
This world is not for me
Reality comes near, speaks
Rise up or fall
No other ways

So many pain are here
Just endlees dark
We are paint all black
And wont see the trust

Rise up or fall
It is the trust of life
The law of the world
The pain of the world

Here no place for weak
Here only place for strong
All other fall
Drowned it their tears and blood

But why we make reality so dark?
Why we wont live for light?
Why we see only black?
Why we live just for death?

No answers, just silence speak
Just silence comes
And make us cry
And brings us death

Just silence comes and tears are falling
And now we hear how Death is calling.
No other ways and no salvation
Because of death and isolation...

Мари Вальтер   18.01.2010 15:25     Заявить о нарушении
"...No lord of salvation
No either love nor solace
Emptiness is supreme
Fear consume all hopes

Surroundings closes in
Panic spreads like plague
War between fellow man
Massive flood of tears and blood

Destruction, Depression, Panic, War
Emptiness, Fear, Armageddon Revelation..."

Лучик Тьмы   18.01.2010 19:36   Заявить о нарушении