Johnny Cash -Dont Take Your Guns.. Дм. Гришаков (фрагмент фильма) (клип)
Дмитрий Гришаков
Перевод песни Джонни Кэша
На ферме, близ Нешвиля жил молоденький ковбой.
Один у матери сынок был этот Билли Джо.
Мечтал он хоть одним глазком на город посмотреть.
Но мать его была строга,
Не трогай Билли никогда
Отцовский пистолет сынок,
Подальше от греха.
Но время шло, начистил он до блеска башмаки.
Да ладно Ма, стреляю я не хуже остальных.
Смеялся он, а мать в слезах качала головой,
В надежде удержать его,
Не трогай Билли никогда
Отцовский пистолет сынок,
Подальше от греха.
Он всю дорогу в голос пел про Теннесси родной,
А на бедре его висел дружище старый Кольт.
Когда у бара рыжей Сью привязывал коня,
Он снова вспомнил те слова,
Не трогай Билли никогда
Отцовский пистолет сынок
Подальше от греха.
Ведь ты уже не мальчик Билл, он сам себе сказал.
И чтобы успокоить дрожь прикончил свой стакан.
И вдруг, какой то горлопан по матери его послал…
А мать как знала наперёд,
Не трогай Билли никогда
Отцовский пистолет сынок,
Подальше от греха.
И Билли Джо рванул свой Кольт, но выстрел прозвучал.
Бродяга оказался тот, быстрее в десять крат.
Парнишка не успел понять, оставшись на полу.
Он напоследок простонал,
Не трогай Билли никогда
Отцовский пистолет сынок,
Подальше от греха.
Johnny Cash
(Johnny Cash)
Don't take your guns to town
A young cowboy named billy joe grew restless on the farm
A boy filled with wanderlust, who really meant no harm.
He changed his clothes and shined his boots,
And combed his dark hair down.
And his mother cried as he walked out
Don't take your guns to town.
Son, leave your guns at home.
Bill, don't take your guns to town.
He laughed and kissed his mom and said your billy joe's a man.
I can shoot as quick and straight as anybody can.
But I wouldn't shoot without a cause, I'd gun nobody down.
But she cried again as he rode away,
Don't take your guns to town.
Son, leave your guns at home.
Bill, don't take your guns to town.
He sang a song as on he rode, his guns hung at his hips.
He rode into a cattle town, a smile upon his lips.
He stopped and walked into a bar, and laid his money down.
But his mother's words echoed again,
Don't take your guns to town.
Son, leave your guns at home.
Bill, don't take your guns to town.
He drank his first strong liquor then, to calm his shaking hand.
And tried to tell himself at last he had become a man.
A dusty cowpoke at his side began to laugh him down.
And he heard again his mother's words:
Don't take your guns to town.
Son, leave your guns at home.
Bill, don't take your guns to town.
Filled with rage then, billy joe reached for his gun to draw.
But the stranger drew his gun and fired, before he even saw.
As billy joe fell to the floor, the crowd all gathered round.
And wondered at his final words,
Don't take your guns to town.
Son, leave your guns at home.
Bill, don't take your guns to town.
Песня из телефильма "The Night Rider" (реж. Michael Hinn, США 1962)
Включалась в сборник "Essential Johnny Cash" 1955-1983
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