The Wood of Flowers - Лес Цветов

The Wood of Flowers

I went to the wood of flowers,
(No one was with me)
I was there alone for hours
I was happy as could be
In the wood of flowers.
There was grass on the ground,
There were buds on the tree,
And the wind had a sound
Of  such gaiety,
That I was as happy
As happy could be,
In the wood of flowers.
(James Stephens)

    Лес Цветов

Я шёл беспечно в лес цветов,
Я шёл туда один,
Я был часами одинок
И счастлив этим был
В лесу одних цветов.

Там на земле росла трава,
И почки на древах,
И ветра музыка плыла,
Сливаясь в голосах.
И счастлив не был так никто,
Как я в лесу цветов.
