March 2004 3 in the world sciences

March 2004 № 3 “IN THE WORLD SCIENCES”
Obvious- improbable
Based on materials conversation with [K]. [A]. [Kedrov]

And I saw new sky and new earth…

Majorities of us he thinks that the hours go, counting off instants, year and millenium, and to backwards turn them no one given. People live in the world, where everything flows by its turn, in the specific mechanical sequence. And only poets, artists and philosophers are capable by the force of their imagination of rise above the daily activity and of being taken away into the beyond the clouds and timeless gave, where the time can change its flow, and man is free to be moved both into the past and in the future. On this and much other learned the spectators of transfer “Obvious- improbable” from professor Sergey Petrovich Kapitsa's conversation with the poet, the doctor of philosophical sciences Constantine [Aleksandrovichem] [Kedrov].

Another [Derzhavin] wrote before death with slate pencil on the slate board:

River of times in its [stremlene]
It takes away all affairs of the people
And it heats in the precipice of [zabvenya]
Peoples, reign and tsars.
But if that also remains
Through the sounds of lira and pipe,
That will be devoured with the muzzle of eternity
And general will not leave fates.
However, Constantine [Kedrov] asserts that [Derzhavin] not of rights. Indeed another poet, [V]. Zhukovskiy, he said: “Here - instantly, there - always”. “There” - it is intended in the eternity, which us approached and was opened in a new way because of Einstein. It is in the opinion cedar, eternally lasting “there” is located on the photon, which [mchitsya] with the speed of light, and therefore, time on it is constantly equal to zero zero times - they are eternity, light - eternity. Poet confirms his discovery by the verses, which smoothly overflow into Einstein's formula:
Light - this is the depth of knowledge.
Knowledge - this is the height of light.
The distance between the people fill stars.
People fill the distance between the stars.
Love - this is the speed of light, the inversely proportional to the distance between us.
(“The computer of love”)
Einstein asserted that the past, present and future is nothing else but the human illusion, deprived of physical sense. Consequently, no “river of times” there exists. The past did not disappear, future so is actual as present. Entire real forever thickens on the line of the world events of Minkowski and Einstein.

In the interpretation of poet the physico-mathematical concept of world line is converted into the line of the fate of the entire world.

Idea about the fact that the past, present and future - altogether only of illusion, although ineradicable, directly it escapes from the special theory of relativity, which denies absoluteness, universality of present moment of time. And it asserts that the simultaneity is relative: two events, proceeding simultaneously for the observer in one frame of reference, can prove to be diverse in the time from the point of view of observer, which is located in another system.

Furthermore, by authentic it was customaryy to assume the actually existing material objects (for example table, chair), and reason, feeling, emotions were received as something ephemeral, subjective and fleeting. But the generalized concept of united world line made it possible to pass from the mechanical understanding of the surrounding reality to the realization of the fact that all - and achieved, and feel deeplied, and thought out - coexists and remains forever in the depths of world reason.

The realization of the global laws of universe each time becomes breakthrough in the world view of people. Something similar occurred, when Copernicus opened, that not the sun revolves around the Earth, but the Earth - around the sun, on top of that, also, together with the planetary system. It is another matter that in the daily life we about this do not think, we do not just as reflect incessantly about that which the Earth - sphere, but space-time is eternally and it is infinite.

According to one of the definitions, time - this is the continuum, in which some events move for the change with another in the direction from the past to the future. Today a quantity of events, proceeding in the specific time interval, be it year or nanosecond, constantly it increases. However, is it possible to speak about the course of time?

Time they frequently compare with the flying arrow or the turbulent flow, inexorably [vlekushchim] us from the past to the future. By however descriptive there were these metaphors, in them deep, insoluble paradox is unavoidably concluded. In contemporary physics there is no concept, which measures the course of time. Although the formulas, which describe the laws of physics, contain the variable of time, scientists assert that it completely does not flow, but simply there exists.

