K. Kedrov Yu. Liubimov mystery Socrates Orakul

K]. [Kedrov] [Yu]. Liubimov mystery Socrates [Orakul]
it is set in the foot of the Parthenon in Athens and on Taganka
Constantine [Kedrov]


Plato. I already passed all stages of purification. Say, about Socrates, when me they do dedicate to the last secret of Delphian mysteries?
Socrates. Try this wine from [Delf], in my opinion, of [delfiytsy] they clearly shift cinnamons. How you do think, Aristotle?
Aristotle. I know 114 methods of the preparation of faults, but for the first time I hear, that into the wine it is possible to place cinnamon. It is necessary to write down. the 115-[yy] method, Delphian, with the cinnamon, (it writes).
Plato. You incorrectly understood teacher. Socrates speaks about the truth, and you about the cinnamon. What this Delphian wine, in your opinion?
[S]0[KRAT] (it gulps). In my opinion this is grapes of before last harvest, juice clearly crossed, and in order to muffle sour stuff, [delfiytsy] of [vtyukhali] there another cinnamon. But there is nothing secret so that it would not become explicit (it gulps again). It is other wine of [veritas] - truth in the fault as cinnamon. It always tastes bitter,
Aristotle. Truth is of three kinds: the truth, which is born in the dispute, the truth, which even without that to all is known and finally which is not born. One if does not know, he argues about than, fool, but another if argues even he knows, villain.
Socrates. In the disputes are born only the hostility and disputes, on top of that debaters, one is more foolish than another: one is foolish, which argues, another - which disputes:
By [velenyu] To [bozhiyu], about lira, you be obedient,
Offences not of [strashas], without requiring corona,
Praise and the slander of [priemli] indifferently
And not [osporivay] of fool.
Skillful midwife only extracts to the light of baby, but she nevertheless will not be able to bear. To give birth to it is necessary for the very (it strokes stomach).
Plato. Looking on your stomach, it is possible to suspect that you will any minute now appear to us new truth. It is interesting, from whom you could [zabryukhatet], already not from Aristotle?
Aristotle. You always asserted, Plato that the love for the teacher is always platonical. This of women they love mercenary, desiring from them children, and love for the teacher, on top of that to as ugly as Socrates, is nothing else but…
Socrates. Terrible piggishness.
Plato. Delphian wine, about which told us Socrates, this is wisdom. First, it from [Delf], means in it the enlightenment of Delphian oracles, in the second place, it last year's, and truth always in the past, in the third, it tastes bitter. Indeed for free they do not say: “Bitter truth”.
Aristotle. You so much speak about the fault, but itself never gulped. Here and about the wisdom your reasonings purely platonical you indeed not to its time and tried on tooth.
Socrates: Wait Plato! Without listening to… it do not drink. [Provedem] clean experiment. Here Plato - it not the saws of Delphian wine. Here Aristotle - he already [nazyuzyukalsya], A now let each of you will say that he thinks about the fault.
Aristotle ([poet]).
But we drink will be,
go for a walk we will be,
and death will arrive,
die we will be.
Plato. How I did misbehave before Socrates, that he not [daet] to me to try his wine?
[S]0[KRAT]. But wine has already long ago moved to Socrates. And now to try wine means the same, what to try Socrates,
Plato. Somebody already tried that other, and Plato, as always, he remained not with than. Now I understand, why Aristotle long ago [posvyashchennyy], and I still student.
[SOK]PAT. Who is more, teacher or student?
Aristotle ([ikaya]). Certainly, teacher!
Socrates. You make mistakes! Here we with you drank all the wine, I as was pot-bellied, so also remained pot-bellied, A you was fanned and became doubly more than Socrates, and indeed you only student, although [posvyashchennyy].
Plato. Now I understood, why you did not entertain me by Delphian wine, but he gave to drink only Aristotle. Wine - this is wisdom. You filled Aristotle by the fact, what to it was not clearly sufficient,
Socrates. And for the same reason I dedicated Aristotle and did not dedicate to you. Scientist to learn - only to spoil.
