Die Stimmen - Born to Die


When understand you born to die
have someone ask you will you want to born?
your life like field of fight
all what happening you origin in this world
you does not choosing the religion
in hard life no confession
nobody blame it birth here
but in this world the hatred near

If you know You born to die
when you die young ask why
want to find sence
in short existence
All evil things what you see
It's not a dream this is reality
no what haven't live a trace
in this world in this space


just normal child live and smile
but everybody born to die
there is no sence in existense
but you have no to offence
and little human live and breath
to death his life he must to give
but he must pade no hide
to all in world for his life

If you know You born to die
when you die young ask why
want to find sence
in short existence
All evil things what you see
It's not a dream this is reality
no what haven't live a trace
in this world in this space

30.11.07                Max Godunoff
