Julia Shein Poetry and Music of my Insights

Julia Shein   Poetry and Music of my Insights
/My MIR - My Light, - My PIR - my Delight, or - vice versa? */

1. I revealed
_____________a new kind of Energy of Transfigurations
__________________in Poetry and Music
_____________  of my Insights - Revelations,

2. that could be got
________________as if by any Straw’s Wave, -
_______________  as if by Magic of Flower or the Wand
________________________of my Inspiration

3. out of innermost Depths
_____________________of any keen Heart

4. ________in Flights to Heights
5. ________________...of its MIR inside!

*/ Out of my Cycle: “Common Truths”
    ПИР - / PIR - Poetry of Illuminations and Revelations/ -
       - Поэзия Озарений и Откровений
    МИР - / MIR - Music of Insights and Revelations/ -
          - Музыка Озарений и Откровений
