Julia Shein What is over there - beyond Clouds?

Julia Shein What is over there - “beyond Clouds”?*/

1. I have been walking
___________________on the very Brink
__________________________of my Disasters-Fears
_______________for the sake of live Colors
________________________ for my World-Delight.

2. I have been hiking beyond steep Slops-Clouds
____________________________of my Doubts
_______________ for the sake of an Ozone of Freedom
__________________________ for my World-Delight.

3. I have been roaming beyond the Limits of Earth
_____________________________of my Foothold
__________________for the sake of Sounds of Music
_________________________   for my World-Delight.

4. I have been flying up on the Seventh Heaven
________________________________of my Courage
___________________ for the sake of Fire- Light
______________________   for my World-Delight.

5. I have been traveling
____________________to the other unexplored Spaces
____________________________of my Inspiration
__________________for the sake of Magic Words-Patterns
____________________________and “Songs of Songs”
___________________to tell lucidly
_______________to everybody all over the World
___________the Fairy-True Story
____________________ of making his own Space-Home
_________________________ - a Unit of World
______________________of the live Delight-Perfection.

*/Out of my Cycles: “My Revelations”, “ Songs of Songs”  ...
