
I just wanted to use
what I had
and add
a few poems
to it
but the Muse
told me
«do it!»
and I left everyone behind
her passion
stoned my mind.

Your mind isn't stoned:
It became The Frame of Mind
of Aspiration-Inspiration - Julia Shein

Юлия Шейн 27.02.2010 00:16

Юлия Шейн   01.03.2010 23:17     Заявить о нарушении
What a beautiful name you have. Thank you for inspired answer to my Muse.
I live in New York. You.? Continue shining! Tat M

Татьяна-Валентина Мамонова   01.03.2010 18:28   Заявить о нарушении
Thank You for your High Note-Reply:

I paid all my best for my Name
and "special" English because I live
"over there - beyond Clouds"

For the sake of my MIR - PIR
in my “5D-Space”

PIR – Poetry of Illuminations & Revelations
MIR – Music of Insights & Revelations

I am so glad to meet you
Your Creasy:))) - Sleepwalker

Юлия Шейн 01.03.2010 22:44

Юлия Шейн   01.03.2010 23:37   Заявить о нарушении
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