To a liar

You think I’m just a girl who’s so naпve,
You think I tend to trust and to believe.
Laugh if you please. The laughter fails to soothe.
I’m frank with you but you despise the truth.

Congratulating self on being wise,
You think it is alright when one tells lies.
You utter a falsehood to any question asked -
After few slips I see your mind unmasked.

Obsessed with hiding things, stiff-necked & vain,
You’re overcome with fear and disdain.
Your lie isn’t harmless even if it’s white.
Once in a while the lie goes back and smites.

Why should you be high-principled at all?
The born predators easily fly and crawl.
It is one fact that still keeps me confused:
The liars really hope they’re told the truth!

I’ve been naпve but now I want to quit --
Henceforth no word of truth, no thought complete.
Each lie of yours I will confront with two.
I can be ruthless. You shall find it soon.

Very sharp. A smart piece of poetry.

Беляева Дина   25.10.2009 02:33     Заявить о нарушении
sometimes I sound bitter but
I was really mad that day and now I am seriously thinking about taking lessons in telling lies...

Ирина Манохина   25.10.2009 18:41   Заявить о нарушении