Enters ugly [Ksantippa] and it looks at Socrates, who lies between two mirrors and looks into each on the turn. On one frame it is written “Aristotle”, on another - “Plato”. Clay jug next is dragged along. Socrates will recline between the mirrors and converses with his reflection, looking into the empty mirror.
Socrates. Here I do look into the mirror and that I do see - Socrates? As not so. I see either Aristotle or Plato. And so always: I will take a sip swallow - Plato, I will drink still - Aristotle. But I did not never see Socrates. From where generally I do know that there is Socrates? If not to [otrazhene], then about Socrates it would be possible to learn only from Plato and Aristotle. But to [otrazhene] - this altogether only the illusion of Socrates, and by no means Socrates.
[KSANTIPPA]. Again [nazyuzyukalsya]? Better it would pluck this rooster. You wanted rooster, here I brought to you rooster.
Socrates. That after features, in this mirror there was recently Plato, and now [Ksantippa].
[KSANTIPPA]. In the eyes in you it doubles, there is here none of Plato. It is necessary to zh similar to invent! Its own wife is called first Plato, then by Aristotle. Eternally to it seem to some students. What students? This bald and pot-bellied dipsomaniac, who went crazy himself on the beautiful boys, whom he into the eyes never saw, is necessary to whom,
Socrates. Boy, fault!
[KSANTIPPA] (it beats Socrates by rooster along the head). Here to you boy. Here to you wine. Here to you Plato, here to you Aristotle.
[S]0[KRAT]. No, about the inhabitants Of [beoty], you will not force me to renounce from my ideas. Plato to me friend, but truth is more expensive.
[KSANTIPPA]. Went there, cur, until I drives in you to death.
Socrates. For which, about Boeotians, you sentence me to the expulsion. You will better sentence me to the cup- with the poison.
[KSANTIPPA]. Well this is what, from me it is sufficient! Can overindulge by your water hemlock, more than the foot of my here will not be. (It flings to it under the feet of rooster it departs).
Socrates (it looks into the mirror). Plato, where you? Why i do not have [otrazhenya]? Maybe, I already died and therefore I am not reflected. I will look into the second mirror. Ay, Aristotle… There is no one! [Pridetsya] to drink water hemlock in the complete solitude. (It gulps wine). What after features? Why in the mirror is reflected Socrates? And in this also Socrates. But where Plato, where Aristotle? But, I all understood. [Ksantippa] mixed into the Delphian wine water hemlock. I drank poison and got to know itself. So this bald monkey with the flattened nose is Socrates? In that case, I want to have in common with Socrates anything.
Plato and Aristotle enter
Aristotle. Judge us, Socrates [My] we do argue, that there is excellent?
Socrates. It is on top black, it is inside red, as you will push, so it is wonderful. What this?
Plato. This is the cave, [posvyashchennaya] in [Delfakh]. On top it is covered with sacrificial sheep skins, and when you creep out into the narrow passage, then on the credence shines the eternal fire.
Aristotle. This is sacrificial sheep. When you push into it knife, it will stain with blood from within by the blood and gods will say - this is wonderful.
Plato. Excellent is life.
Aristotle. Excellent - this is the reflection of life. Life is ugly as Socrates, but when Socrates speaks, he reflects life, and it becomes excellent.
Plato. Means excellent not life, but thought. Socrates thoughts make the life of excellent.
Socrates. To me it is bad, if you please, you will weld to me rooster.
Aristotle. Socrates wants to try chicken meat.
Plato. It is similar, it already tried, entire from the feet to the head in the feathers.
Aristotle. Give let us weld this rooster let us eat, and let us return bouillon to Socrates.
Plato. But you do not fear [Ksantippy]?
Aristotle. [Ksantippy] to fear, to Socrates not to walk. Hey, [Ksantippa]!
Enters excellent [Aspaziya]-[Diotima].
