
Some argue that people living at the same time untold number of lives and fates.
At the same time. Simulataneously. Untold...

Fountain: realizing itself as the only one of its jets, quickly climbing to the top of parabola, and then disintegrating into the millions of splashes, growing to death we are returning to base. So kalpa could be imaginated. Fates circulation. While the pumps are working so mandala is spinning, karma is filtered out of coins, cigarette butts, frogs and dust...

Imagine the fate of human as a whole fountain - hundreds of jets, falling and
rising, following the rhythms are weaving pattern into a whimsical...

Assume that each person on the planet is constantly in many places at once. Or even in different times is. Where is now the one who I am, sitting and typing about me, cutting australian sheep's wool and recalling my dream about myself killed by Legionnaires of Mark in Sicily...

Fountain: life does not ever end, if mandalapupms still works properly. The Apocalypse or Era or Epoch or Age change by pumps blackout could taking place so complex integrated pizdets comes simultaneously. And untold. Let it be ...
