Julia Shein My Magician, - Here it is! -1
1. “Here it is!” - Your Melody
_________________________of my Eternal Spring, -
2. to sound in my Hear
____________________of my Love and Belief, -
_________________________in Summer
_____________________________or in Winter, -
3. transforming
_______________ all Stones
__________________________ on my Way
4. in blooming Daisies
___________________or Roses, -
______________________ - in any Flowers
___________________________of my inner Feast
5. - PIR**/ of my Soul
_________________in 5D-Space
___________________________ of your Presence.
*/Out of my Cycle: “On my 5-D Planet!”
**/ ПИР - PIR - Poetry of Illuminations & Revelations -
Поэзия Озарений и Откровений
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