mathematics M.
To battery terminal: “Our views developed into the antipodes. You believe in that playing in the bone
god, and I into a strict regularity ".
In Khlebnikov's theory clearly is not sufficient the case, “playing in the bone”, but him
the poetic models of time enlarge our sight to the limits of the present
cosmology and even are considerably further.
Khlebnikov is not symbolist. His metaphor is adequate oecumenical reality. It
it declares itself “by the chairman of the terrestial globe”, seriously it is immersed in
calculation in search of the formula of time. And it was rights; but for those surrounding this
altogether only certain conditional [deystvo], like the carnival.
Ends [deystvo], and people return to usual terrestrial reality. Here
the tragic break between the poet and the contemporaries begins. To it
they accompanied, until game went, but for all game concluded, and Khlebnikov
it correctly saw in the actors, who exit from the scene, traitors to the great matter.

No, this is not joke!
Not [osgroglazya] flowers.
This is fate. This is fate.
[Ve]-[Ve] Mayakovskiy! - I and you! :.
We will proudly answer by the song of mad into the forehead skies.

We see Khlebnikov sobbing at the moment, when the owner of ring removes from the hand
poet the ring “of the chairman of the terrestial globe”. The logic of owner is intelligible: it gave
it to the period, and now return. Khlebnikov did not intend to return his
oecumenical rights no one. In the eyes of many contemporaries it proved to be in the role
“bean king”, selected to the reign only in the period of merriment, but desiring
to continue reign after holiday.

Not by imp [maslenichnym]
I fan itself
To the peep of the ridiculous
And erysipelas of the whining of breast child.
No, I from the fraternal coffin…
Not you whether [kruzhenem]
In the stones… they modelled
By shadow terrestrial me?
For the fact that I resembled about the stars…

War of Khlebnikov with the people, which do not desire to obey the law of stars and
continuing war “for the scrap of space” instead of recapturing
always, it converted poet in “lonely [litsedeya]”, whom suddenly “[s]
by horror he understood " that it was invisible, that it is necessary “to sow eyes”, that “must the sower
eyes to go ".
[Yu]. [N]. [Tynyanov]'s words about the fact that “Khlebnikov was the new sight”, which
“it falls simultaneously on all objects”, they are not the metaphorical tribute
the memory of poet. The new sight of Khlebnikov was new reality, which only
space in the culture today conquers.

As ant crawl on the sky,
Investigate its cracks
And, the blue of tramp, require
Those goods, that to you they are promised.

Pneumatic muscles and the hovering steel framework Of [fernana] of Leger - best illustration [k]
to the architectural space idylls of Khlebnikov. These industrial pastorals
there is both in Andrey Platonov and in Mayakovskiy in “flying proletarian”.
Khlebnikov builds space from the logs. Incompatibility of this construction
material with the stars clearly gladdens the eye of the poet:

Let the sky walk by the piston
From the heavy step of your,
Fasten constellation by the log
And dol. by the lattice of axes.

Really this thinned philologist, who conjures above the Sanskrit roots and
by Lobachevsky's geometry, it in actuality sees the universe as the cohesion
levers and drive belts?
To think is so at least naive.
Herdsman idylls and pastorals of ancient Rome indicated their disappearance from
of real life, they caused the good smile of the reader, who says goodbye [s]
by the irrevocable past. Khlebnikov's utopias are such, they must be read with the smile, in
them farewell with the naive mechanism, passage from Newton to Einstein.
Flywheels, clockwork, gear wheel, wheels, so which frequently flicker in
Khlebnikov's poems, this waste to the past, although in life itself to these flywheels
and to gears to still be twirled and to be twirled.

Heavy hammers, sledge hammer and [kiyury]
Severe force of the lever
In [sozvezdyakh] of night it erected
Descendant of midnight storm.

The poetic self-portrait of Khlebnikov is recreated through the space projections:

… The skull, originated by father,
It quietly bored by gimlet,
And haughty it put into the bore hole
Dewy twig of the Milky Way,
In order by dandy in guests to go.
In whose skull, accurately in the container,
There was the dewy twig of skies,
And stars bear the inspired tributes
To it, that penetrates midnight forest.

Everyone will dare to propose its bored skull as oecumenical
face. Khlebnikov sees, as the universe “by snail” he crawls on the finger, after being absorbed
[otrazhenem] into the precious stone on the ring “of the chairman of the terrestial globe”.
On the earth the universe is immeasurably great in comparison with the man, sky is above,
and the earth under the feet, but in the reign of light all can be otherwise, vice versa.
Man is more than the universe, and sky only mud under the soles of his boots.

You do remember? I to brushes shoe
It commanded to set aside Ursa Minor from the feet of sole,
Ten kopeck bit threw with the universe and it is afterward alarming
From the old words it made medleys.

Here one of first [metametafor]!
[Mikrokosmos] of elementary particles, which was opened in our time, seemingly it confirmed
the rightness of poet. Then yet were not opened microparticles, throughout the mass
exceeding the sun, but is already clear it became the relativity of the concept of value.
The laws of nature, opened by Einstein, as if they were subordinated to [metametafore]. Why
not to place entire universe under the nail in man, if in principle in
to each speck can prove to be the universe, according to the sizes is more than our?

And let bride, without desiring
To love patterns from the black nails,
And cleaning dust from under the specular panel
In the finger of thin and tender,
It will say: the sun, can, they turn, blazing,
In the dust under the nail?
There Sirius and Aldebaran [blestyat]
And there are many solar peaces.

“I to [tat] celestial rights for the man” - this is Khlebnikov's aesthetics. He
felt life as interval on the line of the world events, where any
return to the source was forward motion to the mouth. Who will feel
world ring in the soul, will be introduced to the oecumenical life:

Well that zh: the god of length in the ring found the cosiness
And the birds of eternity in the ring sing -
So in soul your know how to find the ring
And the god of new to the universe you will turn by face.



There is some secret of century in the fact that we actually nothing know about the encounter
A.S. Pushkin with Lobachevsky.
Yes, they were encountered and, apparently, they conversed entire night, going for a walk along the streets of Kazan.
But about which did go on conversation?
To assume that, after meeting with Pushkin, Lobachevsky would begin to occupy him
by empty conversations, this would mean anything not to understand in the nature of the great
geo-meter. Yes even Pushkin knew, with whom he conducts multihour conversation. Certainly, the speech
it had to go about “imaginary geometry”. Then why in the records and
Pushkin's diaries this encounter is in no way reflected? True, by the echo of the conversation
can be counted famous phrase about the fact that the inspiration in the geometry is necessary not
it is less than in the poetry. [N]. Lobachevsky's geometry is called “imagined”, A
from “the imagination” to “the inspiration” one step.
In any case, the year after the encounter of Pushkin with Lobachevsky in
the [bulgarinskom] journal “son of the fatherland” appeared the article, complete of the ignorant
and insulting attacks to “imaginary geometry”.
This article is very instructive, although nameless. It must be read and
to re-read again, since many reasons against Lobachevsky they bear
fundamental, I would say, methodological nature. The author proceeds from
the postulate, which is seemed him by the axiom: that imagined - means unreal.
Let us trace attentively these reasons: indeed they will be repeated and
they are repeated during our days by all, who with the suspicion relate to everything
imagined and complex.
“There are people, which, after reading the book, they say: it is too simple, too
it is usual, in it not about which and to think. I advise such amateurs of thinking
to read Lobachevsky's geometry g. Here already really there is about which to think.
Many of our first-class mathematicians read it, they thought and nothing not
they understood. I no longer consider it necessary to mention after this that also I, after thinking over above this
by the book several time, nothing devised, i.e., it understood almost not one
thought. Even would be difficult to understand how g. Lobachevsky from
lightest and most clear in mathematics head, such as geometry, it could make
this heavy, such dark and impenetrable study, if itself it partly
it did not suggest an idea us, after saying that its geometry was different from the commonly used,
by which we everyone learned which, probably, already learn we cannot, but to eat
only imagined. Yes, now everything is very understandable.
What cannot present the imagination, particularly living and together deformed!
Why not to imagine, for example, black - white, round - quadrangular,
the sum of all angles in the rectilinear triangle is less than two straight lines one and
the same definite integral equal the [r]/4, this oo? Very, greatly can,
although for the reason all this is incomprehensible " 1.
Stop! Here the author fell. Reason he calls all that which to him is understandable, A
incomprehensible, in his opinion, is unworthy attention. Distrust to the imagination exists
in the final analysis distrust to poetry itself.
Approximately at the same time and from the same positions it underwent the furious attacks
Pushkin's poetry and entire his creation. You will focus attention: the nameless author,
scolding Lobachevsky, at the same time clearly it hints also at the artistic
creation, in by something similar to “imaginary geometry”.
“For sym, and not with the probability only, but I assume with the perfect confidence,
that reckless passion to write with some strange and obscure means,
very noticeable for some time now in many of our writers, and rash
the desire to open new… “
The fact is that it is already clear to the middle of the 30th years of the 19th Century in the society
was formed ruinous for the science and the literature the concept of simplicity. True
science requires not what complexities, what already to speak about the literature. From
literature were required simplicity and benefit. This error is not eliminated to
our days. In the complexity and the withdrawal from the common sense they reproached feta, [Tyutcheva],
Block, [Bryusova], white, Khlebnikov, Mayakovskiy, Voznesensky. But during our days
the charges of this type are inverted to the poets of [metametaforicheskogo] direction, but
the speech is in front on this.
About Pushkin's [zatravlennosti] in recent years life we know much. And completely not
on top, and from the very that not on there is
it 1[Tsit]. on the book: [Smilga] v. in pursuit of beauty. M., 1968, s. 179.

the democratic layers of press were heard reproaches and charges in the spirit of that cited
review of Lobachevsky. “You [podite] away! What matter to poet peaceful to you”,
it was pulled out in Pushkin not randomly. Less we know about Lobachevsky's [zatravlennosti].
Review, I think, it is more eloquent any words.
“Besides, yes will permitted us somewhat touch personality. As it is possible
to think so that g. Lobachevsky, ordinary professor of mathematics, would write [s]
by any serious purpose the book, which would a little bring honor and
to last parochial teacher? If not learning, then, at least,
each teacher must have the common sense; and in the new geometry it does not obtain and
this latter ".
Here is the atmosphere, in which were crossed the alternate paths of Pushkin and
Today, when at long last [pokoleblen] myth about Pushkin's simplicity, is everything
the foundation for think, by what eyes saw poet the universe.
Cosmos with his fundamental laws was always in the center of the attention of the great
poet. One of the most interesting philosophical poems of Pushkin “motion”
(1825), dedicated to space, brings together its poetry with the newest ideas [o]
peace, that arose on the basis of the theory of relativity Of [a]. Einstein:

There is no [dvizhenya], said wise man [bradatyy].
Another kept silent and it began before it to walk.
Stronger it could not object;
They praised entire answer intricate.
But, gentlemen, the amusing case this
Another example to the memory to me it gives:
Indeed each day before us the sun walks,
However, zh of rights obstinate Galileo.

In this poem of Pushkin [predugadany] the important discoveries of contemporary science,
which gets to know the phenomena, inaccessible to human eye, he argues with the ordinary
by obviousness it conquers it.
The brilliant contemporary of Pushkin Lobachevsky for the first time forewent the principle
clarity, after constructing “imaginary geometry”, where it is possible through one point
to conduct the infinite set of parallel lines, in spite of “the obvious”
Euclid's geometry. Many then considered this failure of the obviousness as the eccentricity
scientist. Not by chance [Bulgarin], Pushkin's which hunted, it printed with the same zeal
(together [Grechem]) libels in rector [Kazanskiy] of Lobachevsky's university.
We do not know, about which conversed Pushkin and Lobachevsky during their brief and,
apparently, only encounter into [Kazani]1. Pushkin gathered materials [o]
[Pugachevskom] uprising. Maybe, did not pass past its attention the riot of the great
philosopher- mathematician against the gray prosiness, named “obviousness”. It was
it is obvious that the earth flat, and it proved to be round. It was obvious
the geometry of Euclid, while the geometry of Lobachevsky proved to be more precise. But
never will become for us obvious the moment of great enlightenment, also, in the creation
poet, and in the creation mathematics, and always we will remember the great words
Pushkin: “Inspiration is necessary in the poetry and in the geometry”. Certainly, Pushkin
the difference between physics and poetry was understood. Here are its remarkable lines from
“Imitations to the Koran”:

The Earth is motionless - sky arches,
Creator, they are supported by you,
Yes they will not fall on the dryness and the waters
And they will not choke us by itself.

“Poor physics, but what daring poetry!” - spoke Pushkin about this
to the picture of peace. But which the universe of Pushkin - actually inimitable?
Pushkin for a period of eight years wrote in the written in verse novel the picture
by the universe, and if we want to understand it, then they must although to some period
to see sky with its eyes. We must learn together with Tatiana [Larinoy]

… To prevent dawn rise,
When on the pale horizon
Stars disappears round-dance,
And quietly the edge of the earth brightens,
And, the herald of the morning, wind winnows,
And mounts gradually day.
In winter, when the night shadow
[Polmirom] to portion it possesses,
And to portion in the idle silence
With the blurred moon
The east lazy rests…

This “light” portrait of the soul of Tatianas, created from the radiance of stars and dawn,
it reveals Pushkin's universe.
1[O] the fact of the encounter of Pushkin with Lobachevsky in Kazan in 1833 and conversation between
by them see: Wheelwrights [M]. Lobachevsky, M., 1965, s. 197.

Indeed today everyone from us, in the night stood outside, sees the night
the shadow, “which possesses [polmirom]”. Literally they for the first time saw this picture only
cosmonauts from the window of spacecraft.
Pushkin looks at the universe fixedly and for long; therefore she in it does not occur
The round-dance of stars - disappears.
Kray the earth - brightens.
Night shadow - [polmirom] possesses.
The east - rests.
Roman is saturated by the motion of light. In the first chapter this twinkling of spark plugs, lamps,
then artificial light increasingly more frequently is inferior the place for the twinkling of stars, quiet
to the light of moon, to the dazzling radiance of the sun. Together with Pushkin let us be immersed on
time into this element of light. Here is the means of Petersburg:

Still outside and inside
Lamps everywhere shine…
Before the [pomerkshimi] houses
Along the sleepy street with the numbers
Dual lamps of the coaches
Merry they issue the light
And rainbows at the snow direct;
[Useyan] by earthen saucers around,
[Blestit] splendid house;
Along the one-piece windows of shadow they walk…

But comes the moment, when the artificial “merry light” of ball is dissolved in
the majestic radiance of the twilight night:

When it is transparent and it is light
Night sky above the Neva
And waters the merry glass-
Does not reflect the face of Dianas…

Further the picture of the night universe in the perception of Tatianas. After this, the universe

located in the opposite direction, in the infinite removal from
the surface of sphere outside point “omega” 1.
1 [Starostin] B. [A]. from the phenomenon of man to the human essence. - In the book:
[Teyyar] de Chardin [P]. [Fenomen] man. M., 1987, with 28.

[B]. [A]. [Starostin] correctly notes further that this model completely
it coincides with the crystal globe of Pierre Bezukhov. I did not mention about this
at first, because the culmination moment of the convergence of all means
of tangential- radial spiral are everything in the same [khlebnikovskoy] universe.
[Teyyar] de Chardin after twenty years after Khlebnikov's death actually
its model is repeated.
Point “of alpha” in Khlebnikov - past, and “omega” - future. Dispersing on
to a radius from the center far, they converge on the tangent in the certain invisible center,
forming the continuous line of world events in Minkowski's universe -
Simply to the offensive little given attention to tangential- radial spiral,
being converged to center and simultaneously that being scattering from it.
Academician [B]. [A]. Rybakov indicates the striking universality and
the stability of this spiral ornament in the neolite, and then into more
late times.
This spiral let us find also in the mysterious images in the desert Of [naska] (Peru), and in
ancient observatory in fire-worshippers - druids, and in the labyrinths of the island
To [valaam]…
Let us recall whereas that the structure of folklore sky is such. Tangential output [k]
to center - the neck of cup, well in the constellation of aquarius, where departs Aries, and
its return along the radial line at the point of intersection of the celestial meridian
with the celestial equator, i.e., at the peak of mountain - Golgotha - in the center
the imaginary cross of skies.
The diagram of approach to the black hole is subordinated to the same composition, and it is even more
it is surprising whereas that is such the structure of psychological space-time in
the sensation of some people, which survived clinical death, about which repeatedly
it communicated in the press.
Finally, the structure of the molecules of DNA and RNA, that store the four-mAT information
the genetic code, entire the same dual spiral.
I already said in the first chapter that the structure of cup jam -[shid] coincides
geometrically with the light cone of world events in Minkowski's universe and
Now it remained to only ascertain that the wave of space-time in the model
Khlebnikov form entire the same cup of times, cup of light.
Mathematician Kurt Goedel, reflecting above the light cone of world events,
it came to the strange conclusion that, strictly speaking, here with those determined
conditions future can precede the past, and in one of the models of the general
the theory of relativity on the four-dimensional expanding sphere of Riemann the event
generally they are locked as the lines of the meridian on the globe, so that a question about that,
what point in the future, while what in the past, depends only on the visual angle.
Einstein was present on the report. Some indicate that the great physicist
it agreed with Goedel, others assert that it was disposed skeptically. In
any case, one of the last statements of Einstein in the personal letter not
doubts leave, that Goedel thoughts were close to it.
[Sozhaleya] about death of close its associate of Mark [Solovin], Einstein
it acknowledges that in general the present absence of friend does not seem it
absolute. Recalling youth, it asserts that all this be and now,
since the concepts “past”, “future” and “present” are conditional, illusory and
even they are senseless. They escape from the limitedness of our perception. “We,
physics, we know that this is purely subjective view on the man. In reality
the past, future and present - this is reality, which is united and exists
always ".
If to this thought of distinguished scientist someone listened! To it is simple not
attention are turned. So they did not note, they looked through in the past and they do not see
now Khlebnikov's universe, where the view on the space-time completely
it coincides with the given statement of Einstein.
Artistic space-time in the works of Khlebnikov - this be
the time- space of the light cone of the world events. Difference only in the fact that
here it is actually perceived, although not one mathematician would risk so to animate
the formula Of [e]=[ts]2.
The past, future and present easily shuffle, change by places in any
combination; turning on Moebius's tape, time can move into the reverse
side with respect to the observer. The very entertaining encounter occurs
with its reflection:
“I looked into the lake and saw high person with the dark beard, with the dark-blue
by eyes, in the white shirt and in the gray hat with the wide fields. “So here is who
[Chislobog], I lengthened [razocharovanno]: - I thought that anything another! “-
How do you do, old friend on the mirror, I said, stretching the wet
fingers. But shadow jerked back hand and said: “Not I am your reflection, but you my "".
I understood this and he was removed by rapid steps into the forest. The sea of spectres again surrounded
me. I by this did not confuse. I knew that - 1 are not at all not less material,
than 1; thus, where there is 1,2, 3, 4, there is -1, and -2, and -3, and -4, and the V -2, and
V [Z]. [Gde] is one person and another natural number of people, there, of course,
there is and the V person, and the V -2 people and the V -3 people, and Vn - people = of the V people. I,
now surrounded by spectres, there was 1 ==[U]- of man. It is time to learn the people
to extract second roots from itself and negative people ". Thus, here general
the model of Khlebnikov's space-time.
Before us the peace of several measurements: three measurements of space plus is three
the measurement of time (past, future, present), the seventh measurement - this
space-time. All time coordinates and space are relative.
Space can prove to be time, future - by past or presently, all
it depends, as in Einstein's universe, on the position of observer.
Poet gives the description of peace from the position of oecumenical observer according to the principle
complementarity. It itself looks at itself from the past, the future and present,
projecting itself into the universe with the opposite sign, and it sees the time of the human
life “backwards”. In the drama “Of [mirskontsa]” (peace from the end) the action begins [s]
burials. The old lady Of [olya] buries husband to field. Funeral procession will go home,
dead person arises from the coffin, he looks younger, and are here narrower than [Olya] fields two babies,
which they convey on the lane in children's [kolyasochkakh].
It is interesting to recall famous [khlebnikovskiy] [pereverten], where each line
it is read from left to right and from right to left equally. Even Mayakovskiy saw in
this only “[shtukarstvo]”. Meanwhile Khlebnikov gives key to this thing: “I in
clean unreason wrote “[Pereverten]” and having only survived on itself its lines:
“rank is invited… we throw backwards” (war), as they became late void, “fall A
habit is thin and spirit the crow of paws ", it understood them as the reflected beams of future,
been cast to subconsious “I” at the reasonable sky”. Time scurries about along the line
as shuttle from the past in the future and back, and remains the sensation of the complete
[poglotimosti] of time, [vbiraemosti] by line.
Khlebnikov's universe consists of many time-spatial cells,
i.e., its seven-dimensional space-time is discontinuous as at the level of micro-, so
and at the level of macrocosm. Maximum value of cell on the time - 742 years,
minimum is not indicated. Poet writes: “I adjure the artists of future to conduct
the precise diaries of its spirit, to look at itself as at the sky and to conduct the precise
the record of rise and approach of its spirit. In this region humanity has only
one diary of Maria [Bashkirtsevoy] - is more than nothing… Law of multiple proportions
in the time of the string of humanity we think for the wars, but it cannot be built for
the small stream of the time of separate life - are absent reference points, no
diaries ".
This will of Khlebnikov carried out biologist [Lyubishchev]. He entire life conducted the diary
its life on the hours and on the minutes. Unfortunately, thus far these records not
they are deciphered.
In search of the united time-spatial rhythm of our universe Khlebnikov
it approached the methods of synergetics - the science about the [samozarozhdayushchikhsya] systems. It
the tendency to correlate rhythms and cycles lives with the cosmological time are close [k]
to the ideas Of [vernadskogo] and [Chizhevskogo].
He understood, that the time of human life should be correlated with the time in all
universe, then our view on the place of man in the universe will be close [k]

If I turn humanity into the hours
And I will show, as pointer [stoletya] moves.
Really from our times of the strip
Will not depart war as unnecessary [izhitsa]…

What truly poetic faith in the reason of people!
Khlebnikov attempted, “joking”, to disabuse humanity. But to entice soldiers from
entrenchments by tempting mathematical tables it did not for some reason succeed.

And, opening clever [obyatya],
To exclaim: star- brothers! brothers - mountain! :.
People and star - [bratva]!

Error frequently follows hand to hand with the enlightenment. Khlebnikov clearly hurried
with the conclusions it remained the time in its tendency to construct the certain table
Mendeleyev for all events. Here, it is however strange, poet proved to be even
it is old-fashioned in its iron historical determinism. In its table of the time
quantum jumps, uncertainty principle, probability, clearly is not sufficient,
chance. It almost anticipated the theory of relativity, but clearly it did not manage after
by quantum mechanics. Let us note that in the same situation proved to be itself Einstein,
so not accepted Heisenberg and Nils Bohr, when it wrote mathematics M.
To battery terminal: “Our views developed into the antipodes. You believe in that playing in the bone
god, and I into a strict regularity ".
In Khlebnikov's theory clearly is not sufficient the case, “playing in the bone”, but him
the poetic models of time enlarge our sight to the limits of the present
cosmology and even are considerably further.
Khlebnikov is not symbolist. His metaphor is adequate oecumenical reality. It
it declares itself “by the chairman of the terrestial globe”, seriously it is immersed in
calculation in search of the formula of time. And it was rights; but for those surrounding this
altogether only certain conditional [deystvo], like the carnival.
Ends [deystvo], and people return to usual terrestrial reality. Here
the tragic break between the poet and the contemporaries begins. To it
they accompanied, until game went, but for all game concluded, and Khlebnikov
it correctly saw in the actors, who exit from the scene, traitors to the great matter.

No, this is not joke!
Not [osgroglazya] flowers.
This is fate. This is fate.
[Ve]-[Ve] Mayakovskiy! - I and you! :.
We will proudly answer by the song of mad into the forehead skies.

We see Khlebnikov sobbing at the moment, when the owner of ring removes from the hand
poet the ring “of the chairman of the terrestial globe”. The logic of owner is intelligible: it gave
it to the period, and now return. Khlebnikov did not intend to return his
oecumenical rights no one. In the eyes of many contemporaries it proved to be in the role
“bean king”, selected to the reign only in the period of merriment, but desiring
to continue reign after holiday.

Not by imp [maslenichnym]
I fan itself
To the peep of the ridiculous
And erysipelas of the whining of breast child.
No, I from the fraternal coffin…
Not you whether [kruzhenem]
In the stones… they modelled
By shadow terrestrial me?
For the fact that I resembled about the stars…

War of Khlebnikov with the people, which do not desire to obey the law of stars and
continuing war “for the scrap of space” instead of recapturing
always, it converted poet in “lonely [litsedeya]”, whom suddenly “[s]
by horror he understood " that it was invisible, that it is necessary “to sow eyes”, that “must the sower
eyes to go ".
[Yu]. [N]. [Tynyanov]'s words about the fact that “Khlebnikov was the new sight”, which
“it falls simultaneously on all objects”, they are not the metaphorical tribute
the memory of poet. The new sight of Khlebnikov was new reality, which only
space in the culture today conquers.

As ant crawl on the sky,
Investigate its cracks
And, the blue of tramp, require
Those goods, that to you they are promised.

Pneumatic muscles and the hovering steel framework Of [fernana] of Leger - best illustration [k]
to the architectural space idylls of Khlebnikov. These industrial pastorals
there is both in Andrey Platonov and in Mayakovskiy in “flying proletarian”.
Khlebnikov builds space from the logs. Incompatibility of this construction
material with the stars clearly gladdens the eye of the poet:

Let the sky walk by the piston
From the heavy step of your,
Fasten constellation by the log
And dol. by the lattice of axes.

Really this thinned philologist, who conjures above the Sanskrit roots and
by Lobachevsky's geometry, it in actuality sees the universe as the cohesion
levers and drive belts?
To think is so at least naive.
Herdsman idylls and pastorals of ancient Rome indicated their disappearance from
of real life, they caused the good smile of the reader, who says goodbye [s]
by the irrevocable past. Khlebnikov's utopias are such, they must be read with the smile, in
them farewell with the naive mechanism, passage from Newton to Einstein.
Flywheels, clockwork, gear wheel, wheels, so which frequently flicker in
Khlebnikov's poems, this waste to the past, although in life itself to these flywheels
and to gears to still be twirled and to be twirled.

Heavy hammers, sledge hammer and [kiyury]
Severe force of the lever
In [sozvezdyakh] of night it erected
Descendant of midnight storm.

The poetic self-portrait of Khlebnikov is recreated through the space projections:

… The skull, originated by father,
It quietly bored by gimlet,
And haughty it put into the bore hole
Dewy twig of the Milky Way,
In order by dandy in guests to go.
In whose skull, accurately in the container,
There was the dewy twig of skies,
And stars bear the inspired tributes
To it, that penetrates midnight forest.

Everyone will dare to propose its bored skull as oecumenical
face. Khlebnikov sees, as the universe “by snail” he crawls on the finger, after being absorbed
[otrazhenem] into the precious stone on the ring “of the chairman of the terrestial globe”.
On the earth the universe is immeasurably great in comparison with the man, sky is above,
and the earth under the feet, but in the reign of light all can be otherwise, vice versa.
Man is more than the universe, and sky only mud under the soles of his boots.

You do remember? I to brushes shoe
It commanded to set aside Ursa Minor from the feet of sole,
Ten kopeck bit threw with the universe and it is afterward alarming
From the old words it made medleys.

Here one of first [metametafor]!
[Mikrokosmos] of elementary particles, which was opened in our time, seemingly it confirmed
the rightness of poet. Then yet were not opened microparticles, throughout the mass
exceeding the sun, but is already clear it became the relativity of the concept of value.
The laws of nature, opened by Einstein, as if they were subordinated to [metametafore]. Why
not to place entire universe under the nail in man, if in principle in
to each speck can prove to be the universe, according to the sizes is more than our?

And let bride, without desiring
To love patterns from the black nails,
And cleaning dust from under the specular panel
In the finger of thin and tender,
It will say: the sun, can, they turn, blazing,
In the dust under the nail?
There Sirius and Aldebaran [blestyat]
And there are many solar peaces.

“I to [tat] celestial rights for the man” - this is Khlebnikov's aesthetics. He
felt life as interval on the line of the world events, where any
return to the source was forward motion to the mouth. Who will feel
world ring in the soul, will be introduced to the oecumenical life:

Well that zh: the god of length in the ring found the cosiness
And the birds of eternity in the ring sing -
So in soul your know how to find the ring
And the god of new to the universe you will turn by face.



There is some secret of century in the fact that we actually nothing know about the encounter
A.S. Pushkin with Lobachevsky.
Yes, they were encountered and, apparently, they conversed entire night, going for a walk along the streets of Kazan.
But about which did go on conversation?
To assume that, after meeting with Pushkin, Lobachevsky would begin to occupy him
by empty conversations, this would mean anything not to understand in the nature of the great
geo-meter. Yes even Pushkin knew, with whom he conducts multihour conversation. Certainly, the speech
it had to go about “imaginary geometry”. Then why in the records and
Pushkin's diaries this encounter is in no way reflected? True, by the echo of the conversation
can be counted famous phrase about the fact that the inspiration in the geometry is necessary not
it is less than in the poetry. [N]. Lobachevsky's geometry is called “imagined”, A
from “the imagination” to “the inspiration” one step.
In any case, the year after the encounter of Pushkin with Lobachevsky in
the [bulgarinskom] journal “son of the fatherland” appeared the article, complete of the ignorant
and insulting attacks to “imaginary geometry”.
This article is very instructive, although nameless. It must be read and
to re-read again, since many reasons against Lobachevsky they bear
fundamental, I would say, methodological nature. The author proceeds from
the postulate, which is seemed him by the axiom: that imagined - means unreal.
Let us trace attentively these reasons: indeed they will be repeated and
they are repeated during our days by all, who with the suspicion relate to everything
imagined and complex.
“There are people, which, after reading the book, they say: it is too simple, too
it is usual, in it not about which and to think. I advise such amateurs of thinking
to read Lobachevsky's geometry g. Here already really there is about which to think.
Many of our first-class mathematicians read it, they thought and nothing not
they understood. I no longer consider it necessary to mention after this that also I, after thinking over above this
by the book several time, nothing devised, i.e., it understood almost not one
thought. Even would be difficult to understand how g. Lobachevsky from
lightest and most clear in mathematics head, such as geometry, it could make
this heavy, such dark and impenetrable study, if itself it partly
it did not suggest an idea us, after saying that its geometry was different from the commonly used,
by which we everyone learned which, probably, already learn we cannot, but to eat
only imagined. Yes, now everything is very understandable.
What cannot present the imagination, particularly living and together deformed!
Why not to imagine, for example, black - white, round - quadrangular,
the sum of all angles in the rectilinear triangle is less than two straight lines one and
the same definite integral equal the [r]/4, this oo? Very, greatly can,
although for the reason all this is incomprehensible " 1.
Stop! Here the author fell. Reason he calls all that which to him is understandable, A
incomprehensible, in his opinion, is unworthy attention. Distrust to the imagination exists
in the final analysis distrust to poetry itself.
Approximately at the same time and from the same positions it underwent the furious attacks
Pushkin's poetry and entire his creation. You will focus attention: the nameless author,
scolding Lobachevsky, at the same time clearly it hints also at the artistic
creation, in by something similar to “imaginary geometry”.
“For sym, and not with the probability only, but I assume with the perfect confidence,
that reckless passion to write with some strange and obscure means,
very noticeable for some time now in many of our writers, and rash
the desire to open new… “
The fact is that it is already clear to the middle of the 30th years of the 19th Century in the society
was formed ruinous for the science and the literature the concept of simplicity. True
science requires not what complexities, what already to speak about the literature. From
literature were required simplicity and benefit. This error is not eliminated to
our days. In the complexity and the withdrawal from the common sense they reproached feta, [Tyutcheva],
Block, [Bryusova], white, Khlebnikov, Mayakovskiy, Voznesensky. But during our days
the charges of this type are inverted to the poets of [metametaforicheskogo] direction, but
the speech is in front on this.
About Pushkin's [zatravlennosti] in recent years life we know much. And completely not
on top, and from the very that not on there is
it 1[Tsit]. on the book: [Smilga] v. in pursuit of beauty. M., 1968, s. 179.

the democratic layers of press were heard reproaches and charges in the spirit of that cited
review of Lobachevsky. “You [podite] away! What matter to poet peaceful to you”,
it was pulled out in Pushkin not randomly. Less we know about Lobachevsky's [zatravlennosti].
Review, I think, it is more eloquent any words.
“Besides, yes will permitted us somewhat touch personality. As it is possible
to think so that g. Lobachevsky, ordinary professor of mathematics, would write [s]
by any serious purpose the book, which would a little bring honor and
to last parochial teacher? If not learning, then, at least,
each teacher must have the common sense; and in the new geometry it does not obtain and
this latter ".
Here is the atmosphere, in which were crossed the alternate paths of Pushkin and
Today, when at long last [pokoleblen] myth about Pushkin's simplicity, is everything
the foundation for think, by what eyes saw poet the universe.
Cosmos with his fundamental laws was always in the center of the attention of the great
poet. One of the most interesting philosophical poems of Pushkin “motion”
(1825), dedicated to space, brings together its poetry with the newest ideas [o]
peace, that arose on the basis of the theory of relativity Of [a]. Einstein:

There is no [dvizhenya], said wise man [bradatyy].
Another kept silent and it began before it to walk.
Stronger it could not object;
They praised entire answer intricate.
But, gentlemen, the amusing case this
Another example to the memory to me it gives:
Indeed each day before us the sun walks,
However, zh of rights obstinate Galileo.

