Julia Shein On the Carnival of our Life - V

__ Julia Shein    On the Carnival of our Life
___________________V.  Wonders are like Love*/

1. Believe in your Wonder…
__________ ____________and be ready

2. to distinguish  it
____________________under any Mask, -

3. otherwise you’ll have never seen it
_______________ or you’ll have never known it, -

4.  … or you’ll have never realized,
________________that your Wonder
_____________________ has come to you,
________________________- specially for you, -
_____________ and it is the only your Wonder…

5. Because
_______________ the  Wonder,
_____________________________which you take away
________________________from anybody else, -
_____________________________will be none your Wonder, -
__________________________________but anything else…

*/Out of my Cycle: “Out of Concoctions  of the Scientist-Princess”
