Цветаева - You who pass me

You who pass me today on your way
To the dubious charms of another -
If you knew all that's wasted in vain
In the smoldering fire of loving,

The heroics bestowed on a ruse,
On a shadow that's rustling or soundless!
And to ashes my heart is reduced
With this thoroughly wasted gunpowder.

Oh, the trains that depart through the snow,
Stealing slumber from stations so dire...
Yet I know that you still wouldn't know -
Even if you knew all that transpired -

Why my words are so sharp and precise
While my cigarette's smoke is condensing,
How much anguish of menacing vice
Is concealed by my fairest tresses.


Вы, идущие мимо меня,
К не моим и сомнительным чарам -
Если б знали вы, сколько огня,
Сколько жизни, истраченной даром,

И какой героический пыл
На случайную тень и на шорох!
И как сердце мне испепелил
Этот даром истраченный порох.

О, летящие в ночь поезда,
Уносящие сон на вокзале!...
Впрочем, знаю я, что и тогда
Не узнали бы вы - если б знали -

Почему мои речи резки
В вечном дыме моей папиросы,
Сколько темной и грозной тоски
В голове моей светловолосой.

(с) Цветаева

This is very nice. Tsevateva comes through alive.
I have couple of remarks:
'fairest traces' > did you mean 'tresses' (locks, curls)
'Не узнали бы вы' > Although 'know' may be acceptable in some contexts, it is not exactly waht's needed here. What about using 'spot' (you wouldn't spot me on the go)

Беляева Дина   30.08.2009 18:46     Заявить о нарушении
Oh I most definitely meant tresses - didn't check for typos, will correct that one right away. "Не узнали бы вы" - I interpret these lines a bit differently - maybe you wouldn't be able to understand WHY my words are sharp, etc... What do you think? I will make the corrections!

Кристина Девулите   30.08.2009 19:38   Заявить о нарушении