In this poem of Pushkin [predugadany] the important discoveries of contemporary science,
which gets to know the phenomena, inaccessible to human eye, he argues with the ordinary
by obviousness it conquers it.
The brilliant contemporary of Pushkin Lobachevsky for the first time forewent the principle
clarity, after constructing “imaginary geometry”, where it is possible through one point
to conduct the infinite set of parallel lines, in spite of “the obvious”
Euclid's geometry. Many then considered this failure of the obviousness as the eccentricity
scientist. Not by chance [Bulgarin], Pushkin's which hunted, it printed with the same zeal
(together [Grechem]) libels in rector [Kazanskiy] of Lobachevsky's university.
We do not know, about which conversed Pushkin and Lobachevsky during their brief and,
apparently, only encounter into [Kazani]1. Pushkin gathered materials [o]
[Pugachevskom] uprising. Maybe, did not pass past its attention the riot of the great
philosopher- mathematician against the gray prosiness, named “obviousness”. It was
it is obvious that the earth flat, and it proved to be round. It was obvious
the geometry of Euclid, while the geometry of Lobachevsky proved to be more precise. But
never will become for us obvious the moment of great enlightenment, also, in the creation
poet, and in the creation mathematics, and always we will remember the great words
Pushkin: “Inspiration is necessary in the poetry and in the geometry”. Certainly, Pushkin
the difference between physics and poetry was understood. Here are its remarkable lines from
“Imitations to the Koran”:

The Earth is motionless - sky arches,
Creator, they are supported by you,
Yes they will not fall on the dryness and the waters
And they will not choke us by itself.

“Poor physics, but what daring poetry!” - spoke Pushkin about this
to the picture of peace. But which the universe of Pushkin - actually inimitable?
Pushkin for a period of eight years wrote in the written in verse novel the picture
by the universe, and if we want to understand it, then they must although to some period
to see sky with its eyes. We must learn together with Tatiana [Larinoy]

… To prevent dawn rise,
When on the pale horizon
Stars disappears round-dance,
And quietly the edge of the earth brightens,
And, the herald of the morning, wind winnows,
And mounts gradually day.
In winter, when the night shadow
[Polmirom] to portion it possesses,
And to portion in the idle silence
With the blurred moon
The east lazy rests…

This “light” portrait of the soul of Tatianas, created from the radiance of stars and dawn,
it reveals Pushkin's universe.
1[O] the fact of the encounter of Pushkin with Lobachevsky in Kazan in 1833 and conversation between
by them see: Wheelwrights [M]. Lobachevsky, M., 1965, s. 197.

Indeed today everyone from us, in the night stood outside, sees the night
the shadow, “which possesses [polmirom]”. Literally they for the first time saw this picture only
cosmonauts from the window of spacecraft.
Pushkin looks at the universe fixedly and for long; therefore she in it does not occur
The round-dance of stars - disappears.
Kray the earth - brightens.
Night shadow - [polmirom] possesses.
The east - rests.
Roman is saturated by the motion of light. In the first chapter this twinkling of spark plugs, lamps,
then artificial light increasingly more frequently is inferior the place for the twinkling of stars, quiet
to the light of moon, to the dazzling radiance of the sun. Together with Pushkin let us be immersed on
time into this element of light. Here is the means of Petersburg:

Still outside and inside
Lamps everywhere shine…
Before the [pomerkshimi] houses
Along the sleepy street with the numbers
Dual lamps of the coaches
Merry they issue the light
And rainbows at the snow direct;
[Useyan] by earthen saucers around,
[Blestit] splendid house;
Along the one-piece windows of shadow they walk…

But comes the moment, when the artificial “merry light” of ball is dissolved in
the majestic radiance of the twilight night:

When it is transparent and it is light
Night sky above the Neva
And waters the merry glass-
Does not reflect the face of Dianas…

Further the picture of the night universe in the perception of Tatianas. After this, the universe

longer it leaves man. Tatiana and moon are inseparable. He writes with the moonlight
it the letter to Onegin, together with the moon leaves his office after the murder
[Lenskogo]. But, perhaps, the most surprising in the novel, when infinite
the celestial sphere and the run of moon suddenly stop in the mirror of Tatianas:

Night is frosty, entire sky is clear;
Heavenly bodies of celestial the marvellous chorus
It flows so quietly, so accordingly…
Tatiana to the wide court
In open [platitse] it leaves,
The mirror directs at the month;
But in dark mirror one
Sad moon shakes…

These are the elusive motion of the hand of Tatianas, the timid beating of human pulse,
poured with the universe, that inspired metaphor, which reflects the unity
man and space. The trembling of Tatianas is transferred by the universe, and “in the dark mirror
one shakes sad moon ". Roman “Eugene Onegin” is painted in gay colors not by color, A
by light. Most frequently the light of novel - rise or sunset, the reflection of spark plugs or
fireplace, the light of moon, to [mertsane] of pink snows, the celestial sphere. Basic palette
novel - this is the silvery glow of stars and moon, which passes into the golden and
the ruby-colored light of the fireplace or sun. Roman as is woven from the living light. Color, not
that connected with the natural glow, in it almost is absent. Exception
they are only “on the red paws goose heavy” and coachman “in the sheepskin coat, in
red sash ". Light pierces novel, composing space background.
Above the grave Of [lenskogo] together with the moon appear Tatiana and Olga: “I on the grave
with the moon, after being embraced, they cried to [one] ".
When the moment of the farewell of Tatianas with nature before the departure into Moscow comes,
we with the surprise suddenly note that the time can rush with the rapidity

… summer rapid flies.
Came autumn gold.
Nature is timid, pale,
As victim, it is magnificently removed…
Here is the north, the clouds of telling-off,
It breathed, it howled - and here itself
Goes sorceress winter.

In seven lines before us flashed the summer, autumn, winter. Year became
moment. The first head of novel is almost wholly dedicated to the showing of one day of Onegin.
But here in one stanza - year.
Or at the height of the description of the ball, where “[brenchat] of the horseguardsman of spur, fly the legs
dears I will give ", invades the recollection of the author about the same balls. Consider in
this word - recollection. Story about the ball goes in the present time, and suddenly
about the same ball Pushkin speaks as about the past: “During the days of [veseliy] and desires I
it was from the balls without the mind… “one and the same phenomenon it is described from the present and from
future time.
At the moment of the last meeting of Tatianas with Onegin, when

It left. It stands Eugene,
It is as if struck by thunder,

Pushkin reports to us that all these events occurred in the distant past, in
such distant, that died already “that, with which was formed Tatianas dear ideal”.

But those, by which in the friendly encounter
I stanza the first read…
Something different already no, and those far,
As sit down there is no time he said.
Onegin is drawn without them.
But that, with which it is formed
Tatianas dear ideal…
On is much, much fate of [otyal]!

Recently Onegin and Tatiana stood before us. Already Eugene “as if by the thunder
it is struck ", and Pushkin reports here about death of that, with which it is formed
“Tatianas dear ideal”, moreover as about the event long ago passed.
Yes, the past, future and present… All this is clearly divided. And the obviousness
he speaks about the impossibility to be simultaneously in the past, in the present and in
future. But the same obviousness tells us that the earth is flat… It can be,
poet, who lived in the first half of the 19th Century, saw time by the eyes of man OF THE XXI
Reading carefully into the lines of novel, we increasingly more deeply are penetrated by the rhythm of eternity, all
above we rise above the chronologically limited section of the human
life. And we see peace in its indissoluble unity, where the man and the universe,
the past, future and present are indissoluble and designated by word “eternity”.
In order to understand, to what extent the revolution, which was completed in Onegin's, is deep shower,
let us compare this state of hard times with that overfilled, although tragic
by the sensation of time, which arose in Onegin together with the love for Tatiana:

To me roads day, to me roads the hour:
But I in the useless boredom spend
By fate the counted off days.
And they are so already painful.

And are further - the lines, which Mayakovskiy thus loved. Lines, overfilled
by the sensation of the life:

I know: century already my is measured;
But so that would be prolonged the life my,
I in the morning must be confident,
That with you in the daytime will be seen I…

As this sensation of time it is not similar to Onegin's state, when it lived,
“hours and days in the happy-go-lucky bliss without considering”, as this is similar to the state
Tatianas at the moment of farewell with nature, when year became one moment.
Thus, Pushkin gives two possible models of peace. One and the same person can in
one moment of time to feel eternity, and the very same can not note as
they passed twenty six years of its life. In the first case each moment is infinite
expectations, in other - unnoticeably pass years and they are converted into the void.
You remember this sensation of the increasing void in the house of the uncle of Onegin, where “everywhere
high rests… “.
Man completely differently can feel in one and the same universe.
He can pour his look with infinity of the celestial sphere and his rumor - [s]
by the babble of stream. But can, similar to the uncle of Onegin, sit through forty years and
anything not to note, to anything not to astonish.
This is how in detail describes Pushkin picture around Onegin's house in the village:

Master house secluded,
By mountain from the wind protected,
It stood above the creek. Far
They showed multicolors and flowered before it
The Luga fields are gold,
Flickered [sely]; here and there
Herds fermented along the meadows,
And canopy it enlarged the thick
Enormous neglected garden,
Shelter of pensive dryads.

Prospect always is separated. Master house stands above the creek, and our
view is fixed upwards. Then we are fixed far together with the author, where
meadows make gaudy and flower, villages flicker, herds ferment. Everything here in the motion everything
it is separated into infinity. Even garden of canopy " enlarged” thick.
But that did make at this infinity the uncle of Onegin?

Years forty with the house manager quarrelled,
In the window it looked the flies of weights.

The sensation of the outgoing time, limitedness of human life appears [u]
the reader even before the loss Of [lenskogo] - in the lyric retreat of Pushkin above
by Dmitriy [Larin]'s grave:

Alas! On vital [brazdakh]
By instantaneous harvest of [pokolenya],
On by secret to the will of [providenya],
They raise, they ripen and will fall;
Others by them [vosled] go…
So our windy tribe
It grows, it is disturbed, boils
And it crowds to the coffin of great-grandfathers.
It will arrive, will arrive our time,
And our grandsons in the good hour
From the peace they will extrude us!

What sharp sensation of life it is necessary to possess, in order to, after rising above
by the limitedness of its life, to name good the hour, when grandsons extrude us.
Pushkin's view now and then so rises above subjective existence,
so it is dissolved in the life of nature, universe, in the change of generations, that
personal death no longer seems it by central event. It is too sharp
life in all its manifestations feels - to it not, it remains time for grief
above the limitedness of its terrestrial life.
Yes, skill teaches us this feeling. To feeling of infinite life, to the feeling
immortality. Specifically, about this the last lines of the novel speak:

It is blissful, who the holiday of life early
It left, without having finished drinking to the bottom
Glass of complete wine,
Who did not read its novel
And suddenly it knew how to part with it,
As I with Onegin by my.

It cannot be completely read the novel of life. But if it not interrupted, the glass
it is always complete. Because life is infinite.
Pushkin in [poluzabyti] as if attempted to rise upwards in the recent minutes of life
on the invisible stairs it called all after itself.
Its poetry was to precisely this invisible stairs into the sky. Invisible, because
Pushkin brilliantly used the method of ancient - by terrestrial words he said [o]
Today there is no deficiency in the fantastic of work " about space, but nevertheless
the largest response obtained those works, where the problem of the space
contacts it is solved on the earth. It is solved, but as? :.


As if gold ring was torn away after Khlebnikov. It was pulled out into space
galactic invisible spiral, by spiral staircase left into the sky. It was turned inside out
in infinity it took away into those spaces of Velimir Khlebnikov, Andrey
White… Along that trajectory it was further in prospect for us by all to rise upwards, A
it can be, and not all. Or even generally no one?
However, indeed not by chance from the second-half of our century we not so many themselves
we strive into space, how much we wait, that on the same stairs they will descend to us from the sky
the present inhabitants of universe. However, Videlas biblical Of [iakov] in the prophetic sleep
its of bright angels, who descend and who ascend. Where you, messengers of the universe,
in the shining radiant diving-dresses? Why does not respond abyss to the numbers?
Really stairs only from the earth to the sky there is no way from the sky to the earth? Can
to be, and thus.
Ordinary idea about the extraterrestrial civilization: they [vsemogushchi], they
they can govern us, but… either they experiment or they do not want
to interfere.
Where more thinly thinks creator cyberneticists Burrow- Bertha Wiener. In the book
“Creator and robot” scientist raises the question: it is compulsory whether infinitely perfected
system must be omnipotent? And it answers: in no case. Omnipotence,
omnipotence - sign of weakness and imperfection. They pretended to the omnipotence
the pharaohs of ancient Egypt and many dictators of the 20th century. Perfect system
the aim is not to totalitarian control. If the space civilization
[sovershenna], it never will allow itself the brazen interference in the life
other planets. In [S]. [Lem] extraterrestrial civilization looks like ocean,
telepathically connected to our subconsciousness. Ocean reads our sleeps and
recollections not only it reads, it transmits them so that we we look and not
we can distinguish that imagined of the real. However, this occurs
it is far, on another planet, and here in [Strugatskikh] the problem of contact with something different
by civilization it is considerably more complex. In the narrative “picnic on the curb” they are placed
the questions, to which today, perhaps, it is not possible to find answer.
Not somewhere in distant space, not in the desert and not in the dense forest, but on
to the outskirts of city there is the region, thoroughly guarded, enclosed by the prickly
by wire, zone. Zone is similar to many horrors of the 20th century: to the concentration camp, on
urban dump, to the locality, infected by radiation or poisoned
by chemical plant, and, alas, in Chernobyl'. This all which remained from
contemporary residential area after some incomprehensible calamity. It is how much
such “zones” it arose on our planet for the last half-centuries.
Now all these “zones” are populated by people. They remained only on the terrible periods
Zone in the narrative Of [strugatskikh] is fresh. There are past many years after the incomprehensible
calamity, and it is still dangerous for the people, thoroughly it is guarded from the disastrous
The forbidden fruit of [sladok]. There is a set of hunters to test fate. There is even
the professionals of this desperate matter - stalker. One of them - the hero of narrative.
It repeatedly was in the zone, returned with whole and unharmed, but something again and
it again draws it to the [byloy] danger. No one knows, what loss threatens in
To zone. Under [somnenem] even loss itself. This can be sudden mutilation,
folly, is simple disappearance.
For what, risking by life, man does strive there? There, in the zone, there is a place,
where any desires are fulfilled. It is useless about by something to request. As [Solyaris] [u]
[Lema], zone, itself reads desires itself fulfills or not their [ispolnyav].
In the narrative “picnic on the curb” the people go in zones; with the specific goals: the scientists
they study, businessmen grow rich. Zone is complete of surprising and uncommon
by the objects, which behave mysteriously and it is not explained. For example,
“empty shell”: “two copper disks tea saucer… and the distance between the disks
millimeters four hundred, and, besides this distance, there is nothing between them " 1.
In this void it is possible to push through hand, head, but to force disks friend [k]
to friend, it is not possible to pull them by any force. Scientifically it is called
“hydromagnetic trap, the object of seventy [sem]-[be]”. Stalker, which it is much
once brought these “empty shells” from the zone, it laughs above the scientist, to which
1 [Strugatskiy] A, [Strugatskiy] [B]. [Nenaznachennye] encounter. M., 1980, s. 68.

it is necessary “at any cost any “empty shell” to [iznichtozhit], by the acids
it to pickle, under the press to flatten, to melt in the furnace. And here then it will become
to it everything is understandable… “.
In Andrey Tarkovsky's film the zone is deprived of this exotic character. Three go in the zone:
writer, professor and conductor - stalker. All three count themselves
by unlucky wretches. All have the cherished dream - to carry out their designation in
Three go to the intended target, but only one of them believes - stalker. Writer
and scientist long ago already not in that they believe nor want to believe. They go into the zone
it is faster for complacency.
Peace is dull, in it nothing it can occur, but zone can pleasantly tickle
nerves. Writer and professor have the dual purpose: either to carry out desire or
once more to be affirmed in its disbelief. Scientist knows: Zone - the same fraud,
as [NLO], telepathy or Bermuda triangle. But just in case (on
any case!) in the knapsack of professor small mine.
Three thus go: scientist, writer stalker, believing and without believing in the contact [s]
by extraterrestrial civilization. One has in the soul hope, in another desperation, [u]
third in the soul nothing, and after the arms in the knapsack - death.
Well, will say another reader, this already too. From where it could appear on the earth
Zone? There are, of course, mysterious places on the planet. [A]. [Kazantsev],
science fiction writer, is solidly convinced that in the impact area in the tunguska meteorite
spacecraft landed. How many years investigate this zone scientists, and
no tracks of ship. The increased radiation was, trees are around throw downed,
swamp arose, but indeed do not disappear there people, as in the Bermuda
Here precisely, will object another, how many ships and aircraft disappeared in this
region, as if it fell through into the space funnel. It is clear that the zone Of [strugatskikh],
it is possible to say, not fantasy, but reality. Skeptic can object, that
expedition in the Bermuda triangle found in exact figures anything. So indeed
and zone is investigated and nothing they find! They cannot understand. But that they can understand
Professor with the mine “after the cavity” and writer, who long ago lost faith?
We will not be interfered with this dispute, but let us discover the transactions [K].[E]. of Tsiolkovskiy and
let us read these words:
“Indeed the majority of people completely ignorantly looks at the universe almost
so as animals… If they saw the interference of other essences in
our terrestrial matters, then now they would understand this from the point of view of their faith.
Would appear fanaticism with its crimes and more than anything ".
Yes, and Tsiolkovskiy considered that humanity morally did not mature for the contacts
with the highest starry civilization.
I do not want to tie to the readers my confidence in existence of the extraterrestrial
civilizations, but following Tsiolkovskiy let us pose to itself the question: if they there is, then
why they do not enter with us into the contact otherwise as through the fantastic zone or
semi-ficticious Bermuda triangles as will answer this question the brothers
[Strugatskie], I will say more lately. First let us listen, that they think about the contacts with others
by civilizations people, the closest to space, NG cosmonauts.
“Even if there are no [inoplanetyan] in the region of the Earth as yet, but their visit sometimes
it takes place, then most likely they not [srazi] will make contact with our
by civilization. Perhaps, at first we will become the object of one-sided study, A
not mutual contact. This, in my opinion, completely real view on the encounter [s]
by [inoplanetyanami] " (cosmonaut Yuri [Malyshev]).!
The opinion Of [malysheva], as we see, does not contradict the views Of [strugatskikh].
Mysterious zone behaves in the narrative expectant, as if studying people.
Here the reader can recall another narrative Of [strugatskikh] “hotel “in that been killed
mountain climber ", where to [inoplanetyane] they enter into the contact with the people, giving to the robot
man! descriptive form. This seems already entirely fabulous!
Then is not fantastic, but completely in proper time this warning of Herman
Titov - cosmonaut of ¹ 2:
“Well, and speaking about [inoplanetyanakh], it is necessary to have in mind that sometimes
someone to us for sure will arrive flying I here here we they must not strike in
mud by face. But those will see our nuclear arsenals yes and will write down into its
the extraterrestrial catalogs: “Planet is good and is beautiful, life is located. Reasonable
essences it is not discovered ".
The narrative Of [strugatskikh] speaks precisely about this sad contact. It is unknown,
what wrote down in their “diary” invisible been present in the zone… They wait,
they wait person, sufficient perfected in order to make contact
To [inoplanetyane] they are forged in its actions. Attempting to make contact [s]
by people, they at the same time bring involuntary harm on entire living. Therefore thus
zone is lifeless and whimsical. But indeed if we are dismantled, our contact where
by closer essences than to [inoplanetyane], it is sometimes precisely such. Perhaps not
death and destruction does bear men, mastering nature? Today we study and
we guard birds, animals, plant. We destroy more successful where than we guard, and
we kill more rapidly than we study. How many “zones” left after himself man, thus
is careless, so unwisely invaded the peace of nature for the elongation of many
decades. Astronomer [I]. [S]. [Shklovskiy] said that we unsuccessfully attempt
to establish contact with the dolphins and the ants, what already here to speak about others
the civilizations, which differ from people considerably more than dolphins and
They ceased to destroy comparatively recently dolphins; however, not from grow prettier
of life in recent years are ejected to the coast whales from the waters, poisoned or
[poluotravlennykh] by industrial wastes.
Zone [Strugatskikh] not so much fantastic construction, as
honest model or even mold. This is how the contact of the man would appear
with space, if space behaved with respect to the man in the manner that of the men
it behaves with respect to nature and space.
The narrative Of [strugatskikh] is good also fact that the possibility to feel gives:
the boundary between man and space passes here, on the earth. And the contact
it is achieved here, on the earth. It is unimportant, with the newcomers or without them. Cosmos
he speaks to us in his language, this language must be known how to read.
In the narrative of desire it fulfills “gold sphere”. But the stalker, that goes to the sphere, must
to take with itself victim - man, nothing knowing about the trap, in which it
it must perish. Then road is opened and all desires of stalker will be carried out.
The cost of miracle is such.
It can be, zone is any not zone, it is simple the dump of industrial wastes, and only
the imagination of people allotted its wonderful properties. It can be…
Stalker from the narrative “picnic on the curb” it sacrificed youth, almost child.
But before perishing, boy had time to scream out his desire, not expected
for the stalker: “Happiness for all! :. for free! :. as much as desired happiness! :.”
The shaken hero to bring suddenly understands, then it is not possible to request something
usual, simple, only for itself. It already more “did not attempt to think”, it
it said about itself “with the desperation as prayer”, being turned… to space,
To the indifferent sphinx, to which there is no matter to the earth concerning its problems, being turned
with the purely human request: “If you in reality such - being omnipotent,
all-knowing, [vseponimayushchiy]… be dismantled! Glance into my soul, I know - there
there is everything which to you is must. Must be! :. extend from me itself, what I want,
indeed it cannot be so that I would want the poor! :. “
In the works Of [strugatskikh] there is the severe truth about the moral immaturity of our
In the narrative Of [aytmatova] “[Burannyy] station” also is “zone”, and this “zone”
it is also intended for the contacts with space, but paradox in the fact that ships,
fly awaying! in space from the zone, they must fence our earth from the penetration
extraterrestrial civilization.
Two cosmonauts disappeared from the spacecraft, after leaving there the message
to earthlings. Yes, occurred encounter with the extraterrestrial civilization. It was
glad, but nevertheless…
“We depart to the uncertainty… no one not known that the experience conceals
extraterrestrial civilization - good or evil for humanity? :. we say goodbye. We
we see through our illuminators the Earth from the side… The Earth is excellent
by the improbable, unprecedented blue and it is hence brittle as the head of baby ".
The comparison of the earth with the head of baby is here symbolic.
Chingiz [Aytmatov] described in the narrative “[Burannyy] station” legend [o]
[mankurtakh]. Who such [mankurty]? These are adult people with the heads of babies. Them
artificially! “were derived” then-occuring [selektsionery] of warlike tribe. On
the head of prisoner was put on the ring of damp skin from the neck of camel. Skin,
drying, it was compressed on the sun. It compressed the head of prisoner. Many perished in
terrible tortures, and those that they remained in the living, they became obedient
by slaves, nothing knowing about the past.
By resolution of space council to the head of the earth as to the head of the future
[mankurta], put on “camel hide”: shielding hoop from the satellites is created,
barring from the possible contacts with the unknown civilization.
In the old times of [mankurt] on the order of owner killed her mother. It remembered not
its name, not the name of father. Now people want to convert earthlings in the same
obedient [mankurtov], which do not remember about their space relationship.
“Rockets departed to deep space to embed around the terrestial globe constantly
the acting cordon so that nothing it would change in the terrestrial matters, in order to everything
it remained as to eat… “
Life on the earth is a space phenomenon. One of the works of the academician
[Vernadskogo] is called “scientific thought as planetary phenomenon”.
“The history of scientific thought, scientific knowledge, its historical motion is manifested
from the new side, which was not sufficiently realized, until now. It is cannot it
to examine only as history of one of the humanities. This history
there is simultaneously the history of creation in the biosphere of new geological force -
of scientific thought, it is earlier in the biosphere of that been absent. This is the history of the manifestation
the new geological factor… of prevailing spontaneously as natural
phenomenon, into the latter several ten thousands years. It is not by chance as
any natural phenomenon, it is regular, as it is regular in the lapse of time
the process, which created the brain Of homo Of sapiens " 1.
This deep thought, which [Vernadskiy] entire life proved, sounds in the scientific
account are somewhat impassive and are dryish. It can be, here it is not sufficient
the consciousness of the fact that also feelings of man, and his emotional peace exist
space phenomenon, is more significant than geological processes.
Man in the universe appeared not randomly. His thought is increasingly wider
it is extended in the universe. The sphere of reason, noosphere, exceeded the limits
the earth. This process, in the opinion Of [vernadskogo], is not reversed. Victory of reason above
it is space predetermined by the element of hatred.
Writer, however, cannot allow himself to think of luxury only in the limits
millennial and geological epochs. Alas, human life is considerably shorter.
Corresponding member of as USSR [I]. [S]. [Shklovskiy], the author of the book “the universe, life,
reason ", convincingly dethroned iridescent hopes for the fact that reason in the universe
it is found somewhere through the proximity with us. The head of its last book is entitled
thus: “About the possible uniqueness of reasonable life in the universe " 2. after many
it wants the events of our stormy century, events, which took away hundred million people,
To add one additional head - about the possible uniqueness of reasonable life on the earth.
I do not believe in the uniqueness of reasonable life in space and share the confidence
Tsiolkovskiy and [Vernadskogo] in existence extraterrestrial reason, but it is ready
to sign under
1[Vernadskiy] [V]. [I]. [Razmyshleniya] naturalist. M., 1977, s. 22. ,
2[Shklovskiy] [I]. [S]. [Problemy] contemporary astrophysics. M., 1982.

by each line of the statement Of [i]. [S]. [Shklovskiy] about the uniqueness of the human
reason, human life.
Let us total, somewhat not expected. For the contacts with the highest civilization we
must themselves begin [vyi] to ascend the new step of the stairs, which leads into space.


How many turns the stairs has, which leads into the universe? According to the ancient Chinese
mythology - nine. Ancient India speaks about five steps of perfection, after
by which is opened the sky. There can be, there in the sky, four additional steps.
As tetrameter iambus am light, directly it flies into the skies. There can be, Pushkin the beginnings
ascending directly from the fifth layer: before death it saw stairs and
it rose on it. I think, are unimportant, how many steps, the main thing to rise.
In spiral staircase are not only lifts, but also sufficiently steep descents. And
not always poet knows, he does go 1 downward or it rises above. Here the very
terrible - to stop. Immobility - loss of poetry.
preserved legend about the Tower of Babel - rock spiral staircase,
ascending to the sky. Many its peoples were assembled, but were mixed languages, the builders
they could not continue their work, and tower collapsed.
There is the recollection about the stairs from the earth to the sky, which it saw in the sleep
biblical patriarch [Iakov]. The stairs Of [iakova] became the symbol of the spiritual
the ascending of man. This is poetry itself. “Tower” cannot be destroyed, A
it is erected as if by itself.

Here is stairs into the sky, where the perfumes soar,
Here is stairs into the earth, where the worms [glodayut].
Here is stairs into the water, where there is no emersion.
Here is stairs into the flame. Tracks disappear…
Here is stairs into the body. Here is stairs into the spirit.
Here is stairs into the concept of spirit and body -
Here is stairs into that so that the body would fly…
([Yu]. Moritz)

This not babylonian - artificial tower from the heavy rock chunks; here
steps are weightless, almost invisible, but they are more durable than any stone or metal.
As it would be desirable to continue smooth ascending the spiral staircase,
taking away into the sky to the dazzling point “omega”, from Khlebnikov it is above, but
today it itself remains the highest unattainable “omega”. On its stairs the poets
they raise at the skies.

Spiral staircase -
Corkscrews of ceilings,
Forged godchild
To the Ursa Major
Tax by hand…
Necessary to zh it was to be encountered
To us on the screw…
([P]. [Vegin])

“Spiral staircase” takes away man into space: rising upwards, it
it is twisted to the point, in addition familiar to us light cone. First
convergence to the point of the zero point:

Cone of the body,
Cone of the light,
Cone sow!. -

and then recession broadwise in lower half of the cup Of [dzhemshid]:

Cosmos of sky,
Cosmos of heart,
Cosmos of thoughts…

The tangential spiral of de Chardin's [Teyyara] became the stairs, which leads in
sky, there - it is above and above - to the man. Here in the dazzling, the already invisible
to height converge into the point [N]. Lobachevsky's parallel.

Life is my, you eternity, that steeply
Itself in itself is convoluted into the spiral,
You and eternity, but indeed and the minute
You in the cosmogonical fate! :.

(Already familiar to us dual spiral - space of the casket Of [koshcheya], cup Of [dzhemshid],
the sphere of Pascal, crystal globe of Pierre Bezukhov, sphere Of [a]. [Bely] and…
spiral staircase into the universe.)

Straight line steeply is bent,
Parallel refer in the point! :.
And eyes in the meditation raising,
I quietly scrutinize upwards.
([E]. Vinokurs)

(Let us recall Ivan [Karamazov]'s dispute about the nonacceptance by them the convergent parallel in
Lobachevsky's geometry.)
In the novel Thomas Mann Joseph from the bottom of well it saw entire sky, entire universe.
This earthen well, which opened sky, it became, however for E. [Vinokurova]
it is strange, the simple entrenchment:

It was shallow
That empty entrenchment…
Born under the sign of scorpion,
As I wanted to look
In its horoscope,
After raising the look
To the star
In horizon.
From the depth of the entrenchment
By that spring,
Eyes its at the sky raising,
I believed that between by stars and by me
Straight line is certain dependence.