According to general theory of relativity, the time is caused by the state of system as a whole. This essential generalization of the concept of time, given by Einstein, is important for the developing systems. About this reflected not only the historians, but also the authors of the Old Testament - they intuitively attempted to express the concept of time as such, but therefore old testament old men had completely inconceivable ages ([Mafusail] of the veins of 969 years, that closely to the number of perfection - to thousand), which symbolized cosmological time fully. Physics prefer to examine time as something united, similar to the broken ground, in which are arranged both the past and future events. This idea about nature of time completely excludes existence of a certain special moment, called present, and also of the process of the continuous transformation of future events into the present, and then in the pasts. Briefly stated, no flow or the flow of time for the physicists there exists. The confusion, which appears in the disputes about the lapse of time, is connected it they with the fact that compare with the so-called arrow of time.

We created mechanical clocks, actually they were imposed on us on the motion of the Earth and stars. The circle, which is mentioned in all philosophical studies, personifies clockwork of time.
If today it was necessary to develop the design of hours, then instead of the round dial it would be worthwhile to take the spiral, where one pointer simultaneously moves into the past and vice versa - from the past in the future, as the basis and, etc - from the present into the past and from the past at present. In this case the pointers must be encountered, then this there will be the more correct vision of peace, in contrast to that conditional orientator, which we to ourselves determined.

Placing along the temporary axis of concept “forward” and “back”, they direct the arrow of time for the convenience in the future; however, this does not mean that precisely there it flies. Terms “back” and “forward” for the time are so conditional as concepts “upward” and “downward” for the space. But it does not follow from that state aboved that it is possible to speak about the past and the future as about the objective sequence. No course of time there exists, the simply present state of system differs from previous. But the fact that we remember about the past and we know nothing about the future, it testifies not about the course of time, but only about its asymmetry. Nothing other, besides the turns of events, keen observer note can.

“Persons - this is the wrong side of sky”

They speak, it cannot be twice entered into one and the same river. Although the irreversible physical processes in nature much, physics deny the absence of reversibility as such - everything is much more complex. From one side, if one assumes that there is no irreversibility physically, then in the memory, subconsciousness, soul it, undoubtedly, exists: we remember dead close ones and we love living. From the other side, is it possible to speak about the irreversibility, if, looking at the Pole star, we the visible light, which did go to us 500 years, i.e., today we we do see heavenly body by such, such as it was [poltysyacheletiya] back?

If time is not reversed, unavoidably arises the [karamazovskiy] question about [vsedozvolennosti], about the absence of the responsibility of the personality before the history, by people and by itself itself. If “there is only moment between the past and the future, precisely, it is called life”, then, it does leave, are right the sybarites of life, who act according to the principle “after us although flood”? To similar views since olden times were contradicted the standards of morals and the moral imperatives, based on the ideas about the time reversibilities, which assume that the past influences us, through its prism we look at ourselves and we evaluate our behavior.

The riddles of time and space disturb not only scientists and philosophers, but also poets. Let us recall Mayakovskiy: “to harness time into the drive belt… so that the time would honestly move hours”. In this play on words is concealed special sense, poetic enlightenment and depth of means, realization of the fact that in the course of the development of the civilization of men it was deprived of most important, without which it cannot exist, the realization of its own participation to the motion of world history and touch to the eternity.

We live on the incorrect watch, which run in the circle. A similar idea about the time is long ago antiquated - it asserts cedars and proposes entirely different model of hours.

In each individual section of the dual spiral, where to the right past, and to the left future, time is, it would seem, not reversed, but this is only local irreversibility. In reality any arbitrarily undertaken point a sooner or later will merge with the point v. i.e., pointer they go towards each other from the past and the future, being encountered in the present. On this base it is possible to assert that there is no death, and there is only a passage of one state to another, reversed. [Metametafora] of the Easter canon of Hans [Damaskin] “Christ to [voskrese] from the corpses to [smertiyu] death after trampling” means that death can be overcome only by death. By analogy it is possible to say that the irreversibility is also surmounted.

