
It caught me off guard.
When I entered the yard:
parents teaching kids
with their leads;
kids teaching parents
with their merits,
with their questions –
mutual session.

It's natural and no crime:
We teach each other all the time.
For doubts there is no room -
the question is: Who teaches whom?

With a smile,

Валерий Шувалов   11.09.2009 00:58     Заявить о нарушении
Да, я вижу, что Вы – виртуоз в английском, особенно мне понравилось “Who teaches whom”. Спасибо за русские стихи также.

Smile back.


Татьяна-Валентина Мамонова   11.09.2009 19:00   Заявить о нарушении