The poetic dialogue between space and man never yet was so

As freely I wander, as it is lonely.
You will stumble - it will tighten the firmament…
In the scattered land of Orion -
On which, for example? -
Who is so rash,
In order to ask? [Razyatoy] abyss among
To us [priotkryt] only small [primerchik]
The dark secret: its own death.
Detail into infinity is introduced -
Its strange sense more natively became.
To the universe the prohibited tenderness
[Drozhanem] of spectra it will hang between eyelashes.
(B. [Akhmadulina])

“To the universe the prohibited tenderness” - so earlier about the universe they did not write.
It appeared by the abyss, cold, which frightens away, terrible, and now somehow
poets otherwise began to look at space.

There is something in it, that to the highest calculation
It is not subject. Let continue the way.
And it tender- tenderly suffocates eternity into the cheek,
And it is sweet to me to her mild weather to cling.
(B. [Akhmadulina])

Sooner or later in each person encounter with the sky must occur. Here
it does not occur mediators, but it is simple -

Face to face with the universe,
One against the wind and the ice floes,
Certainly, we together with all,
And nevertheless face to face.
([A]. Voznesensky)

And [Lermontova] has encounter with space in the solitude:

Leave one I for the road.
Siliceous way [blestit] through the fog.
Night is quiet. Desert [vnemlet] to god,
And star with star speaks.

And nevertheless about which they do speak, these stars?
This conversation becomes intelligible suddenly at the moment of the instantaneous unity
man with the entire universe.
[Metakod] is similar to the torn roll: one half before the sky, another in the soul
man. Having only connected the together internal (sincere) and external (starry)
characters, it is possible to guess the starry cipher of nature, opened “face to face”
by the universe and to man.

In the strange order the stars are scattered,
Truth is said in starry [mertsane].
The book of skies we read as air.
These are not reading, but [sozertsane]! :.
Cryptography - handwriting of entire [mirozdanya],
Handwriting of poetry, brush, clavier!
Cryptography - this in the fog of [predanya],
Fiery type of the creation of peace.
([Yu]. Moritz)

In 1978 in [Pitsunde], on the shore Black sea, in the places, where they moored
argonauts, who swam after the gold fleece of constellation it is, I began the work on
“Starry book”. There [Yunna] Moritz worked at the collector “third eye”, and
in the day to our acquaintance it wrote poem “the fogginess
[dykhanya] and Pena ":

Here is the coast, which to me dreams,
And moonstones on it,
And I see moonstones,
And I know that these are they…
And I see dark-blue bird,
Celestial roses above it.
I see the celestial roses
And I know that these are they.
I see celestial roses,
Viennese from the smiles of madonnas,
By [gazelyu] the smile of the universe,
And I know that these are they…
And evergreen stars,
Both wave and air, and the blood
They flow, double, are divided into three,
They interlace secretly with me…
And I on the spot by the universe
It muffled secret into the fog
And it sang the misty songs
On the secret in fog its!
It would sing misty songs,
If it was the universe! :.

And the reader will understand how were to me these lines and why
poem is printed in collections with the dedication to the author of this book. Words
poet [A]. [Blok] about the sky - “the book between the books” - here, under the sky of Colchis,
were received entirely not book, but the verses Of [yunny] Moritz from collection “the third
eye " heard then, in Moscow, through the telephone membrane and as through
the abyss of time - as if these words immediately began to sound after [A]. [Blok]:

From some terrible moment,
From some lacrimal lump
The starry book draws me,
As wanderer - letter from the house.
And many lives after living on the earth,
I read not that which lies on the table,
But that which is hidden after the cloud
And in the wanderings it is strongly forgotten.

Apparently, not all was told about the stars also in the 19th Century. Something is must
to agree today in the same calm strict poetics, “when in the dark
breast, in the dark of that bearing live soul is compressed as burning star "…
From somewhere the frightening parade of planets was moved from space, astronomers refuted
rumors about the ruinous influence for the earth of this rare space phenomenon, and
many already perceived, sensed, as the certain astral steps will be built
from one planet to the next, from the man to the universe.

In the transparent sky the wings of the stars
They twinkle, they shine, they steam,
I hear grasses and leaves increase,
I became with them in a secret number…
Us something torments one
In one row with the moon, with the wave,
And wants by air the window
To breathe in one row with me.
But I want in one row
With the bird-cherry, which flows light,
As usual in my kind,
To merge with the music of planets.
([Yu]. Moritz)

Sky as if was hidden from our eyes in 30-70- e years to the entire forty years. Only
astronomers knew the outlines of constellations. Certainly, somewhere there, in the misty they gave,
there were It [fet], [Tyutchev], block, but they already thoroughly forgot Khlebnikov, and even if
they recalled, the anything especially terrestrial. The third eye of poetry was opened in

I am torn off easily from the earth -
Give only occasion serious!
Raincoat is my - in the silver starry dust,
Way is my in the bird-cherry of starry…
This me you did not learn yesterday
In the lightning, in the fiery helmet,
Sirius - brother my, Venus - sister,
You - my better time.

Nevertheless something interfere withd long years our poetry. Some lead gravity
it pulled to the earth. Yes even “scientific picture of peace” is hopeless antiquated, backward from
time. Much is founded on on the dogmas XVIII and the 19th Century, it requires
revision. This confidence share many writers, artists and poets.
It is not possible to construct the picture of peace, close to the authenticity, without taking into account
the creative action of man on the universe. Passive role of small insects,
that diverted to us in cosmology of the 19th Century, as it was explained now, does not correspond

The light of Cassiopeia laughs
In the specular eye of astrologer.
Scarabs bring happiness -
On them manure gilding.
Green perspiration and the dark-blue wind
The ways, which it outlined
By them starry light on the black disks
Nights of Egyptian, Indian.
Now this time of night,
Now moon this time,
This time of [serebrenya]
Lilacs, throat, rumor, [zrenya],
The lira will be torn away from such nails
And memory will begin to sing such,
Which will become the powerful dust
Scientific picture of peace.
([Yu]. Moritz)

By the mental look of [podymemsya] now it is still above, from the outlines of the visible stars [k]
to sky invisible. There mysterious objects, which was called the unsuccessful name
“the black holes”. What they black, if they are overfilled internal, invisible
for us by light. These stars not for those, who became accustomed to entrust only to obvious
to phenomena. On the earth the prototypes of such internally bright, outwardly invisible stars
such poets as Fedor [Tyutchev].

Keep silent, be hidden and conceal
Both feeling and dream its -
Let in the sincere depth
They arise and go to [one]…
Only to live in itself know how -
There is an entire peace in the soul of your
Mysterious- magic thoughts,
External noise will stun them,
Day will drive away rays,
Heed their Pena - and keep silent! :.

The light “silence” of the black holes before the sky made their invisible for the idle
view, but with their mental look saw [A]. Einstein, and recently to them
reached astronomers, they groped by X-rays. These stars are invisible,
because inside them so strong a gravity, that the light cannot be pulled out
beyond the limits “internal” suns. Only feeler of radiotelescopes they encountered
to these objects, completely material, but such mysterious that writers and
cosmologists with the poetic gift instantly chose “the black holes” as
needle ear into “the paradise”, to the other side of zodiac. Which if the universe is possible
“to turn inside out inside out” through “the black hole”? If we at least mentally dive
there and to look: however, what there?
Then we prove to be in nine layers of the universe, familiar to us on the Chinese
Viola player Danilov from Vladimir Orlov's novel proved to be in those nine layers.
Danilov explained that the interest in the problem of the origin of themselves now aggravated
Nine layers. “Here there was never clarity. But much now emerged
hypotheses. True, almost all new hypotheses too far did not leave from the old.
But there were those been risky, that brought into question [izbrannost] of nine layers and them
superiority, let us say, above the earthlings. In particular hypothesis “inverted
stocking "… Supposedly the system, similar to the solar, in its development downy to
point and according to all necessary laws it was turned inside out into its complete
opposition (“into the black hole and inside out! ”). Nine here and came out
Layers… Once the earth was selected for nine layers by base planet… But
flowed away from that time much water. Is much smoke [istayalo]… “
If we accept the hypothesis “inverted stocking”, then entire space will prove to be external
by the side of our universe. We look at ourselves from within, when we fix the look
in the region of the micro- and of macrocosm. Already familiar to us the inversion: space - wrong side
our peace, we - the wrong side of space. There is no this thought does not have Orlov, but the theory
“Inverted stocking” runs imagination.
But this is how sees output into superstellar space of Valerie [Narbikov], young
prosaist from Andrey [Bitov]'s seminar:
“It was entirely dark, nothing not it is burned. Hole on the ceiling was black as
the black hole. Unpleasant it was at it to look. They were set to each other.
The hydra, built at the horizon, was broken… It broke through batteries, from the toilet
water gushed out and it began to pour circle. On the street everything as of old flooded… Everything
sank [vyazlo]. Sewerage water rose to the ceiling, and the black hole
pulled beach chair with the people as funnel. The cry at this moment was heard
newly born. It remained to mentally divide umbilical cord into three equal parts.
Then through the equal spaces to stop up in two places by sterile object. Entire
mud remained below - in the circle; here everything was sterile: trees, bird,
boots, branch, fingers, everything can be stopped up by any object ".
This is the finale of narrative. Space generation, detachment from the terrestrial umbilical cord,
reversing through the black hole, [ochishchene] from terrestrial mud - love.
The black hole appeared in the appearance O. about this simultaneously at Andrey Voznesensky
sound “[o]” and mathematical sign of zero. Zero- so appears at joint of two
cones the mathematical model of the black hole, if we look at it from our
peace. Zero- this is point of the confluence of time and space to the point of the light
the cone of the world events in the special theory of relativity. This is the middle
the hourglasses, where the top - space, bottom - man; this is point in the middle
the eight, which symbolizes infinity of peace; this is the dip in the entire universe,
output on that side of zodiac. When star flares up and perishes, on the spot it
[bylogo] existence is formed the black hole. In the creations of visionaries black
holes pierce our universe as holes in the cheese. In each star - it
the inverted double, rounded void like zero and sound “[o]”.
“Once at stuffy before storm noon I forgot to shut window, also, to me
the black hole flew in…
It was ball-shaped, its top caved in and separated ceiling…
Why Mayakovskiy could drink tea with the sun, but I cannot dine with the black
by hole? :.
- I - your killed civilization, she said…
- I am not loss, but possibility.
It did not have eyes. It entire was the sad lump of boundless view ".
That made human so for the first time on the pages of our literature appeared,
the anthropomorphous means “of the black hole”. “From it I learned, that she is not hole, but still
[dyrenysh], which was separated from the mass and which lost the way. I learned, that the black holes - this
the clusters of the pressed memory and feeling, but not passages into other spaces,
as people understand about them. I learned, what darkness - is not the absence of light, A
special energy of the dark…
In the small strifes with it I forgot, that it another child, and is already complete
he forgot, what it is universe ", child, universe, woman - mysterious
the dip in the universe of man peace. This is not simple fantasy or
allegorical method. The author it is confident and it transfers to us its confidence in that,
that the relation between man and space is directly proportional to the relation
between the man and the woman. Which will leave this fraction: love - eternal life
or void - death? :.
In order to find its starry oecumenical body, it is necessary “to be turned inside out from the jacket”,
to enter into the black hole.
“The black hole costs in the center my room. Its view is opened in the expectation.
I entered into the black hole.
[Dant] was mistaken, describing it as hopeless dank arched corridor…
There there is neither time nor space, everything is filled with the boundless internal
by voice ".
The corridor, along which ran Andrey [Bely]'s [Lizasha] to its shining sphere, it
- Ivan Ilyich's tunnel, and yet not randomly recalled Voznesensky about Dante.
Is not sufficient here only the well of Joseph and hollow of Andersen, but this already of component.
Now corridor became “boundless internal voice”. In it the author wants
to hear answer to the chief problems of human life. It hears, it
it is dissolved in the word and through it as through the hidden door, it sees its
[peredelkinskuyu] room, puts on its “worn body” and although “of foot slightly
still they harvest ", by the confident leap through the window it jumps out into the room. In the black
hole it left inside itself, when it was in the room, and it returned outside through
It is heavy “to wear” terrestrial body after space wanderings.

Man put on cowards,
To Mike turn blue strip…
And rocking by head,
The sphere of terrestrial is put on.
Black space stretched,
It strongly buttoned stars,
The Milky Way - through the arm,
On top something still…
Man looks all around.
Suddenly -
In constellation the weights
It recalled that it forgot hours…
It stands into some cowards,
It holds hours or so in the hands…

The output into space is such for the ironic person in the 20th century. By other it for the writer
The 17th Century of Avvakum Petrov, proto-priest of Avvakum.
As Joseph, been cast into the biblical well, it was located in the earthen prison,
“in its own to feces of [aki] it is pig being dragged along”. And this is what it happened of it into the passionate
Friday on the eve of Easter.
“… In the night of [vtoryya] of week, against heel, was extended language my and to [byst]
it is great [zelo], then the teeth of [bysha] are great, and [se] and hands of [bysha] and foot are great, then
and entire is wide and [prostranen] under [nebesem] throughout the entire earth was extended, and then
God contained into me and sky, and the earth, and entire creature… So it is kind and it is polite on
to the earth to [lezhati] and by light to [odeyannu] and by sky to [prikrytu] to [byti]… “1
Human body - entire world, entire space. And about the same in Arseni
Tarkovsky, after 300 years after Avvakum:

The man has the body
One as lone person.
To soul of [ostochertela]
Continuous shell
With the ears and the eyes
With value into the five-kopeck coin
And by the skin - scar on the scar,
Put on to the backbone.
1[Zhitie] of the proto-priest of Avvakum. M., 1960, s. 200.

And then soul vomits into her space dwelling - into the universe, flies there
following the look:

It flies through the cornea
In celestial [krinitsu],
To the icy knitting needle,
To the bird chariot
And it hears through the lattice
Living prison of its
Scaffolding and fields rattle,
Pipe of seven seas.

“Celestial [krinitsa]” - the folklore designation of [neb] as the roofs of oecumenical house.
“Icy knitting needle” - stake, the Slav, Russian designation of the Pole star.
“Bird chariot” - the folklore, mythological designation of the large
She-bears. From there, from the celestial height, the rustle of all scaffolding and fields - altogether only
children's rattle, and noise seven " seas - voice of one pipe. It would seem, it is good
to soul in the space house, but -

To soul it is sinful without the body,
As to body without the shirt,
Neither thought nor matter,
Neither concept nor line.
Riddle without the solution:
Who will return backwards,
After dancing on that area,
Where to no one to dance?

And the presentiment of other, starry clothing, which ascends to the dream here appears,
Tsiolkovskiy about the ball-shaped fiery! tele- oecumenical person.

And other dreams to me
Soul in other clothing:
It burns, crossing
From the shyness to the hope,
By fire as alcohol without the shadow
It departs along the earth,
To the memory the cluster of the lilac
After leaving on the table.
Child, run, without lamenting
Above Euridice poor,
And by rod on the light
Chase your hoop copper…

We here and returned to the fiery wheels, [useyannym] by eyes. Body as fiery
copper hoop as ball-shaped flame as star.
In his time [K]. [E]. Tsiolkovskiy came to the conclusion that the space evolution
man it is not yet completed.
Scientist scrupulously transfers deficiencies in the present form of man:
the imperfect geometric form - hand, feet, head, body - not are better
whether sphere? After becoming similar to star and to planet, man will become perfect as
celestial bodies.
“Even highest animal (man) very [nesovershenny]. For example, it is small
lifetime, it is small and is badly arranged the brain so forth
In the essence all this is only result of adaptation to living conditions on
to the earth - mainly to the life at the equator - and the sign of that not finished
phylogenetic development (evolution). On other planets, with others
conditions and the structure of living will be different. The Earth in the course of time also will give
it is better…
What this essence is possible, we see from the following. Let us imagine quartz (or
glass) the transparent sphere, pierced by sun rays. In it a little
soil, water, gases, plants and animals. In a word, this similarity
huge terrestial globe, only in the tiny form. Both in it and on
to any planet the specific isolated quantity of material. As in
that, so in other is accomplished one and the same known rotation of substance.
Our glass sphere presents the similarity of hypothetical essence,
circumventing with constant quantity of material and eternally living. Animals in
sphere if they die, then in their place are born new, that are fed by plants. In
general, glass sphere is immortal, as is immortal the Earth " 1.
One mathematician, who read lecture for the Parisian cutters about the possible
to dimensionless pattern for all individuals, beginnings by these its words: for
let us present conveniences to itself that the human body has a form of sphere. Halls
it is deserted instantly.
And nevertheless sphere - ideal form of space life. By the way, ancient myth,
transmitted by Plato, he speaks, that once man was spherical, but
Zeus cut it to two halves - man and female.
Second imperfection of man - his nourishment. So is difficult [negumanno]
to obtain to itself energy from the cereals and the living beings. Not better whether, after becoming similar
to plants, to take energy directly from the sun, to feed by solar rays?
1[Tsiolkovskiy] [K]. [E]. [Sobr]. works, Vol. 4. of M., 1964.

Thus, spherical, semi-transparent, specular, by undulating light - such
Tsiolkovskiy sees man of future. It is beautiful. It is similar on [NLO] and even to the ancient
idea about the fiery essences the Serafims, about the fiery wheels,
the strewn by eyes, confused in the incandescent desert biblical prophets.
However, the shining sphere - this only outside, and if we look from within multi-eyethat
sphere by its celestial eyes? Then that not known is opened before us
[metametaforicheskiy] peace.


[Shestiglazaya] multiing-eyeconceal sphere, by view directed simultaneously
upward-downward-to the right-to the left- inside it is outside. It is very similar on [NLO]. It is possible to manage
and one eye placed at the bend of the volumetric tape of Moebius.


It can be, this is that mysterious “third eye” into the universe, about which
so much write and speak.
And nevertheless I prefer to bypass with two eyes, without being converted into the sphere and in
Moebius's tape, because the advantage of man - to be all, remaining itself
by itself. Poetic sight is always cosmic. Here Dante descends into the depths
hell, and suddenly as if overwind the circles of convergence, forming entire the same tape
Moebius, and dazzling light into the person.

I saw, they [obyat] by the high light
And it is submerged in the clear depth of penetration,
Three uniform circles, different by color.
One by others is, it seemed, reflected.

Time seemingly was rolled up into the united infinite instant as in the first moment
“the creation” of our peace from the not distinguished by look thickening of the light:

United moment became me larger abyss,
Than twenty five centuries…

This was the moment of [antropnogo] space reversing. Is internal external
they interchanged the position themselves:

Rotation, which, appearing,
In you it shone as reflected light,

When I surveyed along the edge,
Inside, painted in the same color
Appeared to me seemingly our [ochertanya]…

As the geo-meter, which strained all [staranya],
In order to measure the circle, to grip by mind…

Was such I with the new wonder that:
He wanted to understand, as [sochetanny] they were
Face and circle in confluence its…

The geometric wonder, which sees Dante, combination of face and circle, is impossible
in the usual Euclidean geometry. On the non-Euclidean sight of Dante there are many times
spoke Pavel [Florenskiy]. And it is not surprising. Indeed [P]. [Florenskiy] opened
internal spherical prospect in the byzantine architecture and
Old-Russian painting.
With the projection on the sphere the point of prospect not in the depth of picture, A
it overturns inside the eye. Image seemingly embraces you to the right and
to the left - you occur inside the icon. They cover us by the same sphere
rounded walls and cupolas of cathedrals, and precisely so sees men sky. This
sphere is the intra- hypersphere, where are accurate the laws Of [n]. Lobachevsky's geometry, the peace
the special theory of relativity. But if we leave the temple and to look at those
cupola from without, we will see the spherical prospect for the general theory
Human eye from within - hypersphere, outside - sphere, after combining two
of projection, we could obtain the internal- external image of peace. Something
similar and sees Dante in the finale “godly comedy”. Face inside three
fiery circles it is simultaneously located outside, and circles themselves are interlaced.
This means that constantly changes the curvature of the shining sphere - it breathes.

Inhalation - Riemann's sphere, it breathed out - the hypersphere of Lobachevsky and the reverse prospect
Visualize the breathing specular sphere and your reflection in it - this is what
Dante saw. Here to you and sphere, “where the center everywhere, and circle nowhere”, and still
point is aleph from the story Of [borkhesa]: “In the diameter aleph had two or three centimeters, but
there was in it the space of the universe, moreover not a bit reduced. Each
object, for example glass mirror, was the infinite set of objects,
Because I him clearly saw from all points of the universe " 1.
1[Borkhes] of the X. [L]. [Proz] different years. M., 1986, s. 195.

Internal- external prospect appeared in the painting of the beginning of century. Here is the picture
A. [Lentulova] “[Iverskaya] chapel”. Artist turned inside out the space of the chapel
outside, and its exterior view placed inside the external image. According to the laws
reverse prospect you it embraces the internal space Of [iverskoy] chapel,
you inside it, although you cost before the picture, and there, in the depth of picture see
the same chapel from without with the entrance and the cupolas.
If we could by the same look see the universe. Inside and outside
[Metametafora] gives to us this sight!
It only is born, it ripens in us as grain, but the first sprouts
they began to appear.

Children stand, their muscles are stressed,
Their ears in edematic [dezhkakh].
From the bag the toys throw out…
Come out to the light from the angle of bag…
Mechanical crow, after opening the beak,
By this triangle it catches sphere terrestrial,
But sphere doubles, and crow flies in all directions.
Ship is less than the sabre, sabre is more than city,
Increasingly less than I, where there Swift! :.
Peace is divided into the man, and it is multiplied by everything
([A]. [Parshchikov])

Here and shyness, and tonguetiedness, but these are the first timid steps after v.
Khlebnikov into space Of [n]. Lobachevsky, [G]. Minkowski and [A]. Einstein.
[Metametafora] - these are not only new sight, but also the new understanding of the poetic
word. In the man entire universe, and man in the universe.
So semantics of word contains into itself many different senses, up to
the opposite values, which, in turn, are crushed to the new
semantic reflections, and there still and still. For example, nitroglycerine is dangerously explosive
under the rails, but not under the language. Let the linguists trace the elusive
the connection between the nitroglycerine - tablet and the explosive; for me this
the simply space inversion of word into two opposite senses. Between two
by opposite values appears unique, as they speak physics,
tunnel connection. Word seemingly dies (you will recall Ivan Ilyich's death), and
suddenly at the end tunnel - dazzling opposite sense.
Here most important breakthrough completed [oberiuty] [D]. [Kharms], [A]. [Vvedenskiy],
early [N]. [Zabolotskiy].

Ships walked at a gallop
Horses rushed through the fields
And there was firing and weeping
Sleep and death on the clouds
All drowned men left
They scratched to the sunset
And they went on the pole
Who was poor who it was rich…

How do you do god is universal
I cost a little tallow
Will memory and the oar
Glory to sky it took away.
(Alexander [Vvedenskiy], 1930)

This is the favorite size of [oberiutov] - inconsistent children's [schitalochka].
Absent syntax as the dropped clothing. “How do you do the god
universal " - man of [nag] is barefooted before the universe.
[Oberiuty] constantly ridicule reason. They know the limitedness of any thought.
But this is not the parody and even not [samoparodiya]. Ridiculing most secret its
thought, they [oberiut] completely it rejects. Mockery - this is view from
space height. Word must hang in outer space, helplessly
jerking by feet, disorderly swinging by hands. This is acclimatization in
weightlessness, becoming accustomed to space, in which the life is impossible.

Zodiacal signs grow dim
Pour on above the spaces.
Will sleep animal dog,
[Dremlet] bird sparrow.
[Tolstozadye] mermaids
They fly away directly into the sky,
Hands are strong as sticks,
Of breasts are round as turnip…

Candidate of [bylykh] centuries,
General of new years,
Reason is my! These [Urodtsy] -
Only invention and delirium.
(Nikolai [Zabolotskiy], 1929)

The looks of [oberiutov] were directed toward space. Between [N]. [Zabolotsky] and k. E.
Correspondence was tied by Tsiolkovskiy. “Your thoughts about the future of the Earth, humanity,
animals and plants they deeply disturb me, and they are very close to me. In my
the [nenapechatannykh] poems and verses I, as he could, solved them ", he writes with n.
In the poem “reckless wolf” purely [metametaforicheskiy] breakthrough to the universe - wolf
it attempts to see [Chigir] - star Venus. Anagram of the star Of [chigir] - bitterness,
star has an aftertaste of bitterness on the mouths of wolf.


I, after beginning to tear dog side,
I observe stars flow.
If you meet me
Lying on the spin
And raised upwards paws,
Means, the ray of my sight
It is directed directly to the skies.
Then I write song,
Why neck is not vertical.
Soothsayer lately to me said,
That it is possible to straighten her.

For the wolf reversing into space - this is the verticality of neck. Reasonable
bear so speaks about this:

But you is not the matter, wolf, he planned,
To turn inside out the neck devised what.

Let us recall that in Khlebnikov's poetry passage from the horizontal to the vertical
to sight - most great breakthrough. “[Pryamostoyachee] two-legged” - man, “it is lonely,
he is the upstart of beasts ". In the history of the living beings the finding of horizontality was
by the finding of infinite three-dimensional outer space. Now
one must “turn inside out” look into the internal- external peace. But as reckless
wolf, us holds the same terrestrial, bear force, which presses by entire power inward.

My horizontal ridge
Iron it since then became solid,
And it is impossible to our snouts
To look, from where light flows.
Between that above star shines -
[Chigir], magic star!
It to me soul takes out,
It compresses with [sudorgoy] mouths.
I desire to know the value of the universe
And there are whether wolves above! :.

About the surprising faith in the technology! Wolf hopes not for itself - to the machine tool. Already
he will help to be turned inside out to the sky.
Very description of clumsy, truly wolf mechanics resembles the [khlebnikovskie]
“heavy hammer, sledge hammer and [kiyury]”, by [koimi] is erected new space.


I will order to itself the machine tool
For the unscrewing of neck.
Itself my head I will there put,
I will turn with the labor of wheel.
With this neck of vertical,
I know, there will be I disgraced…

Really we will see wolf with the vertical neck? Yes, miracle was achieved. Machine tool whether
it operated, or soothsayer helped. Wolf changed. Here it sits in the solitude,
first deportee, not that disgraced; but the thought of it only about the high, no longer

Now one more remained exploit,
But there… I will not hide,
I am ready to lie into the great grave,
To shut eyes and to make by the earth.
To Tom, who saw, as stars shine,
To Tom, who could [rastenem] speak,
Who understood the terrible connection of thought -
Death is not terrible and the earth is not terrible.

But one additional exploit is in prospect. Wolf with the vertical neck, i.e., man,
it must, as tree, grow from itself, to become essence space,
to become sphere according to [K]. [E]. Tsiolkovskiy. Here is its space growing in
the sky:

Go to me, my large force!
Hold me! I grew, accurately oak,
I became as bull, and the bone as iron:
Grey as paleness, I to exploit am ready.
Look into me! My head shines,
All [sukhozhilya] vomit from me…
And I fly! As [ptashechka], I fly!

I understand the atmosphere!

Truly space self irony! Wolf survives that which occurred [s]
by proto-priest by Avvakum in the jail. You do remember, as did grow it into the universe?
Reckless, persecuted wolf, directed to the star Of [chigir], this and [Zabolotskiy] itself,
and its teacher Khlebnikov, and, probably, Tsiolkovskiy - brilliant contributor
“Animal of space”. Apparently, [Zabolotskiy] deeply felt the poetic
thrust to each other of two outwardly incompatible concepts: “animal” and “space”.
From this attraction arose the poem “reckless wolf”.
But Tsiolkovskiy wrote another article - “plant of space”. This great
concept answered in The [zabolotskogo] by poem about the space, spherical tree.
This tree can be all: by man, by violoncello, simply geometric
by figure. Tree - parallelogram, this is already fraught with [metametaforoy]. And
actually soon will arise the [metametaforicheskaya] stairs Of [iakova],
cut out of the layers of air by tree- axes. From there, from the height, where
“is formed new plane”, it is possible to see:

From below - the animals, that took in the paws trees,
On top - some vertical stars.

“Vertical stars” go back by their light to the new spherical space
to prospect.

Distance trees lose their [ochertanya], and to the eye
They seem first by triangle, then in a semicircle -
This is the already expression of clean concepts,
Tree sphere reigns here above others.
Tree sphere - is the mark of infinite tree,
This is the sum of numerical operations.
Mind, you do not search for it in the center the trees:
He in the center, and on the side, and here, and everywhere.

Here is it, entire the same shining internal- external sphere, familiar to us on all
to the previous heads: the cup of space [obosoblennostey], the crystal globe
Pierre, Pascal's sphere, the tangential spiral of Chardin, multiing-eyeconceal the sphere
Andrey [Belogo], Riemann's sphere in the general theory of relativity, the fiery vision
Dante in “godly comedy”, “animal of space” Of [k]. [E]. Tsiolkovskiy,
the reverse prospect Of [p]. [Florenskiy] and the space of [metametafory]: “in the center,
on the side and here everywhere ".
Unfortunately, poem “trees” was for the first time printed only in 1965 in
the journal “literary Georgia”. Involuntarily it is desirable to give here notes [k]
to poem, conducted By [n]. [Zabolotsky]. This of the reflection of the philosopher of the 18th Century of Grigoriy
Frying pans in the treatise “conversation about the sincere peace”: “Enemies your are own
your the essence of the opinions, which were ascended the throne into the heart your and [vseminutno] the afore-mentioned torturing,
[shepotniki], slanderers and enemies God, who censure unceasingly sovereign in
peace administration… This that unreasonable censure the order of the circles of celestial…
Ah, our poor knowledge and concept! “
Inversion of internal and external, reversing into the outer space -
this is the main hidden key means in the creation of another [oberiuta] - Danil
[Kharmsa]. Danil [Kharms] - pseudonym. Its value is completely clear. Prophet Danil,
interpreted stellar motion not in the favor of tsars, it was they will plunge into the ditch with the lions,
but lions did not touch it. Danil as Avvakum from the jail, it is good from this ditch
saw sky. The visions of the prophet of Danil inspired author [Apokalipsis]'s late.
However, deciphered starry nature of its prophecies astronomer [N]. Morozov, also
“[vvergnutyy] into the jail” - already in the 20th century.
The name Of [kharms], being to those inverted into the anagram, gives word “temple”. Pseudonym
indicates the temple of Danil, or starry temple.
In the work Of [kharmsa] “spheres” one of the heroes reads the book “[Malgil]” - this
anagram indicates “magician it flowed”. MAG (high-power aerosol generator) - interpreter of stars.
Very method of the [anagrammnogo] reversing of word goes back by roots to the ancient
to the [anagrammnomu] verse of bible, [Bkhagavatgity], “words about the regiment of Igor”. On
to the observations of linguist Saucier, by the [anagrammnym] verse they are written also “[Iliada]” and
“The Odyssy”. Unfortunately, the main labor of Saucier about the [anagrammnom] verse remained
But let us return to Danil [Kharms]. At the moment of reading the book the reader and all people
they are converted into the shining spheres and fly away into the sky.
The poem Of [kharmsa] about the star of agamas is called “paw”. [Anagrammnoe] reversing
words “paw” gives verb “fall”. Star of agamas with the mirror reflection
the star of magician indicates. Thus, the sense of the poem: the star of magician fall. Let us recall “the [paduchuyu]
virgin- star " in “the stranger” of block.
Main space inversion occurs in [Kharmsa] in the work
“Gamma-[sunduk]”. This trunk - its kind the casket Of [koshcheya]. It is possible through it
to be turned inside out into space. Name “range” has immediately three values:
gamma-radiation, which penetrates the universe; the gamma- symbol of world harmony,
giving to man way into the universe; and finally
1[Ob] this writes [V]. Ivanov in the preface to the publication of the works of Saucier the Russian

Gamma-[sunduk] - this is the trunk of magician, in addition during the [anagrammnom] reversing.
Very means of trunk at the basis of cosmology. In ancient cosmography Of [kozmy]
[Indikoplova] the earth is depicted as mountain inside the crystal trunk of skies.
To leave this crystal trunk - means to find the space of other
by the universe. With the hero this Of [kharmsa] it occurs according to the laws of the geometry of many
“Man with the thin neck was taken away into the trunk and began to choke. Here, he said,
choking, man with the thin neck. - I choke in the trunk, because in me
thin neck.
The cover of trunk is closed and does not release to me air. I will choke, but
the cover of trunk nevertheless I will not open. Gradually I will die. I will see
the fight of life and death. Battle will occur unnatural, with the equal chances,
because naturally conquers death, and the life, doomed to death,
only vainly it fights with the enemy to the last minute without losing in vain
hope. In the same fight, which will occur now, life it will know
the method of its victory: for this of life it is necessary to force my hands to open the cover
Let us look: who whom? It only here terribly smells of naphthalene.
If life will conquer, I will thing in the trunk the Perez -1 [pat] by low-grade tobacco…
Here it began: I no longer can breathe. I perished, this is clear! To me already no
rescuing! And there is nothing elevated in my head. I choke!
Oh! However, what this such? Now something occurred, I cannot understand that precisely.
I saw something or heard something…
Oh! Again something occurred! God is my! To me by something to breathe. I it seems
I die… But this still that such? Why I do give to drink?
It seems, in me the neck aches…
But where trunk?
Why I do see everything which is located in my room?
Yes in no way I lie on the sex!
But where trunk?
Man with the thin neck said:
- It means, life will conquer death by method unknown for me ".
This reversing is completely possible with the contact of our space
three measurements with the space by four-dimensional. I will explain this by analogy
passage from [dvukhmernosti] to the 3-dimensional nature. Let us draft the flat two-dimensional trunk
and let us place in it, after cutting out from the paper, flat two-dimensional hero.
Of course on the plane to it not to leave the locked outline; but to us with you
nothing is worth carrying out [ploskatika] from the flat trunk, and then placing it
next to that trunk on the same plane. Two-dimensional person so not
he will understand that it happened. Indeed it does not see the third, volumetric measurement as we
we do not see the fourth measurement.


