When things go wrong

When things go wrong
By Raisa Lambert- Polischouk (My beautiful daughter)

when things go wrong as they sometimes will
when the road you're trudging seems all uphill
when the funds are low and the debt is high
and you wanna smile but you have to sigh
when life is pressing you down a bit
rest if you must but dont you quit
success is failure turned inside out
the silver tint of the clouds of doubt
you never can tell how close you are
it may be near when it seems afar
so stick to the fight when you're hardest hit
its when things go wrong that you mustent quit
trust in god
learning how to trust god defines
the meaning of christian living

day one journal
this is when i was flying to ukraine
june 6
even tho its the end i know its the start of something so new and amazing.what lies ahead for us we
have yet to discover. i believe the best part of this christian life is the constant change. the
change in my surroundings, and the people around me, and the change in me.jesus is the source of
life. and i refuse to be left behind. because no one else will do and i will take hold of him
jesus is my rescue. he captured me with grace. i will follow him because this world has nothing for
me. my mind still cant come to senses with where life with jesus has taken me and i know its just
 the beginning. i pray im ready for what is coming my way. jesus keep me safe and guard my heart.
keep my eyes on you but if i happen to look away please go and stand where my eyes astray. and never
let go. forgive me for my wrong. make me more and more like you. i love you and want you to be my
best friend. jesus i lay everything down at your feet. all my hopes and dreams are in you alone.
because you alone are worthy. jesus i will try my best to stay focused on you.you see my distractions.
lord give me wisdom strength and patience for this.and something to hope for, something real.let
the holy spirit guard my heart."if god is with us, then who can be against us"