Socrates. [Ksantippa], weld rooster.
Aristotle. You. :. [Ksantippa]?
[DIOTIMA]. But which you does astonish?
Aristotle. There is nothing, I only, I thought, we wanted, i.e., we did not think that Socrates has this excellent wife.
Plato. Here and believe after this to people!
[DIOTIMA]. Perhaps Socrates no one did tell about me?
Plato. About no, excellent [Ksantippa], it only about you and he speaks…
Aristotle. Here you see, we knew [Ksantippu] only from the words of Socrates, and now you can be convinced, how life is more excellent than words.
Socrates (it mutters). Excellent is life.
Plato. It cannot be so that Socrates would utter this stupidity. He clearly sorted out Delphian wine.
[DI]0[TIMA]. Why to you this sinewy rooster. You will better try healthful bouillon. I prepared him for Socrates, and now with the pleasure I will entertain his students. You with Socrates three, mean and to me three times more pleasant to feed guests. (It gives to drink from the cup of lowing Socrates. Plato and Aristotle with the pleasure drink bouillon).
Plato. To think only, how bouillon is more excellent than the hen. Walks on the court some brainless [sozdane], it cackles, it fouls, but they here sacrificed it, and it is so excellent in the mouths of philosopher,
Aristotle. This is godly entelechy. Potentially bouillon always is contained in the hen…
Socrates. It is it's a pity only, that urgently the hen always is not contained in the bouillon. Play to us, about excellent [Ksantippa].
[ASPA]3[IYA]. (it plays [poet]).
Who among the virgins of Delphian,
Sisters, entire are more excellent?
Whose mouths are sweeter than the honey,
Eyes are infinite than the sky?
Wisdom is entire more excellent,
Wisdom is entire more reasonable,
In the wisdom wise is happy,
In the happiness happy is wise.
Plato. You is happy twice, Socrates, that you [zhivesh] with the wisdom and it is married on the beauty.
Aristotle. No, it is better by the verses: [Ksantippa], you type… Type… of type… of the type… (it fills up, after it they fill up Plato and Socrates, [Diotima] it is moved away, it enters [Ksantippa]).
[KSANTIPPA]. But, were arranged here, were pulled down, [bomzhi], tramps. It cannot be left for the minute. Again it led some [golodrantsev]. Now it will indicate that this the philosophers - Plato and Aristotle. It went crazy on the students. And itself it was conceited by some teacher. Entire market laughs, when it [idet] with the basket after the provisions. So they speak - philosopher goes. Shame- that of what. And where it does only find the same of drunkards? Here already truly it is spoken, shit to the shit it sticks. Socrates. [Ksantippa]?
Plato. But where excellent [Diotima]?
[KSANTIPPA]. What another [Diotima]?
Aristotle. Excellent!
[KSANTIPPA]. So you still and wench here brought! It is good that it had time to run away, and that it would understand the same lot. But well, there - there - there hence! (It beats up Plato and Aristotle to rooster. Philosophers run away).
[S]0[KRAT]. [Ksantippa]? I am living? It means, water hemlock did not act. The second time me no longer they will sentence to the expulsion. I was already in that light, and you know, there you is excellent. You have excellent soul, [Ksantippa]. I saw you in the means of excellent [Aspazii]. Plato, you rights. Skill is not mirror, but magnifying lens.
[KSANTIPPA]. It is agreeable, not [podlizyvaysya], so to be, I will pour to you one additional cup. [Lysenkiy] you my, [puzatenkiy], [kurnosenkiy], [glupenkiy] (it embraces the head of Socrates, both they sing):
By sweet Delphian wine to soldered piece you, dear,
Truth only in the fault - Delphian oracle told me,
Truth now in you, is exchanged, dear,
Be poured into me without the remainder, be mixed with me,
Dilute wine only by love, but in no way not by water.
(Socrates turns around to the public in the mask of Apollo. [Ksatippa] in the mask of excellent [Diotimy]).