B future (v),
P the past (a),
N present (a and v)
In the eastern mythology death was overcome by [reinkarnatsii], revival in another essence. Christianity solves this problem otherwise. The well known concept of triunity (god father, god son and god the spirit of saint) implies not three different essences, but the different manifestations of one deity, one essence in the different projection. Even if we in man assume the presence of three hypostases, then I the past, I present and I future - not three different personalities, but one whole:

Man was examined
And it saw itself in itself…
[Metakod] and [metametafora]
Amazingly, to what extent coincides the scenario of the imaginary approximation to the black hole at the physically impossible faster-than-light speed and that perceive people On the Border of life and death. For example, in Leo Tolstoy Ivan Ilyich's death looks like “[vtiskivanie]” into “the black hole”: to it seemed that it is moved on the black tunnel, train moves to one side, and it - into another. When it this realized, vector changed, and he came into being. “Certainly, death is ended”, thought Ivan Ilyich, he was stretched and died. This description is based on the real human experience of dying. Similarly [R]. [Moudi] describes the sensations of some people, which survived clinical death, in the book “life after life”. The means of tunnel, connected with the withdrawal into the peace of other, is one of the central and in the world view shamans: through it the perfumes come into our peace in order to enter into the man, and through it they leave the perishable earth.

Probably, there is certain oecumenical [Metakod], which we intuitively know, and science attempts to decipher. If entire living has the united genetic code, then in the universe must be universal [Metakod], whose structure connects together man and cosmos, this the fiery cipher of constellations, which the different cultures and religions differently read, key to it should be searched for in “the bible” and “[Makhabkharate]”, in “[Upanshadakh]” and resonant mexameter of the epos of Homer.

In order to [uzret] metaphysical peace, not necessarily to be sat down into the rocket, which flies with supersonic speed, this good is impossible. Flight of fancy, reinforced by cultural traditions and its own experience, makes it possible to overcome any temporary and three-dimensional boundaries.

Space reversing

Edging did disturb a question, it is possible, moving in the universe right and left glove, to make right of leftist. Involuntarily are recalled lines from the poem of Anna [Akhmatovoy] “song of last encounter”:

… I to the right hand put on
glove left-hand…
Can exist in the universe this glove? Is it possible to convert right into the leftist? Problem is solved very simply - it must be turned inside out inside out. So it is necessary “to be turned inside out” to man - then it perceives whole universe in itself, and itself in it, its body as immortal and eternal. Most visibly reversing (they [insaydaut] - term it is introduced By [k]. [Kedrov].) it is represented by the spiral, which simultaneously disperses from itself and it converges to itself. Pierre [Teyyar] de Chardin considered evolution as systematic motion to the certain point in the time (point v), where humanity will become one whole, will give birth to certain conscious field on a scale of the universe, which realizes itself by united space “I”, when space and man reflect in each other. In the gospel from Thomas [Khristos] it tells the students: “When you will make top as bottom it is internal as external and external as internal, then you enter into [Tsarstvie]”. For humanity one must carry out psychological coup, after replacing concepts “external” and “internal” to another world view. Now it seems to us, that space around us, and we as inside it. But it is worthwhile for us to replace vector, and we will be able to perceive that the fact that it tested on Cheops Andrey [Belyy]'s pyramid, whom it literally " turned inside out” into space and it “itself enveloped by zodiac”.

“Persons - this is the wrong side of sky, sky - this is the wrong side of man”, it writes cedars in the poem “the computer of love”. It is more right to say, is formed [dvuedinoe] body Man- universe. And the name of this person is already long ago known in the world culture. In the mystical tradition of Judaism it is named Adam [Kadmon]. In India of it they call [Purusha]: “[Tysyachelikiy] [tysyacheglazyy] [Purusha]. Only fourth are your on the earth, rest the universe. Your skin - star. Your sight - sun. Your mind - Moon. Your respiration - space”. Cedars considers that this is not only poetic means, but also the accurate vision of peace, if we look at it over the reverse long term, opened by Pavel [Florenskiy] and Pavel [Chelishchev]. But spherical prospect from without should be supplemented with concave prospect from within. In [Florenskogo] and [Chelishcheva] the icon embraces man. After placing itself to the surface of Lobachevsky's pseudo-sphere with the negative curvature, it is possible to fill the entire world, but either [Florenskiy], or Lobachevsky they did not surmise this to make.

