Topography Prose

Ten men of genius, despite the machinations of the characters deserved a local climbing on Mount Olympus, a row of talent, interspersed with regular walking night and day fierce assault on the Olympic peaks, a girl's home workshops with carefully manicured flower gardens, a dozen noisy or quiet interest clubs, children's park named notebooks duelists, tavern, barber, heels brothels running monastyrek, the temple of God with a garden of stones in the courtyard, a military unit, six-way highway with radiating from her dead-end country roads, covered with potholes, the commandant of critics, the barracks of the secret police, a theater with a noisy gallery and mocking a partner, firm, gray worker and peasant masses, taken by his favorite thing for little pay, Tramps villages, a small but smelly septic tank sewage, lawn is not quite wild hemp, swamps with a few clumps, quicksand, wild black beach at the dead river, and on the other side naked lifeless desert with a few grains of sand and lonely hermit caves and rocks with small groups of last year's snow on the tops of the most difficult ... and old newspapers to knowingly lie to outsiders, turning into nothing ... nothing, for which there is no light, no shadows, no soul ... not even a glimmer of a single random thoughts ..., enclosed by a high fence lancet handsome brick house puppeteers with SPA-sauna, hospital, autopsy room, barber, massage and cosmetic saloon, cellular tower, with an archive piled in the basement of hoary manuscripts, a cemetery with his usual wooden booth "M-M" in the middle and a small cottage built in censors, and it ATM ... Everything! Seriously - absolutely everything.
