I see reflection... in English

I see reflection in my mirror
And bored look, and tightened lips,
And every day I drink this syrup
That poisons heart till fingertips.

Where’re wings, where’re flights,
Where’re night adventures,
Where’re knights who’re drinking from my trace?..
Oh, rules! Oh, crowds! - cruel vultures
That brought my world to such disgrace.

The passion’s gone, the love has faded,
Sincere quiet is my fate…
Oh, rules! Oh crowds! – that are hated 
And now only my mate.

Forgive, my friend, emotions’ bluntness
That’s cutting air, sucking life.
The dream has gone, replaced with blindness
Of reputation’s ruling knife.

Where’s strength, where’s courage, where’re desires
That touched my soul and burnt me high?...
All’s gone, all’s vanished - no fires,
No knights – all’s lost in senseless lie.

Sep 17-18, 2009 midnight