This is what it occurred with the hero Danil [Kharms].
Any description of [antropnoy] inversion in the poetry from by bottoms to Dante, from Avvakum
to V. Khlebnikov, from V. Khlebnikov to [D]. [Kharms] from a poetic point of view
there is motion to [metametafore].
And nevertheless [metametafora] - creation of the 20th century.
The generation of [metametafory] - this is output from the three-dimensional barrel Of [gvidona] into ocean of thousand
measurements. It is natural that each poet was fixed into his spaces. Itself
Khlebnikov did not select route - he was in everything. “Let us swim… Where zh to us
to swim? :. “- exclaimed Pushkin and was placed the dots, in which it is free
poetry up to our century was placed. Khlebnikov instead of the dots
he spoke “and so forth”. [Metametafora] somewhere in this magic space,
named “and so forth”. For itself I can find certain conditional starting point
the generation of [metametafory] - year 1963.
Following Lobachevsky and Khlebnikov it was desirable to take a step into the space
the internal sphere, where through the point out of the straight line it is possible to conduct two or
an infinite quantity of parallel. I again and again re-read the cast iron
epitaph on the grave of Lobachevsky in Kazan, vainly searched for there the reference about him
geometry. Then Khlebnikov's five-volume work in the university library was taken
without difficulty for the diploma work “Lobachevsky, Khlebnikov and Einstein”.
It was necessary to make some step, from something to be freed perhaps
to overcome psychological barrier in order to find words, at least for itself,
clearly outlining new reality.
Once I made this mental step and perceived itself in that space:

Man was examined and saw himself in himself.
This was long ago, in the very past has long ago it been.
Man was another and, etc was also another,
So they were examined, asking each other.
Someone asked, but other answered it,
And already other listened to,
And no one could understand,
Who the past, who present.
Man was examined and saw himself in himself…
I left to itself
Through - towards - from
And it left under, erecting above.
(K. k.) 1

No one could at that time hear these words. It was thrown open before me
the horizontal abyss of incomprehension, and only in 1975 I met
adherents among the young poets of new, then still no one not known
| generation. Aleksey [Parshchikov], Alexander Yeremenko, [Iva]* Zhdanov did not adjoin
not to what literary of [grug] to [pirovkam] and camps. I immediately learned in them
[grazh]- Jean poetic “state time”, where [Velk] peace Khlebnikov was
by the chairman of the terrestial globe, although their verses were nearer to the early [Zabolotskomu],
Pass to [ternaku] and to Mandelstam the period of brilliant eight [stishiy].

Are even to the explosion spark plugs burnt
And into [polplecha] is expanded space;
It was not there spins as on the moon,
Only on the lips canine constancy.
([A]. [Parshchikov])
1[V] the future all my verses are designated by initials k. k.

This was turned havoc again the space Of [n]. Lobachevsky and [A]. Einstein,
would seem, forever hidden into the [kondovyy], by no means crystal trunk
[zakaldychen]- foot versification: “I [zaglyadelsya] in to [tridevyat] mirrors.
To [nesovpadene] of the persons and to [sovpadene]… “
Still were heard familiar poetic intonations, but “to [tridevyat] mirrors” by the future
[metametafory] opened slightly their transparent prospects. “To [nesovpadene] of the persons and
[sovpadene] " as if returned me to the starting point of 1963, when “the man
it was examined and saw itself in itself ".
Everything began as anew. I do not know, where I more greatly read lectures at that time: in
Literary institute or in itself at the table, where it was placed
[metametaforicheskaya] trio. The content of those domestic seminars will become known
to each, who will read this book.
In order to transmit the atmosphere of these conversations, I will give this episode.
Somehow we discussed the article of psychologist, who asserted, that man sees the peace
volumetrically, it is three-dimensional because of the fact that he has two eyes. If eye was
one, peace would appear before us in the flat image.
Soon after this conversation Alexander Yeremenko left to Saratov. Then
letter is from there alien. Yeremenko wrote that he tied one eye and plugged
one ear in order to see and to hear peace is two-dimensional - it is flat, in order to then suddenly
to throw down bandage, to regain vision, [pereydya] from the two-dimensional peace to the volume. So on
analogies with the passage from the plane to the volume poet wanted to feel that
such [chetyrekhmernost].
Of course all this of joke, but problem itself was, of course, serious.
Passage from the flat two-dimensional vision to the volume was immense explosion in
skill. About this wrote still motion picture director [S]. Eisenstein in the book
“Interested nature”. Planar image of ancient-Egyptian frescoes,
where the people similar to [ploskatikam] are turned to us by bird profile, suddenly they found
the bottomless distance of volume in the frescoes of Michelangelos and Leonardo. Two were required
thousands years in order from the plane to switch over to volume. How much will be required for
passage to [chetyrekhmeriyu]?
I wrote at that time two verses, where the passage from the plane to the volume
it is lost as the certain rehearsal before the output in the fourth measurement.


About the lilac traveller
these are you is this I
about the flat lilac wanderer
this I it answer
he is Chinese shadow on the wall of the horizon of the sunset
he into the volume grows
it grows to me towards
the entire lilac world is filled
it passes through me
I in it strayed
going to the horizon
and it growing
had long ago been behind it remained
and here it goes to me towards
Suddenly I understood that to me not to overtake either itself or him
it is necessary to leave forever into the plane
to be dissolved in itself and to remain inside the horizon
About lilac wanderer you to me is infinite by sign -
as the weights
the pair of the foolish collar bones between the right and the leftist
for the paper shadows
in order to weigh flat sunset.
(K. k.)

The idea again and again was twisted: it is possible whether, remaining essence three-dimensional,
to reflect in itself the fourth measurement? Task was set still to a.
By einstein and by Velimir Khlebnikov. [A]. Einstein counted, as we remember that
man cannot overcome barrier. [V]. [Khleb]-. nick even to Einstein
it rushed to “[dolomeriyu] Of [loba]-[Ch]^ of Nevskiy”.
The two-dimensional plane, which contains into itself entire thus arose in my consciousness,
infinite volume, this mirror. I followed Khlebnikov, attempting to penetrate in
the space inside of sound. And the here first is perhaps even pure
the experimental solution, where the sound was turned inside out together with the reflection to
the neck of specular cup in note “Re” it gave symmetrical reflection. By such
with means, text is read equally and from the beginning towards
to the centering- neck of the specular cup of light to the note “Re”. It is interesting that note
failure between upper and lower “Re” reflects real drop in the sonic
spectrum, there there are no sharps and [bemoley].


the mold curve
the sound
the tone
you are not
you entire
the height
take out itself
by itself be beaten by the barefooted
by the wasp
[sss] - [zzz]
Lake of the section
the mold curve of the face
on the plane of face
that is the sex of the ceiling
without [zraka]
and the gloom
it grew dark
and the rivers
the salt
and the rivers
it grew dark
and the gloom
without [zraka]
that is the sex of the ceiling
on the plane of face
the mold curve of the face
the lake of the section
[sss] - [zzz]
by the wasp
by itself be beaten by the barefooted
take out itself
the height
you entire
you are not
the tone
the sound
the mold curve
(K. k.
And in Ivan Zhdanov's poetry mirror - key means - is this the certain beyond the limits
plane. To enter into it - means to overcome the obviousness of the peace of three measurements.
Sudden explosion, illumination, and “through the mirror will leave invisible hand”. Mirrors in
its poetries “shallow”, “they plough”, surround man from all sides: “We
we enter into the cube| specular from within… “the secret of mirrors pierces culture, but
to plough the surface of reflection previously no one surmised. It is completely clear,
that in Zhdanov the specularity is not reflection, but reversing into others
the cosmological peaces:

Shallow mirrors, and puppet shadows
Them pass the ford, and immediately five blood,
As by five finger - hand of the forgotten reflections
They fool lunar oppression by spirituality of their.

These means are similar to [platonovskie] “[eydosy]”. From one side, as
they are illusory, and with other - they are real as “lunar oppression”. Lunar - it is weightless,
it is transparent; oppression - even as it is influential. Here celestial thunder and underground rumble are poured
together. Certain third reality of the peace, refracted upwards so that appears,
rain climbs from the earth to the sky.

Thus before the push by underground mouth by whole
Tomcat suddenly will swell, rolling howl in the dust,
The closed thunder crushes specular panel after persowing,
And rain rises again, and it vomits from the earth.

The magic theater of Hesse's mirrors sometimes it seems to me that in Zhdanov's poetry revived,
and that in turn goes back by roots to the illusion of the [elevsinskikh] mysteries
Ancient Greece. There it was necessary to die for the reflection in order to rise again in
refracted beam.

They will any minute now take their weak breath of the swing
And river will be comforted by ripples under ice,
And, by weeping it is confused, from the cradle slot
Invisible hand will leave through the mirror.

And nevertheless in the mirrors there is some excess reality. Reflection itself
it is so significant that to poet already like and it can't be helped. You cost
before the mirror as before the visual aid on the immortality… And then again
plane - volume: familiar oppositions.
Here if mirror could reflect internal, as external - it cast a look and
it proved to be above the universe. As in the poem “view” in Ivan Zhdanov:

View was sent - and tree is chilled.
Bee inside itself flew over
through the flower, and, falling into itself,
suddenly crunched stone under the foot and [smolk].

Reversing occurred, and we proved to be inside the [nadkusannogo] apple.
Prospect moved inward as to the fall of man of Adam.

Crust is incised, but juice not [kaplet]
and apple [nadkusannoe] is entire.

Internal, speaking in Pavel [Florenskiy]'s words, “reverse” prospect
at long last it was opened in the poetry. This is how appears peace with the view from
internal- external [Zazerkalya]:

Inside the trees it falls the foliage
on the bottom ocular, in [oshchushchene] of snow,
where the day and night is winter, winter, winter.

In the snowdrifts of view the wings of insects,

apple rosy- icy,
as seeds, turns black the Milky Way.

The after-taste steams around it,
and together with the formic [osyazanem]
it tears away ring from the pupil.

In the funnel of view the ant perishes,
in snow friable stretching the paws
to the surface, which greater is not.

Apple, which contained into itself entire Milky Way, the universe, surrounded
by the after-taste, which tears away ring from the pupil, and already familiar to us the funnel of view,
by cone ascending to the overturned ant, that feels by paws unknown
to it infinity, all these are the means of [antropnoy] inversion - [metametafora].
Thus, passing in all circles of [metametaforicheskogo] thinking from the clean [ratsio] to
transparent- intuitive, I as if entered into the laboratory of [metametafory], striving
to be - to the extent of my possibilities - its objective researcher, combining in
to itself “actor” and “spectator”. Of course not to me, but to the reader to judge the fact that
it was personified into the poetry, and which remained in the region of clean philology. But for me
this the unified whole, which makes it possible to adjust the accuracy of my cosmological
I will return again to the means of man inside the universe. Let us recall here
[derzhavinskoe] “I am worm - I slaves - I god”. If entire space - apple, and the man
inside… But that if worm, after being turned inside out inside out, will contain from within everything
apple? Indeed creeps caterpillar according to the sheet, and then it [zakuklitsya], it will be turned inside out,
it will become butterfly. Words “worm” and “womb” [anagrammno] were turned inside out friend in
friend. Thus appeared the [anagrammnyy] means of the [antropnoy] inversion of man and space.

Pure-gold worm of the sunset
way drilled in the air apple,
and apple fell.
Dark of ways,
drawn by worm,
everything absorbed,
as apple - Adam.
The apple,
tasted Adam,
now tree contains inside itself,
and tree,
tasted Adam,
it tastes bitter by fruits -
Adam tasted them.
for the worm one-
Adam, and apple, and tree.
The worm of eight writes on their [skreshchene].
after being turned inside out inside out by womb,
in itself contains the apple and tree.
(K. k.)

Thus arose corresponding on the form [metametafore] [anagrammnyy] verse. In
[anagrammnom] verse the keywords “worm - womb” turn havoc their
semantics on entire space, they become the stray center of the crystal
globe. The keyword can be likened to the point of alpha, which ascends with
reversing to the point omega. It is natural that this verse even is outwardly more
it is similar to the light cone of the world events, than to the building blocks.
Peace finally lost the [byluyu] illusory stability, when separately -
man, separately - the universe. Now, if we recall the finale of the Shakespearean
“Storms”: life - scene, and people - actors, situation considerably changed.
After space inversion -

You - scene actor in the empty theater…
([I]. Zhdanov)

It is not surprising that in this [metametaforicheskom] peace, and other, strictly
speaking, and no, the position of scene - universe and parquet - earth sharply
it changes, as this already occurred in cosmology, upon transfer from the universe
Newton to Einstein's universe.

And here already parquet overgrows into the mountain,
With foot its [polstseny] after envelopping.
([I]. Zhdanov)

Not on that whether mountain was located then Alexander Yeremenko, when in the poem
“To Geronimo to Bosch, to the inventor of searchlight” it wrote: “I sat on the mountain,
drawn, where mountain ". From this means it winnows by new reality
“the space stratifications”, opened by contemporary cosmology. To sit on the mountain,
drawn, where mountain, means to be in the universe, which is been located there,
where in the stratified form another universe. So in the Japanese engravings it is concealed
the volume, changed into the plane.
In Alexander Yeremenko the reversing is certain motion backwards, across
cosmological time axis to original zero, from where 19 billion years
the universe back was planned. In order there to enter, many times are must
to die, after surviving all previous deaths, after being deepened in Nedra the material
it is deeper than grave itself.

I look at you from such deep graves,
That my view before running so far as far as you, will be bisected,
We now, as always, will play comedy in the persons.
You are not completely, and it means, I was not also.

It is necessary to say that the mastery of the zero space of singularity, very
popular among the young people, for the European culture, to say nothing of
eastern, it is entirely not new. Nirvana, [dzen]- Buddhism, negative theology,
the philosophy Of [nagarudzhany], the existential peace Of [sartra], To [kamyu]… However, there everything
it is founded on on the world view, no| the changed sight.
Zero space of the mutually-absorbed prospects in the poetry of Alexander
Yeremenko - these are not world view, but another vision. Zero- very touched
reality. There are particles with the rest mass, equal to zero, this is photon, i.e.,
light. The mass of the universe on the average is also equal to zero in geometric zero
are concealed the universes “of space stratifications”, it is not surprising that poetic
sight, being reversed through zero, penetrates to new reality.

I, of course, will find, in this rubbish, which flies into the eyes.
Proper conflict, which corresponds to the assigned diagram,
Thus, floating from the bottom, triangle to its theorem
It sticks forever. You must be still proven.
([A]. Yeremenko)

Is here very important the motion of the poetic “proof” of new reality, when
[metametafora], after reaching the space stratifications of visual prospect,
finds already familiar to us through the beginning of head stratified semantics in the word
“form”. First, after being turned inside out inside out, the root of word “morpheme” gives the root
for the word “form”: morph - forms, and then at their joint appears certain
the freezing customary pain is semantics of word “morphine”.

You must be hung with some collection of the morphemes
(In the dazzling form of [osy] strayed morphine),
So that they would learn you, each time in the corresponding form,
Possessors tel.
View returned to the initial line.

It is interesting that also in A. [Parshchikova] the [anagrammnoe] reversing appears in
the moment of explosion from the nonexistence, zero, “vacuum” to the highest boiling point of life -

Air quivered,
Reconciling us with the vacuum,
Avvakum with Nikon.

“Avvakum” - “vacuum” - two inverted mutually contradictory realities as
Nikon and Avvakum.
[Anagrammnaya] semantics considerably moved apart the horizons of poetic word.
Thus, in Ivan Zhdanov are divided into layers the spaces: “word and glory”, “height and
suspension ".


After the sound barrier, in the puff-pastry snowdrift of the agonies
moon is stretched over by the skin of your praying palm…

You will untie top water of the chamber lengths of existence -
On cover will return poplar wedding your.
A whisper of night pipe in the light will turn into the word,
Sphere [proshelestit] by the smalt of wood glory,
Cubic clouds will change suspension.
To peace will say good-bye oppression. To sky will say good-bye height.

You do learn the luminous sphere? Cone of the pipe, the [preodolennoe] gravity - “oppression” and
the forgiven “height”. It is possible to say, here entire alphabet of [metakoda]; but all this
it is internally inherent in Ivan Zhdanov, this is his secret, deep peace.
It was in 1978 for me possible to for the first time represent [Parshchikova], Yeremenko and Zhdanov on
evening in The [kaminnom] hall [TSDRI]. Spectators - in essence the students Of [litinstituta].
I very well remember that Zhdanov read.

Sea, which is stopped up in the beaks of birds, rain.
Sky, placed into the star, night.
Tree the impracticable gesture - vortex.

By souls the torn square - cross,
Tree, which goes to the cross, shear.
Tree the torn away gesture - sheet.
Sky, which developed star, light.
Sky, which disrupts us, cross.

[Parshchikov] it read “carbon elegy”. There familiar motive - Joseph in the depth
well. Output from the gallery to the sky through the layers of anthracite and the darkness is traced
by children's look to the sky:

Cave it hang on the lantern small beam,
centered as signal in the head set.

In the cut chunks - ancient beasts,
connected by fur to the initial faith.

And by coal on coal on the wall of the gallery
I derived in the darkness the ball of pattern -
which came out, and this something,
not waked by [dolbezhom] of selection,
it ran away by the flared up [pautinkoy]
to the output, and above and… recall: to the herd
child approaches,
and into the novelty
way and the motion
eye to the sky.

It seems me, in this poem there are biographical motives. We all
they felt itself as if buried into some to deep gallery. Somewhere
there, in the bottomless height, after thousands of layers and bedding our potential
the reader, but as to be opened to it?
Long time I was almost only well-disposed criticism of three
However, ice slowly was touched after evening in [TSDRI]. Are past five years, and here
already Ivan Zhdanov gives to me the collector “portrait” with the witty inscription:
“To Constantine [Kedrov] - organizer to the inspirer of all our victories .1983
g., January ".
Victory was actually, although did not have it organizers whatever.

Remain, pain in the needle!
Remain, wind, in the bangs
Fearful horse!
Remain, peace outside,
become better or worse,
but do not enter into me!
Let I enter into the needle,
but that to me in this to sense?
In it there is no [zatochenya].
I to camp by wind in the bangs
And there, inside the needle,
as in [nizenkoy] [svetelke],
I will enter into the died-out light,
I will bring together itself on no…

Tabun with the fate into [obnimku]
It bears on the manes haze,
and on its way
stacks from the gloom look,
as zodiacal signs.
You read them.
But, after bowing the elbow
in [predoshchushchene] of captivity,
needle in the stack of the hay
to me not to find.

Do not only think that way through the needle ear into the universe and
the return conversely in search of the same needle in the stack of hay it is drawn by Zhdanov
under some influence of the articles about [metakode] and of conversations about [metametafore]. This
poem is written to the encounter with me. [Metakod] and [metameta]- odds not
the fabrication of theorist, and living reality of today's poetry.

The cast shell thus clothed
its immortal expiration, what seemed -
no longer it began inside it
and starry crowd did not end.

Zhdanov - poet tragic. He as if passed together with the [karamazovskim] sinner
the billions of years on the universe, [izvedal] entire its void.

Judas cries - to be to misfortune!
Anticipating Christ's grief,
It is pulled to its star
And he feels: it is empty.

[Metametafora] is, of course, not reduced to contemporary and fairytale cosmology. Although
in space are passed far from all steps of celestial stairs, but even
small route segment changed from within poetry.

Empty cart is already behind,
and is dropped harness from you, and in the breast
cooled coals of hope.
You will take out from the run as shadow in the middle
empty horse clothing…

Celestial tabun [shelestit] as water,
with the dawn the mountains, when, will approach
grass in the skies [zaklubitsya],
and the star quietly will hang above the peace
from the forehead of young mare.
([I]. Zhdanov)

Some metaphysical chill is passed along the heart, when you read similar
the line:

Descendant of hydraulic [Arakhny],
it sews walls by Persian wax-end,
it throws the chessboard to the sex.
Canine air [laet] in [pogrebene].
The howl is stunned from the external blood.
([I]. Zhdanov)

“External blood” - these are reversing, the finding of new “stratified
spaces " in the customary “specular cube” our peace.
One familiar mathematician said to me once:
- When I read present printed poetry, always pursues thought, to what
these verses in comparison with the theory of relativity are primitive, and here [o]
I poetry this say to your cannot.
By the word “your” he implied the poets of [metameta]- odds. Word itself
“[metametafora]” arose in my consciousness after term “[metakod]”. I saw
the thin lunar thread between two concepts.
Further send interpretations.
- [Metametafora] - this is metaphor squared?
- No, the prefix “by meta” indicates “afterward”.
- It does mean, after usual metaphor, following it does appear [metametafora]?
- Nothing of the kind. There is physics and there is metaphysics - region of beyond,
beyond the limits, [metametaforicheskogo].
- Metagalaxy - is all galaxies, [metavselen]- - these are still universes,
it means, [metametafora] - this oecumenical sight.
- [Metametafora] - this is the poetic reflection of oecumenical [metakoda]…
All this is correct. However, term is a term, let to itself it live. We- that we know that
and symbolists are not symbolists, and decadents are not decadents. “Impressionism” -
a good word, but what is common between Renoir and Claude Mohn. Words are necessary,
in order to designate new. To only designate, and everything. It is further, as a rule,
the flow of charges from the side of the angered average men follows. Symbolism,
decadence, impressionism, [dadaizm], futurism - this of word- profanity for
the overwhelming majority of contemporaries.
Time comes, and here already, stretching [nits] before the symbolism or [akmeizmom],
new critics use the word “of [metametafora]” as charge in the participation
to the secret plot of the destroyers of language and culture.
Napoleon OF THE III with rectilinear soldier simplicity dealt a blow the picture by whip
impressionist to polygon “breakfast on the grass”. Worthy act of emperor, [u]
which the Minister of Foreign Affairs was Dantes - killer of Pushkin.
Present “Danteses” and “Napoleon small” ([V]. Hugo's term) prefer the shot
because of the angle… Motion in [N]. Lobachevsky's space to stop already
it is impossible.

Increasingly more evil we chased, thus far from the past
This picture overtook us:
By wedge to the zenith departed horses,
for the kiss drawing out bodies.
([A]. [Parshchikov])

In January 1984 I printed in the journal “literary studies” epilogue [k]
to Aleksey [Parshchikov]'s poem “new-year lines”. This was the first and only
publication about [metametafore]. The poem could for the man of that not prepared
to seem by that deliberately scattered, fragmentary. In reality with all
their deficiencies (there is in the poem excess rationality and overloading
by components) this work in is its own way one-piece. Its unity - in
[metametaforicheskom] sight. This is why this poem served as occasion for
conversation about [metametafore].
"" New-year lines " A. [Parshchikova] - this is the bag of the toys, which are poured out and
entire filling with itself universe. Toys are created by people, but at the same time
they are as people themselves. Peace is toy - this peace is present, indeed play children -
future of the real world.
In the final analysis the heap of toys - this is sea, this is sand, this is universe itself.
Come, man, create, [soziday], play as child, and be glad at that created
to peace!
The overall outline of the poem is such. Thus, “snow maiden and rooster on the chain” go around “after
small pay " new-year houses. They go “on the rim of the extended dial”,
because pointer on twelve, on the New Year, which exits to the neck
The reader can sympathize with grandfather Frost, to whom “cheek gnaws the beard on
to glue ". This is poet. To it they are glad. “Champagne [shelestit] by poplar flickering
by paradise ". And the waterfall of toys from the bag.

Part II - toys revived. Here the look of poet, his geometric sight,
possessing the ability to see peace in several measurements: “Mechanical
crow, after opening the beak, by this triangle catches sphere terrestrial, but the sphere
it doubles, and crow flies in all directions ".

Geo-meter, can, it will express this in the mathematical formula, but then it will not be
the look of poet. Here situation as in the epoch of revival. Three-dimensional prospect
opened mediocre artists, but only Leonardo, Michelangelos and Rafael
they filled with its painting.
“Mir is divided into the man, and it is multiplied by everything else” - here is key to the poem.
However decompose peace by the scalpel of reason, knowledge is impossible without the man, A
man is that by firstate, which “is multiplied” to everything. On this Part III.
Here there and send the whimsical changes: the animals, that resemble “zoo”
Velimir [khlebnikova]. In Khlebnikov in the beasts the unprecedented possibilities perish.
Beasts - cryptography of peace. This cryptography is childlishly dear in [Parshchikova]: “Cat -
the living glass-, smoked by hell; dolphin - lobule of sea ". You will focus attention -
peace is not divided. Animal - this is the lobule of sea. This solidity of peace with everything
its fairytale variety and multi-vision for [Parshchikova] it is very characteristic.
Geo-meter knows as point to convert into the line, the line into the plane, the plane
in the volume… [Parshchikov] it sees, as dolphin it becomes sea, and sea - by dolphin.
Sea - bag, dolphin - toy, such toys infinite set, but everything
they in the united starry bag, and the universe in them. This is why “dog, the camel
and hen - all saints ". Destroy dolphin, will perish sea.
Following part IV, basic. Besides geometry, there is [Nartsiss], which confuses knife and
mirror, cutting by mirror fish. This [Nartsiss], undoubtedly, poet. I would can
to explain that it is possible to be looked as into the mirror, and by mirror to cut into the knife; that
in the final analysis mirror - this is the shear of sight, and reflection plane it is possible
to reduce to the blade of knife, and then peace will appear by such, as it sees its [Parshchikov]
in the poem, but to me here interestingly entirely another: which is created in the soul in this
man? About which he does want to us to describe?
Here is garden effigy in jeans, in Bologna, head - revolving propeller.
This frightened must guard vegetable-garden, is faster - cemetery. Poet himself, leaving
it frightened deaths, it goes to the life to the coast of sea, similar to the infinite dump, but
from the world dump it erects its peace, as kiddies make houses from
sand. This peace will be brittle and destructive as entire living, but it living, not
plastic, not synthetic, as it frightened in the vegetable-garden.
I pass the lyric and biographical hints, after which guesses the love.
If we poet itself about this speak does not want, then I will be silent.
Thus - sum. [Parshchikov] - one of the creators of [metametafory], metaphor, where
each thing - universe.
This metaphor earlier it was not. Earlier everything they compared. Poet as the sun, or
as river, or as streetcar.
In [Parshchikova] not comparison, not likening. It is all that, about which he writes.
Here there is no tree separately from the earth, earth separately from the sky, sky separately from
space, space separately from the man. This is the sight of man of the universe. This
[Metametafora] differs from metaphor as metagalaxy from the galaxy.
Get accustomed to the [metametaforicheskomu] sight, and eye will see your into thousands of times
it is more than it saw earlier.
Genealogical “new-year lines” - “about this” of Mayakovskiy, “columns”
[Zabolotskogo], Khlebnikov's “zoo”. In a word, tradition exists.
I want only to warn. In the tree of poetry are a stem the branches. Both that and, etc
it is live. But stem bears fruits, and branches are abutted only against sky, from them nothing not
it grows. There are poets, to which cannot be imitated, their line - blind alleys into the skies.
Poetry Of [parshchikova] - living branch on the tree of poetry, it is abutted against sky. For
the reader this is also way to the sky. For another poet - loss. Branch of two not
it will maintain. It is whimsical, unique. This is the line of one poet - Aleksey
[Parshchikova]. For it is fruit-bearing ".
This epilogue half a year later followed Sergey [Chuprinin]'s article in
“Literary newspaper” “that after the novelty? ”, and then was developed stormy
the discussion, which does not calm down and to this day. Conspiracy of silence around the poetry
[Parshchikova], Yeremenko and Zhdanov was at long last disrupted.

It is cast technology, people -
as on the fish-stringer, they are connected with the temperature of bodies,
But the troops will come to, reach although one
to the twelve-layer walls
ideal city, and have a good sleep on the clean, and become -
By new [zrenem] encircles us text and it is not separated from the persons of our.
([A]. [Parshchikov])

New celestial hail of poetry, erected from the shining words and
“twelve-layer walls”, yet not settled. To someone in it is uncomfortable, someone
prefers the four-wall tetrameter iambus, about which already Pushkin spoke:
“Tetrameter iambus to me tired”. Someone believes that the earth of altogether is only round.

It is round, red by face it,
As this foolish moon,
On this foolish horizon.

[Metametaforisty] see the earth otherwise.

The Earth is cone-shaped
And it is set to the point,
Point slides on the snake,
Hope is useless.
[Tovarnyaki], as if speed gaining,
On the spot they danced in the blind alley,
But two molecular dual spirals
They played not far off in the people.
([A]. [Parshchikov])

Honestly speaking, I understand, that all these cones, dual spirals, the eight
reversings already became familiar in the eyes of the reader. But these are the archetypes
reality of universe. The intuitive comprehension of this brought me [k]
to the creation of the unexpected at first glance text:

Bride, shaggy by light,
weightless stairs skip,
it adopts smooth trembling,
it loop door binds,
[strugaet] its [otrazhene],
the voice, torn away from the tree,
it holds by throat - it tastes
or white executioner s block it swallows,
it dances on the wormy trampoline,
it [shireet] by screen, it twinkles by the honey
under the thigh of the axe of night,
it fingers [chelovechit],
it chops sorrowful violin,
it sinks in the hole of wooden.
Sarcophagus, which twitters like the wind,
chorus, [bedreyushchiy] by sarcophagus,
by marvellous incense it [zakhlebnetsya]
the starving millstone “eight”,
grinding temples.
What you, daughter, exposed, or you no one's?
Or, ringing by nipples, kneads the lilac
the turbine drill of impassable light?
In the sleek case of the [dvoebedroy] of [sekir]
it is possible to pack itself only.
(k. k.)

