it s over

I can’t say, I can’t stay.
I can’t stop this stupid game
Of love

1.  You go away when I Sleep.
 But I live our relationship.
you always dream up my heart.
 you always break Us apart.


I don’t have enough words
To describe this rain
Thanks for it - I write in notes-
And you give me him again.


Send all to hell
Those, who doesn’t understand us
We know what to conceal
And ………………..


Keep me waiting this tonight
I so thirst of your light
(which you radiate)

Tell me, when you killed my reason?
How long I will be in this prison?
(which created from your heart)

I gave you everything that I had
But don’t allow me to lose a head
(this tonight in a dance)


Broken, broken, broken promises
And I’m loosing your pities tips


Without you I’m nothing


We are free forever
We subdue the city
Come to us together
You plunge into bitten


I feel your breath….
You are afraid…
All right!
You must be afraid…
Because I’m behind you…
I can stop your fear
I can make you fear..
Everything in my opportunities.


Nobody’s close to me
Nobody kisses me
At this night
And I still remember you
But in another day
When I will hate
You will co crawling in a lap.


You will glance in my eyes
And say: baby, you look very nice
But I don’t require any more your compliments
Cause` I opened all secrets your dirty dance.


She will smoke again
He as always hasn’t called
She forgot the main:
She never will kindle his cold


Nobody knows that I hate you
Nobody close to my heart true

