байка про коричневую обезьяну
на вопрос ответ готов
кто на свете всех ужасней
изо всех земных скотов
зло таят простые вещи
так кого боимся мы?
может мертвые зловеще
наблюдают нас из тмы?
но ответ узнаем скоро
спят недвижно праотцы
пред вандалом, мародером
беззащитны мертвецы
Может зверь,исчадье ада
говори же нам скорей!
вот рассказ: послушай, чадо
про чудовищных зверей:
farmer Emmerich into his barn
and found a cow suckling a serpent
ahd a brown ape clanking a havy chain
said farmer Emmerich to the ape
never ask me to come into this barn again
farmer Emmerich caught the serpent
and the brown ape in a cage
and took them into his house
he fed the snake a vat of milk
and when the ape rattled its chain
he tossed the ape a mouse
the villagers found out that farmer Emmerich
was nurturing a serpent
and descended upon his farm
all rabid in their blindness
they dragged the snake outside
chopped it open with an axe
and the ground soaked
in the milk of human kidness
but the brown ape escaped
and was heard to roam the ranges
clanking its heavy chain
down in the valley it sang to its friends
whom he may never see again
fable of the brown ape N.Cave
Свидетельство о публикации №109092604812
said farmer Emmerich to the ape
never ask me to come into this barn again"
Не знаю такой коричневой обезьяны.
А сама-то куда ты пропала госпожа Алагира? 2012 год. Последний текст.
Эн Джан 10.05.2013 23:28 Заявить о нарушении