I wrote this in 1978, when there was no theory of [metametafory], but already
was conceived [metametafora].
I will immediately say that to me as to philologist it would be difficult to renounce although
the subconsious, but constantly being present cultural layer
Old-Russian metaphor. I want to make this obvious for the reader. Speech,
certainly, it goes not about the creative contest with the ancient, but about to certain point
counting. If we look over this long term, more clearly it becomes, that
“[dvoebedraya] poleaxe” - month dying and rising again; bride, shaggy
by light, comet, it star Venus Mother of God - “[nevestna] not
[nevestnaya] ". In the poetic acathistus it rehearses: “Be glad, stairs from the earth [k]
to sky ", this is why “weightless stairs skip”. “Hole is wooden” - in
to the middle of the inverted violin of Picasso - black hole in the universe; sleek
the case of [dvoebedroy] poleaxe - entire universe; violin - means of the eternal
femininity, dance on the wormy trampoline - flouting death. To bind the door
loop possible having only turned inside out inside out “the microcosm” of knitting loops to
“the macrocosm” of the loops of door. Door itself - also canonical rotation [k]
to Mother of God - “celestial door”.
[Metametafora] not homunculus, grown in the laboratory flask. Entire theory
[metakoda] and [metametafory] arose from the verses, but not vice versa. In the poetry
[antropnaya] space inversion by itself generates the [metametaforicheskiy]
explosion. It is difficult to judge, to what extent my dream to transmit the moment by words was carried out
the finding of space.

How much not was the years of the universe,
in man of time it is more.
Clouds will overfill me,
and on [zautrene] of the ringing dawns
dark-blue [zhuravlik] and gold
they give sincerity and constancy to me.
How much I not lived in this peace,
I will live longer than this peace.
Molded by body I starry chunk,
where the gear wheel of the rays
body my by height they tickle
from the gold fire.
Flowing about the galaxy by spleen,
I by snail starry crawled into itself,
slowly dragging after itself
vortex galaxy as cockleshell.
My starry house is deserted without me…
(K. k.)

It seems to us, that man is immeasurably small, if we look from the height of the universe, A
that if on the contrary, exactly from there- that it is great. However, indeed know we that one
and the same instant of time can be extended into infinity, if we rush ourselves
with the relativistic speed. Entire universe can be pressed into the needle ear, A
man will prove to be during the inversion more than universe.
[Metametafora], of course, conditional term - are important new spiritual realities,
designated by this word, discovered by contemporary physics, cosmology and…
by poetry. It can be, first of all poetry.
[Metametafora] somehow simultaneously at the different points of space arose in
[Parshchikov] lived in [Donetske], Ivan Zhdanov in Barnaul, in the Siberian village a.
Yeremenko, and I taught in Moscow. There is some information field,
connecting creative adherents, invisible starry brotherhood. Not about it
whether Alexander Yeremenko thought, when he wrote with the smile:

You will fly, simple Moscow fellow,
Completely as Buddha, clarified.
To you they will look [izumlenno] Of [ramakrishna], [Kedrov]1, and Gagarin…

Because in the throng of stupid.
They, where direct shadow at the fence,
On the mobile stairs Of the [blavatskoy]
I to loan last step.

The Potash- south - this is centrifuge,
Because from the circle not to descend.
We is cost, being caught for each other,
On [otshibe] of the Milky Way.
Khlebnikov saw even in the numbers “rapid laughter teeth”. In [metametafore] not
laughter, and certain [oberiutskaya] space self irony. Once Albert Einstein
he said: “In my opinion mathematics - is the easiest method to conduct itself after
nose ". Any poet and reader, deprived of a sense of humour, will prove to be similar
by unlucky mathematician.
Osip Mandelstam laughed, Khlebnikov laughed, laughed [oberiuty]. [Metametafora]
it is now and then ironic.
It is possible to, of course, recall our experiences at the end of the 70th
1 in “the bottom of poetry” - 1983, where is printed this poem, my surname
they replaced by Keldysh.

years with the two-dimensional space in order to feel the new ironic appearance
[metametafory] in this text of Aleksey [Parshchikov]:

When I went along the rock bridge,
Playing by the vision of starry [voen],
I suddenly felt that air
Became [shelestyashch] and it was multilayer…

In the double cluster of multiplication,
Where there is no original zero,
The point of view was opened on the rock bridge,
From where I took a step into the note “three rubles”.

We have intuition - surplus
Itself. Astral kind of figures,
Burning, that leaves snails…

On them it is written in “diamond [sutre]”,
They are only the shadows of soul, but sharpened only.
Thus far we indulge ourselves in the disgraced mother-of-pearl
Weak wills, they pave to us way…

Banknotes smell of the skin and gasoline,
And if we sleep with the open mouth, they crawl into the mouth.
I went on their [vladenyam] as [Oziris],
In order to deceive them, it went by back forward.

Passage into the two-dimensional space of three-ruble note and the wandering on “the astral”
to watermarks and to the figures of intuition with the recollection about the mysteries Of [ozirisa] -
the means of anti-sky. Here money as opposition to sky drive into the plane,
in the shady peace. Simply speaking, these are death, its kind anti-reversing,
anti-resurrection. Mystery Of [ozirisa] “back to front”. This high, very
the high level of inversion, but this peace to me is alien, and I with his lightening
I leave in order to have a talk about the [metametafo]-[richeskoy] lyric poetry, where

Wrong side of heart - starry inside -
Brush to the fabric is deposited.

This author Ludmila Adam's learns in the literary institute in the seminar
Eugene [Vinokurova]. Its verses are pierced by the tangible stellar motion:

From the morning the cloth sews nights
Oecumenical is seamstress [Ishtar].
And the flock of words shallows for me,
When it fell into the rainbows catch.

Her artists please me:

Winding the tape
Moebius at the sky of globe.

And the even more special sensation of weightlessness of the picturesque smear:

Mass of the flower
It is equal to the color of the smear
In Picasso.

In its own way settles in the new space of the tangential sphere of Helen [Katsyub].
It, as [Parshchikov] and [A]. Yeremenko, is nearer to ironic [oberiutam]. Its “mole”
by something it resembles “reckless wolf” Of [n]. [Zabolotskogo].

Hero of geodesy of maps,
it corrects landscape,
it [Eskhera] student -
it leaves upward, departing downward.
Mathematician of stomach,
it matrix itself transfers into ground.
The Earth from within - this is mole inside.
Inside the mole the map
all labyrinths and catacombs.

Helen [Katsyuba] even in the familiar outlines of constellations suddenly finds completely
the unexpected figure. Here, for example, the Ursa Major:

But in the inverted auto-,
still had long ago been read with word “ladle”,
will be included eternal [mobil]…
all will rouse, who in the sky,
It became accustomed to keep silent or the conversation
to conduct,
the bright neighbors will exchange glances
and the darks will be piled to the vehicles.
Only [avtostopshchik] Orion,
which with the raised hand goes along the sky,
it will go to search for to itself another sky
to again the autumn and to again the winter.

In the poem “mechanical apple” word “apple” undergoes 12 [anagrammnykh]
inversions, being reversed, [tesh] into “the eye”, first into “the block”, then into “the pain” thus far, after passing
through 12 zodiacal signs, it will not be turned inside out from the inside of universe.

APPLE - in it two languages:
[LYA] - music
and COBOL - electronics.
These are FOREHEAD and THE EYE of block,
simulating the blockade
on the display of windows.
Ball, so dully stamps.
Pain, not softened by soft sign,
because execution [nesmyagchennaya]
there is a sign -
Cole, who pierces SIDE,
in to the circle of Slavs, the dancing COLE.
I leave from the apple,
leaving failure - [OBOL],
pay for my nonparticipation
in the program
under the code name


This failure of the apple of Evas at the most hidden depths of language forces
to recall the transactions of French psychoanalyst [Lokan]. [Lokan] considers that on
the level of subconsciousness each word, as if being reversed through Moebius's tape,
it generates the mass of values. In [E]. [Katsyuby]'s poem tape as
it is twisted conversely from subconsciousness into the consciousness, erasing all 12 zodiac
the values of word “apple”.
The spectrum of [metametafory] now reaches the not distinguished by look infrared and
ultraviolet regions, from the space inversions of space to the inversions
sound and very semantics of word.
The poetry has its internal laws of forward motion. Somewhere in the 30th
the years of [zamolkli] of [oberiuty], they more lately forgot Khlebnikov. Now motion began [s]
that point itself, on which they dwelled then. First swing of celestial piston,
left dead center, [A]. Voznesensky's poetry. Now specular locomotive
[metametafory] it moved further.

Specular locomotive
it went from four sides
of four transparent prospects
it refracted over the fifth long term
it went from the sky to the sky
from one earth to the next
it went from itself to itself
from the light into the light
On the rails of the light
along the lunar ties
it went separating the distance of the cool mold curve
entering into the tunnel of Ivan Ilyich's pupil
the come into being at the end beginning
it conveyed the whole world
and together with it itself
conveyed locomotive entire air entire train station
entire sky
to the last ray
it conveyed
entire height
from the stars
it went around the edge of the light
by the edges of the light
and it twinkled as Hector before the battle
by armors specular through the sky…
(K. k.)



In [Upanishadakh], in the apocalypse, and in “pigeon book” it is spoken [o]
“space person”, from whom appears the peace. Similar to Phoenix, it burnt and
it did not burn to the Pur -[sha] in Indian [Upanishadakh].

Spring was its sacrificial oil, summer - by firewood, A
autumn - by victim itself…
When they divided [Purushu], on how many parts it was
it is divided?
How did become the mouths of its, than hand, than thigh, feet? :.
The Moon was born from the thought, from the eyes the sun arose…
From the navel arose the airspace, from the head
sky arose. From the feet - the earth, the cardinal point - from the rumor. So strifes
peaces 1. were divided.

This metaphor proved to be how a tenacious, it is possible to judge by the vision of Avvakum in
the prison jail:
“So it is kind and politely on the earth to [lezhati] and by light to [odeyannu] and by sky to [pokrytu]
to [byti]… “
This is the extremely remarkable ancient means, when man contains into himself and
sky, and star, and entire universe. It becomes not prisoner, concluded
inside the abyss, and by its most complete receptacle.
Poet it does not confuse, that man is small, but the universe is immeasurably more, since for
it there is other, secret sight, where smaller contains larger, and the latter
it becomes the first. Sky itself became the skin of oecumenical person, and him
solid nudity darkened the radiance of entire universe: “Blankets by light, [yako]
by chasuble, [nag] on the law court to [stoyashche] ".
If “tsar celestial” was in prospect [nag], then the tsar of terrestrial, on the contrary, got dressed in
starry chasubles - “blankets by light”. It slipped over itself the crown, strewn
1 ancient Indian philosophy. M., 1972, s. 31-32.

by stones, that symbolized the starry cupola, strewn by stars, and it held in
its hands power and sceptre - moon and the sun.
Brightest means of this anthropoid universe and this oecumenical body
it is imprinted in the architecture of Old-Russian temple. Here cupola symbolized
invisible sky, and lower part - earth; entire service in [pesnopeniyakh] and action
the cosmogonical history of the creation of peace and man was repeated.
The bright building of the invisible, internal universe, it seemed, shuddered and
it collapsed, when Peter of the I it brought from Europe [gottorpskiy] globe and established it on
free review. Groznyy autocrat issued a call by this step to avert his
look from the symbolic illusory universe of temple and to turn him into the real
starry infinity. Internal cupola of [gottorpskogo] globe - the first
Russian planetarium - it had to replace with itself the internal cupola of temple.
You look, here is it, the starry abyss, which surrounds man.
External gilding was torn away, from the temples fell to the earth the bells. But together with
by the fact was torn away space shell from the solid appearance of man. Now
tsar did not leave to the people, “[odeyannyy] by light, [yako] by chasuble”. Reeses,
those symbolizing the celestial sphere, were dropped, the modest uniform replaced them
bombardier Preobrazhenskiy regiment. Difficult it was to present this ordinary
solid shell by the receptacle of the entire universe. Not without reason Peter thus loved the I
to demonstrate brittleness and lack of strength of human body, forcing
court to be present with the opening of corpses. Peter as if wanted to say
by the voice of its epoch: you will look, here all extremely simply, here no
no skies, here only muscles and the bone.
The father of Peter with the trembling read the letters of Avvakum, where that spoke about its
oecumenical visions. To Peter this letter could not produce the serious
impression. Body ceased to be “solid temple”. Temple became
the building, which demonstrates the might “of the architect of the universe”, [bleshchushchee] by the parade
and suppressing by its power. Petropavlovsk, [Isaakievskiy], Kazan' - here
the cathedrals are of Petrovskiy and [poslepetrovskoy] epoch. You will not compare them with the temple of the cover
on [Nerli], with the cathedrals of the Moscow Kremlin, with Kiev and Novgorod Sofia.
The means of the anthropoid universe disappeared. Cupola became more it was similar to the ceiling
planetarium. Is how the place of man in this infinite starry abyss?
In this is [Derzhavina] the [slepyashchiy] enthusiasm of man, which is located in the center of the starry
infinity and controlling by it: “I am the connection of the peaces of everywhere real…” However
the dying lines of poet are pierced by another sensation. Enthusiasm is changed
by deaf disappointment and by horror before the black abyss.
The gaping “muzzle of eternity”, which devours man, this is what saw poet in
his surrounding outer space. Now itself of Hay ( nature ) became
[pozhiratelnitsey] its children. Specifically, so it is discussed in [Tyutcheva] this
to abyss - nature.
Entire the same blazing abyss is full of “stars”, but now it gives birth to others
means. Let this not Of [kronos], which devours its sons, but Pushkin's
“indifferent nature” - nature- mother, but mother, indifferent to her children.
This is not Mother of God - mother of peace, about whom it rehearsed, that its womb is more extensive
skies. This is not patroness, who is descended into hell in order to facilitate flour of the sinners
in “the walking on the flour”. This is indifferent, alien to man space nature,
and the temple here of other. About it wrote Turgenev in his “poems in the prose”.
Universe- planetarium, universe- observatory only at first caused
delight among poets. But increasingly more frequent enthusiasm was changed by disappointment and horror on the edge
starry abyss.

We slide abyss on the edge,
In which headlong let us fall down;
It is acceptable with the life death its,
To that in order to die, it is borne,
Entire death [razit] without the pity:
And stars will demolish themselves by it,
And [solntsy] by it will be extinguished,
And it threatens to the entire world.

In Dostoyevsky Ivan [Karamazov] in the imaginary conversation with the devil recollects
the most amusing anecdote, composed by him even in the secondary school. Certain person afterward
of death for its doubts it is doomed to march along the universe, on that emptiest
by the universe, in which it deeply believes. “They sentenced, you see, it so that it would pass
in the gloom the quadrillion of kilometers… “the traveller passed this distance for the billion
This is the Newtonian infinite abyss, which is stretched in depth and broadwise
periodically, it is monotonous and monotonically. This is Newtonian infinite time and
the infinite space, which devours the peaces and the affairs of people. Here it reigned
monotonous, lifeless space, and it now and then seemed man of the 19th Century - “him
to [tsarstviyu] it will not be end ". But end to this [tsarstviyu] began in the 20th Century.
It turned out that there is no this infinite abyss, there is no absolute time. Indeed
as early as the twentieth years of the nineteenth century in this direction it went
Lobachevsky. But they ridiculed it, did not understand. Above the imaginary geometry
they laughed, calling scientist “imaginary professor”.
Lobachevsky attempted to verify his geometry in space, measuring
astronomical starry distances, it attempts to open for this
special seminar at the university, to introduce highest geodesy and theory of the figure
the earth, but scientific [muzhi] deflected this petition. To Euclidean- that the geometry
time is not sufficient, but here even some imaginary!
On the grave of Lobachevsky in Kazan and today it is possible to read the cast iron epitaph:
“The member of the society of Goettingen northern [antikvariev], the rector of the Kazan'
university, many orders cavalier… “what it is not only enumerated! [O]
Lobachevsky's geometry not word. Not word about that which made a name of this
man immortal.
Can seem by strange, but the cosmological sense of the discovery Lobachevsky
earlier than scientists realized the writers: The first word belongs to Dostoyevsky
artist about non-Euclidean space of Lobachevsky. It understood the depth of this means
only Einstein. About this testify the recollections Of [a]. [Moshkovskiy] about
[Eynshteyte]: “- Dostoyevsky! - It repeated this name several times with the special
by stress. And in order to suppress any objection in the root, it added: -
Dostoyevsky gives to me more than any scientific thinker, it is more than
Gauss! “
Let us try to comprehend the depth of this revelation.
Let us recall again terrible cold space with the quadrillions of kilometers and
by the billions of years, on which despondently shaves in his imagination Ivan [Karamazov].
Or - still more terrible - space Of [svidrigaylova], when it explains To [raskolnikovu],
that the so-called eternity and the future life perhaps the only of the [navsego]
dark [banka] and spiders on the angles. But the inquisitive mind of Ivan [Karamazov] penetrates after
the limits of this universe. And then it whispers its tragic monologue:
“But here, however, that it is necessary to note: if god exists and if he is actual
it created the earth, then, as to us it is completely known, it created it according to the Euclidean
of geometry, and mind is human with the concept only about three measurements
space ".
Here Ivan [Karamazov] deeply is in error. It turned out that “peace is created” not
only on the Euclidean geometry. It turned out that both in space and in the microcosm
the laws of the non-Euclidean geometry of Lobachevsky act. Yes even human
the brain, besides three measurements of space, today operates with the concepts about
n-dimensional spaces. And the brain proved to be more widely, and peace is more complex. This agitates
“Meanwhile were located and are located even now geos-meter philosopher, and even
from the remarkable, which doubt that, in order to entire universe or, still
it is more extensive - entire existence was created on the Euclidean geometry, they dare even
to dream, that two parallel lines, which, according to Euclid, on no account do not can
to join on the earth you perhaps and refer somewhere at infinity ".
So it proved to be in the general theory of relativity. It is clearly to see this
it is cannot. Here enormous jump from space of that seen, where everything, even law
universal gravitation, it is possible to demonstrate in the school class, to something different,
to invisible space of Lobachevsky and Einstein. This passage from the clarity not
can complete Ivan [Karamazov]. His rationalistic soul, carried out in
the womb of [gottorpskogo] globe- planetarium, it protests and it [vopiet]:
“I, dear fellow, solved so that if I even this I cannot understand, then where zh to me
about the god to understand. I [smirenno] confess, that i do not have any abilities
to resolve such questions, in me the mind is Euclidean, is terrestrial, and therefore where to us
to decide about the fact that not from the peace this… All this questions is complete
unusual to the mind, created with the concept only about three measurements ".
Dostoyevsky penetrated here in the very essence of the tragedy of the rationalistic consciousness
Russian intelligentsia of the 19th Century. The fact is that XVI11 the century, which banished from
by the universe of sat in glory to [oblatsekh] [Savaofa], after destroying seven crystal spheres and
after extinguishing starry [lampady], it proved to be in the devastated universe, in something like
[svidrigaylovskoy] [banki] with the spiders. There is no one, besides man, in this
space. At first this person enthusiastically admired the shining starry
by depths as Lomonosov and later [Derzhavin], but thought, that “and [solntsy] by it
they will be extinguished ", already sharpened consciousness. Even this splendid shining peace
it will go out, even Earth [ostynet].
It is possible to understand the tragic irony Of [pechorina] with the thought, that “were there is no time the people
very wise, that thought that the heavenly bodies celestial participate in our
negligible disputes for a plot of the earth or for any fictitious rights! :. “.
These people have long ago died, and stars continue to shine. Sky indifferently [k]
to man.
In the poem “ever” [voskresshiy] from the coffin occurs among the corpse
the earth:
Where to go, where nobody to embrace,
, where in the space was mislaid time?
It did assume It [fet] that there, “where in the space was mislaid time”, exactly
and the fourth, time-spatial coordinate of Einstein is concealed -
Minkowski, that placed scientific limit for terribly visible death in
poem “never”?
It is amazing whether that the novel “brothers Of [karamazovy]” Dostoyevsky, created in
1879-1880, it proved to be the arena of the cosmogonical fight of two world views.
Ivan [Karamazov] believes in the immortality of man, and it the very same rejects him, since
it contradicts clarity as the non-Euclidean geometry of Lobachevsky
it contradicts the principle of clarity. Ivan [Karamazov] recognizes the invisible
non-Euclidean peace it is so unwilling, as the Old-Russian author forced it was
to recognize with the unwillingness existence of the peace of that seen:
“I will be specified: I am convinced as baby, that the sufferings will heal to live and will be smoothed, that
entire offensive comicality of human contradictions will disappear as pitiful mirage,
as the [gnusnenkoe] fabrication of weak and small as atom,
human Euclidean mind… let, let this all be and will appear, but I- that
this I do not assume and I do not want to accept! Even parallel lines will join
and I this itself will see: I will see and will say that refer, but nevertheless not tonic ".
Here is it, the riot of rationalism, here is it - uprising the 19th Century against the future
The 20th century, the century of the theory of relativity and non-Euclidean geometry. Ivan
[Karamazov] it rebels against Einstein's universe, without suspecting, which lives in
by it. In this universe Dostoyevsky lived, although the theory of relativity yet not
it was opened.
How does principally differ this new universe from Newton's universe?
Starry fading and being caught fire, abyss, dark icy desert, the corpse
siliceous way - this all that it could see human look with the telescope.
The universe of Lobachevsky, Dostoyevsky and Einstein is not contained by that seen. In
by it by visible shell is implied still the fact that it cannot be seen;
by eye, well at least bent space, the fourth measurement
Four-dimensional space already twinkled and was poured by the invisible faces before
by Dostoyevsky eyes, although there did not exist the mathematical formulas
Minkowski and Einstein, who give the description of this peace. And one here occurred
from the salient paradoxes of the time: the new means of space in Dostoyevsky and
Lobachevsky it proved to be is extremely close to the means of the universe Dionysus, Andrey
It is ruble and perished in the earthen pit [ogneslovtsa] of Avvakum.
This proximity consists in the fact that also for Avvakum, and for Lobachevsky after
another peace, principally invisible stretched by the limits of the visible universe
the peace of other measurements. Avvakum by spiritual look saw as body; him,
growing, it contains into itself entire universe - the earth! under the feet and the star above
by head.
But indeed this is - the same, lost previously means of the universe, “seen
to all and invisible "! Planetary [gottorpskiy] globe was visual, as they were visual
there were the anatomical preparations of [kunstkamery]. But, revealing human body,
it is not possible to see that the fact that in principle invisibly. For the artist of the 20th Century
starry “all-absorbing and conciliatory abyss”, that is all-devouring “the eternity
muzzle " no longer appears so frightening, because! has this abyss
limit, abyss is perceived, and peace stretches further that perceived. Finding of new,
“four-dimensional” sight in by something it is identical to the skill to see “spiritual
by eyes ", which pierces literature.
In contemporary cosmology there is the so-called “cyclic” model
Cambridge astronomer Davis. According to this model relict emissions from
distant galaxies they show to us not only the past, long ago killed universe,
as was considered earlier, but also its future appearance.
Without interfering in the especially scientific disputes of astronomers, we can say that on
this model is amazingly accurate to relation to the space myth. Space
myth in the equal measure emits the light of future and past epochs.
What such is space for the man? For the majority of people - this the starry night
sky overhead, this day sky, in addition above us. But always whether thus
it will be: always whether sky above us, always whether we inside space? Indeed it began
the moment, when day sky proved to be below, and man of [vosparil] above it.
The output of man beyond the limits of terrestrial sky can be likened to his space
to generation. It is similar to baby, who was in the maternal womb and suddenly, in
the moment of generation, [vosparivshemu] above it, man left the space womb and
proved to be not only after the clouds, but also [vosparil] above the sky. Flying around the day
the sky from the side of space, which once seemed it infinite, the man
involuntarily it must raise look to the night dark space sky and place
the question: and this sky will not prove to be sometimes the same flown around as
our? The moment, when, after taking a step in the region of the black holes, man as, will not begin
will turn inside out inside out space, in its entire infinity it [vosparit] above it,
how [vosparil] it today above the day sky?
Having been in a word, born from the womb of terrestrial sky, one must not for us to survive
the second, space generation from the dark womb of space? It is not in prospect for us
it is similar ion output from the womb of the whale, on which, according to the idea of ancient,
was held the earth?
Space generation is unavoidable: we realize this or not, we everything this want.
We want to be eternal, infinite, perfected as space, which created
the earth, life, us and our reason on the earth. We want to become similar eternal
to immortal space, without losing its individuality, preserving its “I”.
And the reader again will ask: is possible whether this?
Possible whether for the man of space epoch to find the perfect [dvuedinoe]
body, one half - we is in that state, in which we are today,
another - entire infinite space? On what is based this optimism? Indeed even
fall outside the limits of day sky, for the atmosphere, does not completely indicate the finding
by man of sky. Here precisely - it does not indicate, but it is necessary that it would indicate. That we
live in the space epoch unquestionably but all of Lee we we use the fruits
starry garden or we became similar to children, whom, after jumping over through
fence, they are not decided to tear away from the branch the matured fruit?
Today we even inside the universe, but will begin moment, and, after embracing entire space,
as now by the inner shell of the skin we embrace our body, we will be able to say:
space inside us. This will occur in that moment, when we are able to change
the orientation of internal and external with the same ease, with which the cosmonauts
change the top and bottom in weightlessness.
Once baby was in the maternal womb, suspended from the waters as
in weightlessness. Then some force draws it through the dark, and before
it will inhale air, it will feel suffocation. This means that at the moment
the generation of men survives approximately the same, which is in prospect for it at the moment
death: suffocation, the darkness, narrow space, terrible gravitational force, [vlekushchaya]
in the uncertainty. And suddenly it occurs in the infinite space of our
peace, it is born. The darkness occurs light, narrow space occurs
by infinitely wide.
But indeed the same almost verbatim the description of the fact that feel some people in
the state of clinical death. It is described in a most detailed manner in the famous
to the book “life after death” doctor [Moudi]. Yes, precisely, thus: first the passage
through the narrow space, the darkness, then light and output and soaring above itself.
If so, then why then biological death survives by us as
great misfortune? Yes because we with the life did not survive this great
the state of the finding of our cosmic body, we are spiritual and psychologically not
they prepared to this.
And here is completely the clear program: to make internal external, and external
internal, to realize the relativity of internal and external.
It is amazing, why Tsiolkovskiy did not make this step and, after describing
relativity of the top and bottom in the null gravity state, it did not perceive
the relativity of internal and external.
Space reorientation returns his central to man
position in space. It is similar to the child, whom immediately after generation not
realize their body as their and even long time it feels arms, feet, head,
without realizing, which can govern them, that its this body, men begins
mentally to feel space and to realize it as starry continuation.
When I say that man must change shell, change
the direction of internal and external, this does not completely mean that the discussion deals [o]
the surface of its body. Indeed the boundary between the internal and the external very
[neopredelenny]. It is important to psychologically learn so freely to be turned [s]
by internal and external on the earth as in weightlessness be turned to freely [s]
by the top and by bottom. Before the output into weightlessness among the scientists there were the disputes, it will be able
whether man in weightlessness to preserve reason. Indeed it will not be the main scale
the counting of the top and bottom. It proved to be, nothing terrible. Men conditionally are counted:
, where head, the top, where foot, bottom, although this has none
real relation to its position.
By here such means, being inside the universe, we can reorient
is internal external.
There is a ancient legend. During the expulsion of Adam from the paradise the archangel was set
with the double-edged fiery sword, which revolves and which separates Adam from the paradise. This
double-edged sword - Milky Way, which revolves together with the sky around its
axis, as separating us from infinite space. The moment will begin
the return of man, when through the regions of the black holes it again returns in
its paradisiacal garden. Today to the eternal questions: who we, from where we arrived, where
we go - man can give the completely irrefragable answer. We - space, arrived
from space, we go into space.
Ancient astrology, Chinese system of acupuncture are based on the correlation
points on the firmament with the points of [akopunktury] on the human tele-.
Human body was projected to the firmament, the firmament it was projected on
man. Heart - the sun and the sun - heart. Cosmos was the external projection
man, man - by internal projection of space. Symbol of such
mutually-projections - the cup, which is converged to center and dispersing to the bottom. Adam,
that walking along the earth, was the mirror reflection of starry Adam - in all
the firmament above its head. Men and the universe - two space
double. Sky - mirror, in which the man saw, first of all, himself. Such
[antropnaya] cosmology in the course of time was ridiculed, and then rejected as
unscientific. But together with the water they splashed out from the bath of child. They forgot about the fact that
in the unscientific picture of peace is given completely scientific, geometrically and
the three-dimensional precise model of the relationship of man and universe.
In the antiquity there was no science of topology, division of mathematics, which is occupied
by the indirect conversions of systems. There were no famous “theorem of hedgehog”, which
the heads of sieves, that the sphere can be inverted inside out, in this case it is formed
the complex self-intersecting surface.
But now visualize that the sphere - is entire our being scattered universe,
and visualize that, being reversed inside out, it forms the complex
the self-intersecting surface. This is a structure of entire living:
being self-intersected, [samoperepletayushcheesya], entering by funnels inward.
You will look, as the pinnae are swirled, the iris of eye, as the brain is swirled,
you will compare these vortices with the spirals of space galaxies, with the labyrinths of the island
To [valaam], and you will understand that we simply did not understand ancient, they did not understand them
the universe, when they rejected the ordered picture of [dvuedinogo] man- space,
created with ancient mythologies. The language of myth am symbolic, it cannot be understood
Now man is such to the snail, that is in the sun-star shell. But
let us visualize, as snail it leaves, it creeps out outside, absorbing its external
skeleton - its cockleshell. Outwardly it is defenseless, vulnerable, but it opened
to the thinnest influences of nature and space. Brontosaurs not randomly died out,
covered with continuous shell of the broken through in no way skin. High ascending
to the steps of evolution it is prepared to man, outwardly much that to less protected than
the same tortoise, the same dinosaur, the same snail.
As pupa, after being opened, gives birth to butterfly, so man, having been turned inside out in
space, finds new space, new sky. Let us recall, once the pupa
it was worm, it crept over the two-dimensional surface, it did not realize the possibility
vertical motion, for it there was only a plane. And here,
after being converted into the pupa, after dying, it tears up from within the shell of coffin and
finds new, the third, unknown by it measurement and the element of air ocean.
Thus we, after being turned inside out from the shell of our body, will find the new
How is isolated from us space? By slender shell of the atmosphere, like
the diving-dress, which protects cosmonaut from the destructive influence of fire and cold. For
what to cosmonaut diving-dress? Only for the protection from space or for the knowledge
it? For which our life on the earth in the shell of natural diving-dress - only
for a stay inside the natural protection? No, certainly, for the knowledge
entire space, entire universe.
Space reorientation must change our spiritual and psychological
idea about the place of man in space. This, first of all, concerns
the reorientation of internal and external. We not inside space, but as in
his conditional center intra-outside. Consequently, understanding the conditionality
internal- external it would lead man to the more correct perception
its position in the world.
At the spiritual- psychological level this will lead to the sensation of space as very
itself. [Dvuedinoe] body man- space exists completely actually. Our
perception itself separately from space - tribute to the ordinary sight, which sees the earth
as plane. Partly way to the reorientation lies through the realization of the top and
bottom as relative concepts for the man, which is completely attained in
null gravity state and at the spiritual level it is realized by Tsiolkovskiy on
to the earth. The second step now is in prospect: the knowledge of the relativity of internal and
It is similar to child, not immediately after generation realizing, that its body
it belongs to it, humanity did not immediately understand that space is another
half of its starry body. The realization of this fact brings to the familiar
the model of the universe, where many centers of the universe (many individuals),
at the same time they are united in their space tele-.
Reversing inside out the surface of his body, man seemingly covers by it
entire space, contains it into itself. It internal becomes external, and external -
internal. Inside by sky, and sky by inside. With the entire unusualness of this [deystva]
we will not forget, that it is founded on during the imitation of the completely real natural
the process of generation.
In connection with this it would be desirable to focus attention on the description of the enormous
“solar sign”, extremely extended in the ornament.
In the ancient-Iranian skill of eating extremely interesting image. In the center
the sun, month, star, as if drowning in the funnel, and on the edges outside six
hearts - six lobes. Sky inside, and heart outside.
But if we search for not the planar, but volumetric model of man- space, then here
in the folklore the means of boiler and cup to the foreground comes out. Two halves of the united
sphere, seemingly split and connected at the points of contact tangencies. This symbolic
the image of the unity of the earth and sky, moon and sun, man and universe.
By the way, the image of six-petalous rosette exactly is in the center
cup on the face of the contact of the hemispheres of sky and earth, man and space.
Are such cups of Yuri [Dolgorukiy] and Irina [Godunovoy]s, who are stored in the weapons
to chamber. Moreover on the cup- [Godunovoy] even are visible the images of six [serdets]' in
lower part.
Let us recall again antique myth about the fact that once man had “that perfected”
spherical body it combined man and female nature, but Zeus cut
it to two halves - man both female and since then man and woman search for
each other in order to find its united body. This myth clearly agrees with [s]
by folklore legends about the moon, cut into two parts by Peroun, about the marriage
the sun and the earth, the sun and moon, the earth and sky. Means of boiler and cup, which connects
two separate hemispheres it is, naturally, connected with the rites of generation and marriage.
They always symbolized the unity of man and space. We find the whole series
indications that man there is either more or less as “the cup of the space
[obosoblennostey] ". Its upper part symbolizes the universe, lower -
man. The projection of any image on the cup clearly will illustrate, by what
by means “person, who goes on the firmament, falls by head into the head
to person, who goes along the earth " ([S]. Esenin). Specifically, the man so will appear
in two contiguous hemispheres, which symbolize the sky and the earth.
Before us the eternal fairy scene of the connection of two hemispheres of cup, first disconnected, then
connecting again. These are the earth and sky, is two halves of moon, the sun is enveloping
and ascending. Their connection indicates [misterialnyy] marriage. Leaves, man,
man and woman, as if cup of all cups, which contains sky, the sun, moon and
the entire world.
With this view on the man his entire surrounding universe occurs as
by the larger matryoshka, which contains into itself smaller - human body. But this
the yet not comprehensive picture. Complexity in the fact that the smaller matryoshka
(human body) it contains inside itself large matryoshka - the universe. This
it is similar to the spiral, which is converged to center and simultaneously that being scattering from it.
This already familiar to us the sphere, where surface occurs the incomprehensible means
in the center, and the center [obemlet] surface. Is such tangential- radial
the spiral of de Chardin's [Teyyara], Pascal's sphere in [Borkhesa], crystal globe in l.
Tolstoy. Is such the sphere of Riemann - model of our universe in the general theory
Einstein's relativity. Here, rising upwards, you will prove to be below;
descending, you will prove to be at the apex; being immersed in the dark, you will leave to the light;
penetrating the narrow space, you will prove to be in infinity.
Tsiolkovskiy wrote about this peace: “… to me it is presented… that the basic ideas
and love for the eternal tendency there - to the sun, to the release from the chains
gravities - in me are laid almost from the generation. At least I am excellent
I remember that my dear dream in the earliest childhood, even to the books, it was
vague consciousness about the medium without the gravity, where the motion it is in different directions complete
they are free and where better than to bird in air ".
Men and space - united indissoluble body, and the brain and the heart of man - in
to the middle of space boiler and cup.
Many fundamental concepts of contemporary cosmogony, being principally
new, at the same time in by something they correspond to the primary meanings, revealed
even in the folklore and the primitive skill.
Universal cup-shaped surface of the mirror Of [iskandera], [Koshcheeva] of casket as
this not is strange, it can be grow prettier by the model, which clearly popularizes similar
concept as the light cone of the world events in the special theory
[a]. Einstein's relativity. Here also the passage through the neck of cup as
through the narrow space, which leads to the future, it coincides with the model of generation,
conception and death as reversings. In any case, the geometric model
here there can be the same - dispersing and being converged to center the spiral
or rosette, the concentric circles, which are dispersed from the center and which are converged [k]
to it.
Until now these spiral patterns, extended in all areas of culture,
the suns not without reason identified with the image. As we already showed
is earlier, the sphere of the sun, just as the sphere of moon, earth and sky, upon transfer in
its opposition seemingly it is reversed inside out. Projection
the mutually-reversing of two spheres to the plane exactly gives the figure of such
spiral. These are the earth - sky, the sun - moon, man - woman, man -
the universe, small matryoshka in the large even larger in the small simultaneously. By this
to models corresponds the concept about the universal elementary particle of [fridmon].
It and particle, but it and entire universe.
If we present following many popularizers the hypothetical
the possibility of the course of time in the black hole to the reverse side, and the point
the encounters of two peaces to designate through zero, we will see two cones, inverted
by points to each other. In each cone the time moves normally from the past
in the future, but with the view from the opposite part to us it seems current
backwards - from the future into the past. The light beam cannot leave the black
hole, is bent under the action of strong gravity, i.e., light there as
is the dark, the black sun. To pass from one cone to another - the same
the very, what to be turned inside out inside out, “to be born anew”. It is necessary to traverse the narrow
the neck of hourglasses, to jump over zero, “to enter into one ear and to leave
in another ", to [proshmygnut] into the crack of the crystal mountain Of [koshcheeva] of reign, to pass after
by the thread of Ariadnas on the narrow labyrinth. At the moment of the imaginary passage of one
peace in another occurs all the fact that also with the heroes of folklore [deystva]: the dark
becomes light, light by the dark, small will contain into itself large even larger
it will be accomodated in smaller.
It suffices to recall episode from “deaths of Ivan Ilyich” Of [l]. Tolstoy, in order to
to understand the indestructibility of this model at the summit levels of literature.
To contemporary person, who accustomed to the fundamental noncoincidence of scientific and
artistic thinking, of course, not so it is simple to overcome the psychological
barrier and to see the genetic relationship of the model of space-time in the science and
the artistic peace of ancient and contemporary literature. But having only overcome
this barrier, it is possible to understand the full value of the folklore, where there is no peace,
[otchuzhdennogo] from the man, and there is no person, [otchuzhdennogo] from the peace.
For understanding of this unity it is necessary to, in addition master some methods
thinking, that became the discovery the 20th century. This is, first of all, the principle
Nils Bohr's complementarity, strikingly appropriate
to folklore view on [dvuedinstvo] of man- space. Principle itself appeared in
the result of meditations above the strange behavior of particle, which proved to be
by wave- particle, which is difficult to represent within the framework ordinary common sense.
If particle, then at the fixed point of space; if wave - that in
many. Meanwhile precisely thus: wave and particle simultaneously. Relations
man - space in the folklore of the same property. It, man, in one
the specific place for the universe and the very same - entire universe.
After transferring all these correspondences between some ideas [o]
cosmology in the consciousness of ancient and contemporary person, it is desirable to clarify, in
than difference. But difference this is fundamental. Model is one and the same, but
the personae dramatis in it others. In ancient cosmology - man- space, in
contemporary - particle of [fridmon]. In ancient cosmology reversing as
death- generation as resurrection; in the contemporary - quantum jump,
the expanding and compressive universe. There kinds, here explosion, expansion.
There mother, here material. In ancient cosmology prevails living, it creates
peace. In the contemporary prevails inanimate, which creates living.
So whether [bezuslovna] in everything our rightness before the ancient? Let us open the transactions
academician [V]. [Vernadskogo], in particular his book “living substance”. [Vernadskiy]
is focused attention on the fact that science knows many facts of the transformation of the living
in the corpse and he knows not one case of the appearance of living of the corpse. Not
they do appear living and corpse by two masks of united material and there did not exist
whether they always?
Without affecting by incompetent interference questions about the living and the inorganic
material and about the origin of life, let us say only that the views Of [vernadskogo] in
much they harmonize with ancient cosmogony. Sum of such a cosmogony in the known
to measure it is reflected in the works of late [platonikov]: “Besides any body moves or
it is outside, or inward. That moving is not outside animated, that moves inward -
it is animated. If soul, being with body, moved outside, she was
not animated, but if soul will begin to move inward, then she is animated ".
As we see, reversing inward - man of living, reversing is outside - him
space, thus far the inanimate double. Ancient person contains living and
corpse as two means of united body. If we recall that already Nils Bohr
it proposed to extend complementarity principle to the concepts “living” and
“inanimate”, then it will become obvious, that cosmology of ancient includes not
the only become obsolete, but also extremely close to contemporary person concepts and
We approach the moment of the immense break in the thinking, which suddenly
drew together contemporary scientific thinking with the ancient [kosmogonizmom]. This break
entire sum of the knowledge of the contemporary science, where it plays the special role, is included
the picture of peace, created on the basis of general; the theory of relativity and quantum
Time and space are determined, where there are relations between the objects.
It is more than that, these objects interact, i.e., somehow they react friend on
the friend: by gravity, by reflection, by light. Time-spatial; the abyss
between them it depends on many interactions. Time can be extended,
space - to become narrow and to be enlarged, in a word, in space is all processes,
characteristic for the magic space. Small particle contains large,
time is converted into zero on the threshold; light barrier.
Let us be distracted now from the hypothetical and will recall undoubted. There is no doubt that
in the world culture eats united symbolic language - [metakod]. Auto
not only much explains its existence in the riddles of ancient civilizations,
but also are offered new possibilities in the contemporary comprehension of the unity of the man
and space.
[Metakod] - these are the system of symbols, is reflecting of the unity of man and space, general
for all times in all existed areas of culture. Basic
laws governing the meta- code, its language are formed into the folklore period and
remain [neunichtozhimymi] for the elongation of entire development literatures.
It is possible to name the genetic code of literature, and also the united code of the living
and inorganic material. [Metakod] - this is the united code of existence, which penetrates entire
Our ideas about the position make demands on man in the universe
revision. Earlier they were built on the obviousness of experience. Two gradually fell
the error: the flat earth and after the revolution, perfected by Copernicus,
the [ptolemeevskaya] universe.
Einstein destroyed false ideas about the absolute space and the time,
and Tsiolkovskiy subjected the absolutization of the top and bottom to revision, after giving the description
Ordinary ideas about the space include two absolute directions:
the top - bottom is internal - external. If we reject this absolutization and
to consider it as a special case of terrestrial conditions, we will obtain model,
approximating some realities of the outer space. This is connected
with the destruction of psychological stereotypes.
As the transitional model there was an inversion of the top and bottom (sky -
the earth, the earth - sky) - Hermes's tablet [Trismegista] in Egypt.
Following stage - output to real weightlessness into space. Concepts “top” and
“bottom” they become purely conditional, i.e., these are no longer objective properties
space, and it is subjective and arbitrarily selected as right and leftist in
terrestrial conditions.
The more complex concept about the internal- the external did not undergo revision,
because under terrestrial conditions this is even less accessible than weightlessness.
The experience of the castling of internal and external space, probably, is stored in
subconsciousness as recollection about the generation.
Transitional model would under terrestrial conditions indicate the picture of peace for the man,
where are internal above and outside, and the universe and sky below and inside (experience
Andrey [Belogo]).
If the castling of the top and bottom - physical reality of weightlessness, then
the castling of internal and external is completely real for the objects, which fly [s]
with the relativistic speeds in the region of the black holes.
Reversing space in these regions is accompanied by the whole series
the uncommon phenomena: “the bifurcation” of observer to the internal and the external;
accordingly flight time for the external lasts eternally, and for the internal
observation interval changes direction, being fixed from the future into the past.
Such models exist in the artistic and psychological experience of the man: fairy tale,
myths, gospel from Thomas, by bottoms, “godly comedy” of Dante, “death of Ivan
Ilyich ", “the Odyssy the 21st Century” [A]. Clark.
It means, there is a certain universal code ([metakod]), which gives the model
oecumenical internal- external space both in the science and in the skill, and in
psychological experience. All these models can be reduced to tracings of the certain
to the dual tangential spiral, it is equal characteristic for the ancient patterns in
ornament both for the objective models of DNA and RNA and also for the autos-wave in
to synergetics, that connect into unified whole the winding structures of galaxies and
the spiral of the molecules, which store genetic information.
It is possible that all these levels are pierced by the united wave information
by element - from the emissions of human body to the emissions of the astronomical
In that case on the basis of the structure of dual spiral it is possible to construct the generator
the internal- external emissions, the bonding agents of man and the universe into unified whole.
Man most likely is potentially such natural emitter, but in
the force of terrestrial conditions the spiral of emission is directed thus far only from space [k]
to the earth, from the omega to alpha. During the [antropnoy] inversion the emission will proceed
also from alpha to the omega, from the man to space. Such space
reversing, possibly, would lead to the appearance of new essence - Homo
They usually consider that the space person must even outwardly differ from
the inhabitants of the earth. This is great error.
I assume that on the earth of vein it is numerous people, which reached this highest step
the stairs Of [iakova].
Velimir Khlebnikov, Andrey [Belyy], Pavel [Florenskiy]… Even in one twentieth
century on the earth lived people, allotted by space sight. Them
evidence about the space life of spirit hardly can be considered literature in
the usual sense of this word. Each metaphor, each means - certain sign,
the space hieroglyph, similar to the outlines of constellations.


