The eternal things

On the earth, I know,
An old man once lived.
People called him strange,
But I can’t agree.

Once I asked this man
Of his life before,
And he told me what
He was living for.

He said there are things
Which exist for all
Which will never die:
The sky and the earth.

He said he has lived
To exist for them
And to bring their grace
To our minds again.

Thus I thought myself,
What’s my aim of life?
Is it to believe
That I’ll never die?

‘No’, I told that man,
‘I will live for all
Who believe in me
Who won’t let me fall’.

‘So’, the answer was,
You have found your way.
There’s no need in me,
Nothing else to say.’

I was staying alone,
Looking at the stars,
With a thought of life
And betrayal scars.

Now I know the things
Which exist for all,
Which will never die:
The sky and the earth.
