Julia Shein My own Rule of a Happy Regularity
_________“ There are no Accidents in the World, -
________________There are only Regularities around me.”
1. If I explain myself with Fingers, -
__________________________ for example, -
_____________I’ll see nothing besides Fingers then.
2. If I explain myself with Matches, -
__________________________ for example, -
_____________I’ll see Matches through Fingers,
__________________________wherever I have been.
3. If I explain myself with Roses, -
__________________________ for example, -
_____________I’ll see Roses around me,-
__________on Dresses, in Advertisement,
______________in Hands of Passers-by, -
_________________ and, - on my Table, -
____ in the Crystal Vase of my Soul’s PIR**/ - at last.
4. Each and every my new Word
_________________________ is an Input’s Password
__________________ into my new World, where it inhabits.
5. Everything that has happened to me
_________________I had programmed before...
_____________with my own Words
____________________________--- Patterns,
_________________________ ... Images - Symbols, -
_________________making my own Regularity
_______________________- Step-by-Step -
____________________________or “by the Way”
*/ Out of my Circle: “My Revelations”
**/ ПИР - PIR - Poetry of Illuminations & Revelations -
Поэзия Озарений и Откровений
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