We will not forget, what there is even and invisible sky. X-radiation,
radio sources, quasars, pulsars, the possible objects of the black holes finally
the neutrino emissions, which instantly penetrate entire galaxy; ten
the known emissions, which emanate from the man, they agree with this sky. I
I think that the threads of neutrino emissions interlace into the beams of oecumenical brain.
At the radiation level of men and the universe - united world essence.
All great writers felt, that to them dictate the stars. [Lermontov] it heard,
as “star with star he speaks”.
it [fet] it saw in the constellations secret characters, perceived starry relationship with the sky.
“Was to it the starry book clear, and with it spoke sea waves”, he wrote
[Baratynskiy]. Khlebnikov in its “starry alphabet” and Esenin in “the keys of Maria”
directly they described about this.
Poetic fantasy - this and there is straight conversation of soul with the sky. I understand,
which another person can lead into the confusion thought about the fact that the texts of the bible
and Shakespeare are already coded in the sky, and prophets and poets here translators and
interpreters. Perhaps not about this in “the prophet”?

My take in it touched it,
And them filled noise and ringing.
And I heeded sky to [sodrogane],
And [gorniy] of angels flight,
And the reptile of sea underwater motion,
And is lobate than the rod [prozyabane].

Alexander [Blok] saw the violet waves (it can be, ultraviolet),
filling the universe. “Poet - the son of harmony, who creates space from chaos”,
wrote block.
But we despised all these evidence, was accepted them as certain beauty,
rhetoric. But indeed for the block, white, Khlebnikov this was not metaphor, A
cleanest reality, truth about their contact with space. In order to distinguish this
truth from the poetic “adornments”, and was necessary by me the sufficiently many-valued
and the capacious term, when by the way metaphor is added the prefix “by meta”.
Meta- metaphor in contrast to the metaphor is authentic evidence [o]
by the universe. From this authentic evidence they were born “godly
comedy " Dante and many books of antiquity.
“I I saw the new sky and the new earth” - these words of the apocalypse of steel

reality. We saw the new, invisible previously sky of the black holes, pulsars,
quasars, radios-object. The Earth [razverzlas] to the microcosm, to the singularity, and
only human heart remains hardened, that hardened as one hundred,
two hundred thousand years ago. Thus far our heart is struck “[okamenennym] [nechuvstviem]”,
we will not see the sky, opened to the look of poet. Literature - this new, verbal
sky. Invisible previously starry watermarks in many now are revealed
familiar texts.
Here is the starry portrait of the father of Hamlet: “Locks of Apollo, the brow of Jupiter itself,
the look of Mars, created in order to threaten and to order. Carriage, similar
to herald to mercury, which was recently descended to the peak of the mountain, which kisses sky ".
Before us the portrait of starry person, woven from the sun (Apollo) and three
Roman Goethe “the years of Wilhelm's wanderings Meister” opens as from the step [k]
of step Meister ever is more than hundred l novite by space person. Here him
the first meeting with the sky.
“… The astronomer of [povel] of guest for the observatory on the beaten stairs… Wilhelm
one on the open area appeared! high round tower. Above it
it stretched, [blestya] and sparkling by all its stars, clear night sky; to it
it seemed that it for the first time sees itself by the surrounded firmament in everything of it
Struck and amazed by this spectacle, it to the instant shut eyes.
Immeasurable already ceases to be elevated, it exceeds our ability and
it threatens to us by complete destruction. “That I - before the universe? - mentally he said
it to itself, as can I stand before it and among it? “However after the brief
it added reflections: “As can man resist infinity, if
fact that, after gathering in the depth of its soul all its spiritual forces, [vlekomye] in
different sides, to ask them: “Will dare you yourself, it is at least mental,
to represent; among this eternally living order without that, in order to you not! it perceived
in itself simultaneously something, unceasingly moving, that revolves all around
some clean center? And even if to you it will be difficult to find in its
breast this center, then you realize it on one the fact that proceeds from it,
testifying about it, certain beneficial effect ""!
To find in itself the center, around which everything revolves, i.e., the Pole star.
the Cole- star, around which revolve all starry herds.

Since the beginning of the winter season
In the gigantic after being extended increase,
It appeared To [rubruku] from the horizon
Amphitheatre of eastern stars.

In the gardens Of [provansa] and loire
Hardly they saw when,
What starry flocks
Cole- star revolves in the sky,

It burns to entire to region,
As by cattle-breeder the driven into stake,
And it conducts slowly in the circle
Constellations motley halo.

Celestial rams go,
Horses and bulls step,
Starry quivers blaze,
[Blestyat] astral blades.

There the same battle and the cold is the same,
There the same common interest.
The Earth is only the shred of skies and even,
Perhaps, the best shred of skies.

And here already it behaves in a queer way itself To [rubruku]:
They overhang from sky of hundreds of hands,
They threaten, shining to entire to the region:
“Look, [Rubruk]! Look, [Rubruk]!”
([N]. [Zabolotskiy], “[Rubruk] in the Mongolia”)

Let us return to Wilhelm to Meister. It searches for its star before the sky and on the earth. In
to its soul it proved to be tutor [Makariya]. On it is in detail by Goethe's words:
“Similarly, as they indicate about the poet that the elements of the visible peace already
its natures are laid in depth itself and only gradually they are revealed in it,
and that all that which for it is necessary to contemplate in the world, it before the fact already
it survived in the presentiment, so to the consciousness Of [makarii], apparently, of [iznachala] they were
all relationships of the solar system are inherent, being in it first in that hidden,
the quiescent state, being gradually developed and increasingly being more brightly and more living manifested in
the future ".
Natural it was to doubt such abilities, but soon scientist was convinced:
“[Makariya] it is located in this relation to the solar system, what we hardly
we dare to express by words, it not only [leleet] and it contemplates it in its
mind, in its soul and in its imagination, but seemingly comprises its part; it
it perceives itself with that implicated in the celestial spheres, but with some special means; [s]
childhood it moves around the sun, and besides, as now it was possible to establish,
on the spiral, ever being more and more moved away from the center and gradually in its
rotation being sent toward the external spheres ".
I understand, which contemporary skeptical consciousness, certainly, will place under
doubt is this evidence of Goethe as thousands of other evidence, from
which only a few penetrated in this book. But give finally let us realize
from the rationalistic thorn apple, let us believe Goethe, Leo Tolstoy, Dostoyevsky,
To Andrey [Bely], To [v]. Khlebnikov, let us believe the millennial legends of all peoples.
Yes, man - essence space in the truest sense of this word. It
it contains into itself as [Makariya], our planetary system, and it can be, and
the universe.
Man is born. First in it is formed a feeling of its body, then -
mother, father, family, native land, earth finally appears a feeling of space,
first seen, then invisible. In space it, speaking in the words Of [tyutcheva],
learns “its [naslede] ancestral”.
Each writer in his own way survives oecumenical generation. Sometimes space
a feeling comes only into the old age as sum and the finale of terrestrial life. Thus it crowned
Valentina [Kataeva] “diamond corona” from the stars: “Me it suddenly seemed, as if
starry frost of eternity first slightly, is entirely imperceptible [nestrashno]
it touched the thinned sulfur- grey hair around the tonsure of my uncovered head,
after making their flickering as diamond corona.
Then starry cold began gradually to be extended on entire my
to the grown still body, with persistent sluggishness stopping
blood circulation and making possible for me to make not to step, in order to leave because of
black copies with the gold points of the enchanted park, gradually
converted into… the forest, and… making me with the sculpture, created from
the space substance of the reckless fantasy Of [vayatelya] ".
Alexander [Blok] perceived space generation in the awakening of the spirit of music. In this
moment “peace washes, dropping old clothing; man becomes nearer [k]
element; therefore man becomes more musical… spirit, soul and body are seized
by swirl flow; in the vortex of the revolutions of spiritual, political, social,
having space correspondences… is formed new person… I think,
that into the remaining signs, including national, either they are secondary or
it is completely unessential ".
Two hundred years science with self confidence denied, that around the man there is the aura
emissions. Argument of the simple: this saw mysticisms poets, but not docents and
the doctor of sciences. Now, because of the instruments, see doctor docents. They
they interpret about their: wavelength, nature of studies and so forth A for many people
the glow, which proceeded from face of man, was “halo”. Saint from the word
“light”. Saint - the one who shines. “To bless” meant in the antiquity to transmit
to other its light. The same meant “dedication” - to transmit by light the secret
knowledge about space, the inaccessible fact, whom does not have halo.
I believe to the light, which emanates from the icons it is ruble, Dionysus, Theofan Greek, the ale
Greco, Giotto and [Bottichelli]. Which means the emission of gold and stones on
to comparison with “the glory of [bozhiey]” - so into the old times was called the light, which emanates from
great person. “Trio” is ruble, dressed in the precious payment, strewn
by stones, it was usual expensive icon. But when payment they removed, it gushed out from it
the light, which does not run low also on this time.
The here celestial sphere - it is obvious. Raise eyes to the sky - and you will see. Now
we will return to the leviathan with The [ionoy]. This is very the ancient communication, which there is
also in the sound-effects man- babylonian epos. Leviathan- monster [Tiamat] (dark) is conquered
there [Mardukom]. But in ancient Egypt leviathan - aqueous monster in the means
the crocodile, that absorbed light, god is set. It strikes it, freeing the sun, the god
Mountains. Mountains it is depicted with the head of falcon, on the horse, its spear pierces
the devastated crocodile. Georgiy (mountains) on the white horse (Pegasus), that damages
of monster snake in order to free tsarevna (Andromeda), again reminds us [o]
[Persee]. [Persey], Pegasus, Andromeda before the sky next. Specifically, so on the fabric n.
[Pussena] is imprinted “the release of Andromeda”. [Persey] in the shining starry
armor, white horse - Pegasus and freed, taken from the cliff Andromeda. Next
in the water the devastated leviathan.
One communication about the future occurs from space in the different languages: “Men -
[Persey], free your soul - Andromeda, riveted to the cliff - the earth, leave
from the inside of leviathan, as it left it ion. [Pobori] the dark as [Marduk], mountains and
Georgiy ".
Last news is alien from science fiction Of [i]. [Efremov]. Roman “the fogginess
Andromeda " it began the new era of contact with space, interrupted by forty years.
there are many channels of space communication. Every 76 years arrives flying “radio-range beacon” -
Halley's comet. Its arrival was in 1910 marked by the explosion of Russian [kosmizma]
the beginning of century. It " brought” “dreams about earth and sky” of Tsiolkovskiy, “pillar and
the assertion of truth " [Florenskogo], “the boards of fate” Velimir Khlebnikov and him
starry enlightenment. Way to the general theory of relativity of Einstein was outlined.
After nine years is published the immense enlightenment of Andrey [Bely] on
to the pyramid of Cheops, are printed “the keys of Esenin's Maria”, his poems left
“[Pantokrator]”, “[Inoniya]”, “[Sorokoust]”. Flashes of the space enlightenment
they continued in the Russian poetry prior to the end of the Thirties.
As I already spoke, in the mysteries Of [ozirisa] there is the indissolubility
of the space-time, which lost the European culture and found only in
the general theory of relativity of Einstein.
The time, which we receive now at the psychological level, in
there is no reality. There is no that space, which we see, since we
we receive him as the three-dimensional volume, separate from the time.
The myths of our perception are, unfortunately, considered standard. We ceased to live on
to the flat earth, here and all our achievements in the fight with the obviousness.
It is obvious that the earth is flat, but it round.
It is obvious that sky above, but sky and below, since the earth in space.
It is obvious that we inside the universe, but we and above are outside universe, since
is internal external - concept relative.
It is obvious that the universe surrounds us, but also we surround by ourselves the universe.
It is obvious that after the past there will be the future, but this only the conditionality of our
perception. It is possible to consider the past the future: physically nothing it will change, A
very much psychologically will change.
It is obvious that man is less than the universe, but he is more than the peace, since of the concept
“it is less” and “more” on oecumenical scales they are relative.
It is obvious that the human life is less than the eternity, but on the oecumenical scales
there can be the inverse relations: eternity will prove to be less than the life.
Albert Einstein called science “flight from the obviousness”. In contrast to
ancient Egyptians we run is very lazily.
All ancient civilizations fought with the illusion of obviousness. For this
there was a complex system of magic dedications. If the theory
Egyptians opened relativities, they would record it in the dances, made
perceived in the rituals, having maximally drawn nearer the man most those removed
reality of cosmology. To them it was not necessary to create new religion and
mythology. Paradox in the fact that many realias of contemporary cosmogony on
ritual level they are supply with sounied in the ancient myths.
It is possible to refuse to have anything to do from this circumstance, to make form, that in this no
nothing special. I call things my names: ancient possessed our
by knowledge, but at the humanitarian, human level.
We lost the human level of our knowledge. I propose to return
lost, after looking at the sky by the eyes of ancient, after being included in game.
The Moon dictated to Cyril and [Mefodiyu] correct alphabet for the Slavs. Those more
that rested they on the more ancient outlines of the same lunar alphabets.
However, entire alphabet from A to I dictated not only moon, but also the sun, which goes
on the constellations of zodiac. It introduced its corrections, drawing near lunar arcs [k]
to angular constellations. Thus were born two alphabets - lunar and starry.
Starry - capital, and lunar - small.
“A” starry stores in itself the outlines of the corpuscle


, “and” lunar - roundness of the being come into being month


Ancient reading from right to left corresponds to the motion of phases of the moon from the early month
to the plenilune. In Europe was fastened the tradition from left to right - solar,
“[posolon]”, on the motion of zodiac.
Very important letter “Zh”, it stores the outlines of Orion and indicated “life”


“N” is close to the constellation of Gemini, “G” it is similar on


, “I” resembles the outlines of the fishes


Hercules stores the contour of the letter “[k]”


, “L” is similar on after persowing


Zodiac - prototype of the dial: 12 hours - 12 zodiacal signs. Idea itself
to time and the rotation of times they are dictated by the rotation of constellations. Here
the sun plays the role of hour hand, and moon - minute. Sky - sidereal clocks
humanity. Hours we do start themselves - who did bring zodiac? To how many billion
light years? For which on the celestial dial are present others
constellation? How these constellations they are correlated with the circle of zodiac? What indicates
“tablet” - the circle of the nonsetting constellations? As to correlate three starry
the parameter how many combinations do give celestial computer? Which role of nine
planets and the sun in the correction of starry light? As it acts on us
sky is invisible - from the unknown radiation sources of any kind? That
it does mean each of such emissions and as they are correlated with the man?
Millions of questions, to many of which could give answer the priests of the ancient
civilization does not want to answer present science.
There are brilliant guesses of Velimir Khlebnikov, Andrey [Bely], but this only
the distant breakthroughs to the united knowledge. There is no map, there is no guide. We themselves
we go through the unknown locality, most of all entrusting its own intuition.
Why zodiac? Because different way into the space-time we do not have.
Here Ceres - spring, the source of love and life. Virgin - Eva, she tasted the lunar
apple from the tree of knowledge. Apple of moon, which absorbed into itself entire bitterness of the terrestrial
peace, it revolved around our planet. After tasting its light, Adam and Eva from
starry garden exile to the earth by light, they were personified into the mortal people and
they presented their immortal soul to them. For this they suffer and die with us, but
and they taste bitter happiness of terrestrial life. Virgo cluster - there entered Dante
through the circles of hell. Virgin - To [beatriche], Juliette, [Leyla] - bright female beginning
peace. “In the modest, not very bright virgo cluster, perhaps, it is located
the center of largest of the material systems,


which attempt to itself to present humanity " 1. in; icon-painting
of orthodox tradition on the forehead in Mother of God shines star of eight rays. This
main star in the virgo cluster - Spica: “Only 600 suns would can
to simultaneously create the same radiant flux " 2. on the Pskov icons
Mother of God is depicted with the distaff. Let us recall that in the Chinese mythology Bootes
it serves celestial weaver - Deve.
Block saw excellent lady - virgin in the reflection of celestial azure. It knocked in
that celestial door, and it to it was opened:

You whether me on the sunset did wait?
House did light up? Gates it did unlock?
13 and the gel Of [f]. [Yu]. [Sokrovishch] of the celestial sphere. M., 1986, s. 141.
however, to 2[Tam].

Azure celestial aura clothes the means of excellent lady. It sees it not in the daytime and
not at night, but in “[nezakatnom]” sky after five [pranami] Of [chkhandogi]-[upanishady]:

In this bottomless azure,
In the twilights of the close spring
Winter storms cried,
Starry sleeps glided…

It on the high crystal mountain of skies in the appearance of the burning star, and poet
it [vosparyaet] to it by the fire circles:

And, when among the gloom by the sheaves
Sparks will begin to turn in to smoke,
I [umchus] with the fire circles
And I will overtake you in to house.

“To understand fire game” skies we just barely begin. I am not confident, that,
speaking about the excellent lady, block completely deliberately saw in this case the outlines
virgo clusters, but at the level of starry archetype he precisely so calls its

I turn blue following the ice floe
At noon I will swim.
Virgin in the snowy hoarfrost
Encounter in reality.

White you, in the depths of [nesmutima],
In the life it is strict and angry.
It is secretly alarming and it is secretly loved,
Virgin, Zarya, [Kupina].

Here is very interesting the triple circle of starry dedication in knights. Fire
the visible constellations, “dawns” it grows dim for the invisible white fire Of [kupiny]. But
“[Kupina] [neopalimaya]” - this is the, in addition very [chtimyy] means of virgin - Mother of God,
which so was called.
[Kupina] - fiery starry of purchases, in which it is possible to accept the new baptism
by white fire. Let us recall here the milk boiler of Ivan - the fiance of Zarya -[Zaryanitsy]. But [u]

Fade [lanity] in the virgins of golden-haired,
Dawns are not eternal as sleeps.
Secrets marry those subdued and wise
By white fire Of [kupiny].

The means of virgin from the childhood was close to block. This is the completely not removed symbol as
textbooks interpret, and it is complete
the distinct celestial face, which saw the poet another child, when he left under
the morning into the meadow:

I loved tender words,
It searched for mysterious floscules.
And, that regains vision hardly,
Still it made noise as in the games children.

But, leaving toward the morning into the meadow,
Saying indistinct [napevy],
I knew you, my loyal friend,
You, keeper is virgin.

Next before the same spring sky constellation the hair of Veronica. This is the means of that sleeping
tsarevna with the scattered gold locks. Similar sees its artist [V]. [Vasnetsov]
in the crystal to coffin. So sees it block in the crystal coffin of the celestial
the sky:

Here is it - a number of sepulchral steps,
And between us - no one. We two together.
SPI you, tender companion of days,
Flooded by unprecedented ray.

