Любовь - это...

The Bum told Mr. President not to walk on his own cuz that place,where he goes, was a bed. Mr President smiled brightly and walked out.  The Bum told him to stop and come back cuz he felt lonely. Mr President stoped but did not any steps, he told The Bum to shout his mouth cuz The Bum had gone too far. The Pirate Duck told everybody to shut up and have a smoke. He thought it could be helpful.
Mr President said that he wanted just a double whisky for overdrink. The Bum told Mr President not to drink cuz Mr President looked like alcoholic yet.    Mr President told bum to give up him because he was looser : " Bum- YOU are everything what i have, what i want and what i wanted to be! Bum- you are the OnlY ONe! I'm not worth you. I'm just a f*cking president of damned country! But YOU ! YOU!..."- Mr. President started to cry.
" Love is blind"- said The Pirate Duck.

Любовь не знает кокетства
Любовь никогда не скорбит
Любовь она родом из детства
Любовь всегда любовь хранит

Счёт-Фактура   27.02.2010 22:04     Заявить о нарушении