[S]0[K]PAT. I know [t]o that I know nothing.
[KSANTIPPA]-[DIOTIMA]. I also something know, but I will say no one. Further - silence… Although so already so to be… So here… No… If we something in Plato accumulate with somehow in Aristotle, then will come out exactly as much, as in Socrates.
Socrates. It is better more, yes it is more frequent.
[KSANTIPPA]. It is better more, yes it is longer.
Socrates. Here what fie-Law-[fa]- with -[fiya]!
Before the meeting, Socrates and Plato,
Before the meeting, Plato and Socrates,
Ancient Greek glad sleep
Ancient Greek sweet harmony.
Ionic order, good-bye,
And [Doricheskiy] order, thus far,
Ancient Greek glad paradise
Where the clothing of gods - cloud.
There in Athens Athena is entire year,
Where the mollusks sport in the water,
Where rejoices [elladskiy] people,
But Socrates is everywhere,
In the Parthenon shelter for the gods,
Gods in the sky as fishes in the water.
For the gods everywhere marble roof,
But Socrates is nowhere.
Aristotle always with the tsar
In the academy wise Plato.
But Socrates - it everywhere and nowhere,
And shelter for Socrates - den,
In ancient Greece - Greek sleep,
In ancient Greece - Greek harmony.
Plato there always is,
And Socrates always lives.


Socrates will recline on the middle of scene. To the left Scala with the cave with the inscription; “[Delfy]”, to the right the cliff, on which become white the acropolis, inscription “Athens”. Next to Socrates large amphora with the wine. Two will recline next to Socrates: wise man is the sophist Of [protagor] and the beauty of [getera] Of [aspaziya] with the lira. [Aspaziya] it strums on the lira. All three sing.
You say to me, Delphian oracle,
Why I so sadly cried,
Can again [kope] it arrived flying
And the healed to live wound of reserve,
Or youth my flew,
And rots soul, but not body.
Where you, where you, Delphian virgins,
Where you, where you, very wise [Delfy]?
[Delfy] to the right, Athens to the left,
In the middle Diana is virgin.
Thirst dries and [noet] wound,
Give fault, goddess Diana,
Give fault to me, to me, goddess virgin,
[Depfy] to the right, Athens to the left.
[PROTAGOR]. [Aspaziya], when I hear your voice, it seems to me that the gods of [gugnivy] are tongue-tied.
Socrates. Do not listen to [Protagora], [Aspaziya], whereas indeed spoke [Anaksagor], but many are considered as its wise man that there are no gods whatever. But goddess the Moon - Diana exists altogether only [navsego] the stone, which hangs in the sky and which reflects the sun.
[PROTAGOR]. Here precisely. You, [Aspaziya], is excellent as moon, but in you and into the truth rock heart. Neither I nor Socrates can in you penetrate. You not [Aspaziya], you is virgin Diana. Eternal virgin, who kills all by its beauty.
Why all gods wretchedly,
Why all people are unhappy?
First they sing, then they cry from the pain
It is lustful and it is voluptuous.
Socrates. Do not listen to, [Aspaziya], this [slovobluda]. As true Athenian, it always bears by [afineyu], i.e., rot.
[PROTAGOR]. Perhaps you do not know, Socrates that I am man?
Socrates. But that this still for the monster? I know hen, it bears eggs, and man it bears only by [afineyu].
By [afineyu] bear Athenians,
But [delfiytsy] bear dolphin.
Two philosophers on the clearing,
Two critical of cretin.
Both are wise as one hundred dolphins,
Both are foolish as small children.
Help, goddess is Athena,
Among the philosophers to survive to me.
If in Athens there would be no [Aspazii], we, with you, [Protagor], never they became philosophers. How you do think what is philosophy is?
[PROTAGOR]. Perhaps name itself does not say for itself? [Filos] - friendship, Sofia - wisdom. Philosophy - friendship with the wisdom.
Socrates. Then I propose to rename Sofia into [Aspaziyu].