You rest in the white to coffin,
You with the smile call: do not wake.
Golden strands on the forehead,
Gold of [obrazok] on the breast.

I finished celebrating bright death,
After being touched to the hand of wax,
Rest - bottomless sky
It buried in the haze of blue.

I think that the relation to the sky as to the most great secret should not be counted
by tribute to other one or times or another. Enthusiasm before the visible and invisible universe
it is eternal. It flares up as [ogn], from the contact of eyes with the sky of the millennial


If there would be a magic mirror, into which it is possible to look,
simultaneously creating our face, we would see the celestial sphere in it.
Today we know that entire universe is pierced by the waves of the harmonics
the correspondences between the macro- and the microcosm, between man and space.
“The structure of physical peace is not separated from the inhabitants, who observe it, in
the most fundamental sense… There is a certain principle, which achieves
the improbably thin fine adjustment of the universe. But this not physical, but [antropnyy]
principle ", writes cosmologist [P]. Davis in the book “the random universe”.
This is how perceives this “improbably thin space fine adjustment” Alexander
“At the bottomless depths of the spirit, where the man ceases to be man, on
the depths, inaccessible for the state and the society… roll acoustic waves,
similar to the waves of ether, [obemlyushchim] the universe; rhythmical fluctuations there occur,
similar to the processes, which form mountains, winds, sea currents, plant and
the animal kingdom ".
In “the fine adjustment” of man and space poet it is not simple the adjuster of piano, A
composer, musician - this is what, until now, it is not yet realized in the proper measure.
“What is poet? Men, which he does write with verses? No, certainly… but he writes
with verses, i.e., it leads into harmony of word and sounds, because it - the son
harmony, poet…
Chaos exists primitive, spontaneous, [beznachalnoe]; space - arranged
Poet - son of harmony. Three matters are entrusted to it: first - to free
sounds from the native [beznachalnoy] element, in which they are; in the second place,
to lead these sounds into harmony; in the third - to introduce this harmony into the external
peace ".
To introduce harmony into the external world - means to create new space, since space,
on the block, this is harmony.
Our civilization and culture proved to be are too timid before similar
by enlightenment. Block, white, Khlebnikov bore to us space news, but we
plugged ears and [zazhmurili] of eye. Now space of poets they heat in
the literary terms: symbolism, futurism, imagism, [akmeizm] -
what abyss after all these “isms”. Perhaps in them the matter? Sky went down on
the earth it addressed by poetic voice.
Now, on the outcome of the 20th Century, the space enlightenment of poets were clothed in
bright starry armor of contemporary cosmology. They are reliably protected
by formulas and with the numbers from the bluntness, the ignorance and the incomprehension, but to me is nearer that
brittleness and [donkikhotstkaya] vulnerability, even lack of defense of the poetic
word, with what it appeared before the readers then, in space nudity and
innocence as Adam and Eva before the god to the first transgression.
When in our press the photographs at long last with the twenty-year delay appeared
the iridescent aura of emissions around the man, I understood that indicates ancient
the phrase: “blankets by light, [yako] by chasuble”, he understood that brocade and expensive stones -
only the imitation of this space garment. I recalled ancient legend [o]
that Adam and Eva were in to the paradise not simply of [nagi], but in the environment of the dazzling
the light, which then [ugas], why was required the clothing.
Academician [V]. [P]. [Kaznacheev] so writes about the radiance, which emanates from “living substance”:
“The range of the extra weak emission of living organisms lies On the Border between
by infrared and ultraviolet region " 1. exactly at this boundary our
terrestrial sight rejects, then poetic space eye saw this
emission always. [A]. [Blok], in addition told on this: “The peaces, which forthcome to the look
in light of the radiant sword, become all more calling; already from their depth
rush the pinching musical sounds, calls, whispers, almost word. Together with
with the fact they begin to be colored (here it appears the first profound knowledge [o]
colors); finally, that predominates appears that color, which to me it is most simply
to name purple- violet (although this name perhaps is not completely accurate).
The gold sword, which penetrates purple of violet peaces, burns dazzlingly -
and heart pierces. Already begins to penetrate face among the celestial roses… someone
it suddenly intersects the gold thread of the blooming miracles; the blade of the radiant ray
it grows dim and ceases " to be felt in the heart. The peaces, which were pierced
by its gold light, they lose purple nuance; as through the torn away weir,
is dug in blue- violet world dusk (better image of all these colors [u]
[Vrubelya]… I the gold ray of [pogas], violet peaces gushed out in the heart ocean - my
heart ".
Let us rush in this “life-giving ocean of light”, will be immersed into this space
purchases, overfilled by radiance. Let us believe block. Indeed the discussion deals not with the symbols
or allegories - this is reality of the space life of light, which to these
times they do not want to see. If the discussion dealt [o]
[v]. [P]. [Uchenie]'s 1[Kaznacheev] about the biosphere. M., 1985, s. 24.

symbolism, I would not begin to take away time in the readers. But, after reading the mountains
the literature about the block, I did not hear even hint to the fiery space
the dedication, experienced by great poet. Block finished its ascending to the sky
on the astral rainbow. As Dante, it saw face of excellent lady, woven from
the vortex of stars, snowstorm and fire:

Train, bespattered by stars,
Dark-blue, dark-blue, dark-blue look.
Between by the earth and by the skies
Like the wind raised bonfire.

“Like the wind raised bonfire” - this is burst of emission, which go from the man to the sky.
For those, who are inclined to assign entire uncommon only to the excited fantasy
poets, I will give again the statements of academician [V]. [P]. [Kaznacheev]. In the language
a strict science the experienced by block astral ardent vortex unity [s]
the exchange of information between the living and inert material at the level indicates by space
extra weak “electromagnetic interactions” in the form “of the photon
constellations " for organizing “the living substance” 1. I understand, that next to
all this sounds with the verses of block dryishly, but listen to further. Scientists speak
about the fact that from a scientific point of view of person, who radiates radiance, there is not that
another as “photon constellation”. “The organization of this “constellation” exists
due to a constant inflow of energy from without… Here we deal
in unique, conditionally speaking, “specular” effect. From one side, living
system transfers the on Wednesday specific characteristics of its organization… [S]
the other side… it [napravlenno] so receives, “it absorbs”… “2.
So this is what this azure-purple- gold violet- violet radiance,
proceeded to the sky. Astral bonfire in vain did not blaze.

There, in the night howling cold,
In the field of stars I found ring.
Here face appears from lace,
Face appears from lace.
[vyuzhnye] trills,
Stars are the bright trains of [vlacha]…

By these verses block finished the description of starry ascending. Poet as if
it foresaw, that no one will believe it,
[v]. [P]. [Uchenie]'s 1[Kaznacheev] about the biosphere. M., 1985, s. 24.
but to 2[Tam], s. 24, 27.

and with the naivete, characteristic of genius, it began to convince, to adjure the reader in
reality of that occurred. “The value of these searching lies in the fact that just they and
reveal with the obviousness objectivity and reality “those peaces”… all
the peaces, which we attended, and all events, in which proceeding completely not
essence “our ideas”.
Everything in vain, no one believed. But indeed block said directly and unequivocally.
Let us listen to it again, indeed great poet convinces us: “Reality,
described by me, only, which for me gives the sense of life… Or
there are those peaces, or no. For those, who will say “no”, we will remain simply
“so to itself by decadents”, by the writers of the unprecedented sensations… For itself personally I
I can say that in me even if it was sometimes, then finally it disappeared
hunting to convince someone in existence of the fact that is located above and is further
me ".
Each writer in his own way survived his space generation. Now,
relying on the discovery [V]. [P]. [Kaznacheev], I can more definitely say that
it occurred with Avvakum Petrov in the jail, with Andrey [Bely] on the pyramid, such as
reality lies behind the description of the special space states of Pierre Bezukhov,
Dante in “godly comedy”, Wilhelm Meister from the novel of Goethe, v.
It is cata in the finale of the book “diamond my corona”.
The not seen with usual sight extra weak emissions were pulled out from the body. Thus
butterfly tears up cocoon and flies away. The butterfly of emissions bears into space some
very important information, and man seemingly feels by his rays all
universe. Along the same channels, at the same frequencies to it goes the response from
the most distant stars. It hears and is understood this language.
When are formed such feedback between the man and space, universe
it ceases to be black. At this moment it is received as its body.
The sensation of the proximity of the most distant spaces and stars appears. Light,
emanating from the body into space, seemingly returns from within, enriched by the new
by poetic information.

I looked it [okrest] and it astonished:
Somewhere in the infinite depth
Infinite look my refracted
And it returned from within to me.

I so unskillfully attempted to transmit this sensation many years ago. With the years I
it ascertained that many writers and scientists survived this space generation.
Moreover, now at long last it becomes clear, what physical reality
it lies behind the such uncommon sensations. In chapter “[Kosmizm] of living substance”
academician [V]. [P]. [Kaznacheev] reports that besides the enumerated emissions there is
also entirely invisible neutrino flux. Cosmos as is filled “neutrino
by sea ". “At present are advanced different hypotheses about the possible
interaction of neutrino and planetary living substance " ([V]. [Kaznacheev]).
I will explain: neutrino, is similar to photon, particle of light, instantly it pierces
the universe, as if feeling [ee]1. Now again let us recall prince [Myshkina] and
the broken jug of Mohammed, from whom did not have time to pour out the water, thus far it
it surveyed all limits of Allah.
During the [antropnoy] inversion precisely so, into the instant of eye, goes around entire
the universe. Apparently, with the radiant flux neutrino flux is fixed into space.
It is not desirable to firmly connect the fate of space inversion with that or something different
by biophysical or cosmological hypothesis. It is important that today's science
it is much more prepared to the conversation about the so significant for many
phenomenon, than in the nineteenth century and at the beginning of our.
This is how the outstanding Soviet philosopher Ya. E. wonderfully writes about this.
[Golosovker] in chapter “first excursus into space after the reason and the imagination”:
“The instinct of culture is not only something terrestrial, but also something oecumenical - in
the peaces of space… If man disappears on the earth and earth, even will disappear,
that its [kulturimaginatsii] (so [Golosovker] calls the invisible clusters
information in the universe. - K. k.) can not disappear. They can be transferred in
the consciousness of another highest essence, which lives not on the earth, but somewhere in space and
the gifted with the highest instinct imagination…
… A since existence of the high(ly)-thinking imaginary essence cannot
to be limited only by the limits of the earth or the solar system, and possibly in
any parts of space… this essence can be on the time
1 as a result the supernova explosion star on February 23, 1987 to the earth
was brought down the neutrino flux, which confirmed the guess of scientists about the fact that in,
by the universe 90% substance it lies in these particles.

its existence it is infinitely more ancient on the thought infinitely more powerful
and [sovershennee] of man ".
And here is the last impact Of [golosovkera] on the [zanudnomu] rationalism: world
space thought in contrast to the rational terrestrial exists nothing else but
“the imagination of terrestrial person " 1.
It is possible to infinity call the names of artists, poets, scientists,
musicians, who perceived space with rays. Here at least evidence about the Norwegian
artist Edward Munk.
“The sun for Munk was the godly luminous source and life. Celestial bodies
and “forces” were the living beings. The Moon - child of the earth. Moonlight generates
desire and fear. To die - means to only change form. People - wave of spirit and
material. They can melt, form new forms. If the cabbage worm
it can become butterfly, then why man after death cannot become
by something, what we cannot see. People - vessels, filled with those flowing in
them by waves " 2.
In fact, Munk saw the same realities as block, waves of the space
emissions, conversation by light.
The theory of relativity began from the conversation with light. Einsteins it is mental
it flew after the ray and ascertained that on the photographic negative there is nothing. If we fly
it will not be the speed of light, reflection. It chased light train on the light
to rails, and on the light-platform were placed lights-hour, and he saw, that on the hours
light stood one and the same hour - eternity. It turned out that time exists only
relative to light. You strive for ray, and time disappears, as soon as you
you will overtake light. On the photon (in the ray) the time is equal to zero.
If you surpass light, then you will prove to be “in that light”, there minus- time, A
reason anticipates the consequence: child first is born, and then he occurs
conception, the first kiss, the first meeting, languor according to the beloved, the first
In “the sleep of the ridiculous person” Of [f]. [M]. Dostoyevsky people of the highest civilization
they [izyasnyayutsya] by light. By light [izyasnyayutsya] cells, being exchanged the ultraviolet
by rays at one and the same frequency. On other emissions it is known less, but
they all are reduced as the genetic code,
1 [Godosovker] Ya. [E]. the logic of myth. M., 1987, s. 160-161.
2 [Stenersen]s R. Edward Munk. M., 1972, s. 20.

to four “colors”: strong, weak, electromagnetic and gravitational
In order to open the twinkling of human aura, it was necessary to investigate man as
star, at a distance. Then they revealed ten emissions, which emanate from it
In the language of infrared and ultraviolet radiations “say” the stars. Seen
ray - only guiding thread of Ariadnas in the labyrinth of space.
Guillaume Apollinaire sees with own eyes, as star- bees they drink the honey of emissions, which emanates
from the moon and from the man. Moreover it is this is what still interesting: indeed and Lorca
it receives moon as honeycomb med.


[Bezumnoustaya] [medotochit] the moon
To gluttony entire night it is dedicated
Heavenly bodies the role of bees manage skillfully
Suburbs and gardens are drunk by the satisfied white
Indeed each lunar ray collapsing from the heights
It changes below into honey of hundreds
Of night history I wait decoupling gloomy
I the sting of your frighten the bee of Arcturus
Bee that into the handful my fraudulent ray places
In the rose of winds after taking its [srebristyy] [med]1.

Let us have a talk with the stars, as could this make the inhabitants of ancient, mythological
China: “As recently appeared people, sky communicated with them and they
they communicated with the sky. In the morning and in the evening people could rise at the sky, in the morning and
in the evening sky could with them talk " 2.
According to the traditional Chinese ideas, the man has himself ten souls.
by death of man first fly away the souls “of [khun]”, and then disappear souls “on”.
It is interesting that the number - 10 souls - in a quantity coincides approximately with those opened
now ten times by the forms of the emissions, which emanate from the man.
Around our earth there is invisible infrared sky. It shines more strongly
or it fades depending on human activity.
Heat- and cold - binary code of infrared. Ultraviolet it, but heat- and
we distinguish cold.
It is possible to be explained with the universe by the binary code, and perhaps this code
it is connected with the waves of the gravity
1 trans. [B]. Lifschitz.
2 yuan kOe. Myths of ancient China. M., 1987, s. 281.

(if these waves in nature are). Then “yes” and “no” it would indicate “heavily”
“it is easy”.
It is easy to suggest to itself: “heat- is cold” and “it is heavy - it is easy”, and it will not be then
conversation with the universe by conversation with my “I”? But conversation with the universe -
this is a dialogue with itself.
People talk by light, although I myself do not know, as this occurs. I said
about this thus:

Conductor of the butterfly
It pulls upwards threads,
It that is reflected,
That blazes.
Butterfly is specular,
And it is reflecting;
Who whom will catch,
No one knows.
Conductor of the butterfly
It became as the cocoon:
In each [pautinke]
To its [siyane].
Butterfly first falls, then it flies,
Conductor first is pulled, then he shines.
Conductor of the butterfly
It became rounded,
It loses the shadow between
By average [Vegoy],
It drops the panel
In the center abyss,
It proceeds by light, it proceeds by shadow.
Future will be in the middle
In the butterfly of that shining, [srebrolikoy],
In that falling further,
Than it is possible to fall,
In the sought-for flight
In the middle of bird.

If the instruments, which investigate stars, were directed first toward the man, and then
at the sky, then about the stars would learn one hundred times more as, for example, Algerian
the overtakings, which without the telescope see the complete spectrum of Sirius.
It is known that invisible to eye infrared radiation is propagated on
tens of meters around the man. As a result human activity and in all
living considerably was strengthened the infrared brightness of the Earth. Observer from
space it could according to the degree of this brightness determine, that there is on the Earth
reasonable life. This only one of the information parameters of [metakoda].
Biologist [Kaznacheev]'s experiences speak about the ultraviolet exchange of the information
between the isolated colonies of living cells. The loss of one colony draws after
by itself the loss another, that obtains alarm signal. If we place between them
the barrier, not which does not pass is ultraviolet radiation, the loss of colony in no way not
it influences neighbors. It means, to eat a united information field for the living cells,
woven by ultraviolet radiations.
The Earth is constantly exchanged with space infrared radiations on the same
to frequency, on what person exchanges these emissions with the earth. It appears
thought about the [nekoem] united information channel, the bonding agent entire living in
universe on the wave of infrared radiations. But infrared radiation exists
not only in living substance, it wherever is heat-. Here one of the threads,
connecting living and inert material. But indeed emissions eleven, without considering
those, which cannot be thus far grasped.
At the moment of [antropnogo] [metasingulirovaniya] the information proceeds from the man in
the universe, hence the glow, now and then so bright that it cannot be looked.
Simultaneously the wave is fixed towards the man from the universe
This pulsatory oecumenical crystal of the emissions of [golografichen]. To each star
before the sky corresponds the point of [akopunktury] on the human tele-. They, on
to the observation of physicians, they preserve their activity now and then even in three days
after death.
The configuration of constellations before the sky bears by no means random nature.
Constellations - visible hieroglyphs of [metakoda]. They are printed out on the retina of the eye
(also winding structure), and through the sight is passed 85% of entire information [o]
peace at the conscious and unconscious levels. It is known that eye into its
turn is the spherical spiral projection of all internal and external
the organs of man. It means, through the sight the sky acts by all stars on
entire person.
Still psychologist Young posed question, why we group by the mental look
constellation so, but not otherwise. Answer to this question is not simple. In the constellations
as if the moments of the past life were grouped. Which occurs on the earth and on
sky, they know the starry myths of different peoples.
Even birds orient their flight along the stars, even fishes distinguish constellations.
But that if the celestial sphere - this is a constant generating news from
[metavselenskoy] civilization?
Some speak about the [imaginativnykh] clusters of information, others, as block, they see
clearly space light, the third prefer to speak about the incorporeal spirit. To me
it seems that the discussion here deals with one and the same reality. Almost
the not distinguished by eye electromagnetic radiations, the entirely invisible flows
neutrino and, possibly, other, unknown thus far forms of material resound on
by the universe information about our internal peace, and as the answer from space they go
the emissions, which carry space information. Invisible emissions merge in
the united oecumenical crystal of world, speaking in the words Of [golosovkera],
[imaginativnogo] brain. This crystal globe saw Pierre Bezukhov, this
the shining multi-eyethuya sphere regained vision [Lizasha] in Andrey [Bely].
We will not make form, that the starry code is deciphered. I even doubt, that
interpretation is here possible in principle. Interaction of the emissions of man and
space - this is literally “thin material”. But, where
extra weak electromagnetic interactions act, it enters into its rights
the complementarity principle of Nils Bohr. And here, the academician of treasurers writes,
between the man and the inert material the dialogue of the light, which, alas, appears,
it is difficult to decipher, because “the property of complementarity with
interaction of living and inert substance they, possibly, have a nature
fundamental natural- natural principle " 1.
Poets speak about this dialogue in other words. The secret of stars torments the brain
man, each ray becomes the prickle of thorny corona, which is stuck in
the brain. Sky is thorny, or as said [V]. [Kataev], “diamond” corona
each person.
Here Sagittarius - hunter, it is connected with Cygnus (tsar [Gvidon] Tsarevna- swan).
[v]. [P]. [Uchenie]'s 1[Kaznacheev] about the biosphere. M., 1985, s. 27.


“Cygnus vomits into the clouds, cancer goes back back, and pike (constellation of fishes) pulls in
water ", in the known lines from [I]. [A]. Krylov's fable the motion of zodiac. Fishes -
winter, and cancer - summer. Each pulls to its side.
It is clear that Cygnus from the zodiac circle of times vomits to the fall outside the limits
time - “into the clouds”. But “the cart” of Ursa Major “and now there”.


But it is this is what still interesting: in the constellation of Cygnus there is the black hole. But it can be,
poets actually feel some connection with the emissions, which go from that
beyond the limits region. [Derzhavin] in the poem “Cygnus” thus described [o]
its flight:

Extraordinary I [parenem]
From it is perishable peace I will be separated,
With the soul immortal and [penem],
As swan, into air I will rise.

In the double means not perished,
I will not be detained in the gates of ordeals;
Above the envy extolled,
I will leave under itself the luster of reigns…

Tomb will not conclude me,
I will not be converted to smithereens among the stars;
But, as if certain pipe,
From the skies I will be heard in the voices.

And to [se] already the skin, to [zryu], is feathered
[Vkrug] camp covers my;
It swelled on the breast, back was winged,
Swan I am glossy by whiteness.

I fly, I steam -, also, under itself
Seas, scaffolding, peace I see entire;
As hill, it rises by head,
In order to hear to god canto…

Away with the magnificent, the glorious [pogrebenem],
Friends are my! The chorus of the Muzas, do not sing!
Husband! be clothed [terpenem]!
Above the imaginary corpse not howl.

No, I do not identify poetic intuition with the perception of those or others
the invisible emissions, which go from the visible and invisible objects before the sky. But
to focus attention on this agreement is nevertheless must. Indeed any
the [neotkrytaya] regularity appears at first as the chain of chances. A
the mysterious “chances”, connected with the reflection of the celestial sphere in the poetry,
as, probably, the reader has already been convinced, it was accumulated more than sufficiently.
Sky conceals not only astronomical and cosmological riddles. This
many artists and writers understand.


Let you [mchites], as I, they are obedient to moment,
Slaves as I, to me innate [chisl],
But only I will look at the fiery book,
Not numerical I in it read sense,

In the coronas, the rays, the diamonds as caliphs,
Of superfluous among the pitiful needs terrestrial,
Firm dream is hieroglyphs,
You speak: “Eternity we, you is moment.

To us there is no number. In vain by the thought of the greedy
You the thought of eternal overtake shadow;
We here burn, in order to into the dusk pitch-dark
Nonsetting day was requested to you.

This is why, when to breathe so is difficult,
To you to gratifying so raise the brow
From face of the earth, where everything is dark and it is scant,
To us, into our depth, where it is magnificent and it is light ".
([A]. [Fet])

“The hieroglyphs of stars” in contrast to the letters are infinitely many-valued. This is why I
I experience almost physical nausea from the popular of the now different kind
astral treatises. In them the uniqueness, not tolerated for the poetic
rumor. Vulgar materialists of the type of Buechner, [Maleshota] and of their student -
[turgenevskogo] [Bazarova] it is not nevertheless so primitive as rectilinear
“astral” interpreters. , where there is no high poetry, there there is no sky.

What zh I did learn? It is time to learn, that in [mirozdane]
Where not be turned, question, but not answer.
([A]. [Fet])

What alphabet of dawns they compose
Their dark words?
What they do tell the star of distant?
What their mouths do call? :.
My closed seas
They remained without the coasts…
([F]. Garcia Lorca)

“Poetic creation - secret great is, the same eternal secret as
the generation of man. You hear voices, and whose they - are unknown… Not whom does not have any
keys to the secret of universe. Does not have, also, the poet ". Garcia Lorca frequently conversed [s]
those not seen with look “black moons”, and most of all in his light it disturbed
the space secret of the earth. As true poet the 20th century it did not tie to the stars
its everyday sense; therefore its poetic word possesses the oecumenical
by [raspakhnutostyu] as “closed sea” without the coasts. Here where space
inversion. It is internal - it means that limited outside; however, no - this
ground, and during the reversing the closed seas are of soul without the coasts as
the universe.

If sky was child,
Jasmines would manage half of night…
But sky - this elephant is enormous,
But jasmine - this is water without the blood,
And girl - branch night
On the dark flooring without the edge.
([F]. Garcia Lorca)

Here is true [metametafora] in its entire ambiguity and lamination
semantic spaces.
Connection with the stars, vibration between the poet and the sky, sometimes seen, sometimes
invisible, is perceived in each line.

Poetry - bitterness,
Honey celestial, it splashes
From the invisible beehives,
Where souls work…
Written in verse books -
This of star, that in the strict
To silence they swim
In the country of void,
Them write on the sky with silver their of [stroki]1.
([F]. Garcia Lorca)

Garcia Lorca frequently saw “black moons” and red- green spectrum. The green flash
it went from the invisible green sky, and from the poet to the sky rose red
the emission:

In the depths of the green sky
Green star to [mertsane].
What is to be done so that the love would not perish?
And which with it will become…
One hundred stars of gold, green
They will swim above the green sky,
Without seeing one hundred white towers,
Covered with snow.
And in order to my anxiety
It seemed living and passionate,
I must decorate it
By smile of [krasnoy]2.

In the space spectrum the block has gold twinkling. In Lorca it predominates
silver glow. However, as a whole the interesting opposition appears:

Block Lorca
Gold silver
Starry lunar

Block more frequently conducts conversation with the stars, and Lorca with the moon.
The gold starry sword of block resembles legend about the double-edged fiery sword,
intercepting sky from the earth from the times of a drop in Adam. It cut not by this whether sword
breast to Pushkin's prophet six-winged Serafim?
Gold of stars - way at the sky. Silver of moon - oblivion. Silver india-rubber
moon, moving in a circle of skies around the earth, seemingly it erases entire excess
vain information, is prepared for the sky. Can be, alpha the omega Of [teyyara] de
Chardin - these are another star- sun and the moon- planet of the earth. Language of the moon of sinciput and
it is poetical. Here is Lorca's poem “omega” - the truly lunar speech:
1 trans. [O]. [Savich].
2 trans. M. [Kudinova].


(Verses for the corpses)
I right hand to itself will cut off.
I have a glove from mercury, from the silk - the second.
Do not cry. To [molchane] - silence, which others do not hear.
Large gates were opened.
[Izvayanya] fell.
[Traaavy]!! 1

The academician of treasurers speaks, that language, or the code, by which the sky
it is exchanged with the earth, is subordinated to complementarity principle. This special
the situation, when view acts on luminous source, changing it, A
the pronounced word so converts rumor that it cannot be said, it is created
or the means of sky is reflected. This is an accurate sign of [metakoda] and appearing on
to its basis of the new meta-language of poetry.
“The second consciousness and meta-language. Meta-language is not simple the code - it always dialogue
it relates to that language, which it describes and analyzes. Position
experimenting and observing in the quantum theory… Inexhaustibility
the second consciousness, i.e., the consciousness of the one understanding and corresponding: in it
the potential infinity of the answers of the languages, codes. Infinity against
infinity " 2.
Simply stated, when poet sees the mysterious rays, which connect him with the sky,
these are reality, by it is created create, but at the same time and is objective. Its dialogue [s]
by sky it occurs not in the language of man and not in the language of stars, but on the [nekoem]
the third, not described. I will say still simpler: the third language, meta-language, the mediator
between the earth and the sky - this is poetry itself. Poet is not translator, but the creator
starry language. About this he wrote still with bottoms in the X century:

You want so that they would become subject the sky, arise
And, after trampling by its heel, above the earth of [vospryan]!
Only do not be examined, into the height striving
It is steady, in order to the earth from the sky to not fall.
1[Per]. Vl. Of [buricha].
2[Bakhtin] Of [m]. [Estetik] of verbal creation. M., 1979, s. 340.

Your sash - heavenly body of sky. You - [Tankalusha]1
Starry faces. Your soul will remove chains from them.
In each face as in [zertsale], itself you soar.
So why by their [znamenyami] do read you?
But although you from the sensations of stars is always distant,
The spirit of your, the reason of your their lights forever lit up.
Besides the point of the original of existence in all,
Everything is different - only letter of the roll of your.

But so that this [metakod]? The matrix of stars, with which are reproduced the texts?
Matrix, but - living. By themselves stars are silent. They revive, when the ray
it is reflected in the pupil. Thin connection appears between that observed and observer,
generating the waves of invisible light. It is possible that the ancient Hindus called
[pranoy] those very expirations of light, which we name “the weak electromagnetic
emission ".
By focus of emissions in [Chkhandogya]-[upanishade] of [nazvans] heart. “Truly [u]
the heart of five openings… “

sight # the sun # of heat- #
rumor # moon # light #
speech # fire # aura #
thought # moisture # beauty #
space # wind # energy #

“… Truly this of five guards… guard the gates of celestial peace… It reaches
celestial peace it the one who knows five guards ".
All five refractions of light from the heat and the fire to the cold glow of moon, aura and
feeling of beauty - this is only threshold. Further is opened sky invisible.
“Further the radiance, which shines above this sky, above all it is must to all in this
highest of the peaces, this truly the same radiance as inside the man.
They see this, when from the touch perceive heat- in this tele-. They hear this,
when cover ears and hear as if sounds and noise, as from the blazing fire.
This must read a little as this that seen and heard. Attractive and
glorious it becomes it the one who knows this " 2.
After rising to the very apexes of skies, let us come our there internal into being. Let us hear
speech inexpressible, let us come into being invisible. Description of this inexpressible speech and
the reflection
1[Tankalusha] - space person.
2[Drevneindiyskaya] philosophy. M., 1972, s. 90.

invisible highest, internal light - meta-language of poetry.

Words, as music, move
Only in the time; but that not higher than life,
Not higher than death. Words, after being heard no more, reach
Silences. Only by form and by the rhythm
Words, as music, reach
[Nedvizhnosti] of ancient Chinese vase,
Circulations of eternal [nedvizhnosti].
Not only [nedvizhnosti] of violin during
Reverberating note, but [sovmeshchenya]
Beginnings with the previous end,
Which coexist
Prior to the beginning and after end,
And everything always [seychas]1.
([T]. [S]. Eliot)

In order to enter into this space, Eliot approached at first the closed doors
celestial garden. This preceded the moment of [antropnoy] space inversion,
when the past, future and present shuffle as colors in the pack of playing cards, and
they merge into one eternal moment.

Present and passed,
Probably, they will begin in the future,
As future began in the past…
If time always present,
It means, time does not release…
Steps respond in the memory
To the [neproydennogo] turning
To the door into the pink garden,
To the [neotkrytoy] door. So
In the sky is slanted the speech my. But why
Dust to disturb to the cup- roses,
I do not know.
[Otrazhenya] of other populate garden. Not to enter?

You do remember [blokovskiy] “nightingale garden”? In Eliot's garden sing not the nightingales, A
thrushes, but garden as before is starry.
Ascending to it the air steps of sky.

In the first door,
Into our first peace to enter, entrusting
To song of thrush? In our first peace.
There they, stately and invisible,
Air they stepped on dead leaves…
And the views of invisible intersected,
Since roses looked towards the views.
to 1[Vse] [T]. [S]. Eliot's verses are given in [A]. Sergeyev's transfers.

Eliot raises into the starry garden on the sapphire stairs. Sapphire is included
the astral rainbow of block, its nuances. Sapphire - this is [blokovskaya] azure,
condensed to the dark blue, one additional evidence, that on one and the same stairs
light poets rise into the skies. Now let us recall the Cole- star Of [zabolotskogo], and
Ursa Major - vehicle of corpses, and eternal tree - tree of the Milky Way.

