
Along our
overwhelming contacts
through PС’s and Mac’s
we’ll well disconnected,
even though tagged
and elected.
With our iPods
and blackberries
in all possible areas
we are sleepwalking,
but still rocking.
With our
increased sociability
we are loosing ability
to be real
without magenta
and yellow inks
in a bizarre
milieu of links.
We are serial
entrepreneurs –
for every case
a ready verse.

"we are loosing ability
to be real" -

- That's about me in my special 5D-Space and on my 5D-Planet:

I think we live in the World, which we are ready to...
- to make up our Rules and Laws and to follow after them
(or break)...
for our consonant World...
for the sake of :)))
"every case
a ready verse"
- I am joking in such a Way - Julia

Юлия Шейн   01.03.2010 22:00     Заявить о нарушении