[PROTAGOR]. It is correct! [Filaspaziya], love for [Aspazii] - here is true wisdom.
C[OKRA]T. But [Filos] - this is friendship, but not love,
[PROTAGOR]. It means necessary [Filos] to replace on eros. [Erospaziya] - here is the true wisdom
Socrates. Eros - this altogether only inclination to the woman and the desire to have from it children. But indeed [Aspaziya] - perfection itself. You cannot present, [Protagor] that from [Aspazii] is born the child clever and it is more excellent than it.
[PROTAGOR]. This is obvious. To be is clever and more excellent than [Aspazii] the same, that to be brighter than the sun, means from [Aspazii] it can be only the Moon - Diana, the only [otrazhene] of [Aspazii] itself - the sun. If the rights Of [anaksagor], then the Moon - only [raskalennyy] stone. But if from [Aspazii] is born child the same excellent as it, will appear two suns, which is extremely undesirable.
Socrates. Does not mean this, [Protagor] that we must love [Aspaziyu] more than the Moon and the sun?
[PROTAGOR]. This auto. I so it love more than all stars before the sky.
[S]0[KRAT]. Then this not [Fipos] - friendship, not eros - inclination, but the love, which embraces entire Mir, which contains and [Filos], and eros, and [zovetsya] it [Agapiya].
[PROTAGOR]. [Agapiya] - [Aspaziya], even sounding is similar, and there is no necessity, anything to alter.
[S]0[KRAT]. Then I do ask you, [Protagor], who to us is dearer and nearer - [Agapiya] or [Aspaziya]?
[PROTAGOR]. In your question already answer.
[ASPAZIYA]. [Ekh], you, sophists are cursed. You here and love your [Agapiyu], and I depart.
Socrates. About there is no, [Agapiya], I wanted to say [Aspaziya]. We are foolish as all philosophers. It is not necessary to be by philosopher in order to understand, how [Aspaziya] it is dearer than [Agapii], indeed [Agapiya] - this altogether only entire world. While [Aspaziya] - most dear part of the entire world.
[PROTAGOR]. But each child knows that the part is more than whole and I undertake to immediately prove this,
[ASPAZIYA]. Here and prove, the pitiful of drunkard, adulterers, voluptuaries and [khvastunishki], which imagine itself by philosophers.
[S]0[KRAT]. Say, against [Protagor] that to you is dearer into [Aspazii], its breast or entire Of [aspaziya]?
[PR]0[TAG]0[R]. Question to the filling in. Certainly, entire Of [aspaziya].
Socrates. Then, against [Protagor], try to mentally cut off part…
[ASPAZIYA]. In what sense?
Socrates. Forgive me, [Aspaziya], but I propose [Protagoru] the most terrible, what can be in the light, visualize To [aspaziyu] without the breast.
[ASPAZIYA]. Here is impudent person!
[S]0[KRAT]. What is better, [Aspaziya] without the breast or the breast without [Aspazii]?
[PROTAGOR]. Breast! Breast!! Certainly breast!!! (It attempts to embrace [Aspaziyu]).
[ASPA]3[IYA] (slipping off). You [dofilosofstvovalis], that you have either the breasts, or [Aspazii].
[S]0[KRAT]. Now we understood that the part is more than whole, and indeed this only breast. I did not speak about other, still more excellent parts.
[ASPA]3[IYA]. But, but, but! What you do have in mind, satires?
Socrates. Do not think what poor, [Aspaziya], i.e., I wanted to say, what good. I had in mind excellent mysterious [rasshchelinku], in which entire wisdom of peace was concluded.
[ASPAZIYA]: Well you is insolent person!
Socrates: I speak about [rasshchelinke] in [Delfakh], from where the voice of Delphian oracle is audible.
Socrates arises to the elbows, he covers [Aspaziyu] and kisses it into the bosom. [Razdaetsya] thunder clap, lightning intersects sky. On the cliff in [Delfakh] appears the messenger with the laurel garland.
