Julia Shein By Compressed Music of Poetry

   Julia Shein My Genre – Design-21*/
   /Compressed Music of Poetry & Graphics /

1. “On Notes of Star”,  -

2. _______________“From Star to Star”, -

3. – This is my Life
________________ - my Way-Creation, -

4. – my own Genre
_______________ - my Genre – Design, -

5.______ – my 5D-Planet
___________________ - Magic Eye
________of my MIR-PIR**/
____________________ in Fifth Dimension!

*/ Out of my Cycle: “ Echo to you is our new Planet”:

__________________________" On Notes of Stars"
__________________________" From Star to Star"
__________________________" Genre-Design-21"
__________________________" Echo to you is our new Planet”
__________________________" Planet of the 5-th Dimension"

**/ MIR – Music of Insights & Revelations
    PIR - Poetry of Illuminations & Revelations