People in always attempted by the force of their imagination to overcome the irreversibility of time. Astrology is founded on on this. However, physics they completely correctly assert that impossible is impossible ever. But they forget in this case to add one word - “physically”. From a physical point of view the horoscope is senseless, but who searches for in the horoscopes real sense? In them the people attempt to find answers to their tormenting questions and to draft the certain dotted line of their fate and world events. The force of the desire to open slightly the curtain of time occurs stronger than the reasons of reason. The course of events now and then foresees by astrologers, but more frequent they make mistakes. Predictions akin to entry by finger into the sky, and [numerologiya] and astrology are similar to the game into the tape-measure. However, what so irrepressible does draw man in the horoscopes? Specifically, “reversing”, projection on the conditional sphere, the means of man, seen through the prism of the universe and vice versa. Many medieval engravings present the human body in the form of space, where the sun is the heart.

the Convex- concave surface of mirror differently distorts peace in all directions. If we combine Riemann's geometry with Lobachevsky's geometry, negative curvature with the positive, then will come out the same as described in the poem it is cedar “specular locomotive”. It remains only to replace locomotive with man and not to forget, that instead of the mirror in man are feelings the thoughts:

Specular locomotive went from four sides
And from four transparent
It refracted in the fifth
to prospect.
It went from the sky to the sky,
From one earth to the next.
Entire air conveyed locomotive,
Entire train station, entire sky to the latter
the ray
It conveyed.
Entire height from the stars.
And went around the edge of light by the edges of light.
And it twinkled as Hector
By armors specular through the sky.
Physics and the lyric poetry

Modern art appeared simultaneously with the newest achievements of physics. It is difficult to assert that they were found under the mutual influence, first, perhaps, they dispatch by the alternate paths, which more lately were crossed as the famous straight lines of Lobachevsky.

How to combine the peace of artist, complete of invention, with the concrete peace physics, astronomer, contemporary tester? These regions proved to be very disconnected in our consciousness. Each makes step to the side of the knowledge of that not known, including of the essence of man, in own way own way: physics - within the framework of its scientific ideas, artists - according to the subjective perception of the surrounding reality. However, internal peace occurs is just as objective as the real objects, which surround us, but is less universal. Rational not at all contradicts intuitive.

The tragedy of our civilization in the fact that humanity is deprived of the most great illumination. This occurs because the part of the people knows nothing about the newest discoveries of the sciences, which influence our life, consciousness and creation, and he thinks that to them this refers no. But another part is so submerged in the emotional-artistic peace that it does not suspect, that the science is located in the same plane, as the most daring fantasies.

Physics they frequently use words as metaphors, but not as by concepts. The difference between them enormous, since through the metaphor it is possible to descriptively master the surrounding reality, and with concept it is possible to only operate.

[Metametafora] - this is that bridge, which connects the greatest discoveries of the science [KHKH] of century with the descriptive peace of culture, giving to it the new energy. Aleksey [Khvostenko], who wrote “above the sky to blue is a city of gold”, it asserts that poetry was taken away to such apexes, that it already and it is not evident. As there is no tsarist way into the geometry, so there is no tsarist way into modern art and aesthetics it must be simply looked, listened to and received.

To be or not to be

Universe itself, the universe, mega-Mir are unthinkable without the past, present and future. The past to us is much nearer than unknown future, but is still nearer - our human life. It would wish so that it would be correlated with universal time in its full weight, simply stated - with the eternity.

Acceleration of historical time - most important sign of the present. We, actually, at the given moment are situated at certain point the omega, where the time cannot more be compressed, and [gamletovskaya] phrase “was decomposed the connection of times” as it cannot better corresponds to present historical period. Such already occurred with humanity, for example, in the first century of our era, when there were [nizvergnuty] numerous heathen deities and people gradually and with difficulty dispatch to the adoption of new united god.

There were then the new “breaks of times”, which is natural for humanity, which constantly something is approached and searches for its way in this peace. Why is brilliant Shakespeare? He out of time, t [k] designated the point of bifurcation, bifurcation, but not on an historical scale, but in the individual. Without this sensation of duality there is no man. Who from us never stood before the eternal [gamletovskim] question: “To be or not to be?” But be one can of bifurcation and doubts infinitely impossibly. But it is possible to select version “or” - as the certain fixed point between the past and the future. It is in the opinion cedar, “or” - this freedom. Not only for the poet, but also for entire humanity.

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