Constantine Kedrov Memoirs

Дети Ра

№ 2, 2004


Constantine [Kedrov]

It is steeper than the twisted

 In [TSDL] it entered as into procuratorship, far advancing writer certification on the distance of the elongated hand. And nevertheless its each time they attempted to detain at the doors. Not writer form. It thus was disguised under the second-hand bookseller, that actually it became similar to the second-hand bookseller.


Twisted - improvisator

It is surprising that it did not shun improvisation as any singer of topical songs.

Tea - [nichyak]
whose - no one's
[Yych] of [chya]
tea of [yya]

I am not guaranteed the accuracy, but approximately so it twittered as goldfinch, above the tea.

Cheese of [sry] and the lynx
coffee [fkeo] of [ofek]
bread of [belkh] of [khl] of [lkh] of [bkh]


Today this many know how, and then anagram was the privilege of twisted. But in the verses it to it came running not so frequently.


Twisted - elocutionist

It always made stress not on the open, but on the consonants:

Kr-r-in-CH- ENe -[yKh]

Principle of the greatest resistance of pronunciation and rumor. It is similar to Shostakovic's music.


Hours of the twisted

Twisted never he was the hero of our time. It is more accurate, it was the hero of its time. Its time hid deeply in it and required daily rewinder as round waistcoat hours. I do not remember, there was such clocks in the twisted. It seems, they were.


Graph the Monte- steep slope

He thus called itself. Is it possible to be steeper than twisted? I considered that it is possible. However, since the beginning of the steep slope.



Nothing authentic there was nothing in its appearance and behavior. Futurism - this even and the cult of reason in everything. It asserted that the sugar bowl must stand at the minimum distance from all cups so that the sand would not be scattered on the way to the cups.
- The ideal form of table not circle, but polygon with the number of sides depending on those being present. If three, then triangle, the desirably equilateral, each angle of 60°. Laces must not be time-consuming. Laced boots should be through one hole, and to unlace exactly to the middle.


Disease and death

Temporary phenomena. Science will any minute now guess the secret of immortality. War between the man and the microbes goes on. In war as in war, it is necessary to be always on the alert. Desirably entire food, even bread and cheese, to anneal on the fire. Sometimes it this made. Bread to the alcohol lamp, to the spark plug, to the burner brought. The victory of man it did not doubt. What these are - science or religion, to judge I am not taken.


Not the crank

It did not appear by marginal and he was not crank. Greater it was similar to the scientist, who completed the brilliant, but thus far not acknowledged discovery. The step of time returned to the life of those forgotten Of [selvinskogo], [Kirsanova], [Martynova], [Aseeva]. On the twisted this was not extended. It organically could not write one Soviet on the form verse. Rope walker, it did not know how to walk simply on the pavement. It is more accurate, it on the pavement went as along the rope.



Why twisted it was not entered in the Soviet literary life and did not enter into the cartridge clip as [Shklovskiy], [Aseev], [Kirsanov] - also futurists? In the essence of its it was by man of the book and it is completely alien to secular Soviet life. It is there necessary to somehow dress, to depict something. In a word, to behave is proper. To say nothing of outputs to the meetings. Twisted it invented to itself the fate of second-hand bookseller- antiquary. They also planted antiquaries, and greatly even they planted for “the speculation”. It risked, but, at least, it was free from the verbal duty of the utterance of ritual phrases required in those times. Word meant for it too much. And even not word, but sound in the word. It would write about Stalin:

S-S- S
A-A- A
l- l
the ii
n-n- n


Stalin came

Sometimes it seems to me that twisted these verses it nevertheless wrote.



I write that I remember. But I remember considerably less and it is considerably more than it was. Twisted there existed then there exists today in the cloud of recollections and gossips about the Ger. it had to be confirmation and refutation of myth. But instead of this it became the living myth of futurism. By such living that its life is not distinguished from its death. It first died, and then it lived as in Khlebnikov's drama “[Mirskontsa]”. I saw him first. Twisted - [Mirsnachala].