Adhered sapphire, [prilip] garlic,
In mud on the axis it crawls cartings,
[Poskripyvaet] tree.
In the blood the string vibrates,
And the war is forgotten
In the name of reconciliation.
Pulsation of the arteries
And lymph the rotation
They are calculated [kruzhenem] of the stars
And they mount to the summer in the tree.
But we is cost in our small increase
On the moving tree
And we hear how in the years
They run from The [gonchikh] dogs of herd,
They run now, they run always
And they are reconciled between stars.
([T]. [S]. Eliot)

And here now, when the visible sky with the Pole star, the she-bear, [Gonchimi]
It is achieved by dogs, it is necessary to leave to the invisible sky, to its morning light, [o]
which it is spoken in [Chkhandogya]-[upanishade]. In order to be turned inside out there, necessary
to reach fixed point - the axis, around which revolve all stars. This
the apex of celestial tree - Pole star. Here the neck of cup, hence
output to the freedom. This star is 120 times more than the sun. Ray from it flies to
the earth of 472 years. “This means that at present we see the polar
the star of such, such as it was in the times of Columbus and unkind memory of Ivan
Groznyy ". All this, of course, interesting information, but most main other.
The Pole star - cepheid, it pulsates. [F]. [Yu]. [Zigely] writes about the cepheids
thus: “It is similar to heart, they continuously pulsate…”
What special in the pulsation the Pole star, indeed before the sky it is considerable
the pulsatory stars. I think that pulse to pulse dissension. One pulse in Pushkin,
another in all rest. Pushkin told to us about the much, and about which it described
to poets the Pole star, we already know.
The conversation of poets with the stars must be listened to without the haughty distrust. Indeed
it is clear, they all in one voice us speak about the literal, but not symbolic
contact with the stars. It can be, in this confluence of the space pulse of stars and
man lie the yet not [razgadannye] secrets of [metakoda].

Neither lift nor descent. Besides point, calm point,
There is nowhere rhythm, only in it rhythm…
Feelings the white light, calm and which staggers,
Its motion Of erhebung… 1
([T]. [S]. Eliot)

That elevated draws us to the sky. In block this it are “tailed star”. [U]
[Zabolotskogo] and Eliot star is polar. The poetic look of Lorca is directed [k]
to moon. [Lermontov] simply it listened to, as “star with star he speaks”. In this
the conversation of stars are distinctly audible the voices of poets.


With what speed [mchitsya] the light? Michaelson and Morley measured this with the aid of
the complex tubing and mirrors: 300 000 km/s. But people this have long ago known.
After being wrapped up by ray, the hero of fairy tale instantly goes around the universe and occurs in
the [tridesyatom] reign. The [tridesyatoe] reign - this is 3x105, if in
kilometers to count, the very reign of light.
Let the enamored ones remove from each other up to any distance: if with some
misfortune will happen, it will feel another instantly - are such the language of love, the language of light.
Human eye distinguishes such finesses as wave nature of light.
Absorbing light quantum, retina focuses it as wave. This means that
reality of microcosm by no means empty cerebral abstraction for the man.
Let us recall again the most important law of microcosm - uncertainty principle v.
Heisenberg, that escapes from quantum-wave nature of the microparticles: determining
“where”, we cannot say “when”, and, on the contrary, knowing “into how much”, we not
let us determine “where”. When - this is the wave, where - this of particle. To be to photon the particle
or by wave, it depends
1[Vozvyshennoe] (Ger.).

from the observing instrument. Eye prefers to deal concerning the wave, and this
it means that he selects the wave universe of light. But if it falls to our eye
the particle- universe “[maksimoy]”, “[fridmon]”, “[plankion]”, after perceiving of it as wave,
we will actually select another universe. The universe depends on view. With
this in our wave universe it will constantly and in parallel be present
its shady double - universe quantum. This means that we all live,
as the minimum, in two peaces. Our eye sees wave peace, but inside it
is concealed the peace of the same value, but quantum.
I think that the relation to the sky as to the most great secret should not be counted
by tribute to other one or times or another. Enthusiasm before the visible and invisible universe
it is eternal. It flares up as fire, from the contact of eyes with the sky
millennial remoteness. Indeed this amazingly on our eyes acts the light
stars, what it was 1000 or 500 years ago. It turns out that by eyes we
we see not only through abyss of millions light years! but also through the real
for the earth the abyss of time.
In the universe [mchitsya] the light beam. If we see it “here”, this is “moment”, but than
further from us will be observer, who fixes this instant, the fact this is more
instant will be extended, up to the eternity. “Here instantly, “there”
always. This means that our life will " there " prove to be moment, and this moment “here”
it will last eternally “there”.
It seems to me that entire space - this is the gigantic bank of instants, which shines from the sky
by stars. “Stop, instant, you - wonderfully” - this altogether only breakthrough [k]
to oecumenical time. Each moment lasts eternally, and each eternity - moment.
“I remember strange instant…” Memorization is moment of the oecumenical magnesium
the flash, when moment is passage into the eternity.
Now something new was opened slightly in the models of the theory of relativity and by the quantum
physics of microcosm. However, all these discoveries do not have for the contemporary person
the tangible humanitarian sense. All this occurs some of the mysterious
“by material”, but not with us. Here is the most great prejudice of our time.
The [antropnyy] principle of universe says, that the universe on all floors, on all
levels it is coordinated with the man the physical sense of this agreement it is clear.
The poetic value of [antropnogo] principle must open very hero of all
space events - man space.
Men - essence which thinks, which suffers, which loves, which hates, angry,
good, glad, sad, happy, that feels, that perceives and as
said Dostoyevsky, “to everything that getting accustomed”. Let us add that it another essence
radiating: ten emissions plus is gravity.
Like all bodies in the universe, it is attracted and attracts. Attracting force
the earth it rules on the earth. But the earth is subordinated to the sun, the sun - galaxy,
galaxy - to metagalaxy, and everywhere is gravity. According to Einstein,
gravity - is space curvature. According to Vladimir Solovyev - force of love.
We will not guess, in any event this oecumenical property of man and
Thus, here is the body of a oecumenical human. It consists of the light of that seen and
Gravity we perceive as gravity, infrared light as heat-, the visible spectrum
rainbow. But the invisible part of the spectrum - largest. We is touched our
oecumenical body - weight solid, but we do not see it in the emissions and we do not feel
its space spectrum, radiated from us and to us. Apparently, the oecumenical body
man it looks like interference divergent from it and those being converging to it
waves. This pulsatory ball of autos-wave merges with the pulsation of that seen and
the invisible radiation spectrum of the stars of galaxy and entire universe as a whole. In
it are coded [metakod], light code of universe, which whispered to humanity
Bible, To [bkhagavatgitu], the Koran, [Upanishady], the book of changes “[Itszyn]”, the theory
relativity and entire poetry.
The history of human culture knows the set of the codes: binary - from
solar- lunar to the Morse code; the ternary codes are widespread in
mythology - three reigns, three peaces (terrestrial, celestial, underground), three brothers,
the triad of gods (Shiva - ray's bream - To [vishnu]). Important role plays the ternary code in
to the physical picture of peace, built in the [doeynshteynovskiy] period of three
coordinates - three measurements of space (width, depth, height). By the way,
physics and cosmologists [napryazhenno] search for the reason for the 3-dimensional nature of the space of our
The quinary codes also are present in the ancient cultures, to take at least
famous [pyateritsu] of poems, created With [dzhami], and then repeated Of [firdousi],
By bottoms, Navoi… Five-axial symmetry - most important sign of living.


Table gives the development of the four-place code, to which belongs special
the dominant role not only in the culture, but also in the very appearance of life.
The discoverers of the genetic code frequently compared its structure with the rules
card game. The code proved to be “four-mAT”, it consists of four
the bases of acids. Entire living on the earth has the united code.
But also in the culture to the four-place code belongs special role. Four phases
moons learned humanity to calculation and became the basis of lunar calendar. Accordingly
to general theory of relativity our peace is four-dimensional
space-time continuum. Young notes the [arkhetipicheskoe] value
four directions of space, depicted as cross-shaped figure.
Space-time - this four-dimensional field, counted Einstein.
Language, spoke [N]. [Marr], goes back to four prime elements: “fats”, “Beer”,
“ion”, “[roch]”.
Contemporary physics operates with four prime elements: gravity,
electromagnetism, strong interactions, weak interactions. It is interesting,
that in the [antropnom] principle of universe large role plays the range of the physical
constants from 10~40 (microcosm) to 1040 (macrocosm). Mysterious - “forty
is fortieth " - period, and, in addition four, although multiplied by ten. Here there is
base for the conversation about “four-place” oecumenical code, although, of course,
this is only the part of general [metakoda].
The four-place code is located as in the middle of [metakoda]. From one side, from
it is easy to form the most common binary code, and with other,
with the trebling it gives the [dvenadtsatiznachnyy] code. Famous system of the Chinese
the book “[Itszyn]” it is built on the [shestidesyatiznachnom] code, which contains in itself everything
the codes indicated.
There is another code of seven stars. Constantly above us the vehicle of corpses - large
She-bear: “Hey, Ursa Major, require so that for the sky us would take alive!”
([V]. Mayakovskiy). Seven stars of she-bear, seven stars of Orion - seven strings of light,
stretched from the man to the sky. Their sounding in the universe - canto Of [ariona], the harp
Orpheus. On this in Pushkin's poem “[Arion]”. Poet plays on this harp still
with the life it hears the sounds of the godly game of stars.
A quantity of stars before the sky is compared with a quantity of cells of the brain. Brain - this
the sky, pressed in the cranium. That which is accepted to call
“by subconsciousness”, this night sky, invisible with daylight of reason.
Starry language of subconsciousness so it as the hieroglyphs of constellations, but with
the contact of the brain with the sky, sight with the stars is read oecumenical
the code.


Sky - the open-end wrench of moon -
slowly turn,
face will be turned inside out from the thread,
will gush out light reverse
on the ways of the moon
in purple failures,
in each other reddening,
in that cracked
swing and refuge,
night [gryznya] of heavenly bodies.

Mars, Mars -
rock swamp,
bone heart,
answer to the call.
In flickering lime
turning black failures.
Who will understand this cuneiform
failures of noses and eyes,
skull - crocks
the lime book.
Your ringing groove,
the long-playing disk of cranial,
repeating the vibration of ringing mountains,
in this winding
you will read dazzling sound sickening,
reversing inside,
and damping
with the slip from the mountain downward
in the ossifying cranial wrong side.

After this freedom
outlined in no way,
not faceted,
after these intoxicating outlines
the manifested photographic paper
do not search for cherished spectres,
do not burden by the future
your bulky
procession into [neokruglennost].
And then these stones,
the pinching stones,
dropping off from the body,
they will fall into the void.
You will go through the field, filled
by coolness,

tearing off from the earth
the bouquet of its tel.
(K. k.)

The celestial sphere gives birth to happiness, but it is this is what interesting: increasingly more frequent and more frequent I
I note that in many people the same stars cause fear and confusion. Starry
horror, fear of universe it proved to be the sufficiently extended disease
For the first time I encountered this phenomenon, when he perceived hostile reaction on
to relation to [metakodu] in some people. The warning involuntarily was recalled
Sigmund Freud. After opening the extruded into subconsciousness forbidden sexual
motives, Freud soon ascertained that the communication about this by no means gladdens
humanity. It is completely understandable why. Motives for that were displaced, in order to not
to float up in the memory and to already from within destroy human soul, sharpening the spirit
and body. It turned out that “the apple” of reason - does not desire to know that inside it
the worm of the extruded prohibitions is. At the same time Freud predicted that
hostile attitude to the psychoanalysis is unavoidable.
One way or another, but it is possible to understand hostile attitude to those extruded
to sexual motives. Much with more difficulty to understand, why the negative reaction
stars are caused. After long-standing meditations I arrived at several
to the unexpected conclusion. Displacement can be not only downward - into subconsciousness,
but also upwards, to the stars. Apparently, star and the brain - united interconnected
system. That is extruded into subconsciousness, rises along the unknown channels
different emissions to the stars and seemingly contaminiates sky.
Here, for example, as sees the new starry generation of man It [antonet] Artot:

[O] give to us bright as if coals the brain
Brain singed by the blade of the summer lightning
The brain of clairvoyant skull is whose of the eye socket
They are pierced by presence by your

Give to us to be born in the womb starry
Whose of abyss squall riddled
So that the horror would pierce our flesh
By claw by the hardened fatal

Satiate us day to us it reduces the mouth
To us feast will be crash heavy
[O] replace with the river of the astral
Our sluggish [kroveoborot]

Deposit deposit us destroy
By hand of the fiery element
Open to us arches fire
Where death is still more terrible than death

Our sickly mind to shake force
On the bosom of its own [znanya]
And in the new faith of [mirozdanya]
Us from the consciousness of [izbav]1.

Why without fail horror and “death are more terrible than death”? Already if we free
from the terrestrial consciousness, then its such attributes as death and horror, it is must
to overcome.
Here is the means of monstrous space, created by Jules [Syupervelem]:

Night monster, which is been glossy by gloom,
Excellent beast in the dew of other galaxies,
You seem snout to me, you stretch the paw
And you distrustful jerk back again.
But why? I am the friend of your motions of the dark
And I penetrate the depth of the [klubyashchegosya] fur,
And perhaps I am not your fellow on the gloom
Here, in this peace, where, [zakhozhiy] wanderer.
I do hold verses before itself as panel?
Believe, the melancholy of silence is intelligible
To impatient, been tired of waiting heart,
Which in the door of death sadly [stuchit].
After hearing the timid impacts into the wall,
Death prevents by its stoppages:
- But you - from the peace, where they fear to die. -
Eyes into the eyes after fixing, inaudibly going back,
It left in the intrepid haze, it disappeared…
And sky [vyzvezdilos] as [vsegda]2.
1 trans. A. [Larina].
2[Per]. [E]. [Linetskoy].

Charles Baudelaire, in general indifferent to the sky, only once raised look [k]
to stars saw there the already familiar to us [karamazovsko]-[svidrigailovskiy] nightmare
the abyss:

Yes, abyss exists in everything: in the acts, in the words…
And dark precipice it was Pascal's shower.
Death looks from the abyss, gloatingly teeth baring,
And freezes to me the blood the invincible fear.

Weary speechless frightening they gave,
Is terrible the depth, concealed in the things;
Nightmares God finger sketches to me in the dark,
As signs are secret on certain tablet.

I fear to fall asleep; indeed sleep - gaping failure -
The way repeatedly to me was opened in the unknown;
And thought my has long ago been above the precipice hanging;

Immensity without having contained into consciousness its,
I the thirst to become in no way, to leave into the nonexistence… -
Ah! To know only you, against the essences and the numbers! 1

Here very interesting sensation of the hovering above the abyss. It, as we already know,
found to itself refuge in to- Einstein physics in the means of the absolute
space and time. By the way, hostile attitude to the theory
of relativity it is partly explainable at the same level. People do not want
to reject black space, they do not want to reject those extruded
prohibitions. Black space - beast [Tiamat], the dark - is the projection of our
subconsciousness into the height, its kind black screen. Even the bright stairs Of [iakova]
to the sky it can become monstrous delusion as in [F]. Kafka's story
“Hunter Gracchus”.
“It is noiseless, as if sliding above the water, into the harbor entered boat… Two sailors…
went down to the coast the stretchers, on which under the silk colorful shawl [s]
by fringe, apparently, lay man.
… From the stretchers they dropped cover. Under it lay the man with the shaggy hair, [s]
by the tousled beard and by weathered face, according to the form similar on hunter. It
lay lifeless, with the closed eyes, and nevertheless only on that surrounding
to situation was to assume that it dead…
-… Many years ago… I was torn away from the steep slope… Since then I am dead.
- Partly you are living, objected burgomaster.
1 trans. [V]. Shore.

-… Partly I am living. My canoe of death took incorrect course… I it remained on
to the earth, and canoe my from that time sails in the terrestrial waters… I after death
I wander in the terrestrial waters… I am doomed eternally to roam on the gigantic
to the stairs, which conducts on that light… First will carry me upward, first downward, then
to the right, then to the left. I know not the minute of respite… Here it seems I took
takeoff and before me already began to appear high gates, but moment - and I came to on
my shuttle, which got stuck into some sad terrestrial waters… No one about me not
he knows, and who would know about me, so he would not know the place, where I am located, but he knew
place… so he would not know how to hold me there, he would not know as to me
to help ".
Actually, output to the light is in no way simple. Labyrinths of Kafka and [Borkhesa],
appearing by this method, akin to the real labyrinths, created into the ancient
times for the space dedications. And nevertheless they were fixed in always
the knights of light outside the cup Of [graalya] and their ways fell to the light cone
The battle of light for the cup Of [graalya] continued in medieval England. Let us cast a look on
sky by the eyes of the knights of round table, who search for the bright cup Of [graalya] in the celestial
reign. Here is throne - pleiads. Here is priest with the uplifted hands - Orion. Here
between hands its three stars - three old men. Cup - constellation of cup. Shining
[Lanselot] - constellation after persowing. This it is discussed in Thomas [Melori]'s novel
“Death of Arthur”.
“… Saw he, as door into that rest was opened and from there discharged great
clarity, and immediately it became so light, as if everyone in the light torches burnt after that
by door…
And it looked through the threshold, and saw there among the rest silver throne, A
on it the sacred cup, covered with red [parchoyu], and many angels all around,
and one of them held spark plug of ardent wax, and another - cross and equipment
altar. But before the sacred cup he saw blissful old man in the church
vestments, as if creating prayer. Above the uplifted palms of the priest
were imagined to sir [Lanselot] three husbands, and that it seemed of them younger, they
they placed in the priest between palms, the very same uplifted it highly upward and as if
it would show so people.
… It took a step for the threshold and it was fixed to the silver throne, but when it
it approached, then perceived on itself respiration, as if mixed with the flame, and
it struck it directly into the person and it severely singed ".
Yes, celestial fire [opalyaet]. The battle of light goes in all epochs in the skies.
Celestial battle and battle terrestrial merged together in the prophetic poem of Osip
Mandelstam. Poem is written to them in the Voronezh reference in February - March 1937
year. It entire is pierced by the presentiment of the future World War and is converted
in the battle of light with the darkness. Starry, “clear- ashen”, barely
“the reddish -[yavorovaya]” fiery aura of Mandelstam reaches from the entrenchment of the earth
two skies. Its skull - “starry hem the [shityy] cap” - becomes already
by familiar to us by the cup of skies. It perceives scanning beam with entire retina and it [mchitsya] after
by them with the light speeds, and according to the already known laws of [metakoda] it leaves [k]
bright of the cup- cone of the world events. Flying away there, into the neck of cup, it
it sees, as [mchatsya] conversely “white stars of the earth”, becoming according to the laws of the theory
relativity “barely red”, this famous red shift,
appearing with the galactic dispersion.
These are high poetry and the brilliant description of [antropnoy] space inversion. It
really experienced and therefore prophetic. As if poet already passed through the war
and now it helps us already from there by the rays of its “[yavorovoy]” aura.

To what these stars of [izvetlivy]!
Everything they should look - for which?
In [ozhidane] of judge and witness,
In the ocean without the window, the substance…

Of [nauchi] me, swallow is sickly,
Learned to fly,
As to me with this air grave
Without the control and the wing to [sovladat].

And for [Lermontova] of Mikhail
I will return a strict report to you,
As round-shouldered teaches the grave
And air pocket draws.

By [shevelyashchimisya] grapes
These peaces threaten us,
And they hang by cities stolen,
By gold slips of the tongue, by informers,
Poisonous cold by berries -
Extensible constellations tents…

Through ether decimal designated
Light of the pulverized into the ray speeds
Begins the number, [oprozrachennyy]
By bright pain and by mole of zeros.

And after the field pour on field new
Triangular it flies by crane,
News flies by light-dusty new thing,
And it is light from the battle of yesterday's.
News flies by the light-dusty new thing:
I not Leipzig, not Waterloo,
I am not the battle of peoples, I new,
From me it will be to light light.

Arabian mash, medleys,
Light of the pulverized into the ray speeds.
And by its slanting soles
Light costs on the retina of my…
Incorruptible sky is entrenching -
Sky of large wholesale deaths -
After you, from you [tselokupnoe],
I rush by lips in the darkness…

Whether the skull must develop for that
In entire forehead - from the temple to the temple -
In order to into its expensive eye sockets
Could not but be poured the troops? :.
It is fined by thought, to itself dreams -
Cup of cups and the fatherland to the fatherland,
By starry hem the [shityy] cap,
Cap of happiness - Shakespeare father…

Clarity is ashen, vigilance [yavorovaya]
Barely red [mchitsya] into its house,
Accurately by faintings overstocking,
Both skies with their dim fire…
The container is prepared for that
[Obayanya] in the space empty,
In order to white stars conversely
Barely red did rush into their house?
(February March 1937.)

Man can enlarge to infinity his rumor, his sight, even
the sensation of his body, he can become essence space even now,
being within the limits of the earth. Our eye does not distinguish the ultraviolet
emissions, our rumor do not hear ultrasound, we cannot see many actually
the existing things, let us say, the fourth measurement, the fourth
the time-spatial coordinate of the universe. We cannot see completely
the real bend of space and time, opened by the general theory

relativity. The literature does not reconcile itself with this. It creates its models
the universes, seen, heard and received by man, it is limitless
the expanding limits of its perception.
Space theme of contemporary literature - this, first of all, immense
the project of the space reorientation of man. Word anticipates that
immense space to the Odyssy, which one must survive for humanity already
soon. Word tears off person, who is in the room, and it gives
to it the possibility to feel everything that perceives the cosmonaut in weightlessness and in
limitless space. Word calls the man: be examined to itself,
look, all your possibilities are used. Word gives to the man
infinite space and the infinite time of entire universe.
Correctly writes Leonid Leonov in the novel “universe on [Dymkovu]”: “Peaceful
the yesterday's universe, where well-mannered [Flammarionovy] balls, it is arithmetical
those coursed along the school orbits, at the beginning of our century suddenly were torn away and
they were madly carried somewhere, who knows, how much again will appear this
Universe before the descendants over the entirely unthinkable long term ".
“[Inoplanetyanin]” of columns of smoke after the visit of planetarium sketches “by finger on
to the freshly fallen snow " that means “of starry mechanics”, which in principle
by sign to each person, who has idea about the theory of relativity and
contemporary cosmogony. In fact, this is the famous light cone of the world
events, Schwarzschild's sphere and many other visual drawings, which transmit
motion in the universe with the speed of light. “Drawing consisted of the [kinokaskadnoy]
series of the isosceles triangles, which, being stuck upward by point, in
each sequence gradually they flattened on the meridian up to the disappearance on
[nekoem] critical boundary, after which, after undergoing geometric [perekuvyrk] and
being gradually restored in the previous form, they slowed down their run already by the point
back, in the specularly reverse tracing ". Here is it, already familiar to the reader the cup
[Dzhemshid], the cup Of [graalya], the light cone of the world events.
Recently left [Yu]. [Shkolenko]'s book “Space Age”. Its author, journalist,
the doctor of philosophical sciences, criticizing the theory of [metakoda], the set reports
curious details, in my view, only confirming the correctness
my way. I will give these statements completely: “Abroad yes even in us in
to the country are undertaken the attempts to connect some phenomena of the public
consciousness, especially culture and skill, with the natural phenomena in
By universe, to compare the groped by science laws of the evolution of the universe [s]
by the laws of human world view, descriptive thinking, subconsciousness.
Task is at first glance unattainable, but in principle is not deprived deprive of sense, that
is more that the ancient idea of the unity of space and person, macro- and microcosm,
it acknowledges and is substantiated by contemporary cosmologists.
Unfortunately, sometimes this problem is solved at the level of speculative constructions,
in fact, idealistic and bordering on the mysticism. For example,
American physicist [Kheynts] [Peydzhels] assumes that the united “space code”,
that being certain “message”, governs not only the natural
by processes in the universe, but also by sociocultural processes in
human society.
Is there “space code”, it goes without saying, not in the form “message” from
extra-material substratum, i.e., god, and “build it” by material the very
itself, to say is thus far difficult. But here is the genetic code, which relates [k]
of the biological step of motion of matter, there exists indisputably. Penetration
in the secret of the genetic code, which programs the development of entire living on the Earth,
certainly, it can open slightly the curtain even of more immense secret - the appearance
living from the inanimate… This process, as show last data
astrophysics and terrestrial planetology, it clearly has not only terrestrial, but also
space sources.
However, to consider as this programmed genetic code, in turn
leading beginning from “space code”, development of reason and culture on the Earth
it would be erroneous. Social processes have their own nature and
those its own regularity- regularities themselves, whose basis
they compose collectivity and gun activity, about which we already spoke and
which removes mystical secret from the process of transforming the living into the reasonable.
But meanwhile here are what, for example, searches in the region of space and culture
conducts professor from The [lillskogo] university Of [b]. [Zhe] (France). Analyzing
Pushkin's fairy tale (about the priest and his worker of Baldes, about the dead tsarevna and seven
heroes, about by gold cockerel and about tsar Saltan), it perceives in them
“space axis of social significance”, which, if it is destroyed (let us say, the failure
tsar to return to astrologer [shemakhanskuyu] tsarina into the appreciation for the gold
cockerel), it conducts to the loss of destroyer. However, professor correctly notes that
any fairy tale departs by roots to the primitive consciousness, but same this consciousness,
in his opinion, it departs still further - to entire the same “space axis”, essences
by which it does not determine. Strictly speaking, itself Pushkin occurs here not
with what, although the really space motives, which were being already mentioned by us, were
they are inherent in its creation. In our view, it is distant from a strict scientific nature and
the Soviet author Constantine [Kedrov] in its essay “starry book”, where it
is carried out thought about the action in the folklore of different peoples, yes even in some
the artistic works of closer to us epoch (for example, in the narrative
Leo Tolstoy “death of Ivan Ilyich”), a certain “[metakoda]”, whose disclosure
allegedly it makes it possible much to explain, also, in the riddles of ancient civilizations, and in
the contemporary comprehension of the unity of man and space. So it is possible to arrive [k]
to assertion, that all complexities of our existence and the variety of our
histories, emotions, perception and the like were laid in the primary “galactic
the egg ", which gave the beginning of our universe, that, strictly speaking, and it asserted
astrophysicist [I]. [S]. [Shklovskiy] in its in general very meaningful and
to the interesting book “universe, life, reason”, that maintained several publications.
However, in the philosophy this is called deterministic nature, providentialism,
by preformism, by fatalism, which are alien to materialism, and to dialectics.
Certainly, reasonings about “[metakode]” command human predilection to
to entire mysterious and miraculous. But, as it seems to us, all this
take away to the side from realities of cosmonautics and Space Age " 1.
Here indeed as it is interesting: it occurs, in me is an adherent - the professor
[Aillskogo] university Of [b]. [Zhe]. It is it's a pity, that its transactions are published only in
1983, after the year after the publication of my article “starry book”. And already
it is entirely interesting that unknown to me American physicist [Kheynts] [Peydzhels] in that
1982 it came to the same conclusions as I: there is the united space code.
[Yu]. [Shkolenko]'s reasons against existence of the space code nevertheless not very
they are convincing. Author himself writes: “Is there “a space code”,
of course not in the form “message” from the extra-material substratum, i.e.,
god, and “build it” by material itself, to say is thus far difficult”.
Unfortunately, from the communication To [yu]. [Shkolenko] not entirely
1 [Shkolenko] Yu. the Space Age. M., 1986, s. 162-164.

is clear theory physics Of [kheyntsa] Of [peydzhelsa] about existence of the space code.
It is possible that it is not free from some idealistic stratifications, but indeed
it is important the essence of the matter, but not side-line lines.
The criticism of the theory of professor [B]. [Zhe] also bears a somewhat interrupted nature.
If French researcher considers that the subconsious layer of the Pushkin's
texts it is pierced by space, that in this of improbable? Subconsciousness in principle
it is cosmic, and subconsciousness of genius, of course, is even more widely thrown open into space.
Criticizing astrophysics Of [i]. [S]. [Shklovskiy], [Yu]. [Shkolenko] recollected immediately three
“ism”: providentialism, preformism, fatalism. It is not too much whether for one
the outstanding scientist? Give let us recall, indeed with all these “isms” they charged and
geneticists, the original discoverers of the genetic
the code.
Specifically, with this them they charged. If the code, which means, deterministic nature; if
deterministic nature, then is god.
It seems to me that it is here necessary not to slide on the well-worn track, but to search for
dialectical contradiction between the concepts “code” - “deterministic nature” and
“real evolution” - “creation”. Reality always at the joint of two poles.
However, as far as the theory of the [antropnoy] inversion of man and space is concerned, it,
in my opinion it is completely consonant to this statement Of [yu]. [Shkolenko]: “Infinite
man, which let it is intuitive, but was correctly named “microcosm”
from the times of antiquity, it is in the final analysis commensurate not with the final Earth, but [s]
by the infinite universe, with “the macrocosmos”. Again and again we are convinced of that,
what “Homo Of sapiens” exists in a certain kind “Of homo Of cosmicus” - “the man
space ".
Term “Homo Of cosmicus” I for the first time proposed in 1984 precisely in this sense.
In the periodical “technology - young people” (1984, ¹ 1) my report was partial
it is printed. It concluded with the words: “We is cost on the threshold for the production of the man
space ".
I think that existence or the nonexistence of [metakoda] at all levels
material - this a question is not ideological, but is especially scientific. Here it will show
However, as far as [metakoda] at the level of skill is concerned, its here presence
it becomes today almost obvious. However, the reasons of the respected philosopher
they convince me in the fact that very idea of [metakoda] is understood too literally. Code
completely it does not indicate the hundred per-cent deterministic nature of the history of humanity.
Figuratively speaking, this seemingly brilliant concept of nature and universe. Concept
variable and mobile in the time. Only from the heights of eternity the line of the world
events appears fixed. In our time and space it
he is drawn by us.
When speech goes about [metakode] in the literature, here already entirely thin material.
Me it would be desirable to warn the reader both against literal and against the fantastic
the interpretation of reality, with which deals the discussion.
[Metakod] exists, arose [metametafora], but their living embodiment in
skill - matter especially creative. This is poetic space, into reality
which I solidly believe.
Many misunderstandings result from the incomprehension of the very essence of word “metaphor”.
There is an idea, widespread even in the criticism, that
metaphor - is story about familiar reality in other words, as
allegory. Hence neglect to the metaphor as excess, certain
to rhetorical figure, tribute to elegant literature.
In fact true metaphor always speaks about new reality,
it is opened. Uncommon words are required for describing the uncommon, yet not
familiar to man.
Metaphor - this new sight, personified in the word. [Metametafora] - this new
space reality, opened by man.
[Metakod] and [metametafora] - what connection between them? I hear this question
fairly often and answer this I can only [metametaforicheski]:


Sky - this is the width of the eye
Eyes - this is the depth of sky…
Pain - this is the touch
God god - this touch of the pain
Light - this is the voice of the silence
Silence - is the voice of the light
The dark - is the cry of the radiance
Radiance - this is the silence of the dark
Rainbow - this is g happiness of the light
Thought - this is dumbness of the soul
Soul - is nudity of the thought
Light - this is the depth of the knowledge
Knowledge - this is the height of light…
Time - these are space is rolled up roll up into the ball
Space - this is the expanded horse…
The sun - this is the body of the moon
Body - this is the moon of the love
Steamship - this is the iron wave
Water - is the steamship of the wave
Grief - this is the void of the space
Happiness - this is the completeness of time…
Men - this is the wrong side of the sky
Sky - this is the wrong side of man…
Christ - this sun of Buddha
Buddha - this is Christ's moon
Sea - this is the space of the moon
Space - this is the sea of the moon
The sun - this is the moon of the space
Moon - this time of the sun…
Stars - this of the voice of the night
Voices - this of the star of the day
Ship - this is the pier of entire ocean
Ocean - this is the pier of entire ship
The skin - is the figure of the constellations
Constellations - this is the figure of the skin…
The time of the sun is measured by the moon of the space
The space of moon - this is the time of the sun
The horizon - this is the width of the view
View - this is the width of the horizon
Height - is the boundary of sight…
The Pole star - is the point of the view
View - this is the width of the sky
Sky - this is the height of the view
Thought - this is the depth of the night
Night - this is the width of thought…
The distance between the people fill the stars
People fill the distance between the stars.
Love - this is the speed of light,
the inversely proportional to the distance between
by us.
The distance between us is inversely proportional to the speed of light - this is love.
(K. k.)


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