2007 osart mission story

Khmelnitsky OSART

Khmelnitsky plant was missing stress.

So, Regulator, doing its best,

Invited OSART team to site

And every minute, day & night,

These guys are looking for mistakes

And errors, and events and waste

The precious time of counterpart…

And this is, truly, just the start

Of long-long story of OSART…


The OSART story goes on.

It doesn’t mean that we prolong

The stay of mission. However,

My goal’s not to say: forever

Forget of your sincere quest,

But: make a stop and take a rest.


The OSART mission composition’s

A mixture of a set of nations.

There don’t belong only Egyptians –

Camels can’t reach such destinations.

The mission members are as follows

(Who, by the way, are handsome fellows):

The Leader’s Dominique. The boss!

Who never seems to be, say, lost

Among the girls at dinner table,

When obviously NONE is able

To eat, but laugh and laugh and laugh

And feel full admiration, LOVE

For him. He’s followed by man


With short name Sasha. Gentleman
Can never be more exquisite.

Don’t believe? - Pay a visit

To dining room. He won’t allow

Putting your coat on. Somehow
He never fails to serve all ladies –

For sure he’s a MAN, not maybe.

“Your majesty” to be addressed

He’s not demanding! All the rest

You know pretty well, I hope.

Wait for my following short note.


My dear, dear gentlemen,

Please, don’t blame poet in vain –

If all these facts look like sensation,

Don’t forget, exaggeration

Is one of the poetic means,

I never meant indecent hints!


Rolf Janke’s next to be disclosed.

He’s fond of work and leisure – both.

A happy, always smiling person

Found a “German mistress” – сразу.
Being far from home for a while,

She is the apple of his eye!

When this poetic job just started,

His pleasant face simply demanded

To be included, otherwise

He’ll give it up and join his wife.


Bill from America like Janke

Was sent in here by his country.

His sparkling eyes well prove the case.

He’s smart, polite, never in haste.

What agitates him – snow day.

Relax… Ukraine’s not USA,

Where snow day’s a holiday.

You know, may be in the future

Within OSART you’ll come to torture

A Russian plant. Demand access

To second home – Caucasas

With Georgian state, but, please, beware

Of tons of hazards they have there,

Not just related to being locked

And registered in trouble log.

Sir Peizhong’s here, too. Hello!

Ukraine’s in winter! You’re HERO

To wear nothing, but stay warm

In wind and rain and snowstorm.

Poor emergency response!

Your raids to shiver their bones

Turn. Suddenly in darkest night

They wake up ready for the fight.

One more attack – and their wealth

Will crack, not speaking of the health!


Canada isn’t mild – severe!

My first impression was Siberia

His home was (he seldom smiles,

Between two smiles there’s a mile).

And Russian Kolya Ivanov

Was hidden under English –off.

He touring the site expects

The measurement in every step.

Well, last weekend in afternoon

He even dreamt to reach the Moon.

Tried to select measuring suit

Unfortunately, a parachute

Was not included, and besides

The spacy ugly-looking guys

Will hardly give you two translators

Or measurement in elevators.

 The list is not complete, you see,

Some other stories are foreseen.

Whose turn is it? Ok, - Grandjean’s.

Who couldn’t join the team at once.

Due to the strike he stuck in France

And made the best use of the chance.

The team’s revenge was cruel much,

‘cause they forbade him to eat lunch.

French-looking, but hard-working Yves

Didn’t occur to be naive

He’s caught them up, I do believe.

A handsome is as handsome does.

He justified his absence, thus.

Speaking of willing to leave soon

It’s disappeared like balloon.

That’s clear – pretty girl aside,

Who’s definitely changed his mind...

The artist Lopez Rafael

(He’s drawn attention my, as well)

Lives at the seashore. Vandellos

Was much depicted in his words.

He clearly expresses aims.

Not reached so far? Come back again.

When I confessed I’d been to Spain,

Enjoyed corrida in the rain,

He asked me not to speak of that –

Corrida’s an ambiguous word –

Advised me: never tell your husband,

That some experience there has been.

You wanna know second meaning?

He will explain it in a minute.

My honey, Lubo, what a pleasure!

At long-long last I want to mention

My own expert (we’ll discuss

Nuances privately). For us

You aren’t the last and not the least,

Khmelnitsky plant will, sure, miss

Your bold requests to put the gloves

White shoes and caps on all the staff,

And check all things in their hands

And sides and hips, whatever else…

What’s in your body, outside…

Pity, but you were often right.

Your “profy” skills’re, wow, amazing.

RP Department go crazy

When you check Ci and becquerels

And, well, again “whatever else”…

In documents, reports and records...

You’d ruined all the multi efforts

Of Valentin and Alexandre,

Until Scherbinin, like Defender,

Performing patriotic role,
The situation saved in whole.

Those were Lubo’s super merits.

Don’t be envious. He deserves it.

How many experts left behind?

None will escape. Just take your time.

In fact we’re close to the end.

Parties are looking forward when

Some light in tunnel will be seen

And finally the struggle’s winner

Will be the happiest. Alas!

Fools only feel full happiness.

Sorry, it just escaped my mind,

Some stay overboard, in line

Waiting to be pinned to the wall

In OSART exhibition hall.

Yesterday having usual meal

Grunda revealed a lot of deal

About poetry and prose,

‘cause I just poked tiny nose

In his activities. I learnt,

He writes, his daughter, son and when

At peace he will be, uhm…- inventing

Short stories, jokes, essays – plenty.

As for review, he’s digging deep

Just imitating Dominique

(Remember picture on his door?)

Protruding further more and more.

SAFE nuclear superiority

For him is №1 priority.

Sex area’s the only maybe,

Where he didn’t ask of safety.

Rumours of Duchac Alexander

Are: his career’s most splendid.

Western magnificent headquarters

Are so solid. What’s important

Is - whole European Union

Keeps interested in his opinion.

He works for mighty JRC,

TACIS  and OSART, as you see.

Deeply intelligent, well-balanced.

His lingua franca’s well developed:

Once, mixing “order/punishment”

In some important document

He made the host a bit confused,

But in the end all were amused

By this misunderstanding. Still,

They satisfied your honest will

Not to accuse, but to assist.

You have succeeded. Thanks for this!

You’ll have things to report about,

But when I look at you just now

It seems to me when back at home

You’ll play the piano, all alone.

The tallest had to wait the most.

Guessed who? – Yeah, definitely - Powis.

Long body means a lot of room

For knowledge, energy and zoom

He wittily used under press

When humour had to be increased.

The Training Centre were bewildered

By attitudes he bravely WELDED.

What’s the result? – A kind of praise

Was given him in form of present –

The globe of Ukraine. Imagine

(It’s not reality, but magic):

Wherever you would like to go

When travelling, for instance, home

You will arrive in the Ukraine.

So, change your country. Anyway,

With no stable situation

In politics, complete frustration

In Belgium now… Welcome here

Sir Powis – Longest! Last! And Dear!

In general, each of the experts

 Behaved exactly Plant expected.

Except some funny situations

When were not met expectations.

Well, the observers are the only

Who skipped, but don’t feel so lonely.

When OSART leaves and I have time

I will devote teasing rhymes

To you as well and send by mail.

                The end.

(Applause … Hooray! Hooray!)
