Fairy tale. Taste of food

In the kitchen, where i stood,
Near the table where is food,
I look for the taste of meal,
Can you help me for my deal?

One guy said me that i must
Be attentive and not fast,
Another said me that he's wrong
Food's unsavory if you're slow.

The third persuade me that he's right:
He's a major food-taste guide,
Said, in span we know what's that,
Spices! This is the secret!

I dont know who's right, who's wrong,
Maybe Princess FOODy knows?
Lets go to the magic land,
To that Princess and her band.

I am tired, because i flew
Many hours and minutes,
But i come to magic land!
Taste of food: you know what's that?

So, im goin' downstairs,
Where's a palace in this land?
Lets go tho the dark green wood,
Maybe i'll find soomethin' good.

...Oh, this wood is endin'! So,
There's a palace. Sun is falled...
It's so wonderful: the sun's
Meltin' and it's goin' down...

Night. Im commin' in the hall,
Better i will sleep. And done!
I am tired, im fall asleep
On the floor... Our world is meek...

I am wakin' up! Im right
Go to Foody for advice.
Princess! Say me what i should
Do to find the taste of food?

One page-boy, "I know! I'll say!
Spring will help you all the way!
It will bring your muse for you,
I know, i overheard for Jews,

They are knowin' everything..."
The second interruptin' him,
"Yes, they are, but every night
(In my dreams) i see the light,

This's the God goes downstairs,
And he answers: "What is that?"
So, i asked him 'bout the taste:
You should trust in yourself, yes!"

The raven sat down on my arm,
"Oh, my boys! Please, you, shut up,
You know nothin' 'bout the life,
Listen to me, girsl and guys,

Every person ask yourself
'bout the taste or 'bout the smell,
I was searching for the key,
Now i know it's near, you see?

Look inside you and you'll find
All the secret at this time.
Heart will say and hands will do
If you trust in yourself. You,

Are you understandin' now?
Hear your heart it is the low"
"Yeah, you're right!"-our Princess say-
"Try, and you will see a fay

Of the taste, and she gives you
The cue. So, guy, take that cure
And it's time to hoist sail, so
Dont forget us! Bye and go!"

...Oh! My kitchen! Im so glad!
Now i know what's the secret!
And henceforth i will cook fine,
Listen to your heart, dear guys!

Я, поверь, совсем не филолух) но на мой взгляl некоторые вещи ну не рифvуются.. например, покатай на языке сочетание that-secret) чувствуешь, что-то не то...вот сочетания glad-that, find-kind получшее были б. Но это, в общем, фигня (то есть смотри сама) Пишешь на аглицком уже интересно, уже молодчина.
Мир тебе)

Антон Анатолич   25.06.2009 01:13     Заявить о нарушении
да знаю я...))) в разработке))

Виктория Аскерова   25.06.2009 16:03   Заявить о нарушении