For Lola s sake
My key shall turn
My eye shall warp
My mind shall learn
My blood shall burn
In Lola's name.
The wind be blown
The dice be thrown
The gold be melt
By silver bolts
And foes be met
With sword and rose
For Lola's scent.
My bones shall ache
My mind shall shake
My doom shall wake
My blood shall burn
For Lola's sake.
My blood was cursed
My skin was nursed
My heart was tossed
My voice was lost
To tortured gore
Like a morbid whore.
And all we make
Shall be remade
The signals say
That all is rape
And all is fake.
But I shall wake
And all shall wake
And pick and take
And fall and wreck
And feed the snake
And shake and break
For Lola's sake.
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