Simple as silence

Yes will be to me permitted light [futurizatsiya] of memoirs (but this nevertheless memoirs, anywhere you will not disappear). Memoirs about the twisted - this already futurism. Futurism squared, and can be, already in the cube, and in the cube Of [malevicha], or even in the four-dimensional cube of Uspenski. Or in the [neizobrazhaemom] no longer cube, but in by something [esherovskom], infinitely far exiting and from there projected here.
“The holes of [bul] of [shchyl] of [ubeshchur] of [skum]” I for the first time read- heard in Mayakovskiy, and this “[ubeshchur] of [skum]” merged in the consciousness of fifteen year schoolboy with [prishchurom], pangolin, foot-and-mouth disease and some pine finch. But here still arrived in time the book of Uspenski “word about the words” with the recollection about the lectures of the professor of chip (also [shcher]!), which wrote on the board: “[Glokaya] [kuzdra] [shteko] of [budlanula] of [bokra] [kurdyachit] [bokrenka]”. [Budlanula] - this somewhere to Baudouin de [Kurtene], who the descendant of churls, and in Russia was related also with the kind of my grandmother ([Chelishchevy] - also pine finches). In Lifschitz's book “[Polutoraglazyy] Sagittarius”, purchased by me in second-hand booksellers for 30 kopecks (Lifschitz also pine finch), it is said moreover, that Baudouin by de [Kurtene] was invited to the concert of the futurists, where he told about the phoneme.

They are silent
the phoneme
not we
We are silent

Phoneme I adore for [nematerialnost] and dream to go further futurists. Not by sounds to [izyasnyatsya] - by phonemes.
Then in Mayakovskiy it read: “Room - head in [kruchenykhovskom] hell”. He thought that already it does not exist long ago. And suddenly someone in the vestibule [TSDL] shouted in a whisper: “[Kru]-ch-ch-ch-ch-[chenykh]-X-X-X- X”. I will not lie, that memorized it then. Exactly then in no way it memorized. It did everything in order not to differ from rest. And it did not differ. It hid into the background.
And here is strange [kuvyrok] of memory. I remember, as it reads verses not that its, not the whose- that, but I do not remember, when and where. I know only that not in it. I remember that there was the seeds Of [kirsanov] and Victor [Shklovskiy]. Joke to say, entire three futurists in one cubic cube. Someone dared to squeal its verses. It as the importunate gnat. But [Shklovskiy] made the favorite gesture cane upward: “It is necessary to rest by the foot of verse not into the earth, but into the sky!”
It immediately shouted twisted upward:

[Virval]-whether- whether -[l]-[l]
[Vyvr] of ditch the barbarian
A-A- A
V-in- in

It shouted upward, as if [Shklovskiy] by stick to it conducted. I seized moment and shouted:

I left to itself through-towards- from
and it left under
erecting above!

All three were developed, who into the front, who into the profile.
- You - futurist? - this [Shklovskiy].
- Thus and write, if forces are sufficient, this of twisted.
[Kirsanov] it was silent. It was important Mr., very important. But futurist only in the verses, half hidden.
Now it recalled. It was in this [Peredelkino], on the dacha in [Shklovskogo], but brought me there Mikhail [Svetlov], who refers no to futurism.
From the twisted they made some crank. But I in it nothing [chudacheskogo] saw. They indicate that it was small and thin. I memorized very intelligent, very thin (not outwardly, but in the depth) person. Its skullcap was regarded academic cap. It read not impulsively, but very [vyverenno]. Each gesture is sharpened. Each intonation upwards. Upper tones predominated, but it is only, where necessary. When I saw a television set during the day of Voroshilov's death, as conducts [Karayan], then immediately it recalled, as it read twisted. But on the music it, certainly, Shostakovic.
Second encounter. I on some concert, almost next to Shostakovic. Shostakovic always nervously is scratched and [zatravlenno] is viewed. Suddenly to the left another familiar profile in the skullcap. Twisted!!! [Neuverenno] I greet in a whisper: “[Sssdrassste]”. And the suddenly twisted through me to Shostakovic: “Be introduced. This our very- very futurist they to the bone and call the bones… I was not mistaken?” Last words did hover at the end phrase by a sly question, it was not mistaken in me and my name? And I, after becoming impudent, by the solid confident voice: “They were not mistaken”. And [zamolk], and all, and not word is more. But as it was desirable to address, to be introduced properly, to become friends. But something forged. So sat through entire concert, after hardening, between two geniuses.
In our life to us to sit, of course, next. You on “[k]” and I on “[k]”, and indeed actually next they sat, on top of that and Shostakovic. Well, it somewhere on “w”. I joke. I joke. I joke. On “g” Shostakovic, he is genius. And twisted on “g”.
It read and understood that much today narrower is incomprehensible. Indeed the presence of twisted in the public place, on the concert, at that time terribly compromised. With the futurism they fought always, to a last gasp. And Shostakovic then frightened. And [Kirsanov] it felt itself not in his plate. And look- that to me with the suspicion. Who is such, from where? But suddenly [stukach]. However, indeed there was somewhere next and [stukach], it was for sure.
This is why with the third encounter in [TSDL] in the counter of canteen I was not gladdened, which next stands twisted. It is shameful, but it was not gladdened. In the canteen it sat sex -[litinstituta]. Me it was desirable there to be held and somehow to survive.
It is strange, but twisted it glanced by view all these physiognomy and immediately everything understood. In a whisper, as to the side, it whispered: “Well and into the company we burn”. Took [buterbrodik] with the cheese and it swam away into the dark angle. Then [polykhnul] from there by cigarette lighter. It annealed the slice of cheese by fire in order to kill microbes. Cigarette lighter [pogasla], and twisted was immersed into the dark. It is now narrower forever.
And now, when I write on July 31, 2003 these lines, in the night sky arose the sickle of new moon. This of twisted [polykhnul] by cigarette lighter in order to anneal the slice of the celestial sphere in the purifying astral fire.

