The fragment
Semi-sleepness alleys of truth-lynings*
Will ma* say!?... yo're not be here... tonight!?
When 'i'll follow around door 'and meet ya*
I Believe L.o.v.e. with poetry run.
Semitones of fanciful rhythms
Will I stolen all kindness by stars!?
All ya need 'is Your S.o.u.l... 'to ease deep
Where's the sky... Fear* the Heaven's, fly high.
Make my Smiling in Silence to call for
Will i pouring... those* Happinngs for You!?
Maybe ''t will be in vain... 'till Dust gone
Mention Your Name with dawn... walkin' too.
Roman smells of thy* autums' forest
I'll remember with early sunrise...!?
'You'd woke up in the place 'of "Nowhere's"
Just to send sweet "hallo"* as moon light.
*lynings - lanes (in pl. with gerund of -ing) - (читай 'лайнинс'), - (syn. alleys)
*ma - (or my) - my (am. eng. slang)
*ya - you (am. eng. slang)
*Fear - exchange on Tear
*those - these (here in text) - (grammatic exclusion)
*thy - the (br.eng.), - yours (am.eng.) (here in the text) - (grammatic exclusion)
*hallo - hello (do not confuse with 'hallo') - (appears in German and Spanish lang-s)
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