MESSENGER FROM [DELF]. Socrates, Delphian priests marry you by laurel corona and invite to the mystery of dedication into [Delfy]. (Again thunder clap and messenger on the Athenian cliff it proclaims):
MESSENGER FROM ATHENS. Socrates, [Areopag] of Athens charge you with the blasphemy. You must appear to the law court, where you will be [prigovoren] to expulsion or death.
Socrates (on the elbows kissing [Aspaziyu]). [Delfy] - Athens, glory - loss. Where to go, where to go, [Aspaziya]?
[ASPAZIYA]. Dear, dear, wise Socrates, do not walk to the law court. Who these pygmies, that they do dare to judge Socrates? Go into [Delfy], Socrates, go into [Delfy], to the cliff, to [rasshchelinke]; it will judge all.
[PROTAG]0[R]. I here the third excess, will leave. Love, similarly does not shine, but it smells of death. For the friendship [bogokhulnikom] on the head they will not iron. I depart. [Aspaziya] slowly it approaches the Delphian cliff, it leans on it by back and dies in the form female crucifix with the lute.
[G]0[NETS] FROM [DELF] (it proclaims)
Noble [Delfy]!
And you, about Socrates is noble!
Now gods assume you
In it [sinklit] divine.
Since who from the two-legged
by a similar wisdom it is glorious?
Perhaps only Athena Pallas
With The [minervoy] owl.
On the custom ancient the now Delphian oracle
he will be us into the cherished slot we question.
Socrates, crowned by monasteries, stands on the elbows, embracing [Aspaziyu] with the lira, that was forced against cliff. Its mouths they are inverted to its bosom - the slot of Delphian oracle.
Gods, gods, gods, gods,
Our knowledge wretchedly,
Our thoughts are fleeting,
They are unreliable and incorporeal.
However, increase a hundred times
Subdued Socrates thought,
In order to [Delfy] and Athens
Not by vessels they were strong,
So that the brotherhood would connect us,
Conquering servitude.
MESSENGER. To [khayre] to Socrates, to courageous [goplitu], to [kamnemetalshchiku]!
CHORUS. At [khayre], in the battle be glad!
[G]0[NETS]. To [khayre] to Socrates, who covered by panel in the battle of friend.
CHORUS. To [khayre], to [khayre]!
[G]0[NETS]. Glory to Socrates, who carried out friend from the battle with the open wound!
CHORUS. To [khayre], to [khayre]!
[S]0[K]P[A]T (sobbing). On [delfiytsy]! You conquered invincible, you forced me to cry. No one saw weeping Socrates, even when excellent Of [aspaziya] was removed on my eyes with the young soldier into the cleft of cliffs, even when 30 tyrants sentenced me to the loss, which I avoided, after being hidden in [Delfakh]. But now, you see, I to weeping.
MESSENGER: On than your tears, Socrates? Indeed we marry you by the highest reward, by the monasteries of conqueror and hero, from now on you the highest Delphian priest, who questions oracle about the fate.
Socrates: Specifically, about this I to weeping. There is nothing more terrible than to reach apex and to know that there are no other apexes for you already on the earth,
[ASPAZIYA]- ORACLE. You make mistakes, Socrates, apex is in front. You make mistakes, Socrates, enter into me, enter,
Socrates [Aspaziya] they embrace each other I they merge in the kiss. Them they enmesh from all by the cover Of [izidy].
MESSENGER. Socrates was removed into the cave, now he leave it [posvyashchennym].
CHORUS. To [khayre] - [khayre] - [khayre] - [khayre]! It went the Greek across the river, sees Greek in the river cancer, it thrust Greek hand into the river, cancer for the hand to Greek TsAP, [Khayrekhayrekhay] - re- mi - [fa] - salt - [lya] - SI - to, sub- SI - [lya] - salt - [fa] - mi - re- to, it thrust - it thrust - it thrust - thrust - it thrust, but it did not take out.
MESSENGER: Well as there?