Well, and the holes of [bul] of [shchyl] it indicates before the sky of that not known:

Lived was the ancestor
Name of ancestor - pangolin
[Ubeshchur] of [skum]
ancestor is the godparent
ancestor is pangolin sly [prishchur] of the twisted
still was called itself graph the Monte- steep slope
but twisted it is considerably steeper
than Monte- Krista
in it another silence
the simple as growl

Now, when prospect in the N- measured cube returned to me twisted or me - twisted, I recalled suddenly the bell Of [khardzhieva]. He sounded under the first-of-May salute of 1983. I remember date accurately on the salute in the window, and year - according to burst open in the press its article in the 3rd number “literary studies” “starry alphabet of Velimir Khlebnikov”. In the year to the publication, in March, it obtained eight negative reviews. And not on the pointer it is more than, but on the call of heart. And nevertheless editor, man believing and conscientious, the pro-rector Of [litinstituta] Alexander Mikhaylov took everything for themselves and he printed. [Khardzhiev] read, learned the telephone in May Of [mituricha], which occurred in me, and it rang. We spoke exactly one-and-a-half hours - Lena [Katsyuba] noted. [Khardzhiev] it said:
- No one, besides you, guessed Khlebnikov's secret. How for you it was possible this to print? No, this is impossible, yes even it is evident that you - poet. Stand, yes indeed to me about you even twisted it told.
- It me did memorize?
- It did memorize? Yes it to me about you all ears buzzed.
- A that he did speak?
- He said that on the concert Shostakovic introduced it to the brilliant poet. You send what after concert to Shostakovic, and you entire night read not on whom not similar verses. Not on whom, even to Khlebnikov. He even said that you not cedars, but [Nyukhlebnikov]. What you write not with sounds, but by phonemes. Read anything.
I began to read:

To everything it is quiet them gradually
because [ispovedalno] to want I love
violet but by reminding nevertheless
this seemingly to seize [kruzhashcheysya] forever
it [severit] it [yuzhit] it indulges
and it [molnit] [v] above
that deflected is world neighbor
is coronary [yugend]

- A now the very- the very simple, if you please.
I read:

So lord Byron, having left Greece,
it swam into [Elladu] as ancient Greek.
Human to human angel,
angel to the angel of men.

