A ballad of London nights

Someone wants to feed and plow,
Someone wants to gut your belly.
Tread with care, fair maiden -
Jack the Ripper's on the prowl.

He'll destroy both you and yours
In the alley's darkened mist, but
"I am innocent, - he whispers. -
I am only hunting whores".

Grovel and admit your guilt
To the shadow in the gaslight,
Beg for mercy - it'll excite him,
And his hand will clutch his hilt.

Watch your step - he lurks ahead,
In his mind - your sins are proven.
Every time he kills a woman
He can wish his mother dead.

Know that two can play this game -
Stop and talk to me, my sister.
I will lend a silver pistol
And will teach you how to aim.

25 августа, 2009.

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