
Bewildered between wild
and refined,
What can you find?
Perplexed between nature
and culture,
you are like an ancient archer,
confused in front of the aim –
you’ve lost your name
between culture and nature.
What is your venture?

I don't know for sure whether
such a guess is really true:
Art and Nature live together -
and they'll die together, too...

With many thanks from an adventurer,

Валерий Шувалов   11.09.2009 22:36     Заявить о нарушении
Dear Val, thx for splendid reviews! So, you are an adventurer yourself? Расскажите о Ваших приключениях. Мой личный сайт я проверяю чаще - можете писать туда:

Best to you, Tat

Татьяна-Валентина Мамонова   15.09.2009 11:48   Заявить о нарушении