- I everything understood. But that did say to you Shostakovic?
Here I in the complete confusion instead of describing, as it was in reality, for some reason it began to continue the legend of twisted, but by the slyest means. Itself invented nothing, but it answered a question by the question:
- A that of twisted you it did tell?
- He said that Shostakovic villages for the piano and at some moments something improvised under your texts. And even it planned oratorio.
I did not say as the answer that this did not exist. Me the construction of twisted was not desirable to destroy. Maybe, in it something to something was put. But, most likely, it built entire in the manner that it had to be in the ideal project. Indeed it and hear- that only one my poem “infinite”, written into 18 years.
True, this poem sharply differed from in all, which then was printed or walked along the hands in the manuscript. By the way, I sent its [Kirsanovu], and he answered me nothing. But year two after printed in the journal “banner” its brilliant poem “tracks on the sand”, where I grasped the echoes of means and intonations “of infinite”. In me “where blue was covered the fern and at the right time the rivers of century we stopped were the encounter of lizards on the stone-”. In it “I am bel loved I chalk on me of other dragon-flies and birds of cliche”. Certainly, these are not plagiarism, but the normal cooperation of living poets. It is it's a pity only, that on the dacha in [Shklovskogo], when I read for the twisted my text, he for some reason was silent. These are not reproach, but regret. I loved and love [Kirsanova], yes will be to him the earth sky. But twisted… What it proved to be sincere against this background. It would seem, futurist must not be sensitive or responsive. But he understood everything from one reading. And still he understood that it cannot be to us converge. That will rumple me and will trample the spies, who vigilantly track after each incorrect rhyme. Indeed in “Pravda” they trampled down the order-bearer Of [kirsanova] for the rhyme “hindu kush above India/it frosted”. They developed discussion about the formalism. However, twisted it was simply withdrawn from the custom. As it was not it. And they vigilantly followed so that it would be no one other.
But conversation with The [khardzhievym] continued. In hoarse, sick and senile voice he all spoke. But I memorized here not all. But in the sky in my window salute blazed, and glass from the volleys jingled. Salute To [khardzhievu], salute [Shklovskomu], salute To [kirsanovu], salute to Shostakovic, salute to Khlebnikov, the salute of twisted.
If all salutes into one merge, then will come out not salute, but they will pour off.
They agreed to be encountered with The [khardzhievym], but they were not encountered. I was young also of up to fifty years it experienced neither interest nor awe to the past. Give texts to me, but people barely interested. Let [parnisy] rove in search of their large sum. However, indeed found it me even under the surname [Berdichevskiy]. And my diploma about Khlebnikov, Lobachevsky, Einstein will extract from the Kazan' university. And it arrived at me, and, departing, it asked: “Can, and truth Khlebnikov genius?” In his question there was no irony whatever. It sincerely questioned then.
And still I understood, conversing on the telephone with The [khardzhievym], that it is possible, being occupied by advance guard, to love something entirely another. It noted that “simple” [Khardzhievu] it proved to be nearer. It noted that “complex” slightly shocked. And it was still the rights, when he said: “The majorities of Khlebnikov's texts to the futurism little are participating. Authentic futurists - twisted and [Terentev]. It is necessary to be born by futurist. You could be Khlebnikov and Mayakovskiy, but you - twisted in the new measurement. You - futurist squared, either even in the cube or even in the N- measured cube”.
Here from where in the memory in me still at first arose this N- measured cu. from the conversation with The [khardzhievym] under the crash of salute.
Each photoflash luminesces event.
Volley - twisted in the vestibule [TSDL]
Volley - twisted on the dacha in The [shklovskogo]
Volley - twisted on the concenter with Shostakovic
Volley - twisted in the canteen [TSDL]
Volley - there is nothing.
Voice Of [khardzhieva] in the telephone


Kettledrum of the twisted

Shostakovic sat to me next in the fourth row
I sat next to it
This was in some year
And twisted it was the number
He something it told
Shostakovic scratched and nervously without the smoke smoked
The skullcap of twisted was brought down a little sideways
Shostakovic was nervous, tragic and it is very deep
I today do not remember, about which they spoke
I sat between them
But they next sat
Shostakovic the sears:
- Very rad very rad very rad
But on the scene harmonic hell was created from the notes
But it asked twisted:
- This you did leave to yourselves through-towards- from?
I answered:
- Certainly
It sufficiently said:
- Well here…
Shostakovic inclined his head a little sideways
But from the scene the nervous ball rolled to us from the music
This encounter from the twisted continues somewhere there
Where Shostakovic sits and it whispers its tram -there-there
Still I remember twisted it said to Shostakovic suddenly:
- Well and well!
Shostakovic kept silent, thunder merged into one silence
Shostakovic - twisted
But there it soared above the orchestra
Shostakovic - twisted - the [solntselunnykh] plates of kettledrum.