CHORUS. Yet they did not finish.
Dog along the piano went,
it trod on corn,
and it yelled from the pain:
to-Re-to-Re-mi-[fa]- salt…
MESSENGER. How much is past time?
CHORUS (in a singing voice) A who him knows, for which he is sufficient, for which he is sufficient, where he…
MESSENGER: Well, it will be sufficient, it is time to already round.
Chorus untangles the cover Of [izidy], there was, where young Socrates with the excellent [Aspaziey] now it sits bald, pot-bellied, 70-year old man with the ugly [Ksantippoy].
MESSENGER: What there?
X[OR]. [O], horror, horror, horror!
MESSENGER: Who there?
CHORUS. Old Socrates with the ugly wife Of [ksantippoy].
MESSENGER. What it with it does make?
CHORUS. First it irons on the bald spot, not that it beats along the head.
MESSENGER. But if this is love?
the [Lyu]- pain
With you
MESSENGER. What did learn you, Socrates, from the gods? Tell to us, mortal!
Socrates. I know that the fact that I know nothing.
I know that,
I do not know that
I know not that
I do not know that
Socrates. In the youth my friend Of [protagor] spoke: “Man is a measure of all things. Existing, since they exist, and not existing, since they do not exist”. But as it can be by measure the one who constantly constant. Bring copper dish. (It looks into the dish as into the mirror).
MESSENGER. Listen to everything, Socrates announced to us the law of god - “I know that the fact that nothing I know” (in the bewilderment worthite clay plate). Nothing I understand, fie [gnya] some “Socrates - from now on you the wisest of the mortal!!!”
Thunder clap, appears the Athenian messenger
MESSENGER FROM ATHENS. Socrates, Athenian [areopag] sentence you to the expulsion or deaths.
Socrates. How it is possible to sentence that, who [prigovoren] by nature?
MESSENGER. What you do want to these to say?
Socrates. I want to say that I nothing want to say. Each person of [prigovoren] to death, if it [rozhden]. “Further silence” - as Hamlet in 2000 years will say,
MESSENGER. It jeers above us, about Athenians!
Socrates. You did say that I [prigovoren] to death?
Socrates. But perhaps Athenian [Areopag] does consist of immortal?
MESSENGER. [Areopag] consists of the best people of the country, this front-rank workers, veterans, i.e., I wanted to say…
Socrates. God placed me in the system! I very veteran of many battles, to me 70 years, and I am, unfortunately, mortal. Are mortal and you, members [Areopaga]. As can mortal sentence to death of that, whom immortal sentenced first to the life, then to the immortality.
MESSENGER. Select itself, Socrates, your punishment. What you do prefer - expulsion or cup with the poison?
Socrates. You will sentence me to the lifelong free dinner by together Olympic champions, honored this reward.
Cup, cup, the cup
It is quieter, it is quieter, it is quieter
Socrates. The hour of cup is cleaner. Yes passes me cup this. However, yes there will be in the manner that I do not want I, but as you want you.
Shore cup, gulps. The dark begins.


Socrates (it leaves with the cup in the hand)
Anger, about goddess, sing informer - [sukina] of son,
The infamous merchant, who reported to Socrates,
Allegedly, old man corrupts fellow citizens, he does not believe into the god.
It is possible to think that the gods denunciations [priemlyut].
But not prayer and the exploits of glorious heroes.
Yes, I do not believe that the gods us see by the slaves
Yes, I do not believe that the gods [Meletom] by informer are similar,
Yes, I do not believe that the servitude is dearer than the freedom.
Slavish hymns, for you I did not add, gods,
Gods, about gods, about gods, about gods, about gods,
I know only that the knowledge are our wretchedly
I know that human nature is mean and infamous,
But to us is given by god love and freedom!

© Copyright: Constantine [Kedrov], 2009
Evidence about the publication of № 1904240044


 © 2004 theaters on Taganka
Editor of site Svetlana Sidorin


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